2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
* Copyright 2004 Jeremy Guthrie smt @ dangermen . com
* This is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 only of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation .
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA
/* */
/* File: pix.php */
/* Purpose: Provide the majority of functions used by the Syslog */
/* Management Tool */
/* */
require_once ( 'pgsql.php' );
define ( " SMACDB " , " TSyslog " ); /* Username used to access the DB */
define ( " SMACPASS " , " N88iqueU " );
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
define ( " WARNINGADDRESS " , " cscgiss1@maybank.com.sg " ); /* Email address that SMT uses as the target to get warnings and misc. reports */
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
define ( " SMTVER " , " 1.00 " ); /* The version of the software that the user sees */
define ( " LEFTWIDTH " , " 150 " ); /* Control the width of the left panel called by index.php */
function dayofweekboxes ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs );
if ( $selected >= 64 ) {
$sunday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 64 ;
if ( $selected >= 32 ) {
$monday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 32 ;
if ( $selected >= 16 ) {
$tuesday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 16 ;
if ( $selected >= 8 ) {
$wednesday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 8 ;
if ( $selected >= 4 ) {
$thursday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 4 ;
if ( $selected >= 2 ) {
$friday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 2 ;
if ( $selected >= 1 ) {
$saturday = 1 ;
$selected = $selected - 1 ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=64 " ;
if ( $sunday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Sunday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=32 " ;
if ( $monday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Monday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=16 " ;
if ( $tuesday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Tuesday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=8 " ;
if ( $wednesday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Wednesday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=4 " ;
if ( $thursday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Thursday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=2 " ;
if ( $friday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Friday " ;
echo " <input type=checkbox name= $fieldname " . '[]' . " value=1 " ;
if ( $saturday ) { echo " checked " ; }
echo " >Saturday " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: supressruleresults */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: determine if a rule is between the date & time */
/* specified for the rule type */
/* */
function supressruleresults ( $starttime , $endtime , $daysofweek , $timertype , $timestamp ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$sunday = 0 ; /* 1 */
$monday = 0 ; /* 2 */
$tuesday = 0 ; /* 4 */
$wednesday = 0 ; /* 8 */
$thursday = 0 ; /* 16 */
$friday = 0 ; /* 32 */
$saturday = 0 ; /* 64 */
$day = date ( " D " , $timestamp );
if ( ( $timertype == 1 ) || ( $timertype == 2 ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( $timertype == 3 ) {
if ( $daysofweek >= 64 ) {
$sunday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 64 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 32 ) {
$monday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 32 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 16 ) {
$tuesday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 16 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 8 ) {
$wednesday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 8 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 4 ) {
$thursday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 4 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 2 ) {
$friday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 2 ;
if ( $daysofweek >= 1 ) {
$saturday = 1 ;
$daysofweek = $daysofweek - 1 ;
/* convert from hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy to seconds since 1970 */
$starthour = date ( " G " , $starttime );
$startminute = date ( " i " , $starttime );
$stophour = date ( " G " , $endtime );
$stopminute = date ( " i " , $endtime );
$hour = date ( " G " , $timestamp );
$minute = date ( " i " , $timestamp );
/* convert time to sec since 1970 since it provides easy date/time conversion */
$starttime = mktime ( $starthour , $startminute , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2003 );
$endtime = mktime ( $stophour , $stopminute , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2003 );
$timestamp = mktime ( $hour , $minute , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2003 );
if ( ( $sunday ) && ( $day == " Sun " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $monday ) && ( $day == " Mon " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $tuesday ) && ( $day == " Tue " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $wednesday ) && ( $day == " Wed " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $thursday ) && ( $day == " Thu " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $friday ) && ( $day == " Fri " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( $saturday ) && ( $day == " Sat " ) ) {
if ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) && ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) && ( $starttime < $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
if ( ( ( $timestamp >= $starttime ) || ( $timestamp <= $endtime ) ) && ( $starttime > $endtime ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: thresholddropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: HTML control to create a drop down box listing */
/* rule threshold values */
/* */
function thresholddropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
$values = array ( 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 30 , 35 , 40 , 45 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 , 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 , 700 , 800 , 900 , 1000 , 2000 , 3000 , 4000 , 5000 , 6000 , 7000 , 8000 , 9000 , 10000 , 20000 , 30000 , 40000 , 50000 );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != count ( $values ) ; $loop ++ ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $values[$loop] " ;
if ( $selected == $values [ $loop ] ) { echo " selected " ; }
if ( $loop == 0 ) {
echo " >Never</option> \n " ;
if ( $loop == 1 ) {
echo " > $values[$loop] hit</option> \n " ;
if ( $loop > 1 ) {
echo " > $values[$loop] hits</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: clearlaunchqueue */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete Syslog_TLaunchQueue records w/ appropriate */
/* ID for either stale connections or properly */
/* closing out a processor */
/* */
function clearlaunchqueue ( $dbsocket , $mailid ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TLaunchQueue where TMail_ID= $mailid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: updatelaunch */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a launch entry in the Syslog_TLaunch table */
/* */
function updatelaunch ( $dbsocket , $launchid , $shortdesc , $longdesc , $program ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$shortdesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $shortdesc )));
$longdesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $longdesc )));
$program = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $program )));
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
if ( ( $shortdesc != " " ) && ( $program != " " ) ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;update syslog_tlaunch set tlaunch_shortdesc=' $shortdesc ',tlaunch_longdesc=' $longdesc ',tlaunch_program=' $program ' where tlaunch_id= $launchid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addlaunchdataentry */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Adds entries to Syslog_TLaunchQueue table for */
/* queuing up date for an external program */
/* */
function addlaunchdataentry ( $dbsocket , $launchid , $id , $mailid , $desc ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
$id = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id )));
$mailid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $mailid )));
$desc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $desc )));
if ( ( $launchid != " " ) && ( $id != " " ) ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TLaunchQueue (TLaunchQueue_Desc,TLaunch_ID,TMail_ID,TSyslog_ID) values (' $desc ', $launchid , $mailid , $id );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: launchassociated */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return whether or not there is an association for */
/* a given external program. */
/* */
function launchassociated ( $dbsocket , $launchid , $id , $mailid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
$id = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id )));
$mailid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $mailid )));
if ( ( $launchid != " " ) && ( $id != " " ) ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TLaunchQueue where tlaunch_id= $launchid and TSyslog_ID= $id and TMail_ID= $mailid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) {
$Results = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: droplaunch */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop a launchable program entry from Syslog_... */
/* Launch table for a given TLaunch_ID */
/* */
function droplaunch ( $dbsocket , $launchid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
if ( $launchid != " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from syslog_tlaunch where tlaunch_id= $launchid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addlaunch */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add an launch program entry in the Syslog_.... */
/* TLaunch table */
/* */
function addlaunch ( $dbsocket , $shortdesc , $longdesc , $program ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$shortdesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $shortdesc )));
$longdesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $longdesc )));
$program = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $program )));
if ( ( $shortdesc != " " ) && ( $program != " " ) ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into syslog_tlaunch (tlaunch_shortdesc, tlaunch_longdesc, tlaunch_program) values (' $shortdesc ',' $longdesc ',' $program ');commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: launchdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: An HTML control for providing a launch drop down */
/* box */
/* */
function launchdropdown ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " , $listnone = 1 ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TLaunch order by TLaunch_ShortDesc " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
if ( $listnone ) {
echo " <option value=0>None</option> \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tlaunch_shortdesc ));
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tlaunch_id ));
if ( $id == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id selected> $desc </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id > $desc </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: reporttypename */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Easily convert report types to report names */
/* */
function reporttypename ( $value = 0 ) {
switch ( $value ) {
case 1 :
$Results = " Log Volume By Severity " ;
break ;
case 2 :
$Results = " Log Volume By Facility " ;
break ;
case 3 :
$Results = " Cisco Pix: Bandwidth Breakdown " ;
break ;
case 4 :
$Results = " Cisco VPN Usage Report " ;
break ;
default :
$Results = " Log Volume By Severity " ;
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: reporttypedropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: HTML control to create a report type drop down */
/* control */
/* */
function reporttypedropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1 " ;
if ( $selected == 1 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >Log Volume By Severity</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=2 " ;
if ( $selected == 2 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >Log Volume By Facility</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3 " ;
if ( $selected == 3 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >Cisco Pix: Bandwidth Breakdown</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4 " ;
if ( $selected == 4 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >Cisco VPN Usage Report</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: startbody */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Provides an easy control to change the basic feel */
/* of SMT */
/* */
function startbody ( $tabs = 0 ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <BODY bgcolor='#FFFFFF' text='#000000' LINK='#336699' VLINK='#9900FF' ALINK='#CC9933' background='images/tile.gif'><basefont size=4> " ;
/* */
/* Function: drophostrules */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete syslog & deny rules for a given host_id */
/* */
function drophostrules ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin; delete from syslog_truledeny where ( syslog_trule.thost_id= $hostid and syslog_trule.trule_id=syslog_truledeny.trule_id) ; delete from syslog_trule where syslog_trule.thost_id= $hostid ; commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostsyslogs */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Remove syslogs from the database for a given host */
/* */
function drophostsyslogs ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$host = gethost ( $dbsocket , $hostid );
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from TSyslog where host=' $host ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostalerts */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Remove alerts for a given host */
/* */
function drophostalerts ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TAlert where TSyslog.host=Syslog_THost.THost_Host and Syslog_THost.THost_ID= $hostid and Syslog_TAlert.TSyslog_id=TSyslog.TSyslog_id; delete from Syslog_TAlert where Syslog_TArchive.host=Syslog_THost.THost_Host and Syslog_THost.THost_ID= $hostid and Syslog_TAlert.TSyslog_id=Syslog_TArchive.TSyslog_id;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostarchivesyslogs */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Remove syslogs from the archive table for a given */
/* host */
/* */
function drophostarchivesyslogs ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$host = gethost ( $dbsocket , $hostid );
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TArchive where host=' $host ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostcustprof */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Remove a host from a customer profile */
/* */
function drophostcustprof ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from syslog_tcustomerprofile where thost_id= $hostid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostprocprof */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Remove a host from a processor profile */
/* */
function drophostprocprof ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
if ( strval ( $hostid ) > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from syslog_tprocessorprofile where thost_id= $hostid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: renamehosts */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Provide a generic function to rename hosts in any */
/* given table */
/* */
function renamehosts ( $dbsocket , $tablename , $expression , $fieldname , $hostname ) {
$SQLNumRows = 0 ;
$tablename = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $tablename ));
$expression = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $expression ));
$fieldname = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $fieldname ));
$hostname = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $hostname ));
if ( $hostname != " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;update $tablename set $fieldname =' $hostname ' where $expression ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: withinbounds */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Determine if a given severity & facilty exists */
/* between the supplied ranges */
/* */
function withinbounds ( $facility , $severity , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity ) {
$Results = 0 ;
if ( ( $facility >= $startfacility ) && ( $facility <= $stopfacility ) &&
( $severity >= $startseverity ) && ( $severity <= $stopseverity ) ) {
$Results = 1 ;
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: facilitydropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a drop down box of */
/* Syslog Facilities */
/* */
function facilitydropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=0 " ;
if ( $selected == 0 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >kernel</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1 " ;
if ( $selected == 1 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >random</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=2 " ;
if ( $selected == 2 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >mail</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3 " ;
if ( $selected == 3 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >daemon</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4 " ;
if ( $selected == 4 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >auth</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=5 " ;
if ( $selected == 5 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >msyslog</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=6 " ;
if ( $selected == 6 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >lpr</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=7 " ;
if ( $selected == 7 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >news</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=8 " ;
if ( $selected == 8 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >uucp</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=9 " ;
if ( $selected == 9 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >cron</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=10 " ;
if ( $selected == 10 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >authpriv</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=11 " ;
if ( $selected == 11 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >ftp</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=16 " ;
if ( $selected == 16 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local0</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=17 " ;
if ( $selected == 17 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local1</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=18 " ;
if ( $selected == 18 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local2</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=19 " ;
if ( $selected == 19 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local3</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=20 " ;
if ( $selected == 20 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local4</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=21 " ;
if ( $selected == 21 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local5</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=22 " ;
if ( $selected == 22 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local6</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=23 " ;
if ( $selected == 23 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >local7</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: severitydropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a drop down box of */
/* Syslog Severities */
/* */
function severitydropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=0 " ;
if ( $selected == 0 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >emergency</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1 " ;
if ( $selected == 1 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >alerts</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=2 " ;
if ( $selected == 2 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >critical</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3 " ;
if ( $selected == 3 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >errors</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4 " ;
if ( $selected == 4 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >warnings</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=5 " ;
if ( $selected == 5 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >notifications</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=6 " ;
if ( $selected == 6 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >informational</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=7 " ;
if ( $selected == 7 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >debug</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: verbosefacility */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the english desc for a given facility */
/* */
function verbosefacility ( $facility ) {
$Results = " " ;
if ( $facility == " " ) { $facility = 24 ; }
if ( $facility == " 0 " ) { $Results = " kernel " ; }
if ( $facility == " 1 " ) { $Results = " random " ; }
if ( $facility == " 2 " ) { $Results = " mail " ; }
if ( $facility == " 3 " ) { $Results = " daemon " ; }
if ( $facility == " 4 " ) { $Results = " auth " ; }
if ( $facility == " 5 " ) { $Results = " msyslog " ; }
if ( $facility == " 6 " ) { $Results = " lpr " ; }
if ( $facility == " 7 " ) { $Results = " news " ; }
if ( $facility == " 8 " ) { $Results = " uucp " ; }
if ( $facility == " 9 " ) { $Results = " cron " ; }
if ( $facility == " 10 " ) { $Results = " authpriv " ; }
if ( $facility == " 11 " ) { $Results = " ftp " ; }
if ( $facility == " 16 " ) { $Results = " local0 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 17 " ) { $Results = " local1 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 18 " ) { $Results = " local2 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 19 " ) { $Results = " local3 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 20 " ) { $Results = " local4 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 21 " ) { $Results = " local5 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 22 " ) { $Results = " local6 " ; }
if ( $facility == " 23 " ) { $Results = " local7 " ; }
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: verboseseverity */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the english desc for a given severity */
/* */
function verboseseverity ( $severity ) {
$Results = " " ;
if ( $severity == " " ) { $severity = 7 ; }
if ( $severity == 0 ) { $Results = " emergency " ; }
if ( $severity == 1 ) { $Results = " alerts " ; }
if ( $severity == 2 ) { $Results = " critical " ; }
if ( $severity == 3 ) { $Results = " errors " ; }
if ( $severity == 4 ) { $Results = " warnings " ; }
if ( $severity == 5 ) { $Results = " notifications " ; }
if ( $severity == 6 ) { $Results = " informational " ; }
if ( $severity == 7 ) { $Results = " debug " ; }
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: cleanarchives */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: This function is used to help clean up after a */
/* stale processor. Since we cannot have duplicate */
/* log IDs, we must be sure to delete old logs that */
/* might be left over. We delete all log with a */
/* syslog_id > then the last time we processed */
/* */
function cleanarchives ( $dbsocket , $cleanid , $cleanhost ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TArchive where TSyslog_ID > $cleanid and host=' $cleanhost ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: cleanalerts */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: This function is used to help clean up after a */
/* stale processor. Since we cannot have duplicate */
/* alerts, we must be sure to delete old alerts that */
/* might be left over. We delete all alerts with a */
/* syslog_id > then the last time we processed */
/* */
function cleanalerts ( $dbsocket , $cleanid , $cleanhost ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TAlert where Syslog_TAlert.TSyslog_ID=TSyslog.TSyslog_ID and TSyslog.TSyslog_ID > $cleanid and TSyslog.host=' $cleanhost ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropfilterdata */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop filter row that has the appropriate */
/* filterdata_id */
/* */
function dropfilterdata ( $dbsocket , $filterdataid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TFilterData where TFilterData_ID= $filterdataid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updatefilterdata */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a given filterdata row */
/* */
function updatefilterdata ( $dbsocket , $filterid , $filter , $include , $filterorlevel , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity ) {
$userorglobal = strval ( $userorglobal );
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TFilterData set TFilterData_Include= $include ,TFilterData_Filter=' $filter ',TFilterData_FilterOrLevel= $filterorlevel ,TFilterData_StartFacility= $startfacility ,TFilterData_StopFacility= $stopfacility ,TFilterData_StartSeverity= $startseverity ,TFilterData_StopSeverity= $stopseverity where TFilterData_ID= $filterid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
$Results = $SQLNumRows ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: updatefilter */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a given filter row */
/* */
function updatefilter ( $dbsocket , $filterid , $filterdesc , $userorglobal ) {
$filterdesc = pgdatatrim ( fixappostrophe ( $filterdesc ));
$userorglobal = strval ( $userorglobal );
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TFilter set TFilter_UserOrGlobal= $userorglobal ,TFilter_Desc=' $filterdesc ' where TFilter_ID= $filterid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
$Results = $SQLNumRows ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: dropfilter */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete a given filter row */
/* */
function dropfilter ( $dbsocket , $filterid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TFilter where TFilter_ID= $filterid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropallfilterdata */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete all assocated filterdata rows for a given */
/* filter_id */
/* */
function dropallfilterdata ( $dbsocket , $filterid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TFilterData where TFilter_ID= $filterid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropprocessorhostfromprofile */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete an associated processor-host profile entry */
/* */
function dropprocessorhostfromprofile ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TProcessorProfile where THost_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropprocessorprofile */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete an associated processor-host profile entry */
/* */
function dropprocessorprofile ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TProcessorProfile where TProcessorProfile_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addblankdenyrule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: create an empty deny rule for editing */
/* */
function addblankdenyrule ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TRuleDeny (TRule_ID,TRuleDeny_Expression,TRuleDeny_StartFacility,TRuleDeny_StopFacility,TRuleDeny_StartSeverity,TRuleDeny_StopSeverity) values ( $id ,'',0,23,0,7);commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addblankdenyrulepremade */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: create an empty premade deny rule for editing */
/* */
function addblankdenypremade ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TPremadeDeny (TPremade_ID,TPremadeDeny_Expression,TPremadeDeny_StartFacility,TPremadeDeny_StopFacility,TPremadeDeny_StartSeverity,TPremadeDeny_StopSeverity) values ( $id ,'',0,23,0,7);commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addprocessorprofile */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: add a record to associate a host to a processor */
/* */
function addprocessorprofile ( $dbsocket , $userid , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TProcessorProfile (THost_ID,TLogin_ID) values ( $hostid , $userid );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: assignedtoprocessor */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: check to see if a host is assigned to a processor */
/* */
function assignedtoprocessor ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select thost_id from Syslog_TProcessorProfile where THost_ID= $hostid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: assignedtouser */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: check to see if a user has assigned hosts */
/* */
function assignedtouser ( $dbsocket , $userid , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select tcustomerprofile_id,TLogin_ID,THost_ID from Syslog_TCustomerProfile where THost_ID= $hostid and TLogin_ID= $userid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: userhasruleaccess */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: check to see if a user has permission to edit any */
/* hosts rules or a specific host's rules */
/* */
function userhasruleaccess ( $dbsocket , $userid , $allhosts = 1 , $hostid = 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " select tcustomerprofile_id from Syslog_TCustomerProfile where TLogin_ID= $userid and TCustomerProfile_EditRules = 1 " ;
if ( ( ! $allhosts ) && ( $hostid != 0 ) ) {
$SQLQuery = $SQLQuery . " and THost_ID= $hostid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: idexist */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Provide a table independent function to see if an */
/* ID exists for the supplied table */
/* */
function idexist ( $dbsocket , $tablename , $idname , $id ) {
$SQLNumRows = 0 ;
$tablename = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $tablename ));
$idname = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $idname ));
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id ));
if ( ( is_string ( $idname ) ) && ( is_string ( $tablename ) ) && ( $id != " " ) ) {
$SQLQuery = " select $idname from $tablename where $idname = $id " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: filterdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: An HTML control to list the available filters. */
/* The filter will display private or global filters */
/* and global filters will say (Global Filter) next */
/* to the description */
/* */
function filterdropdown ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $userid , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " , $owneronly = 0 ) {
/* Gather the list of relevant filters */
if ( ! $owneronly ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TFilter where ( ( TFilter_UserOrGlobal = 1 ) and ( TLogin_ID = $userid ) ) or ( ( TFilter_UserOrGlobal = 2 ) ) order by TFilter_UserOrGlobal,TFilter_Desc " ;
} else {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TFilter where TLogin_ID = $userid order by TFilter_UserOrGlobal,TFilter_Desc " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
/* Assuming rows are returned, display the appropriate roles*/
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tfilter_desc ));
$userorglobal = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tfilter_userorglobal ));
/* if userorglobal is 1, then the filter is a global filter and we should enumerate as such*/
if ( $userorglobal == 1 ) { $userorglobal = " " ; } else { $userorglobal = " (Global Filter) " ; }
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tfilter_id ));
if ( $id == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id selected> $desc $userorglobal </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id > $desc $userorglobal </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: getnextid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the next value for a given PGSQL sequence */
/* number(PGSQL will then increment the sequence # */
/* */
function getnextid ( $dbsocket , $seqname ) {
$SQLQuery = " select nextval(' $seqname ') " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
$Results = " 1 " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> nextval ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: premadetypedropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: An HTML control for providing type drop down boxes */
/* */
function premadetypedropdown ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TPremadeType order by TPremadeType_Desc " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremadetype_desc ));
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremadetype_id ));
if ( $id == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id selected> $desc </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id > $desc </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: savesdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: An HTML control for providing a saved logs drop */
/* down boxes */
/* */
function savesdropdown ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $userid , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TSave where TLogin_ID= $userid order by TSave_Desc " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tsave_desc ));
$expiredate = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tsave_expiredate ));
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tsave_id ));
if ( $id == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id selected> $desc (expires $expiredate )</option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id > $desc (expires $expiredate )</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: userhavesaves */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Returns the number of saved syslogs a user has in */
/* the database */
/* */
function userhavesaves ( $dbsocket , $userid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TSave where TLogin_ID= $userid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: userhavesaves */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Contains the saved syslog messages for a given */
/* TSave_ID */
/* */
function savefilteredview ( $dbsocket , $saveid , $date , $time , $host , $facility , $severity , $message ) {
$host = fixappostrophe ( $host );
$message = fixappostrophe ( $message );
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TSaveData (TSaveData_Date,TSaveData_Time,TSaveData_Host,TSaveData_Facility,TSaveData_Severity,TSaveData_Message,TSave_ID) values (' $date ',' $time ',' $host ', $facility , $severity ,' $message ', $saveid );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addfilter */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Save filter data to the database for a supplied */
/* filter_id */
/* */
function addfilter ( $dbsocket , $filter , $filterid , $filterinclude , $filterorlevel , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity ) {
$filterinclude = strval ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $filterinclude )));
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TFilterData (TFilterData_Filter,TFilterData_Include,TFilter_ID,TFilterData_FilterOrLevel,TFilterData_StartFacility,TFilterData_StopFacility,TFilterData_StartSeverity,TFilterData_StopSeverity) values (' $filter ', $filterinclude , $filterid , $filterorlevel , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addfilterheader */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: add filter header associated by user */
/* */
function addfilterheader ( $dbsocket , $userorglobal , $desc , $userid ) {
$desc = stripslashes ( fixappostrophe ( $desc ));
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TFilter (TFilter_UserOrGlobal,TFilter_Desc,TLogin_ID) values ( $userorglobal ,' $desc ', $userid );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLQuery = " select TFilter_ID from Syslog_TFilter where TLogin_ID= $userid and TFilter_Desc=' $desc ' " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
if ( $SQLNumRows ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tfilter_id ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addsaveheader */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 3(need to retest) */
/* Description: Add a header to link savedata records */
/* */
function addsaveheader ( $dbsocket , $expdate , $descr , $time , $date , $userid ) {
$descr = ereg_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $descr );
$save_id = getnextid ( $dbsocket , " Syslog_TSave_TSave_ID_Seq " );
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TSave (TSave_ID,TSave_ExpireDate,TSave_Desc,TSave_Time,TSave_Date,TLogin_ID) values ( $save_id ,' $expdate ',' $descr ',' $time ',' $date ', $userid );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $save_id );
/* */
/* Function: openmail */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 3(need to retest) */
/* Description: The openmail function records when a process starts*/
/* */
function openmail ( $dbsocket , $date , $time , $userid ) {
$tmail_id = getnextid ( $dbsocket , " syslog_tmail_tmail_id_seq " );
$SQLQuery = " begin; insert into Syslog_TMail (TMail_ID,TMail_Open,TMail_Date,TMail_Time,TLogin_ID) values ( $tmail_id ,1,' $date ',' $time ', $userid ); commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $tmail_id );
/* */
/* Function: numlaunchrecords */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Given a mail_id, return how many records currently */
/* exist */
/* */
function numlaunchrecords ( $dbsocket , $mailid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TLaunchQueue where TMail_ID= $mailid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: numemailrecords */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Given a mail_id, return how many records currently */
/* exist */
/* */
function numemailrecords ( $dbsocket , $mailid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TEmail where TMail_ID= $mailid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: numdenials */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the number of denials that exit for either */
/* TRuleDeny or TPremadeDeny */
/* */
function numdenials ( $dbsocket , $denytype , $id ) {
$SQLNumRows = 0 ;
if ( $id != " " ) {
if ( $denytype == 1 ) {
$tablename = " Syslog_TRuleDeny " ;
$field = " TRule_ID " ;
$grab = " TRuleDeny_ID " ;
} else {
$tablename = " Syslog_TPremadeDeny " ;
$field = " TPremade_ID " ;
$grab = " TPremadeDeny_ID " ;
$SQLQuery = " select $grab from $tablename where $field = $id " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: addmail */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Save data for outgoing notification emails */
/* */
function addmail ( $dbsocket , $email , $mailid , $tsyslogid , $desc = " " ) {
$desc = fixappostrophe ( $desc );
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TEmail (TEmail_Email,TMail_ID,TSyslog_ID,TEmail_Desc) values (' $email ', $mailid , $tsyslogid ,' $desc ');commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: cleanemail */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Blow away any stale emails, primarily used for */
/* taking care of 'stale' processors */
/* */
function cleanemail ( $dbsocket , $mailid ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TEmail where TMail_ID= $mailid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: closeopenmail */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete TMail record w/ appropriate ID for either */
/* stale connections or properly closing out a */
/* processor */
/* */
function closeopenmail ( $dbsocket , $mailid ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin; delete from Syslog_TMail where TMail_ID= $mailid ; commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: ismailopen */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Determines if there is a mail record(ie processor) */
/* that is in the DB. If so, either a process is */
/* stale or processor is running behind */
/* */
function ismailopen ( $dbsocket , $userid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TMail where TMail_Open=1 and TLogin_ID= $userid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tmail_id ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropdenials */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Dual purpose function to delete tpremadetypedenial */
/* and truledenial entries */
/* */
function dropdenial ( $dbsocket , $denytype , $denyid ) {
if ( $denytype == 1 ) {
$tablename = " Syslog_TRuleDeny " ;
$field = " TRuleDeny_ID " ;
} else {
$tablename = " Syslog_TPremadeDeny " ;
$field = " TPremadeDeny_ID " ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from $tablename where $field = $denyid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: updatedenial */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Save changes to the appropriate denial rule */
/* whether it is TRuleDeny or TPremadeDeny */
/* */
function updatedenial ( $dbsocket , $denytype , $id , $exp , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity ) {
if ( $denytype == 1 ) {
$tablename = " Syslog_TRuleDeny " ;
$field = " TRuleDeny_ID " ;
$fieldtoken = " TRuleDeny_ " ;
} else {
$tablename = " Syslog_TPremadeDeny " ;
$field = " TPremadeDeny_ID " ;
$fieldtoken = " TPremadeDeny_ " ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;update $tablename set $fieldtoken " . " Expression=' $exp ', $fieldtoken " . " StartFacility= $startfacility , $fieldtoken " . " StopFacility= $stopfacility , $fieldtoken " . " StartSeverity= $startseverity , $fieldtoken " . " StopSeverity= $stopseverity where $field = $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: updateprocessid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update the ID of the last processed syslog ID */
/* */
function updateprocessid ( $dbsocket , $id , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TProcess set TProcess_ID= $id where THost_ID=' $hostid ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
$Results = $SQLNumRows ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: lastprocessedid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: return the ID of the last processed syslog ID */
/* */
function lastprocessedid ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select TProcess_ID from Syslog_TProcess where THost_ID=' $hostid ' " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tprocess_id ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: logincanseehosts */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: See if the supplied userid has the passed hostid */
/* associated with the account */
/* */
function logincanseehost ( $dbsocket , $userid , $hostid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TCustomerProfile where TLogin_ID= $userid and THost_ID= $hostid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
$Results = $SQLNumRows ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $SQLNumRows );
/* */
/* Function: pixruledropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: This really is a html control that provides a */
/* prmade rule drop down box */
/* */
function pixruledropdown ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $multiple = " " , $selected = " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " select TPremade_Code,TPremade_ID,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_TPremade,Syslog_TPremadeType where Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremade.TPremadeType_ID order by TPremadeType_Desc,TPremade_Code " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines $multiple > \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremade_id ));
$code = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremade_code ));
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremadetype_desc ));
if ( $selected == $id ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id selected>( $desc ) $code </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value= $id >( $desc ) $code </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: hostdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provide host drop down box */
/* that only shows hosts that are allowed to be viewed*/
/* by the user */
/* */
function hostdropdown ( $dbsocket , $sec_dbsocket , $fieldname , $userid = 0 , $group = 0 , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " , $unassigned = 0 ) {
if ( $unassigned == 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " select DISTINCT THost_ID,THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID order by TPremadeType_Desc,THost_Host " ;
} else {
$SQLQuery = " select DISTINCT THost_ID,THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID except select DISTINCT Syslog_THost.THost_ID,Syslog_THost.THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType,Syslog_TProcessorProfile where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID and Syslog_TProcessorProfile.THost_ID=Syslog_THost.THost_ID order by TPremadeType_Desc,THost_Host " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines " ;
if ( $lines > 1 ) {
echo " multiple " ;
echo " > \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$host = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_host ));
$hostid = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_id ));
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremadetype_desc ));
/* If the group leve is 2 aka Admin or the host is associated with the user... they can see the hosts */
if ( ( $group >= 2 ) || ( ( logincanseehost ( $dbsocket , $userid , $hostid )) && $group == 1 ) ) {
if ( $host == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=' $hostid ' selected>( $desc ) $host </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=' $hostid '>( $desc ) $host </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: hostdropdown1 */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provide host drop down box */
/* that only shows hosts that are allowed to be viewed*/
/* by the user */
/* */
function hostdropdown1 ( $dbsocket , $sec_dbsocket , $fieldname , $userid = 0 , $group = 0 , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " , $unassigned = 0 ) {
if ( $unassigned == 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " select DISTINCT THost_ID,THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID order by TPremadeType_Desc,THost_Host " ;
} else {
$SQLQuery = " select DISTINCT THost_ID,THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID except select DISTINCT Syslog_THost.THost_ID,Syslog_THost.THost_Host,TPremadeType_Desc from Syslog_THost,Syslog_TPremadeType,Syslog_TProcessorProfile where Syslog_THost.TPremadeType_ID=Syslog_TPremadeType.TPremadeType_ID and Syslog_TProcessorProfile.THost_ID=Syslog_THost.THost_ID order by TPremadeType_Desc,THost_Host " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines " ;
if ( $lines > 1 ) {
echo " multiple " ;
echo " > \n " ;
echo " <option value='-1'>All Hosts</option> \n " ;
if ( $SQLNumRows > 0 ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$host = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_host ));
$hostid = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_id ));
$desc = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> tpremadetype_desc ));
/* If the group leve is 2 aka Admin or the host is associated with the user... they can see the hosts */
if ( ( $group >= 2 ) || ( ( logincanseehost ( $dbsocket , $userid , $hostid )) && $group == 1 ) ) {
if ( $host == $selected ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=' $hostid ' selected>( $desc ) $host </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=' $hostid '>( $desc ) $host </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: monthdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a month drop down box */
/* */
function monthdropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
for ( $loop = 1 ; $loop != 13 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $selected == date ( " M " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $loop , 1 , 2001 )) ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option selected> " . date ( " M " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $loop , 1 , 2001 )) . " </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option> " . date ( " M " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $loop , 1 , 2001 )) . " </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: daydropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a day drop down box */
/* */
function daydropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
for ( $loop = 1 ; $loop != 32 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $selected == $loop ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option selected> $loop </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option> $loop </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: yeardropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a year drop down box */
/* */
function yeardropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
for ( $loop = 2002 ; $loop != 2008 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $selected == $loop ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option selected> $loop </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option> $loop </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: hourdropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a hour drop down box */
/* */
function hourdropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != 24 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $selected == $loop ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option selected> $loop </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option> $loop </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: minutedropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a minute drop down box*/
/* */
function minutedropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
$selected = strval ( $selected );
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != 60 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $selected == $loop ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option selected> $loop </option> \n " ;
} else {
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option> $loop </option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: logratesthreshold */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides an expiration timer */
/* drop down box */
/* */
function logratesthreshold ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
if ( $selected < 100 ) { $selected = 100 ; }
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=100 " ;
if ( $selected == " 100 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >100</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=200 " ;
if ( $selected == " 200 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >200</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=300 " ;
if ( $selected == " 300 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >300</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=400 " ;
if ( $selected == " 400 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >400</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=500 " ;
if ( $selected == " 500 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >500</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=600 " ;
if ( $selected == " 600 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >600</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=700 " ;
if ( $selected == " 700 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >700</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=800 " ;
if ( $selected == " 800 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >800</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=900 " ;
if ( $selected == " 900 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >900</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 1000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >1000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=2000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 2000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >2000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 3000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >3000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 4000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >4000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=5000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 5000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >5000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=6000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 6000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >6000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=7000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 7000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >7000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=8000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 8000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >8000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=9000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 9000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >9000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=10000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 10000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >10000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=11000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 11000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >11000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=12000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 12000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >12000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=13000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 13000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >13000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=14000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 14000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >14000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=15000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 15000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >15000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=16000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 16000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >16000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=17000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 17000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >17000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=18000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 18000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >18000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=19000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 19000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >19000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=20000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 20000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >20000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=30000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 30000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >30000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=40000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 40000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >40000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=50000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 50000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >50000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=100000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 100000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >100000</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: expireddropdown */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides an expiration timer */
/* drop down box */
/* */
function expiredropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 , $selected = " " ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=0 " ;
if ( $selected == " 0 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >Never Expire</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=86400 " ;
if ( $selected == 86400 ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >1 Day</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=172800 " ;
if ( $selected == " 172800 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >2 Days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=604800 " ;
if ( $selected == " 604800 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >1 Week</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1209600 " ;
if ( $selected == " 1209600 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >2 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1814400 " ;
if ( $selected == " 1814400 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >3 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=2419200 " ;
if ( $selected == " 2419200 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >4 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3024000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 3024000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >5 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3628800 " ;
if ( $selected == " 3628800 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >6 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4233600 " ;
if ( $selected == " 4233600 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >7 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=4838400 " ;
if ( $selected == " 4838400 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >8 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=5443200 " ;
if ( $selected == " 5443200 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >9 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=6048000 " ;
if ( $selected == " 6048000 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >10 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=6652800 " ;
if ( $selected == " 6652800 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >11 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=7257600 " ;
if ( $selected == " 7257600 " ) { echo " selected " ; }
echo " >12 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: pagesize */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a page size drop */
/* down box */
/* */
function pagesize ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=10>10 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=20>20 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=50>50 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=100 selected>100 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=200>200 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=500>500 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1000>1000 lines per page</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: pagesize */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A html control that provides a drop down box with */
/* time durations */
/* */
function durationdropdown ( $fieldname , $tabs = 0 , $cr = 0 , $br = 0 , $lines = 1 ) {
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " <select name= $fieldname size= $lines > \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=60>+1 minute</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=300>+5 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=600>+10 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=900>+15 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1200>+20 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1500>+25 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=1800>+30 minutes</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=3600>+1 hour</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=7200>+2 hours</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=14400>+4 hours</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=28800>+8 hours</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=43200>+12 hours</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=57600>+16 hours</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=86400 selected>+1 day</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=172800>+2 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=259200>+3 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=345600>+4 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=432000>+5 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=518400>+6 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=604800>+7 days</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=120960>+2 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=181440>+3 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs + 1 ) . " <option value=241920>+4 Weeks</option> \n " ;
echo tabs ( $tabs ) . " </select> " ;
crbr ( $cr , $br );
/* */
/* Function: addalert */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: creates alert entry in the Syslog_TAlert table */
/* */
function addalert ( $dbsocket , $date , $time , $info , $syslogid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$info = setupappostrophe ( $info );
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TAlert (TAlert_Date,TAlert_Time,TAlert_Info,TSyslog_ID) values (' $date ',' $time ',' $info ', $syslogid );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: gethostid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the THost_ID for a given 'host' name */
/* */
function gethostid ( $dbsocket , $host ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " select THost_ID from Syslog_THost where THost_Host=' $host ' " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_id ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: gethost */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Return the THost_Host for a given THost_ID */
/* */
function gethost ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " select THost_Host from Syslog_THost where THost_ID= $hostid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , 0 ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> thost_host ));
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updatehostprocess */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update the TProcess_ID for a given THost_ID */
/* */
function updatehostprocess ( $dbsocket , $hostid , $processid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TProcess set TProcess_ID= $processid where THost_ID=' $hostid ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostprocess */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update the TProcess_ID for a given THost_ID */
/* */
function drophostprocess ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TProcess where THost_ID=' $hostid ';commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addhostprocess */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add a record to the Syslog_TProcess table for a */
/* given THost_ID */
/* */
function addhostprocess ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TProcess (TProcess_ID,THost_ID) values (0,' $hostid ');commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addhost */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add a record to the Syslog_TProcess table for a */
/* given THost_ID */
/* */
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
addhost ( $dbsocket , $host , $syslogexpire , $alertexpire , $typeid , $hostrate , $dologrep , $revreq ) {
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
$Results = 0 ;
$host = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $host )));
$syslogexpire = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $syslogexpire )));
$alertexpire = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $alertexpire )));
$typeid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
if ( $dologrep != 1 ) {
$dologrep = 0 ;
$revreq = 0 ;
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
if ( $hostrate < 100 ) { $hostrate = 100 ; }
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_THost (THost_Host,THost_AlertExpire,THost_LogExpire,TPremadeType_ID,THost_Rate, do_logreport, log_reviewers) values (' $host ', $alertexpire , $syslogexpire , $typeid , $hostrate , $dologrep , $revreq );commit; " ;
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updatehost */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a record to the Syslog_TProcess table for a */
/* given THost_ID */
/* */
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
updatehost ( $dbsocket , $hostid , $host , $syslogexpire = 0 , $alertexpire = 0 , $typeid , $hostrate , $dologrep , $revreq ) {
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
$Results = 0 ;
$host = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $host )));
$syslogexpire = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $syslogexpire )));
$alertexpire = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $alertexpire )));
$typeid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
if ( $dologrep != 1 ) {
$dologrep = 0 ;
$revreq = 0 ;
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
if ( $hostrate < 100 ) { $hostrate = 100 ; }
2005-01-25 09:24:34 +00:00
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_THost set THost_Host=' $host ',THost_AlertExpire= $alertexpire ,THost_LogExpire= $syslogexpire ,TPremadeType_ID= $typeid ,THost_Rate= $hostrate ,do_logreport= $dologrep ,log_reviewers= $revreq where THost_ID= $hostid ;commit; " ;
2004-09-10 11:31:11 +00:00
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: drophostid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop a record from the Syslog_THost table for a */
/* given THost_ID */
/* */
function drophostid ( $dbsocket , $hostid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_THost where THost_ID= $hostid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: droppremade */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop a record from the Syslog_TPremade table for a */
/* given TPremade_ID */
/* */
function droppremade ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TPremade where TPremade_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updateequiptype */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update an equipment type entry in the Syslog_.. */
/* TPremadeType table */
/* */
function updateequiptype ( $dbsocket , $typeid , $typedesc , $logwatch ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$typedesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typedesc )));
$typeid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
$logwatch = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $logwatch )));
if ( $typedesc != " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;update syslog_tpremadetype set logwatch_cmd=' $logwatch ', tpremadetype_desc=' $typedesc ' where tpremadetype_id= $typeid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropequiptype */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop an equipment type entry in the Syslog_.. */
/* TPremadeType table for a given TPremadetype_ID */
/* */
function dropequiptype ( $dbsocket , $typeid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$typedesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
if ( $typeid != " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from syslog_tpremadetype where tpremadetype_id= $typeid ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addequiptype */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add an equipment type entry in the Syslog_.... */
/* TPremadeType table */
/* */
function addequiptype ( $dbsocket , $typedesc , $logwatch ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$typedesc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typedesc )));
$logwatch = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $logwatch )));
if ( $typedesc != " " ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into syslog_tpremadetype (tpremadetype_desc, logwatch_cmd) values (' $typedesc ', ' $logwatch ');commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addpremaderule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add a premade rule entry in the Syslog_TPremadeRule*/
/* table */
/* */
function addpremaderule ( $dbsocket , $code , $desc , $typeid , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype ) {
$code = pgdatatrim ( $code );
$desc = pgdatatrim ( $desc );
$typeid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
if ( strval ( $threshold ) < 0 ) { $threshold = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) > 2 ) ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( $startfacility > $stopfacility ) {
$temp = $stopfacility ;
$stopfacility = $startfacility ;
$startfacility = $temp ;
if ( $startseverity > $stopseverity ) {
$temp = $stopseverity ;
$stopseverity = $startseverity ;
$startseverity = $temp ;
if ( ( $levelorrule == " " ) || ( $levelorrule < 0 ) || ( $levelorrule > 3 ) ){ $levelorrule = 1 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TPremade (TPremade_Code,TPremade_Desc,TPremadeType_ID,TPremade_StartFacility,TPremade_StopFacility,TPremade_StartSeverity,TPremade_StopSeverity,TPremade_PremadeOrLevel,TLaunch_ID,TPremade_Threshold,TPremade_ThresholdType) values (' $code ',' $desc ', $typeid , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updatepremaderule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a premade rule in the Syslog_TPremade table */
/* */
function updatepremaderule ( $dbsocket , $id , $code , $desc , $typeid , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype ) {
$id = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id ));
$code = pgdatatrim ( $code );
$desc = pgdatatrim ( $desc );
$typeid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $typeid )));
if ( strval ( $threshold ) < 0 ) { $threshold = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) > 2 ) ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( $startfacility > $stopfacility ) {
$temp = $stopfacility ;
$stopfacility = $startfacility ;
$startfacility = $temp ;
if ( $startseverity > $stopseverity ) {
$temp = $stopseverity ;
$stopseverity = $startseverity ;
$startseverity = $temp ;
if ( ( $levelorrule == " " ) || ( $levelorrule < 0 ) || ( $levelorrule > 3 ) ){ $levelorrule = 1 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TPremade set TPremade_Code=' $code ',TPremade_Desc=' $desc ',TPremadeType_ID= $typeid ,TPremade_StartFacility= $startfacility ,TPremade_StopFacility= $stopfacility ,TPremade_StartSeverity= $startseverity ,TPremade_StopSeverity= $stopseverity ,TPremade_PremadeOrLevel= $levelorrule ,TLaunch_ID= $launchid ,TPremade_Threshold= $threshold ,TPremade_ThresholdType= $thresholdtype where TPremade_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: clonedenials */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Redundant code to add a rule to Syslog_TRuleDeny */
/* table while supplying the TRuleDeny_ID. This */
/* should not be necessary. 8( */
/* */
function clonedenials ( $dbsocket , $id , $newid ) {
$SQLQuery = " select * from Syslog_TRuleDeny where TRule_ID= $id order by TRuleDeny_ID " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows ( $SQLQueryResults );
if ( $SQLNumRows ) {
for ( $loop = 0 ; $loop != $SQLNumRows ; $loop ++ ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$denyexp = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> truledeny_expression ));
$denystartfacility = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> truledeny_startfacility ));
$denystopfacility = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> truledeny_stopfacility ));
$denystartseverity = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> truledeny_startseverity ));
$denystopseverity = stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $SQLQueryResultsObject -> truledeny_stopseverity ));
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TRuleDeny (TRule_ID,TRuleDeny_Expression,TRuleDeny_StartFacility,TRuleDeny_StopFacility,TRuleDeny_StartSeverity,TRuleDeny_StopSeverity) values ( $newid ,' $denyexp ', $denystartfacility , $denystopfacility , $denystartseverity , $denystopseverity );commit; " ;
$DenySQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
pg_freeresult ( $DenySQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
/* */
/* Function: clonehostrule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Redundant code to add a rule to Syslog_TRule table */
/* while supplying the TRule_ID. This should not be */
/* necessary. 8( */
/* */
function clonehostrule ( $dbsocket , $id , $hostid , $alert , $email , $expression , $desc , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype , $starttime , $endtime , $timertype , $daysofweek ) {
$hostid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $hostid )));
$alert = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $alert )));
$email = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $email )));
$desc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $desc )));
$expression = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $expression )));
if ( strval ( $threshold ) < 0 ) { $threshold = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $timertype ) > 3 ) { $timertype = 3 ; }
if ( strval ( $timertype ) < 0 ) { $timertype = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $daysofweek ) >= 128 ) || ( strval ( $daysofweek ) < 0 ) ) { $daysofweek = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) > 2 ) ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $timertype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $timertype ) > 3 ) ) { $timertype = 0 ; }
if ( $launchid == " " ) { $launchid = 0 ; }
if ( $startfacility > $stopfacility ) {
$temp = $stopfacility ;
$stopfacility = $startfacility ;
$startfacility = $temp ;
if ( $startseverity > $stopseverity ) {
$temp = $stopseverity ;
$stopseverity = $startseverity ;
$startseverity = $temp ;
if ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 1 ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $starttime ) < 1 ) { $starttime = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $endtime ) < 1 ) { $endtime = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $timertype ) < 1 ) { $timertype = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $daysofweek ) < 1 ) { $daysofweek = 0 ; }
if ( ( $levelorrule == " " ) || ( $levelorrule < 0 ) || ( $levelorrule > 3 ) ){ $levelorrule = 1 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TRule (TRule_ID, TRule_LogAlert, TRule_Email, TRule_Expression, TRule_Desc, THost_ID, TRule_StartFacility, TRule_StopFacility, TRule_StartSeverity, TRule_StopSeverity, TRule_RuleOrLevel, TLaunch_ID, TRule_Threshold, TRule_ThresholdType, TRule_StartTime, TRule_EndTime, TRule_TimerType, TRule_DaysofWeek) values ( $id , $alert , ' $email ', ' $expression ', ' $desc ', $hostid , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype , $starttime , $endtime , $timertype , $daysofweek );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropruleid */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Drop a given rule_id from the Syslog_TRule table */
/* */
function dropruleid ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TRule where TRule_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addhostrule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add a rule to the Syslog_TRule table for a given */
/* host */
/* */
function addhostrule ( $dbsocket , $hostid , $alert , $email , $expression , $desc , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype , $starttime , $endtime , $timertype , $daysofweek ) {
$hostid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $hostid )));
$alert = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $alert )));
$email = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $email )));
$desc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $desc )));
$expression = pgdatatrim ( $expression );
if ( ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) > 2 ) ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $daysofweek ) >= 128 ) || ( strval ( $daysofweek ) < 0 ) ) { $daysofweek = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $timertype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $timertype ) > 3 ) ) { $timertype = 0 ; }
if ( strval ( $threshold ) < 0 ) { $threshold = 0 ; }
if ( $startfacility > $stopfacility ) {
$temp = $stopfacility ;
$stopfacility = $startfacility ;
$startfacility = $temp ;
if ( $startseverity > $stopseverity ) {
$temp = $stopseverity ;
$stopseverity = $startseverity ;
$startseverity = $temp ;
if ( ( $levelorrule == " " ) || ( $levelorrule < 0 ) || ( $levelorrule > 3 ) ){ $levelorrule = 1 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
/* ,$starttime,$endtime,$timertype,$daysofweek */
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TRule (TRule_LogAlert, TRule_Email, TRule_Expression, TRule_Desc, THost_ID, TRule_StartFacility, TRule_StopFacility, TRule_StartSeverity, TRule_StopSeverity, TRule_RuleOrLevel, TLaunch_ID, TRule_Threshold, TRule_ThresholdType, TRule_StartTime, TRule_EndTime, TRule_TimerType, TRule_DaysofWeek) values ( $alert , ' $email ', ' $expression ', ' $desc ', $hostid , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype , $starttime , $endtime , $timertype , $daysofweek );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: updatehostrule */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Update a given host rule. */
/* */
function updatehostrule ( $dbsocket , $id , $hostid , $alert , $email , $expression , $desc , $startfacility , $stopfacility , $startseverity , $stopseverity , $levelorrule , $launchid , $threshold , $thresholdtype , $starttime , $endtime , $timertype , $daysofweek ) {
$id = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id )));
$launchid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $launchid )));
$hostid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $hostid )));
$alert = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $alert )));
$email = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $email )));
$expression = pgdatatrim ( $expression );
$desc = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $desc )));
if ( strval ( $threshold ) < 0 ) { $threshold = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $thresholdtype ) > 2 ) ) { $thresholdtype = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $daysofweek ) >= 128 ) || ( strval ( $daysofweek ) < 0 ) ) { $daysofweek = 0 ; }
if ( ( strval ( $timertype ) < 0 ) || ( strval ( $timertype ) > 3 ) ) { $timertype = 0 ; }
if ( $startfacility > $stopfacility ) {
$temp = $stopfacility ;
$stopfacility = $startfacility ;
$startfacility = $temp ;
if ( $startseverity > $stopseverity ) {
$temp = $stopseverity ;
$stopseverity = $startseverity ;
$startseverity = $temp ;
if ( ( $levelorrule == " " ) || ( $levelorrule < 0 ) || ( $levelorrule > 3 ) ){ $levelorrule = 1 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;update Syslog_TRule set TRule_LogAlert= $alert , TRule_Email=' $email ', TRule_Expression=' $expression ', THost_ID= $hostid , TRule_Desc=' $desc ', TRule_StartFacility= $startfacility , TRule_StopFacility= $stopfacility , TRule_StartSeverity= $startseverity , TRule_StopSeverity= $stopseverity , TRule_RuleOrLevel= $levelorrule , TLaunch_ID= $launchid , TRule_Threshold= $threshold , TRule_ThresholdType= $thresholdtype , TRule_StartTime= $starttime , TRule_EndTime= $endtime , TRule_TimerType= $timertype , TRule_DaysofWeek= $daysofweek where TRule_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: dropcustomerhost */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Disassociate a host with a given customer */
/* */
function dropcustomerhost ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from Syslog_TCustomerProfile where TCustomerProfile_ID= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addcustomerhost */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Associate a host with a given customer */
/* */
function addcustomerhost ( $dbsocket , $hostid , $userid , $allowedit ) {
$hostid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $hostid )));
$userid = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $userid )));
if ( $allowedit != 1 ) { $allowedit = 0 ; }
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into Syslog_TCustomerProfile (THost_ID,TLogin_ID,TCustomerProfile_EditRules) values ( $hostid , $userid , $allowedit );commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: numberofmonth */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Given the short name for a month, ie. 'jan', */
/* return the decimal number for that month, ie. 1 */
/* */
function numberofmonth ( $month ) {
$Results = 0 ;
for ( $loop = 1 ; $loop != 13 ; $loop ++ ) {
if ( $month == date ( " M " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $loop , 1 , 2001 ) ) ) { $Results = $loop ; }
if ( strlen ( $Results ) != 2 ) { $Results = " 0 " . $Results ; }
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: numberofrecords */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: A table inspecific function allowing generic */
/* queries. The function will return the number of */
/* records returned by the query. */
/* */
function numberofrecords ( $dbsocket , $fieldname , $tablename ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " select count( $fieldname ) from $tablename " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = $SQLQueryResultsObject -> count ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: numberofhostsusingtype */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Report the number of hosts using a given equipment */
/* type of TPremadeType_ID */
/* */
function numberofhostsusingtype ( $dbsocket , $typeid ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$SQLQuery = " select count(tpremadetype_id) from Syslog_THost where TPremadeType_ID= $typeid " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) {
$SQLQueryResultsObject = pg_fetch_object ( $SQLQueryResults , $loop ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
$Results = $SQLQueryResultsObject -> count ;
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: addsuspend */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Add an entry to the syslog_tsuspend process table */
/* */
function addsuspend ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$id = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id )));
if ( $id > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;insert into syslog_tsuspend (TLogin_ID,TSuspend_Status) values ( $id ,1);commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );
/* */
/* Function: deletesuspend */
/* Stability(1 low - 5 high): 5 */
/* Description: Delete an entry to the syslog_tsuspend table */
/* */
function deletesuspend ( $dbsocket , $id ) {
$Results = 0 ;
$id = fixappostrophe ( stripslashes ( pgdatatrim ( $id )));
if ( $id > 0 ) {
$SQLQuery = " begin;delete from syslog_tsuspend where tlogin_id= $id ;commit; " ;
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec ( $dbsocket , $SQLQuery ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
if ( $SQLQueryResults ) { $Results = 1 ; }
pg_freeresult ( $SQLQueryResults ) or
die ( pg_errormessage () . " <BR> \n " );
return ( $Results );