fix logwatch.php file date logic bug

This commit is contained in:
Fish 2005-01-25 10:28:37 +00:00
parent 8ea4e7899a
commit 34a2cd822f

View file

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ require_once('calendar.php');
$logwindow = 3;
if ( ! sec_accessallowed($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$APP_ID) ) {
@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ if (!isset($view)) {
} else {
$myear2 = $myear;
$sql = "select date_part('day', date) as day, date_part('month', date) as month, log_reviewers, thost_id, tsummary_id from syslog_tsummary lw, syslog_thost h where = h.thost_host and (date >= '$myear/$tmp2/01' and date < '$myear2/$tmp/01') order by date;";
$sql = "select date_part('epoch', date) as sqldate, log_reviewers, thost_id, tsummary_id from syslog_tsummary lw, syslog_thost h where = h.thost_host and (date >= '$myear/$tmp2/01' and date < '$myear2/$tmp/01') order by date;";
$SQLQueryResults = pg_exec($dbsocket,$sql) or
$SQLNumRows = pg_numrows($SQLQueryResults);
@ -113,13 +116,13 @@ if (!isset($view)) {
$sql2 = "select * from syslog_treview where tsummary_id = $tsid";
$SQLQueryResults2 = pg_exec($dbsocket, $sql2) or
$date = $SQLQueryResultsObject->sqldate;
$mymnt = date("m", $date);
$myday = date("j", $date);
if ( ( $group >= 2 ) || ( (logincanseehost($dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$host)) && $group == 1 ) ) {
$myday = $SQLQueryResultsObject->day;
$today = date('d', $time);
$mnt2 = date('m', time());
if (($tmp2 < $mnt2) || ($today - $myday > 2)) {
if (pg_numrows($SQLQueryResults2) < $SQLQueryResultsObject->log_reviewers) {
if ((time() - $date) > (60*60*24*$logwindow)) {
if (pg_numrows($SQLQueryResults2) < $SQLQueryResultsObject->log_reviewers) {
$var = array("?".echo_datelink($myear, $tmp2, $myday), 'highlight-day');
} else {
$var = array("?".echo_datelink($myear, $tmp2, $myday), 'light-day');
@ -127,7 +130,9 @@ if (!isset($view)) {
} else {
$var = array("?".echo_datelink($myear, $tmp2, $myday), 'linked-day');
$days[$myday] = $var;
if (!isset($days[$myday])) {
$days[$myday] = $var;
echo generate_calendar($myear, $tmp2, $days, 3);