<?php /*============================================================================= * $Id$ * * Copyright 2004 Jeremy Guthrie smt@dangermen.com * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 only of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * =============================================================================*/ $begintime=time(); require_once('config.php'); $sec_dbsocket=sec_dbconnect(); $REMOTE_ID=sec_usernametoid($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_USER); $APP_ID=sec_appnametoid($sec_dbsocket,'SyslogOp'); if ( ! sec_accessallowed($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$APP_ID) ) { dbdisconnect($sec_dbsocket); exit; } $group=0; $GROUP_ID=sec_groupnametoid($sec_dbsocket,'Syslog Customer'); if ( sec_groupmember($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$GROUP_ID) ) { $group=1; } $GROUP_ID=sec_groupnametoid($sec_dbsocket,'Syslog Analyst'); if ( sec_groupmember($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$GROUP_ID) ) { $group=2; } $GROUP_ID=sec_groupnametoid($sec_dbsocket,'Syslog Administrators'); if ( sec_groupmember($sec_dbsocket,$REMOTE_ID,$GROUP_ID) ) { $group=3; } $dbsocket= dbconnect(SMACDB,"msyslog",SMACPASS); if ( $group < 1 ) { dbdisconnect($sec_dbsocket); dbdisconnect($dbsocket); exit; } $PageTitle="Edit Filters"; do_header($PageTitle, '1stfilter'); echo "<TABLE width=100?><TR><TD>"; openform("filter.php","post",2,1,0); echo "<B>Filter Entries</B><BR>\n"; echo "1. Choose Filter: "; filterdropdown ($dbsocket,"filterid",$REMOTE_ID,3,1,1,1,"",1); formsubmit("Add",3,1,0); formsubmit("Modify",3,1,0); formsubmit("Delete",3,1,0); formfield("filtermain","Hidden",3,1,0,10,10,1); closeform(); if ( $group >= 3 ) { echo "</TD><TD>"; openform("filter.php","post",2,1,0); echo "<B>Delete User Filters</B><BR>\n"; echo "1. Select User: "; userdropdownbox ($sec_dbsocket,"userid",2,1,1,1); formfield("filtermain","Hidden",3,1,0,10,10,1); formsubmit("Delete User Filters",3,1,0); closeform(); } echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n"; $endtime=time(); echo "<BR>Page loaded in " . ($endtime - $begintime) . " seconds.<BR>\n"; do_footer(); dbdisconnect($sec_dbsocket); dbdisconnect($dbsocket); ?>