/* Copyright (c) 1998-2003, Purdue University All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes software developed by Purdue University." in the documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This software was developed by: Curtis Smith Purdue University Engineering Computer Network 465 Northwestern Avenue West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035 U.S.A. Send all comments, suggestions, or bug reports to: software@ecn.purdue.edu */ /* Include files */ #include "main.h" #include "log.h" #include "syslog.h" #include "wsock.h" #include /* Indicate if interactive logging is available */ int LogInteractive = 0; /* Indicate if eventlog is initialized */ static HANDLE LogSource = NULL; /* Start using eventlog */ int LogStart() { /* Indicate if interactive logging is available */ LogInteractive = _isatty(_fileno(stdout)); /* Open connection to event logger */ LogSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, "CLFAgent"); if (LogSource == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERROR|LOG_SYS, "Cannot register source for event logging"); return 1; } /* Success */ return 0; } /* Stop using eventlog */ void LogStop() { /* Check indicator */ if (LogSource != NULL) { /* Deregister source */ DeregisterEventSource(LogSource); /* Reset indicators */ LogSource = NULL; } } /* Send a message to the eventlog */ static int LogSend(WORD level, char * message) { char * messages[1]; /* Check that the event log is open */ if (LogSource) { /* Set up array */ messages[0] = message; /* Process event */ if (ReportEvent(LogSource, level, 0, 1, NULL, COUNT_OF(messages), 0, messages, NULL) == FALSE) return 1; } /* Success */ return 0; } /* Print out an error message */ void Log(int level, char * message, ...) { WORD eventlog_priority; char windows_message[256]; char error_message[1024]; int syslog_level; va_list args; static BOOL logging = FALSE; /* This prevents recursive errors */ if (logging) return; logging = TRUE; /* Format and output system message */ if (level & LOG_SYS) GetError(GetLastError(), windows_message, sizeof(windows_message)); /* Format and output message */ va_start(args, message); _vsnprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), message, args); va_end(args); /* Append system error message */ if (level & LOG_SYS) { /* Remove bit */ level &= ~LOG_SYS; /* Add windows error message */ _snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "%s: %s", error_message, windows_message); } /* Convert local level to eventlog or syslog priority */ switch (level) { case LOG_ERROR: eventlog_priority = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; syslog_level = SYSLOG_BUILD(SYSLOG_DAEMON, SYSLOG_ERR); break; case LOG_WARNING: eventlog_priority = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; syslog_level = SYSLOG_BUILD(SYSLOG_DAEMON, SYSLOG_WARNING); break; case LOG_INFO: eventlog_priority = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; syslog_level = SYSLOG_BUILD(SYSLOG_DAEMON, SYSLOG_NOTICE); break; } /* Send to syslog if network running */ if (WSockSocket == INVALID_SOCKET || SyslogSend(error_message, syslog_level)) /* Otherwise, send to eventlog */ LogSend(eventlog_priority, error_message); /* Output to console */ if (LogInteractive) { fputs(error_message, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); } /* Okay to log again */ logging = FALSE; }