790 lines
26 KiB
Executable file
790 lines
26 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# $Id: logwatch.pl,v 1.111 2004/06/21 15:00:44 kirk Exp $
# Most current version can always be found at:
# ftp://ftp.logwatch.org/pub/redhat/RPMS
# This was written and is maintained by:
# Kirk Bauer <kirk@kaybee.org>
# Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports,
# etc, to logwatch@logwatch.org.
my $BaseDir = "/etc/log.d";
#my $BaseDir = "/home/kirk/cvs-work/logwatch";
my $ConfigDir = "$BaseDir/conf";
#Added to create switches for different os options -mgt
#For now working on Linux and SunOS
my $OSname = `uname -s`;
chomp $OSname;
my $Version = '5.2';
my $VDate = '06/21/04';
use Getopt::Long;
my (%Config, @ServiceList, @LogFileList, %ServiceData, %LogFileData);
my (@AllShared, @AllLogFiles, @FileList);
# These need to not be global variables one day
my (@ReadConfigNames, @ReadConfigValues);
# Default config here...
$Config{'detail'} = 0;
$Config{'mailto'} = "root";
$Config{'save'} = "";
$Config{'print'} = 0;
$Config{'range'} = "yesterday";
$Config{'debug'} = 0;
$Config{'archives'} = 0;
$Config{'tmpdir'} = "/tmp";
$Config{'splithosts'} = 0;
$Config{'multiemail'} = 0;
# Logwatch now does some basic searching for logs
# So if the log file is not in the log path it will check /var/adm
# and then /var/log -mgt
$Config{'logdir'} = "/var/log";
chomp($Config{'hostname'} = `hostname`);
sub Usage () {
# Show usage for this program
print "\nUsage: $0 [--detail <level>] [--logfile <name>]\n" .
" [--print] [--mailto <addr>] [--archives] [--range <range>] [--debug <level>]\n" .
" [--save <filename>] [--help] [--version] [--service <name>]\n" .
" [--splithosts] [--multiemail]\n\n";
print "--detail <level>: Report Detail Level - High, Med, Low or any #.\n";
print "--logfile <name>: *Name of a logfile definition to report on.\n";
print "--service <name>: *Name of a service definition to report on.\n";
print "--print: Display report to stdout.\n";
print "--mailto <addr>: Mail report to <addr>.\n";
print "--archives: Use archived log files too.\n";
print "--save <filename>: Save to <filename>.\n";
print "--range <range>: Date range: Yesterday, Today or All.\n";
print "--debug <level>: Debug Level - High, Med, Low or any #.\n";
print "--splithosts: Create a report for each host in syslog.\n";
print "--multiemail: Send each host report in a separate email. Ignored if \n";
print " not using --splithosts.\n";
print "--version: Displays current version.\n";
print "--help: This message.\n";
print "* = Switch can be specified multiple times...\n\n";
exit (99);
my %wordsToInts = (yes => 1, no => 0,
true => 1, false => 0,
on => 1, off => 0,
high => 10,
med => 5, medium => 5,
low => 0);
sub getInt {
my $word = shift;
my $tmpWord = lc $word;
$tmpWord =~ s/\W//g;
return $wordsToInts{$tmpWord} if (defined $wordsToInts{$tmpWord});
unless ($word =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/) {
return lc $word;
return $word;
sub CleanVars {
foreach (keys %Config) {
$Config{$_} = getInt($Config{$_});
sub PrintStdArray (@) {
my @ThisArray = @_;
my $i;
for ($i=0;$i<=$#ThisArray;$i++) {
print "[" . $i . "] = " . $ThisArray[$i] . "\n";
sub PrintConfig () {
# for debugging, print out config...
foreach (keys %Config) {
print $_ . ' -> ' . $Config{$_} . "\n";
print "Service List:\n";
PrintStdArray @ServiceList;
print "\n";
print "LogFile List:\n";
PrintStdArray @LogFileList;
print "\n\n";
# for debugging...
sub PrintServiceData () {
my ($ThisKey1,$ThisKey2,$i);
foreach $ThisKey1 (keys %ServiceData) {
print "\nService Name: " . $ThisKey1 . "\n";
foreach $ThisKey2 (keys %{$ServiceData{$ThisKey1}}) {
next unless ($ThisKey2 =~ /^\d+-/);
print " $ThisKey2 = $ServiceData{$ThisKey1}{$ThisKey2}\n";
for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$ServiceData{$ThisKey1}{'logfiles'}};$i++) {
print " Logfile = " . $ServiceData{$ThisKey1}{'logfiles'}[$i] . "\n";
# for debugging...
sub PrintLogFileData () {
my ($ThisKey1,$ThisKey2,$i);
foreach $ThisKey1 (keys %LogFileData) {
print "\nLogfile Name: " . $ThisKey1 . "\n";
foreach $ThisKey2 (keys %{$LogFileData{$ThisKey1}}) {
next unless ($ThisKey2 =~ /^\d+-/);
print " $ThisKey2 = $LogFileData{$ThisKey1}{$ThisKey2}\n";
for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$LogFileData{$ThisKey1}{'logfiles'}};$i++) {
print " Logfile = " . $LogFileData{$ThisKey1}{'logfiles'}[$i] . "\n";
for ($i=0;$i<=$#{$LogFileData{$ThisKey1}{'archives'}};$i++) {
print " Archive = " . $LogFileData{$ThisKey1}{'archives'}[$i] . "\n";
sub ReadConfigFile ($) {
my $FileName = $_[0];
@ReadConfigNames = ();
@ReadConfigValues = ();
if ($Config{'debug'} > 5) {
print "ReadConfigFile: Opening " . $FileName . "\n";
open (READCONFFILE, $FileName) or die "Cannot open file $FileName: $!\n";
while (my $line = <READCONFFILE>) {
if ($Config{'debug'} > 9) {
print "ReadConfigFile: Read Line: " . $line;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);
my ($name, $value) = split /=/, $line, 2;
$name =~ s/^\s+//; $name =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($value) { $value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//; }
else { $value = ''; }
push @ReadConfigNames, lc $name;
push @ReadConfigValues, getInt $value;
if ($Config{'debug'} > 7) {
print "ReadConfigFile: Name=" . $name . ", Value=" . $value . "\n";
# Add / to BaseDir
unless ($BaseDir =~ m=/$=) {
$BaseDir = $BaseDir . "/";
# Load main config file...
if ($Config{'debug'} > 8) {
print "\nDefault Config:\n";
my $OldMailTo = $Config{'mailto'};
my $OldPrint = $Config{'print'};
ReadConfigFile ($ConfigDir . "/logwatch.conf");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ReadConfigNames; $i++) {
if ($ReadConfigNames[$i] eq "logfile") {
push @LogFileList, $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} elsif ($ReadConfigNames[$i] eq "service") {
push @ServiceList, $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} else {
$Config{$ReadConfigNames[$i]} = $ReadConfigValues[$i];
if ($OldMailTo ne $Config{'mailto'}) {
$Config{'print'} = 0;
} elsif ($OldPrint ne $Config{'print'}) {
$Config{'mailto'} = "";
if ($Config{'debug'} > 8) {
print "\nConfig After Config File:\n";
# Options time...
my @TempLogFileList = ();
my @TempServiceList = ();
my $Help = 0;
my $ShowVersion = 0;
$OldMailTo = $Config{'mailto'};
$OldPrint = $Config{'print'};
GetOptions ( "d|detail=s" => \$Config{'detail'},
"l|logfile=s@" => \@TempLogFileList,
"logdir=s" => \$Config{'logdir'},
"s|service=s@" => \@TempServiceList,
"p|print" => \$Config{'print'},
"m|mailto=s" => \$Config{'mailto'},
"save=s" => \$Config{'save'},
"a|archives" => \$Config{'archives'},
"debug=s" => \$Config{'debug'},
"r|range=s" => \$Config{'range'},
"h|help" => \$Help,
"v|version" => \$ShowVersion,
"hostname=s" => \$Config{'hostname'},
"splithosts" => \$Config{'splithosts'},
"multiemail" => \$Config{'multiemail'},
) or Usage();
$Help and Usage();
if ($ShowVersion) {
print "Logwatch $Version (released $VDate)\n";
exit 0;
if ($OldMailTo ne $Config{'mailto'}) {
$Config{'print'} = 0;
} elsif ($OldPrint ne $Config{'print'}) {
$Config{'mailto'} = "";
if ($Config{'debug'} > 8) {
print "\nCommand Line Parameters:\n Log File List:\n";
PrintStdArray @TempLogFileList;
print "\n Service List:\n";
PrintStdArray @TempServiceList;
print "\nConfig After Command Line Parsing:\n";
if ($#TempLogFileList > -1) {
@LogFileList = @TempLogFileList;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#LogFileList; $i++) {
$LogFileList[$i] = lc($LogFileList[$i]);
@ServiceList = ();
if ($#TempServiceList > -1) {
@ServiceList = @TempServiceList;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ServiceList; $i++) {
$ServiceList[$i] = lc($ServiceList[$i]);
if ( ($#ServiceList == -1) and ($#LogFileList == -1) ) {
push @ServiceList, 'all';
if ($Config{'debug'} > 5) {
print "\nConfig After Everything:\n";
# Find out what services are defined...
my (@TempAllServices, $ThisFile, $count);
opendir(SERVICESDIR, $ConfigDir . '/services') or
die $ConfigDir . "/services: $!";
my @services = grep !-d && /\.conf$/, readdir SERVICESDIR;
foreach my $f (@services) {
my $ThisService = lc $f;
$ThisService =~ s/\.conf$//;
push @TempAllServices, $ThisService;
ReadConfigFile($ConfigDir . "/services/$f");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ReadConfigNames; $i++) {
if ($ReadConfigNames[$i] eq 'logfile') {
push @{$ServiceData{$ThisService}{'logfiles'}}, $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} elsif ($ReadConfigNames[$i] =~ /^\*/) {
$ServiceData{$ThisService}{+sprintf("%03d-%s", $count, $ReadConfigNames[$i])} = $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} else {
$ServiceData{$ThisService}{$ReadConfigNames[$i]} = $ReadConfigValues[$i];
my @AllServices = sort @TempAllServices;
# Find out what logfiles are defined...
opendir(LOGFILEDIR, $ConfigDir . "/logfiles") or die $ConfigDir . "/logfiles/, no such directory.\n";
while (defined($ThisFile = readdir(LOGFILEDIR))) {
unless (-d $ConfigDir . "/logfiles/" . $ThisFile) {
my $ThisLogFile = $ThisFile;
if ($ThisLogFile =~ s/\.conf$//i) {
push @AllLogFiles, $ThisLogFile;
ReadConfigFile($ConfigDir . "/logfiles/" . $ThisFile);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ReadConfigNames; $i++) {
if ($ReadConfigNames[$i] eq "logfile") {
#Lets try and find the logs -mgt
if (-e "$Config{'logdir'}/$ReadConfigValues[$i]") {
push @{$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{'logfiles'}}, $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} elsif (-e "/var/adm/$ReadConfigValues[$i]") {
push @{$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{'logfiles'}}, "adm/$ReadConfigValues[$i]";
} elsif (-e "/var/log/$ReadConfigValues[$i]") {
push @{$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{'logfiles'}}, "log/$ReadConfigValues[$i]";
} else {
#Fallback to default even if it doesn't exist -mgt
push @{$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{'logfiles'}},
} elsif ($ReadConfigNames[$i] eq "archive") {
push @{$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{'archives'}}, $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} elsif ($ReadConfigNames[$i] =~ /^\*/) {
$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{+sprintf("%03d-%s", $count, $ReadConfigNames[$i])} = $ReadConfigValues[$i];
} else {
$LogFileData{$ThisLogFile}{$ReadConfigNames[$i]} = $ReadConfigValues[$i];
# Find out what shared functions are defined...
opendir(SHAREDDIR,$BaseDir . "scripts/shared") or die $BaseDir . "scripts/shared/, no such directory.\n";
while (defined($ThisFile = readdir(SHAREDDIR))) {
unless (-d $BaseDir . "scripts/shared/" . $ThisFile) {
push @AllShared, lc($ThisFile);
if ($Config{'debug'} > 5) {
print "\nAll Services:\n";
PrintStdArray @AllServices;
print "\nAll Log Files:\n";
PrintStdArray @AllLogFiles;
print "\nAll Shared:\n";
PrintStdArray @AllShared;
# Time to expand @ServiceList, using @LogFileList if defined...
if ((scalar @ServiceList > 1) && (grep /^all$/i, @ServiceList)) {
# This means we are doing *all* services ... but excluding some
my %tmphash;
foreach my $item (@AllServices) {
$tmphash{lc $item} = "";
foreach my $service (@ServiceList) {
next if $service =~ /^all$/i;
if ($service =~ /^\-(.+)$/) {
my $offservice = $1;
if (! exists $tmphash{lc $offservice}) {
die "Nonexistent service to disable: $offservice\n";
delete $tmphash{lc $offservice};
} else {
die "Wrong configuration entry for \"Service\", if \"All\" selected, only \"-\" items are allowed\n";
@ServiceList = ();
foreach my $keys (keys %tmphash) {
push @ServiceList, $keys;
@LogFileList = ();
} elsif ( $ServiceList[0] and ($ServiceList[0] eq 'all') and ($#ServiceList == 0) ) {
# This means we are doing *all* services...
@ServiceList = @AllServices;
@LogFileList = ();
} else {
my $ThisOne;
while (defined($ThisOne = pop @LogFileList)) {
unless ($LogFileData{$ThisOne}) {
die "Logwatch is not configured to use logfile: $ThisOne\n";
foreach my $ThisService (keys %ServiceData) {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$ServiceData{$ThisService}{'logfiles'}}; $i++) {
if ( $ServiceData{$ThisService}{'logfiles'}[$i] eq $ThisOne ) {
push @ServiceList,$ThisService;
@TempServiceList = sort @ServiceList;
@ServiceList = ();
my $LastOne = "";
while (defined($ThisOne = pop @TempServiceList)) {
unless ( ($ThisOne eq $LastOne) or ($ThisOne eq 'all') or ($ThisOne =~ /^-/)) {
unless ($ServiceData{$ThisOne}) {
die "Logwatch does not know how to process service: $ThisOne\n";
push @ServiceList, $ThisOne;
$LastOne = $ThisOne;
# Now lets fill up @LogFileList again...
foreach my $ServiceName (@ServiceList) {
foreach my $LogName ( @{$ServiceData{$ServiceName}{'logfiles'} } ) {
unless ( grep m/$LogName/, @LogFileList ) {
push @LogFileList, $LogName;
if ($Config{'debug'} > 7) {
print "\n\nAll Service Data:\n";
print "\nServices that will be processed:\n";
PrintStdArray @ServiceList;
print "\n\n";
print "\n\nAll LogFile Data:\n";
print "\nLogFiles that will be processed:\n";
PrintStdArray @LogFileList;
print "\n\n";
my $TempDir;
my $UseMkTemp = $Config{'usemktemp'};
my $MkTemp = $Config{'MkTemp'};
if ($UseMkTemp and ($MkTemp)) {
$TempDir = `$MkTemp -d $Config{'tmpdir'}/logwatch.XXXXXXXX 2>/dev/null`;
unless (($? == 0) and $TempDir) {
die "Failed to create $Config{'tmpdir'}/logwatch.XXXXXXXX with mktemp!!\nDoes your mktemp support the -d option??\nIf not, modify logwatch.conf accordingly.\n";
if ($Config{'debug'}>7) {
print "\nMade Temp Dir: " . $TempDir . " with mktemp\n";
} else {
my $uid = $<;
my $gid = (split(' ', $( ))[0];
# Create the temporary directory...
$TempDir = $Config{'tmpdir'} . "/logwatch." . $$;
if ($Config{'debug'}>7) {
print "\nMaking Temp Dir: " . $TempDir . "\n";
`rm -rf $TempDir`;
mkdir ($TempDir,0700) or die "Failed to create TempDir: $TempDir (somebody may be attempting a root exploit!)\n";
`chown $uid $TempDir`;
`chgrp $gid $TempDir`;
`chmod 0700 $TempDir`;
unless (-d $TempDir and (not -l $TempDir)) {
die "$TempDir not a directory (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
unless ((stat($TempDir))[4] == $uid) {
die "$TempDir not owned by UID $uid (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
unless ((stat($TempDir))[5] == $gid) {
die "$TempDir not owned by GID $gid (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
unless (((stat($TempDir))[2] & 07777) == 0700) {
die "$TempDir permissions not 0700 (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
# Check to make sure nothing changed after we checked the ownership
unless (-d $TempDir and (not -l $TempDir)) {
die "$TempDir not a directory (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
`rm -rf $TempDir/*`;
unless (`ls $TempDir | wc -l` == 0) {
die "$TempDir not empty (somebody is attempting a root exploit!)\n";
unless ($TempDir =~ m=/$=) {
$TempDir .= "/";
# Set up the environment...
$ENV{'LOGWATCH_DATE_RANGE'} = $Config{'range'};
$ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} = $Config{'detail'};
$ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} = $Config{'debug'};
if ($Config{'hostlimit'}) {
$ENV{'LOGWATCH_ONLY_HOSTNAME'} = $Config{'hostname'};
if ($Config{'debug'}>4) {
if ($ENV{$_}) {
print "export $_='$ENV{$_}'\n";
my $LibDir = "$BaseDir/lib";
if ($ENV{PERL5LIB}) {
# User dirs should be able to override this setting
} else {
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = $LibDir;
unless ($Config{'logdir'} =~ m=/$=) {
$Config{'logdir'} .= "/";
# Okay, now it is time to do pre-processing on all the logfiles...
my $LogFile;
foreach $LogFile (@LogFileList) {
next if ($LogFile eq 'none');
if (!defined($LogFileData{$LogFile}{'logfiles'})) {
print "*** Error: There is no logfile defined. Do you have a " . $BaseDir . "conf/logfiles/" . $LogFile . ".conf file ?\n";
@FileList = @{$LogFileData{$LogFile}{'logfiles'}};
if ($Config{'archives'} == 1) {
push @FileList, $TempDir . $LogFile . "-archive";
my $Archive;
foreach $Archive (@{$LogFileData{$LogFile}{'archives'}}) {
my $DestFile = $TempDir . $LogFile . "-archive";
unless ($Archive =~ m=^/=) {
$Archive = ($Config{'logdir'} . $Archive);
if ($Archive =~ m/gz$/) {
`/bin/zcat $Archive 2>/dev/null >> $DestFile`;
} else {
`/bin/cat $Archive 2>/dev/null >> $DestFile`;
my $FileText = "";
foreach $ThisFile (@FileList) {
if ($ThisFile =~ m=^/=) {
$FileText .= ($ThisFile . " ");
} else {
$FileText .= ( $Config{'logdir'} . $ThisFile . " ");
my $FilterText = " 2>/dev/null ";
foreach (sort keys %{$LogFileData{$LogFile}}) {
my $cmd = $_;
if ($cmd =~ s/^\d+-\*//) {
$FilterText .= ("| $BaseDir" . "scripts/shared/$cmd '$LogFileData{$LogFile}{$_}'" );
} elsif ($cmd =~ s/^\$//) {
$ENV{$cmd} = $LogFileData{$LogFile}{$_};
if ($Config{'debug'}>4) {
print "export $cmd='$LogFileData{$LogFile}{$_}'\n";
if (opendir (LOGDIR,$BaseDir . "scripts/logfiles/" . $LogFile)) {
foreach (sort readdir(LOGDIR)) {
unless ( -d $BaseDir . "scripts/logfiles/$LogFile/$_") {
$FilterText .= ("| $BaseDir" . "scripts/logfiles/$LogFile/$_");
closedir (LOGDIR);
if ($FileText) {
my $Command = $FileText . $FilterText . ">" . $TempDir . $LogFile;
if ($Config{'debug'}>4) {
print "\nPreprocessing LogFile: " . $LogFile . "\n" . $Command . "\n";
if ($LogFile !~ /^[-_\w\d]+$/) {
print STDERR "Unexpected filename: [[$LogFile]]. Not used\n"
} else {
`/bin/cat $Command`;
#populate the host lists if we're splitting hosts
my @hosts;
if ($Config{'splithosts'} eq 1) {
my $newlogfile;
my @logarray;
opendir (LOGDIR,$TempDir) || die "Cannot open dir";
@logarray = readdir(LOGDIR);
closedir (LOGDIR);
my $ecpcmd = ("| $BaseDir" . "scripts/shared/hostlist");
foreach $newlogfile (@logarray) {
my $eeefile = ("$TempDir" . "$newlogfile");
if ((!(-d $eeefile)) && (!($eeefile =~ m/-archive/))) {
`/bin/cat $eeefile $ecpcmd`;
#read in the final host list
open (HOSTFILE,"$TempDir/hostfile") || die $!;
@hosts = <HOSTFILE>;
close (HOSTFILE);
chomp @hosts;
@hosts = sort(@hosts);
my $report_finish = "\n ###################### LogWatch End ######################### \n\n";
my $printing = '';
my $emailopen = '';
sub initprint {
return if $printing;
if ($Config{'print'} eq 1) {
} elsif ($Config{'save'} ne "") {
open(OUTFILE,">" . $Config{'save'}) or die "Can't open output file: $Config{'save'}\n";
} elsif ($OSname eq "SunOS") {
#Solaris mail doesn't know -s -mgt
if (($Config{'multiemail'} eq 1) || ($emailopen eq "")) {
open(OUTFILE,"|$Config{'mailer'} $Config{'mailto'}") or die "Can't execute /bin/mail\n";
print OUTFILE "From: LogWatcher\n";
print OUTFILE "To: $Config{'mailto'}\n";
print OUTFILE "Subject: LogWatch for $Config{'hostname'}\n\n";
if (($Config{'splithosts'} eq 1) && ($Config{'multiemail'} eq 0)) {
print OUTFILE "Reporting on hosts: @hosts\n";
$emailopen = 'y';
} else {
if (($Config{'multiemail'} eq 1) || ($emailopen eq "")) {
open(OUTFILE,"|$Config{'mailer'} -s \"LogWatch for $Config{'hostname'}\" " . $Config{'mailto'}) or die "Can't execute /bin/mail\n";
if (($Config{'splithosts'} eq 1) && ($Config{'multiemail'} eq 0)) {
print OUTFILE "Reporting on hosts: @hosts\n";
$emailopen = 'y';
$printing = 'y';
print OUTFILE "\n ################### LogWatch $Version ($VDate) #################### \n";
print OUTFILE " Processing Initiated: " . localtime(time) . "\n";
print OUTFILE " Date Range Processed: $Config{'range'}\n";
print OUTFILE " Detail Level of Output: $Config{'detail'}\n";
print OUTFILE " Logfiles for Host: $Config{'hostname'}\n";
print OUTFILE " ################################################################ \n";
sub parselogs {
my $Service;
foreach $Service (sort @ServiceList) {
$ENV{'PRINTING'} = $printing;
@FileList = @{$ServiceData{$Service}{'logfiles'}};
my $FileText = "";
foreach $ThisFile (@FileList) {
if (-s $TempDir . $ThisFile) {
$FileText .= ( $TempDir . $ThisFile . " ");
my $FilterText = " ";
foreach (sort keys %{$ServiceData{$Service}}) {
my $cmd = $_;
if ($cmd =~ s/^\d+-\*//) {
$FilterText .= ("$BaseDir" . "scripts/shared/$cmd '$ServiceData{$Service}{$_}' |" );
} elsif ($cmd =~ s/^\$//) {
$ENV{$cmd} = $ServiceData{$Service}{$_};
if ($Config{'debug'}>4) {
print "export $cmd='$ServiceData{$Service}{$_}'\n";
# ECP - insert the host stripping now
my $HostStrip = " ";
if ($Config{'splithosts'} eq 1) {
$HostStrip .= ("$BaseDir" . "scripts/shared/onlyhost");
if ( -f $BaseDir . "scripts/services/" . $Service ) {
$FilterText .= ("" . $BaseDir . "scripts/services/" . $Service );
else {
die "Can't open: " . $BaseDir . "scripts/services/" . $Service;
my $Command = '';
if ($FileList[0] eq 'none') {
$Command = " $FilterText 2>&1 ";
} elsif ($FileText) {
if ($HostStrip ne " ") {
$Command = " ( /bin/cat $FileText | $HostStrip | $FilterText) 2>&1 ";
} else {
$Command = " ( /bin/cat $FileText | $FilterText) 2>&1 ";
if ($Command) {
if ($Config{'debug'}>4) {
print "\nProcessing Service: " . $Service . "\n" . $Command . "\n";
open (TESTFILE,$Command . " |");
my $ThisLine;
my $has_output = 0;
while (defined ($ThisLine = <TESTFILE>)) {
next if ((not $printing) and $ThisLine =~ /^\s*$/);
if (($has_output == 0) and ($ServiceData{$Service}{'title'})) {
print OUTFILE "\n --------------------- $ServiceData{$Service}{'title'} Begin ------------------------ \n\n";
$has_output = 1;
print OUTFILE $ThisLine;
close (TESTFILE);
if ($has_output and $ServiceData{$Service}{'title'}) {
print OUTFILE "\n ---------------------- $ServiceData{$Service}{'title'} End ------------------------- \n\n";
print OUTFILE $report_finish if ($printing);
if ($Config{'multiemail'} eq 1) {
close(OUTFILE) unless ($Config{'print'} eq 1);
if ($Config{'splithosts'} eq 1) {
my $Host;
foreach $Host (@hosts) {
$printing = '';
$Config{'hostname'} = $Host;
} # ECP
} else {
close(OUTFILE) unless ($Config{'print'} eq 1);
# Get rid of temp directory...
if ($Config{'debug'}<100) {
`rm -rf $TempDir`;
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et