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synced 2025-03-15 11:21:36 +00:00
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Version 4.0
* FuzzyRule merged with Rule, and FuzzyRule deleted.
* FuzzyAntecedent merged with Antecedent, and FuzzyAntecedent deleted
* FuzzyConsequent merged with Consequent, and FuzzyConsequent deleted
* FuzzyExpression renamed Expression
* Renamed Rule::get/setUnparsedRule to get/setText
* Renamed RuleBlock::get/set(Tnorm|Snorm) to get/set(Conjunction|Disjunction)
* Renamed RuleBlock::fireRules to activate
* Renamed Rule::fireStrength to activationDegree, fire to activate
* Renamed Consequent::fire to modify
* Created IntegralDefuzzifier to extract divisions from Defuzzifier
* Renamed divisions from IntegralDefuzzifier to resolution, FL_DIVISIONS to FL_RESOLUTION
* Deleted MaximumDefuzzifier
* Centroid, Bisector, and Largest/Smallest/Mean Defuzzifiers inherit from IntegralDefuzzifier
* Changed names of arithmetic operations in fl::Operation
* Renamed Function::get/set(Infix) to get/set(Formula)
* Renamed InputVariable::get/set(Input) to get/set(InputValue)
* Renamed Antecedent::firingStrength to activationDegree
* Renamed Antecedent::toString/(Prefix,Infix,Postfix) to to/(Prefix,Infix,Postfix)
* Renamed Rule::FL_ASSIGN to Rule::FL_EQUALS
* New method restart in Engine
* New methods Engine::setInputValue(name, value), scalar Engine::getOutputValue(name)
* Renamed Op::str(vector/varargs) to Op::join(vector/varargs)
* Refactored associtativity, unary and binary properties in Element within Function
* Removed unnecessary Hedges creation upon importing engines, now is automatic via Factories
* Created the JavaExporter
* Renamed methods within Fis/Fcl/CppExporter to toString(*);
* Extracted TNorms and SNorms from TNorm.h/cpp and SNorm.h/cpp
* Created proper Factories with registration of classes and constructors
* Renamed method Factory::create to Factory::createInstance
* Added static constructor method to every Defuzzifier, Hedge, TNorm, and SNorm
* Removed FL_PRECISION, FL_DECIMALS as Macros, and created static variables in fuzzylite.h
* Renamed FL_PRECISION to macheps, i.e., machine epsilon to differentiate real numbers
* Removed FL_DEBUG and created a static variable in fuzzylite.h
* Removed FL_NO_LOG as it is now controlled with fuzzylite::logging(), previously named logEnabled()
* Libraries and Console application are both built in folder bin/ (previously libraries were at lib/)
* Removed Engine::toStringFis/Fcl/Cpp to encourage use of Fcl/Fis/CppExporters instead
* Renamed Op::logical_and to Op::logicalAnd, Op::logical_or to Op::logicalOr
* Added support to Fis/FclImporters to treat comments (%,#,//,/*) in fis and fcl files
* Created the Console application instead of previous demo
* Added Variable::range() to return (maximum - minimum)
* Removed Variable::isEmpty, use Variable::terms().empty()
* Removed RuleBlock::isEmpty, use RuleBlock::rules().empty()
* Created method Op::makeValidId to ensure names are valid
* Engine, Variable and Term::toString return FllExport::toString
* Created Term::parameters to return list of parameter values as string separated by spaces
* Created Term::configure to configure from Term::parameters
* FclImEx import and export terms using Term::parameters
* Created the FuzzyLite Language in FllImporter and FllExporter
* Created the FuzzyLite Dataset FldExporter
* Added property Enable to Engine, Variable and RuleBlock
* Extended FCL and FIS to consider Enabled properties
* Changed Engine::defuzzify() to consider enabled variables
* Changed Engine::process() to consider enabled rule blocks
* Changed OutputVariable::output() to OutputVariable::fuzzyOutput()
* Renamed Rectangle::minimum/maximum to Rectangle::start/end
* Renamed fuzzylite::shortVersion to fuzzylite::version
* Improved accuracy of Triangle and Trapezoid