#!/bin/sh # This is a script to build a single message file based on the variables # in Makefile (yes, this means that configure MUST have been run # prior to using this) if [ ! $1 ]; then echo Please specify a message source exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $1 ]; then echo Please specify a valid message source exit 2 fi if [ ! -f Makefile]; then echo Please run configure first exit 3 fi MSGFMT=`grep '^MSGFMT' Makefile | sed 's/MSGFMT//' | sed 's/ = //' | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n'` BASENAME=`basename $1 | sed 's/\.po//'` echo $MSGFMT $BASENAME.mo $1 $MSGFMT $BADENAME.mo $1