$Id: TODO,v 1.11 2002/10/16 05:04:23 fishwaldo Exp $ NeoStats HostServ should accept /privmsg hostserv login for NeoIRCD vhost support! /stats g should report when a G line will expire don't deop servicesclient on netjoin hiddenservers don't hide POST 1.0 *Umode +b (Bots) to identify bots (iEf2002) *it would be nice if we could pass message handlers the actuall command that triggered the handler *Umode +a (Services Root) and +N (Network Admin) *SSL Client Support (Still not sure how to do this) *Implement servlink so it can either be a seperate process, or linked to the ircd. (for shells with a process limit, its baaaad) *Channel mode +M (un-registered users can't talk) *channel modes in /list *add IsMyAdmin to replace IsAdmin (currently server admins have admin axs to all servers) */silence */watch */knock on +klO chans, but not when banned