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2002-09-26 13:40:49 +00:00

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MODE <channel> <+|-><modes> [parameters]
+n - 'No external messages'. This will prevent any user who
isn't in the channel from sending messages to the channel.
+t - 'Ops Topic'. This will prevent any user who isn't opped,
or half-opped (+o/+h) from setting a channel topic.
+s - 'Secret'. This will prevent the channel from being shown
in a /whois, and in the channel list.
+p - 'Private'.
+m - 'Moderated'. This will prevent any user who isn't opped,
half-opped or voiced (+o/+h/+v) from talking in the channel.
+A - 'Anonymous ops'. This will stop people who join from
seeing who has ops. Any modes set in the channel will
be shown as if a server set them.
When a user becomes opped or half-opped (+o/+h) they will
receive an op sync, where the server will op every user
that is opped. They will then see modes normally, and
have the true list of who has ops/half-ops/voices
Can only be set by Channel Admins (+a)
+i - 'Invite only'. This will stop anyone from joining your
channel who hasn't received an /invite or whose host isn't in
the +I list.
+O - 'Operator Only'. This will stop normal users from joining a
channel set aside for Operators only. /invite or
Invite exceptions can be used to help non-opers join the
+r - 'Registered Channel'. The Channel has been registered with
Chanserv, or applicable services.
+k - 'Key'. This will require users joining to know the key,
they must then use /join #channel KEY
PARAMS: /mode #channel +k key
+l - 'Limit'. This will stop there being more than LIMIT people
in the channel at any time.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +l limit
+v - 'Voice'. This will allow a user to talk in a moderated (+m)
channel. Shown by the +nick flag.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +vvvv nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4
+h - 'Half-op'. This will allow a user to set all of the above
modes, (and some more below..), whilst stopping the user
from doing harm to the channel. Users who are +h CANNOT
kick opped (+o) users, or set modes +h/-h/+o/-o.
They can perform all other modes, and can kick regular users.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +hhhh nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4
+o - 'Op'. This gives the user almost control over the channel.
An opped user may op other users, set any mode, and
remove ops from whoever they want.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +oooo nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4
+a - 'Admin'. This gives the user full control over the channel.
Admin mode is given to the first user to join the
channel, and they may set options like Anonops and so on.
+b - 'Ban'. This will prevent a user from entering the channel,
based on a nick!ident@host match.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +bbbb n!u@h1b n!u@h2b n!u@h3b n!u@h4
+e - 'Exempt'. This will allow a user to join a channel even if
they are banned (+b), based on a nick!ident@host match.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +eeee n!u@h1b n!u@h2b n!u@h3b n!u@h4
+I - 'Invite Exempt'. This will allow a user to join an
invite-only (+i) channel, based on a nick!user@host match.
PARAMS: /mode #channel +IIII n!u@h1b n!u@h2b n!u@h3b n!u@h4