HybridRC5 Merge (I'm pretty soon going to give up the Hybrid RC Merges..... To Many Bugs) Needs Testing... Eggy?!?!
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NeoIRCd ChangeLog.
Anything we add/change/Delete is noted here.
Symbols are:
(F) - Fish (fish@dynam.ac)
(S) - Shmad (shmad@neostats.net)
(HP) - Hybrid Team Patches to Hybrid Source
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.6 - 31st Oct (Halloween!), 2002 - Fish
(HP) - Hybrid Team Halloween Special :) (No suprises this time!) (RC5 Merge)
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.5 - 12th Oct, 2002 - Fish
(S) - Fixed up event.c for a possible serious bug reported by Dianora from hybrid team
Also thanks for the reference and event code in question.
(F) - Fixed up Server info lines not being propogated correctly
(F) - fixed up m_message.so so that opers/services can send to anyhost with /msg $$* (For operserv global compat)
(F) - Fixed up Hidden Servers to work correctly... (/map /links /whois etc)
(F) - Fixed Usermode problems.
(F) - Fixed a problem with userhost cloaking (Hopefully)
(F) - segv handling code added
(F) - Fixed up compile warnings
(F) - gah, IsServices(source_p) in global notices would help also
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.4 - 24th Sept, 2002 - Fish
(F) - Changed HiddenHost System to Use Ultimates version instead...
(F) - Changed NICK and Client Messages to include vhost, so we dont have to burst SETHOST
(F) - Don't burst SETHOST when we remove -x
(F) - Fixed message about +r when u change a usermode
(F) - Really allow services to send through +g this time
(F) - /aliases can not send to Nick@host/server...
(F) - SVSMODES were not being propogated through the network. Fixed
(F) - Help file updates
(F) - if autojoin is not specified on conf file, don't join operator to a channel
(F) - Redone user mode system completely... Should fix some stuff up
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.3 - 19th Sept, 2002 - Fish
(HP) - Merged in Hybrid rc4 Patches (including Rc3 and Rc3 fixes)
(F) - Fixed up Persistant Channels.
(F) - Fixed up configure problem when it can't find msgfmt
(F) - Fixed up services problem
(F) - Fixed up aliases
(F) - Fixed up a /who bug after the merge of HybirdRC4
(F) - Services can send through +g usermode
(F) - Services can set topics or kick
(F) - you can not deop/admin/voice/halfop a services client regardless of who you are.
(F) - /userhost displays your vhost, not real host..
(F) - Timed Glines now possible. /gline ident@host 12 reason (12 is minutes atm, if 0, uses the default from config files)
(F) - Dlines are now network wide.
(F) - svsmode now works
(F) - a few minor bug fixes with glines
(F) - topic bursting on net join is now enabled
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.2 - 17th Sept, 2002 - Fish
(F) - Fixed a problem with servers setting modes
(F) - Fixed a problem with sethost I think (wasn't setting on other servers correctly)
(F) - OperAutoJoin is now a new option when you /oper up, you will be autojoined to a channel.
(F) - ./configure updated with --enable-debug and compile flags updated.
(F) - Moved m_opme m_ojoin and m_clearchan to standard modules (and fixed them up)
(F) - added svsjoin and svspart (based on m_force.c contrib module)
(F) - Maybe fixed a segfault when a server gets disconnected
(F) - Fix some of the global oper messages being broadcast network wide by each server.
* NeoIRCd Version 0.9.1 - 12th August, 2002 - Fish
(F) - Added +S UserMode. For Services. Allow them to override anything
(F) - Added Ulined Support (In Addition to whats already there) to allow it to override anything
(F) - Added Dynamic U lines. Means a
server can introduce a U lined server to the rest of the
network, and the U line is dynamically set on all other servers without
them having to edit the conf file.
(F) - Added umode +x. Is Hidden Host
Support. Automatically Hides users hosts. New Client Structure
client_p->vhost added, and contains the host to display to the network. if
user removes -x then, vhost is set to real host.
(F) - Added Setulined to conf file for locally linked servers.
(HP) - Added Patch to fix race condition in dead_link
(F) - Added Channel Admins (+a)
(F) - Moved AnonOps Mode char to +A
(F) - Only allow channel admins to set +A (anonops)
(F) - Channel Mode +O (opers only)
(HP) - Added Patch to fix hardcoded timeouts in s_serv.c
(HP) - Big arse rc2 patch for Hybrid. Sigh. Found a cute bug in hybrid that would allow it to accept any password for /oper though!
(F) - Removed all ifdef HALFOP ANONOP VCHAN defines, as these will be standard in NeoIRCd
(F) - Removed all OANDVcode as its not going to be used at all
(F) - Removed all Vchan Code and finished rc2 patch from hybrid merge
(F) - Added svshost and svsnick commands in module m_svscmds.c for begining of service support
(F) - Added services ID to nick command and in the process broke all Hybrid Compatibility (Needed for services (ie, Epona) support)
(F) - Added svsid to set services ID on a nickname. Must come from the server, not a client (in m_svscmds.c)
(F) - Added Chanmode +R and username +r for registered channels and registered users
(F) - No more need for 3 opers to vote on a Gline. One oper does it now.
(F) - Moved ungline to m_gline, and unkline, undline to m_kline. removed m_unkline now.
(F) - Added /vhost as a alias for hostserv (From NeoStats). Have to get Shmad to update hostserv. (:fish PRIVMSG HostServ!services@stats.dynam.ac :login username password) is the syntax.
(F) - Added /nickserv /chanserv /hostserv /operserv /identify /statserv as aliases for the respective services
(F) - Fixed up the config file parsing for the reduantant commands
(F) - Changed all the headers to reflect this is NeoIRCd and not Hybrid7 any more
(F) - Fixed up /credits and /info
(F) - Started to clean up Documentation
(F) - This is version 0.9.1 Getting ready for Beta testing by Closed group.
(F) - Added m_map to core modules
(F) - HiddenServer and Ulined Servers are now set via *nice* Server command (<*optional*prefix*optional*> SERVER <name> <hops> <*new*Flags*new*> :<infoline>)
(F) - Removed all Default Capabilites from CAPAB command
(F) - Sendto_realops_flags can now send network wide if flags = FLAGS_REMOTE.
(F) - Added m_smo.c to support network wide oper messages. <prefix> SMO <flags> <level> :<message>
(F) - resv/unresv is now global (ie, network wide... )
(F) - Glines are now sent to servers when they connect
(F) - Ungline is now global
(F) - Added SWHOIS to whois. Opers and servers can set swhois
(F) - Fixed a hook api issue with hooks not getting added correctly (Patch sent to hybird team)
(F) - Fixed a chanadmin bug that eggy found (Duh), Stupid Bug
(F) - Admin mode is now represented by <20>