add code comments and some tidy ups
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 329 additions and 193 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,18 @@
** $Id$
/* TODO:
* - Akill support.
* - Buffer sizes for name and domain should not need to be so big
* so should be made a more appropriate size.
* - If a remove akill command is added, it must check whether an akill.
* was added by blsb before removing it otherwise blsb becomes a way
* for opers to remove any akill on the network.
* - Since name and domain must both be unique, suggest that DEL takes
* domain as a parameter for delete rather than an index. More intuitive
* for users.
#include "neostats.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
@ -31,13 +43,13 @@
#include "blsb.h"
Bot *blsb_bot;
static int ss_event_signon( CmdParams* cmdparams );
int blsb_cmd_domains_list( CmdParams* cmdparams );
int blsb_cmd_domains_add( CmdParams* cmdparams );
int blsb_cmd_domains_del( CmdParams* cmdparams );
int blsb_cmd_domains (CmdParams* cmdparams);
int blsb_cmd_check (CmdParams* cmdparams);
void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a);
static int event_nickip( CmdParams* cmdparams );
static int blsb_cmd_list( CmdParams* cmdparams );
static int blsb_cmd_add( CmdParams* cmdparams );
static int blsb_cmd_del( CmdParams* cmdparams );
static int blsb_cmd_check( CmdParams* cmdparams );
static int blsb_set_exclusions_cb( CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason );
void dnsbl_callback( void *data, adns_answer *a );
static dom_list stddomlist[] = {
{"Blitzed OPM", "", 1},
@ -54,8 +66,8 @@ const char *blsb_copyright[] = {
/** Module Info definition
* version information about our module
* This structure is required for your module to load and run on NeoStats
* version information about our module
* This structure is required for your module to load and run on NeoStats
ModuleInfo module_info = {
@ -70,32 +82,23 @@ ModuleInfo module_info = {
static int blsb_set_exclusions_cb( CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason )
if( reason == SET_LOAD || reason == SET_CHANGE )
SetAllEventFlags( EVENT_FLAG_USE_EXCLUDE, blsb.exclusions );
return NS_SUCCESS;
static bot_cmd blsb_commands[]=
{"ADD", blsb_cmd_domains_add, 3, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_domains_add, blsb_help_domains_add_oneline},
{"DEL", blsb_cmd_domains_del, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_domains_del, blsb_help_domains_del_oneline},
{"LIST", blsb_cmd_domains_list, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_domains_list, blsb_help_domains_list_oneline},
{"CHECK", blsb_cmd_check, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, blsb_help_check, blsb_help_check_oneline},
{"ADD", blsb_cmd_add, 3, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_add, blsb_help_add_oneline},
{"DEL", blsb_cmd_del, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_del, blsb_help_del_oneline},
{"LIST", blsb_cmd_list, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, blsb_help_list, blsb_help_list_oneline},
{"CHECK", blsb_cmd_check, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, blsb_help_check, blsb_help_check_oneline},
static bot_setting blsb_settings[]=
{"AKILL", &blsb.doakill, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_akill, NULL, (void*)1 },
{"AKILL", &blsb.doakill, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_akill, NULL, (void*)1 },
{"AKILLTIME", &blsb.akilltime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 20736000,NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_akilltime, NULL, (void*)86400 },
{"CACHETIME", &blsb.cachetime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 86400, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_cachetime, NULL, (void*)3600 },
{"VERBOSE", &blsb.verbose, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_verbose, NULL, (void*)1 },
{"VERBOSE", &blsb.verbose, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_verbose, NULL, (void*)1 },
{"EXCLUSIONS", &blsb.exclusions, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, blsb_help_set_exclusions, blsb_set_exclusions_cb, (void *)0 },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
/** BotInfo */
@ -113,11 +116,45 @@ static BotInfo blsb_botinfo =
ModuleEvent module_events[] =
int blsb_cmd_domains_list (CmdParams* cmdparams)
/** @brief new_bldomain
* Allocate a new blacklist domain entry and add to the list
* @param name of service
* @param domain of service
* @param type of service
* @return pointer to newly allocated entry
static dom_list *new_bldomain( char *name, char *domain, int type )
dom_list *dl;
dl = ns_calloc( sizeof( dom_list ) );
strlcpy( dl->name, name, BUFSIZE );
strlcpy( dl->domain, domain, BUFSIZE );
dl->type = type;
lnode_create_append(, dl );
DBAStore( "domains", dl->name, (void *)dl, sizeof( dom_list ) );
return dl;
/** @brief blsb_cmd_list
* LIST command handler
* List entries in the blacklist domain list
* @param cmdparam struct
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else result of command
int blsb_cmd_list( CmdParams* cmdparams )
dom_list *dl;
int i;
@ -125,7 +162,7 @@ int blsb_cmd_domains_list (CmdParams* cmdparams)
lnode = list_first(;
i = 1;
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "BlackList Domains Listing:");
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "BlackList domains:");
while (lnode) {
dl = lnode_get(lnode);
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "%d) %s Domain: %s Type: %d", i, dl->name, dl->domain, dl->type);
@ -133,26 +170,37 @@ int blsb_cmd_domains_list (CmdParams* cmdparams)
lnode = list_next(, lnode);
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "End of list.");
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s requested BlackList Domain Listing", cmdparams->source->name);
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s requested blacklist domain list", cmdparams->source->name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* ./msg blsb domains add <name> <type> <domain> */
int blsb_cmd_domains_add (CmdParams* cmdparams)
/** @brief blsb_cmd_add
* ADD command handler
* Add an entry to the blacklist domain list
* @param cmdparam struct
* cmdparams->av[0] = name
* cmdparams->av[1] = domain
* cmdparams->av[2] = type
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else result of command
int blsb_cmd_add( CmdParams* cmdparams )
dom_list *dl;
lnode_t *lnode;
int type;
if (cmdparams->ac < 3) {
if (list_isfull( {
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Error, Domains list is full");
return NS_SUCCESS;
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Error, domain list is full");
return NS_FAILURE;
if (!atoi(cmdparams->av[2])) {
type = atoi(cmdparams->av[2]);
if (!type) {
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "type field does not contain a valid type");
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/* XXX do a initial lookup on the domain to check it exists? */
@ -161,60 +209,71 @@ int blsb_cmd_domains_add (CmdParams* cmdparams)
while (lnode) {
dl = lnode_get(lnode);
if ((!ircstrcasecmp(dl->name, cmdparams->av[1])) || (!ircstrcasecmp(dl->domain, cmdparams->av[3]))) {
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Duplicate Entry for Domain %s", cmdparams->av[1]);
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "%s already has an entry", cmdparams->av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
lnode = list_next(, lnode);
dl = malloc(sizeof(dom_list));
strlcpy(dl->name, cmdparams->av[1], BUFSIZE);
strlcpy(dl->domain, cmdparams->av[3], BUFSIZE);
dl->type = atoi(cmdparams->av[2]);
lnode_create_append(, dl);
DBAStore("domains", dl->name, (void *)dl, sizeof(dom_list));
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Added Domain %s(%s) as type %d to Domains list", dl->name, dl->domain, dl->type);
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s added Domain %s(%s) as type %d to Domains list", cmdparams->source->name, dl->name, dl->domain, dl->type);
dl = new_bldomain( cmdparams->av[1], cmdparams->av[3], type );
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Added domain %s(%s) as type %d", dl->name, dl->domain, dl->type);
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s added domain %s(%s) as type %d", cmdparams->source->name, dl->name, dl->domain, dl->type);
return NS_SUCCESS;
int blsb_cmd_domains_del (CmdParams* cmdparams)
/** @brief blsb_cmd_del
* DEL command handler
* deletes an entry from the blacklist domain list
* @param cmdparam struct
* cmdparams->av[0] = entry index
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else result of command
int blsb_cmd_del( CmdParams* cmdparams )
dom_list *dl;
int i;
int i, entryindex;
lnode_t *lnode;
if (cmdparams->ac < 1) {
if (atoi(cmdparams->av[1]) != 0) {
lnode = list_first(;
i = 1;
while (lnode) {
if (i == atoi(cmdparams->av[1])) {
/* delete the entry */
dl = lnode_get(lnode);
list_delete(, lnode);
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Deleted Blacklist Domain %s (%s) out of domains list", dl->name, dl->domain);
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s deleted Blacklist Domain %s (%s) out of domains list", cmdparams->source->name, dl->name, dl->domain);
DBADelete("domains", dl->name);
/* just to be sure, lets sort the list */
return 1;
lnode = list_next(, lnode);
/* if we get here, then we can't find the entry */
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Error, Can't find entry %d. /msg %s domains list", atoi(cmdparams->av[1]), blsb_bot->name);
} else {
entryindex = atoi( cmdparams->av[1] );
if ( entryindex == 0) {
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Error, Out of Range");
return NS_FAILURE;
return NS_SUCCESS;
lnode = list_first(;
i = 1;
while (lnode) {
if (i == entryindex) {
/* delete the entry */
dl = lnode_get(lnode);
list_delete(, lnode);
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Deleted Blacklist Domain %s (%s) out of domains list", dl->name, dl->domain);
CommandReport(blsb_bot, "%s deleted Blacklist Domain %s (%s) out of domains list", cmdparams->source->name, dl->name, dl->domain);
DBADelete("domains", dl->name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
lnode = list_next(, lnode);
/* if we get here, then we can't find the entry */
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Error, Can't find entry %d. /msg %s domains list", entryindex, blsb_bot->name);
return NS_FAILURE;
int blsb_cmd_check (CmdParams* cmdparams)
/** @brief blsb_cmd_check
* CHECK command handler
* @param cmdparam struct
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else result of command
int blsb_cmd_check( CmdParams* cmdparams )
Client *user;
lnode_t *node;
@ -232,35 +291,35 @@ int blsb_cmd_check (CmdParams* cmdparams)
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Invalid Nick or Host");
return NS_FAILURE;
} else {
sc = ns_malloc(sizeof(scanclient));
sc->check = 1;
sc->user = cmdparams->source;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc(buflen);
ircsnprintf(sc->lookup, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, dl->domain);
sc = ns_malloc(sizeof(scanclient));
sc->check = 1;
sc->user = cmdparams->source;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc(buflen);
ircsnprintf(sc->lookup, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, dl->domain);
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Can not find %s online\n", cmdparams->av[0]);
d = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr >> 24) & 0xFF;
c = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
b = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
a = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr & 0xFF);
c = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
b = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
a = (unsigned char) (user->ip.s_addr & 0xFF);
node = list_first(;
while (node) {
dl = lnode_get(node);
buflen = 18 + strlen(dl->domain);
sc = ns_malloc(sizeof(scanclient));
sc->check = cmdparams->source;
sc->user = user;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc(buflen);
ircsnprintf(sc->lookup, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, dl->domain);
switch (dl->type) {
case 1: /* TXT record */
dns_lookup(sc->lookup, adns_r_txt, dnsbl_callback, sc);
node = list_first(;
while (node) {
dl = lnode_get(node);
buflen = 18 + strlen(dl->domain);
sc = ns_malloc(sizeof(scanclient));
sc->check = cmdparams->source;
sc->user = user;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc(buflen);
ircsnprintf(sc->lookup, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, dl->domain);
switch (dl->type) {
case 1: /* TXT record */
dns_lookup(sc->lookup, adns_r_txt, dnsbl_callback, sc);
case 2: /* A record */
dns_lookup(sc->lookup, adns_r_a, dnsbl_callback, sc);
@ -268,7 +327,7 @@ int blsb_cmd_check (CmdParams* cmdparams)
nlog(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown Type for DNS BL %s", dl->name);
node = list_next(, node);
node = list_next(, node);
if (sc) {
irc_prefmsg (blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Checking %s (%d.%d.%d.%d) against DNS Blacklists", sc->user->name, a, b, c, d);
@ -277,28 +336,18 @@ int blsb_cmd_check (CmdParams* cmdparams)
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModSynch
/** @brief dnsbl_callback
* Startup handler
* DNS callback
* @param none
* @param data
* @param a
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else result of command
int ModSynch (void)
void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a)
blsb_bot = AddBot (&blsb_botinfo);
if( !blsb_bot )
return NS_FAILURE;
if( blsb.verbose )
irc_chanalert (blsb_bot, "Black List Scanning bot has started");
return NS_SUCCESS;
void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a) {
scanclient *sc = (scanclient *)data;
int len, i, ri;
char *show;
@ -321,12 +370,19 @@ void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a) {
if (sc->check) irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, sc->check, "%s does not exist in %s blacklist", sc->user->name, sc->domain->name);
dlog(DEBUG3, "No Record for %s", sc->lookup);
/** @brief event_nickip
* NICKIP event handler
* scan user that just signed on the network
* @cmdparams pointer to commands param struct
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
/* this function kicks of a scan of a user that just signed on the network */
static int ss_event_signon (CmdParams* cmdparams)
static int event_nickip( CmdParams* cmdparams )
dom_list *dl;
lnode_t *node;
@ -336,13 +392,10 @@ static int ss_event_signon (CmdParams* cmdparams)
if (ModIsServerExcluded(cmdparams->source->uplink)) {
if (ModIsServerExcluded(cmdparams->source->uplink))
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (IsNetSplit(cmdparams->source)) {
if (IsNetSplit(cmdparams->source))
return NS_SUCCESS;
d = (unsigned char) (cmdparams->source->ip.s_addr >> 24) & 0xFF;
c = (unsigned char) (cmdparams->source->ip.s_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
@ -376,7 +429,18 @@ static int ss_event_signon (CmdParams* cmdparams)
return NS_SUCCESS;
int load_dom( void *data, int size) {
/** @brief load_dom
* Database load domains row callback handler
* @param pointer to loaded data
* @param size of loaded data
* @return NS_FALSE
static int load_dom( void *data, int size )
dom_list *dl;
dl = ns_calloc( sizeof(dom_list));
@ -385,28 +449,102 @@ int load_dom( void *data, int size) {
return NS_FALSE;
/** @brief load_default_bldomains
* Load default domain settings
* @param none
* @return none
static void load_default_bldomains( void )
dom_list *dl;
dom_list *default_domains;
default_domains = stddomlist;
while( default_domains->type != 0 )
dl = new_bldomain( default_domains->name, default_domains->domain, default_domains->type );
/** @brief ModInit
* Init handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModInit( void )
int i;
dom_list *dl;
ModuleConfig (blsb_settings);
|||| = list_create(-1);
DBAFetchRows("domains", load_dom);
if (list_count( == 0) {
for (i = 0; stddomlist[i].type != 0; i++) {
dl = ns_malloc(sizeof(dom_list));
strlcpy(dl->name, stddomlist[i].name, BUFSIZE);
strlcpy(dl->domain, stddomlist[i].domain, BUFSIZE);
dl->type = stddomlist[i].type;
/* Isn't this store pointless since we just loaded the entry anyway??? */
DBAStore("domains", dl->name, (void *)dl, sizeof(dom_list));
lnode_create_append(, dl);
ModuleConfig( blsb_settings );
|||| = list_create( -1 );
if( ! ) {
nlog( LOG_CRITICAL, "Unable to create domain list" );
return NS_FAILURE;
DBAFetchRows( "domains", load_dom );
/* If no domains, this must be our first run so load defaults */
if( list_count( ) == 0 )
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModSynch
* Startup handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModSynch (void)
blsb_bot = AddBot (&blsb_botinfo);
if( !blsb_bot )
return NS_FAILURE;
if( blsb.verbose )
irc_chanalert (blsb_bot, "Black List Scanning bot has started");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModFini
* Fini handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModFini( void )
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief blsb_set_exclusions_cb
* Set callback for exclusions
* Enable or disable exclude event flag
* @cmdparams pointer to commands param struct
* @cmdparams reason for SET
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
static int blsb_set_exclusions_cb( CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason )
if( reason == SET_LOAD || reason == SET_CHANGE )
SetAllEventFlags( EVENT_FLAG_USE_EXCLUDE, blsb.exclusions );
return NS_SUCCESS;
@ -22,15 +22,14 @@
#ifndef blsb_H
#define blsb_H
#ifndef BLSB_H
#define BLSB_H
#ifdef WIN32
#include "modconfigwin32.h"
#else /* WIN32 */
#include "modconfig.h"
#endif /* WIN32 */
extern Bot *blsb_bot;
@ -65,21 +64,20 @@ typedef struct scanclient {
char *lookup;
} scanclient;
/* blsb_help.c */
extern const char *blsb_about[];
extern const char blsb_help_add_oneline[];
extern const char blsb_help_del_oneline[];
extern const char blsb_help_list_oneline[];
extern const char blsb_help_check_oneline[];
extern const char *blsb_help_add[];
extern const char *blsb_help_del[];
extern const char *blsb_help_list[];
extern const char *blsb_help_check[];
extern const char *blsb_help_set_akill[];
extern const char *blsb_help_set_akilltime[];
extern const char *blsb_help_set_cachetime[];
extern const char *blsb_help_set_verbose[];
extern const char *blsb_help_set_exclusions[];
extern const char blsb_help_domains_add_oneline[];
extern const char blsb_help_domains_del_oneline[];
extern const char blsb_help_domains_list_oneline[];
extern const char *blsb_help_domains_add[];
extern const char *blsb_help_domains_del[];
extern const char *blsb_help_domains_list[];
extern const char *blsb_about[];
extern const char *blsb_help_check[];
extern const char blsb_help_check_oneline[];
#endif /* blsb_H */
#endif /* BLSB_H */
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
#include "neostats.h"
const char blsb_help_domains_add_oneline[] = "Add to the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_domains_del_oneline[] = "Delete from the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_domains_list_oneline[] = "List the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_status_oneline[] = "View blsb state information";
const char blsb_help_add_oneline[] = "Add to the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_del_oneline[] = "Delete from the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_list_oneline[] = "List the blacklist domains";
const char blsb_help_status_oneline[] = "View blsb status";
const char blsb_help_remove_oneline[] = "Remove an akill set by blsb";
const char blsb_help_check_oneline[] = "Scan a selected user";
@ -61,6 +61,37 @@ const char *blsb_help_status[] = {
const char *blsb_help_add[] = {
"Syntax: \2ADD <NAME> <TYPE> <DOMAIN>\2",
"\2ADD\2 will add a domain to the blacklist lookup list",
const char *blsb_help_del[] = {
"Syntax: \2DEL <index>\2",
"Delete entry <index> from the list of domains used for lookups",
const char *blsb_help_list[] = {
"Syntax: \2LIST\2",
"List the current domains used for lookups",
const char *blsb_help_remove[] = {
"Syntax: \2REMOVE <ip|hostname>\2",
"Remove akills that have been set by blsb.",
"<ip|hostname> is the hostname listed in your akill list",
"(usually found with /stats a)",
const char *blsb_help_set_akill [] = {
"\2AKILL <ON|OFF>\2",
"Whether to issue an akill for positive lookups",
@ -90,34 +121,3 @@ const char *blsb_help_set_exclusions[] = {
"Use global exclusion list in addition to local exclusion list",
const char *blsb_help_domains_add[] = {
"Syntax: \2ADD <NAME> <TYPE> <DOMAIN>\2",
"\2ADD\2 will add a domain to the blacklist lookup list",
const char *blsb_help_domains_del[] = {
"Syntax: \2DEL <index>\2",
"Delete entry <index> from the list of domains used for lookups",
const char *blsb_help_domains_list[] = {
"Syntax: \2LIST\2",
"List the current domains used for lookups",
const char *blsb_help_remove[] = {
"Syntax: \2REMOVE <ip|hostname>\2",
"Remove akills that have been set by blsb.",
"<ip|hostname> is the hostname listed in your akill list",
"(usually found with /stats a)",
Reference in a new issue