Fix the lookup crash when user had signed off and left a dangling pointer

don't akill excluded users/hosts
This commit is contained in:
DNB 2006-01-14 15:33:36 +00:00
parent 52f275b5f4
commit aeb1a7a0bc
3 changed files with 48 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Black List Scanning Bot Module for NeoStats Changelog.
Fish (F) & Mark (M) & DeadNotBuried (D)
- Fix the lookup crash when user had signed off and left a dangling pointer (D)
- don't akill excluded users/hosts (D)
- add to default black lists (D)
- Fix check for NOBAN on add (D)

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static dom_list stddomlist[] =
{"Blitzed_OPM", "", BL_LOOKUP_TXT_RECORD, "Open proxy - see", 0},
{"Secure-IRC", "", BL_LOOKUP_TXT_RECORD, "Insecure Host - See", 0},
{"Tor_Exit_Server", "", BL_LOOKUP_TXT_RECORD, "Your Host is a Tor Exit Server", 0},
{"IRC Abusive Hosts", "", BL_LOOKUP_A_RECORD, "Abusive Host - See", 0},
{"IRC Abusive Hosts", "", BL_LOOKUP_A_RECORD, "Abusive Host - See for more info and/or removal (your IP is %s)", 0},
{"", "", 0}
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ static void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a)
int i;
char *show = NULL;
struct in_addr inp;
Client *u=NULL;
if (a && (a->nrrs > 0) && (a->status == adns_s_ok)) {
for (i = 0; i < a->nrrs; i++) {
@ -189,25 +190,33 @@ static void dnsbl_callback(void *data, adns_answer *a)
} if (a->type == adns_r_txt) {
show = a->rrs.manyistr[i]->str;
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "%s (%s) exists in %s blacklist: %s %s", sc->user->name, sc->ip, sc->domain->name, show, sc->domain->noban ? "(NOBAN)" : "" );
if (sc->check)
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, sc->check, "%s (%s) exists in %s blacklist: %s %s", sc->user->name, sc->ip, sc->domain->name, show, sc->domain->noban ? "(NOBAN)" : "" );
if (sc->banned == 0 && sc->user && !sc->domain->noban) {
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "%s (%s) exists in %s blacklist: %s %s", sc->usernick, sc->ip, sc->domain->name, show, sc->domain->noban ? "(NOBAN)" : "" );
if( sc->checknick[0] != '\0' )
u = FindUser( sc->checknick );
if( u )
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, u, "%s (%s) exists in %s blacklist: %s %s", sc->usernick, sc->ip, sc->domain->name, show, sc->domain->noban ? "(NOBAN)" : "" );
if (sc->banned == 0 && !sc->domain->noban) {
sc->banned = 1;
/* only ban/msg the user once */
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, sc->user, "Your Host is listed as a inscure host at %s: %s", sc->domain->name, show);
if( u )
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, u, "Your Host is listed as a inscure host at %s: %s", sc->domain->name, show);
if (blsb.doakill) {
if( sc->exclude < 1 )
irc_akill (blsb_bot, sc->ip, "*", blsb.akilltime, "Your Host is listed as a insecure host at %s: %s", sc->domain->name, show);
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "Akilling %s!%s@%s", sc->user->name, sc->user->user->username, sc->user->user->hostname);
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "Akilling %s!%s@%s", sc->usernick, sc->username, sc->hostname);
if (a->type == adns_r_a) ns_free(show);
} else if (a && (a->status == adns_s_nxdomain)) {
if (blsb.verbose)
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "%s (%s) does not exist in %s blacklist", sc->user->name, sc->ip, sc->domain->name);
if (sc->check)
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, sc->check, "%s (%s) does not exist in %s blacklist", sc->user->name, sc->ip, sc->domain->name);
irc_chanalert( blsb_bot, "%s (%s) does not exist in %s blacklist", sc->usernick, sc->ip, sc->domain->name);
if( sc->checknick[0] != '\0' )
u = FindUser( sc->checknick );
if( u )
irc_prefmsg(blsb_bot, u, "%s (%s) does not exist in %s blacklist", sc->usernick, sc->ip, sc->domain->name);
} else if (a->status != adns_s_ok) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, "DNS error %s", adns_strerror(a->status));
@ -245,8 +254,17 @@ static scanclient *do_lookup( Client *lookupuser, Client *reportuser )
/* Allocate enough for domain, ip address, additional period and NULL */
buflen = strlen( dl->domain ) + HOSTIPLEN + 1 + 1;
sc = ns_malloc( sizeof( scanclient ) );
sc->check = reportuser;
sc->user = lookupuser;
if( reportuser == NULL )
sc->checknick[0] = '\0';
strlcpy( sc->checknick, reportuser->name, MAXNICK );
strlcpy( sc->usernick, lookupuser->name, MAXNICK );
strlcpy( sc->username, lookupuser->user->username, MAXUSER );
strlcpy( sc->hostname, lookupuser->user->hostname, MAXHOST );
if( ModIsUserExcluded( lookupuser ) == NS_FALSE )
sc->exclude = 0;
sc->exclude = 1;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->banned = 0;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc( buflen );
@ -409,8 +427,14 @@ int blsb_cmd_check( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
return NS_FAILURE;
} else {
sc = ns_malloc(sizeof(scanclient));
sc->check = 1;
sc->user = cmdparams->source;
strlcpy( sc->checknick, cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK );
strlcpy( sc->usernick, cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK );
strlcpy( sc->username, cmdparams->source->user->username, MAXUSER );
strlcpy( sc->hostname, cmdparams->source->user->hostname, MAXHOST );
if( ModIsUserExcluded( cmdparams->source ) == NS_FALSE )
sc->exclude = 0;
sc->exclude = 1;
sc->domain = dl;
sc->lookup = ns_malloc(buflen);
ircsnprintf(sc->lookup, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, dl->domain);
@ -421,8 +445,8 @@ int blsb_cmd_check( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
sc = do_lookup( user, cmdparams->source );
if( sc )
irc_prefmsg( blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Checking %s (%s) against DNS Blacklists", sc->user->name, sc->ip );
CommandReport( blsb_bot, "%s is checking %s (%s) against DNS Blacklists", cmdparams->source->name, sc->user->name, sc->ip );
irc_prefmsg( blsb_bot, cmdparams->source, "Checking %s (%s) against DNS Blacklists", sc->usernick, sc->ip );
CommandReport( blsb_bot, "%s is checking %s (%s) against DNS Blacklists", cmdparams->source->name, sc->usernick, sc->ip );
return NS_SUCCESS;

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@ -44,9 +44,12 @@ typedef struct dom_list {
} dom_list;
typedef struct scanclient {
Client *user;
char usernick[MAXNICK];
char username[MAXUSER];
char hostname[MAXHOST];
int exclude;
dom_list *domain;
Client *check;
char checknick[MAXNICK];
char reverseip[HOSTIPLEN];
char ip[HOSTIPLEN];
char *lookup;