ModuleName 3.0 Manual

1. Prerequisites and Installation.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
2. Basic Configuration
2.1. Blah Blah
2.2. Blah Blah
3. Detailed Configuration
3.1. NICK Setting
3.2. ALTNICK Setting
3.3. USER Setting
3.4. HOST Setting
3.5. REALNAME Setting
3.6. EXCLUSIONS Setting
3.7. BLAH Blah Setting
4. Operational Commands
4.1. HELP Command
4.2. VERSION Command
4.3. ABOUT Command
4.4. CREDITS Command
4.5. LEVELS Command
4.6. SET Command
4.7. EXCLUDE Command
4.8. BLAHBLAH Command
5. Optional Chapter
5.1. Optional Sub Heading
5.1.1. Minor heading

Welcome to the ModuleName Manual. This document will aid you in setting up and running ModuleName on your IRC network.

<add module introduction>

ModuleName is Copyright, 2006 by Justin Hammond.

1. Prerequisites and Installation.

ModuleName is designed to run on Top of NeoStats. The Following requirements at the time of writing are required for NeoStats:

  • A Linux or BSD based Server or Shell.

  • A IRCd supported by NeoStats. See the NeoStats website.

  • Some basic Unix administration Skill

  • Of Course, a IRC network to connect it all together.

Please refer to the NeoStats website for more information on the requirements

ModuleName itself requires the following:

  • NeoStats 3.0 or Higher correctly installed and Running

  • The time to read this entire document.

1.1. Compiling and Installation

As long as you have successfully setup NeoStats, and installed it correctly, Compiling ModuleName is very simple and straight forward. First you must extract the files from the download package. This is as simple as:

bash$ tar -xzf ModuleName-<ver>.tar.gz

This should then create a directory called ModuleName-<version> where <version> is the Version of ModuleName. Then Proceed to Change into the ModuleName directory, and run Configure as follows:

bash$./configure [--enable-debug | --with-neostats=<dir>]

--enable-debug is only useful for diagnostics purposes when used in conjunction with debugging tools. There should be no need to use this option on a day to day basis

--with-neostats=<dir> should be used if your neostats directory is not in a standard location (~/NeoStats/). Replace <dir> with the full path to your NeoStats installation directory (NOT SOURCE DIRECTORY)

Configuring ModuleName will look something like the following screen:

Fishs-Mac:~/Documents/Dev/ModuleName justin$ ./configure       
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no


checking To Enable AutoTools Debug Mode?... no
checking silent building of source files... Enabled
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating modconfig.h
config.status: modconfig.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
Configuration complete.
Press Enter key to read the release notes

The Configure process will then prompt you to read the release notes. You are encouraged to read this document throughly as it might contain important information about the current version of ModuleName that isn't covered in the manual.

If the configuration did not produce a error, you may then move onto Compiling ModuleName. Compiling is simply just issuing the "make" command (or "gmake" if you are running BSD):

Fishs-Mac:~/Documents/Dev/ModuleName justin$ make
make -s all-am
Compiling Helpers.c:                                                  [OK]     
Compiling ModuleName.c:                                               [OK]     
Compiling scan.c:                                                     [OK]     
Compiling OnJoinBot.c:                                                [OK]     
Compiling ModuleName_help.c:                                          [OK]     
Compiling update.c:                                                   [OK] 

Again, check for Error messages. As long as there are not error messages, "make install" will install ModuleName, this README file, and any auxiliary files needed into your NeoStats directory:

Fishs-Mac:~/Documents/Dev/ModuleName justin$ make install
Installing                                             [OK]     
Installing viri.dat:                                                  [OK]     
Installing README.ModuleName:                                         [OK]     
Installing README.ModuleName.html:                                    [OK] 

If you receive *ANY* errors at all during the this process, please post them on our Support boards, at http//

Once Installation is complete, you can either configure NeoStats to load ModuleName when it starts, or load ModuleName via IRC.

To Configure NeoStats to automatically load ModuleName when it boots, modify the neostats.conf file and add ModuleName to the list of modules to load:


To load ModuleName via IRC, you must make sure you have the appropriate permissions and issue the following command:

/msg neostats load ModuleName

Thats it. ModuleName is now loaded and ready for use (in fact, it will already be running now, but read on for further information.)

2. Basic Configuration

ModuleName is completely configured online via IRC. When you first start up ModuleName, it attempts some "Sane" defaults for you get started with, but you should always review these settings as soon as you install. There are a few important settings you may want to review right away. They are:

  • blah blah

  • blah blah

  • blah blah

These are outlined below:

2.1. Blah Blah

Blah Blah

2.2. Blah Blah


3. Detailed Configuration

ModuleName attempts to be as configurable as possible in order to cater for each individual networks requirements. This in turn though makes the configuration very complex. There are many many settings with ModuleName that affect how it operates, how it responds and even, how affects the performance of NeoStats Overall. Out of the box, ModuleName provides sensible defaults for these settings, but you may wish to read this section for details on exactly what each option does, and its affect on how ModuleName operates.

The following list summaries the available options you can set in ModuleName

  • NICK


  • USER

  • HOST




To change any of these settings, you use the Set Interface in ModuleName. Eg:

/msg ModuleName set <option> <params>

To view the current settings, issue the following command:

/msg ModuleName set list

The following Sections describes the different options, their params, and the effect on ModuleName in detail.

3.1. NICK Setting

This setting allows you to change the Nickname that ModuleName uses when it connects to your network. If you change this setting make sure you update your NeoNet account, otherwise you might loose access to the Secure IRC-Chat site if we perform a check on your network and can't find "ModuleName" running.


This option requires you to reload ModuleName or restart NeoStats to take effect.

/msg ModuleName set NICK <nickname>

3.2. ALTNICK Setting

This setting allows you to set a "Backup" nickname used for ModuleName. If the primary Nickname in the NICK Setting is not available, ModuleName will use this nickname, and if that is not available, it will use a automatically generated nickname


This option requires you to reload ModuleName or restart NeoStats to take effect

/msg ModuleName set ALTNICK <nickname>

3.3. USER Setting

This option allows you to customize the "user" or ident portion of the ModuleName Bot.


This option requires you to reload ModuleName or restart NeoStats to take effect

/msg ModuleName set USER <user>

3.4. HOST Setting

This option allows you to customize the Hostname that ModuleName uses when it signs onto your Network. It defaults to the Standard Hostname specified in your NeoStats configuration.


This option requires you to reload ModuleName or restart NeoStats to take effect

/msg ModuleName set HOST <host>

3.5. REALNAME Setting

This option allows you to customize the realname (or Gecos) that ModuleName uses when it signs onto your Network.


This option requires you to reload ModuleName or restart NeoStats to take effect

/msg ModuleName set REALNAME <realname>

3.6. EXCLUSIONS Setting

This option enables ModuleName to use the Global Exclusions list that is control by the main NeoStats bot. This allows you to maintain a "global" exclusion list that is applicable to all modules in NeoStats, and then only apply individual exclusions to ModuleName.


This option only becomes effective on new users joining your Network. Existing users that are already connected when you enable this option will not be rescanned for exclusions, as the Global Exclusions are only effected when a new user signs onto the Network. In order to make the global exclusions list effective straight away, you should restart NeoStats.

If you wish to enable or disable the Global Exclusions lists, issue the following command

/msg ModuleName set EXCLUSIONS <ON/OFF>

3.7. BLAH Blah Setting

blah blah description

To Change the setting, issue the following Command:

/msg ModuleName set blahblah <blah> 

4. Operational Commands

ModuleName has a number of commands that you can issue it in order to perform checks or operations on your IRC network. These commands aid Administrators in keeping their network secure, and keeping ModuleName upto date.

The following list summarizes these commands:

  • HELP





  • SET



The following Sections Describe these commands in detail

4.1. HELP Command

The help command allows the users to access the online help for the different commands available. You can get general help about the available commands, or can access more specific information about a command.

To see the help pages, use the following format:

/msg ModuleName help [command]

command is optional and only required if you want more specific information about a particular command

4.2. VERSION Command

This command displays the Version of ModuleName, and the dat files.

The format of the command is as follows:

/msg ModuleName version

4.3. ABOUT Command

The about command shows a brief description of the Bot and its purpose.

The format of the command is as follows:

/msg ModuleName about

4.4. CREDITS Command

The credits command shows details about the authors or contributors of to the Module

The format of the command is as follows:

/msg ModuleName credits

4.5. LEVELS Command

The levels command allows you to adjust the security of each command available in this module. You can make certian commands only available to higher "level" users in NeoStats.

For more information about NeoStats Levels and Security, please consult the NeoStats Manual

To list the currently configured levels, issue the following command:

/msg ModuleName levels list

To change the minimum level required to execute a command, issue the following command:

/msg ModuleName levels <command> <level>


command = is the actual command name you wish to modify

level = a number between 0 and 200 that specifies the new level.

4.6. SET Command

The set command allows you to modify settings applicable to this module. For a complete description of the available set options, please consult the Detailed Configuration Section of this manual.

4.7. EXCLUDE Command

Exclusion lists allow you to specify certain Hostmasks, Servers, or Channels that should be excluded from monitoring by ModuleName. This exclusion list would allow a administrator to say, allow users on that are matched against Trojans, when the administrator has verified that the Trojan does not in fact exist on the users host.


Exclusions should be setup for your Services Server, so that ModuleName does not try to scan ChanServ, or NickServ, or any of the bots relating to Nickname protection.

With NeoStats 3.0, you should also be aware that there are two types of Exclusion Lists. There are "Global" exclusion lists that all modules may optionally use, and there is module specific exclusion lists. ModuleName defaults to not using the Global Exclusion lists. You can enable it by the following command:

/msg ModuleName set exclusions on

Adding a Entry

To add a entry to the Exclusion list, use the following format:

/msg ModuleName exclude add <host/Server/Channel/UserHost> <pattern> <reason>


<Host/Server/Channel/UserHost> = The type of exclusion you are adding. The different types are:

  • Host - The Users real (Internet) Hostname

  • Server - The Users server they are connecting to. You should ensure you add a exclusion for your Services Server

  • Channel - A specific channel on your IRC Network

  • UserHost - The users Virtual Hostname (IRC)

<pattern> = The pattern you wish to match on. May include wildcard charactors such as * and ?

<reason> = a short description of the exclusion, for operator reference only.

The output is as follows:

[13:20] -ModuleName- Added * (userhost) to exclusion list
[13:20] ModuleName Fish added * (userhost) to the exclusion list

Listing an Entry

To list the Exclusions simple type:

/msg ModuleName exclude list

And all the current exclusions are listed. Additionally, a Position number is provided for use with the delete command. The output is as follows:

[13:21]  -ModuleName- Exclusion list:
[13:21]  -ModuleName- #bothouse (Channel) Added by Fish on Sat Aug 13 2005 01:20 AM SGT for Requested
[13:21]  -ModuleName- #ircop (Channel) Added by Fish on Sat Aug 13 2005 07:40 PM SGT for IRCop channel
[13:21]  -ModuleName- * (Host) Added by Fish on Tue Aug 09 2005 10:13 PM SGT for Services Exclusion
[13:21]  -ModuleName- chieftess!*@* (Userhost) Added by Fish on Tue Aug 09 2005 10:14 PM SGT for buggy client
[13:21]  -ModuleName- * (Userhost) Added by Fish on Sun Jan 15 2006 01:20 PM SGT for Cause is cool
[13:21]  -ModuleName- End of list.

Deleting an Entry

To delete a entry, you should first lookup the Position of the entry that you wish to delete. The format of the command is as follows:

/msg ModuleName exclude del <pattern>


<pattern> is the pattern of the entry you wish to delete in the list

The output of the command is as follows:

[13:22]  ModuleName Fish used EXCLUDE
[13:22]  -ModuleName- * delete from exclusion list

4.8. BLAHBLAH Command

That command forces ModuleName to check the Dat File version at and download the latest version if required.


Repeated use of this command in a short period of time will result in your account at being suspended for abuse. Use with CARE

The format of the command is as follows:

/msg ModuleName update

5. Optional Chapter

use this to write any optional information etc etc etc

5.1. Optional Sub Heading


5.1.1. Minor heading

minor heading