feeds saving to DB and feed subscription works. Need to do caching and db handling for subscriptions

This commit is contained in:
Fish 2006-07-16 09:47:36 +00:00
parent 925f309aad
commit 9750ec5030
3 changed files with 195 additions and 171 deletions

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ static int feed_cmd_add( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int feed_cmd_del( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int feed_cmd_info( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int feed_set_exclusions_cb( const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason );
static int feed_cmd_subscribe(const CmdParams *cmdparams);
static void FeedDownLoadHandler(void *ptr, int status, char *data, int datasize);
static void FeedRequestHandler(void *usrptr, int status, char *data, int datasize);
@ -45,10 +46,10 @@ typedef struct feeddata {
feedcfg feed;
typedef struct feedinfo {
char *title;
char *description;
char *link;
char *about;
char title[BUFSIZE];
char description[BUFSIZE];
char link[BUFSIZE];
char about[BUFSIZE];
char feedurl[BUFSIZE];
int setup;
} feedinfo;
@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ typedef struct subscribed {
hash_t *chans;
feedinfo *feed;
list_t *cache;
int active;
int lastcheck;
} subscribed;
typedef struct feedrequest {
@ -77,7 +80,9 @@ typedef struct feedrequest {
} feedrequest;
list_t *lofeeds;
list_t *subscribedfeeds;
hash_t *subscribedfeeds;
static int fs_subscribe(Client *c, feedinfo *fi);
/** Copyright info */
@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ static bot_cmd feed_commands[]=
{"DEL", feed_cmd_del, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, feed_help_del, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"LIST", feed_cmd_list, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, feed_help_list, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"INFO", feed_cmd_info, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, feed_help_info, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"SUBSCRIBE", feed_cmd_subscribe, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, feed_help_subscribe, 0, NULL, NULL},
@ -268,6 +274,9 @@ int feed_cmd_list (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
if (fi->setup == 1) {
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "%d) Title: %s", i, fi->title);
} else {
if ((cmdparams->ac > 0) && (!strcasecmp(cmdparams->av[0], "all"))) {
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "%d) FeedURL: %s (Invalid)", i, fi->feedurl);
@ -363,7 +372,109 @@ int feed_cmd_info (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
int feed_cmd_del (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
feedinfo *fi;
lnode_t *node;
int i = 1;
node = list_first(lofeeds);
while (node) {
if (i == atoi(cmdparams->av[0])) {
fi = lnode_get(node);
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "Feed %s has been deleted", fi->title);
DBADelete("feeds", fi->feedurl);
list_delete(lofeeds, node);
return NS_SUCCESS;
node = list_next(lofeeds, node);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief feed_cmd_subscribe
* subscribe to a feed, either by number, or by a pattern
static int feed_cmd_subscribe(const CmdParams *cmdparams)
feedinfo *fi;
lnode_t *node;
int i = 1;
int get = 0;
get = atoi(cmdparams->av[0]);
node = list_first(lofeeds);
while (node) {
fi = lnode_get(node);
if ((get > 0) && (i == get)) {
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "Subscribing to %s", fi->title);
fs_subscribe(cmdparams->source, fi);
} else if (match(cmdparams->av[0], fi->title)) {
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "Subscribing to %s (Matched on Title)", fi->title);
fs_subscribe(cmdparams->source, fi);
} else if (match(cmdparams->av[0], fi->description)) {
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, cmdparams->source, "Subscribing to %s (Matched on Description)", fi->title);
fs_subscribe(cmdparams->source, fi);
node = list_next(lofeeds, node);
return NS_SUCCESS;
static int fs_check_subscriptions( void *unused) {
hnode_t *hnode;
hscan_t hscan;
subscribed *sub;
hash_scan_begin(&hscan, subscribedfeeds);
while ((hnode = hash_scan_next(&hscan)) != NULL) {
sub = hnode_get(hnode);
if (sub->active != 1)
if ((sub->lastcheck + feed.interval) > (int) me.now)
/* if we are here, its active, and its ready for a scan */
if (new_transfer(sub->feed->feedurl, NULL, NS_MEMORY, "", sub, FeedDownLoadHandler) != NS_SUCCESS ) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, "Download Feed Failed");
irc_chanalert(feed_bot, "Download Feed Failed");
sub->lastcheck = me.now;
return NS_SUCCESS;
static int fs_subscribe(Client *C, feedinfo *fi) {
hnode_t *hnode;
subscribed *sub;
hnode = hnode_find(subscribedfeeds, fi->feedurl);
if (!hnode) {
/* its a new subscription for feeds */
sub = ns_malloc(sizeof(subscribed));
sub->users = hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, NULL, NULL);
sub->chans = hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, NULL, NULL);
sub->cache = list_create(LISTCOUNT_T_MAX);
sub->feed = fi;
hnode_create_insert(subscribedfeeds, sub, sub->feed->feedurl);
} else {
sub = hnode_get(hnode);
if (sub->active != 1) {
sub->lastcheck = me.now;
sub->active = 1;
/* subscribe this user */
hnode_create_insert(sub->users, C->name, C->name);
DBAStore("feedsusers", sub->feed->feedurl, (void *)C->name, sizeof(C->name));
if (!FindTimer("CheckSubscriptions")) {
/* timer is not active */
/* XXX update interval for production... 10 is for debug */
AddTimer(TIMER_TYPE_INTERVAL, fs_check_subscriptions, "CheckSubscriptions", 10, NULL);
return NS_SUCCESS;
@ -389,187 +500,84 @@ static int feed_set_exclusions_cb( const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason
return NS_SUCCESS;
static void ScheduleFeeds() {
feeddata *ptr;
ptr = ns_malloc(sizeof(feeddata));
ptr->mrss = NULL;
ptr->channel = ns_malloc(MAXCHANLEN);
strncpy(ptr->channel, "#neostats", MAXCHANLEN);
if (new_transfer("http://slashdot.org/index.rss", NULL, NS_MEMORY, "", ptr, FeedDownLoadHandler) != NS_SUCCESS ) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, "Download Feed Failed");
irc_chanalert(feed_bot, "Download Feed Failed");
/** @brief SendToSubscribers
static void SendToSubscribers(subscribed *subs, char *fmt, ...) {
char buf[BUFSIZE];
va_list va;
char *target;
hnode_t *hnode;
hscan_t hscan;
va_start(va, fmt);
ircvsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, fmt, va);
hash_scan_begin(&hscan, subs->users);
while ((hnode = hash_scan_next(&hscan)) != NULL) {
target = hnode_get(hnode);
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, FindClient(target), "%s", buf);
hash_scan_begin(&hscan, subs->chans);
while ((hnode = hash_scan_next(&hscan)) != NULL) {
target = hnode_get(hnode);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, target, "%s", buf);
/** @brief CheckFeed
static void CheckFeed(feeddata *ptr) {
static void CheckFeed(subscribed *subs, mrss_t *mrss) {
mrss_item_t *item;
mrss_hour_t *hour;
mrss_day_t *day;
mrss_category_t *category;
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Generic:");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"file: %s", ptr->mrss->file);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"encoding: %s", ptr->mrss->encoding);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"size: %d", (int)ptr->mrss->size);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"version:");
switch (ptr->mrss->version)
case MRSS_VERSION_0_91:
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel," 0.91");
case MRSS_VERSION_0_92:
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel," 0.92");
case MRSS_VERSION_1_0:
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel," 1.0");
case MRSS_VERSION_2_0:
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel," 2.0");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Channel:");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"title: %s", ptr->mrss->title);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"description: %s", ptr->mrss->description);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"link: %s", ptr->mrss->link);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"language: %s", ptr->mrss->language);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"rating: %s", ptr->mrss->rating);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"copyright: %s", ptr->mrss->copyright);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"pubDate: %s", ptr->mrss->pubDate);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"lastBuildDate: %s", ptr->mrss->lastBuildDate);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"docs: %s", ptr->mrss->docs);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"managingeditor: %s", ptr->mrss->managingeditor);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"webMaster: %s", ptr->mrss->webMaster);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"generator: %s", ptr->mrss->generator);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"ttl: %d", ptr->mrss->ttl);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"about: %s", ptr->mrss->about);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Image:");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_title: %s", ptr->mrss->image_title);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_url: %s", ptr->mrss->image_url);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_link: %s", ptr->mrss->image_link);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_width: %d", ptr->mrss->image_width);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_height: %d", ptr->mrss->image_height);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"image_description: %s", ptr->mrss->image_description);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"TextInput:");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"textinput_title: %s", ptr->mrss->textinput_title);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"textinput_description: %s",
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"textinput_name: %s", ptr->mrss->textinput_name);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"textinput_link: %s", ptr->mrss->textinput_link);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Cloud:");
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"cloud: %s", ptr->mrss->cloud);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"cloud_domain: %s", ptr->mrss->cloud_domain);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"cloud_port: %d", ptr->mrss->cloud_port);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"cloud_registerProcedure: %s",
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"cloud_protocol: %s", ptr->mrss->cloud_protocol);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"SkipHours:");
hour = ptr->mrss->skipHours;
while (hour)
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"%s", hour->hour);
hour = hour->next;
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"SkipDays:");
day = ptr->mrss->skipDays;
while (day)
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"%s", day->day);
day = day->next;
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Category:");
category = ptr->mrss->category;
while (category)
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"category: %s", category->category);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"category_domain: %s", category->domain);
category = category->next;
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Items:");
item = ptr->mrss->item;
SendToSubscribers(subs, "New %s Stories:", subs->feed->title);
item = mrss->item;
while (item)
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"title: %s", item->title);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"link: %s", item->link);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"description: %s", html_trim(item->description));
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"author: %s", item->author);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"comments: %s", item->comments);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"pubDate: %s", item->pubDate);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"guid: %s", item->guid);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"guid_isPermaLink: %d", item->guid_isPermaLink);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"source: %s", item->source);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"source_url: %s", item->source_url);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"enclosure: %s", item->enclosure);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"enclosure_url: %s", item->enclosure_url);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"enclosure_length: %d", item->enclosure_length);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"enclosure_type: %s", item->enclosure_type);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"Category:");
category = item->category;
while (category)
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"category: %s", category->category);
irc_chanprivmsg(feed_bot, ptr->channel,"category_domain: %s", category->domain);
category = category->next;
item = item->next;
SendToSubscribers(subs ,"Title: %s", item->title);
SendToSubscribers(subs ,"Text: %s", html_trim(item->description));
SendToSubscribers(subs ,"Date: %s", item->pubDate);
SendToSubscribers(subs ,"Link: %s", item->link);
SendToSubscribers(subs ,"==============================================================");
item = item->next;
mrss_free (ptr->mrss);
SendToSubscribers(subs, "End of Stories from %s", subs->feed->title);
/** @brief FeedDownLoadHandler
static void FeedDownLoadHandler(void *usrptr, int status, char *data, int datasize) {
mrss_error_t ret;
feeddata *ptr = (feeddata *)usrptr;
mrss_t *mrss;
subscribed *ptr = (subscribed *)usrptr;
if (status != NS_SUCCESS) {
dlog(DEBUG1, "RSS Scrape Download failed: %s", data);
irc_chanalert(feed_bot, "RSS Scrape Failed: %s", data);
mrss_free((feeddata *)ptr->mrss);
/* ok, here is our data */
ret = mrss_parse_buffer(data, datasize, &ptr->mrss);
mrss = NULL;
ret = mrss_parse_buffer(data, datasize, &mrss);
if (ret != MRSS_OK) {
dlog(DEBUG1, "RSS Parse Failed: %s", mrss_strerror(ret));
mrss_free((feeddata *)ptr->mrss);
CheckFeed((feeddata *)ptr);
CheckFeed(ptr, mrss);
static int load_feeds( void *data, int size )
static int load_feeds(char *key, void *data, int size )
feedinfo *fi;
if( size == sizeof(feedinfo) )
fi = ns_calloc( sizeof(feedinfo));
fi = ns_malloc( sizeof(feedinfo));
os_memcpy(fi, data, sizeof (feedinfo));
lnode_create_append(lofeeds, fi);
@ -613,17 +621,16 @@ static void FeedSetupHandler(void *usrptr, int status, char *data, int datasize)
ptr->title = strndup(mrss->title, strlen(mrss->title));
strncpy(ptr->title, mrss->title, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->description)
ptr->description = strndup(mrss->description, strlen(mrss->description));
strncpy(ptr->description, mrss->description, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->link)
ptr->link = strndup( mrss->link, strlen(mrss->link));
if (mrss->about) {
ptr->about = strndup(mrss->about, strlen(mrss->about));
} else {
ptr->about = NULL;
strncpy(ptr->link, mrss->link, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->about)
strncpy(ptr->about, mrss->about, BUFSIZE);
ptr->setup = 1;
DBAStore("feeds", ptr->feedurl, (void *)ptr, sizeof(feedinfo));
@ -665,17 +672,18 @@ static void FeedRequestHandler(void *usrptr, int status, char *data, int datasiz
ptr->fi->title = strndup(mrss->title, strlen(mrss->title));
ptr->fi->description = strndup(mrss->description, strlen(mrss->description));
ptr->fi->link = strndup(mrss->link, strlen(mrss->link));
if (mrss->about) {
ptr->fi->about = strndup(mrss->about, strlen(mrss->about));
} else {
ptr->fi->about = NULL;
strncpy(ptr->fi->title, mrss->title, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->description)
strncpy(ptr->fi->description, mrss->description, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->link)
strncpy(ptr->fi->link, mrss->link, BUFSIZE);
if (mrss->about)
strncpy(ptr->fi->about, mrss->about, BUFSIZE);
ptr->fi->setup = 1;
lnode_create_append(lofeeds, ptr->fi);
/* save it to our DB */
DBAStore("feeds", ptr->fi->feedurl, (void *)ptr->fi, sizeof(feedinfo));
irc_prefmsg(feed_bot, ptr->c, "%s has been added to Feed List", ptr->fi->title);
@ -698,8 +706,10 @@ int ModInit( void )
lnode_t *node;
lofeeds = list_create( LISTCOUNT_T_MAX );
subscribedfeeds = list_create (LISTCOUNT_T_MAX );
DBAFetchRows("feeds", load_feeds);
subscribedfeeds = hash_create (HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, NULL, NULL);
/* XXX hard coded? */
feed.interval = 60;
DBAFetchRows2("feeds", load_feeds);
/* if lofeeds count is 0, this is probably a first time load, so load from text file */
if (list_count(lofeeds) <= 0) {
feeds = os_fopen("data/feeds.dat", "r");
@ -708,7 +718,7 @@ int ModInit( void )
} else {
while (os_fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, feeds)) {
fi = os_malloc(sizeof(feedinfo));
strncpy(fi->feedurl, buf, BUFSIZE);
strncpy(fi->feedurl, trim(buf), BUFSIZE);
fi->setup = 0;
lnode_create_append(lofeeds, fi);
@ -737,7 +747,6 @@ int ModSynch (void)
feed_bot = AddBot (&feed_botinfo);
return NS_SUCCESS;

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ extern Bot *feed_bot;
typedef struct feedcfg {
int verbose;
int exclusions;
int interval;
} feedcfg;
extern feedcfg feed;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ extern const char *feed_help_add[];
extern const char *feed_help_del[];
extern const char *feed_help_info[];
extern const char *feed_help_list[];
extern const char *feed_help_subscribe[];
extern const char *feed_help_set_exclusions[];
extern const char *feed_help_set_verbose[];
#endif /* FEED_H */

View file

@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ const char *feed_about[] = {
const char *feed_help_subscribe[] = {
"\2Open Proxy Scanning Bot Information\2",
"This service scans clients connecting to this network for",
"insecure proxies. Insecure proxies are often used to attack",
"networks or channels with clone bots. If you have a firewall,",
"or IDS software, please ignore any errors that this scan",
"may generate.",
"If you have any further questions, please contact network",
const char *feed_help_add[] = {
"Add a port to scanning",
"Syntax: \2ADD <type> <port>\2",