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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
/* TODO:
* - Check for per user AJPP in addition to current AJPP checks
* - Option to ignore registered nicks in AJPP checks
#include "neostats.h"
#include "floodserv.h"
static struct fscfg
int verbose;
int topicflood;
int topicfloodact;
int topicthreshold;
int topicsampletime;
int nickflood;
int nickfloodact;
int nickthreshold;
int nicksampletime;
int joinflood;
int joinfloodact;
int jointhreshold;
int joinsampletime;
int chanlocktime;
char chanlockkey[KEYLEN];
} fscfg;
/* channel flood tracking
typedef struct chantrack
Channel *c;
/* average joins per period */
int ajpp;
time_t ts_lastjoin;
time_t locked;
/* channel topic changes */
int ctc;
time_t ts_lasttopic;
time_t topic_locked;
/* nick flood tracking */
typedef struct usertrack
Client *u;
int changes;
time_t ts_lastchange;
/* prototypes */
static int fs_event_signon( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_quit( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_kill( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_nick( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_newchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_delchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_joinchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_event_topicchange( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
static int fs_cmd_status( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
/* Bot pointer */
static Bot *fs_bot;
/* the hash that contains the channels we are tracking */
static hash_t *joinfloodhash;
/* the hash that contains the nicks we are tracking */
static hash_t *nickfloodhash;
/* Max AJPP reporting variables */
static int MaxAJPP = 0;
static char MaxAJPPChan[MAXCHANLEN];
/* Max CTC reporting variables */
static int MaxCTC = 0;
static char MaxCTCChan[MAXCHANLEN];
/** about info */
static const char *fs_about[] =
"Flood protection service",
/** copyright info */
static const char *fs_copyright[] =
"Copyright (c) 1999-2006, NeoStats",
/** Module Info definition
ModuleInfo module_info =
"Flood protection service",
static bot_setting fs_settings[]=
{"VERBOSE", &fscfg.verbose, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_verbose, NULL, ( void * )1 },
{"TOPICFLOOD", &fscfg.topicflood, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_topicflood, NULL, ( void * )1 },
{"TOPICFLOODACT", &fscfg.topicfloodact, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_topicfloodact, NULL, ( void * )0 },
{"TOPICSAMPLETIME", &fscfg.topicsampletime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 100, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,"seconds", fs_help_set_topicsampletime,NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"TOPICTHRESHOLD", &fscfg.topicthreshold, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 100, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_topicthreshold, NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"NICKFLOOD", &fscfg.nickflood, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_nickflood, NULL, ( void * )1 },
{"NICKFLOODACT", &fscfg.nickfloodact, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_nickfloodact, NULL, ( void * )0 },
{"NICKSAMPLETIME", &fscfg.nicksampletime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 100, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,"seconds", fs_help_set_nicksampletime, NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"NICKTHRESHOLD", &fscfg.nickthreshold, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 100, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_nickthreshold, NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"JOINFLOOD", &fscfg.joinflood, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_joinflood, NULL, ( void * )1 },
{"JOINFLOODACT", &fscfg.joinfloodact, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_joinfloodact, NULL, ( void * )0 },
{"JOINSAMPLETIME", &fscfg.joinsampletime, SET_TYPE_INT, 1, 1000, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,"seconds", fs_help_set_joinsampletime, NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"JOINTHRESHOLD", &fscfg.jointhreshold, SET_TYPE_INT, 1, 1000, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_jointhreshold, NULL, ( void * )5 },
{"CHANLOCKKEY", fscfg.chanlockkey, SET_TYPE_STRING, 0, KEYLEN, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_chanlockkey, NULL, ( void * )"random" },
{"CHANLOCKTIME", &fscfg.chanlocktime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 600, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,NULL, fs_help_set_chanlocktime, NULL, ( void * )30 },
static bot_cmd fs_commands[]=
{"STATUS", fs_cmd_status, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, fs_help_status, 0, NULL, NULL},
static BotInfo fs_botinfo =
"Flood protection service",
ModuleEvent module_events[] =
#if 0
{ EVENT_QUIT, fs_event_quit, 0},
{ EVENT_KILL, fs_event_kill, 0},
{ EVENT_JOIN, fs_event_joinchan, EVENT_FLAG_IGNORE_SYNCH},
{ EVENT_DELCHAN, fs_event_delchan, 0},
{ EVENT_TOPIC, fs_event_topicchange, EVENT_FLAG_IGNORE_SYNCH},
/** @brief fs_cmd_status
* STATUS command processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_cmd_status( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
irc_prefmsg( fs_bot, cmdparams->source, "Current top AJPP %d (in %d seconds) in channel %s",
MaxAJPP, fscfg.joinsampletime, MaxAJPPChan );
irc_prefmsg( fs_bot, cmdparams->source, "Current top CTC %d (in %d seconds) in channel %s",
MaxCTC, fscfg.topicsampletime, MaxCTCChan );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_new_channel
* create new channel hash
* @param channel structure pointer
* @return hash created
static chantrack *fs_new_channel( Channel* channel )
chantrack *ci;
dlog( DEBUG2, "Creating channel record for %s", channel->name );
ci = ( chantrack * ) AllocChannelModPtr( channel, sizeof( chantrack ) );
ci->c = channel;
hnode_create_insert( joinfloodhash, ci, channel->name );
return ci;
/** @brief fs_event_joinchan
* JOIN event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_joinchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
chantrack *ci;
time_t period;
/* if channel flood protection is disabled, return here */
if( fscfg.joinflood == 0 )
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* ignore services chan */
if( IsServicesChannel( cmdparams->channel ) )
dlog ( DEBUG1, "Ignoring Services channel %s", cmdparams->channel->name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
if( IsNetSplit( cmdparams->source ) )
dlog( DEBUG1, "Ignoring netsplit nick %s", cmdparams->source->name );
return NS_SUCCESS;
ci = ( chantrack * ) GetChannelModPtr( cmdparams->channel );
if( !ci )
ci = fs_new_channel( cmdparams->channel );
/* if the last join was "SampleTime" seconds ago reset the time and ajpp */
period = - ci->ts_lastjoin;
if( period > fscfg.joinsampletime )
dlog( DEBUG2, "ChanJoin: SampleTime expired, resetting %s", cmdparams->channel->name );
ci->ts_lastjoin =;
ci->ajpp = 1;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* check if ajpp has exceeded the threshold */
/* should we have different thresholds for different channel sizes? */
dlog( DEBUG2, "check join flood: %d %d", ci->ajpp, fscfg.jointhreshold );
if( ( ci->ajpp > fscfg.jointhreshold ) && ( ci->locked == 0 ) )
switch( fscfg.joinfloodact )
case 0:
/* warn only */
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "Warning, possible flood on %s. AJPP: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. AJPP: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. AJPP: %d/%d Sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
case 1:
/* close flood channel */
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. AJPP: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. AJPP: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. AJPP: %d/%d Sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period, fscfg.joinsampletime );
irc_chanprivmsg( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "Temporarily closing channel due to possible floodbot attack. Channel will be re-opened in %d seconds", fscfg.chanlocktime );
if( ircstrcasecmp( fscfg.chanlockkey, "random" ) == 0 )
char *key;
key = GetRandomChannelKey( 9 );
irc_cmode( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "+ik", key );
ns_free( key );
irc_cmode( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "+ik", fscfg.chanlockkey );
ci->locked =;
/* just some record keeping */
if( ci->ajpp > MaxAJPP )
dlog( DEBUG1, "New AJPP record on %s with %d joins in %d seconds", cmdparams->channel->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period );
if( fscfg.verbose )
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "New AJPP record on %s with %d joins in %d seconds", cmdparams->channel->name, ci->ajpp, (int)period );
MaxAJPP = ci->ajpp;
strlcpy( MaxAJPPChan, cmdparams->channel->name, MAXCHANLEN );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_topicchange
* TOPIC event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_topicchange( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
chantrack *ci;
time_t period;
/* if topic flood protection is disabled, return here */
if( fscfg.topicflood == 0 )
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* if topic already locked, nothing we can do, return */
if (test_cmode(cmdparams->channel, CMODE_TOPICLIMIT))
return NS_SUCCESS;
ci = ( chantrack * ) GetChannelModPtr( cmdparams->channel );
if( !ci )
ci = fs_new_channel( cmdparams->channel );
/* if the last topic was "SampleTime" seconds ago reset the time and ctc */
period = - ci->ts_lasttopic;
if( period > fscfg.topicsampletime )
dlog( DEBUG2, "TopicChange: SampleTime expired, resetting %s", cmdparams->channel->name );
ci->ts_lasttopic =;
ci->ctc = 1;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* check if ctc has exceeded the threshold */
/* should we have different thresholds for different channel sizes? */
dlog( DEBUG2, "check topic flood: %d %d", ci->ctc, fscfg.topicthreshold );
if( ( ci->ctc > fscfg.topicthreshold ) && ( ci->topic_locked == 0 ) )
switch( fscfg.topicfloodact )
case 0:
/* warn only */
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "Warning, possible topic flood on %s. CTC: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. CTC: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. CTC: %d/%d Sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
case 1:
/* close flood channel */
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. CTC: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. CTC: %d/%d sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Warning, possible flood on %s. Closing channel. CTC: %d/%d Sec, SampleTime %d", ci->c->name, ci->ctc, (int)period, fscfg.topicsampletime );
irc_chanprivmsg( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "Temporarily locking channel topic due to possible attack. Channel Topic will be re-opened in %d seconds", fscfg.chanlocktime );
irc_cmode( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "+t", NULL );
ci->topic_locked =;
/* just some record keeping */
if( ci->ctc > MaxCTC )
dlog( DEBUG1, "New CTC record on %s with %d Topic Changes in %d seconds", cmdparams->channel->name, ci->ctc, (int)period );
if( fscfg.verbose )
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "New CTC record on %s with %d Topic Changes in %d seconds", cmdparams->channel->name, ci->ctc, (int)period );
MaxCTC = ci->ctc;
strlcpy( MaxCTCChan, cmdparams->channel->name, MAXCHANLEN );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_newchan
* NEWCHAN event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_newchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
(void)fs_new_channel( cmdparams->channel );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_delchan
* DELCHAN event processing
* deletes channel from hash
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_delchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
chantrack *ci;
hnode_t *cn;
cn = hash_lookup( joinfloodhash, cmdparams->channel->name );
if( cn )
ci = hnode_get( cn );
hash_delete( joinfloodhash, cn );
FreeChannelModPtr( ci->c );
hnode_destroy( cn );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief CheckLockChan
* Timer callback to unlock channels
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int CheckLockChan( void *userptr )
hscan_t cs;
hnode_t *cn;
chantrack *ci;
/* scan through the channels */
hash_scan_begin( &cs, joinfloodhash );
while( ( cn = hash_scan_next( &cs ) ) != NULL )
ci = hnode_get( cn );
/* if the locked time plus chanlocktime is greater than current time, then unlock the channel */
if( ( ci->locked > 0 ) && ( ci->locked + fscfg.chanlocktime < ) )
if( fscfg.joinfloodact == 1 )
irc_cmode( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "-ik", ci->c->key );
nlog( LOG_NOTICE, "Unlocking %s after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Unlocking %s after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Unlocking %s after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_chanprivmsg( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "Unlocking the channel now" );
ci->locked = 0;
/* if the topic locked time plus chanlocktime is greater than current time, then unlock the channel topic */
if( ( ci->topic_locked > 0 ) && ( ci->topic_locked + fscfg.chanlocktime < ) )
if( fscfg.topicfloodact == 1 )
irc_cmode( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "-t", NULL );
nlog( LOG_NOTICE, "Unlocking %s topic after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "Unlocking %s topic after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_globops( fs_bot, "Unlocking %s topic after flood protection timeout", ci->c->name );
irc_chanprivmsg( fs_bot, ci->c->name, "Unlocking the channel topic now" );
ci->topic_locked = 0;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_nick
* NICK event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_nick( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
hnode_t *nfnode;
usertrack *flooduser;
nfnode = hash_lookup( nickfloodhash, cmdparams->param );
if( nfnode )
time_t period;
flooduser = hnode_get( nfnode );
/* remove it from the hash, as the nick has changed */
hash_delete( nickfloodhash, nfnode );
/* increment the nflood count */
period = - flooduser->ts_lastchange;
dlog( DEBUG2, "NickFlood check: %d in %d", flooduser->changes, fscfg.nicksampletime );
if( ( flooduser->changes > fscfg.nickthreshold ) && ( period <= fscfg.nicksampletime ) )
/* nick change flood */
irc_chanalert( fs_bot, "NickFlood detected on %s", cmdparams->source->name );
/* TODO: React to nick flood */
else if( period > fscfg.nicksampletime )
dlog( DEBUG2, "Resetting nickflood count on %s", cmdparams->source->name );
flooduser->changes = 1;
flooduser->ts_lastchange =;
/* re-insert it into the hash */
hash_insert( nickfloodhash, nfnode, flooduser->u->name );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_signon
* SIGNON event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_signon( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
usertrack *flooduser;
flooduser = ( usertrack * ) AllocUserModPtr( cmdparams->source, sizeof( usertrack ) );
flooduser->changes = 1;
flooduser->ts_lastchange =;
flooduser->u = cmdparams->source;
hnode_create_insert( nickfloodhash, flooduser, flooduser->u->name );
dlog( DEBUG2, "Created new nickflood entry" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_quit
* QUIT event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_quit( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
hnode_t *nfnode;
usertrack *flooduser;
dlog( DEBUG2, "fs_event_quit: looking for %s", cmdparams->source->name );
nfnode = hash_lookup( nickfloodhash, cmdparams->source->name );
if( nfnode )
flooduser = hnode_get( nfnode );
hash_delete( nickfloodhash, nfnode );
FreeUserModPtr( flooduser->u );
hnode_destroy( nfnode );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief fs_event_kill
* KILL event processing
* @param cmdparams
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
static int fs_event_kill( const CmdParams *cmdparams )
hnode_t *nfnode;
usertrack *flooduser;
dlog( DEBUG2, "fs_event_kill: looking for %s", cmdparams->target->name );
nfnode = hash_lookup( nickfloodhash, cmdparams->target->name );
if( nfnode )
flooduser = hnode_get( nfnode );
hash_delete( nickfloodhash, nfnode );
FreeUserModPtr( flooduser->u );
hnode_destroy( nfnode );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief FiniJoinFlood
* Clean up join flood hash
* @param none
* @return none
static void FiniJoinFlood( void )
hscan_t scan;
hnode_t *node;
chantrack *ci;
/* scan through the channels */
hash_scan_begin( &scan, joinfloodhash );
while( ( node = hash_scan_next( &scan ) ) != NULL )
ci = hnode_get( node );
hash_scan_delete( joinfloodhash, node );
FreeChannelModPtr( ci->c );
hnode_destroy( node );
hash_destroy( joinfloodhash );
/** @brief FiniNickFlood
* Clean up nick flood hash
* @param none
* @return none
static void FiniNickFlood( void )
hscan_t scan;
hnode_t *node;
usertrack *flooduser;
/* scan through the nicks */
hash_scan_begin( &scan, nickfloodhash );
while( ( node = hash_scan_next( &scan ) ) != NULL )
flooduser = hnode_get( node );
hash_scan_delete( nickfloodhash, node );
FreeUserModPtr( flooduser->u );
hnode_destroy( node );
hash_destroy( nickfloodhash );
/** @brief ModInit
* Init handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModInit( void )
os_memset( &fscfg, 0, sizeof( fscfg ) );
ModuleConfig( fs_settings );
/* init the channel hash */
joinfloodhash = hash_create( HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, 0, 0 );
/* init the nickfloodhash hash */
nickfloodhash = hash_create( HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, 0, 0 );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModSynch
* Startup handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModSynch( void )
fs_bot = AddBot( &fs_botinfo );
if( !fs_bot )
return NS_FAILURE;
AddTimer( TIMER_TYPE_INTERVAL, CheckLockChan, "CheckLockChan", TS_ONE_MINUTE, NULL );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModFini
* Fini handler
* @param none
* @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE
int ModFini( void )
return NS_SUCCESS;