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DNB 2005-02-23 15:33:40 +00:00
parent 1fdb3bc27d
commit 865cb57358
8 changed files with 752 additions and 752 deletions

View file

@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
GamesServ Manual
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
Welcome to the GamesServ Manual. This document will aid you in
setting up and running GamesServ on your IRC network.
GamesServ is a Game Service, for multiple small games.
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
GamesServ is designed to run on Top of NeoStats 3.0
Please refer to the NeoStats website for more
information on the requirements for NeoStats.
GamesServ requires the following:
* NeoStats 3.0 or Higher correctly installed and Running
* The time to read this entire document.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
As long as you have successfully setup NeoStats, and installed it
correctly, Compiling GamesServ is very simple and straight forward. First
you must extract the files from the download package. This is as
simple as:
bash$ tar -xzf GamesServ-<ver>.tar.gz
This should then create a directory called GamesServ-<version>
where <version> is the Version of GamesServ. Then Proceed to Change
into the GamesServ directory, and run Configure as follows:
bash$./configure [--with-neostats=<dir>]
--with-neostats=<dir> should be used if your neostats directory is not
in a standard location (~/NeoStats3.0/). Replace <dir> with the full path
to your NeoStats installation directory (NOT SOURCE DIRECTORY)
If the configuration did not produce a error, you may then move onto
Compiling GamesServ. Compiling is simply just issuing the "make" command
(or "gmake" if you are running BSD):
Again, check for Error messages. As long as there are not error messages,
"make install" (or "gmake install" if you are running BSD) will install GamesServ,
this README file, and any auxiluary files needed into your NeoStats directory:
Once Installation is complete, you can either configure NeoStats to
load GamesServ when it starts, or load GamesServ via IRC.
To Configure NeoStats to automatically load GamesServ when it boots, add
the following line to your "neostats.conf" file in the NeoStats
To load GamesServ via IRC, you must make sure you have the appropriate
permissions and issue the following command:
/msg neostats load GamesServ
Thats it. GamesServ is now loaded and ready for use.
/msg GamesServ help
GamesServ Manual
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
Welcome to the GamesServ Manual. This document will aid you in
setting up and running GamesServ on your IRC network.
GamesServ is a Game Service, for multiple small games.
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
GamesServ is designed to run on Top of NeoStats 3.0
Please refer to the NeoStats website for more
information on the requirements for NeoStats.
GamesServ requires the following:
* NeoStats 3.0 or Higher correctly installed and Running
* The time to read this entire document.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
As long as you have successfully setup NeoStats, and installed it
correctly, Compiling GamesServ is very simple and straight forward. First
you must extract the files from the download package. This is as
simple as:
bash$ tar -xzf GamesServ-<ver>.tar.gz
This should then create a directory called GamesServ-<version>
where <version> is the Version of GamesServ. Then Proceed to Change
into the GamesServ directory, and run Configure as follows:
bash$./configure [--with-neostats=<dir>]
--with-neostats=<dir> should be used if your neostats directory is not
in a standard location (~/NeoStats3.0/). Replace <dir> with the full path
to your NeoStats installation directory (NOT SOURCE DIRECTORY)
If the configuration did not produce a error, you may then move onto
Compiling GamesServ. Compiling is simply just issuing the "make" command
(or "gmake" if you are running BSD):
Again, check for Error messages. As long as there are not error messages,
"make install" (or "gmake install" if you are running BSD) will install GamesServ,
this README file, and any auxiluary files needed into your NeoStats directory:
Once Installation is complete, you can either configure NeoStats to
load GamesServ when it starts, or load GamesServ via IRC.
To Configure NeoStats to automatically load GamesServ when it boots, add
the following line to your "neostats.conf" file in the NeoStats
To load GamesServ via IRC, you must make sure you have the appropriate
permissions and issue the following command:
/msg neostats load GamesServ
Thats it. GamesServ is now loaded and ready for use.
/msg GamesServ help

View file

@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Start Bomb Game
int startbomb(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Channel *c;
if (gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_STOPPED) {
c = FindChannel(cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!c) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
if (IsChannelMember(c, cmdparams->source)) {
if ( kickgameschanoponly && !IsChanOp(c->name, cmdparams->source->name) ) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be a Channel Operator to start the game.");
} else {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] = 60;
strlcpy (gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], cmdparams->av[0], MAXCHANLEN);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
irc_join (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "+o");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037A Bomb has been brought into the channel by %s. Don''t be the last one with it.", cmdparams->source->name);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_COUNTDOWN, timerupstopbomb, "bombcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "The Game is already active in %s , Try Again Later.", gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Throw Bomb
int throwbomb(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Client *u;
Channel *c;
int ttto;
if ( !ircstrcasecmp (cmdparams->source->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB]) && ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) ) {
u = FindUser (cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!u) {
stopbomb(cmdparams->av[0], "noton");
} else {
c = FindChannel(gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
if (IsChannelMember(c, u)) {
ttto = ( ( rand() % 5 ) + 1 );
if ( ttto < countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] ) {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] -= ttto;
switch (ttto) {
case 1:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s places the bomb in %s's pocket.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
case 2:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s sneaks the bomb next to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
case 3:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s throws the bomb at %s, who now has a large bruise.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s passes the Bomb to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
if ( IsExcluded(u) || IsMe(u) || IsBot(u) || IsAway(u) ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037the Bomb Bounces off an invisible Force Field, and returns to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name, MAXNICK);
SetTimerInterval("bombcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
stopbomb(cmdparams->av[0], "notin");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Stop Bomb Game
void stopbomb(char *nic, char *reason) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "noton")) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s must be blind there is no %s on the network.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], nic);
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "notin")) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s must be blind, %s isn''t in the channel.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], nic);
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
irc_kick(gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0034BOOOOOM !!!!!!");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037GAME OVER");
irc_part (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], NULL);
gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB][0] = '\0';
* Bomb Timer Finished
int timerupstopbomb(void) {
stopbomb( "", "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Start Bomb Game
int startbomb(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Channel *c;
if (gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_STOPPED) {
c = FindChannel(cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!c) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
if (IsChannelMember(c, cmdparams->source)) {
if ( kickgameschanoponly && !IsChanOp(c->name, cmdparams->source->name) ) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be a Channel Operator to start the game.");
} else {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] = 60;
strlcpy (gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], cmdparams->av[0], MAXCHANLEN);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
irc_join (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "+o");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037A Bomb has been brought into the channel by %s. Don''t be the last one with it.", cmdparams->source->name);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_COUNTDOWN, timerupstopbomb, "bombcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "The Game is already active in %s , Try Again Later.", gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Throw Bomb
int throwbomb(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Client *u;
Channel *c;
int ttto;
if ( !ircstrcasecmp (cmdparams->source->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB]) && ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) ) {
u = FindUser (cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!u) {
stopbomb(cmdparams->av[0], "noton");
} else {
c = FindChannel(gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
if (IsChannelMember(c, u)) {
ttto = ( ( rand() % 5 ) + 1 );
if ( ttto < countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] ) {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB] -= ttto;
switch (ttto) {
case 1:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s places the bomb in %s's pocket.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
case 2:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s sneaks the bomb next to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
case 3:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s throws the bomb at %s, who now has a large bruise.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s passes the Bomb to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name);
if ( IsExcluded(u) || IsMe(u) || IsBot(u) || IsAway(u) ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037the Bomb Bounces off an invisible Force Field, and returns to %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], u->name, MAXNICK);
SetTimerInterval("bombcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_BOMB]);
} else {
stopbomb(cmdparams->av[0], "notin");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Stop Bomb Game
void stopbomb(char *nic, char *reason) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "noton")) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s must be blind there is no %s on the network.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], nic);
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "notin")) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037%s must be blind, %s isn''t in the channel.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], nic);
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
irc_kick(gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0034BOOOOOM !!!!!!");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], "\0037GAME OVER");
irc_part (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB], NULL);
gameroom[GS_GAME_BOMB][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[GS_GAME_BOMB][0] = '\0';
* Bomb Timer Finished
int timerupstopbomb(void) {
stopbomb( "", "");
return NS_SUCCESS;

View file

@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Help Text
const char gs_help_bomb_oneline[] = "Start a Bomb Game in a Channel";
const char gs_help_throw_oneline[] = "Pass the Bomb to another Nick in the Channel";
const char *gs_help_bomb[] = {
"Syntax: \2BOMB <#Channel>\2",
"This command starts the Bomb Game in the specified Channel.",
"The Channel Must Exist, and you must be in the Channel",
"The person holding the Bomb when it explodes is kicked from the Channel",
"Each player in turn gets less time to pass the Bomb to another Nick",
const char *gs_help_throw[] = {
"Syntax: \2throw <nickname>\2",
"This option will pass the bomb to the specified Nickname",
"The Nickname Must be in the channel at the time, or you lose.",
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Help Text
const char gs_help_bomb_oneline[] = "Start a Bomb Game in a Channel";
const char gs_help_throw_oneline[] = "Pass the Bomb to another Nick in the Channel";
const char *gs_help_bomb[] = {
"Syntax: \2BOMB <#Channel>\2",
"This command starts the Bomb Game in the specified Channel.",
"The Channel Must Exist, and you must be in the Channel",
"The person holding the Bomb when it explodes is kicked from the Channel",
"Each player in turn gets less time to pass the Bomb to another Nick",
const char *gs_help_throw[] = {
"Syntax: \2throw <nickname>\2",
"This option will pass the bomb to the specified Nickname",
"The Nickname Must be in the channel at the time, or you lose.",

View file

@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Module Variables
int kickgameschanoponly;
* Game Variables
int gamestatus[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
char gameplayernick[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXNICK];
int countdowntime[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
* Copyright info and About
const char *gs_copyright[] = {
"Copyright (c) 2005 DeadNotBuried",
"Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
const char *gs_about[] = {
"\2Small IRC Games Service\2",
"This Service is intended as a fun only.",
"If you take any of these games seriously",
"you should turn off your computer, drop",
"it off a cliff, and find a life outside",
"of IRC.",
* Module Info definition
ModuleInfo module_info = {
"Small Games Module For NeoStats",
* Module event list
ModuleEvent module_events[] = {
{EVENT_NICK, PlayerNickChange},
* Nick Change Check
int PlayerNickChange (CmdParams* cmdparams)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GS_GAME_TOTAL; i++) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (gameplayernick[i], cmdparams->param)) {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[i], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Commands and Settings
static bot_cmd gs_commands[]=
{"BOMB", startbomb, 1, 0, gs_help_bomb, gs_help_bomb_oneline},
{"THROW", throwbomb, 1, 0, gs_help_throw, gs_help_throw_oneline},
{"RUSSIAN", startruss, 1, 0, gs_help_russ, gs_help_russ_oneline},
{"SHOOT", shootruss, 1, 0, gs_help_shoot, gs_help_shoot_oneline},
static bot_setting gs_settings[]=
{"KICKGAMESCHANOPONLY", &kickgameschanoponly, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "KickGamesStartByChanOpsOnly", NULL, gs_help_set_kickchanoponly, NULL, (void *)0 },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
* BotInfo
static BotInfo gs_botinfo =
"Small Game Service",
* Online event processing
int ModSynch (void)
/* Introduce a bot onto the network */
gs_bot = AddBot (&gs_botinfo);
if (!gs_bot) {
return NS_FAILURE;
srand((unsigned int);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Init module
int ModInit( void )
int i;
/* clear Game variables */
for (i = 0; i < GS_GAME_TOTAL; i++) {
gameroom[i][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[i][0] = '\0';
gamestatus[i] = GS_GAME_STOPPED;
countdowntime[i] = 60;
ModuleConfig (gs_settings);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Exit module
int ModFini( void )
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) {
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) {
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Module Variables
int kickgameschanoponly;
* Game Variables
int gamestatus[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
char gameplayernick[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXNICK];
int countdowntime[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
* Copyright info and About
const char *gs_copyright[] = {
"Copyright (c) 2005 DeadNotBuried",
"Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
const char *gs_about[] = {
"\2Small IRC Games Service\2",
"This Service is intended as a fun only.",
"If you take any of these games seriously",
"you should turn off your computer, drop",
"it off a cliff, and find a life outside",
"of IRC.",
* Module Info definition
ModuleInfo module_info = {
"Small Games Module For NeoStats",
* Module event list
ModuleEvent module_events[] = {
{EVENT_NICK, PlayerNickChange},
* Nick Change Check
int PlayerNickChange (CmdParams* cmdparams)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GS_GAME_TOTAL; i++) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (gameplayernick[i], cmdparams->param)) {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[i], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Commands and Settings
static bot_cmd gs_commands[]=
{"BOMB", startbomb, 1, 0, gs_help_bomb, gs_help_bomb_oneline},
{"THROW", throwbomb, 1, 0, gs_help_throw, gs_help_throw_oneline},
{"RUSSIAN", startruss, 1, 0, gs_help_russ, gs_help_russ_oneline},
{"SHOOT", shootruss, 1, 0, gs_help_shoot, gs_help_shoot_oneline},
static bot_setting gs_settings[]=
{"KICKGAMESCHANOPONLY", &kickgameschanoponly, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "KickGamesStartByChanOpsOnly", NULL, gs_help_set_kickchanoponly, NULL, (void *)0 },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
* BotInfo
static BotInfo gs_botinfo =
"Small Game Service",
* Online event processing
int ModSynch (void)
/* Introduce a bot onto the network */
gs_bot = AddBot (&gs_botinfo);
if (!gs_bot) {
return NS_FAILURE;
srand((unsigned int);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Init module
int ModInit( void )
int i;
/* clear Game variables */
for (i = 0; i < GS_GAME_TOTAL; i++) {
gameroom[i][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[i][0] = '\0';
gamestatus[i] = GS_GAME_STOPPED;
countdowntime[i] = 60;
ModuleConfig (gs_settings);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Exit module
int ModFini( void )
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_BOMB] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) {
DelTimer ("bombcountdown");
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) {
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
return NS_SUCCESS;

View file

@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2005 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats,
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
Bot *gs_bot;
* Bomb Game Help
extern const char gs_help_bomb_oneline[];
extern const char gs_help_throw_oneline[];
extern const char *gs_help_bomb[];
extern const char *gs_help_throw[];
* Bomb Game Procedures
int startbomb (CmdParams* cmdparams);
int throwbomb (CmdParams* cmdparams);
void stopbomb(char *nic, char *reason);
int timerupstopbomb(void);
* Russian Roulette Game Help
extern const char gs_help_russ_oneline[];
extern const char gs_help_shoot_oneline[];
extern const char *gs_help_russ[];
extern const char *gs_help_shoot[];
* Russian Roulette Game Procedures
int startruss (CmdParams* cmdparams);
int shootruss (CmdParams* cmdparams);
void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason);
int timerupstopruss(void);
* Defines
#define GS_GAME_TOTAL 0x00000002 /* Number Of Games */
#define GS_GAME_BOMB 0x00000000 /* Bomb Game */
#define GS_GAME_RUSS 0x00000001 /* Russian Roulette Game */
#define GS_GAME_STOPPED 0x00000001 /* Game Not Running */
#define GS_GAME_STARTING 0x00000002 /* Game Starting */
#define GS_GAME_PLAYING 0x00000003 /* Game Running */
#define GS_GAME_STOPPING 0x00000004 /* Game Stopping */
* Game Variables
extern char gameroom[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXCHANLEN];
extern int gamestatus[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
extern char gameplayernick[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXNICK];
extern int countdowntime[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
* Common Variables
extern int kickgameschanoponly;
* Common Help
extern const char *gs_help_set_kickchanoponly[];
* Common Procedures
int PlayerNickChange (CmdParams* cmdparams);
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2005 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats,
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
Bot *gs_bot;
* Bomb Game Help
extern const char gs_help_bomb_oneline[];
extern const char gs_help_throw_oneline[];
extern const char *gs_help_bomb[];
extern const char *gs_help_throw[];
* Bomb Game Procedures
int startbomb (CmdParams* cmdparams);
int throwbomb (CmdParams* cmdparams);
void stopbomb(char *nic, char *reason);
int timerupstopbomb(void);
* Russian Roulette Game Help
extern const char gs_help_russ_oneline[];
extern const char gs_help_shoot_oneline[];
extern const char *gs_help_russ[];
extern const char *gs_help_shoot[];
* Russian Roulette Game Procedures
int startruss (CmdParams* cmdparams);
int shootruss (CmdParams* cmdparams);
void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason);
int timerupstopruss(void);
* Defines
#define GS_GAME_TOTAL 0x00000002 /* Number Of Games */
#define GS_GAME_BOMB 0x00000000 /* Bomb Game */
#define GS_GAME_RUSS 0x00000001 /* Russian Roulette Game */
#define GS_GAME_STOPPED 0x00000001 /* Game Not Running */
#define GS_GAME_STARTING 0x00000002 /* Game Starting */
#define GS_GAME_PLAYING 0x00000003 /* Game Running */
#define GS_GAME_STOPPING 0x00000004 /* Game Stopping */
* Game Variables
extern char gameroom[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXCHANLEN];
extern int gamestatus[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
extern char gameplayernick[GS_GAME_TOTAL][MAXNICK];
extern int countdowntime[GS_GAME_TOTAL];
* Common Variables
extern int kickgameschanoponly;
* Common Help
extern const char *gs_help_set_kickchanoponly[];
* Common Procedures
int PlayerNickChange (CmdParams* cmdparams);

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
const char *gs_help_set_kickchanoponly[] = {
"\2KICKGAMESCHANOPONLY <on/off>\2 - Allow only Channel Ops to start games that Kick Users from the Channel",
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
const char *gs_help_set_kickchanoponly[] = {
"\2KICKGAMESCHANOPONLY <on/off>\2 - Allow only Channel Ops to start games that Kick Users from the Channel",

View file

@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Start Russian Roulette Game
int startruss(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Channel *c;
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_STOPPED ) {
c = FindChannel(cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!c) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
if (IsChannelMember(c, cmdparams->source)) {
if ( kickgameschanoponly && !IsChanOp(c->name, cmdparams->source->name) ) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be a Channel Operator to start the game.");
} else {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] = 60;
strlcpy (gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], cmdparams->av[0], MAXCHANLEN);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
irc_join (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "+o");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037Russian Roulette has been started by %s. Who will die this time?", cmdparams->source->name);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_COUNTDOWN, timerupstopruss, "russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "The Game is already active in %s , Try Again Later.", gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Shoot Russian Roulette
int shootruss(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Client *u;
Channel *c;
int ttto;
int rt;
if ( !ircstrcasecmp (cmdparams->source->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]) && ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) ) {
u = FindUser (cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!u) {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "noton");
} else {
if ( IsExcluded(u) || IsMe(u) || IsBot(u) || IsAway(u) ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s Refuses to play this game %s, try someone else.", u->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
c = FindChannel(gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
if (IsChannelMember(c, u)) {
ttto = ( ( rand() % 5 ) + 1 );
if ( ttto < countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] ) {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] -= ttto;
switch (ttto) {
case 1:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s places the gun against %s's temple, and pulls the trigger.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
case 2:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun between %s's eyes.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun at %s and fires.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
rt = ( rand() % 9 );
if ( rt == 7 ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0034\2BANG!\2, Nice one %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
} else {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0034click!, you now have the gun %s, select someone to shoot.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
SetTimerInterval("russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "notin");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Stop Russian Roulette Game
void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason) {
char *russdiereason;
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "noton")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats on the Network next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "notin")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats in the Channel next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Use The Gun Luke!";
} else {
russdiereason = "\0034Ducking might me an idea, You would have less holes in the head then.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
irc_kick(gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], russdiereason);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037GAME OVER");
irc_part (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], NULL);
gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS][0] = '\0';
* Russian Roulette Timer Finished
int timerupstopruss(void) {
stopruss( "", "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Start Russian Roulette Game
int startruss(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Channel *c;
if ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_STOPPED ) {
c = FindChannel(cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!c) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
if (IsChannelMember(c, cmdparams->source)) {
if ( kickgameschanoponly && !IsChanOp(c->name, cmdparams->source->name) ) {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be a Channel Operator to start the game.");
} else {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] = 60;
strlcpy (gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], cmdparams->av[0], MAXCHANLEN);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], cmdparams->source->name, MAXNICK);
irc_join (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "+o");
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037Russian Roulette has been started by %s. Who will die this time?", cmdparams->source->name);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_COUNTDOWN, timerupstopruss, "russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "You must be in the Channel you wish to start the game in.");
} else {
irc_prefmsg (gs_bot, cmdparams->source, "The Game is already active in %s , Try Again Later.", gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Shoot Russian Roulette
int shootruss(CmdParams* cmdparams) {
Client *u;
Channel *c;
int ttto;
int rt;
if ( !ircstrcasecmp (cmdparams->source->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]) && ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_RUSS] == GS_GAME_PLAYING ) ) {
u = FindUser (cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!u) {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "noton");
} else {
if ( IsExcluded(u) || IsMe(u) || IsBot(u) || IsAway(u) ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s Refuses to play this game %s, try someone else.", u->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
c = FindChannel(gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
if (IsChannelMember(c, u)) {
ttto = ( ( rand() % 5 ) + 1 );
if ( ttto < countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] ) {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS] -= ttto;
switch (ttto) {
case 1:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s places the gun against %s's temple, and pulls the trigger.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
case 2:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun between %s's eyes.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun at %s and fires.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name);
rt = ( rand() % 9 );
if ( rt == 7 ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0034\2BANG!\2, Nice one %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
} else {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0034click!, you now have the gun %s, select someone to shoot.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
SetTimerInterval("russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_RUSS]);
} else {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "notin");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Stop Russian Roulette Game
void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason) {
char *russdiereason;
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "noton")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats on the Network next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "notin")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats in the Channel next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Use The Gun Luke!";
} else {
russdiereason = "\0034Ducking might me an idea, You would have less holes in the head then.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
irc_kick(gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS], russdiereason);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], "\0037GAME OVER");
irc_part (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS], NULL);
gameroom[GS_GAME_RUSS][0] = '\0';
gameplayernick[GS_GAME_RUSS][0] = '\0';
* Russian Roulette Timer Finished
int timerupstopruss(void) {
stopruss( "", "");
return NS_SUCCESS;

View file

@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats",
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Help Text
const char gs_help_russ_oneline[] = "Start Russian Roulette in a Channel";
const char gs_help_shoot_oneline[] = "Shoots the Nick Specified in the Channel";
const char *gs_help_russ[] = {
"Syntax: \2RUSSIAN <#Channel>\2",
"This command starts Russian Roulette in the specified Channel.",
"The Channel Must Exist, and you must be in the Channel",
"The person holding the Gun selects a Nick to Shoot",
"if the chamber is empty, that nick then receives the Gun.",
"if the chamber was full, then the Nick is kicked from the Channel.",
"Each player in turn gets less time to Shoot another Nick",
const char *gs_help_shoot[] = {
"Syntax: \2SHOOT <nickname>\2",
"This option will attempt to shoot the specified Nick",
"The Nickname Must be in the channel at the time, or you lose.",
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
* Help Text
const char gs_help_russ_oneline[] = "Start Russian Roulette in a Channel";
const char gs_help_shoot_oneline[] = "Shoots the Nick Specified in the Channel";
const char *gs_help_russ[] = {
"Syntax: \2RUSSIAN <#Channel>\2",
"This command starts Russian Roulette in the specified Channel.",
"The Channel Must Exist, and you must be in the Channel",
"The person holding the Gun selects a Nick to Shoot",
"if the chamber is empty, that nick then receives the Gun.",
"if the chamber was full, then the Nick is kicked from the Channel.",
"Each player in turn gets less time to Shoot another Nick",
const char *gs_help_shoot[] = {
"Syntax: \2SHOOT <nickname>\2",
"This option will attempt to shoot the specified Nick",
"The Nickname Must be in the channel at the time, or you lose.",