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2006-01-26 15:33:00 +00:00

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/* GamesServ - Small Games Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2006 Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington, DeadNotBuried
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** GamesServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "gamesserv.h"
static void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason);
* Russian Roulette Timer Finished
int timerupstopruss(void *userptr) {
stopruss( "", "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Start Russian Roulette Game
int startruss(const CmdParams *cmdparams) {
if (CheckGameStart(cmdparams->source, cmdparams->av[0], GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS, TS_ONE_MINUTE, NS_TRUE, NS_TRUE) != NS_SUCCESS) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0037Russian Roulette has been started by %s. Who will die this time?", cmdparams->source->name);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_COUNTDOWN, timerupstopruss, "russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], NULL);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Shoot Russian Roulette
int shootruss(const CmdParams *cmdparams) {
Client *u;
Channel *c;
int ttto;
int rt;
if ( !ircstrcasecmp (cmdparams->source->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]) && ( gamestatus[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS] == GS_GAME_CHANNEL_PLAYING ) ) {
u = FindUser (cmdparams->av[0]);
if (!u) {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "noton");
} else {
if ( IsExcluded(u) || IsMe(u) || IsBot(u) || IsAway(u) ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0037%s Refuses to play this game %s, try someone else.", u->name, gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]);
} else {
c = FindChannel(gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]);
if (IsChannelMember(c, u)) {
ttto = ( ( rand() % 5 ) + 1 );
if ( ttto < countdowntime[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS] ) {
countdowntime[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS] -= ttto;
switch (ttto) {
case 1:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0037%s places the gun against %s's temple, and pulls the trigger.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], u->name);
case 2:
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun between %s's eyes.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], u->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0037%s points the gun at %s and fires.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], u->name);
rt = ( rand() % 9 );
if ( rt == 7 ) {
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0034\2BANG!\2, Nice one %s.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]);
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
} else {
strlcpy (gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], u->name, MAXNICK);
irc_chanprivmsg (gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], "\0034click!, you now have the gun %s, select someone to shoot.", gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]);
SetTimerInterval("russcountdown", countdowntime[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS]);
} else {
stopruss(cmdparams->av[0], "notin");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Stop Russian Roulette Game
static void stopruss(char *nic, char *reason) {
char *russdiereason;
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "noton")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats on the Network next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "notin")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Pick someone thats in the Channel next time.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
} else {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (reason, "")) {
russdiereason = "\0034Use The Gun Luke!";
} else {
russdiereason = "\0034Ducking might me an idea, You would have less holes in the head then.";
DelTimer ("russcountdown");
irc_kick(gs_bot, gameroom[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], gameplayernick[GS_GAME_CHANNEL_RUSS], russdiereason);