update sample Onis config file, and Shell Script to process logs

This commit is contained in:
Fish 2004-01-16 12:58:54 +00:00
parent e37291bf52
commit 6215d49ad5

View file

@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
# onis 0.4.6 - config - 2003-12-21
# This is a stripped down version of the Onis Config file that is suitable
# for use with the OnisDoLogs.sh script supplied with LogServ
# onis 0.4.9 - config - 2004-01-06
# http://verplant.org/onis/
# This options tells onis what type of logfiles to expect. Valid values
# are ``Dircproxy'', ``Eggdrop'', ``Irssi'', ``mIRC'' and ``xchat''.
logtype: "xchat";
# Thif option is available for scripts to set the input source once and
# for all. Since wildcards are not interpreted this is of little use for
# the averange user.
#input: "/path/to/my/file";
# Sets the output file. This has to be a file, not a directory. This is
# also mostly interesting for scripts.
#output: "/var/www/html/ircstats/cannel.html";
# Set this option to ``true'' to have onis overwrite files without
# promting. Default is to ask.
overwrite: "false";
logtype: "mirc";
# Purge logs that have been parsed. Two modes of operation can be
# selected: ``truncate'' deletes the content of file but lets the file
@ -31,12 +21,9 @@ overwrite: "false";
# your username if you don't set anything here.
#user: "mynick";
# Explicitly set the channel's name here. For most logfiles this is not
# neccessary, but it is for some. ``Dircproxy'' to be specific.
#channel: "#ourchannel";
# Load these plugins. These are all available plugins as of now, but this
# is a development release. The missing one(s) will be back..
plugin: "Conversations";
plugin: "BigNumbers";
plugin: "Words";
plugin: "Nicks";
@ -57,14 +44,22 @@ min_word_length: 5;
# Sort the main table by this field. Valid values are ``Lines'', ``Words''
# and ``Chars''. Defaults to ``Lines''.
sort_by: "Lines";
sort_by: "Words";
# Display the following fields in the given format. Valid formats are
# ``None'', ``Number'', ``Bar'' and ``Both''.
display_lines: "Both";
display_words: "Number";
display_lines: "None";
display_words: "Both";
display_chars: "None";
# Sets wether or not user-images are displayed. Defaults to not display
# the images, since by default none are defined..
#display_images: "false";
# Sets the default image which is displayed for users which don't have an
# image set. If not set no image will be displayed for those users.
#default_image: "light-theme/unknown.png";
# If set to true a bar indicating the time when a nick is most active is
# being printed in the main table.
display_times: "false";
@ -108,15 +103,14 @@ ignore_words: 5;
# as one soliloquy.
soliloquies_count: 5;
# onis can create a ``persistency'' or ``history'' file. If such exists
# the already parsed part of a logfile can be skipped and unchanged
# logfiles are skipped entirely. However, for this to work you have to
# have ``Storable'' installed. If you have ``Storable'' installed but do
# not wish onis to write and/or use such a file you can disable it here.
use_persistency: "true";
# If set to ``print'' prints out all color-codes. If set to ``ignore''
# color-codes will not be printed. Default is to ignore colors..
#color_codes: "print";
# Sets the file which onis will dump it's state into.
persistency_file: "persistency.data";
# Sets the document encoding. This must match your webserver's settings or
# you'll experience some very weird characters..
# Defaults to ``iso-8859-1''.
#encoding: "iso-8859-1";
# Style settings. All paths are relative to the created html file.
stylesheet: "light-theme/style.css";