/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services ** Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington ** http://www.neostats.net/ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ** USA ** ** NeoStats CVS Identification ** $Id$ */ #include "neostats.h" #include MODULECONFIG #include "logserv.h" LogServcfg LogServ; hash_t *lschannelhash; static Bot *ls_bot; /* forward decl */ static int ls_cmd_add( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_cmd_del( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_cmd_list( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_cmd_url( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_cmd_status( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_cprivate( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_cnotice( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_ctcpaction( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_newchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_emptychan( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_join( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_part( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_kick( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_topic( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_nick( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); static int ls_event_cmode( const CmdParams *cmdparams ); /** Copyright info */ static const char *ls_copyright[] = { "Copyright (c) 1999-2005, NeoStats", "http://www.neostats.net/", NULL }; /** Module Info definition */ ModuleInfo module_info = { "LogServ", "Channel Logging Bot", ls_copyright, ls_about, NEOSTATS_VERSION, MODULE_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__, 0, 0, 0, }; static bot_cmd ls_commands[]= { {"ADD", ls_cmd_add, 3, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, ls_help_add, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"DEL", ls_cmd_del, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, ls_help_del, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"LIST", ls_cmd_list, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, ls_help_list, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"URL", ls_cmd_url, 2, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, ls_help_url, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"STATUS", ls_cmd_status, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, ls_help_status, 0, NULL, NULL}, NS_CMD_END() }; static bot_setting ls_settings[]= { {"LOGTYPE", &LogServ.logtype, SET_TYPE_INT, 1, 3, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, ls_help_set_logtype, NULL, ( void * )1}, {"LOGSIZE", &LogServ.maxlogsize, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 10000000, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Bytes", ls_help_set_logsize, NULL, ( void * )1000000}, {"LOGAGE", &LogServ.maxopentime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, TS_ONE_DAY, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Seconds", ls_help_set_logtime, NULL, ( void * )TS_ONE_HOUR}, {"LOGDIR", LogServ.logdir, SET_TYPE_STRING, 0, MAXPATH, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, ls_help_set_logdir, NULL, ( void * )"logs/chanlogs"}, {"SAVEDIR", LogServ.savedir, SET_TYPE_STRING, 0, MAXPATH, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, ls_help_set_savedir, NULL, ( void * )"chanlogs"}, NS_SETTING_END() }; /** Module event list * What events we will act on * This is required if you want your module to respond to events on IRC * see modules.txt for a list of all events available */ ModuleEvent module_events[] = { {EVENT_CPRIVATE, ls_event_cprivate, 0}, {EVENT_CNOTICE, ls_event_cnotice, 0}, {EVENT_CTCPACTIONREQ,ls_event_ctcpaction, 0}, {EVENT_NEWCHAN, ls_event_newchan, 0}, {EVENT_EMPTYCHAN, ls_event_emptychan, 0}, {EVENT_JOIN, ls_event_join, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, {EVENT_PART, ls_event_part, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, {EVENT_KICK, ls_event_kick, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, {EVENT_TOPIC, ls_event_topic, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, {EVENT_NICK, ls_event_nick, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, {EVENT_CMODE, ls_event_cmode, EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME}, NS_EVENT_END() }; /** BotInfo */ static BotInfo ls_botinfo = { "LogServ", "LogServ1", "LS", BOT_COMMON_HOST, "Channel Logging Bot", BOT_FLAG_SERVICEBOT|BOT_FLAG_ONLY_OPERS, ls_commands, ls_settings, }; static void ls_save_channel_data( ChannelLog *cl ) { dlog( DEBUG1, "Saving Channel Data for %s", cl->channame ); DBAStore( "Channel", cl->channame, cl, sizeof( ChannelLog ) ); } static void ls_join_logged_channel( Channel *c, ChannelLog *cl ) { if( irc_join( ls_bot, cl->channame, 0 ) == NS_SUCCESS ) { cl->flags |= LGSACTIVE; nlog( LOG_NOTICE, "Activated logging on %s", cl->channame ); if( cl->statsurl[0] != '\0' ) { irc_chanprivmsg( ls_bot, cl->channame, "Stats will be available at %s when Logs are processed next", cl->statsurl ); } } SetChannelModValue( c, cl ); cl->c = c; } static int LoadLogChannel( void *data, int size ) { ChannelLog *cl; Channel *c; cl = ns_calloc( sizeof( ChannelLog ) ); os_memcpy( cl, data, sizeof( ChannelLog ) ); dlog( DEBUG1, "Loading Channel %s", cl->channame ); c = FindChannel( cl->channame ); if( c ) { ls_join_logged_channel( c, cl ); } hnode_create_insert( lschannelhash, cl, cl->channame ); return NS_FALSE; } static void LoadLogChannels( void ) { DBAFetchRows( "Channel", LoadLogChannel ); } static int ls_event_cprivate( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_MSG, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_cnotice( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_NOTICE, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_ctcpaction( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_CTCPACTION, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_part( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_PART, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_emptychan( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ChannelLog *cl; cl =( ChannelLog * )GetChannelModValue( cmdparams->channel ); if( cl ) { /*close/switch the logfile*/ ls_switch_file( cl ); ClearChannelModValue( cl->c ); cl->c = NULL; cl->flags &= ~LGSACTIVE; } return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_join( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_JOIN, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_newchan( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ChannelLog *cl; cl =( ChannelLog * )hnode_find( lschannelhash, cmdparams->channel ); if( cl ) { ls_join_logged_channel( cmdparams->channel, cl ); } return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_kick( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_KICK, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_topic( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_TOPIC, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_nick( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { lnode_t *cm; /* ok, move through each of the channels */ cm = list_first( cmdparams->source->user->chans ); while( cm ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_NICK, ( ( Channel * )FindChannel( lnode_get( cm ) ) ), cmdparams ); cm = list_next( cmdparams->source->user->chans, cm ); } return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_event_cmode( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ls_send_to_logproc( LGSMSG_CHANMODE, cmdparams->channel, cmdparams ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_cmd_add( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { Channel *c; ChannelLog *cl; if( hash_lookup( lschannelhash, cmdparams->av[1] ) != NULL ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Already Logging %s.", cmdparams->av[0] ); return NS_FAILURE; } cl = ns_calloc( sizeof( ChannelLog ) ); strlcpy( cl->channame, cmdparams->av[0], MAXCHANLEN ); if( ircstrcasecmp( cmdparams->av[1], "Public" ) == 0 ) { cl->flags |= LGSPUBSTATS; } else if( ircstrcasecmp( cmdparams->av[1], "Private" ) == 0 ) { cl->flags &= ~LGSPUBSTATS; } else { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Unknown Public Type %s. Setting to Public", cmdparams->av[1] ); cl->flags |= LGSPUBSTATS; } if( cmdparams->ac == 3 ) { /* we have a URL */ strlcpy( cl->statsurl, cmdparams->av[2], MAXPATH ); irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Stats URL is set to %s", cl->statsurl ); } else { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "No Stats URL is Set" ); } hnode_create_insert( lschannelhash, cl, cl->channame ); ls_save_channel_data( cl ); c = FindChannel( cmdparams->av[0] ); if( c ) { ls_join_logged_channel( c, cl ); irc_chanprivmsg( ls_bot, cl->channame, "%s activated logging on %s", cmdparams->source->name, cl->channame ); } irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Activated logging on %s", cl->channame ); CommandReport( ls_bot, "%s activated logging on %s", cmdparams->source->name, cl->channame ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_cmd_del( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { hnode_t *hn; ChannelLog *cl; hn = hash_lookup( lschannelhash, cmdparams->av[0] ); if( !hn ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Can not find channel %s in Logging System", cmdparams->av[0] ); return NS_FAILURE; } cl =( ChannelLog * ) hnode_find( lschannelhash, cmdparams->av[0] ); if( !cl ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Can not find Channel %s in Logging System", cmdparams->av[0] ); return NS_FAILURE; } /* rotate out the file */ if( cl->flags & LGSACTIVE ) { ls_switch_file( cl ); } if( cl->c ) { ClearChannelModValue( cl->c ); } hash_delete( lschannelhash, hn ); hnode_destroy( hn ); irc_part( ls_bot, cl->channame, NULL ); ns_free( cl ); DBADelete( "Channel", cmdparams->av[0] ); irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Deleted channel %s", cmdparams->av[0] ); CommandReport( ls_bot, "%s deleted %s from logging", cmdparams->source->name, cmdparams->av[0] ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_cmd_list( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { hscan_t hs; hnode_t *hn; ChannelLog *cl; irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Log channel list:" ); hash_scan_begin( &hs, lschannelhash ); while( ( hn = hash_scan_next( &hs ) ) != NULL ) { cl = hnode_get( hn ); if( ( cl->flags & LGSPUBSTATS ) ||( UserLevel( cmdparams->source ) >= NS_ULEVEL_LOCOPER ) ) { /* its a priv channel, only show to opers */ irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "%s( %c ) URL: %s", cl->channame, ( cl->flags & LGSACTIVE ) ? '*' : '-', ( cl->statsurl[0] != 0 ) ? cl->statsurl : "None" ); } } irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "End of list." ); return NS_SUCCESS; } static int ls_cmd_url( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { ChannelLog *cl; cl =( ChannelLog * ) hnode_find( lschannelhash, cmdparams->av[0] ); if( !cl ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Channel %s is not currently being logged", cmdparams->av[0] ); return NS_FAILURE; } if( ValidateURL( cmdparams->av[1] ) != NS_SUCCESS ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "%s is an invalid URL", cmdparams->av[1] ); return NS_FAILURE; } ircsnprintf( cl->statsurl, MAXPATH, "%s", cmdparams->av[1] ); irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Changed URL for %s to: %s", cl->channame, cl->statsurl ); CommandReport( ls_bot, "%s changed the URL for %s to: %s", cmdparams->source->name, cl->channame, cl->statsurl ); ls_save_channel_data( cl ); return NS_SUCCESS; } /* @brief Send some very simple stats to the user * * @param u The user requesting stats data * @returns NS_SUCCESS or NS_FAILURE */ static int ls_cmd_status( const CmdParams *cmdparams ) { irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Status:" ); irc_prefmsg( ls_bot, cmdparams->source, "Logging %d channels", ( int )hash_count( lschannelhash ) ); return NS_SUCCESS; } /** Init module * This is required if you need to do initialisation of your module when * first loaded */ int ModInit( void ) { ModuleConfig( ls_settings ); lschannelhash = hash_create( HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, 0,0 ); return NS_SUCCESS; } /** @brief ModSynch * * Startup handler * * @param none * * @return NS_SUCCESS if suceeds else NS_FAILURE */ int ModSynch( void ) { /* Introduce a bot onto the network */ ls_bot = AddBot( &ls_botinfo ); if( !ls_bot ) { return NS_FAILURE; } /* load Channels and join them */ LoadLogChannels(); /* start a timer to scan the logs for rotation */ (void)AddTimer( TIMER_TYPE_INTERVAL, ls_rotate_logs, "ls_rotate_logs", 300, NULL ); return NS_SUCCESS; } /** Init module * This is required if you need to do cleanup of your module when it ends */ int ModFini( void ) { /* close the log files */ ls_close_logs(); /* delete the hash */ hash_destroy( lschannelhash ); return NS_SUCCESS; }