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2004-05-29 03:35:18 +00:00

711 lines
20 KiB
Executable file

/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Justin Hammond
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
/** template.c
* You can copy this file as a template for writing your own modules
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "logserv.h" /* LogServ Definitions */
/* only check logfile size every X calls */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DOSIZE 1
#define DOSIZE 50
char timebuf[TIMEBUFSIZE];
char startlog[BUFSIZE];
static void lgs_write_log(ChannelLog *cl, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
static int lgs_open_log(ChannelLog *cl);
static void lgs_stat_file(ChannelLog *cl);
static char *logserv_startlog(ChannelLog *cl);
static char *mirc_startlog(ChannelLog *cl);
static char *egg_startlog(ChannelLog *cl);
static char *xchat_startlog(ChannelLog *cl);
/* This was taken from DircProxy
* but is actually a pretty handy function.
* maybe it should go in the core?
#ifndef safe_channame
/* @brief Make the name of a logfile safe for a filename
* given a name, make sure its a safe name for a filename
* @params name the name to check. Warning, the name is modified
* @returns a modified version of the name, that is safe to use as a filename
static char *_irclog_safe(char *name) {
char *ptr;
/* Channel names are allowed to contain . and / according to the IRC
protocol. These are nasty as it means someone could theoretically
create a channel called #/../../etc/passwd and the program would try
to unlink "/tmp/#/../../etc/passwd" = "/etc/passwd". If running as root
this could be bad. So to compensate we replace '/' with ':' as thats not
valid in channel names. */
ptr = name;
while (*ptr) {
switch (*ptr) {
case '/':
*ptr = ':';
return name;
#define safe_channame(x) _irclog_safe(x)
/* @brief write a formatted log to the log files, and check if we should switch th logfile
* writes a message to a log file. If the logfile hasn't been opened yet, we
* open it, and write out any headers required.
* @params cl The ChannelLog structreu for the channel we are loggin
* @params fmt the printf style format of the log message
static void lgs_write_log(ChannelLog *cl, char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
char log_buf[BUFSIZE];
/* format the string to write */
va_start (ap, fmt);
ircvsnprintf (log_buf, BUFSIZE, fmt, ap);
va_end (ap);
/* if the FD isn't opened yet, lets open a log file */
if (!(cl->flags & LGSFDOPENED)) {
if (!lgs_open_log(cl)) {
/* ok, we just opened the file, write the start out */
switch (LogServ.logtype) {
case 0:
fprintf(cl->logfile, "%s", logserv_startlog(cl));
case 1:
fprintf(cl->logfile, "%s", egg_startlog(cl));
case 2:
fprintf(cl->logfile, "%s", mirc_startlog(cl));
case 3:
fprintf(cl->logfile, "%s", xchat_startlog(cl));
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Unknown LogType");
/* ok, file is opened. write the string to it */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("%s\n", log_buf);
fprintf(cl->logfile, "%s", log_buf);
#ifdef DEBUG
/* only flush the logfile in debug mode */
/* ok, now stat the file to check size */
if (cl->dostat >= DOSIZE) {
/* @brief Opens the log file, creating directories where necessary
* @param cl the channel log function
* @returns a boolen indicating success/failure
static int lgs_open_log(ChannelLog *cl) {
struct stat st;
int res;
char fname[MAXPATH];
/* first, make sure the logdir dir exists */
res = stat(LogServ.logdir, &st);
if (res != 0) {
/* hrm, error */
if (errno == ENOENT) {
/* ok, it doesn't exist, create it */
res = mkdir(LogServ.logdir, 0700);
if (res != 0) {
/* error */
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Couldn't create LogDir Directory: %s", strerror(errno));
return NS_FAILURE;
nlog(LOG_NOTICE, LOG_MOD, "Created Channel Logging Dir %s", LogServ.logdir);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Stat Returned A error: %s", strerror(errno));
return NS_FAILURE;
} else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "%s is not a Directory", LogServ.logdir);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* copy name to the filename holder (in case of invalid paths) */
strlcpy(cl->filename, cl->channame, MAXPATH);
ircsnprintf(fname, MAXPATH, "%s/%s.log", LogServ.logdir, safe_channame(cl->filename));
/* open the file */
cl->logfile = fopen(fname, "a");
if (!cl->logfile) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Could not open %s for Appending: %s", cl->filename, strerror(errno));
return NS_FAILURE;
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Opened %s for Appending", cl->filename);
/* set hte flag */
cl->flags |= LGSFDOPENED;
cl->fdopened =;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* @brief check the logfile size, and rotate if necessary
* @param cl the ChannelLog struct for the channel we are checking
static void lgs_stat_file(ChannelLog *cl) {
struct stat st;
int res;
char fname[MAXPATH];
/* reset this counter */
cl->dostat = 0;
/* construct the filename to stat */
ircsnprintf(fname, MAXPATH, "%s/%s.log", LogServ.logdir, cl->filename);
res = stat(fname, &st);
if (res != 0) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
/* wtf, this is bad */
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "LogFile went away: %s", fname);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Logfile Error: %s", strerror(errno));
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Logfile Size of %s is %d", fname, (int)st.st_size);
if (st.st_size > LogServ.maxlogsize) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Switching Logfile %s", fname);
/* ok, the file exceeds out limits, lets switch it */
/* @brief actually switch the logfile, saving the old log in a different directory
* @param cl the ChannelLog struct
void lgs_switch_file(ChannelLog *cl) {
struct stat st;
char tmbuf[MAXPATH];
char newfname[MAXPATH];
char oldfname[MAXPATH];
char savedir[MAXPATH];
int res;
if (!(cl->flags & LGSFDOPENED)) {
/* no need to switch, its not opened */
/* close the logfile */
cl->fdopened = 0;
cl->flags &= ~ LGSFDOPENED;
/* check if the target directory exists */
ircsnprintf(savedir, MAXPATH, "%s/\%s", LogServ.savedir, cl->filename);
res = stat(savedir, &st);
if (res != 0) {
/* hrm, error */
if (errno == ENOENT) {
/* ok, it doesn't exist, create it */
res = mkdir(savedir, 0700);
if (res != 0) {
/* error */
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Couldn't create LogDir Directory: %s", strerror(errno));
nlog(LOG_NOTICE, LOG_MOD, "Created Channel Logging Dir %s", savedir);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Stat Returned A error: %s", strerror(errno));
} else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "%s is not a Directory", savedir);
strftime(tmbuf, MAXPATH, "%d%m%Y%H%M%S", localtime(&;
ircsnprintf(newfname, MAXPATH, "%s/%s-%s.log", savedir, cl->filename, tmbuf);
ircsnprintf(oldfname, MAXPATH, "%s/%s.log", LogServ.logdir, cl->filename);
res = rename(oldfname, newfname);
if (res != 0) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Couldn't Rename file %s: %s", oldfname, strerror(errno));
nlog(LOG_NORMAL, LOG_MOD, "Switched Logfile for %s from %s to %s", cl->channame, oldfname, newfname);
/* @brief Close all logfiles and delete the struct assocated with them
* Called from ModFini when we are unloaded, to cleanup
void lgs_close_logs() {
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hn;
ChannelLog *cl;
Chans *c;
/* scan through the log files */
hash_scan_begin(&hs, lgschans);
while (( hn = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
cl = hnode_get(hn);
/* if the log is opened then close it */
if (cl->flags & LGSFDOPENED) {
/* delete them from the hash */
c = cl->c;
if (c) {
c->moddata[LogServ.modnum] = NULL;
cl->c = NULL;
hash_delete(lgschans, hn);
/* @brief Rotate the log files if they have been opened longer than the pre-defined time
* Runs through all active opened logfiles only
void lgs_RotateLogs() {
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hn;
ChannelLog *cl;
/* if Logage is 0, just bail out */
if (LogServ.maxopentime <= 0) {
/* scan through the log files */
hash_scan_begin(&hs, lgschans);
while (( hn = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
cl = hnode_get(hn);
/* if the log has been opened more than X, then rotate */
if ((cl->flags & LGSFDOPENED) && (( - cl->fdopened) > LogServ.maxopentime)) {
char *logserv_startlog(ChannelLog *chandata) {
return startlog;
int logserv_joinproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_partproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_msgproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
printf("doing msgproc\n");
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_quitproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_topicproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_kickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_nickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
int logserv_modeproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [00:00] --- Fri Jan 2 2004 */
/* this usually goes at the end of a logfile. Hrm */
char *egg_startlog(ChannelLog *cl) {
strftime(startlog, BUFSIZE, "[%H:%M] --- %a %b %d %Y\n", localtime(&;
return startlog;
#define EGGTIME "[%H:%M]"
char *egg_time() {
strftime(timebuf, TIMEBUFSIZE, EGGTIME, localtime(&;
return timebuf;
/* [22:02] Fish ( joined #neostats. */
#define EJOINPROC "%s %s (%s@%s) joined %s.\n"
int egg_joinproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, EJOINPROC, egg_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:02] Fish ( left #neostats (ha). */
#define EPARTPROC "%s %s (%s@%s) left %s (%s).\n"
int egg_partproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, EPARTPROC, egg_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:04] <Fish> I think that is it
* [22:04] Action: Fish waits for the eggdrop to flush its logs now
#define EMSGPROC "%s <%s> %s\n"
#define EACTPROC "%s Action: %s %s\n"
int egg_msgproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
if (ac == 3)
lgs_write_log(chandata, EACTPROC, egg_time(), av[0], av[2]);
lgs_write_log(chandata, EMSGPROC, egg_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:03] Fishwaldo ( left irc: Client closed */
#define EQUITPROC "%s %s (%s@%s) left irc: %s\n"
int egg_quitproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[0]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, EQUITPROC, egg_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, ac == 2 ? av[1] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:02] Topic changed on #neostats by Fish! <LuShes> I'mmmm back!!!! [NeoStats Support] */
#define ETOPICPROC "%s Topic changed on %s by %s!%s@%s: %s\n"
#define ENOUSERTOPICPROC "%s Topic changed on %s by %s: %s\n"
int egg_topicproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, ETOPICPROC, egg_time(), av[0], u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
lgs_write_log(chandata, ENOUSERTOPICPROC, egg_time(), av[0], av[1], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:02] Fish kicked from #neostats by Fish: Fish */
#define EKICKPROC "%s %s kicked from %s by %s: %s\n"
int egg_kickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, EKICKPROC, egg_time(), av[1], av[0], av[2], ac == 4 ? av[3] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:02] #NeoStats: mode change '+oa Fish Fish' by SuperSexSquirrel! */
#define EMODEPROC "%s %s: mode change '%s' by %s!%s@%s\n"
#define ENOUSERMODEPROC "%s %s: mode change '%s' by %s\n"
int egg_modeproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
char *modebuf;
modebuf = joinbuf(av, ac, 2);
u = finduser(av[0]);
if (u) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, EMODEPROC, egg_time(), av[1], modebuf, u->nick, u->username, u->vhost);
} else {
lgs_write_log(chandata, ENOUSERMODEPROC, egg_time(), av[1], modebuf, av[0]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:02] Nick change: Fish -> haha */
#define ENICKPROC "%s Nick change: %s -> %s\n"
int egg_nickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, ENICKPROC, egg_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Session Start: Fri Jan 02 21:46:22 2004
* Session Ident: #neostats
* [21:46] * Now talking in #neostats
* [21:46] * Topic is '<LuShes> I'mmmm back!!!! [NeoStats Support] :: NeoStats-2.5.11 :: OPSB 2.0 Beta1 Released :: StupidServ 1.2 Released :: SecureServ 1.0 :: Happy Holidays from the entire NeoStats Team, including the trained monkey'
* [21:46] * Set by LuShes on Fri Jan 02 11:11:57
#define MSTARTLOG "Session Start: %s\nSession Ident: %s\n%s * Now talking in %s\n%s * Topic is '%s'\n%s * Set by %s on %s\n"
char *mirc_startlog(ChannelLog *cl) {
char timebuf2[TIMEBUFSIZE];
char timebuf3[TIMEBUFSIZE];
strftime(timebuf, TIMEBUFSIZE, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&;
strftime(timebuf2, TIMEBUFSIZE, "[%H:%M]", localtime(&;
strftime(timebuf3, TIMEBUFSIZE, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&cl->c->topictime));
ircsnprintf(startlog, BUFSIZE, MSTARTLOG, timebuf, cl->channame, timebuf2, cl->channame, timebuf2, cl->c->topic[0] != '0' ? cl->c->topic : "", timebuf2, cl->c->topicowner[0] != '0' ? cl->c->topicowner: "", timebuf3);
return startlog;
#define MIRCTIME "[%H:%M]"
char *mirc_time() {
strftime(timebuf, TIMEBUFSIZE, MIRCTIME, localtime(&;
return timebuf;
/* [21:47] * Dirk-Digler has joined #neostats */
#define MJOINPROC "%s * %s (%s@%s) has joined %s\n"
int mirc_joinproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
lgs_write_log(chandata, MJOINPROC, mirc_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [22:07] * DigiGuy has left #neostats */
#define MPARTPROC "%s * %s (%s@%s) has left %s (%s)\n"
int mirc_partproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
lgs_write_log(chandata, MPARTPROC, mirc_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:47] <Digi|Away> yes we are feeling nice today */
/* [21:47] * Fish does a action for Digi|Away's log */
#define MMSGPROC "%s <%s> %s\n"
#define MACTPROC "%s * %s %s\n"
int mirc_msgproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
if (ac == 3) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MACTPROC, mirc_time(), av[0], av[2]);
} else {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MMSGPROC, mirc_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:49] * DigiGuy has quit IRC (Quit: ha) */
#define MQUITPROC "%s * %s has quit IRC (%s)\n"
int mirc_quitproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MQUITPROC, mirc_time(), av[0], ac == 2 ? av[1] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:48] * Digi|Away changes topic to 'FREE PORN - DETAILS ' */
#define MTOPICPROC "%s * %s changes topic to '%s'\n"
int mirc_topicproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MTOPICPROC, mirc_time(), av[1], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:47] * Dirk-Digler was kicked by Fish (Fish) */
#define MKICKPROC "%s * %s was kicked by %s (%s)\n"
int mirc_kickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MKICKPROC, mirc_time(), av[1], av[2], ac == 4 ? av[3] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:48] * Fish is now known as Fishy */
#define MNICKPROC "%s * %s is now known as %s\n"
int mirc_nickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, MNICKPROC, mirc_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* [21:47] * Fish sets mode: +o Dirk-Digler */
#define MMODEPROC "%s * %s sets mode: %s\n"
int mirc_modeproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
char *modebuf;
modebuf = joinbuf(av, ac, 2);
lgs_write_log(chandata, MMODEPROC, mirc_time(), av[0], modebuf);
return NS_SUCCESS;
#define XCHATTIME "%b %d %H:%M:%S"
char *xchat_time() {
strftime(timebuf, TIMEBUFSIZE, XCHATTIME, localtime(&;
return timebuf;
/* **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 2 17:25:15 2004
* \n
#define XSTARTLOG "**** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s\n\n"
char *xchat_startlog(ChannelLog *cl) {
char tmbuf[TIMEBUFSIZE];
strftime(tmbuf, TIMEBUFSIZE, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&;
ircsnprintf(startlog, BUFSIZE, XSTARTLOG, tmbuf);
return startlog;
/* Jan 02 17:27:10 --> Dirk-Digler ( has joined #neostats */
#define XJOINFMT "%s -->\t%s (%s@%s) has joined %s\n"
int xchat_joinproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, XJOINFMT, xchat_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0]); return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:56:52 <-- DigiGuy ( has left #neostats (part)*/
#define XPARTPROC "%s <--\t%s (%s@%s) has left %s (%s)\n"
int xchat_partproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
u = finduser(av[1]);
if (u)
lgs_write_log(chandata, XPARTPROC, xchat_time(), u->nick, u->username, u->vhost, av[0], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:25:43 <SecureServ> Akilling jojo! for Virus IRCORK */
#define XMSGFMT "%s <%s>\t%s\n"
/* Action:
* Jan 02 17:28:52 * Fish-Away sighs */
#define XACTFMT "%s *\t%s %s\n"
int xchat_msgproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
if (ac == 3) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XACTFMT, xchat_time(), av[0], av[2]);
} else {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XMSGFMT, xchat_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:47:26 <-- Dirk-Digler has quit (Killed (Fish (get lost))) */
#define XQUITFMT "%s <--\t%s has quit (%s)\n"
int xchat_quitproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XQUITFMT, xchat_time(), av[0], ac == 2 ? av[1] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:48:12 --- Digi|Away has changed the topic to: FREE PORN - DETAILS INSIDE */
#define XTOPICPROC "%s ---\t%s has changed the topic to: %s\n"
int xchat_topicproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XTOPICPROC, xchat_time(), av[1], ac == 3 ? av[2] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:27:10 <-- Fish-Away has kicked Dirk-Digler from #neostats (ha) */
#define XKICKPROC "%s <--\t%s has kicked %s from %s (%s)\n"
int xchat_kickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XKICKPROC, xchat_time(), av[2], av[1], av[0], ac == 4 ? av[3] : "");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:50:32 --- DigiGuy is now known as Bob */
#define XNICKPROC "%s ---\t%s is now known as %s\n"
int xchat_nickproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
lgs_write_log(chandata, XNICKPROC, xchat_time(), av[0], av[1]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* Jan 02 17:27:10 --- SuperSexSquirrel sets modes [#NeoStats +v Dirk-Digler] */
#define XMODEPROC "%s ---\t%s sets modes[%s %s]\n"
int xchat_modeproc(ChannelLog *chandata, char **av, int ac) {
char *modebuf;
modebuf = joinbuf(av, ac, 2);
lgs_write_log(chandata, XMODEPROC, xchat_time(), av[0], chandata->channame, modebuf);
return NS_SUCCESS;