almost complete. Need to just setup the port save feature, and port to Marks new string functions

This commit is contained in:
Fish 2003-10-29 11:07:23 +00:00
parent 48daac5382
commit 571f989fa2
6 changed files with 423 additions and 201 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ libopm/snprintf.c -text
libopm/snprintf.h -text
libopm/test.c -text
/ -text
/opsb.Settings -text
/opsb.c -text
/opsb.h -text
/opsb_help.c -text

opsb.Settings Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
g = {
OPSB: = {
HTTP (S) = "80 8080 8000 3128";
HTTPPOST (S) = "80 8080 8000 3128";
ROUTER (S) = "23";
SOCKS4 (S) = "1080";
SOCKS5 (S) = "1080";
WINGATE (S) = "23";

View file

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ extern const char *opsb_help_status[];
extern const char *opsb_help_set[];
extern const char *opsb_help_exclude[];
extern const char *opsb_help_remove[];
extern const char *opsb_help_ports[];
int online;
@ -83,7 +84,23 @@ int findscan(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
return (strcasecmp(chan1->who, key2));
int ports_sort(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
port_list *pl1 = (port_list *)key1;
port_list *pl2 = (port_list *)key2;
if (pl1->type == pl2->type) {
if (pl1->port == pl2->port) {
return 0;
} else if (pl1->port > pl2->port) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (pl1->type > pl2->type) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
int __Bot_Message(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
@ -92,6 +109,7 @@ int __Bot_Message(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
lnode_t *lnode;
scaninfo *scandata;
exemptinfo *exempts;
port_list *pl;
int lookuptype, i;
char *buf;
@ -118,6 +136,8 @@ int __Bot_Message(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_opsb, opsb_help_status);
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[2], "set") && UserLevel(u) >= 100)) {
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_opsb, opsb_help_set);
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[2], "ports") && UserLevel(u) >= 100)) {
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_opsb, opsb_help_ports);
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[2], "exclude") && UserLevel(u) > 100)) {
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_opsb, opsb_help_exclude);
} else if ((!strcasecmp(argv[2], "remove") && UserLevel(u) > 40)) {
@ -334,6 +354,95 @@ int __Bot_Message(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help exclude", s_opsb);
return 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "PORTS")) {
if (UserLevel(u) < 100) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Access Denied");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s tried to use ports, but is not an operator", u->nick);
return 1;
if (argc < 3) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "LIST")) {
lnode = list_first(opsb.ports);
i = 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Port List:");
while (lnode) {
pl = lnode_get(lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "%d) %s Port: %d", i, type_of_proxy(pl->type), pl->port);
lnode = list_next(opsb.ports, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "End of List.");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s requested Port List", u->nick);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "ADD")) {
if (argc < 5) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (list_isfull(opsb.ports)) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Ports list is full", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (!atoi(argv[4])) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Port field does not contain a vaild port");
return 0;
if (get_proxy_by_name(argv[3]) < 1) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Unknown Proxy type %s", argv[3]);
return 0;
pl = malloc(sizeof(port_list));
pl->type = get_proxy_by_name(argv[3]);
pl->port = atoi(argv[4]);
lnode = lnode_create(pl);
list_append(opsb.ports, lnode);
list_sort(opsb.ports, ports_sort);
#if 0
add_port(pl->type, pl->port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Added Port %d for Protocol %s to Ports list", pl->port, argv[3]);
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s added port %d for protocol %s to Ports list", u->nick, pl->port, argv[3]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "DEL")) {
if (argc < 3) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (atoi(argv[3]) != 0) {
lnode = list_first(opsb.ports);
i = 1;
while (lnode) {
if (i == atoi(argv[3])) {
/* delete the entry */
pl = lnode_get(lnode);
list_delete(opsb.ports, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Deleted Port %d of Protocol %s out of Ports list", pl->port, type_of_proxy(pl->type));
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "You need to Restart OPSB for the changes to take effect");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s deleted port %d of Protocol %s out of Ports list", u->nick, pl->port, type_of_proxy(pl->type));
/* just to be sure, lets sort the list */
list_sort(opsb.ports, ports_sort);
#if 0
return 1;
lnode = list_next(opsb.ports, lnode);
/* if we get here, then we can't find the entry */
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Can't find entry %d. /msg %s ports list", atoi(argv[3]), s_opsb);
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Out of Range");
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "SET")) {
if (argc < 3) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help set", s_opsb);
@ -541,16 +650,15 @@ int Online(char **av, int ac) {
if (init_bot(s_opsb,"opsb",,"Proxy Scanning Bot", "+S", __module_info.module_name) == -1 ) {
/* Nick was in use!!!! */
s_opsb = strcat(s_opsb, "_");
init_bot(s_opsb,"opsb",,"Proxy Scanning Bot", "+S", __module_info.module_name);
if (opsb.confed == 0) add_mod_timer("unconf", "Un_configured_warn", "opsb", 60);
if (opsb.confed == 0) {
add_mod_timer("unconf", "Un_configured_warn", "opsb", 60);
getpeername(servsock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, (socklen_t*)&ulen);
snprintf(opsb.targethost, MAXHOST, "%s", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr));
@ -729,7 +837,6 @@ void loadcache() {
if (!fp) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Warning, Can not open Cache file for Reading");
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, Can not open Cache file for Reading");
fgets(buf, 512, fp);
@ -1124,6 +1231,8 @@ int __ModInit(int modnum, int apiver)
exempt = list_create(MAX_EXEMPTS);
opsb.ports = list_create(MAX_PORTS);
online = 0;
sprintf(opsb.opmdomain, "%s", "");
sprintf(opsb.targethost, "%s", me.uplink);
@ -1141,6 +1250,16 @@ int __ModInit(int modnum, int apiver)
opsb.opmhits = 1;
snprintf(opsb.lookforstring, 512, "*** Looking up your hostname...");
snprintf(opsb.scanmsg, 512, "Your Host is being Scanned for Open Proxies");
if (load_ports() != 1) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Can't Load opsb. No Ports Defined for Scanned. Did you install Correctly?");
return -1;
return 1;

View file

@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
#define OPSB_H
#include "modconfig.h"
#include "opm_types.h"
typedef struct proxy_types {
char *type;
typedef struct port_list {
int type;
int port;
int nofound;
int noopen;
} proxy_types;
} port_list;
char *s_opsb;
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ char *s_opsb;
#define MAX_QUEUE MAX_SCANS * 100
/* max no of exempt entries */
#define MAX_EXEMPTS 20
/* max no of ports to scan */
#define MAX_PORTS 50
struct scanq {
char who[MAXHOST];
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ struct opsb {
int doscan;
int cachehits;
int opmhits;
list_t *ports;
} opsb;
@ -100,6 +102,15 @@ struct exempts {
typedef struct exempts exemptinfo;
typedef struct proxy_type {
int type;
char name[MAXNICK];
} proxy_type;
/* this is the list of exempted hosts/servers */
list_t *exempt;
@ -126,5 +137,6 @@ void addtocache(unsigned long ipaddr);
void start_proxy_scan(lnode_t *scannode);
void send_status(User *u);
void check_scan_free(scaninfo *scandata);
int init_libopm();
#endif /* OPSB_H */

View file

@ -23,166 +23,192 @@
#include "stats.h"
const char *opsb_help[] = {
"\2Open Proxy Scanning Bot\2 scans the network for insecure",
"clients. For more info \2/msg opsb info\2",
"The following commands can be used with opsb",
" LOOKUP Lookup DNS record",
" INFO Information about opsb",
const char *opsb_help_oper[] = {
"Additional commands for Operators",
" CHECK Scan a selected user",
" STATUS View opsb state information",
" SET Change opsb configuration options",
" EXCLUDE Exclude a host from scanning",
" REMOVE Remove an akill set by opsb",
const char *opsb_help_on_help[] = {
"To use a command, type",
" \2/msg opsb command\2",
"For for more information on a command, type",
" \2/msg opsb HELP command\2.",
const char *opsb_help_lookup[] = {
"Syntax: \2LOOKUP <ip|hostname> <flag>\2",
"This command allows you to lookup DNS records on the",
"Internet. Different types of records can be looked up",
"by specifying different flags",
"The Flags are:",
" txt - Lookup Text Records",
" rp - Lookup the Responsible Person for this record",
" ns - Lookup the Name Servers for this record",
" soa - Lookup the SOA for this Record",
"If you do not specify a flag, it defaults to looking up",
"either the IP address for Hostnames, or the Hostname for",
"IP addresses",
const char *opsb_help_info[] = {
"\2Open Proxy Scanning Bot Information\2",
"This bot is intended to scan clients connecting to this",
"network for insecure proxies. Insecure proxies are often",
"used to attack networks or channel with \2clone\2 bots",
"This check scans the following ports:",
" 3128, 8080, 80 23 and 1080",
"If you have Firewall, or IDS software, please ignore any",
"errors that this scan may generate",
"If you have any further questions, please contact network",
"administration staff",
const char *opsb_help_check[] = {
"Syntax: \2CHECK <nickname/IP/hostname>\2",
"This option will scan either a user connected to your",
"network, an IP address, or Hostname for Insecure proxies,",
"and report the status to you. If an Insecure proxy is",
"found, the host will be banned from the network",
const char *opsb_help_status[] = {
"Syntax: \2STATUS\2",
"View detailed information about the state of the Open",
"Proxy Scanning Bot",
const char *opsb_help_set[] = {
"Syntax: \2SET <OPTION> <SETTING>\2",
"This command will set various options relating to OPSB.",
"You can view the settings by typing \2SET LIST\2",
"The Settings take effect straight away",
"The Options are:",
" \2TARGETIP\2 - Change the IP address we try to",
" make the proxies connect to",
" This should be set to an IP address",
" of one of your IRC Servers.",
" \2TARGETPORT\2 - Change the Port number we try to",
" make proxies connect to. This must",
" be a port that runs on your IRCD",
" \2CACHETIME\2 - Amount of time (in seconds) that",
" an entry will be cached",
" \2DISABLESCAN\2 - Disables the proxy scan and only",
" do a lookup in the DNS blacklist",
" to see if this host is listed as",
" an open proxy",
"\2Advanced Settings\2 - These settings should not be changed",
" unless you know the effects in full",
" \2OPMDOMAIN\2 - Change the Domain we use to lookup",
" for Blacklists.",
" \2MAXBYTES\2 - Maximum number of bytes we receive",
" from a proxy before disconnecting",
" \2TIMEOUT\2 - Time we wait for a proxy to respond",
" to our servers before disconnecting,",
" and assuming its not an open Proxy",
" \2OPENSTRING\2 - The string we expect to see if",
" there is an Open Proxy",
" \2SPLITTIME\2 - This is used to determine if users",
" connecting to the network are part",
" of a Net join",
" (when two servers link together)",
" \2SCANMSG\2 - This is the message sent to a user",
" when we scan their hosts",
" \2BANTIME\2 - This is how long the user will be",
" banned from the network for",
const char *opsb_help_exclude[] = {
"Syntax: \2EXCLUDE <LIST>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <ADD> <hostname> <type> <reason>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <DEL> <index>\2",
"This command lets you view or manipulate the exception",
"list. Exception lists are used to exclude users, or",
"servers from scanning. You should at least add a server",
"entry for your services IRC name, to stop OPSB from",
"scanning Nickserv, Chanserv etc",
"\2LIST\2 will list the current exceptions together with an",
"ID number for use in removing entries.",
"\2ADD\2 will add an entry of <hostname> to the exception"
"list. Flag should be 1 to indicate a server name",
"(eg, or 0 to indicate a hostname",
"(eg, * Reason allows you to set a"
"reason for the exclusion for future reference",
"Wildcards such as * and ? may be used in the hostname.",
"\2DEL\2 will delete entry <index> from the list of",
"exclusions. Use the LIST command to find the index.",
const char *opsb_help_remove[] = {
"Syntax: \2REMOVE <ip|hostname>\2",
"Remove akills that have been set by opsb.",
"<ip|hostname> is the hostname listed in your akill list",
"(usually found with /stats a)",
const char *opsb_help[] = {
"\2Open Proxy Scanning Bot\2 scans the network for insecure",
"clients. For more info \2/msg opsb info\2",
"The following commands can be used with opsb",
" LOOKUP Lookup DNS record",
" INFO Information about opsb",
const char *opsb_help_oper[] = {
"Additional commands for Operators",
" CHECK Scan a selected user",
" STATUS View opsb state information",
" SET Change opsb configuration options",
" EXCLUDE Exclude a host from scanning",
" REMOVE Remove an akill set by opsb",
const char *opsb_help_on_help[] = {
"To use a command, type",
" \2/msg opsb command\2",
"For for more information on a command, type",
" \2/msg opsb HELP command\2.",
const char *opsb_help_lookup[] = {
"Syntax: \2LOOKUP <ip|hostname> <flag>\2",
"This command allows you to lookup DNS records on the",
"Internet. Different types of records can be looked up",
"by specifying different flags",
"The Flags are:",
" txt - Lookup Text Records",
" rp - Lookup the Responsible Person for this record",
" ns - Lookup the Name Servers for this record",
" soa - Lookup the SOA for this Record",
"If you do not specify a flag, it defaults to looking up",
"either the IP address for Hostnames, or the Hostname for",
"IP addresses",
const char *opsb_help_info[] = {
"\2Open Proxy Scanning Bot Information\2",
"This bot is intended to scan clients connecting to this",
"network for insecure proxies. Insecure proxies are often",
"used to attack networks or channel with \2clone\2 bots",
"This check scans the following ports:",
" 3128, 8080, 80 23 and 1080",
"If you have Firewall, or IDS software, please ignore any",
"errors that this scan may generate",
"If you have any further questions, please contact network",
"administration staff",
const char *opsb_help_check[] = {
"Syntax: \2CHECK <nickname/IP/hostname>\2",
"This option will scan either a user connected to your",
"network, an IP address, or Hostname for Insecure proxies,",
"and report the status to you. If an Insecure proxy is",
"found, the host will be banned from the network",
const char *opsb_help_status[] = {
"Syntax: \2STATUS\2",
"View detailed information about the state of the Open",
"Proxy Scanning Bot",
const char *opsb_help_set[] = {
"Syntax: \2SET <OPTION> <SETTING>\2",
"This command will set various options relating to OPSB.",
"You can view the settings by typing \2SET LIST\2",
"The Settings take effect straight away",
"The Options are:",
" \2TARGETIP\2 - Change the IP address we try to",
" make the proxies connect to",
" This should be set to an IP address",
" of one of your IRC Servers.",
" \2TARGETPORT\2 - Change the Port number we try to",
" make proxies connect to. This must",
" be a port that runs on your IRCD",
" \2CACHETIME\2 - Amount of time (in seconds) that",
" an entry will be cached",
" \2DISABLESCAN\2 - Disables the proxy scan and only",
" do a lookup in the DNS blacklist",
" to see if this host is listed as",
" an open proxy",
"\2Advanced Settings\2 - These settings should not be changed",
" unless you know the effects in full",
" \2OPMDOMAIN\2 - Change the Domain we use to lookup",
" for Blacklists.",
" \2MAXBYTES\2 - Maximum number of bytes we receive",
" from a proxy before disconnecting",
" \2TIMEOUT\2 - Time we wait for a proxy to respond",
" to our servers before disconnecting,",
" and assuming its not an open Proxy",
" \2OPENSTRING\2 - The string we expect to see if",
" there is an Open Proxy",
" \2SPLITTIME\2 - This is used to determine if users",
" connecting to the network are part",
" of a Net join",
" (when two servers link together)",
" \2SCANMSG\2 - This is the message sent to a user",
" when we scan their hosts",
" \2BANTIME\2 - This is how long the user will be",
" banned from the network for",
const char *opsb_help_exclude[] = {
"Syntax: \2EXCLUDE <LIST>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <ADD> <hostname> <type> <reason>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <DEL> <index>\2",
"This command lets you view or manipulate the exception",
"list. Exception lists are used to exclude users, or",
"servers from scanning. You should at least add a server",
"entry for your services IRC name, to stop OPSB from",
"scanning Nickserv, Chanserv etc",
"\2LIST\2 will list the current exceptions together with an",
"ID number for use in removing entries.",
"\2ADD\2 will add an entry of <hostname> to the exception"
"list. Flag should be 1 to indicate a server name",
"(eg, or 0 to indicate a hostname",
"(eg, * Reason allows you to set a"
"reason for the exclusion for future reference",
"Wildcards such as * and ? may be used in the hostname.",
"\2DEL\2 will delete entry <index> from the list of",
"exclusions. Use the LIST command to find the index.",
const char *opsb_help_ports[] = {
"Syntax: \2EXCLUDE <LIST>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <ADD> <hostname> <type> <reason>\2",
" \2EXCLUDE <DEL> <index>\2",
"This command lets you view or manipulate the exception",
"list. Exception lists are used to exclude users, or",
"servers from scanning. You should at least add a server",
"entry for your services IRC name, to stop OPSB from",
"scanning Nickserv, Chanserv etc",
"\2LIST\2 will list the current exceptions together with an",
"ID number for use in removing entries.",
"\2ADD\2 will add an entry of <hostname> to the exception"
"list. Flag should be 1 to indicate a server name",
"(eg, or 0 to indicate a hostname",
"(eg, * Reason allows you to set a"
"reason for the exclusion for future reference",
"Wildcards such as * and ? may be used in the hostname.",
"\2DEL\2 will delete entry <index> from the list of",
"exclusions. Use the LIST command to find the index.",
const char *opsb_help_remove[] = {
"Syntax: \2REMOVE <ip|hostname>\2",
"Remove akills that have been set by opsb.",
"<ip|hostname> is the hostname listed in your akill list",
"(usually found with /stats a)",

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "stats.h"
#include "opsb.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "opm.h"
#include "opm_types.h"
#include "opm_error.h"
@ -46,9 +47,6 @@ void timeout(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void scan_end(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void scan_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int opmerr, void *unused);
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
@ -56,9 +54,71 @@ void scan_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int opmerr, void *unused);
OPM_T *scanner;
proxy_type proxy_list[] = {
{ 0, "" }
char *type_of_proxy(int type) {
return proxy_list[type-1].name;
int get_proxy_by_name(const char *name) {
int i;
for (i=0; proxy_list[i].type != 0; i++) {
if (!strcasecmp(proxy_list[i].name, name)) {
return proxy_list[i].type;
return 0;
void add_port(int type, int port) {
opm_addtype(scanner, type, port);
int load_ports() {
char *portname, **av;
int i, j, ac, ok;
port_list *prtlst;
lnode_t *pn;
ok = 0;
for (i = 0; proxy_list[i].type != 0; i++) {
if (GetConf((void *)&portname, CFGSTR, proxy_list[i].name) <= 0) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Warning, No Ports defined for Protocol %s", proxy_list[i].name);
} else {
ac = split_buf(portname, &av, 0);
for (j = 0; j < ac; j++) {
if (atoi(av[j]) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Invalid Port %s for Proxy Type %s", av[j], proxy_list[i].name);
if (list_isfull(opsb.ports)) {
nlog(LOG_MOD, LOG_WARNING, "Ports List is Full.");
prtlst = malloc(sizeof(port_list));
prtlst->type = proxy_list[i].type;
prtlst->port = atoi(av[j]);
prtlst->noopen = 0;
pn = lnode_create(prtlst);
list_append(opsb.ports, pn);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Added Port %d for Protocol %s", prtlst->port, proxy_list[i].name);
ok = 1;
return ok;
int init_libopm() {
int i, portcount;
lnode_t *pn;
port_list *pl;
scanner = opm_create();
/* setup the callbacks to our code */
@ -83,21 +143,15 @@ int init_libopm() {
/* max bytes read */
opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_MAX_READ, &opsb.maxbytes);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 8080);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 80);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 3128);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 31);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 8000);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, 8080);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, 80);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, 3128);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, 31);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, 8000);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_WINGATE, 23);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_ROUTER, 23);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_SOCKS4, 1080);
opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_SOCKS5, 1080);
/* read the proxy types directly from keeper :) */
pn = list_first(opsb.ports);
while (pn) {
pl = lnode_get(pn);
opm_addtype(scanner, pl->type, pl->port);
pn = list_next(opsb.ports, pn);
/* add the sock poll interface into neo */
@ -120,12 +174,12 @@ void open_proxy(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
chanalert(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
globops(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
chanalert(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
globops(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
#if 0
sakill_cmd(remote->ip, "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Open Proxy found on your host. %d(%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
sakill_cmd(remote->ip, "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Open Proxy found on your host. %s(%d)", type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
/* write out to a logfile */
if ((fp = fopen("logs/openproxies.log", "a")) == NULL) return;
@ -157,7 +211,7 @@ void negfailed(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused)
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Negitiation failed for protocol %d (%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Negitiation failed for protocol %s(%d)", type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
@ -168,7 +222,7 @@ void timeout(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused) {
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Timeout on Protocol %d (%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Timeout on Protocol %s(%d)", type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port);
@ -179,7 +233,7 @@ void scan_end(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused) {
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "scan finished %d %d", remote->protocol, remote->port);
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "scan finished on %s", scandata->who);
if (scandata->state != GOTOPENPROXY) scandata->state = FIN_SCAN;
@ -203,7 +257,7 @@ void scan_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int opmerr, void *unused)
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "scan error on Protocol %d (%d) - %d", remote->protocol, remote->port, opmerr);
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "scan error on Protocol %s (%d) - %d", type_of_proxy(remote->protocol), remote->port, opmerr);
/*XXX cleanup */
@ -322,4 +376,4 @@ void check_scan_free(scaninfo *scandata) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Damn, Can't find ScanNode %s. Something is fubar", scandata->who);