I can't work in this damn heat... *sigh*

This commit is contained in:
Fish 2003-10-24 14:12:17 +00:00
parent 280b711afb
commit cec8cdf849
4 changed files with 102 additions and 448 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@
INCLUDES=-I@DIRINST@/include/ -I. -Ilibopm
SOURCES= opsb.c proxy.c opsb_help.c
OBJECTS= opsb.o proxy.o opsb_help.o

View file

@ -1198,7 +1198,6 @@ int libopm_before_poll(OPM_T *scanner, pollfd *ufds)
libopm_check_queue(scanner); /* Move scans from the queue to the live scan list */
libopm_check_establish(scanner); /* Make new connections if possible */
printf("prepoll %d\n", (int)size);
// ufds = MyMalloc((sizeof *ufds) * (*(unsigned int *) libopm_config(scanner->config, OPM_CONFIG_FD_LIMIT)));
maxsize = (*(unsigned int *) libopm_config(scanner->config, OPM_CONFIG_FD_LIMIT));
@ -1223,7 +1222,6 @@ int libopm_before_poll(OPM_T *scanner, pollfd *ufds)
ufds[size].events = 0;
ufds[size].revents = 0;
ufds[size].fd = conn->fd;
printf("%d %d\n", ufds[size].fd, size);
/* Check for HUNG UP. */
ufds[size].events |= POLLHUP;
@ -1243,7 +1241,6 @@ int libopm_before_poll(OPM_T *scanner, pollfd *ufds)
printf("mysize %d\n", size);
return size;
/* after_poll
@ -1263,11 +1260,9 @@ void libopm_after_poll(OPM_T *scanner, pollfd *ufds, unsigned int ufdssize)
int i;
if (opm_active(scanner) < 1) {
LIST_FOREACH(node1, scanner->scans->head)
scan = (OPM_SCAN_T *) node1->data;
@ -1280,7 +1275,6 @@ printf("list\n");
if((ufds[i].fd == conn->fd) && (conn->state != OPM_STATE_CLOSED))
printf("doing something\n");
if(ufds[i].revents & POLLIN)
libopm_do_readready(scanner, scan, conn);
if(ufds[i].revents & POLLOUT)

View file

@ -155,13 +155,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (!complete) {
ufds = malloc((sizeof *ufds) * (*(unsigned int *) libopm_config(scanner->config, OPM_CONFIG_FD_LIMIT)));
size = libopm_before_poll(scanner, ufds);
printf("test %d\n", size);
printf("ha %d\n", ufds[0].fd);
err = poll(ufds, size, 0);
// printf("poll said %d\n", err);
libopm_after_poll(scanner, ufds, size);
switch (err)
case -1:
@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ printf("ha %d\n", ufds[0].fd);
/* Nothing to do */
libopm_after_poll(scanner, ufds, size);
/* Pass pointer to connection to handler. */

View file

@ -35,67 +35,75 @@
#include "stats.h"
#include "opsb.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "opm.h"
#include "opm_types.h"
int proxy_connect(unsigned long ipaddr, int port, char *who);
int http_proxy(int sock);
int sock4_proxy(int sock);
int sock5_proxy(int sock);
int cisco_proxy(int sock);
int wingate_proxy(int sock);
void open_proxy(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void negfailed(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void timeout(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void scan_end(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused);
void scan_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int opmerr, void *unused);
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
OPM_T *scanner;
proxy_types proxy_list[] = {
{"http", 80, http_proxy, 0, 0},
{"http", 8080, http_proxy, 0, 0},
{"http", 3128, http_proxy, 0, 0},
{"socks4", 1080, sock4_proxy, 0, 0},
{"socks5", 1080, sock5_proxy, 0, 0},
{"Cisco", 23, cisco_proxy, 0, 0},
{"Wingate", 23, wingate_proxy, 0, 0},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0}
int init_libopm() {
#define NUM_PROXIES 7
scanner = opm_create();
/* setup the callbacks to our code */
opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_OPENPROXY, &open_proxy, NULL);
opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_NEGFAIL, &negfailed, NULL);
opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT, &timeout, NULL);
opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_END, &scan_end, NULL);
opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_ERROR, &scan_error, NULL);
return 1;
void do_ban(scaninfo *scandata) {
lnode_t *socknode;
socklist *sockdata;
void open_proxy(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused)
FILE *fp;
scaninfo *scandata;
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->doneban == 1)
/* ban based on proxy detection first */
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
while (socknode) {
sockdata = lnode_get(socknode);
if (sockdata->flags != OPENPROXY) {
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
scandata->doneban = 1;
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
chanalert(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
globops(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %s(%d)", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
sakill_cmd(inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Open Proxy found on your host. %s(%d) Please visit the following website for more info: www.blitzed.org/proxy?ip=%s", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr));
if ((fp = fopen("logs/opsb.log", "a")) == NULL) return;
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:%s\n", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), scandata->connectstring);
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
chanalert(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
globops(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) for Open Proxy - %d(%d)", scandata->who, remote->ip, remote->protocol, remote->port);
#if 0
sakill_cmd(remote->ip, "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Open Proxy found on your host. %d(%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
/* write out to a logfile */
if ((fp = fopen("logs/openproxies.log", "a")) == NULL) return;
fprintf(fp, "%d:%s:%s\n", remote->protocol, remote->ip, "empty");
/* no point continuing the scan if they are found open */
opm_end(scanner, remote);
#if 0
if (scandata->dnsstate == OPMLIST) {
scandata->doneban = 1;
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Banning %s (%s) as its listed in %s", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), opsb.opmdomain);
@ -104,49 +112,51 @@ void do_ban(scaninfo *scandata) {
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) as its listed in %s", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), opsb.opmdomain);
sakill_cmd(inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Your host is listed as an Open Proxy. Please visit the following website for more info: www.blitzed.org/proxy?ip=%s", inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr));
scaninfo *find_scandata(char *sockname) {
char *buf, *cmd;
lnode_t *scannode;
buf = sstrdup(sockname);
cmd = strtok(buf, " ");
scannode = list_find(opsbl, cmd, findscan);
if (scannode)
return lnode_get(scannode);
return NULL;
void cleanlist() {
lnode_t *scannode;
void negfailed(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused) {
scaninfo *scandata;
lnode_t *socknode, *scannode2;
socklist *sockdata;
char sockname[64];
int savescan, timedout = 0, finished;
scannode = list_first(opsbl);
while (scannode) {
timedout = 0;
scandata = lnode_get(scannode);
/* check if this scan has timed out */
if (time(NULL) - scandata->started > opsb.timeout) timedout = 1;
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, "Negitiation failed for protocol %d (%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
/*XXX Do anything.. I dont think so */
/* savescan is a flag if we should save this entry into the cache file */
savescan = 1;
void timeout(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused) {
scaninfo *scandata;
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, "Timeout on Protocol %d (%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
/*XXX Do anything? I don't think so */
void scan_end(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *unused) {
scaninfo *scandata;
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, "scan finished %d %d", remote->protocol, remote->port);
/*XXX we have to cleanup here */
void scan_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int opmerr, void *unused) {
scaninfo *scandata;
#if 0
/* don't delete if the opm lookup hasn't completed yet */
if ((scandata->dnsstate == DO_OPM_LOOKUP) || (scandata->dnsstate == GET_NICK_IP))
@ -157,69 +167,20 @@ void cleanlist() {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "Ehhh, socks for %s is NULL? WTF?", scandata->who);
/* check for open sockets */
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
finished = 1;
while (socknode) {
sockdata = lnode_get(socknode);
/* if it was an open proxy, don't save the cache */
if (sockdata->flags == OPENPROXY) savescan = 0;
/* if this still has sockets connected, set finished flaged to 0 to not delete scans */
if ((sockdata->flags == SOCKCONNECTED) || (sockdata->flags == CONNECTING)) finished = 0;
if (timedout == 1) {
if ((sockdata->flags == SOCKCONNECTED) || (sockdata->flags == CONNECTING)) {
/* it still has open socks */
snprintf(sockname, 64, "%s %d", scandata->who, sockdata->type);
sockdata->flags = UNCONNECTED;
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Closing Socket %s in cleanlist function for timeout()", sockname);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Timeout Connecting to Proxy %s on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
/* free the socket struct as its timed out and un-connected by now */
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
if (timedout == 1 || finished == 1) {
if (timedout == 1) nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Deleting Old Scannode %s out of active list (Timeout)", scandata->who );
if (finished == 1) nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Deleting Old Scannode %s out of active list (Finished)", scandata->who );
if (savescan == 1)
/* destory all the nodes in the sock list */
if (scandata->socks != NULL) {
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
while (socknode) {
sockdata = lnode_get(socknode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "freeing sockdata %s %d", scandata->who, sockdata->type);
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
scannode2 = list_next(opsbl, scannode);
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
scandata->u = NULL;
scannode = scannode2;
} else {
scannode = list_next(opsbl, scannode);
scandata = remote->data;
if (scandata->u) {
prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, "scan error on Protocol %d (%d)", remote->protocol, remote->port);
/*XXX cleanup */
void send_status(User *u) {
int i;
lnode_t *node, *socknode;
lnode_t *node;
scaninfo *scandata;
socklist *sockinfo;
@ -228,9 +189,11 @@ void send_status(User *u) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Cache Entries: %d", list_count(cache));
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Cache Hits: %d", opsb.cachehits);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Blacklist Hits: %d", opsb.opmhits);
#if 0
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROXIES; i++) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Proxy %s (%d) Found %d Open %d", proxy_list[i].type, proxy_list[i].port, proxy_list[i].nofound, proxy_list[i].noopen);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Currently Scanning %d Proxies (%d in queue):", list_count(opsbl), list_count(opsbq));
node = list_first(opsbl);
while (node) {
@ -269,27 +232,6 @@ void send_status(User *u) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Unknown State (Scan)");
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
while (socknode) {
sockinfo = lnode_get(socknode);
switch (sockinfo->flags) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, " %s(%d) - Connecting", proxy_list[sockinfo->type].type, proxy_list[sockinfo->type].port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, " %s(%d) - Connected", proxy_list[sockinfo->type].type, proxy_list[sockinfo->type].port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, " %s(%d) - Disconnected", proxy_list[sockinfo->type].type, proxy_list[sockinfo->type].port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, " %s(%d) - Open Proxy", proxy_list[sockinfo->type].type, proxy_list[sockinfo->type].port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, " %s(%d) - Unknown", proxy_list[sockinfo->type].type, proxy_list[sockinfo->type].port);
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
node = list_next(opsbl, node);
@ -297,301 +239,23 @@ void send_status(User *u) {
void start_proxy_scan(lnode_t *scannode) {
scaninfo *scandata;
socklist *sockdata;
lnode_t *socknode;
char *sockname;
int i, j;
OPM_REMOTE_T *remote;
scandata = lnode_get(scannode);
if (scandata->u) chanalert(s_opsb, "Starting proxy scan on %s (%s) by Request of %s", scandata->who, scandata->lookup, scandata->u->nick);
scandata->socks = list_create(NUM_PROXIES);
scandata->state = DOING_SCAN;
/* this is so we can timeout scans */
scandata->started = time(NULL);
if ((opsb.doscan == 1) || (scandata->u)) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROXIES; i++) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB proxy_connect(): host %ul (%s), port %d", scandata->ipaddr,inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), proxy_list[i].port);
sockname = malloc(64);
sprintf(sockname, "%s %d", scandata->who, i);
j = proxy_connect(scandata->ipaddr.s_addr, proxy_list[i].port, sockname);
if (j > 0) {
/* its ok */
sockdata = malloc(sizeof(socklist));
sockdata->sock = j;
sockdata->function = proxy_list[i].scan;
sockdata->flags = CONNECTING;
sockdata->type = i;
sockdata->bytes = 0;
socknode = lnode_create(sockdata);
list_append(scandata->socks, socknode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_MOD, "Starting Scan on %s", inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr));
remote = opm_remote_create(inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr));
remote->data = scandata;
/* the following functions (http_proxy, sock4_proxy, sock5_proxy, cisco_proxy and wingate_proxy
** were borrowed from the BOPM proxy scanning bot.
** This code is Copyrighted by Erik Fears (strtok@blitzed.org) and is used with thanks
** this code is used under the GPL license, as the original BOPM is licensed under
int http_proxy(int sock) {
char *buf;
int i;
buf = malloc(512);
i = snprintf(buf, 512, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", opsb.targethost, opsb.targetport);
i= send(sock, buf, i, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
return i;
int sock4_proxy(int sock) {
struct in_addr addr;
unsigned long laddr;
char *buf;
int len;
if (inet_aton(opsb.targethost, &addr) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "OPSB socks4_proxy() : %s is not a valid IP",
return 0;
laddr = htonl(addr.s_addr);
buf = malloc(512);
len = snprintf(buf, 512, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 4, 1,
(((unsigned short) opsb.targetport) >> 8) & 0xFF,
(((unsigned short) opsb.targetport) & 0xff),
(char) (laddr >> 24) & 0xFF, (char) (laddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(char) (laddr >> 8) & 0xFF, (char) laddr & 0xFF, 0);
len = send(sock, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int sock5_proxy(int sock) {
struct in_addr addr;
unsigned long laddr;
int len;
char *buf;
if (inet_aton(opsb.targethost, &addr) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB socks5_proxy() : %s is not a valid IP",
laddr = htonl(addr.s_addr);
buf = malloc(512);
/* Form authentication string */
/* Version 5, 1 number of methods, 0 method (no auth). */
len = snprintf(buf, 512, "%c%c%c", 5, 1, 0);
len = send(sock, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (len < 0) {
return len;
/* Form request string */
len = snprintf(buf, 512, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 5, 1, 0, 1,
(char) (laddr >> 24) & 0xFF, (char) (laddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(char) (laddr >> 8) & 0xFF, (char) laddr & 0xFF,
(((unsigned short) opsb.targetport) >> 8) & 0xFF,
(((unsigned short) opsb.targetport) & 0xFF)
len = send(sock, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
int cisco_proxy(int sock) {
char *buf;
int i;
buf = malloc(512);
i = snprintf(buf, 512, "cisco\r\n");
i = send(sock, buf, i, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (i < 0)
return i;
i = snprintf(buf, 512, "telnet %s %d\r\n", opsb.targethost, opsb.targetport);
i = send(sock, buf, i, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
return i;
int wingate_proxy(int sock) {
char *buf;
int i;
buf = malloc(512);
i = snprintf(buf, 512, "%s:%d\r\n", opsb.targethost, opsb.targetport);
i = send(sock, buf, i, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
return i;
/* proxy read function */
int proxy_read(int socknum, char *sockname) {
char *buf;
int i = 0;
scaninfo *scandata;
lnode_t *socknode;
socklist *sockdata = NULL;
scandata = find_scandata(sockname);
if (!scandata) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "ehh, wtf, can find scan data for read (Sock %d Name %s)", socknum, sockname);
return 1;
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
while (socknode) {
sockdata = lnode_get(socknode);
if (sockdata->sock == socknum) {
i = 1;
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
if (i == 0) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "ehh can't find socket info %s (%d) for proxy_read()", sockname, socknum);
return 1;
buf = malloc(512);
bzero(buf, 512);
i = recv(socknum, buf, 512, 0);
if (i < 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB proxy_read(): %d has the following error: %s", socknum, strerror(errno));
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "No %s Proxy Server on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
sockdata->flags = UNCONNECTED;
return -1;
} else {
if (i > 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB proxy_read(): Got this: %s (%d)",buf, i);
/* copy the received data onto the buf, but don't overwrite the buffer */
strncat(sockdata->buf, buf, 2047 - strlen(sockdata->buf));
/* this is an ok HTTP server */
if (strstr(sockdata->buf, "Method Not Allowed")) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "closing socket %d due to ok HTTP server", socknum);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "No Open %s Proxy Server on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
sockdata->flags = UNCONNECTED;
return -1;
/* this looks for the ban string or a throttle string */
if (strstr(sockdata->buf, opsb.lookforstring) || strstr(sockdata->buf, "ERROR :Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled.") || strstr(sockdata->buf, "ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast.")) {
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Open %s Proxy Server on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
scandata->state = GOTOPENPROXY;
sockdata->flags = OPENPROXY;
return -1;
sockdata->bytes += i;
/* avoid reading too much data */
if (sockdata->bytes > opsb.maxbytes) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB proxy_read(): Closing %d due to too much data", socknum);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "No Open %s Proxy Server on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
sockdata->flags = UNCONNECTED;
return -1;
return 1;
/* proxy write function */
int proxy_write(int socknum, char *sockname) {
int i = 0;
scaninfo *scandata;
lnode_t *socknode;
socklist *sockdata = NULL;
scandata = find_scandata(sockname);
if (!scandata) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "ehh, wtf, can find scan data (write) (Sock %d sockname %s)", socknum, sockname);
return 1;
socknode = list_first(scandata->socks);
while (socknode) {
sockdata = lnode_get(socknode);
if (sockdata->sock == socknum) {
i = 1;
socknode = list_next(scandata->socks, socknode);
if (i == 0) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "ehhh, can't find socket %s %d for proxy_write()", sockname, socknum);
return 1;
if (sockdata->flags == CONNECTING || sockdata->flags == SOCKCONNECTED) {
if (sockdata->flags == CONNECTING)
i = (int)sockdata->function(socknum);
i = send(socknum, "", 1, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (i < 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB proxy_write(): %d has the following error: %s", socknum, strerror(errno));
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "No %s Proxy Server on port %d", proxy_list[sockdata->type].type, proxy_list[sockdata->type].port);
sockdata->flags = UNCONNECTED;
return -1;
} else {
if (sockdata->flags != SOCKCONNECTED) ++proxy_list[sockdata->type].nofound;
sockdata->flags = SOCKCONNECTED;
return 1;
/* proxy error function */
int proxy_err(int socknum, char *sockname) {
nlog(LOG_NORMAL, LOG_MOD, "Hrm, Got SockErr on %d for %s", socknum, sockname);
return 1;
/* proxy connect function trys to connect a socket to a remote proxy
* its set non blocking, so both the send and recieve functions must be used
* to tell if the connection is successful or not
* it also registers the socket with the core neostats socket functions
int proxy_connect(unsigned long ipaddr, int port, char *who)
int s;
s = sock_connect(SOCK_STREAM, ipaddr, port, who, "opsb", "proxy_read", "proxy_write", "proxy_err");
return s;