/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Erik Fears * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to * * The Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * */ #include "modconfig.h" #include #include "opm.h" #include "opm_error.h" #include "opm_types.h" #include "compat.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif RCSID("$Id: test.c,v 1.36 2003/06/20 04:55:14 andy Exp $"); #define ARRAY_SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) void open_proxy(OPM_T *, OPM_REMOTE_T *, int, void *); void negotiation_failed(OPM_T *, OPM_REMOTE_T *, int, void *); void timeout(OPM_T *, OPM_REMOTE_T *, int, void *); void end(OPM_T *, OPM_REMOTE_T *, int, void *); void handle_error(OPM_T *, OPM_REMOTE_T *, int, void *); int complete = 0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { OPM_ERR_T err; int fdlimit = 1024; int scan_port = 6667; int max_read = 4096; int scantimeout = 10; struct pollfd *ufds; unsigned int size; unsigned int i, s; unsigned short http_ports[] = { 8000, 8080, 3128, 80 }; unsigned short wingate_ports[] = { 23 }; unsigned short router_ports[] = { 23 }; unsigned short socks4_ports[] = { 1080 }; unsigned short socks5_ports[] = { 1080 }; unsigned short httppost_ports[] = { 80, 8090, 3128 }; OPM_T *scanner; OPM_REMOTE_T *remote; scanner = opm_create(); if(argc >= 2) remote = opm_remote_create(argv[1]); else remote = opm_remote_create(""); /* Setup callbacks */ opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_OPENPROXY, &open_proxy, NULL); opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_NEGFAIL, &negotiation_failed, NULL); opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT, &timeout, NULL); opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_END, &end, NULL); opm_callback(scanner, OPM_CALLBACK_ERROR, &handle_error, NULL); /* Setup the scanner configuration */ opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_FD_LIMIT, &fdlimit); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_SCAN_IP, ""); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_SCAN_PORT, &scan_port); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_TARGET_STRING, "*** Looking up your hostname..."); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_TARGET_STRING, "ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast."); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_TIMEOUT, &scantimeout); opm_config(scanner, OPM_CONFIG_MAX_READ, &max_read); /* Setup the protocol configuration */ for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(http_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, http_ports[i]); } for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(wingate_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_WINGATE, wingate_ports[i]); } for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(router_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_ROUTER, router_ports[i]); } for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(socks4_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_SOCKS4, socks4_ports[i]); } for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(socks5_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_SOCKS5, socks5_ports[i]); } for (s = ARRAY_SIZEOF(httppost_ports), i = 0; i < s; i++) { opm_addtype(scanner, OPM_TYPE_HTTPPOST, httppost_ports[i]); } /* Remote structs can also have their own extended protocol configurations. For instance if the target hostname contains strings such as 'proxy' or 'www', extended ports could be scanned. */ opm_remote_addtype(remote, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 8001); opm_remote_addtype(remote, OPM_TYPE_HTTP, 8002); switch(err = opm_scan(scanner, remote)) { case OPM_SUCCESS: break; case OPM_ERR_BADADDR: printf("Bad address\n"); opm_free(scanner); opm_remote_free(remote); return 0; default: printf("Unknown Error %d\n", err); return 0; } while (!complete) { ufds = malloc((sizeof *ufds) * (*(unsigned int *) libopm_config(scanner->config, OPM_CONFIG_FD_LIMIT))); size = libopm_before_poll(scanner, ufds); err = poll(ufds, size, 0); switch (err) { case -1: /* error in select/poll */ printf("poll barked\n"); return; case 0: /* Nothing to do */ continue; default: libopm_after_poll(scanner, ufds, size); continue; /* Pass pointer to connection to handler. */ } } opm_free(scanner); return 0; } void open_proxy(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *data) { USE_VAR(notused); USE_VAR(data); printf("Open proxy on %s:%d [%d bytes read]\n", remote->ip, remote->port, remote->bytes_read); opm_end(scanner, remote); } void negotiation_failed(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *data) { USE_VAR(scanner); USE_VAR(notused); USE_VAR(data); printf("Negotiation on %s:%d failed [%d bytes read]\n", remote->ip, remote->port, remote->bytes_read); } void timeout(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *data) { USE_VAR(scanner); USE_VAR(notused); USE_VAR(data); printf("Negotiation timed out on %s:%d\n", remote->ip, remote->port); } void end(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int notused, void *data) { USE_VAR(scanner); USE_VAR(notused); USE_VAR(data); printf("Scan on %s has ended\n", remote->ip); opm_remote_free(remote); complete = 1; } void handle_error(OPM_T *scanner, OPM_REMOTE_T *remote, int err, void *data) { USE_VAR(scanner); USE_VAR(data); switch(err) { case OPM_ERR_MAX_READ: printf("Reached MAX READ on %s:%d\n", remote->ip, remote->port); break; case OPM_ERR_BIND: printf("Unable to bind for %s:%d\n", remote->ip, remote->port); break; case OPM_ERR_NOFD: printf("Unable to allocate file descriptor for %s:%d\n", remote->ip, remote->port); break; default: printf("Unknown error on %s:%d, err = %d\n", remote->ip, remote->port, err); } }