1064 lines
34 KiB
1064 lines
34 KiB
/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services Copyright (c) 1999-2004 NeoStats Group Inc.
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include "neostats.h"
#include "opsb.h"
void reportdns(char *data, adns_answer *a);
void dnsblscan(char *data, adns_answer *a);
static int ScanNick(char **av, int ac);
int startscan(scaninfo *scandata);
void save_ports();
void unconf();
void save_exempts(exemptinfo *exempts);
char s_opsb[MAXNICK];
static ModUser *opsb_bot;
int online;
ModuleInfo __module_info = {
"An Open Proxy Scanning Bot",
int findscan(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
const scaninfo *chan1 = key1;
return (strcasecmp(chan1->who, key2));
int ports_sort(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
port_list *pl1 = (port_list *)key1;
port_list *pl2 = (port_list *)key2;
if (pl1->type == pl2->type) {
if (pl1->port == pl2->port) {
return 0;
} else if (pl1->port > pl2->port) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (pl1->type > pl2->type) {
return 1;
return -1;
int do_info(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_opsb, opsb_help_info);
return 0;
int do_lookup(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
lnode_t *lnode;
scaninfo *scandata;
int lookuptype;
scandata = malloc(sizeof(scaninfo));
scandata->dnsstate = REPORT_DNS;
strlcpy(scandata->who, u->nick, MAXNICK);
strlcpy(scandata->lookup, argv[2], MAXHOST);
/* if the lists are full, don't add it, and alert the user */
if (list_isfull(opsbl)) {
if (list_isfull(opsbq)) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Too Busy. Try again Later");
return 0;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "OPSB list is full, queuing your request");
lnode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbq, lnode);
if (inet_aton(scandata->lookup, NULL) > 0) {
lookuptype = adns_r_ptr;
} else {
if (argc == 4) {
if (!strcasecmp(argv[3], "txt"))
lookuptype = adns_r_txt;
else if (!strcasecmp(argv[3], "rp"))
lookuptype = adns_r_rp;
else if (!strcasecmp(argv[3], "ns"))
lookuptype = adns_r_ns;
else if (!strcasecmp(argv[3], "soa"))
lookuptype = adns_r_soa;
lookuptype = adns_r_a;
} else {
lookuptype = adns_r_a;
if (dns_lookup(scandata->lookup, lookuptype, reportdns, scandata->who) != 1) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "DnsLookup Failed.");
return 0;
lnode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbl, lnode);
return 0;
int do_remove(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
srakill_cmd(argv[2], "*");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s attempted to remove an akill for *@%s", u->nick, argv[2]);
return 0;
int do_check(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
User *u2;
scaninfo *scandata;
if ((list_find(opsbl, argv[2], findscan)) || (list_find(opsbq, argv[2], findscan))) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Already Scanning (or in queue) %s. Not Scanning again", argv[2]);
return 0;
scandata = malloc(sizeof(scaninfo));
scandata->doneban = 0;
scandata->u = u;
if ((u2 = finduser(argv[2])) != NULL) {
/* don't scan users from my server */
if (!strcasecmp(u2->server->name, me.name)) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Can not scan NeoStats Bots");
return -1;
strlcpy(scandata->who, u2->nick, MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->lookup, u2->hostname, MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->server, u2->server->name, MAXHOST);
scandata->ipaddr.s_addr = u2->ipaddr.s_addr;
if (scandata->ipaddr.s_addr > 0) {
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
} else {
if (inet_aton(u2->hostname, &scandata->ipaddr) > 0)
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
else {
scandata->dnsstate = GET_NICK_IP;
scandata->ipaddr.s_addr = 0;
} else {
strlcpy(scandata->who, argv[2], MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->lookup, argv[2], MAXHOST);
bzero(scandata->server, MAXHOST);
if (inet_aton(argv[2], &scandata->ipaddr) > 0) {
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
} else {
scandata->dnsstate = GET_NICK_IP;
scandata->ipaddr.s_addr = 0;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Checking %s for open Proxies", argv[2]);
if (!startscan(scandata))
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Check Failed");
return 0;
int do_exclude(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
char *buf;
exemptinfo *exempts;
int i;
lnode_t *lnode;
if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "LIST")) {
lnode = list_first(exempt);
i = 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Exception List:");
while (lnode) {
exempts = lnode_get(lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "%d) %s %s Added by %s for %s", i, exempts->host, (exempts->server ? "(Server)" : "(Client)"), exempts->who, exempts->reason);
lnode = list_next(exempt, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "End of List.");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s requested Exception List", u->nick);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "ADD")) {
if (argc < 6) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help exclude", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (list_isfull(exempt)) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Exception list is full");
return 0;
if (!index(argv[3], '.')) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Host field does not contain a vaild host");
return 0;
exempts = malloc(sizeof(exemptinfo));
strlcpy(exempts->host, argv[3], MAXHOST);
if (atoi(argv[4]) > 0)
exempts->server = 1;
exempts->server = 0;
strlcpy(exempts->who, u->nick, MAXNICK);
buf = joinbuf(argv, argc, 5);
strlcpy(exempts->reason, buf, MAXHOST);
lnode = lnode_create(exempts);
list_append(exempt, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Added %s (%s) exception to list", exempts->host, (exempts->server ? "(Server)" : "(Client)"));
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s added %s (%s) exception to list", u->nick, exempts->host, (exempts->server ? "(Server)" : "(Client)"));
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "DEL")) {
if (argc < 3) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help exclude", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (atoi(argv[3]) != 0) {
lnode = list_first(exempt);
i = 1;
while (lnode) {
if (i == atoi(argv[3])) {
/* delete the entry */
exempts = lnode_get(lnode);
buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
ircsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "Exempt/%s", exempts->host);
list_delete(exempt, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Deleted %s %s out of exception list", exempts->host, (exempts->server ? "(Server)" : "(Client)"));
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s deleted %s %s out of exception list", u->nick, exempts->host, (exempts->server ? "(Server)" : "(Client)"));
return 1;
lnode = list_next(exempt, lnode);
/* if we get here, then we can't find the entry */
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Can't find entry %d. /msg %s exclude list", atoi(argv[3]), s_opsb);
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Out of Range");
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help exclude", s_opsb);
return 0;
return 0;
int do_ports(User *u, char **argv, int argc)
port_list *pl;
int i;
lnode_t *lnode;
if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "LIST")) {
lnode = list_first(opsb.ports);
i = 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Port List:");
while (lnode) {
pl = lnode_get(lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "%d) %s Port: %d", i, type_of_proxy(pl->type), pl->port);
lnode = list_next(opsb.ports, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "End of List.");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s requested Port List", u->nick);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "ADD")) {
if (argc < 5) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (list_isfull(opsb.ports)) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Ports list is full");
return 0;
if (!atoi(argv[4])) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Port field does not contain a vaild port");
return 0;
if (get_proxy_by_name(argv[3]) < 1) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Unknown Proxy type %s", argv[3]);
return 0;
/* check for duplicates */
lnode = list_first(opsb.ports);
while (lnode) {
pl = lnode_get(lnode);
if ((pl->type == get_proxy_by_name(argv[3])) && (pl->port == atoi(argv[4]))) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Duplicate Entry for Protocol %s", argv[3]);
return 0;
lnode = list_next(opsb.ports, lnode);
pl = malloc(sizeof(port_list));
pl->type = get_proxy_by_name(argv[3]);
pl->port = atoi(argv[4]);
lnode = lnode_create(pl);
list_append(opsb.ports, lnode);
list_sort(opsb.ports, ports_sort);
add_port(pl->type, pl->port);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Added Port %d for Protocol %s to Ports list", pl->port, argv[3]);
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s added port %d for protocol %s to Ports list", u->nick, pl->port, argv[3]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "DEL")) {
if (argc < 3) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
if (atoi(argv[3]) != 0) {
lnode = list_first(opsb.ports);
i = 1;
while (lnode) {
if (i == atoi(argv[3])) {
/* delete the entry */
pl = lnode_get(lnode);
list_delete(opsb.ports, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Deleted Port %d of Protocol %s out of Ports list", pl->port, type_of_proxy(pl->type));
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "You need to Restart OPSB for the changes to take effect");
chanalert(s_opsb, "%s deleted port %d of Protocol %s out of Ports list", u->nick, pl->port, type_of_proxy(pl->type));
/* just to be sure, lets sort the list */
list_sort(opsb.ports, ports_sort);
return 1;
lnode = list_next(opsb.ports, lnode);
/* if we get here, then we can't find the entry */
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Can't find entry %d. /msg %s ports list", atoi(argv[3]), s_opsb);
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Error, Out of Range");
return 0;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help ports", s_opsb);
return 0;
return 0;
int do_set_cb (User * u, char **av, int ac)
SetConf((void *)opsb.confed, CFGINT, "Confed");
return 0;
static bot_cmd opsb_commands[]=
{"INFO", do_info, 0, 0, opsb_help_info, opsb_help_info_oneline},
{"STATUS", do_status, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, opsb_help_status, opsb_help_status_oneline},
{"LOOKUP", do_lookup, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, opsb_help_lookup, opsb_help_lookup_oneline},
{"REMOVE", do_remove, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, opsb_help_remove, opsb_help_remove_oneline},
{"CHECK", do_check, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, opsb_help_check, opsb_help_check_oneline},
{"EXCLUDE", do_exclude, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,opsb_help_exclude, opsb_help_exclude_oneline},
{"PORTS", do_ports, 1, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN,opsb_help_ports, opsb_help_ports_oneline},
static bot_setting opsb_settings[]=
{"NICK", &s_opsb, SET_TYPE_NICK, 0, MAXNICK, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Nick", NULL, ns_help_set_nick, do_set_cb },
{"USER", &opsb.user, SET_TYPE_USER, 0, MAXUSER, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "User", NULL, ns_help_set_user, do_set_cb },
{"HOST", &opsb.host, SET_TYPE_HOST, 0, MAXHOST, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Host", NULL, ns_help_set_host, do_set_cb },
{"REALNAME", &opsb.realname, SET_TYPE_REALNAME, 0, MAXREALNAME,NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "RealName", NULL, ns_help_set_realname, do_set_cb },
{"DISABLESCAN", &opsb.doscan, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "DoScan", NULL, opsb_help_set_disablescan, do_set_cb },
{"DOBAN", &opsb.doban, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "DoBan", NULL, opsb_help_set_doban, do_set_cb },
{"TARGETIP", &opsb.targethost, SET_TYPE_IPV4, 0, MAXHOST, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "TargetHost", NULL, opsb_help_set_targetip, do_set_cb },
{"TARGETPORT", &opsb.targetport, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "TargetPort", NULL, opsb_help_set_targetport, do_set_cb },
{"OPMDOMAIN", &opsb.opmdomain, SET_TYPE_HOST, 0, MAXHOST, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "OpmDomain", NULL, opsb_help_set_opmdomain, do_set_cb },
{"MAXBYTES", &opsb.maxbytes, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "MaxBytes", NULL, opsb_help_set_maxbytes, do_set_cb },
{"TIMEOUT", &opsb.timeout, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 120, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "TimeOut", NULL, opsb_help_set_timeout, do_set_cb },
{"OPENSTRING", &opsb.lookforstring,SET_TYPE_MSG, 0, BUFSIZE, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "TriggerString",NULL, opsb_help_set_openstring, do_set_cb },
{"SPLITTIME", &opsb.timedif, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "SplitTime", NULL, opsb_help_set_splittime, do_set_cb },
{"SCANMSG", &opsb.scanmsg, SET_TYPE_MSG, 0, BUFSIZE, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "ScanMsg", NULL, opsb_help_set_scanmsg, do_set_cb },
{"BANTIME", &opsb.bantime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "BanTime", NULL, opsb_help_set_bantime, do_set_cb },
{"CACHETIME", &opsb.cachetime, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "CacheTime", NULL, opsb_help_set_cachetime, do_set_cb },
{"VERBOSE", &opsb.verbose, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Verbose", NULL, opsb_help_set_verbose, do_set_cb },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
static int Online(char **av, int ac) {
struct sockaddr_in sa;
socklen_t ulen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
opsb_bot = init_mod_bot(s_opsb, opsb.user, opsb.host, opsb.realname, services_bot_modes,
BOT_FLAG_RESTRICT_OPERS|BOT_FLAG_DEAF, opsb_commands, opsb_settings, __module_info.module_name);
if (opsb.confed == 0) {
add_mod_timer("unconf", "Un_configured_warn", "opsb", 60);
getpeername(servsock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, (socklen_t*)&ulen);
strlcpy(opsb.targethost, inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr), MAXHOST);
if(opsb.verbose) {
if (opsb.doscan) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "Open Proxy Scanning bot has started (Concurrent Scans: %d Sockets %d)", opsb.socks, opsb.socks *7);
} else {
chanalert(s_opsb, "DNS Blacklist Lookup is only Enabled!! (No Open Proxy Scans)");
online = 1;
return 1;
void unconf() {
if (opsb.confed == 1) return;
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, OPSB is configured with default Settings. Please Update this ASAP");
globops(s_opsb, "Warning, OPSB is configured with default Settings, Please Update this ASAP");
void save_ports() {
lnode_t *pn;
port_list *pl;
char confpath[CONFBUFSIZE];
char ports[CONFBUFSIZE];
char tmpports[CONFBUFSIZE];
int lasttype = -1;
pn = list_first(opsb.ports);
while (pn) {
pl = lnode_get(pn);
/* if the port is different from the last round, and its not the first round, save it */
if ((pl->type != lasttype) && (lasttype != -1)) {
strlcpy(confpath, type_of_proxy(lasttype), CONFBUFSIZE);
SetConf((void *)ports, CFGSTR, confpath);
if (pl->type != lasttype) {
ircsnprintf(ports, CONFBUFSIZE, "%d", pl->port);
} else {
ircsnprintf(tmpports, CONFBUFSIZE, "%s %d", ports, pl->port);
strlcpy(ports, tmpports, CONFBUFSIZE);
lasttype = pl->type;
pn = list_next(opsb.ports, pn);
strlcpy(confpath, type_of_proxy(lasttype), CONFBUFSIZE);
SetConf((void *)ports, CFGSTR, confpath);
void checkqueue() {
lnode_t *scannode;
scaninfo *scandata;
/* exit, if the list is full */
if (list_isfull(opsbl) || list_isempty(opsbq))
scannode = list_first(opsbq);
scandata = lnode_get(scannode);
list_delete(opsbq, scannode);
void addtocache(unsigned long ipaddr) {
lnode_t *cachenode;
C_entry *ce;
/* pop off the oldest entry */
if (list_isfull(cache)) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Deleting Tail of Cache: %d", (int)list_count(cache));
cachenode = list_del_last(cache);
ce = lnode_get(cachenode);
cachenode = list_first(cache);
while (cachenode) {
ce = lnode_get(cachenode);
if (ce->ip == ipaddr) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_MOD,"OPSB: Not adding %ld to cache as it already exists", ipaddr);
cachenode = list_next(cache, cachenode);
ce = malloc(sizeof(C_entry));
ce->ip = ipaddr;
ce->when = time(NULL);
cachenode = lnode_create(ce);
list_prepend(cache, cachenode);
int checkcache(scaninfo *scandata) {
lnode_t *node, *node2;
C_entry *ce;
exemptinfo *exempts;
node = list_first(exempt);
while (node) {
exempts = lnode_get(node);
if ((exempts->server == 1) && (scandata->server)) {
/* match a server */
if (fnmatch(exempts->host, scandata->server, 0) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: User %s exempt. Matched server entry %s in Exemptions", scandata->who, exempts->host);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb,"%s Matches a Server Exception %s", scandata->who, exempts->host);
return 1;
} else {
if (fnmatch(exempts->host, scandata->lookup, 0) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: User %s exempt. Matched host entry %s in exemptions", scandata->who, exempts->host);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "%s Matches a Host Exception %s", scandata->who, exempts->host);
return 2;
node = list_next(exempt, node);
node = list_first(cache);
while (node) {
ce = lnode_get(node);
/* delete any old cache entries */
if ((time(NULL) - ce->when) > opsb.cachetime) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Deleting old cache entry %ld", ce->ip);
node2 = list_next(cache, node);
list_delete(cache, node);
node = node2;
if (ce->ip == scandata->ipaddr.s_addr) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: user %s is already in Cache", scandata->who);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "User %s is already in Cache", scandata->who);
return 3;
node = list_next(cache, node);
return 0;
EventFnList __module_events[] = {
{ EVENT_ONLINE, Online},
{ EVENT_SIGNON, ScanNick},
/* this function kicks of a scan of a user that just signed on the network */
static int ScanNick(char **av, int ac) {
User *u;
scaninfo *scandata;
lnode_t *scannode;
lnode_t *node;
exemptinfo *exempts;
/* don't do anything if NeoStats hasn't told us we are online yet */
if (!online)
return 0;
u = finduser(av[0]);
if (!u) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: Ehhh, Can't find user %s", av[0]);
return -1;
/* don't scan users from my own server */
if (!strcasecmp(u->server->name, me.name)) {
return -1;
/* don't scan users from a server that is excluded */
node = list_first(exempt);
while (node) {
exempts = lnode_get(node);
if (exempts->server == 1) {
/* match a server */
if (fnmatch(exempts->host, u->server->name, 0) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: User %s exempt. Matched server entry %s in Exemptions", u->nick, exempts->host);
return -1;
node = list_next(exempt, node);
if (time(NULL) - u->TS > opsb.timedif) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Netsplit Nick %s, Not Scanning", av[0]);
return -1;
scannode = list_find(opsbl, av[0], findscan);
if (!scannode) scannode = list_find(opsbq, av[0], findscan);
if (scannode) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "ScanNick(): Not scanning %s as we are already scanning them", av[0]);
return -1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_opsb, "%s", opsb.scanmsg);
scandata = malloc(sizeof(scaninfo));
scandata->u = NULL;
scandata->doneban = 0;
strlcpy(scandata->who, u->nick, MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->lookup, u->hostname, MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->server, u->server->name, MAXHOST);
strlcpy(scandata->connectstring, recbuf, BUFSIZE);
scandata->ipaddr.s_addr = u->ipaddr.s_addr;
if (scandata->ipaddr.s_addr > 0) {
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
} else {
if (inet_aton(u->hostname, &scandata->ipaddr) > 0)
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
else {
scandata->dnsstate = GET_NICK_IP;
scandata->ipaddr.s_addr = 0;
if (!startscan(scandata)) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning Can't scan %s", u->nick);
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "OBSB ScanNick(): Can't scan %s. Check logs for possible errors", u->nick);
return 1;
/* this function is the entry point for all scans. Any scan you want to kick off is started with this function. */
/* this includes moving scans from the queue to the active list */
int startscan(scaninfo *scandata) {
lnode_t *scannode;
unsigned char a, b, c, d;
char *buf;
int buflen;
int i;
/* only check the cache when we have IP addy */
if (scandata->dnsstate == DO_OPM_LOOKUP) {
i = checkcache(scandata);
if ((i > 0) && (scandata->u == NULL)) {
return 1;
switch(scandata->dnsstate) {
if (list_isfull(opsbl)) {
if (list_isfull(opsbq)) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, Both Current and queue lists are full. Not Adding additional scans");
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "OPSB: dropped scaning of %s, as queue is full", scandata->who);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "To Busy. Try again later");
return 0;
scannode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbq, scannode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "DNS: Added %s to dns queue", scandata->who);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Your Request has been added to the Queue");
return 1;
if (dns_lookup(scandata->lookup, adns_r_a, dnsblscan, scandata->who) != 1) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "DNS: startscan() GET_NICK_IP dns_lookup() failed");
return 0;
scannode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbl, scannode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "DNS: Added getnickip to DNS active list");
return 1;
if (list_isfull(opsbl)) {
if(list_isfull(opsbq)) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, Both Current and Queue lists are full, Not adding Scan");
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Too Busy. Try again Later");
return 0;
scannode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbq, scannode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "DNS: Added OPM lookup to queue: %s", scandata->who);
return 1;
d = (unsigned char) (scandata->ipaddr.s_addr >> 24) & 0xFF;
c = (unsigned char) (scandata->ipaddr.s_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
b = (unsigned char) (scandata->ipaddr.s_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
a = (unsigned char) scandata->ipaddr.s_addr & 0xFF;
/* Enough for a reversed IP and the zone. */
buflen = 18 + strlen(opsb.opmdomain);
buf = malloc(buflen * sizeof(*buf));
ircsnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", d, c, b, a, opsb.opmdomain);
if (dns_lookup(buf, adns_r_a, dnsblscan, scandata->who) != 1) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "DNS: startscan() DO_OPM_LOOKUP dns_lookup() failed");
return 0;
scannode = lnode_create(scandata);
list_append(opsbl, scannode);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "DNS: Added OPM %s lookup to DNS active list", buf);
return 1;
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Warning, Unknown Status in startscan()");
return -1;
/* this function is called when either checking the opm list, or when we are trying to resolve the hostname */
void dnsblscan(char *data, adns_answer *a) {
lnode_t *scannode;
scaninfo *scandata;
char *show;
int len, ri;
scannode = list_find(opsbl, data, findscan);
if (!scannode) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "dnsblscan(): Ehhh, Something is wrong here - Can't find %s", data);
scandata = lnode_get(scannode);
if (a) {
switch(scandata->dnsstate) {
if (a->nrrs < 1) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "No Record for %s. Aborting Scan", scandata->lookup);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "No A record for %s. Aborting Scan", scandata->lookup);
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
adns_rr_info(a->type, 0, 0, &len, 0, 0);
ri = adns_rr_info(a->type, 0, 0, 0, a->rrs.bytes, &show);
if (!ri) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "DNS: Got IP for %s -> %s", scandata->who, show);
if (a->nrrs > 1) {
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, More than one IP address for %s. Using %s only", scandata->lookup, show);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Warning, More than one IP address for %s. Using %s only", scandata->lookup, show);
if (inet_aton(show, &scandata->ipaddr) > 0) {
scandata->dnsstate = DO_OPM_LOOKUP;
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "DNS: dnsblscan() GETNICKIP failed-> %s", show);
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, Couldn't get the address for %s", scandata->who);
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "DNS: dnsblscan GETNICKIP rr_info failed");
chanalert(s_opsb, "Warning, Couldnt get the address for %s. rr_info failed", scandata->who);
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
if (a->nrrs > 0) {
/* TODO: print out what type of open proxy it is based on IP address returned */
nlog(LOG_NOTICE, LOG_MOD, "Got Positive OPM lookup for %s (%s)", scandata->who, scandata->lookup);
scandata->dnsstate = OPMLIST;
chanalert(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) as its listed in %s", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), opsb.opmdomain);
globops(s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) as its listed in %s", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), opsb.opmdomain);
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "Banning %s (%s) as its listed in %s", scandata->who, inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), opsb.opmdomain);
sakill_cmd(inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr), "*", s_opsb, opsb.bantime, "Your host is listed as an Open Proxy. Please visit the following website for more info: www.blitzed.org/proxy?ip=%s", inet_ntoa(scandata->ipaddr));
} else {
if (scandata->u) prefmsg(scandata->u->nick, s_opsb, "%s does not appear in DNS black list", scandata->lookup);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Got Negative OPM lookup for %s (%s)", scandata->who, scandata->lookup);
scandata->dnsstate = NOOPMLIST;
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Warning, Unknown Status in dnsblscan()");
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
} else {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "OPSP() Answer is Empty!");
list_delete(opsbl, scannode);
/* this function is to send the results to the user after a lookup command */
void reportdns(char *data, adns_answer *a) {
lnode_t *dnslookup;
scaninfo *dnsinfo;
char *show;
int i, len, ri;
dnslookup = list_find(opsbl, data, findscan);
if (!dnslookup) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "reportdns(): Ehhh, something wrong here %s", data);
dnsinfo = lnode_get(dnslookup);
if (a) {
adns_rr_info(a->type, 0, 0, &len, 0, 0);
for(i = 0; i < a->nrrs; i++) {
ri = adns_rr_info(a->type, 0, 0, 0, a->rrs.bytes +i*len, &show);
if (!ri) {
prefmsg(data, s_opsb, "%s resolves to %s", dnsinfo->lookup, show);
} else {
prefmsg(data, s_opsb, "DNS error %s", adns_strerror(ri));
if (a->nrrs < 1) {
prefmsg(data, s_opsb, "%s Does not resolve", dnsinfo->lookup);
} else {
prefmsg(data, s_opsb, "An unknown error occured");
list_delete(opsbl, dnslookup);
void LoadConfig(void)
int i;
lnode_t *node;
char **data;
char *tmp;
char datapath[BUFSIZE];
exemptinfo *exempts;
if (GetConf((void *) &tmp, CFGSTR, "Nick") < 0) {
strlcpy(s_opsb, "opsb", MAXNICK);
} else {
strlcpy(s_opsb, tmp, MAXNICK);
if (GetConf((void *) &tmp, CFGSTR, "User") < 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.user, "opsb", MAXUSER);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.user, tmp, MAXUSER);
if (GetConf((void *) &tmp, CFGSTR, "Host") < 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.host, me.name, MAXHOST);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.host, tmp, MAXHOST);
if (GetConf((void *) &tmp, CFGSTR, "RealName") < 0) {
ircsnprintf(opsb.realname, MAXREALNAME, "Proxy Scanning Bot");
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.realname, tmp, MAXREALNAME);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, "OpmDomain") <= 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.opmdomain, "opm.blitzed.org", MAXHOST);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.opmdomain, tmp, MAXHOST);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, "TargetHost") <= 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.targethost, me.uplink, MAXHOST);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.targethost, tmp, MAXHOST);
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.targetport, CFGINT, "TargetPort") <= 0) {
opsb.targetport = me.port;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.maxbytes, CFGINT, "MaxBytes") <= 0) {
opsb.maxbytes = 500;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.timeout, CFGINT, "TimeOut") <= 0) {
opsb.timeout = 30;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.timedif, CFGINT, "SplitTime") <= 0) {
opsb.timedif = 600;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.cachetime, CFGINT, "CacheTime") <= 0) {
opsb.cachetime = 3600;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.verbose, CFGINT, "Verbose") <= 0) {
opsb.cachetime = 1;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.bantime, CFGINT, "BanTime") <= 0) {
opsb.bantime = 86400;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.doscan, CFGINT, "DoScan") <= 0) {
opsb.doscan = 1;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.doban, CFGINT, "DoBan") <= 0) {
opsb.doban = 1;
if (GetConf((void *)&opsb.confed, CFGINT, "Confed") <= 0) {
opsb.confed = 0;
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, "TriggerString") <= 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.lookforstring, "*** Looking up your hostname...", BUFSIZE);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.lookforstring, tmp, BUFSIZE);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, "ScanMsg") <= 0) {
strlcpy(opsb.scanmsg, "Your Host is being Scanned for Open Proxies", BUFSIZE);
} else {
strlcpy(opsb.scanmsg, tmp, BUFSIZE);
if (GetDir("Exempt", &data) > 0) {
/* try */
for (i = 0; data[i] != NULL; i++) {
exempts = malloc(sizeof(exemptinfo));
strlcpy(exempts->host, data[i], MAXHOST);
ircsnprintf(datapath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Exempt/%s/Who", data[i]);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, datapath) <= 0) {
} else {
strlcpy(exempts->who, tmp, MAXNICK);
ircsnprintf(datapath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Exempt/%s/Reason", data[i]);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, datapath) <= 0) {
} else {
strlcpy(exempts->reason, tmp, MAXREASON);
ircsnprintf(datapath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Exempt/%s/Server", data[i]);
if (GetConf((void *)&exempts->server, CFGINT, datapath) <= 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_MOD, "Adding %s (%d) Set by %s for %s to Exempt List", exempts->host, exempts->server, exempts->who, exempts->reason);
node = lnode_create(exempts);
list_prepend(exempt, node);
int __ModInit(int modnum, int apiver)
#ifdef NS_ERR_VERSION /* Forward port version checks */
/* Check that our compiled version if compatible with the calling version of NeoStats */
if( ircstrncasecmp (me.version, NEOSTATS_VERSION, VERSIONSIZE) !=0) {
strlcpy(s_opsb, "opsb", MAXNICK);
/* we have to be careful here. Currently, we have 7 sockets that get opened per connection. Soooo.
* we check that MAX_SCANS is not greater than the maxsockets available / 7
* this way, we *shouldn't* get problems with running out of sockets
if (MAX_SCANS > me.maxsocks / 7) {
opsbl = list_create(me.maxsocks /7);
opsb.socks = me.maxsocks /7;
} else {
opsbl = list_create(MAX_SCANS);
opsb.socks = MAX_SCANS;
/* queue can be anything we want */
opsbq = list_create(MAX_QUEUE);
/* scan cache is MAX_QUEUE size (why not?) */
cache = list_create(MAX_QUEUE);
exempt = list_create(MAX_EXEMPTS);
opsb.ports = list_create(MAX_PORTS);
online = 0;
opsb.open = 0;
opsb.scanned = 0;
opsb.cachehits = 1;
opsb.opmhits = 1;
if (load_ports() != 1) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Can't Load opsb. No Ports Defined for Scanner. Did you install Correctly?");
return -1;
return 1;
void __ModFini()
void save_exempts(exemptinfo *exempts)
char path[255];
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Saving Exempt List %s", exempts->host);
ircsnprintf(path, 255, "Exempt/%s/Who", exempts->host);
SetConf((void *)exempts->who, CFGSTR, path);
ircsnprintf(path, 255, "Exempt/%s/Reason", exempts->host);
SetConf((void *)exempts->reason, CFGSTR, path);
ircsnprintf(path, 255, "Exempt/%s/Server", exempts->host);
SetConf((void *)exempts->server, CFGINT, path);