/* ProfileServ - User Profile Service - NeoStats Addon Module ** Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington, DeadNotBuried ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ** USA ** ** ProfileServ CVS Identification ** $Id$ */ #include "neostats.h" const char *pfs_help_set_exclusions[] = { "\2EXCLUSIONS \2", "Use global exclusion list in addition to local exclusion list", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_set_enable[] = { "\2ENABLE \2", "Enable or Disable ProfileServ usage via private message", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_set_enableprofilechan[] = { "\2ENABLEPROFILECHAN \2", "Enable ProfileServ to join the Profile Channel and accept commands in channel", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_set_profilechanname[] = { "\2PROFILECHANNAME <#Channel>\2", "Set Channel ProfileServ accepts commands from in channel", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_set_expiredays[] = { "\2EXPIREDAYS <#>\2", "Sets the number of days after which profile data is", "removed, if the nickname has not been seen identified.", "Set to 0 to disable Profile expiry.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_profile[] = { "View Profile - Syntax: \2PROFILE \2", "Syntax: \2PROFILE \2", "", "Displays infomation stored in ProfileServ for the entered Nickname.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_realname[] = { "Add Real Name to Profile - Syntax: \2REALNAME \2", "Syntax: \2REALNAME \2", "", "Add your Real Name to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_birthday[] = { "Add birthday to Profile - Syntax: \2BIRTHDAY \2", "Syntax: \2BIRTHDAY \2", "", "Add your birthday to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_age[] = { "Add Age to Profile - Syntax: \2AGE \2", "Syntax: \2AGE \2", "", "Add your age (in years) to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_gender[] = { "Add Gender to Profile - Syntax: \2GENDER \2", "Syntax: \2GENDER \2", "", "Add your Gender to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_maritalstatus[] = { "Add Marital Status to Profile - Syntax: \2MARITAL \2", "Syntax: \2MARITAL \2", "", "Add your Marital Status to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_location[] = { "Add Location to Profile - Syntax: \2LOCATION \2", "Syntax: \2LOCATION \2", "", "Add your Location to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_hobbies[] = { "Add Hobbies to Profile - Syntax: \2HOBBIES \2", "Syntax: \2HOBBIES \2", "", "Add your List of Hobbies to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_general[] = { "Add General information to Profile - Syntax: \2GENERAL \2", "Syntax: \2GENERAL \2", "", "Add General information to ProfileServ for your current Nick.", "Up to 5 lines of general Information may be entered.", "# MUST be a number from 1 to 5, being the line number for the General information.", NULL }; const char *pfs_help_del[] = { "Delete a Profile - Syntax: \2DEL \2", "Syntax: \2DEL \2", "", "Allows you to delete your profile.", "You must enter the nickname to remove the profile.", NULL };