766 lines
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766 lines
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/* ProfileServ - User Profile Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington, DeadNotBuried
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** ProfileServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "neostats.h" /* Required for bot support */
#include "profileserv.h"
/* data */
char nicklower[MAXNICK];
/** Copyright info */
const char *pfs_copyright[] = {
"Copyright (c) 2006-2008, NeoStats",
const char *pfs_about[] = {
"\2Profile Service\2",
"Provides User Profile Services.",
"Allows saving of data provided by the user of the",
"registered nickname, and viewing by other users.",
* Commands and Settings
static bot_cmd pfs_commands[]=
{"PROFILE", pfs_cmd_profile, 1, 0, pfs_help_profile},
{"REALNAME", pfs_cmd_realname, 1, 0, pfs_help_realname},
{"BIRTHDAY", pfs_cmd_birthday, 3, 0, pfs_help_birthday},
{"AGE", pfs_cmd_age, 1, 0, pfs_help_age},
{"GENDER", pfs_cmd_gender, 1, 0, pfs_help_gender},
{"MARITALSTATUS", pfs_cmd_maritalstatus, 1, 0, pfs_help_maritalstatus},
{"LOCATION", pfs_cmd_location, 1, 0, pfs_help_location},
{"HOBBIES", pfs_cmd_hobbies, 1, 0, pfs_help_hobbies},
{"GENERAL", pfs_cmd_general, 2, 0, pfs_help_general},
{"DEL", pfs_cmd_del, 1, 0, pfs_help_del},
static bot_setting pfs_settings[]=
{"EXCLUSIONS", &ProfileServ.exclusions, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, pfs_help_set_exclusions, pfs_set_exclusions, (void *)1 },
{"ENABLE", &ProfileServ.enable, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, pfs_help_set_enable, NULL, (void *)0 },
{"ENABLEPROFILECHAN", &ProfileServ.enableprofilechan, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, pfs_help_set_enableprofilechan, pfs_set_enablechan, (void *)0 },
{"PROFILECHANNAME", &ProfileServ.profilechan, SET_TYPE_CHANNEL, 0, MAXCHANLEN, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, pfs_help_set_profilechanname, pfs_set_profilechan, (void *)"#Profile" },
{"EXPIREDAYS", &ProfileServ.expiredays, SET_TYPE_INT, 0, 100000, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, NULL, pfs_help_set_expiredays, NULL, (void *)30 },
* Module Info definition
ModuleInfo module_info = {
"Profile Service Module For NeoStats",
* Module event list
ModuleEvent module_events[] = {
{EVENT_UMODE, pfs_UmodeUser},
/** BotInfo */
static BotInfo pfs_botinfo =
"Profile Service",
Bot *pfs_bot;
* Online event processing
int ModSynch (void)
/* Introduce a bot onto the network */
pfs_bot = AddBot (&pfs_botinfo);
if (!pfs_bot)
return NS_FAILURE;
if (ProfileServ.enableprofilechan) {
irc_join (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, me.servicescmode);
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile Channel Now Available in %s", ProfileServ.profilechan);
} else {
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile Channel Not Enabled");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Init module
int ModInit( void )
ModuleConfig (pfs_settings);
AddTimer (TIMER_TYPE_DAILY, pfs_expire_profiles, "pfs_expire_profiles", 0, NULL);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Exit module
int ModFini( void )
DelTimer ("pfs_expire_profiles");
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Enable/Disable Global Exclusions
int pfs_set_exclusions( const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason )
if( reason == SET_LOAD || reason == SET_CHANGE )
SetAllEventFlags( EVENT_FLAG_USE_EXCLUDE, ProfileServ.exclusions );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Profile Channel Enable/Disable
int pfs_set_enablechan (const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason)
if (!ProfileServ.profilechan)
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (reason == SET_CHANGE)
if (ProfileServ.enableprofilechan)
irc_join (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, me.servicescmode);
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile functions now available in %s", ProfileServ.profilechan);
return NS_SUCCESS;
} else {
irc_part (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, NULL);
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile functions are no longer available in %s", ProfileServ.profilechan);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Profile Channel Setting
int pfs_set_profilechan (const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason)
if (!ProfileServ.enableprofilechan)
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (reason == SET_VALIDATE)
irc_prefmsg (pfs_bot, cmdparams->source, "Profile Channel changing from %s to %s", ProfileServ.profilechan, cmdparams->av[1]);
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile Channel Changing to %s , Parting %s (%s)", cmdparams->av[1], ProfileServ.profilechan, cmdparams->source->name);
irc_chanprivmsg (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, "\0039%s has changed Channels, Profile functions will now be available in %s", cmdparams->source->name, cmdparams->av[1]);
irc_part (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, NULL);
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (reason == SET_CHANGE)
irc_join (pfs_bot, ProfileServ.profilechan, me.servicescmode);
irc_chanalert (pfs_bot, "Profile functions now available in %s", ProfileServ.profilechan);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** profile_report
* handles channel/user message selection
static char profile_report_buf[BUFSIZE];
void profile_report( const CmdParams *cmdparams, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, fmt );
ircvsnprintf( profile_report_buf, BUFSIZE, fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
if( cmdparams->channel == NULL )
irc_prefmsg (pfs_bot, cmdparams->source, profile_report_buf );
irc_chanprivmsg (pfs_bot, cmdparams->channel->name, profile_report_buf );
* View Nicknames Profile
int pfs_cmd_profile (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if( ValidateNick( cmdparams->av[0] ) == NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Invalid Nickname Specified" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->av[0], MAXNICK );
if( DBAFetch( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) ) == NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "No Profile exists for specified nickname" );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Profile For : %s", pu->nick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "RNT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Real Name : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "BDT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Birthday : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "AGE" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Age : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "SEX" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Gender : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "MST" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Marital Status : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "LOC" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Location : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "HOB" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Hobbies : %s", pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT1" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT2" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT3" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT4" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, pd->typedata );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT5" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
if( DBAFetch( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, pd->typedata );
profile_report( cmdparams, "End of Profile For : %s", pu->nick );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Real Name
int pfs_cmd_realname (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 0);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "RNT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE );
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Real Name changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Birthday
int pfs_cmd_birthday (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 0);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "BDT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE);
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Birthday changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf )
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Age
int pfs_cmd_age (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
int userage;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
userage = atoi(cmdparams->av[0]);
if ( userage < 5 || userage > 125 )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Invalid Age Specifed" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "AGE" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
ircsnprintf( pd->typedata, PFS_TEXTSIZE, "%d", userage);
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Age changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Gender
int pfs_cmd_gender (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "SEX" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
switch (cmdparams->av[0][0])
case 'm':
case 'M':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "Male", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
case 'f':
case 'F':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "Female", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
case 'a':
case 'A':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "Alien", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
case 'o':
case 'O':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "Other", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
case 'u':
case 'U':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "Unknown", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
case 'i':
case 'I':
strlcpy( pd->typedata, "I'm checking on that myself right now ;p", PFS_TEXTSIZE );
pd->typedata[0] = '\0';
if( strlen( pd->typedata ) < 1 ) {
profile_report( cmdparams, "Invalid Gender Specified");
} else {
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Gender changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Marital Status
int pfs_cmd_maritalstatus (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 0);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "MST" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE);
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Marital Status changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf )
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Location
int pfs_cmd_location (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 0);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "LOC" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE );
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Location changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set Hobbies
int pfs_cmd_hobbies (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 0);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "HOB" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE );
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "Hobbies changed to : %s", pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Set General Information Lines
int pfs_cmd_general (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
ProfileData *pd;
char *buf;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( !(cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK) )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You must be Identified for your nickname to add data to the profile" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
if ( atoi(cmdparams->av[0]) < 1 || atoi(cmdparams->av[0]) > 5 || strlen(cmdparams->av[0]) > 1 )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Invalid General Line Number, Must be numbered 1 to 5" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
buf= joinbuf(cmdparams->av, cmdparams->ac, 1);
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, cmdparams->av[0] , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcpy( pd->typedata, buf, PFS_TEXTSIZE );
DBAStore( "UserData", pd->typenick, ( void * )pd, sizeof( ProfileData ) );
profile_report( cmdparams, "General Information Line %d changed to : %s", cmdparams->av[0], pd->typedata );
ns_free( buf );
ns_free( pu );
ns_free( pd );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Delete Nicknames Profile Command
int pfs_cmd_del (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
if( ( !ProfileServ.enable && !cmdparams->channel ) || ( !ProfileServ.enableprofilechan && cmdparams->channel ) )
return NS_SUCCESS;
if( ValidateNick( cmdparams->av[0] ) == NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "Invalid Nickname Specified" );
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* only netadmins may delete others Profiles */
if (ircstrcasecmp(cmdparams->av[0], cmdparams->source->name) && cmdparams->source->user->ulevel < NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN )
profile_report( cmdparams, "You may only delete your own Profile." );
return NS_SUCCESS;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->av[0], MAXNICK );
if( DBAFetch( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) ) == NS_FAILURE )
profile_report( cmdparams, "No Profile exists for specified nickname" );
pfs_delete_profile ( cmdparams, pu );
ns_free( pu );
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Delete Nicknames Profile
* removes passed ProfileUser
* if cmdparams is NULL then delete called
* from expire procedure
void pfs_delete_profile ( const CmdParams *cmdparams, ProfileUser *pu )
ProfileData *pd;
pd = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileData ) );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "RNT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "BDT" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "AGE" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "SEX" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "MST" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "LOC" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "HOB" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT1" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT2" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT3" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT4" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
strlcpy( pd->typenick, "GT5" , PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
strlcat( pd->typenick, nicklower, PFS_TYPENICKSIZE );
DBADelete( "UserData", pd->typenick );
DBADelete( "UserList", nicklower );
if (cmdparams)
profile_report( cmdparams, "Profile for %s deleted.", pu->nick );
ns_free( pd );
* Expire Old Profiles Timer
int pfs_expire_profiles(void *userptr)
if( ProfileServ.expiredays > 0 )
DBAFetchRows( "UserList", expireoldprofiles);
return NS_SUCCESS;
* Expire Old Profiles
int expireoldprofiles(void *data, int size)
ProfileUser *pu;
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof ( ProfileUser ) );
os_memcpy( pu, data, sizeof ( ProfileUser ) );
if( ( me.now - pu->lastseen ) > ( ProfileServ.expiredays * TS_ONE_DAY ) )
pfs_delete_profile ( NULL, pu );
ns_free( pu );
return NS_FALSE;
* User Mode Change
int pfs_UmodeUser (const CmdParams *cmdparams)
ProfileUser *pu;
if (cmdparams->source->user->Umode & UMODE_REGNICK)
pu = ns_calloc( sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
strlcpy( nicklower, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
if( DBAFetch( "UserList", ns_strlwr(nicklower), ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) ) != NS_FAILURE )
/* Profile Exists so update last seen time */
strlcpy( pu->nick, cmdparams->source->name , MAXNICK );
pu->lastseen = me.now;
DBAStore( "UserList", nicklower, ( void * )pu, sizeof( ProfileUser ) );
ns_free( pu );
return NS_SUCCESS;