433 lines
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433 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include <stdio.h>
#include "neostats.h"
#include "SecureServ.h"
static int HelpersAdd(User *u, char **av, int ac);
static int HelpersDel(User *u, char *nick);
static int HelpersList(User *u);
typedef struct SSHelpers{
char nick[MAXNICK];
char pass[MAXNICK];
User *u;
static hash_t *helperhash;
static int IsHelpersInit = 0;
static char confpath[CONFBUFSIZE];
int HelpersInit(void)
char **data, *tmp;
SSHelpers *helper;
int i;
hnode_t *node;
helperhash = hash_create(-1, 0, 0);
if (GetDir("Helper", &data) > 0) {
for (i = 0; data[i] != NULL; i++) {
helper = malloc(sizeof(SSHelpers));
strlcpy(helper->nick, data[i], MAXNICK);
ircsnprintf(confpath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Helper/%s/Pass", helper->nick);
if (GetConf((void *)&tmp, CFGSTR, confpath) <= 0) {
} else {
strlcpy(helper->pass, tmp, MAXNICK);
helper->u = NULL;
node = hnode_create(helper);
hash_insert(helperhash, node, helper->nick);
IsHelpersInit = 1;
return 1;
static int HelpersAdd(User *u, char **av, int ac)
SSHelpers *helper;
hnode_t *node;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
if (ac < 5) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg SecureServ help helpers");
return -1;
if (hash_lookup(helperhash, av[3])) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "A Helper with login %s already exists", av[3]);
return -1;
helper = malloc(sizeof(SSHelpers));
strlcpy(helper->nick, av[3], MAXNICK);
strlcpy(helper->pass, av[4], MAXNICK);
helper->u = NULL;
node = hnode_create(helper);
hash_insert(helperhash, node, helper->nick);
/* ok, now save the helper */
ircsnprintf(confpath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Helper/%s/Pass", helper->nick);
SetConf((void *)helper->pass, CFGSTR, confpath);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Successfully added Helper %s with Password %s to Helpers List", helper->nick, helper->pass);
return 1;
static int HelpersDel(User *u, char *nick)
hnode_t *node;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
node = hash_lookup(helperhash, nick);
if (node) {
hash_delete(helperhash, node);
ircsnprintf(confpath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Helper/%s", nick);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Deleted %s from Helpers List", nick);
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Error, Could not find %s in helpers list. /msg %s helpers list", nick, s_SecureServ);
return 1;
static int HelpersList(User *u)
hscan_t hlps;
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Helpers List (%d):", (int)hash_count(helperhash));
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "%s (%s)", helper->nick, helper->u ? helper->u->nick : "Not Logged In");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "End of List.");
return -1;
int HelpersChpass(User *u, char **av, int ac)
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
hscan_t hlps;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if (helper->u == u) {
strlcpy(helper->pass, av[2], MAXNICK);
ircsnprintf(confpath, CONFBUFSIZE, "Helper/%s/Pass", helper->nick);
SetConf((void *)helper->pass, CFGSTR, confpath);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Successfully Changed your Password");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s changed their helper password", u->nick);
return 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "You must be logged in to change your Helper Password");
return 1;
int HelpersLogin(User *u, char **av, int ac)
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
hscan_t hlps;
UserDetail *ud;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if (helper->u == u) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "You are already logged in account %s", helper->nick);
return 1;
node = hash_lookup(helperhash, av[2]);
if (node) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if (!strcasecmp(helper->pass, av[3])) {
helper->u = u;
ud = malloc(sizeof(UserDetail));
ud->type = USER_HELPER;
ud->data = (void *) helper;
u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] = (void *)ud;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Login Successful");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s Successfully Logged in", u->nick);
if ((SecureServ.joinhelpchan == 1) && (IsChanMember(findchan(SecureServ.HelpChan), finduser(s_SecureServ)) != 1)) {
join_bot_to_chan (s_SecureServ, SecureServ.HelpChan, CMODE_CHANADMIN);
if (IsChanMember(findchan(SecureServ.HelpChan), u) != 1) {
#if defined(GOTSVSJOIN)
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Joining you to the Help Channel");
ssvsjoin_cmd(u->nick, SecureServ.HelpChan);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Inviting you to the Help Channel");
sinvite_cmd(s_SecureServ, u->nick, SecureServ.HelpChan);
return 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Login Failed");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to login with %s, but got the pass wrong (%s)", u->nick, av[2], av[3]);
return -1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Login Failed");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to login with %s but that account does not exist", u->nick, av[2]);
return -1;
int HelpersLogout(User *u, char **av, int ac)
hscan_t hlps;
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if (helper->u == u) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "You have been logged out of %s", helper->nick);
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s logged out of account %s", u->nick, helper->nick);
helper->u = NULL;
if (u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] != NULL) {
if (SecureServ.helpcount < 0) {
SecureServ.helpcount = 0;
if ((SecureServ.helpcount == 0) && (IsChanMember(findchan(SecureServ.HelpChan), finduser(s_SecureServ)) == 1)) {
spart_cmd(s_SecureServ, SecureServ.HelpChan);
return 1;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Error, You do not appear to be logged in");
return -1;
int HelpersSignoff(User *u)
hscan_t hlps;
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if (helper->u == u) {
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s logged out of account %s after he quit", u->nick, helper->nick);
helper->u = NULL;
if (u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] != NULL) {
if (SecureServ.helpcount < 0) {
SecureServ.helpcount = 0;
if ((SecureServ.helpcount == 0) && (IsChanMember(findchan(SecureServ.HelpChan), finduser(s_SecureServ)) == 1)) {
spart_cmd(s_SecureServ, SecureServ.HelpChan);
return 1;
return -1;
int HelpersAway(char **av, int ac)
hscan_t hlps;
hnode_t *node;
SSHelpers *helper;
User *u;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
if (SecureServ.signoutaway != 1) {
return 1;
u = finduser(av[0]);
if (!u) /* User not found */
return 1;
hash_scan_begin(&hlps, helperhash);
while ((node = hash_scan_next(&hlps)) != NULL) {
helper = hnode_get(node);
if ((helper->u == u) && (u->is_away == 1)) {
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s logged out of account %s after set away", u->nick, helper->nick);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "You have been logged out of SecureServ");
helper->u = NULL;
if (u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] != NULL) {
if (SecureServ.helpcount < 0) {
SecureServ.helpcount = 0;
if ((SecureServ.helpcount == 0) && (IsChanMember(findchan(SecureServ.HelpChan), finduser(s_SecureServ)) == 1)) {
spart_cmd(s_SecureServ, SecureServ.HelpChan);
return 1;
return -1;
int HelpersAssist(User *u, char **av, int ac)
UserDetail *ud, *td;
User *tu;
virientry *ve;
if (IsHelpersInit == 0)
return -1;
if (u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] == NULL) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Access Denied");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to use assist %s on %s, but is not logged in", u->nick, av[2], av[3]);
return -1;
ud = (UserDetail *)u->moddata[SecureServ.modnum];
if (ud->type != USER_HELPER) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Access Denied");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to use assist %s on %s, but is not logged in", u->nick, av[2], av[3]);
return -1;
/* if we get here, they are ok, so check the target user*/
tu = finduser(av[3]);
if (!tu) /* User not found */
return 1;
if (tu->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] == NULL) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid User %s. Not Recorded as requiring assistance", tu->nick);
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to use assist %s on %s, but the target is not requiring assistance", u->nick, av[2], av[3]);
return -1;
td = (UserDetail *)tu->moddata[SecureServ.modnum];
if (td->type != USER_INFECTED) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid User %s. Not Recorded as requiring assistance", tu->nick);
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to use assist %s on %s, but the target is not requiring assistance", u->nick, av[2], av[3]);
return -1;
/* ok, so far so good, lets see what the helper wants to do with the target user */
if (!strcasecmp(av[2], "RELEASE")) {
tu->moddata[SecureServ.modnum] = NULL;
td->data = NULL;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Hold on %s is released", tu->nick);
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s released %s", u->nick, tu->nick);
return -1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(av[2], "KILL")) {
ve = (virientry *)td->data;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Akilling %s as they are infected with %s", tu->nick, ve->name);
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s used assist kill on %s!%s@%s (infected with %s)", u->nick, tu->nick, tu->username, tu->hostname, ve->name);
nlog(LOG_NORMAL, LOG_MOD, "%s used assist kill on %s!%s@%s (infected with %s)", u->nick, tu->nick, tu->username, tu->hostname, ve->name);
if(ve->iscustom) {
globops(s_SecureServ, "Akilling %s for Virus %s (Helper %s performed Assist Kill)", tu->nick, ve->name, u->nick);
sakill_cmd(tu->hostname, tu->username, s_SecureServ, SecureServ.akilltime, "Infected with Virus/Trojan %s. (HelperAssist by %s)", ve->name, u->nick);
else {
globops(s_SecureServ, "Akilling %s for Virus %s (Helper %s performed Assist Kill) (http://secure.irc-chat.net/info.php?viri=%s)", tu->nick, ve->name, u->nick, ve->name);
sakill_cmd(tu->hostname, tu->username, s_SecureServ, SecureServ.akilltime, "Infected with Virus/Trojan. Visit http://secure.irc-chat.net/info.php?viri=%s (HelperAssist by %s)", ve->name, u->nick);
return 1;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help assist", s_SecureServ);
return -1;
int do_helpers(User *u, char **av, int ac)
if (UserLevel(u) < NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Permission Denied");
chanalert(s_SecureServ, "%s tried to use Helpers, but Permission was denied", u->nick);
return -1;
if (!strcasecmp(av[2], "add")) {
HelpersAdd(u, av, ac);
return 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(av[2], "del")) {
if (ac == 4) {
HelpersDel(u, av[3]);
return 1;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help helpers for more info", s_SecureServ);
return -1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(av[2], "list")) {
return 1;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_SecureServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help helpers for more info", s_SecureServ);
return -1;
return 1;