299 lines
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299 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services Copyright
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "modconfig.h"
#define VIRI_DAT_DIR "data"
#define VIRI_DAT_NAME "data/viri.dat"
#define CUSTOM_DAT_NAME "data/customviri.dat"
#define NUM_DAT_FILES 2
#define MAXVIRNAME 64
#define MAXREASON 128
#define MAXCTCPTYPE 64
typedef struct virientry {
char name[MAXVIRNAME];
int dettype;
int var1;
int var2;
char ctcptype[MAXCTCPTYPE];
char recvmsg[BUFSIZE];
pcre *pattern;
pcre_extra *patternextra;
char sendmsg[BUFSIZE];
int action;
int nofound;
int noopen;
int iscustom;
} virientry;
/* Detection Types */
#define DET_CTCP 0
#define DET_MSG 1
#define DET_NICK 2
#define DET_IDENT 3
#define DET_REALNAME 4
#define DET_CHAN 5
#define DET_CHANMSG 6
#define DET_BUILTIN 10
/* Action List */
#define ACT_SVSJOIN 0
#define ACT_AKILL 1
#define ACT_WARN 2
#define ACT_NOTHING 3
#define ACT_KILL 4
/* Scanner flags for User scanning */
#define SCAN_NICK 0x00000001
#define SCAN_IDENT 0x00000002
#define SCAN_REALNAME 0x00000004
extern char s_SecureServ[MAXNICK];
typedef struct UserDetail {
int type;
void *data;
} UserDetail;
typedef struct ServerDetail {
int tsoutcount;
} ServerDetail;
typedef struct ChannelDetail {
int scanned;
} ChannelDetail;
/* type list */
#define USER_HELPER 1
#define SS_BUF_SIZE 255
struct SecureServ {
char user[MAXUSER];
char host[MAXHOST];
char realname[MAXREALNAME];
int isonline;
int timedif;
int doscan;
int viriversion;
char signonscanmsg[BUFSIZE];
char akillinfo[BUFSIZE];
char nohelp[BUFSIZE];
char HelpChan[CHANLEN];
int breakorcont;
int doakill;
int akilltime;
int dosvsjoin;
int helpcount;
int verbose;
int stayinchantime;
int monchancycletime;
int sampletime;
int JoinThreshold;
int autoupgrade;
int doUpdate;
int dofizzer;
int MaxAJPP;
int DoOnJoin;
int BotEcho;
char MaxAJPPChan[CHANLEN];
int trigcounts[MAX_PATTERN_TYPES];
int actioncounts[MAX_PATTERN_TYPES];
int definitions[MAX_PATTERN_TYPES];
char updateurl[SS_BUF_SIZE];
char updateuname[MAXNICK];
char updatepw[MAXNICK];
char lastchan[CHANLEN];
char lastnick[MAXNICK];
char monbot[MAXNICK];
char botquitmsg[BUFSIZE];
int nfcount;
int doprivchan;
char ChanKey[CHANLEN];
int closechantime;
int FloodProt;
struct sockaddr_in sendtohost;
int sendtosock;
int signoutaway;
int report;
int joinhelpchan;
int modnum;
char sampleversion[SS_BUF_SIZE];
int monchancycle;
int treatchanmsgaspm;
} SecureServ;
/* SecureServ.c */
void do_servversion();
/* update.c */
int do_update(User *u, char **av, int ac);
void GotHTTPAddress(char *data, adns_answer *a);
int AutoUpdate(void);
/* OnJoin.c */
void JoinNewChan();
void OnJoinBotMsg(User *u, char *botname, char *msg);
int ListMonChan(User *u);
int LoadMonChans();
int MonChanCount(void);
int OnJoinBotConf(void);
int ViriCount(void);
int InitOnJoinBots(void);
int ExitOnJoinBots(void);
int do_bots(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int do_checkchan(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int do_monchan(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int do_cycle(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int do_set_monbot(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int CheckOnjoinBotKick(char **argv, int ac);
int MonJoin(Chans *c);
int MonBotDelChan(Chans *);
int CheckMonBotKill(char* nick);
void OnJoinDelChan(Chans* c);
/* scan.c */
int ScanFizzer(User *u);
int ScanChan(User* u, Chans *c);
int ScanUser(User *u, unsigned flags);
int ScanMsg(User *u, char* buf, int chanmsg);
int ScanCTCP(User *u, char* buf);
int do_list(User *u, char **av, int ac);
int do_reload(User *u, char **av, int ac);
void InitScanner(void);
void load_dat(void);
/* exempts.c */
int SS_IsChanExempt(Chans *c);
int SS_IsUserExempt(User *u);
int SS_do_exempt(User* u, char **argv, int argc);
int SS_InitExempts(void);
/* FloodCheck.c */
int InitJoinFlood(void);
int JoinFloodJoinChan(User *u, Chans *c);
int JoinFloodDelChan(Chans *c);
int CheckLockChan(void);
int InitNickFlood(void);
int CleanNickFlood(void);
int NickFloodSignOff(char * n);
int CheckNickFlood(User* u);
/* Helpers.c */
int HelpersInit(void);
int HelpersLogin(User *u, char **av, int ac);
int HelpersLogout(User *u, char **av, int ac);
int HelpersSignoff(User *u);
int HelpersAway(char **av, int ac);
int HelpersAssist(User *u, char **av, int ac);
int do_helpers(User *u, char **av, int ac);
int HelpersChpass(User *u, char **av, int ac);
/* SecureServ_help.c */
extern const char *ts_help_checkchan[];
extern const char *ts_help_login[];
extern const char *ts_help_logout[];
extern const char *ts_help_chpass[];
extern const char *ts_help_cycle[];
extern const char *ts_help_update[];
extern const char *ts_help_status[];
extern const char *ts_help_exclude[];
extern const char *ts_help_list[];
extern const char *ts_help_bots[];
extern const char *ts_help_monchan[];
extern const char *ts_help_assist[];
extern const char *ts_help_helpers[];
extern const char *ts_help_reload[];
extern const char ts_help_login_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_logout_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_chpass_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_assist_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_checkchan_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_status_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_exclude_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_cycle_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_list_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_update_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_bots_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_monchan_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_helpers_oneline[];
extern const char ts_help_reload_oneline[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_splittime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_chankey[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_version[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_signonmsg[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_botquitmsg[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_akillmsg[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_nohelpmsg[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_helpchan[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_autosignout[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_joinhelpchan[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_report[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_floodprot[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_doprivchan[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_checkfizzer[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_multicheck[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_akill[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_akilltime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_chanlocktime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_nfcount[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_dojoin[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_doonjoin[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_botecho[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_verbose[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_monchancycle[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_treatchanmsgaspm[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_monchancycletime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_cycletime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_monbot[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_autoupdate[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_sampletime[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_updateinfo[];
extern const char *ts_help_set_onjoinbotmodes[];
extern char onjoinbot_modes[MODESIZE];
int is_monchan(char* chan);
/* these are needed for 2.5.14 compatibility */
#endif /* SECURESERV_H */