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2003-04-18 04:38:35 +00:00

776 lines
26 KiB

* Library: libhttp
* Description: library for generic http data transfers
* HTTPGET/libhttp
* Copyright (C) 1994 by Sami Tikka <>
* Copyright (C) 2001 by Alan DuBoff <>
* Last change: 8/27/2001
* The right to use, modify and redistribute this code is allowed
* provided the above copyright notice and the below disclaimer appear
* on all copies.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Compile with (g)cc -o httpget httpget.c (-lsocket)
#include <ctype.h>
#include "http.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#define debug(path, args...) fprintf(path, ## args)
#define debug2(ptr, args...) fwrite(ptr, ## args)
#define debug(path, args...)
#define debug2(ptr, args...)
char *find_header_end( char *buf, int bytes )
char *end = buf + bytes;
while( buf < end && !(*buf++ == '\n'
&& (*buf == '\n'
|| (*buf++ == '\r'
&& *buf == '\n'))) ) ;
if( *buf == '\n' )
return( buf + 1 );
return( NULL );
* This function try to find the HTTP header specified and return its value.
* The 'buf' contains the header is assumed to be terminated by a blank line.
* The 'type' must be terminated by a colon, such as "Content-Type:".
char *find_header( char *buf, int buflen, char *type, char *value, int vsize )
char *end;
char *eol;
int tl = strlen(type);
/* Find the end (in case input is not NULL terminated) */
if(buflen <= 0)
buflen = strlen(buf);
end = buf + buflen;
do /* For each line of header */
/* Note : 'type' *must* be terminated by a ':', otherwise you may
* match the wrong header */
if( ! strncasecmp( buf, type, tl ) )
buf += tl; /* Skip header type */
while( isspace( *buf ) ) /* Skip spaces */
/* We keep the blank line at the end of the header, we are safe */
eol = strchr(buf, '\r');
/* Unlikely to fail, but let be safe */
if( ( eol != NULL ) && ( (eol - buf) < (vsize - 1) ) )
/* Copy, NULL terminate, return */
memcpy( value, buf, (eol - buf) );
value[(eol - buf)] = '\0';
debug( stderr, "Found header %s: %s\n", type, value );
return( value );
} /* Go to start of next line, if any */
while( ( ( buf = strchr( buf, '\n' ) ) != NULL ) && ( ++buf < end ) );
return( NULL );
#endif /* HF_FIND_HEADER */
/* Separate an URL in its different components.
* Note that GET/POST form data is not removed from the "path", and therefore
* it can be quite big. That's why we return it and don't copy it.
* Jean II */
char *parse_url( char *url, char *scheme, char *host, int *port )
char *slash, *colon;
char *delim;
char *turl;
char *t;
char *pRet;
/* All operations on turl so as not to mess contents of url */
turl = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( url ) + 1 );
if( turl == NULL )
return (char *)"";
strcpy( turl, url );
delim = "://";
if( (colon = strstr( turl, delim )) == NULL )
debug( stderr, "Warning: URL is not in format <scheme>://<host>/<path>.\nAssuming scheme = http.\n" );
strcpy( scheme, "http" );
t = turl;
*colon = '\0';
strcpy( scheme, turl );
t = colon + strlen( delim );
/* Now t points to the beginning of host name */
if( (slash = strchr( t, '/' )) == NULL )
/* If there isn't even one slash, the path must be empty */
debug( stderr, "Warning: no slash character after the host name. Empty path. Adding slash.\n" );
strcpy( host, t );
slash = "/";
memcpy( host, t, slash - t);
host[slash - t] = '\0';
/* Check if the hostname includes ":portnumber" at the end */
if( (colon = strchr( host, ':' )) == NULL )
*port = 80; /* HTTP standard */
*colon = '\0';
*port = atoi( colon + 1 );
pRet = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( slash ) + 1 );
strcpy( pRet, slash );
if( turl ) free( turl );
/* Return the path + arguments */
return( pRet );
* Function Name: http_request
* Parameters: char *in_URL http URL to request
* int in_Method enum for method type
* (see http.h)
* Description: handle a request to an http server. this is being kept
* simple for a purpose, call the function with an http URL
* and have return the response inside HTTP_Response.
* Returns: HTTP_Response struct
* NOTE: the memory is allocated for the data transfered,
* and it is the responsibility of the *CALLER* to free
* the memory. it's very easy to accumulate several
* megabytes of data.
HTTP_Response http_request( char *in_URL, char *in_ReqAddition, HTTP_Method in_Method, unsigned long in_Flags )
char *pBuf;
char *pRequest;
char *path;
char scheme[50], host[MAXPATHLEN];
char *pData, *pBase, *pContent, *pHCode, *pHMsgEnd; // *pScheme, *pHost, *pPath,
char szContent[32];
char *proxy;
int port;
struct hostent *nameinfo;
int s;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct timeval from_request, from_reply, end;
unsigned long total_bytes, bytes, header_size = 0UL, data_size = 0UL, alloc_size = 0UL;
fd_set set;
int in_header;
char *h_end_ptr;
#ifdef DEBUG
long secs, usecs, bytes_per_sec;
HTTP_Response hResponse = { 0,0,0,0,0,"","" };
#ifdef HF_DO_FILE
// CRH It's a file or directory
if(in_Method == kHMethodGet && !strncasecmp(in_URL, "file://", 7))
return do_file( in_URL );
#endif /* HF_DO_FILE */
memset( hResponse.szHCode, '\0', HCODESIZE );
memset( hResponse.szHMsg, '\0', HMSGSIZE );
memset( host, '\0', MAXPATHLEN );
memset( scheme, '\0', 50 );
memset( szContent, '\0', 32 );
pBuf = (char *)calloc( 1, BUFLEN + 1 );
if( pBuf == NULL )
return( hResponse );
// the GET and POST as of 9/4/2001
if( in_Method == kHMethodPost )
// add 1024 bytes for the header
pRequest = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( in_URL ) + 1024 );
if( pRequest == NULL )
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
return( hResponse );
else // allocate enough for the
if( strlen( in_URL ) < GETLEN ) // compare against max request
// allocate the size of the URL
// add 1024 bytes for the header
pRequest = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( in_URL ) + 1024 );
if( pRequest == NULL )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
return( hResponse );
debug( stderr, "*** Request too large, truncating to 8192 max size\n*** will try request anyway...\n" );
*(in_URL + 8192) = '\0';
pRequest = (char *)calloc( 1, GETLEN + 1024 );
if( pRequest == NULL )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
return( hResponse );
// the http_proxy environment setting is common use for a proxy server,
// and the way it was setup per httpget.
if( (proxy = getenv( "http_proxy" )) == NULL )
path = parse_url( in_URL, scheme, host, &port );
debug( stderr, "URL scheme = %s\n", scheme );
debug( stderr, "URL host = %s\n", host );
debug( stderr, "URL port = %d\n", port );
debug( stderr, "URL path = %s\n", path );
// check for http scheme to be safe.
if( strcasecmp(scheme, "http") != 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "http_request cannot operate on %s URLs without a proxy\n", scheme );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
path = parse_url( proxy, scheme, host, &port );
if( path ) free( path ); // free it, in_URL will be assigned to it
debug( stderr, "Using proxy server at %s:%d\n", host, port );
// add jjsa 2/17/2002
path = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( in_URL) + 1 );
if( path == NULL )
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
path = in_URL;
/* -- Note : --
* After this point, in_URL is no longer used and you should only
* use "path". - Jean II
/* Find out the IP address */
if( (nameinfo = gethostbyname( host )) == NULL )
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( host );
if( (int)addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1 )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown host %s\n", host );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
memcpy( (char *)&addr.sin_addr.s_addr, nameinfo->h_addr, nameinfo->h_length );
/* Create socket and connect */
if( (s = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )) == -1 )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons( port );
if( connect( s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr) ) == -1 )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
debug( stderr, "Connected to %s:%d\n", host, port );
// at this point we can construct our actual request. I'm trying to
// incorporate more methods than the GET method supported by httpget
switch( in_Method )
case kHMethodPost:
int pathlen;
debug( stderr, "top of post\n" );
// a post URL should include some type of
// data appended with a '?', so we will
// require a '?' be present to continue.
pContent = strchr( path, '?' );
if( pContent != NULL )
/* Real lenght of the path.
* We will split the "path" into two parts.
* The arguments (after '?') will go in the body of the
* request. It's size will be in Content-Length
* The real "path" will go in the first line of the request.
* Jean II */
pathlen = pContent - path;
pContent++; // increment to first char of content
debug( stderr, "path: %.*s\n", pathlen, path );
debug( stderr, "content: %s\n", pContent );
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = "ERROR, invalid URL for POST request";
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: invalid URL for POST request, no content found\n" );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
sprintf( pRequest, "POST %.*s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
pathlen, path, host );
// the following Content-Type may need to be changed
// depending on what type of data you are sending,
// and/or if the data is encoded. ajd 8/28/2001
/* If the caller provides already a Content-Type header, no need
* to do it ourselves - Jean II */
if( ! (in_Flags & HFLAG_POST_USER_TYPE) )
strcat( pRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
sprintf( szContent, "%s%d\r\n", "Content-Length: ", strlen( pContent ) );
strcat( pRequest, szContent );
if( strlen( in_ReqAddition ) ) // add any additional entities
strcat( pRequest, in_ReqAddition );
strcat( pRequest, "\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "User-Agent: hget/0.5\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, pContent );
case kHMethodHead:
sprintf( pRequest, "HEAD %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n", path, host );
strcat( pRequest, "User-Agent: hget/0.5\r\n" );
if( strlen( in_ReqAddition ) )
strcat( pRequest, in_ReqAddition );
strcat( pRequest, "\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" );
case kHMethodGet:
default: // currently GET is default!
// added in the Host: header entity
// as that was preventing some servers
// from responding properly.
sprintf( pRequest, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n", path, host );
strcat( pRequest, "User-Agent: hget/0.5\r\n" );
if( strlen( in_ReqAddition ) )
strcat( pRequest, in_ReqAddition );
strcat( pRequest, "\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" );
strcat( pRequest, "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" );
gettimeofday( &from_request, NULL );
debug( stderr, "----- HTTP request follows -----\n" );
debug( stderr, "%s\n", pRequest );
debug( stderr, "----- HTTP request end -----\n" );
write( s, pRequest, strlen( pRequest) );
FD_ZERO( &set );
FD_SET( s, &set );
if( select( FD_SETSIZE, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL ) == -1 )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
gettimeofday( &from_reply, NULL );
in_header = 1;
total_bytes = 0UL;
// first we'll allocate a 64k chunk of memory. we don't know the exact size of the
// response. Most web pages fit in 64k of memory, and the is practical. for larger
// transfer I typically like to allocate more up front. Alter to your preference.
// I have tested this transfering a 32mb image using 64k allocations of memory and
// 8k of read buffer.
// ajd 8/27/2001
data_size = 0UL;
pBase = (char *)malloc( XFERLEN );
if( pBase == NULL )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (malloc): recv (errno = %d = %s)\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
fflush( stderr );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
alloc_size = XFERLEN;
pData = pBase; // assign the data ptr as base to start
// for better or worse I've
// decided to allocate 64k chunks
// and use 8k for a working buffer.
while( (bytes = read( s, pBuf, BUFLEN )) != 0 )
total_bytes += bytes;
debug( stderr, "data_size: %ld, alloc_size: %ld, total_bytes: %ld\n", data_size, alloc_size, total_bytes );
if( (data_size + bytes ) > alloc_size )
pBase = realloc( pBase, (alloc_size + XFERLEN) );
if( pBase == NULL )
// get outta dodge and free the
// the allocated memory...there
// could be a chance that we ran
// out of resource, and we'll
// free it.
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (realloc): (errno = %d = %s)\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
fflush( stderr );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBase ) free( pBase );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
pData = pBase + data_size;
alloc_size += XFERLEN;
debug( stderr, "." );
memcpy( pData, pBuf, bytes ); // copy data
pData += bytes; // increment pointer
data_size += bytes; // increment size of data
gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
close( s );
debug( stderr, "\nConnection closed.\n" );
#ifdef DEBUG
if( end.tv_usec < from_reply.tv_usec )
end.tv_sec -= 1;
end.tv_usec += 1000000;
usecs = end.tv_usec - from_reply.tv_usec;
secs = end.tv_sec - from_reply.tv_sec;
debug( stderr, "Total of %ld bytes read in %ld.%ld seconds\n",
total_bytes, secs, usecs );
if( secs != 0 )
bytes_per_sec = (int)((total_bytes / (float)secs) + 0.5);
debug( stderr, "%ld bytes per second\n", bytes_per_sec );
fflush( stderr );
h_end_ptr = find_header_end( pBase, total_bytes );
if( h_end_ptr != NULL )
// we'll get response and response message
pHCode = strchr( pBase, ' ' );
if( pHCode != NULL )
strncpy( hResponse.szHCode, pHCode, 3 );
// now get message
pHCode += 4; // increment past code
// and search for new line
pHMsgEnd = strchr( pHCode, '\n' );
if( pHMsgEnd != NULL ) // get the rest of line for the response message
strncpy( hResponse.szHMsg, pHCode,
(pHMsgEnd - pHCode) <= (HMSGSIZE - 1) ? (pHMsgEnd - pHCode ) : (HMSGSIZE - 1) );
header_size = total_bytes;
h_end_ptr = pBase + total_bytes;
// now we'll store the size of the header, since we'll need to
// subtract that from the total of bytes downloaded to get the
// real size of the data.
header_size = (unsigned long)(h_end_ptr - pBase);
/* Found, print up to delimiter to stderr and rest to stdout */
debug( stderr, "----- HTTP reply header follows -----\n" );
debug2( pBase, h_end_ptr - pBase, 1, stderr );
debug( stderr, "----- HTTP reply header end -----\n" );
debug( stderr, "Header size: %d\n", header_size );
if( in_Method == kHMethodHead )
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
pBase = realloc( pBase, header_size );
if( pBase == NULL )
return( hResponse );
hResponse.lSize = (long)header_size;
hResponse.pData = pBase;
return( hResponse );
/* Does the client wants the header ? - Jean II */
if( in_Flags & HFLAG_RETURN_HEADER )
/* Allocate it => client will cleanup */
hResponse.pHdr = malloc( header_size + 1 );
/* Don't make a big deal if it fails */
if( hResponse.pHdr != NULL )
memcpy( hResponse.pHdr, pBase, header_size );
/* Be nice to client : NULL terminate it */
hResponse.pHdr[header_size] = '\0';
/* Delete HTTP headers */
memcpy(pBase, h_end_ptr, total_bytes - header_size);
// realloc the data if we've gotten anything. chances are
// we'll have more allocated than we've transfered. ajd 8/27/2001
if( (total_bytes - header_size) > 0 )
pBase = realloc( pBase, (total_bytes - header_size) + 1 );
if( pBase == NULL )
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (realloc): (errno = %d = %s)\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
fflush( stderr );
if( pBase ) free( pBase );
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
} // now, if we've gotten this far we must
// have our data, so store the size and
// the pointer to the data in our response
// structure for return.
if( in_Method != kHMethodHead ) // HEAD would be set already
hResponse.lSize = (long)(total_bytes - header_size);
hResponse.pData = pBase;
if( path ) free( path );
if( pBuf ) free( pBuf );
if( pRequest ) free( pRequest );
return( hResponse );
#ifdef HF_DO_FILE
* Function Name: do_file
* Parameters: char *in_URL file://URL to request
* Description: read and format a file or directory as HTML
* Returns: HTTP_Response struct
* NOTE: the memory is allocated for the data transfered,
* and it is the responsibility of the *CALLER* to free
* the memory. it's very easy to accumulate several
* megabytes of data.
HTTP_Response do_file(char *in_URL)
HTTP_Response hResponse = { 0,0,0,0,"","" };
struct stat status;
char temp[BUFLEN];
char *buff;
FILE *doit;
int path;
int count;
int size;
int i;
memset( hResponse.szHCode, '\0', HCODESIZE );
memset( hResponse.szHMsg, '\0', HMSGSIZE );
in_URL += 7;
if(stat(in_URL, &status) || !status.st_mode & S_IRGRP)
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror(errno);
if(S_ISREG(status.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(status.st_mode))
buff = (char *)malloc(status.st_size);
if(buff == NULL)
if(-1 == (path = open(in_URL, O_RDONLY)))
if(buff) free(buff);
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror(errno);
read(path, buff, status.st_size);
buff = realloc(buff, status.st_size);
hResponse.lSize = (long)(status.st_size);
hResponse.pData = buff;
buff = (char *)malloc(XFERLEN);
if(buff == NULL)
size = XFERLEN;
count = sprintf(buff, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Index of %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#99cc99\"><H4>Index of %s</H4>\n<PRE>\n", in_URL, in_URL);
strcpy(temp, in_URL);
i = strlen(temp) - 2;
while(temp[i] != '/' && i > 0)
temp[i--] = '\0';
count += sprintf(&buff[count], "<A HREF=\"file://%s\">Parent Directory</A><P>\n", temp);
(void) sprintf(temp, "ls -lgF '%s' | tail +2 | sed -e 's/^\\([^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]*\\) *\\(.*\\)$/\\1 |\\2/' -e '/ -> /!s,|\\([^*]*\\)$,|<A HREF=\"\\1\">\\1</A>,' -e '/ -> /!s,|\\(.*\\)\\([*]\\)$,|<A HREF=\"\\1\">\\1</A>\\2,' -e '/ -> /s,|\\([^@]*\\)\\(@* -> \\),|<A HREF=\"\\1\">\\1</A>\\2,' -e 's/|//'", in_URL);
doit = popen(temp, "r");
while((i = fread(temp, 1, BUFLEN - 1, doit)) > 0)
if(count + i > size)
buff = realloc(buff, size + XFERLEN);
if(buff == NULL)
hResponse.iError = errno;
hResponse.pError = strerror( errno );
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (realloc): (errno = %d = %s)\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
fflush( stderr );
return( hResponse );
size += XFERLEN;
memcpy(&buff[count], temp, i); // copy data
count += i;
count += sprintf(&buff[count], "</PRE>\n</BODY></HTML>\n");
buff = realloc(buff, count);
hResponse.lSize = count;
hResponse.pData = buff;
#endif /* HF_DO_FILE */