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/* NetStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** Based from GeoStats 1.1.0 by Johnathan George
** NetStats CVS Identification
** $Id: options.h,v 1.3 2002/06/05 15:41:10 fishwaldo Exp $
/* this is the config file for services.
** anything that is configurable should be set via this file for now
** until we have the config interface coded and into the core neostats software
** I'll try to document each setting and what it does
#ifndef M_OPTIONS
#define M_OPTIONS
/* this setting is the maxium no of registered online nicks at any one tiem
** if more users than this setting identify
** god knows what will happen to Neostats (Most likely it will core
** just setting this to a high value is not a good idea if you dont need it
** its going to increase memory usage, and also probably slow down NeoStats
** when it does its Database Sync's, as it will have to go through each record, even
** if its not being used
#define NS_USER_LIST 1024
/* This is the Maxium number of timers that services can activate at any one time
** things that use timers at the moment are
** - when a registered nick sign's on, and its kill option is active, but its not in a access list
** - When nicks are changed (upto 2 timers as well!)
** again, setting this high, might lag out NeoStats, so be carefull with it.
#define MAX_SVS_TIMERS 255
/* this defines the databaes Location.
** you can put it anywhere you want, if Services can't find a database, it will
** automatically create the database for you
** if the database gets corrupted you can use the Berkeley database recovery tools
** on it
#define NSDBASE "data/nsdata.db"
#define MSDBASE "data/msdata.db"
/* how long do users have to ident to nickserv before their nick is changed.
** this is set if kill is active for that nick (kill isn't a good word, read the online help about set kill.
** This relates to timers above, so setting this to a long time, and having lots of users pending "identification"
** can mean you run out of timer slots.. be carefull
#define NICK_IDENT_TIME 30
/* how long does a enforcer stay online
** if a Enforcer Nick joins the network to stop people regaining the nickname
** how long does it stay online?
** again, relates to timers above, so set this carefully
/* how often to check registered nick records that need to be synced to the database
** each online nick has a "lastchanged" field.
** every period you set here (Seconds) Services goes through the list of nicks
** looking for nicks that need to have the database synced (for instance, if they update the
** set interface or so on.
** Setting this too low will lag out NeoStats, Setting it too high might mean if you have a lot of nicks
** that need to be synced, NeoStats gets lagged out for a while, as the database is synced
** I suggest around 5-10 minutes for most networks
** if Services thinks its taking too long to sync the database
** it will broadcast a message into the services channel, you should change it then
#define DB_SYNC_TIME 30
/* how long can user have their info line (viewable via /nickserv info <nick>)
** some networks prefer to limit how long it can be
** but you can't go over 100,
** if you do, it will still be limited to 100, as thats the database field size
#define NICK_INFO_LEN 100 /* is the max */
/* No of bad passwords before kill'ing the user
** if the number of bad passwords is this, then the user is killed from the network
#define NO_BAD_PASS 3
/* Default Kill setting for New nicks
** what default setting should new registered nicks have?
** setting this to 1 means that kill is active
** setting to 0 means that kill is not active
** setting to anything higher than 1 will work as well, but wont change the function of it
#define DEF_KILL 1
/* Default secure settings for new nicks
** what default setting shoudl new registered nicks have?
** setting this to 1 means secure is active
** setting to 0 means its not active
#define DEF_SECURE 0
/* default private setting for new nicks
** what default setting should new registered nicks have?
** setting this to 1 means private is active
** setting to 0 means its not active
#define DEF_PRIVATE 0
/* What level does a user have to be to set the opercomment
** You should look at the NeoStats core file users.c to figure out levels
** Default, is 50 (Global Oper)
/* what level does a user have to be to see the opercomment
** you should look at the Neostats core file users.c to figure out levels
** default, is 40 (LocalOp)
/* what level is required to drop a nickname
** you should look at the Neostats core file users.c to figure out levels
** default, is 100 (Service Admins)
/* what level is reqiured to suspend a nickname
** you should look at the neostats core file users.c to figure out levels
** default is 100 (service admins)
/* what level is required to forbid a nickname
** default is 100 (Service Admins)
/* should we enable getpass for nickserv, chanset et al?
** value of 1 says yes
** value of 0 says no
/* if ENABLE_GETPASS is 1 above, then what level to we require for
** operators to use this command?
** default is 100 (service admins)
/* should we enable setpass for nickserv, chanserv et al?
** value of 1 says yes
** value of 0 says no
/* if ENABLE_SETPASS is 1 above, then what level to we require for
** operators to use this command?
** default is 100 (service admins)
/* Vhost Support.
** 3 settings here for networks, this is how it works
** if set to 0, then vhost is disabled
** if set to 1, then users are allowed to set their own vhost
** if set to 2, then users get vhost on identify/accesslist match, but can not change, only opers can change
#define ENABLE_VHOST 2
/* if ENABLE_VHOST is set to 2 then what access
** level is required to set a users Vhost?
** default is 100 (Service Admins)
** if ENABLE_VHOST is 1 then this is what level a admin can change the vhost
** if ENABLE_VHOST is 0, this has no effect