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/* NetStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** Based from GeoStats 1.1.0 by Johnathan George
** NetStats CVS Identification
** $Id: services.h,v 1.4 2002/06/05 15:41:10 fishwaldo Exp $
#ifndef M_SERVICES
#define M_SERVICES
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <db.h>
#include "stats.h"
#include <hash.h>
#include "options.h"
/* nickserv database */
DB *dbp;
/* memoserv database */
DB *mdbp;
char *s_NickServ;
char *s_MemoServ;
/* used to determine which nicks have changed, and need sync'ing */
int last_db_sync;
char ns_forbid_list[4096];
typedef struct ns_user NS_User;
hash_t *nsuserlist;
struct ns_user {
NS_User *prev;
NS_User *next;
long hash;
char nick[15];
char pass[15];
int language;
char url[100];
char email[100];
int icq;
char aim[100];
int kill;
int secure;
int private;
int onlineflags;
int lastchange;
char acl[1024];
struct {
char usermask:1;
char email:1;
char quit:1;
} hide;
int registered_at;
int last_seen_at;
int flags;
char last_mask[100];
char vhost[100];
char last_quit[200];
char info[100];
char greet[100];
char opercomment[255];
typedef struct svs_timers Svs_Timers;
Svs_Timers *serv_timers[MAX_SVS_TIMERS];
struct svs_timers {
Svs_Timers *prev;
Svs_Timers *next;
long hash;
char varibles[255];
char timername[255];
int interval;
time_t lastrun;
int (*function)();
struct ns_access {
struct ns_access *prev;
struct ns_access *next;
char hostmask[100];
typedef struct ns_access NS_AccessList;
struct ns_links {
struct ns_links *prev;
struct ns_links *next;
NS_User *user;
char nick[15];
typedef struct ns_links NS_LinkList;
int NSDefLanguage;
int match2(char *, char *);
void init_regnick_hash();
NS_User *new_regnick(char *, int create);
NS_User *findregnick(char *);
void del_regnick(char *);
NS_User *lookup_regnick(char *);
int ns_new_user(User *);
int ns_bye_user(User *);
int ns_nickchange_user(char *);
Svs_Timers *new_svs_timers(char *);
void sync_nick_to_db(NS_User *);
void del_nick_from_db(char *);
char *makemask(User *u, int vhost);
void init_nick_forbid_list();
void save_nick_forbid_list();
int is_forbidden(char *);
char *strnrepl(char *s, int size, const char *old, const char *new);
void lang_init();
extern void send_help(User *u, char *line);
void notice_help(const char *source, char *dest, int message, ...);
/* these functions are in the core neostats, and are needed for internal functions */
void Usr_Kill(char *, char *);
void Usr_Nick(char *, char *);
int get_dl_handle(char *);
/* this is just stuff we need */
#define getstring(na,index) \
/* Flags for NS_User->onlineflags */
#define NSFL_IDENTIFED 0x0001 /* user has Identified */
#define NSFL_BADPASS 0x0002 /* User specified a badpass */
#define NSFL_ACCESSMATCH 0x0004 /* user has been matched against the accesslist */
#define NSFL_ENFORCED 0x0008 /* this is a Enforcer.. ie, not a real user */
#define NSFL_SUSPEND 0x0010 /* nickname is suspended */
#define NSFL_IDENTTIMEOUT 0x0020 /* nickname has ident timeout */
#define NUM_LANGS 10
#define LANG_EN_US 0 /* United States English */
#define USED_LANGS 6 /* Number of languages provided */