/* GNU Talkfilters Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Talkfilters GNU Talkfilters is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be amusing, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Lex filter to transform plain English into Brooklyn English. * No racial or societal slurs are intended. For amusement only. * * Copyright 1986 by Daniel Klein. * * Reproduction permitted so long as this notice is retained. */ %option prefix="brooklyn_yy" %option outfile="lex.yy.c" %option noyywrap WB [\n\t ] WC [A-Za-z'0-9] NW [^A-Za-z'0-9] EOT \4 %s NIW INW %{ #include "common.h" #define YY_DECL int yylex(gtf_databuf_t *buf) static const char *expletives[] = { "Okay?", "Right?", "Yuh got me so fahr?", "Ya' dig?", "Yuh with me?" }; #define EXPLETIVES_LEN (sizeof(expletives) / sizeof(expletives[0])) %} %% { [Nn]othing/{NW} gtf_puts_case("nuttin'"); [Tt]hin gtf_puts_case("tin"); BEGIN(INW); [Tt]hir gtf_puts_case("toi"); BEGIN(INW); [Tt]he gtf_puts_case("de"); BEGIN(INW); [Tt]hi gtf_puts_case("di"); BEGIN(INW); [Tt]hat/{NW} gtf_puts_case("dat"); BEGIN(INW); I'm{WB}going{WB}to/{NW} gtf_puts_case("I'manna"); going{WB}to/{NW} gtf_puts_case("gonna"); want{WB}to/{NW} gtf_puts_case("wanna"); [Dd]id{WB}you{WB}/[eaiou] gtf_puts_case("d'j"); [Dd]id{WB}you/{NW} gtf_puts_case("d'ja"); [Hh]ow{WB}are{WB}you/{NW} gtf_puts_case("howahrya"); [Yy]ou/{NW} gtf_puts_case("yuh"); [Ww]ith gtf_puts_case("wit'"); BEGIN(INW); [Dd]on't/{NW} gtf_puts_case("doan"); [Ss]tupid/{NW} gtf_puts_case("stoopid"); [Uu]nder gtf_puts_case("unner"); BEGIN(INW); [Tt]o/{NW} gtf_puts_case("tuh"); [Aa]ctual gtf_puts_case("ackshul"); BEGIN(INW); [Nn]egro/{NW} gtf_puts_case("spade"); [Pp]uerto{WB}[Rr]ican/{NW} gtf_puts_case("spic"); [Ii]talian/{NW} gtf_puts_case("greaser"); [Jj]ewish/{NW} gtf_puts_case("jew"); [Jj]ew/{NW} gtf_puts_case("hebe"); [Ii]sn't/{NW} gtf_puts_case("ain't"); {WC} { BEGIN(INW); gtf_echo(); } } { [^Mm]mer/[^aeiouhrs] gtf_puts_case("mmoi"); BEGIN(INW); er/{NW} gtf_puts_case("uh"); BEGIN(NIW); [Ww]ord | [Hh]eard | [BbGgLlPpSs]urg | [CcHh][eu]r[ntv] { gtf_printf("%coi%c", yytext[0], yytext[yyleng-1]); } [Oo]re/{NW} gtf_puts_case("awh"); BEGIN(NIW); [Oo]r gtf_puts_case("awh"); [Oo]f gtf_puts_case("uhv"); tion gtf_puts_case("shun"); alk | our[st] | or[st] gtf_printf("awh%c", yytext[yyleng-1]); ause gtf_puts_case("awze"); [Oo]ff gtf_puts_case("awhf"); ing/{NW} gtf_puts_case("in'"); BEGIN(NIW); (l)?dn't/{NW} gtf_puts_case("n't"); BEGIN(NIW); t{WB}you/{NW} gtf_puts_case("tcha"); BEGIN(NIW); [ao]ther { gtf_printf("%cdder", yytext[0] == 'a' ? 'a' : 'u'); } [a-z]":" { *(yytext+1) = ','; gtf_printf("%s like, uhh:", yytext); BEGIN(NIW); } [a-z]"?" { *(yytext+1) = ','; gtf_printf("%s or what?", yytext); BEGIN(NIW); } ! gtf_puts_case("! Okay?"); BEGIN(NIW); [a-z]"." { gtf_printf("%s %s", yytext, expletives[gtf_random(EXPLETIVES_LEN)]); } {NW} BEGIN(NIW); unput(yytext[0]); } {EOT} /* ignore trailing EOT character */ . gtf_echo(); %% /* */ #ifdef LIBRARY_MODE int gtf_filter_brooklyn(const char *input, char *buf, size_t bufsz) { gtf_databuf_t buffer; YY_BUFFER_STATE _yybuf; gtf_strbuf_init(&buffer, buf, bufsz); _yybuf = yy_scan_string(input); yylex(&buffer); yy_delete_buffer(_yybuf); gtf_reset(); return(buffer.overflow); } #else /* LIBRARY_MODE */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtf_parse_args(); gtf_random_seed(); yylex(NULL); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #endif /* LIBRARY_MODE */ /* end of source file */