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category: ad jingles: ask any mermaid you happen to see, what's the best tuna*chicken of the sea
category: ad jingles: if you were this type of weiner, everyone would be in love with you.*oscar mayer
category: ad jingles: look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse.*union
category: ad jingles: there's something about a man who wears this after shave.*aqua velva
category: ad jingles: they make the very best chocolate.*nestle
category: ad slogans: 'just for the taste of it'*diet coke
category: ad slogans: 'the beef people'*winn dixie
category: ad slogans: 'the best part of wakin' up, is _______ in your cup'*folgers
category: ad slogans: 'the coppertop'*duracell
category: ad slogans: 'the stain lifter*all
category: ad slogans: 'you will'*att
category: ad slogans: 'you'll love the way we fly'*delta airlines
category: ad slogans: 'your way, right away'*burger king
category: ads: 'your baby's comfort' begins with this.*luvs
category: ads: 99.44% pure.*ivory
category: ads: a peach looks cute / with all its fuzz. / a man's no peach / and never was.*burma shave
category: ads: get a piece of the rock.*prudential
category: ads: my bologna has a first name.*oscar mayer
category: ads: patricia neal recommends this to people who want to fight pain and win.*anacin
category: ads: this is dr. scholl's first name.*william
category: ads: this product is named for its chief component, muriate of berberine.*murine
category: ads: this toilet tissue claims to be as soft as cotton.*cottonelle
category: ads: what company's mascot is elsie the cow*borden
category: ads: whatever it is i think i see / becomes a ------- ---- to me.*tootsie roll
category: ads: you deserve a break today.*mcdonalds
category: ads: you're not fully clean until you're ----fully clean.*zest
category: advertising: according to nintendo, the capital of ohio is this.*mario
category: advertising: bing crosby advertised this product.*minute maid
category: advertising: distinctive quality about mr. clean's head.*bald
category: advertising: ibm stands for this.*international business machines
category: advertising: in the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'dynamic tension.'*atlas
category: advertising: it is not 100% pure soap, but 99 44/100% pure.*ivory
category: advertising: jhirmack hair products were advertised by this beauty.*victoria principal
category: advertising: this company paid millions to the jacksons for representation.*pepsi
category: advertising: you are advised never to leave home without this.*american express
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
algebra: define the value of x: -10x - 19 = 19 - 8x*-19
algebra: define the value of x: -11+10x+11-33=x+2x+100*19
algebra: define the value of x: -32 = x + 3*-35
algebra: define the value of x: -x - 1 = 221 + 2x*-74
algebra: define the value of x: 0x + 7 + 5x = 2x + 30 + 40*21
algebra: define the value of x: 100x + -89x = 121*11
algebra: define the value of x: 10x + 3x = 100 + 69*13
algebra: define the value of x: 10x = 130*13
algebra: define the value of x: 12 = -x + 1*-11
algebra: define the value of x: 12x + 0 = 144*12
algebra: define the value of x: 14 = -2x*-7
algebra: define the value of x: 15 + 5x = 0*-3
algebra: define the value of x: 29 - x = 13*16
algebra: define the value of x: 4x + 6 = -10*-4
algebra: define the value of x: 5x+9+5x=30+7x- -15+ + 15*17
algebra: define the value of x: 99 + 5x = 2000 - 5x - 911*99
algebra: define the value of x: x - 6 = 9*15
algebra: solve it: 14a x 3a - 8a ÷ 2*17
algebra: solve it: 3x + 2x*5x
algebra: solve it: 7y - 2y + 3y*8y
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animal between 1 and 2 years old*yearling
animal of which the bontebok & kudu are types*antelope
animal or plant without the normal pigmentation of its species*albino
animal trivia: are the only truly social cat species, and usually every female in a pride, ranging from 5 to 30 individuals, is closely related.*lions
animal trivia: ---------- and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day.*elephants
animal trivia: ---------- are freeze-tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds.*wood frogs
animal trivia: ---------- are powerful jumpers. a 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound.*jackrabbits
animal trivia: ---------- are social birds that congregate in huge flocks. while the flock grazes in a field, lookouts will be posted to watch for approaching danger. they'll raise the alarm if humans approach.*crows
animal trivia: ---------- are the largest of the minnows - it's a big family, including over 300 american species, mainly small freshwater fishes. true minnows (family cyprinidae) are soft-rayed fishes with teeth in their throats only.*carp
animal trivia: ---------- are the only animals born with horns. both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead.*giraffes
animal trivia: ---------- are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. they are low to the ground, which allows them to enter and maneuver through tunnels easily.*dachshunds
animal trivia: ---------- are voluntary breathers. for this reason, they sleep with only half of their brain at one time. the other half remains alert to regulate breathing. resident whales typically remain near the surface, breathing and swimming in a pattern. when traveling together, resident pods have been observed to breathe in unison. although it is not known why this occurs, it could be a way of helping the pod keep tabs on one another.*orca whales
animal trivia: ---------- bats do not suck blood. they bite, then lick up the flow.*vampire
animal trivia: ---------- can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground.*squirrels
animal trivia: ---------- can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap.*kittens
animal trivia: ---------- can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight.*rats
animal trivia: ---------- can travel up to 40 miles per hour.*sharks
animal trivia: ---------- can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch.*seals
animal trivia: ---------- chinchillas were brought from the andes mountains in south america in the 1930's. all chinchillas presently in north america are descended from these ---------- chinchillas.*eleven
animal trivia: ---------- communicate in sound waves below the frequency that humans can hear.*elephants
animal trivia: ---------- crumble leaves in their mouths to make a type of sponge to sop up water from the hollows in trees when they can't reach the water with their lips.*chimpanzees
animal trivia: ---------- do not breath automatically, as humans do, and so they do not sleep as humans do. if they become unconscious, they would sink to the bottom of the sea. without the oxygen they need to take in periodically, they would die.*dolphins
animal trivia: ---------- don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. the motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side.*birds
animal trivia: ---------- eagles hunt over a range of 100 square miles to feed their young.*golden
animal trivia: ---------- eat only moving prey.*toads
animal trivia: ---------- eels are not really eels but a kind of fish. although they look like eels, their internal organs are arranged differently.*electric
animal trivia: ---------- eggs which are incubated below 85º f (29.5º c) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95º f (35º c) hatch into males.*crocodile
animal trivia: ---------- feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group.*flamingoes
animal trivia: ---------- for most snakes is accomplished with one lung only. the left lung is either greatly reduced in size or missing completely*breathing
animal trivia: ---------- gather in groups to sleep through the winter. sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm.*rattlesnakes
animal trivia: ---------- has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world.*rome
animal trivia: ---------- have been trained to have recognition vocabularies of 100 to 200 words. they can distinguish among different grammatical patterns.*chimpanzees
animal trivia: ---------- have no ability to taste sweet things.*cats
animal trivia: ---------- have scent glands between their hind toes. the glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. researchers say the odor smells cheesy.*reindeer
animal trivia: ---------- have the best eyesight of any breed of dog.*greyhounds
animal trivia: ---------- have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.*camels
animal trivia: ---------- herds post their own sentries. when danger threatens, the sentry raises its trunk and though it may be as far as a half-mile away, the rest of the herd is instantly alerted. how this communication takes place is not understood.*elephant
animal trivia: ---------- instinctively know their own endurance and will refuse to move beyond it. if their masters try to drive them farther, they will lie down and refuse to budge.*camels
animal trivia: ---------- is one american breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears - it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder.*duroc
animal trivia: ---------- may travel great distances on their migrations. the arctic tern travels from the top of the world, the arctic - to the bottom, the antarctic. round trip in a single year: 25,000 miles in all.*birds
animal trivia: ---------- need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. the creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes*vampire bats
animal trivia: ---------- never walk or trot, but always hop or leap.*rabbits
animal trivia: ---------- of south and central america and the caribbean lay their eggs in february and march.*iguanas
animal trivia: ---------- played a role in aerial warfare during world war i. because of their acute hearing, parrots were kept on the eiffel tower to warn of approaching aircraft long before the planes were heard or seen by human spotters.*birds
animal trivia: ---------- sea otters spend almost all of their time in the water. alaska sea otters often sleep, groom, and nurse on land.*california
animal trivia: ---------- silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has been proven to be stronger than steel. experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a boeing 747 in flight.*spider
animal trivia: ---------- swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. after a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open.*dolphins
animal trivia: ---------- that are seen wandering around in the wild do not make good pets. these are sexually mature males at the end of their life cycle - they will die within a few weeks or months.*tarantulas
animal trivia: ---------- turtles may breed for the first time when they are between 25 to 50 years old. this figure varies, depending upon the creature's range and the diet of the maturing turtle.*green
animal trivia: ---------- were domesticated around 4,000 years ago.*camels
animal trivia: ----------, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep.*lanolin
animal trivia: ----------, like grasshoppers - feel no pain. they have a decentralized nervous system with no cerebral cortex, which in humans is where a reaction to painful stimuli proceeds.*lobsters
animal trivia: ----------, like other equids, have three gaits: the walk, the trot, and the gallop.*zebras
animal trivia: a 'winkle' is an edible ----------*sea snail
animal trivia: a ---------- can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. a stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw*cheetah
animal trivia: a ---------- can fall from a 5-story building without injury*rat
animal trivia: a ---------- can fall from a 5-story building without injury.*rat
animal trivia: a ---------- can go without water longer than a camel can.*giraffe
animal trivia: a ---------- can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. a human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight.*camel
animal trivia: a ---------- can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate a 4-foot-tall child.*hippopotamus
animal trivia: a ---------- can remember a specific tone far better than can a human.*dolphin
animal trivia: a ---------- can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime.*rat
animal trivia: a ---------- can swallow a rabbit whole and may eat as many as 150 mice in a 6-month period.*python
animal trivia: a ---------- cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. it needs its tail for pushing off.*kangaroo
animal trivia: a ---------- consumes about 33 percent of its body weight in a single meal.*pelican
animal trivia: a ---------- fish can swim 100 miles in a single day.*tuna
animal trivia: a ---------- focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do.*horse
animal trivia: a ---------- gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.*cow
animal trivia: a ---------- has about 400 to 700 vibrissae, or whiskers, in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. vibrissae are attached to muscles and are supplied with blood and nerves. a ---------- moves its snout through bottom sediment to find food. abrasion patterns created by their tusks show that they are dragged through the sediment, but are not used to dig up prey.*walrus
animal trivia: a ---------- has no color vision, it sees only in black and white. every part of its field of vision, however, is in perfect focus, not just straight ahead, as with humans.*squirrel
animal trivia: a ---------- in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year.*lion
animal trivia: a ---------- keeps purring, no matter if it is inhaling or exhaling, a baffling accomplishment.*cat
animal trivia: a ---------- never actually sees the food as it eats, since its eyes are on top of its head and its mouth and nostrils are on the bottom.*stingray
animal trivia: a ---------- weighing 120 pounds exerts a force of about 1,540 pounds between its jaws. a human being's jaws exert a force of only 40 to 80 pounds.*crocodile
animal trivia: a ---------- weighs about 1,400 pounds and eats about 55 pounds of food per day.*cow
animal trivia: a ---------- will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make them think a day is 28 hours long.*chicken
animal trivia: a 4-inch-long ---------- can grip a rock with a force of 400 pounds. two grown men are incapable of prying it up.*abalone
animal trivia: a 42-foot sperm whale has about 7 tons of ---------- in it.*oil
animal trivia: a baby ---------- is about six feet tall at birth*giraffe
animal trivia: a baby gray ---------- drinks enough milk to fill more than 2,000 bottles a day.*whale
animal trivia: a bear in hibernation loses up to 25 percent of its ----------*body weight
animal trivia: a bird 'chews' with its stomach. since most birds do not have teeth, a bird routinely swallows small pebbles and gravel. these grits become vigorously agitated in the bird's stomach and serve to grind food as it passes through the ----------*digestive system
animal trivia: a bird sees everything at once in total focus. whereas the human eye is globular and must adjust to varying distances, the bird's eye is flat and can take in everything at once in a ----------*single glance
animal trivia: a bison can jump ----------*6 feet
animal trivia: a camel can shut its nostrils during a ----------*desert sandstorm
animal trivia: a carnivore is a meat-eating animal. a ---------- is a fruit-eating animal.*frugivore
animal trivia: a cat has 32 muscles in ----------*each ear
animal trivia: a cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. the whiskers act as feelers or ----------, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.*antennae
animal trivia: a cat's ---------- can't move sideways.*jaw
animal trivia: a cat's arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. the arch is able to get so high because the cat's spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together. humans have only ----------*34 vertebrae
animal trivia: a cow can't ---------- until she's given birth to a calf.*give milk
animal trivia: a crocodile can't stick out its ----------*tongue
animal trivia: a dog's ---------- has over 200 scent receiving cells.*nose
animal trivia: a donkey is an 'ass', but an ass is not always a donkey. the word 'ass' refers to several hoofed mammals of the genus equus, including the ----------*onager
animal trivia: a famous stallion will, on retirement, command an impressive stud fee for servicing approved mares. specialist stud-farms house one or more stallions, each of which is allowed to service about ---------- per season.*40 mares
animal trivia: a female mouse may spawn as many as ten litters of eight to ten young during her lifetime - which is generally less than a year. the gestation period is three weeks, and the young mice reach maturity in only ----------*ten weeks
animal trivia: a fox litter is typically 10 to 15 ----------*pups
animal trivia: a full-grown ---------- may be 8 feet high at the shoulder and weigh almost a ton.*moose
animal trivia: a garter snake can give birth to ----------*85 babies
animal trivia: a giant pacific ---------- can fit its entire body through an opening no bigger than the size of its beak.*octopus
animal trivia: a giraffe's sticky, black tongue can be more than 18 inches long and is used to gather food into the mouth. males typically feed with their head and neck at full vertical stretch, often with their tongues extended to reach the shoots on the underside of the mature tree canopy. females feed at the body or knee height, with their necks ----------*curled over
animal trivia: a good milking cow will give nearly 6,000 quarts of ---------- every year.*milk
animal trivia: a group of bees can be called either a hive, a swarm, or a ----------*grist
animal trivia: a group of foxes is called a ----------*skulk
animal trivia: a group of owls is called a ----------*parliament
animal trivia: a herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a ----------*day
animal trivia: a hibernating woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour. an ---------- woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour.*active
animal trivia: a hippopotamus can run faster than a ----------*man
animal trivia: a hippopotamus has a stomach 10 feet long, capable of holding 6 bushels of ----------*grass
animal trivia: a holstein cow's spots are like a ---------- or a snowflake; no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots.*fingerprint
animal trivia: a horse can sleep ----------*standing up
animal trivia: a horseshoe for a full-grown clydesdale measures more that ---------- inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds. it is more than two times as long and four times as heavy as a shoe worn by a riding horse.*twenty two
animal trivia: a jynx is a ----------, also know as the wryneck because of its peculiar habit of twisting its neck.*woodpecker
animal trivia: a king cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 13 feet long. a bite from a king cobra can kill an elephant in ----------*4 hours
animal trivia: a large caribbean ---------- excretes a ton of sand a year. using two oversized front teeth, it nibbles on seagrass and scrapes algae. another set of teeth in its throat grinds up the coral it ingests.*parrot fish
animal trivia: a male ---------- becomes fully feathered when he is three years old, but can mate earlier.*peacock
animal trivia: a male ---------- that has been neutered is known as a 'wether.'*goat
animal trivia: a male baboon can kill a ----------*leopard
animal trivia: a male kangaroo is called a boomer, and a female is called a ----------*flyer
animal trivia: a male pig is a boar. a female pig is a sow. a baby pig is a ----------*piglet
animal trivia: a marine catfish can taste with any part of its body. the female marine catfish hatches her eggs in her ----------*mouth
animal trivia: a mated pair of ---------- can produce up to 15,000 babies in one year.*rats
animal trivia: a mole can dig a tunnel ---------- feet long in one night.*three hundred
animal trivia: a mother ---------- often gives birth while standing, so the newborn's first experience outside the womb is a 1.8-meter (6-foot) drop. ouch!*giraffe
animal trivia: a newborn chinese water ---------- is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand.*deer
animal trivia: a newborn gray whale calf is an average 16 feet long. for reasons unknown, all gray whale calves are born in the warm, shallow lagoons of baja, ----------*california
animal trivia: a newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve. breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and get the idea. turkeys tend to look up with their mouths open during rainstorms. as a result, many ----------*drown
animal trivia: a normal cow's stomach has ---------- compartments: the rumen, the recticulum (storage area), the omasum (where water is absorbed), and the abomasum ( the only compartment with digestive juices).*four
animal trivia: a pig is a hog - but a hog is not a pig. 'hog' is a generic name for all swine. per hog-raising terminology, a pig is a baby hog less than ----------*ten weeks old
animal trivia: a plaice, a large european flounder, can lie on a checkerboard and reproduce on its upper surface the same pattern of squares, for ----------*camouflage
animal trivia: a pregnant goldfish is called a ----------*twit
animal trivia: a quarter horse gets its name from its speed in running the ----------*quarter-mile
animal trivia: a racehorse averages a weight loss of between 15 and 25 pounds during a ----------*race
animal trivia: a rarity in birds, geese are among the very few in which the family stays together at the end of the ---------- season. parents and the young raised during the summer establish strong family bonds and do not break up for about a year. in the fall, geese migrate in flocks that contain other family units, and each family stays together on the wintering grounds.*breeding
animal trivia: a rhinoceros has ---------- toes on each foot.*three
animal trivia: a robin has nearly 3,000 ----------*feathers
animal trivia: a rodent's teeth never stop growing. they are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other ----------*vegetable matter
animal trivia: a shrimp has ---------- pairs of legs*five
animal trivia: a shrimp has ---------- pairs of legs.*five
animal trivia: a shrimp has more than a hundred pairs of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. man has only ----------*twenty three
animal trivia: a single ----------, with its razor-sharp teeth, is still dangerous enough when out of water to rip off the flesh, or a finger or toe, from an unwary fisherman.*piranha
animal trivia: a skunk will not ---------- and throw its scent at the same time.*bite
animal trivia: a snail speeding along at three inches per minute would need 15 days to travel ----------*one mile
animal trivia: a snake has no ----------. however, its tongue is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. by constantly flicking its tongue, the snake picks up these sound waves. in this sense, a snake 'hears' with its tongue*ears
animal trivia: a snake is capable of eating an animal four times larger than the width of its own ----------*head
animal trivia: a snake's ---------- is located in the front one-fifth portion of its body.*stomach
animal trivia: a south african ---------- can grow to be 35 inches (90 cm) in length - longer than your arm.*bullfrog
animal trivia: a species of ---------- known as the linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed pieces less than a half-inch long.*starfish
animal trivia: a species of sponge, called the red sponge, can be pushed through a piece of fabric so that it is broken into thousands of tiny pieces. the animal does not die. rather, all the pieces reassemble until the sponge returns to its ----------*original form
animal trivia: a tiger's paw prints are called ----------. a tiger's forefeet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. all toes have claws. the claws are 80 to 100 mm in length*pug marks
animal trivia: a type of lizard, the ----------, escapes pursuers by crawling into a crack in a rock and inflating its body with air so that it is wedged tightly into the crack and can't be pulled out.*chuckwalla
animal trivia: a wild cat, known as 'the fishing cat' actually swims to catch fish. called the bengali mach-bagral, nature gave this cat extra-long claws, which it uses like fishhooks. the fishing cat is found in nepal, burma, southern china and parts of ----------*india
animal trivia: a wolf's odor detecting ability is ---------- times greater than man's.*one hundred
animal trivia: a woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour while ----------, while an active woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour.*hibernating
animal trivia: a young male fur ---------- that is kept from the breeding grounds by the older males is called a bachelor.*seal
animal trivia: a young pigeon that has not yet flown is a ----------*squab
animal trivia: about 24 newborn opossums can fit in a teaspoon. they are about .07 ounce at ----------*birth
animal trivia: according to experts, ---------- don't like to head straight for anything. for safety, they may run past and sweep around from the side.*squirrels
animal trivia: according to several studies, less than 3 percent of the ---------- population become man-eaters.*tiger
animal trivia: according to the national wild turkey federation, the number of wild turkeys in the u.s. has increased from an all time low of 30,000 to more than 4 million today. one state park in iowa now boasts more than ---------- turkeys per square mile.*one hundred
animal trivia: according to zoology experts, there is no real difference between doves and ----------. the choice of name rests almost altogether on custom and geography, although the smaller of the species is, more often than not, called a dove.*pigeons
animal trivia: adélie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual*penguins
animal trivia: adult electric eels 5ft to 7ft long produce enough electricity -- 600 volts -- to stun a ----------*horse
animal trivia: adult polar bears usually eat just the skin and blubber of a seal. they leave the meat for cubs and scavengers. one seal will sustain an adult bear for ----------*11 days
animal trivia: adélie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.*penguins
animal trivia: all cows are females; the males are called ----------*bulls
animal trivia: all mammals have ----------*tongues
animal trivia: all porcupines float in ----------*water
animal trivia: alligators and ---------- have something in common, at least auditorily. they can hear notes only up to 4,000 vibrations a second.*old people
animal trivia: almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in ----------*china
animal trivia: although beavers live near rivers, streams, and lakes - they do not eat fish. beavers eat only plants. they eat poplar trees, carrots, cattail, mushrooms, potatoes, berries, water plants, swamp wood, and fruit. soft ---------- is the main food for a beaver.*bark
animal trivia: although manatees are excellent ----------, the deepest that one has been observed diving is 33 feet. typically, the large, gentle creatures feed no deeper than about ten feet below the surface of the water.*swimmers
animal trivia: although the last of the ---------- in captivity died in hobart in 1935, some may still roam tasmania's high country. the wolflike marsupial's scientific name, thylacinus cynocephalus, means 'the pouched dog with a wolf head.'*tasmanian devils
animal trivia: americans consume more than 353 million pounds of turkey during national turkey lovers' month (june). by comparison, more than 675 million pounds of turkey will be consumed at ----------*thanksgiving
animal trivia: an ---------- can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime.*alligator
animal trivia: an ---------- egg can make eleven-and-a-half omelets.*ostrich
animal trivia: an ---------- is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide.*anteater
animal trivia: an ---------- may weigh as much as 300 pounds. its intestinal tract is 45 feet long.*ostrich
animal trivia: an ----------, despite its ponderous appearance, can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hours on an open stretch.*elephant
animal trivia: an adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off intruders or reunites scattered members of the ----------*pride
animal trivia: an adult walrus typically eats about 3,000 ---------- per day.*clams
animal trivia: an alpaca is sheared only once every two years and yields only about 5 or 6 pounds of wool at each shearing. because the yield is so small and the material so desirable, alpaca wool is ----------*very expensive
animal trivia: an average-size ---------- weighs about 150 pounds.*aardvark
animal trivia: an eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a young deer. the harpy eagle of south america feed on ----------*monkeys
animal trivia: an elephant may consume 500 pounds of hay and 60 gallons of water in a ----------*single day
animal trivia: an extinct species of ---------- had a head the size of a shetland pony's and reached a height of more than ten feet*kangaroo
animal trivia: an ostrich's eye is bigger than its ----------*brain
animal trivia: an ox is a castrated bull. a mule is a sterile cross between a male ass and a ----------*female horse
animal trivia: ancient egyptians believed that 'bast' was the mother of all cats on earth. they also believed that cats were ----------*sacred animals
animal trivia: antlers and horns are not the same. horns grow throughout an animal's life and are found on both the male and female of a species. antlers, composed of a different chemical substance, are shed ----------*every year
animal trivia: arabian horses have one less vertebra in their backbones than other ----------*horses
animal trivia: arctic terns found in north america and the arctic migrate each year as far south as antarctica and back, a round trip of over 18,000 miles. theirs is probably the longest ----------*migratory flight
animal trivia: as a rule, many birds generally lay fewer eggs in a clutch in the ----------, where the amount of daylight is shorter than in northern latitudes. it is in the northern reaches of the world that more summer food for birds is available as a result of the longer days.*tropics
animal trivia: at birth, a ---------- is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces*panda
animal trivia: at birth, baby ---------- are only about an inch long - no bigger than a large waterbug or a queen bee.*kangaroos
animal trivia: at birth, the white whale is ----------*black
animal trivia: at seven inches long, the wilson's storm petrel is the smallest bird to breed on the ----------*antarctic continent
animal trivia: atlantic ---------- are able to leap 15 feet high.*salmon
animal trivia: australia's ---------- is the world's most dangerous jellyfish. its toxin is more potent than cobra venom and can kill a person in minutes*box jelly
animal trivia: baby beavers are called kits or ----------*kittens
animal trivia: baby mink are born blind and remain sightless for a ----------*month
animal trivia: baby opossums - upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch - are smaller than honeybees. an entire litter can fit in a ----------*teaspoon
animal trivia: baby rattlesnakes are born in august and ----------*september
animal trivia: baby rattlesnakes are born without ----------*rattles
animal trivia: bald eagles are not bald. the top of their head is covered with slicked-down white feathers; from a distance, they appear ----------*hairless
animal trivia: bats are the only mammals that are able to fly. the 'flying squirrel' can only do what the gliding opposum does - glide for short ----------*distances
animal trivia: because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ----------*babe
animal trivia: because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval arabs made a habit of sending important messages ----------*twice
animal trivia: because it is continually losing body heat, the ---------- must keep moving to stay warm. if inactive for more than a few hours, the animal will lose enough body heat to freeze to death.*shrew
animal trivia: because its eyeball is fixed, the ---------- must move its huge body to shift its line of sight.*whale
animal trivia: because its tongue is too short for its beak, the ---------- must juggle its food before swallowing it.*toucan
animal trivia: because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is ----------*pregnant
animal trivia: because of their acute sense of smell, dogs are trained to sniff out everything from drugs to bombs to iron ore. in ontario, canada, instruments couldn't locate where natural gas was escaping from a pipeline buried 18 feet underground. trained ---------- were brought in. the dogs worked in sub-zero temperatures and covered nearly 100 miles of frozen ground, ultimately finding more than 150 gas leaks.*german shepherds
animal trivia: because the natural habitat of ---------- is of little use to man - the alkaline african lake waters support few fish and cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation - and also because their resting areas are typically inaccessible, the birds are rarely disturbed, unlike other african wild birds.*flamingos
animal trivia: between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ---------- population in north america was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred*bison
animal trivia: bird droppings are a chief export of nauru, an island nation in the ----------*western pacific
animal trivia: birds do not sing because they are happy. it is a ----------*territorial behavior
animal trivia: boredom can lead to madness in ----------. when caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their own feathers. the birds need constant interaction, affection, and mental stimulation; some bird authorities have determined that some parrot breeds have the mental abilities of a 5-year-old human child. should a neglected parrot go m*parrots
animal trivia: boxers were named after their habit of playing. at the beginning of play with another dog, a boxer will stand on his hind legs and bat at his opponent, appearing to 'box' with his ----------*front paws
animal trivia: bull giraffes forage higher in trees than cow giraffes which reduces food competition between the sexes. long-legged giraffes walk with the limbs on one side of the body lifted at the same time. this gait is called a pace and allows a longer stride which saves ----------*steps and energy
animal trivia: by age 6 months, the voracious ---------- will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent.*pig
animal trivia: camel milk is the only milk that doesn't curdle when ----------*boiled
animal trivia: camels were used as pack animals in ---------- and arizona as late as 1870.*nevada
animal trivia: canned herring were dubbed ---------- because the canning process was first developed in sardinia, italy.*sardines
animal trivia: catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. it excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant female's ----------*urine
animal trivia: cats are the only domestic animals that walk directly on their ----------, not on their paws. this method of walking is called 'digitigrade'. when cats scratch furniture, it isn't an act of malice. they are actually tearing off the ragged edges of the sheaths of their talons to expose the new sharp ones beneath.*claws
animal trivia: cats have amazing hearing ability. a cat's ear has ---------- muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). these muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head*thirty
animal trivia: cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ----------*ten
animal trivia: cats, not dogs, are now the most common pets in america. approximately 66 million cats to 58 million dogs are family pets, with parakeets 'flying' a distant third at ----------*14 million
animal trivia: cattle branding in the united states did not originate in the west. it began in ---------- in the mid-19th century, when farmers were required by law to mark all their pigs.*connecticut
animal trivia: cattle branding was practiced 4,000 years ago. old tomb paintings show ---------- branding their fat, spotted cattle.*egyptians
animal trivia: certain birds of prey (the african serpent eagle and the american kestrel, for example) have ---------- acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. they can see a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground.*visual
animal trivia: city ---------- will eat just about anything, and often, it's the junk food that people offer them that they prefer, like cracker jack peanuts. many naturalists have concluded that a peanut diet is harmful to squirrels: it seems to result in a weakening of eyesight and a thinning of the animal's pelt.*squirrels
animal trivia: clams have a row of ---------- around their shells.*eyes
animal trivia: communication within the prairie dog community is crucial to the creatures' survival. an appointed sentry, spotting a predator, will give a distinctive warning cry, which instantly sends all others grabbing up babies and scurrying to the safety of their burrows. an all-clear call later announces that danger is passed. experts are fascinated by the prairie dogs' ----------*cooperative system
animal trivia: cougars can kill animals ---------- times their size*eight
animal trivia: cows have four stomachs. often, when a calf is born, the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. this is to attract the various nails, staples, bits of wire, and so on, that the cow may ingest while grazing. this odd hunger is known as ----------*hardware disease
animal trivia: cows provide 90 percent of the world's ----------*milk
animal trivia: coyotes are extremely loyal to their mates. if one is caught in a trap, the other will bring small game for it to eat; it will soak itself in a river to allow its thirsty mate to chew on its damp fur for water. it has been documented that the free coyote will stay with its captive partner until ----------*death
animal trivia: crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped ----------*limb
animal trivia: dead sponges can resist bacterial decay for more than five years when submerged in ----------*fresh water
animal trivia: deer have no ----------*gall bladders
animal trivia: depending on the geographic region, about 30 to 60 percent of all animals brought in to animal shelters in the united states are ----------*euthanized
animal trivia: despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid wolf ever attacked a ----------*human
animal trivia: despite their finickiness, an average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times their own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids. in case you were wondering, cats cannot survive on a ----------*vegetarian diet
animal trivia: developed in egypt about 5,000 years ago, the greyhound breed was known before the ninth century in england, where it was bred by aristocrats to hunt such small game as hares. today the dog is widely used in ----------*racing
animal trivia: dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the st. bernard, the old english sheep dog, the alaskan malamute, the bull terrier, and the toy ----------*poodle
animal trivia: domesticated ---------- (farm-raised) cannot fly. wild ---------- can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. wild ---------- are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour*turkeys
animal trivia: ducks will lay eggs only in the ----------*early morning
animal trivia: due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better than that of ----------*humans
animal trivia: during the mating season, male ---------- bristle their quills at each other and chatter their teeth in rage before attacking. all ---------- at this time become very vocal: grunting, whining, chattering, even barking and mewing at each other.*porcupines
animal trivia: each day, 100 or more whales are killed by ----------*fishermen
animal trivia: elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. among asian elephants, only the males have tusks. both sexes of ---------- elephants have tusks.*african
animal trivia: elephants are covered with ----------. although it is not apparent from a distance, at close range, one can discern a thin coat of light ----------s covering practically every part of an elephant's body*hair
animal trivia: elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. the welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and ----------*trumpet
animal trivia: elephants, lions, and camels roamed ---------- 12,000 years ago.*alaska
animal trivia: ergonomic waterbeds are the latest must-have on the bovine circuit. the beds, listed at $175 each, are said to enhance cattle health by reducing ----------*joint damage
animal trivia: every ----------, there is a peak in canada wildlife population, especially among the muskrats, red fox, skunks, mink, lynx, and rabbits. the population of grasshoppers of the world tends to rise and fall rhythmically in 9.2-year cycles.*9.6 years
animal trivia: every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day to survive. young birds need even more. a young robin, for example, eats as much as 14 feet of ---------- a day.*earthworms
animal trivia: every hour, nearly 12,500 puppies are born in the ----------*united states
animal trivia: expressing recognition rather than love, utah ---------- exchange 'kisses.' by the touching of incisor teeth, they quickly confirm the identity of group members.*prairie dogs
animal trivia: february 18, 1930 marks the first flight by a ---------- in an airplane.*cow
animal trivia: february is the mating month for ----------*gray whales
animal trivia: fish travel in schools, whales travel in pods or ----------*gams
animal trivia: flamingoes live remarkably long lives - up to ----------*eighty years
animal trivia: flamingos are not naturally pink. they get their color from their food, tiny green algae that turn pink during ----------*digestion
animal trivia: flatfishes form a unique and widespread group that includes about 130 american species, common in both the atlantic and ----------*pacific ocean
animal trivia: frogs never drink. they absorb water from their surroundings by ----------*osmosis
animal trivia: from crocodile farms, australia exports about 5,000 crocodile skins a year. most go to paris, where a crocodile purse can sell for more than ----------*$10,000
animal trivia: garter snakes, though reptiles, do not ----------. they bear young, just as mammals do.*lay eggs
animal trivia: genuine ivory does not only come from elephants. it can come from the tusks of a boar or a ----------*walrus
animal trivia: gibbons live in family groups and communicate to others through high-pitched songs which can be heard for several miles. songs are specific to each family and convey information such as location, temper, and social ----------*position
animal trivia: goats generally need their ---------- trimmed once a month.*hoofs
animal trivia: goldfish have four color recepectors in their ---------- compared to our three - the mantis shrimp has ten color receptors*eyes
animal trivia: goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or they are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream. they remain gold when kept in a pond or in a bowl with adequate ----------*illumination
animal trivia: gophers are ----------*hermits
animal trivia: gorillas and ---------- sleep about fourteen hours a day.*cats
animal trivia: gorillas do not know how to ----------*swim
animal trivia: gray ---------- migrate 12,000 miles each year, farther than any other mammal.*whales
animal trivia: groundhogs are 'fossorial' - they live most of their lives underground. they dig burrows or 'dens' that have several entrances. each is connected with the main tunnel and the nesting chamber where the animal hibernates for the winter. a groundhog's whiskers help it ----------*navigate underground
animal trivia: groups: a group of unicorns is called a ----------. a group of kangaroos is called a mob. a group of whales is called a pod. a group of geese is called a gaggle. a group of owls is called a parliament. a group of ravens is an unkindness. a group of crows is a murder. a group of bears is called a sleuth. twelve or more cows is called a flink.*blessing
animal trivia: guinea pigs were first domesticated by the ----------, who used them for food, in sacrifices, and as household pets.*incas
animal trivia: hamadryas ----------, in ancient egypt, were believed to be companions and oracles of the god thoth. they were given the honor of being mummified when they died.*baboons
animal trivia: hedgehog quills are not barbed or poisonous. hedgehogs do apply a foamy, foul-tasting saliva to their quills, which protects the animals from ----------*predators
animal trivia: hens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs. the ---------- is necessary only to fertilize the egg.*rooster
animal trivia: hippopotamuses have killed more people in africa than all the lions, elephants, and water buffalo combined, usually by ----------*trampling
animal trivia: horned ---------- eat ants. they wait in areas where ants are working and when one passes by, they flick out their tongue, catch their prey, and swallow without chewing. apparently their digestive tract is immune to bites and stings.*lizards
animal trivia: horses shorter than 141/2 hands (58 inches) at the withers (top of the shoulders) are technically ponies. the ----------, around 43 inches tall, is called a pony, not a miniature. miniatures start 9 inches shorter, and prices go up as size goes down.*shetland
animal trivia: hummingbirds are the smallest birds - so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the ----------*praying mantis
animal trivia: hummingbirds cannot glide or soar as other bird do. they are the only bird that can ----------*hover continuously
animal trivia: if frightened or threatened, a mother rabbit may abandon, ignore, or ----------*eat her young
animal trivia: if they are well treated, camels in captivity can live to the age of ----------*fifty
animal trivia: in 1874, the first animal purchased for the lincoln park zoo in chicago was a ----------, bought for $10.*bear cub
animal trivia: in 1880, there were approximately 2 billion passenger pigeons in the united states. by 1914, the species was ----------*extinct
animal trivia: in alaska, it is legal to shoot ----------. however, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.*bears
animal trivia: in ancient rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ----------*corn crop
animal trivia: in england, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the yellow ----------*labrador retriever
animal trivia: in korea, the deer is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of ----------*immortals
animal trivia: in milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of ---------- and urine on the streets per year*manure
animal trivia: in one year, hens in america lay enough eggs to encircle the globe a ----------*one hundred times
animal trivia: in pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the ----------*stock market
animal trivia: in russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain ----------*iron sulfides
animal trivia: in the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their ----------*300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 kph).
animal trivia: it is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a ----------*summer
animal trivia: it is estimated that manatees live a maximum of 50 to 60 ----------*years
animal trivia: it is the female ---------- who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.*lion
animal trivia: it may take longer than two days for a chick to break out of its ----------*shell
animal trivia: it seems to biologists that, unlike their humpback whale relatives whose underwater song evolves from year to year, killer whales retain individual ---------- unchanged over long periods, possibly even for life.*dialects
animal trivia: it takes a ---------- approximately seven years to grow to be one pound*lobster
animal trivia: it takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one ----------*frog
animal trivia: it takes an average of 345 squirts to yield a gallon of milk from a cow's ----------*udder
animal trivia: it takes approximately 69,000 venom extractions from the ----------*to fill a 1-pint container.
animal trivia: it would require an average of 18 ---------- to weigh in at 1 ounce*hummingbirds
animal trivia: javelinas are free-ranging, yet territorial animals that travel in small herds. one of the reasons they travel in numbers is so they can huddle to stay warm - they don't handle cold well and can ----------*to death quickly.
animal trivia: javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to ----------*communicate
animal trivia: just like people, mother ---------- often develop lifelong relationships with their offspring.*chimpanzees
animal trivia: kangaroo rats never drink ----------. like their relatives the pocket mice, they carry their own water source within them, producing fluids from the food they eat and the air they breathe.*water
animal trivia: kangaroos usually give birth to one young annually. the young kangaroo, or joey, is born alive at a very immature stage, when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a ----------*gram
animal trivia: kittens are born both blind and deaf, but the vibration of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel - it acts like a ----------, signaling them to nurse.*homing device
animal trivia: koalas and humans are the only animals with unique prints. koala prints cannot be distinguished from human ----------*fingerprints
animal trivia: komodo dragons eat deer and wild ----------*boar
animal trivia: lemon sharks grow a new set of teeth every two weeks. they grow more than 24,000 new ---------- every year.*teeth
animal trivia: llamas are reported to be inquisitive, friendly animals. a llama greeting is marked by softly blowing on each other. according to animal experts, a soft blow to a person is the llama's way of saying ----------*hello
animal trivia: lone pine koala sanctuary opened in 1927 in ----------, australia, and it was the first and is still the largest koala sanctuary in the world. tourists can cuddle one of 130 koalas, hand feed kangaroos and emus, and see a large variety of australian native wildlife in the 50-acre sanctuary, such as wombats, tasmanian devils, and dingoes. koala cuddling has been banned in new south wales since january 1997, but cuddling is still permitted in queensland, and especially at lone pine*brisbane
animal trivia: macaws are the largest and most colorful species of the ----------*parrot family
animal trivia: male ---------- have antlers 7 feet across. the antlers often weigh 60 pounds.*moose
animal trivia: male ---------- lose the hair on their heads in the same manner men do.*monkeys
animal trivia: male ---------- may have more than 100 wives and sometimes go three months without eating.*sea lion
animal trivia: male cockatoos can be taught to speak, but females can only chirp and ----------*sing
animal trivia: mallard ---------- are sometimes built at a height of 40 feet above ground. surprisingly, when leaving their nests for the first time, chicks are very rarely hurt due to falling to the ground.*nests
animal trivia: many corals receive nourishment from algae which grow inside their ----------*tissue
animal trivia: many seabirds that swallow fishes too large for immediate digestion go about with the esophagus filled. apparently without discomfort, the tail of the fish sticks out of the ----------*bird's mouth
animal trivia: many sharks lay soft-shelled eggs but hammerheads give birth to live young that look like miniature versions of their parents. young hammerheads are often born ----------, with the tip of their hammerhead folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth*headfirst
animal trivia: marie antoinette's dog was a spaniel named ----------*thisbe
animal trivia: marine iguanas, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and sea turtles are the only surviving seawater-adapted ----------*reptiles
animal trivia: mice, whales, elephants, giraffes, and humans all have seven neck ----------*vertebra
animal trivia: migrating geese fly in a v-formation to save energy. a goose's wings churn the air and leave an air current behind. in the flying wedge, each bird is in position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. it is easier going for all, except the leader. during a migration, geese are apt to take turns in the ----------*lead position
animal trivia: milk delivered to the store today was in the cow ----------*two days ago
animal trivia: milk snakes lay about 13 eggs - in piles of animal ----------*manure
animal trivia: minnows have teeth in their ----------*throat
animal trivia: monkeys will not eat red meat or ----------*butter
animal trivia: more ---------- are raised in california than in any other state in the united states.*turkeys
animal trivia: more people are killed in africa by crocodiles than by ----------*lions
animal trivia: more species of ---------- live in a single tributary of the amazon river than in all the rivers in north america combined.*fish
animal trivia: more than one million stray dogs and over 500,000 stray cats live in the ----------*new york city
animal trivia: most ---------- lived to be more than a hundred years old*dinosaurs
animal trivia: most cows give more milk when they ----------*listen to music
animal trivia: most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with ----------*human blood
animal trivia: most varieties of ---------- can go an entire year without eating a single morsel of food.*snake
animal trivia: mother prairie dogs will nurse their young only while ---------- in the safety of the burrow. if an infant tries to suckle above ground, the mother will slap it.*underground
animal trivia: mother-of-pearl is not always ----------. it can be pink, blue, purple, gray, or even green. nor is it produced only by the pearl oyster. the abalone and the pearl mussel both have shells that are lined with fine-quality mother-of-pearl.*white
animal trivia: mountain ---------- grow luxurious winter coats - more than three inches of cashmere-quality wool, overlaid with long hollow hairs. the hardy animals can endure winter temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees f, and powerful winds up to 100 miles per hour.*goats
animal trivia: mussels can thrive in ---------- because of an inborn ability to purify bacteria, fungi, and viruses.*polluted water
animal trivia: native peoples of south america catch ---------- and use their razor-sharp teeth to make tools and weapons.*piranha
animal trivia: ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been ----------*birds
animal trivia: not all leeches are bloodsuckers. many are predators which eat earthworms, etc. the nearest relatives of leeches are ----------*earthworms
animal trivia: octopi and squid have ---------- hearts. their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills.*three
animal trivia: of all known forms of animals life ever to inhabit the earth, only about ---------- still exist today.*ten percent
animal trivia: of the 250-plus known species of shark in the world, only about 18 are known to be ----------*dangerous to man
animal trivia: off the coast of southern california, around 200 ---------- still roam in catalina island's hinterlands, descendants of a few brought there in the 1920s for a movie and left there.*bison
animal trivia: oilbirds have a ---------- sense shared among known birds only in southeast asia's swiftlets (although very common among bats). the oilbird is a cave dweller, and it bounces its echoing clicks from rock walls to help navigate in the dark vaults where they nest by the hundreds.*sonar
animal trivia: on the baja coast, osprey couples return to the same nests year after year. these birds rebuild their old nest, carefully repairing any damage caused by winds, rain, and age. after years of rebuilding, some osprey nests can reach heights of ----------*four feet
animal trivia: one in ten dalmatians is born ----------, and the breed lacks the ability to process urine completely, so they need a special diet low in flesh protein.*deaf
animal trivia: one laysan ----------, tracked by biologists at wake forest university, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the north pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe*albatross
animal trivia: one peculiar behavior of dachshunds is that they often roll around in odiferous things when they encounter them. this odd habit has been attributed to the dog's hunting instinct. doing this is the dachshund's attempt to 'lose its scent' so that its potential prey cannot ----------*smell it
animal trivia: one way birds learn is by trial and error. scientists have discovered that many of their learned motor patterns are linked to appetite. for instance, young doves must learn to drink water. the pecking of domestic chicks improves about 30 hours after hatching. they snatch up a grain with increased efficiency. simple trial-and-error learning is also believed to be very important in birds' ----------*nest-building
animal trivia: only tom turkeys ----------. hen turkeys make a clicking noise*gobble
animal trivia: ostriches are such fast runners, they can outrun a horse. male ostriches can ---------*roar like a lion
animal trivia: ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for ----------*
animal trivia: out of the 650 known species of leeches, hirudo medicinalis is the most common used by ----------*doctors
animal trivia: pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating ----------*bamboo
animal trivia: parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely acquire a vocabulary of more than twenty words. however, tymhoney greys and african greys have been known to carry vocabularies in excess of ----------*
animal trivia: philip gilbert hamerton, english art writer and landscape painter, noted, 'if animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering, outspoken, honest fellow - but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a ----------*word too much
animal trivia: pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the earth's magnetic fields and are used for ----------*navigation
animal trivia: pigs are exceedingly loud creatures. a university of illinois study measured average pig squeals that ranged from 100 to 115 decibels. the supersonic concorde jet, by comparison, was originally banned from new york when its engines exceeded 112 decibels at ----------*takeoff
animal trivia: pigs, walruses, and light-colored horses can be ----------*sunburned
animal trivia: pink elephants? in regions of india where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against ----------*insects
animal trivia: prior to migration a ---------- will consume the equivalent of up to 25 percent of its body weight per day, accumulating large amounts of fat. during the migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day. at the end of the migration, they often weigh less than before they started fattening up in preparation.*goose
animal trivia: racehorses have been known to wear out ---------- in one race.*new shoes
animal trivia: reportedly, ---------- mate for life.*beavers
animal trivia: researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of ----------*grooming
animal trivia: scientists say that ----------, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through. ----------*can be - and have been - taught to accomplish almost any feat a dog can master, and usually in a shorter period of time.
animal trivia: several poison-dart frog species are bred at the national aquarium in baltimore. there, researchers gauge the toxicity of poisonous species by taste. no danger is posed, because frogs caught in the wild gradually become less poisonous, and captive offspring are nontoxic. the change may be due to diet. the frog's natural menu - mostly tropical ants and springtails - cannot be duplicated in a ----------*terrarium
animal trivia: sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only ----------*cartilage
animal trivia: sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. scientist stewart springer was bitten by a sand tiger shark embryo while he was examining its ----------*pregnant mother
animal trivia: sheep will not drink from running water. hence, the line in the twenty-third psalm: 'he leadeth me beside the ----------*still waters
animal trivia: since housecats are clean and their coats are dry and glossy, their fur easily becomes charged with ----------*. sparks can be seen if their fur is rubbed in the dark.
animal trivia: since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not ----------*albinos
animal trivia: sir walter raleigh's black greyhound was named ----------*hamlet
animal trivia: snails have ----------. they are arranged in rows along the snail's tongue and are used like a file to saw or slice through the snail's foot.*teeth
animal trivia: so that it can pull its lithe body into a tight, prickly little ball for defense, the hedgehog has a large muscle running along its ----------*stomach
animal trivia: some ----------*pretend to be dead when captured, but quickly hop away when let go.
animal trivia: some more names for groups of animals... a bale of turtles, a clowder of cats, a charm of goldfinches, a gam of whales, a knot of toads, a ---------- of tigers.*streak
animal trivia: some sloths, opossum, and armadillos spend up to 80 percent of their lives sleeping or ----------*dozing
animal trivia: some species of earthworms in ---------- can measure more than ten feet in length.*australia
animal trivia: some species of freshwater eels migrate to the sargasso sea in the atlantic ocean to mate. after laying up to 20 million eggs, the female eel dies. the baby eels hatched from the eggs then make their way back to ----------*fresh water
animal trivia: some species of rain forest birds migrate every summer from south america to canada to ----------*breed
animal trivia: strange creatures, jellyfish are comprised mostly of water - more than 95 percent - and have no brain, heart, or bones, and no actual ----------*eyes
animal trivia: sue, the world's largest, most complete, and best preserved ----------, made her grand debut to the public on may 17, 2000 at the field museum in chicago, illinois.*tyrannosaurus rex
animal trivia: surviving all dangers, a wild ---------- may live up to 20 years.*cobra
animal trivia: the ---------- - a relative of the mole - is the smallest mammal in north america. it weighs 1/14 ounce - less than a dime.*pigmy shrew
animal trivia: the ---------- bird can fly at a speed of 260 miles per hour.*frigate
animal trivia: the ---------- can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour*hare
animal trivia: the ---------- can travel up to 9 miles per hour.*chicken
animal trivia: the ---------- continually grows new sets of teeth to replace old teeth. it also cannot move its tongue. the tongue is rooted to the base of its mouth.*crocodile
animal trivia: the ---------- does not chew its food, but swallows it whole. it carries several pounds of small stones in its stomach to aid in grinding up and digesting its nourishment.*crocodile
animal trivia: the ---------- eagle of africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day.*bateleur
animal trivia: the ---------- eagle, swooping at better than 100 miles per hour, can brake to a halt in 20 feet.*african
animal trivia: the ---------- eats nothing but eucalyptus leaves.*koala
animal trivia: the ---------- has green bones.*garfish
animal trivia: the ---------- has only two toes, unlike most birds, which have three or four*ostrich
animal trivia: the ---------- is a little-known burrowing south american animal that is related to the armadillo, but is smaller in size. the ending of the animal's name is derived from the spanish ciego, meaning 'blind.'*pichiciego
animal trivia: the ---------- is a member of the rodent family. the typical adult ---------- can weigh approximately 8 to 14 pounds and average about 22 inches in length. groundhogs are also known as 'woodchucks,' 'whistle pigs,' and 'marmots.'*groundhog
animal trivia: the ---------- is one of the few land animals that does not need water to supplement its food.*koala
animal trivia: the ---------- is the first bird mentioned in the bible. it was sent out by noah to see if the waters had abated.*raven
animal trivia: the ---------- is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. it is also the only bird that walks upright*penguin
animal trivia: the ---------- of a really famished camel may flop over and hang down the side of the body as the fat is used up.*hump
animal trivia: the ---------- snake found in the state of arizona is not poisonous, but when frightened, it may hiss loudly and vibrate its tail like a rattlesnake.*gopher
animal trivia: the ---------- whale is often referred to as the 'sea canary' because of the birdlike chirping sounds it makes.*beluga
animal trivia: the ---------- whale is the mammal with the heaviest brain - about six times heavier than a human's*sperm
animal trivia: the ----------, a small lizard generally measuring 6 or 7 inches, has a tongue several inches longer than its body. with a thrust of this remarkable appendage, it can catch insects some 10 inches away.*chameleon
animal trivia: the ----------, national bird of new zealand, can't fly. it lives in a hole in the ground, is almost blind, and lays only one egg each year. despite this, it has survived for more than 70 million years.*kiwi
animal trivia: the ----------, often called 'possum,' dates back over 45 million years.*opossum
animal trivia: the adélie ---------- bears the name of french explorer dumont d'urville's beloved wife.*penguin
animal trivia: the alaskan ---------- is the largest deer of the new world. it attains a height at the withers in excess of 7 feet and, when fully grown, weighs up to 1,800 pounds.*moose
animal trivia: the albatross drinks sea water. it has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess ----------*salt
animal trivia: the american ---------- weighs approximately one pound when fully grown.*crow
animal trivia: the american ----------, with its eyes placed toward the top of its head, can see backward and upward, and forward and upward, with binocular vision and, laterally, almost 180 degrees with each eye.*woodcock
animal trivia: the american opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just 12 to 13 days after conception. the asiatic elephant takes 608 days to give birth, or just over ----------*20 months
animal trivia: the anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes, gives birth to its young instead of ----------*laying eggs
animal trivia: the ancient nautilus is considered the most intelligent of the invertebrates; it is said to have been as intelligent as a ----------*young cat
animal trivia: the armor of the ---------- is not as tough as it appears. it is very pliable, much like a human fingernail.*armadillo
animal trivia: the average ---------- moves at a rate of approximately 0.000362005 miles per hour*snail
animal trivia: the average ---------- weighs 14 pounds.*fox
animal trivia: the average adult ---------- pig weighs two pounds.*guinea
animal trivia: the average adult ---------- weighs 21 pounds.*raccoon
animal trivia: the average adult male ----------, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.*ostrich
animal trivia: the average capacity of a pelican's ---------- is 12 quarts*pouch
animal trivia: the average capacity of a pelican's ---------- is 12 quarts.*pouch
animal trivia: the average cod deposits between 4 and 6 million eggs at a single ----------*spawning
animal trivia: the average cow produces ---------- glasses of milk each day.*fourty
animal trivia: the average elephant produces 50 pounds of ---------- each day.*dung
animal trivia: the average giraffe's ---------- is two or three times that of a healthy man.*blood pressure
animal trivia: the average life expectancy of a leopard in captivity is ----------*twelve years
animal trivia: the average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is ----------*fifteen years
animal trivia: the average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 161/2 feet per second, or about ---------- miles per hour.*eleven
animal trivia: the average porcupine has more than 30,000 quills. porcupines are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow and serve as pontoons to keep them ----------*afloat
animal trivia: the bactrian camel is the only land mammal on earth that can survive on ----------*salt water
animal trivia: the basenji is a mid-sized dog with a silky copper coat. although they are considered a barkless dog, they are known to ---------- when they are happy.*yodel
animal trivia: the bat is the only mammal that can ----------*fly
animal trivia: the biggest frog is the appropriately named ---------- frog (conraua goliath) of cameroon. they reach nearly 30 cm (a foot) and weigh as much as 3.3 kilograms.*goliath
animal trivia: the bite of a leech is painless due to its own ----------*anaesthetic
animal trivia: the black bear is not always black. it can be brown, cinnamon, ----------, and sometimes a bluish color.*yellow
animal trivia: the blow of a whale has a strong, foul odor. it apparently smells like a combination of spoiled fish and old oil. because whales have such terrible breath, sailors believed at one time that a whiff of it could cause ----------*brain disorders
animal trivia: the blubber of a male ---------- is considered superior to that of the sperm whale for lubricating machinery*elephant seal
animal trivia: the blue whale is maintained by its blubber and can go up to half a year without ----------*eating
animal trivia: the blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants, and is as long as three ----------*greyhound buses
animal trivia: the bluefin ---------- swims with its mouth partly open, relying on ramjet ventilation, unlike slower fish, which force water through their gills to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. since seawater contains only about 2.5 percent as much oxygen it needs from the volume of water flowing through its mouth, the bluefin has proportionately one of the largest gill areas of any fish.*tuna
animal trivia: the bottle-nosed ---------- can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes.*whale
animal trivia: the breed of the thoroughbred horse is only about 300 years old, although horse racing has been popular in england since roman times, and can be traced back to central asia among ----------*prehistoric nomads
animal trivia: the brilliant colors in a hummingbird's ---------- are created by tiny platelets that resemble a pancake filled with air bubbles. they are called 'interference colors,' and are much like the shimmering colors seen in a soap bubble or in a drop of oil.*feather
animal trivia: the cairn terrier is great at catching ----------*rats
animal trivia: the calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in alaska's annual iditarod race average 10,000. the 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 'race for life' when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from anchorage to nome to battle a children's ----------*diphtheria epidemic
animal trivia: the cat was the symbol of liberty in ancient ----------*rome
animal trivia: the chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its ----------*body
animal trivia: the chinese, during the reign of kublai khan, used lions on hunting expeditions. they trained the big cats to pursue and drag down massive animals - from wild bulls to bears - and to stay with the kill until the ----------*hunter arrived
animal trivia: the color of the blood of an ---------- is bluish-green.*octopus
animal trivia: the common carp lives up to 25 years in the wild, and up to 40 years in captivity. the durable fish can survive in waters up to 90 degrees f, and can even withstand ---------- for short periods.*freezing
animal trivia: the conception and birth of the armadillo are odd events. although mating usually occurs in july, the embryos of the armadillo remain in a dormant state until november. later in march, four young are born. armadillos are the only mammals in which multiple young form from a single egg with any regularity. all four of the young, always of the same sex, are identical quadruplets and developed from the same egg. they even shared a single ---------- while in the womb.*placenta
animal trivia: the crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the ----------*lobster
animal trivia: the crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other ----------*crocodiles
animal trivia: the crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. if pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of ----------*direction
animal trivia: the dalmatian dog is named for the dalmatian coast of ----------, where it is believed to have been originally bred.*croatia
animal trivia: the digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much ---------- that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed.*hydrochloric acid
animal trivia: the dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient ----------*mexico
animal trivia: the domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs while ----------*walking
animal trivia: the duckbill platypus of australia can store up to 600 worms in its large cheek ----------*pouches
animal trivia: the ears of the asiatic ---------- are larger than those of other bear species.*black bears
animal trivia: the egyptian ----------, a white bird about the size of a raven, throws stones with its beak to open ostrich eggs to eat. this bird is one of the very few animals that, like man, manipulates objects as tools.*vulture
animal trivia: the electric eel has thousands of electric cells running up and down its tail. vital body organs, such as the heart, are packed into a small space behind the head. they use their electric sense to 'see'. their electric sensors act like ----------. they send out weak impulses which bounce off objects.*radar
animal trivia: the electric eel is the most shocking animal on earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. if attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about ----------. one zap could stun a human. the larger the eel, the bigger the charge.*800 volts
animal trivia: the electric eel lives in the amazon river and its tributaries in south america. the rivers churn up a lot of mud and the eels cannot see well in them. two less powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and ray. electric rays live in warm ocean water, and they can give off a charge of sufficient force to stun a human. the biggest electric ray, the atlantic torpedo ray, can weigh ---------- pounds.*two hundred
animal trivia: the electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while ----------*15 feet away
animal trivia: the electric organs in an electric eel make up four-fifths of its ----------*body
animal trivia: the famous cow used as the corporate symbol on all elmer's products is actually named ----------, and she is the spouse of elmer, the steer who the company is named after.*elsie
animal trivia: the fastest dog, the ----------, can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. the breed was known to exist in ancient egypt more than 5,000 years ago.*greyhound
animal trivia: the fastest of all fish in the sea is the ----------, streaming forward at speeds near 68 miles per hour.*swordfish
animal trivia: the favorite horses of both alexander the great (bucephalos) and julius caesar both had atavistic mutations - extra toes. horses normally have only one toe per foot, but are descended from horses with three or four toes on ----------*each limb
animal trivia: the female ---------- inseminates herself. at mating time, the male deposits a conical mass of jellylike substance containing the sperm. the female draws the jelly into herself, and in so doing, fertilizes her eggs.*salamander
animal trivia: the female american oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year. usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches ----------*maturity
animal trivia: the female condor lays a single egg once every ----------*two years
animal trivia: the female king crab incubates as many as 400,000 young for 11 months in a brood pouch under her ----------*abdomen
animal trivia: the female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. if spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the ---------- of the female.*affections
animal trivia: the female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. in order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon. if no other pigeon is available, her own ---------- in a mirror will suffice.*reflection
animal trivia: the first ---------- dragons to breed in the western world are at the national zoo at the smithsonian institute in washington, d.c.*komodo
animal trivia: the first medical use of leeches dates back to approximately 2,500 years ago. the leech's saliva contains a property that acts as an anticoagulant for ----------*human blood
animal trivia: the flamingoes of east africa have few natural enemies. in general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the ----------*marabou stork
animal trivia: the flounder swims ----------*sideways
animal trivia: the flying ---------- of java and malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree.*snake
animal trivia: the fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family which live in the andes mountains of peru, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch. the animal was considered sacred by the incas, and only royalty could wear its ----------*fleece
animal trivia: the gastric juices of a snake can digest bones and teeth - but not ----------*fur
animal trivia: the giant ---------- is the largest creature without a backbone. it weighs up to 2.5 tons and grows up to 55 feet long. each eye is a foot or more in diameter.*squid
animal trivia: the giant african ---------- grows to a foot long and reaches weights greater than a pound.*snail
animal trivia: the giraffe's ---------- is huge; it weighs 25 pounds, is 2 feet long, and has walls up to 3 inches thick.*heart
animal trivia: the great horned owl can turn its head ----------*270 degrees
animal trivia: the grebe, an aquatic bird, has an effective means of escaping danger while protecting its young. at the first sign of danger, it will sink into the water until its back is level with the surface. this allows its offspring to swim over and quickly climb onto its back. the parent grebe then rises up to its swimming position and ferries the chicks across the water to ----------*safety
animal trivia: the grizzly bear is capable of running as fast as the average ----------*horse
animal trivia: the hides of mature female blue ---------- are more than twice as thick as those of males, probably as a protection against courtship bites.*sharks
animal trivia: the hippopotamus gives birth ---------- and nurses its young in the river as well, although the young hippos must come up periodically for air.*underwater
animal trivia: the hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most ---------- cannot penetrate it*bullets
animal trivia: the hippopotamus has the world's shortest ----------*sperm
animal trivia: the hippopotamus is, next to the elephants, the heaviest of all land mammals. it may weigh as much as 8,000 pounds. it is also a close relative of the ----------*pig
animal trivia: the hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all. the ---------- leech uses a different method of sucking blood. they insert a long proboscis into the victim as opposed to biting.*amazon
animal trivia: the hirudo leech lays its babies within a cocoon; the amazon leech carries its babies on its ---------- - sometimes as many as 300.*stomach
animal trivia: the horned lizard of the american southwest may squirt a thin stream of ---------- from the corners of its eyes when frightened*blood
animal trivia: the hum of a hummingbird comes from the super-fast beat of the wings. the smallest ones beat their wings the fastest - up to 80 times per second. even the slower beat of bigger hummingbirds (20 times per second) is so fast you can only see a ----------*blur
animal trivia: the hummingbird is the only bird that can ----------*fly backwards
animal trivia: the hummingbird's tiny ----------, 4.2% of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom.*brain
animal trivia: the individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that ----------of them equal the thickness of a single human hair.*five hundred
animal trivia: the jackrabbit is not a rabbit; it is a ----------*hare
animal trivia: the jardine river in australia's cape york peninsula is home to crocodylus porosus, the saltwater or estuarine crocodile. it is the largest and perhaps most dangerous of all ---------- species of crocodilians.*twenty three
animal trivia: the kakapo is a nocturnal burrowing parrot of ---------- that has a green body with brown and yellow markings. its name is from maori and means 'night parrot.'*new zealand
animal trivia: the king crab walks ----------*diagonally
animal trivia: the kinkajou's tail is twice as long as its body. every night, it wraps itself up in its tail and uses it as a ----------*pillow
animal trivia: the largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to ----------*hard-boil
animal trivia: the largest great white shark ever caught measured 37 feet and weighed 24,000 pounds. it was found in a herring weir in new brunswick in 1930. the harmless whale shark, holds the title of largest fish, with the record being a 59-footer captured in thailand in ----------*1919
animal trivia: the largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach 8 feet across and tentacles that extend over half the length of a ----------*football field
animal trivia: the largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinct ---------- of madagascar. the egg was 9.5 inches long. it had a volume of 2.35 gallons.*aepyornis
animal trivia: the largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is ----------. bats are second with about 950 species.*rodents
animal trivia: the largest species of seahorse measures ----------*eight inches
animal trivia: the leech has 32 brains - 31 more than a ----------*human
animal trivia: the leech will gorge itself up to ---------- its body weight and then just fall off its victim.*five times
animal trivia: the life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ----------*ten years
animal trivia: the lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for ----------*three years
animal trivia: the male ---------- sheds its antlers every winter and grows a new set the following year.*moose
animal trivia: the male ---------- will mate for life, and if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. however, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate*fox
animal trivia: the male house ---------- builds several nests as part of his courtship ritual. once the nests are completed, his potential bride looks them all over, then selects one as her preferred choice for the laying of her eggs.*wren
animal trivia: the male seahorse, not the female, carries the ---------- of the species. the female fills the male's brooch pouch with eggs, which remain in the swollen sac for a gestation period of eight to ten days.*embryo
animal trivia: the massive skeleton of the african ---------- accounts for about 15 percent of the body weight, just as in a man of slender build; however, the elephant's skeleton supports as much as four tons per leg, and is thus stressed close to the physical limit for bone. to keep from damaging its skeleton, an african ---------- has to move sedately, never jumping or running. the 'charge' of these animals is a fast walk on long legs, at about 15 miles per hour.*elephant
animal trivia: the maximum life span of ---------- has been documented to be over 200 years in exceptional cases. the average life span of the large colorful fish, however, is 25 to 35 years.*koi
animal trivia: the mojave ground ----------, found mainly in the american west, hibernates for two-thirds of every year*squirrel
animal trivia: the mola mola, or ocean sunfish, lays up to ---------- eggs at one time.*5,000,000
animal trivia: the more that is learned about the ecological benefits of ----------, the more home gardeners are going out of their way to entice these amazing winged mammals into their neighborhoods. ---------- are voracious insect eaters, devouring as many as 600 bugs per hour for 4 to 6 hours a night. they can eat from one-half to three-quarters their weight per evening. ---------- are also important plant pollinators, particularly in the southwestern u.s.*bats
animal trivia: the most carnivorous of all bears is the ----------. its diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish.*polar bear
animal trivia: the most venomous of all snakes, known as the inland taipan, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 ----------*mice
animal trivia: the mouse is the most common mammal in the ----------*united states
animal trivia: the mudskipper is a fish that can actually ----------*walk on land
animal trivia: the new guinea singing dog's most unique characteristic is its dramatic ability to vary the pitch of its howl. they do not bark repetitively but have a complex vocal behavior, including yelps, whines, and single-note ----------*howls
animal trivia: the nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to 80 years in ----------*captivity
animal trivia: the normal body temperature of the ---------- horse is 101 degrees fahrenheit (38 degrees celsius)*clydesdale
animal trivia: the now-extinct ancestor of the horse, ----------, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog.*eohippus
animal trivia: the once popular dog name ---------- is from latin and means 'fidelity.'*fido
animal trivia: the only ---------- to ever appear in a shakespearean play was crab in 'the two gentlemen of verona.'*dog
animal trivia: the only country in the world that has a bill of rights for cows is ----------*india
animal trivia: the optimum depth of water in a birdbath, says the audubon society of america, is two and a half inches. less water makes it difficult for birds to take a bath; more makes them ----------*afraid
animal trivia: the owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. all other birds raise their lower ----------*eyelids
animal trivia: the owl parrot can't fly, and builds its nest under tree ----------*roots
animal trivia: the oyster is usually ----------. it begins life as a male, then becomes a female, then changes back to being a male, then back to being female. it may go back and forth many times.*ambisexual
animal trivia: the ozark blind salamander begins life with eyes and plumelike gills. as the animal matures, its eyelids fuse together and the gills ----------*disappear
animal trivia: the part of the foot of a horse between the fetlock and the hoof is the ----------*pastern
animal trivia: the penculine ---------- of africa builds its home in such a sturdy manner that masai tribesman use their nests for purses and carrying cases.*titmouse
animal trivia: the poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about ----------*2,200 people
animal trivia: the process of a snake shedding its skin or a crustacean casting off its outer shell is called ----------*ecdysis
animal trivia: the pronghorn ---------- can run up to 61 miles per hour.*antelope
animal trivia: the pronghorn ---------- is the fastest mammal to be found in north america, and second only to the cheetah as the fastest mammal on the planet.*antelope
animal trivia: the pupil of an octopus's eye is ----------*rectangular
animal trivia: the raccoon derives its name from the indian word meaning 'he who scratches with his ----------*hands
animal trivia: the rear portion of the head of a horse is called the ----------*poll
animal trivia: the ring-tailed ----------, a primate found only in madagascar, meows like a cat.*lemur
animal trivia: the ruby-throated hummingbird beats its wings at the incredibly rapid speed of 50 to 70 times a second. if a 170-pound man expended energy at the rate of the hummingbird, he would have to eat 285 pounds of hamburger or twice his weight in potatoes each day in order to maintain his weight. he would have to evaporate 100 pounds of perspiration per hour to keep his skin temperature below the ----------*boiling point of water
animal trivia: the rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in alaska. they migrate 2,000 miles to mexico each winter, and then back to alaska in the ----------*spring
animal trivia: the sea cucumber, a purplish-brown creature covered with ----------, has a unique defense strategy. when attacked, it throws out sticky threads from its mouth, which entangles its enemy. the sea cucumber can then quickly escape.*warts
animal trivia: the sea lion can swim 6,000 miles, stopping only to ----------*sleep
animal trivia: the sea lion is susceptible to sunburn, and if put on board a ship, will get as seasick as a ----------*man
animal trivia: the sea otter's dark fur is the finest and densest of any animal fur. on an adult animal, there are approximately 650,000 hairs per square inch. a sea otter relies on its fur to keep it warm - it doesn't have blubber as other marine mammals do. natural oils in a sea otter's fur repel ----------*water
animal trivia: the seeing-eye dog, or any dog trained to guide the blind, cannot tell a red light from a green one. when it lead its master across the street, it watches the traffic flow to tell when it is ----------*safe to cross
animal trivia: the shoebill ----------, native to africa, is often compared to a statue. the bird will stand perfectly still for long periods waiting for fish to come to surface in the water.*stork
animal trivia: the shrew is known to eat up to its own weight about every three hours. deprived of nutrition for a day, it may ----------*starve to death
animal trivia: the skin of baby ---------- is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse.*mice
animal trivia: the smallest bird in the world is the cuban bee ----------. it is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. it weighs 6/100ths of an ounce*hummingbird
animal trivia: the smallest bird in the world is the cuban bee ----------. it is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. it weighs 6/100ths of an ounce.*hummingbird
animal trivia: the smallest frog is the gold frog (psyllophryne didactyla) of ----------. it grows to only 9.8 mm (3/8 inch).*brazil
animal trivia: the smallest of american owls, the ----------, often nests in the gila woodpecker's cactus hole after the woodpecker leaves. the owl measures barely 6 inches tall. it specializes in catching scorpions, seizing each by the tail and nipping off its stinger. it then swallows the scorpion's body, pincers and all.*elf owl
animal trivia: the smell of a ---------- can be detected by a human a mile away.*skunk
animal trivia: the snail mates only once in its entire life. when it does mate, however, it may take as long as ---------- to consummate the act.*12 hours
animal trivia: the sound a ---------- makes is called 'nuzzing'.*camel
animal trivia: the spines on a newborn ---------- start to appear within 24 hours*hedgehog
animal trivia: the spines on a newborn ---------- start to appear within 24 hours.*hedgehog
animal trivia: the spiny cheek, starsnout poacher, and monkeyface prickleback are all names of ----------*fish
animal trivia: the squirrel monkey's brain accounts for roughly 5 percent of its body weight - the largest percentage of any other animal. the human brain, by comparison, makes up about 2.3 percent of ----------*body weight
animal trivia: the star-nosed mole, with 22 pink ---------- on its snout, is said to have the most delicate sense of touch in the animal world*tentacles
animal trivia: the stegosaurus had a brain that weighed only 2 ounces and was no bigger than a ----------*walnut
animal trivia: the striped ---------- can fire its musk stream accurately for up to 12 feet, and even farther with a cooperative downwind.*skunk
animal trivia: the tailorbird of africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves. it uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the ----------*needle
animal trivia: the tarantula spends most of its life within its burrow, which is an 18-inch vertical hole with an inch-wide opening. when male tarantulas are between the ages of 5 to 7 years, they leave the burrow in search of a female, usually in the early fall. this migration actually signals the end of their life cycle. the males mate with as many females as they can, and then they die around mid-----------*november
animal trivia: the three-toed ---------- of tropical america can swim easily, but it can only drag itself across bare ground.*sloth
animal trivia: the two ---------- of a dolphin's brain work independently. for 8 hours, the entire brain is awake. the left side then sleeps for 8 hours. when it wakes up, the right side sleeps for 8 hours. thus, the dolphin gets 8 hours of sleep without ever having to stop physically.*hemispheres
animal trivia: the underwater mating song of the ---------- is so loud that sometimes it can be heard by humans on the shore*toadfish
animal trivia: the venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ----------. just to handle the substance can put one in a coma.*150 people
animal trivia: the virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to north america. they will play dead when threatened, and contrary to folklore, do not sleep hanging by their tails. they have a litter size of up to 22, but only a maximum of 13 offspring live. their babies stay in the pouch for the first ----------*60 days
animal trivia: the weasel and the ermine are the same animal. this mammal's coat changes with the season - in its white winter coat, it is known as an ermine, in its brown coat, it is a ----------*weasel
animal trivia: the whale has the slowest metabolism of all animals. despite its great size, it lives on one of the smallest of all creatures: the microscopic ----------, found throughout the sea.*plankton
animal trivia: the whistling swan has more than ----------*feathers on its body.
animal trivia: the white elephant is the sacred animal of ----------*thailand
animal trivia: the woolly ----------, extinct since the ice age, had tusks almost 16 feet high.*mammoth
animal trivia: the word 'puppy' comes from the french ----------, meaning 'doll.'*poupee
animal trivia: the word 'struthious' refers to something that resembles or is related to ----------*ostriches
animal trivia: the world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed ---------- of costa rica. it has been clocked at 21.7 miles per hour.*iguana
animal trivia: the world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. fully grown, it weighs as much as ---------- tons*one hundred and fifty
animal trivia: the world's largest rodent is the capybara. an amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than ---------- pounds.*one hundred
animal trivia: there are ---------- in poland. they live mainly in the area of the bialowieza forest and are known as 'zubra.' the well-known polish vodka zubrowka, which means 'buffalo brand,' takes its name from these animals.*buffalos
animal trivia: there are ---------- that nest in trees. these creatures may spend their whole life without ever touching the ground*mice
animal trivia: there are 1,600 known species of ---------- in the world.*starfishes
animal trivia: there are 328 species of ----------*parrots
animal trivia: there are 40,000 muscles and ---------- in an elephant's trunk. this makes it very strong and flexible, allowing an elephant to pluck a delicate flower or lift a huge log. the trunk is used for touching, grasping, sucking, spraying, smelling, and striking*tendons
animal trivia: there are 690 known species of ----------*bats
animal trivia: there are about 130 species of ----------*owl
animal trivia: there are about 40 different ---------- in a birds wing.*muscles
animal trivia: there are about 5,000 species of ---------- known. only about half of them build reefs.*coral
animal trivia: there are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. all have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. these are the ones most dangerous to people. the nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a ----------*human
animal trivia: there are close to 4,000 known species of frogs, including ----------*toads
animal trivia: there are fewer than 1,000 bactrian camels left in the wild. they have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into china's ----------*gobi desert
animal trivia: there are more than 450 species of ---------- throughout the world.*finches
animal trivia: there are no penguins at the ----------. in fact, there are no penguins anywhere in the northern hemisphere (outside of zoos). all 17 varieties of the bird are found below the equator, primarily in the antarctica.*north pole
animal trivia: there are no wild deer of any kind in australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in ----------*africa
animal trivia: there are seven distinctive types of combs on ----------: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and v-shaped.*chickens
animal trivia: there are some 50 different species of ----------, and all of them are venomous. they thrive in abundance along the coast from the persian gulf to japan and around australia and melanesia. their venom is ten times as virulent as that of the cobra. humans bitten by them have died within two-and-a-half hours.*sea snakes
animal trivia: there is a substantial wild population of golden hamsters living in eastern europe and the middle east. scientists speculate that all the domesticated golden hamsters in the world descended from a single female with twelve babies, which were dug from a burrow in syria back in ----------*1930
animal trivia: there is approximately one ---------- for every human being in the world.*chicken
animal trivia: there is just one known species of ---------- in the world - it is in the order of struthioniformes*ostrich
animal trivia: there is just one known species of ---------- in the world - it is in the order of struthioniformes.*ostrich
animal trivia: there is no mention of cats or rats in the ----------*bible
animal trivia: there is no single cat called the ----------. the name is commonly applied to the leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. a black ---------- is really a black leopard.*panther
animal trivia: there once were more sea lions on earth than ----------*people
animal trivia: thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the europeans once called the animal a 'camelopard.' today, it is called the ----------*giraffe
animal trivia: thirty thousand monkeys were used in the massive three-year effort to classify the various types of ----------*polio
animal trivia: though human noses have an impressive 5 million olfactory cells with which to smell, sheepdogs have 220 million, enabling them to smell 44 times better than ----------*man
animal trivia: tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds (1 kg), depending on the subspecies. they live on milk for 6 to 8 weeks before the female begins taking them to kills to feed. tigers have fully developed canines by 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about ----------*18 months of age
animal trivia: to a human, one giant octopus looks virtually the same as any other of the same size and species. this explains why divers claim to have seen the same octopus occupy a den for ten or more years. but an octopus seldom lives longer than ----------*four years
animal trivia: to survive, most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food ----------*each day
animal trivia: today's oldest form of horse is the przewalski, or mongolian wild horse. survivors of this breed were discovered in the gobi desert in ----------*1881
animal trivia: toothed ---------- whales live in extended family units that, for families, constitute life-long associations. they differ from baleen whales, which form only temporary bonds.*sperm
animal trivia: traveling at a rate of 2 to 3 miles per hour, camels can carry 500 to 1,000 pounds on their backs. they are able to keep up this pace for 6 or 7 hours a day. camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly ----------*balanced
animal trivia: tuna swim at a steady rate of 9 miles per hour for an indefinite period of time - and they never stop moving. estimates indicate that a 15-year-old tuna travels one million miles in its ----------*lifetime
animal trivia: tunas will suffocate if they ever stop ----------. they need a continual flow of water across their gills to breathe, even while they rest.*swimming
animal trivia: turtles survived the upheavals of the last 200 million years, including the great extinction episode that eliminated the dinosaurs. now, about half of the world's turtle species face possible extinction - due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as a popular dining delicacy and a source of ----------*traditional medicines
animal trivia: two rats can become the progenitors of 15,000 rats in less than*one year
animal trivia: unlike dolphins, porpoises are not very ----------*sociable
animal trivia: unlike most fish, electric eels cannot get enough oxygen from water. approximately every five minutes, they must surface to breathe, or they will drown. unlike most fish, they can swim both ----------*backwards and forwards
animal trivia: unrelated to the chicken, the male ---------- bird earned the name 'cock' because of its rooster-like appearance and combative behavior. the female of the species influenced the word 'rock' being added to the name because of her habit of nesting and rearing the young in sheltered rock niches.*cock-of-the-rock
animal trivia: very unusual for carnivores, hyena clans are dominated by ----------*females
animal trivia: wandering ---------- spread their wings, clack bills, and shake heads in a ritual dance. bonds between courting birds may last the whole of a 50-year lifetime.*albatrosses
animal trivia: we are sure that whales and dolphins had land-living ancestors, but we don't know what they were like and we don't know how they ----------*evolved
animal trivia: weighing approximately 13 pounds at birth, a baby caribou will double its weight in just ----------*10 days
animal trivia: what do bats' wings, elephants' ears, flamingos' legs, rabbits' ears, goats' horns, and human skin all have in common? they radiate heat to providing ----------*cooling
animal trivia: when a ---------- exerts itself, gets angry, or stays out of the water for too long, it exudes red, sweatlike mucus through its skin.*hippopotamus
animal trivia: when a ---------- is first born, it is male, and it gradually evolves to female as it matures.*shrimp
animal trivia: when a desert ---------- spends the summer of the dry season in a burrow, it is 'estivating.' when an animal estivates, its metabolism slows and its temperature drops. animals estivate or hibernate in response to extremes in temperature or lack of food or water.*tortoise
animal trivia: when a school of baby ---------- are threatened, their father opens his huge mouth and the youngsters swim inside to hide. when danger has passed, he reopens his mouth and lets the fry out.*catfish
animal trivia: when a snail hatches from an egg, it is a miniature adult, shell and all. the shell grows with the snail, and the snail never leaves the ----------*shell
animal trivia: when baby opossum are born, they are so small that an entire litter can fit in a tablespoon. they live inside their mother's pouch for ---------- before climbing out and riding on her back.*three months
animal trivia: when cows graze in their natural head-down position, their saliva production increases by ----------*17 percent
animal trivia: when thirsty, a camel can swig down 25 gallons of water in less than ----------*three minutes
animal trivia: when under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which ----------*grow back
animal trivia: when young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn ----------*red
animal trivia: when young, the hoatzin, a crested, olive-colored south american bird, has claws on its ----------*wings
animal trivia: while awake, hummingbirds must eat at least every 30 minutes or they will starve to death. they need to eat 2.5 times their body weight every day - this takes hundreds of ---------- everyday.*flowers
animal trivia: while dangerous to swimmers, the fact remains that ---------- are much less dangerous than sharks.*barracudas
animal trivia: while many people believe that a camel's humps are used for water storage, they are actually made up of ----------. the hump of a well-rested, well-fed camel can weigh up to eighty pounds.*fat
animal trivia: while some sharks lay eggs, blue sharks give birth to live ----------, as do about two-thirds of all sharks, estimated at nearly 350 species.*pups
animal trivia: while the bones of most airborne birds are hollow for lightness, ---------- are endowed with solid bones for ballast when they dive, sometimes to 850 feet or more.*penguins
animal trivia: wildlife biologists estimate that as many as five out of six fawns starve to death during a hard winter in ----------*vermont
animal trivia: with few exceptions, birds do not sing while on the ground. they sing during flight or while sitting on an object off the ----------*ground
animal trivia: with only a four-week gestation period, a cottontail ---------- can produce 5 to 7 litters, and as many as 35 offspring per year.*rabbit
animal trivia: within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are ---------- species - eagles, hawks, kites, and old world vultures, which are found nearly worldwide.*two hundred and eight
animal trivia: wolf packs could be found in all the forests of europe, and in 1420 and 1438, wolves roamed the streets of ----------*paris
animal trivia: you can identify a ---------- bear's mark by the sign of five claws. a black bear will lacerate a tree trunk with four claws.*grizzly
animal trivia: you can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. most males have 40, females have ----------*thirty six
animal trivia: you could milk about ---------- cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour.*six
animal trivia: young birds such as ducks, geese, and shore birds are born with their ----------*eyes open
animal trivia: zebus are humped cattle found in india, china, and northern africa. zebubs are tsetse-like flies found in ----------*ethiopia
animals and plants which produce light are said to be:*bioluminescent
animals that once existed and exist no more, are called ______*extinct
animals: a group of elephants is known as a*herd
animals: a group of leopards is known as a ________.*leap
animals: the teeth used for biting or cutting are known as _______.*incisors
animals: what is the name of the only real species of dragon*the komodo dragon
animals: what word is used for a female fox*vixen
animals: who had a horse named katanka*buddha
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bdsm play that involves blood, including cutting and piercing*bloodsports
bdsm scene slang: b&d*bondage & discipline
bdsm scene slang: oral service (including licking, sucking and kissing) by a submissive to the dominant implies no taboos or inhibitions about oral contact with any and all body parts*body worship
bdsm scene slang: submissive (usually gay) male who has a fetish for leather boots worn by tops, and who frequently works at a leather bar or charitable event shining shoes. the conclusion to the shoe-shining often is oral service to the boots*boot boy
bdsm scene slang: when a submissive takes care of all the dominant's bodily needs, acting as a trained servant in bathing, shaving, hair-styling, manicures, pedicures, and other hygiene and grooming rituals*body service
bdsm scene slang:someone who is heterosexual when it comes to penetration, but who will do sm with same-sex partners*bi-kinky
bdsm slang: a non-kinky person. it can apply to any heterosexual or homosexual who does not care for kinky sex*vanilla
bdsm/fetish: a spanker's implement made in many shapes, sizes and materials. many are modeled after a schoolmaster's weapon of choice for schoolhouse scenes and daddy/girl scenes*paddle
bdsm/fetish: anyone who assumes a paternal/mentoring role with a submissive or bottom and, in that role, expresses a masculine identity*daddy
bdsm/fetish: fantasy play in which one partner is an animal trainer and the other is the animal. ponyplay and dogplay are the two most popular forms this takes. fantasies including obedience training, exercise training, paper-training (in dogplay), harnessing and riding (in ponyplay), and so on. other popular animal roles include cats (especially kittens)*animal training
bdsm/fetish: infantilists, are people who get erotic and emotional pleasure from wearing diapers or acting like babies*adult babies
bdsm/fetish: it specifically means to pee on someone or to be peed on. however, the term is used generically to describe the spectrum of urine-play, including ingestion, wetting one's pants (or ordering someone to wet theirs), and having one's bladder controlled (or doing the controlling) either through verbal commands or devices which prevent or cause urination*golden showers
bdsm/fetish: known as the 'metal spoon' this is a must for medical scenes in women. used for doctors in gathering cervix skin samples it can be exciting when used in play. sold a most toy shops and can be cheap. some also come in plastic*speculum
bdsm/fetish: one of the key toys in watersports. they come in different styles and with different nozzles. the most common enema bag is shaped like a hot water bottle*enema bags
bdsm/fetish: oral service (licking, kissing, sucking) to bare feet*foot worship
bdsm/fetish: the slow insertion of a hand into a vagina or anus. some tops will ball their hands into fists once inside, depending on the receptivity of the bottom*fisting
bdsm/fetish: this hospital invention us a bit taboo in the bdsm scene, but has found a place with watersports enthusiasts and people who love hospital scenes.*catether
bdsm/fetish: this may include enemas, brown showers, watching or being watched while expelling, being ordered to soil one's pants (or ordering someone), and (yes, i'm afraid so) eating poop*scat
bdsm/fetish: used as fetishwear and body modification. the boning restricts the wearer into a specified waist size and type. extremely tight ones can only be worn for a few hours.*corset
bdsm/fetish: when one partner assumes the role of the adult in the relationship and the other assumes the role of the child*ageplay
bdsm: 'any flexible many-tailed striking tool where the tails are simple strips of leather or similar substances, designed for use on the human body'is generally called a*flogger
bdsm: a common name for an electrobox used in electroplay. it emits pulsating dc current and can be used with many attachments including butt plugs, dildos, whips etc..*tens unit
bdsm: a document written cooperatively by the dominant and the submissive in which the negotiated terms of their relationship are set out in clear language. they are usually term-limited: 3 months, 6 months, a year. some couples sign permanent ones, vowing a lifetime commitment*contracts
bdsm: a form of edgeplay in which the top restricts the bottom's ability to breathe, either by constricting the neck or by blocking the mouth or nose. it's important to point out that this is done for extremely tiny intervals, and seldom to the point of unconsciousness*breath control
bdsm: a full head cover used in bondage/mummification scenes*hood
bdsm: a garment made of leather or metal that locks and restrains the submissive from being able to touch themselves or having others touch them. it can be worn for as little as an hour and many months at a time*chastity belt
bdsm: a heavy masochist (male or female)*pain slut
bdsm: a male dominant who adopts the code and style of life as portrayed by the gor books of john norman*gorean master
bdsm: a mouth restraint used in bondage and many scenes. the simplest one can be made with a jawbreaker or practice golf ball and some electrical tape. reputable toy companies make some safer, more longer lasting ball type that can be a part of a head harness also.*gags
bdsm: a person with the desire to exert control over a consenting partner for the purpose of mutual gratificationis called a*dominant
bdsm: a rod made typically out of rattan (which is like bamboo but stronger), this started as an asian custom then became a schoolroom instrument for corporeal punishment*cane
bdsm: a sammy is a*smart ass masochist
bdsm: a spur like object used in tit torture and medical scenes. it can be wheeled across the body with it's little spikes. for a larger one use a pizza pie cutter*neurowheel
bdsm: a submissive who deliberately misbehaves or challenges their dominant in order to receive the punishment (pain or humiliation) they crave is called a*sammy
bdsm: also known as a stock whip, this whip is used primarily for show in a dungeon and not used primarily on a person. these whips take skill and training to learn how to hit and are considered extremely painful*bull whip
bdsm: ankle and wrist bondage tools. these are the evolution from handcuffs and shackles*restraints
bdsm: any form of intense stimulation or pain inflicted on the female genitals: perhaps by abrasion, clips and clamps, electricity, temperature play, play piercing, gentle whipping and flogging and with nails and hands. the clitoris is the most sensitive part, and the clitoris hood (prepuce) and both labia will also repay attention*cunt torture
bdsm: any space set aside for sm activity, public or private, and furnished with some sm equipment*dungeon
bdsm: body restraint usually made of leather used for suspension and other bondage play*harness
bdsm: bondage tool that can be artistic and sexy. the japanese form of ___ tying, 'shibari', is a respected art among bdsmers*rope
bdsm: cbt*cock-and-ball torture
bdsm: cbtt*cock, ball and tit torture
bdsm: could be used as an improvised dildo, but much more likely to occur in sm as a source of hot wax, in which case white household variety are preferred for their lower temperature*candles
bdsm: electro-play toy that sends out purple sparks (uv light) when held at the right angle to the submissive. made originally as a cure-all for many problems such as wrinkles and hairloss, it generates it's electricity through a tesla coil.*violet wand
bdsm: knives, razors, or any other instrument objects used (consensually) in radical sm sex*sharps
bdsm: made usually out of leather driving gloves filled with prickly spikes on palm of the hand. the tiny spikes outside of the glove can be very painful yet very arousing if used correctly*vampire mitts
bdsm: making a permanent or semi-permanent scar on the skin by burning it with a heated metal object, as practised on livestock and in earlier times on slaves and criminals. can be carried out safely with the correct technique and aftercare but still likely to be intensely painful*branding
bdsm: people who assume their dominant, submissive, top or bottom roles as a way of life*lifestylers
bdsm: refers to the clueless attitude some tops or dominants develop when their egos get so big that they offend and insult others. one form would be the delusion that being dominant means one has the right to command all the submissives one meets. another is the delusion that the top is infallible*top's disease
bdsm: someone who has made a commitment to surrender sexual control to a dominant. in lifestyle, he/she commits to a total power exchange in which the dominant's power goes beyond the realm of sex and enters daily affairs*slave
bdsm: sometimes called 'power relationships' it may be used interchangeably with b&d or sm; or it may be used to refer to a power relationship, where one partner is the sexual dominant and the other is the submissive.*d&s
bdsm: suction cups meant for removing toxins after a bite, but can be very erotic when used on the breasts and other sensitive areas. similar to cupping sets*snakebite kit
bdsm: the empowerment of the dominant by the submissive's surrender to his/her control. it is consensual and should be well negotiated. the depth of the power yielded by the submissive is equal to the level of responsibility assumed by the dominant this is called a*power exchange
bdsm: the household version of clamps, unable to adjust these which do limit their possibilities. most players work up from 2 to 50 around the sensitive areas of the body (breasts, underarms, clit, balls etc..)*clothespins
bdsm: the limit at which pain ceases to be pleasure and becomes undesirable for the submissive or bottom*pain threshold
bdsm: the point beyond which a player in a bdsm game does not consent to go. can either indicate a particular activity that someone cannot cope with or finds a turnoff, or a point reached in play at which the stimulation ceases to be enjoyable or satisfying, or becomes impossible to cope with psychologically*limit
bdsm: this fictional term for 'slavegirl' derives from the gor series, and denotes women who attempt to live by the standard set in the books*kajira
bdsm: this is when a dominatrix (or sometimes a male dominant) 'forces' a submissive man into feminine clothes. it is confusing to some people that this scene is described as 'forced' when the submissive consented to it--or even requested it*forced feminization
bdsm: this term originated on the internet, and refers to a group lunch or brunch at a public restaurant where kinky people can make new acquaintances or socialize with old friends in a low-key, pressure-free 'vanilla' setting*munch
bdsm: toy used in some play piercing games: a card or wood board with a hole cut to the shape of the cock and balls. the board is placed over the genitals and the skin of the edges of the cock and scrotum is pinned with needles or nails to it*butterfly board
bdsm: using electrical devices for stimulation*electroplay
bdsm: what does ssc stand for*safe sane and consentual
bdsm: what material is usually found on a riding crop*leather
bdsm:a ceremony in which a submissive formally accepts the dominant's 'collar' and becomes 'officially' owned. it is the bdsm equivalent of a wedding, and is witnessed by friends and other people friendly to the lifestyle*collaring
bdsm:the euphoric, detached state that submissives experience in service to (or during a scene with) their dominant*subspace
bdsm:this is a word or expression that partners agree upon which gives the bottom the right to stop the action*safe word
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category: books: alice in wonderland was created by him (pen name).*lewis carroll
category: books: author of _in cold blood_.*truman capote
category: books: camoes wrote in this language.*portuguese
category: books: he is the author of the trilogy _once & future king_.*t h white
category: books: his work was published in 1755 as the dictionary of the english language.*johnson
category: books: jean anouilh's play about henry ii's problem with the archbishop of canterbury.*becket
category: books: this author wrote the book _a very long engagement_.*sebastian japrisot
category: books: this book by richard rhodes won the pulitzer prize*making of the atomic bomb
category: books: what little marcella found in her grandmothers attic (by johnny gruelle).*raggedy ann
category: books: wrote the teachings of don juan: a yaqui way of knowledge.*castaneda
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born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: funny lady - 1975*barbra streisand
born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: the mirror has two faces - 1996*barbra streisand
born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: the prince of tides - 1991*barbra streisand
born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: 48 hrs. - 1982*eddie murphy
born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: beverly hills cop - 1984*eddie murphy
born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: the distinguished gentleman - 1992*eddie murphy
born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: trading places - 1983*eddie murphy
born april 16, 1889, he starred in this movie: cruel, cruel love - 1914*charlie chaplin
born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: frankie & johnny - 1991*michelle pfeiffer
born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: tequila sunrise - 1988*michelle pfeiffer
born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: the age of innocence - 1993*michelle pfeiffer
born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: the witches of eastwick - 1987*michelle pfeiffer
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: hi mom! - 1970*robert de niro
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: stanley and iris - 1990*robert de niro
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: the adventures of rocky and bullwinkle - 2000*robert de niro
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: the king of comedy - 1983*robert de niro
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: the mission - 1986*robert de niro
born aug 17, 1943, he starred in this movie: we're no angels - 1989*robert de niro
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: hell drivers - 1958*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: lilacs in the spring/let's make up - 1955*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: marnie - 1964*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: memories of me - 1988*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the anderson tapes - 1971*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the hill - 1965*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the hunt for red october - 1990*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the molly maguires - 1969*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the name of the rose - 1986*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: the red tent - 1971*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: woman of straw - 1964*sean connery
born aug 25, 1930, he starred in this movie: wrong is right/the man with the deadly lens - 1982*sean connery
born aug 29, 1915, she starred in this movie: autumn sonata - 1978*ingrid bergman
born aug 29, 1915, she starred in this movie: höstsonaten - 1978*ingrid bergman
born aug 31, 1949, he starred in this movie: beyond the limit/the honorary consul - 1983*richard gere
born aug 31, 1949, he starred in this movie: miles from home/farm of the year - 1988*richard gere
born aug 31, 1949, he starred in this movie: strike force - 1975*richard gere
born aug 31, 1949, he starred in this movie: the cotton club - 1984*richard gere
born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: carnival - 1935*lucille ball
born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: joy of living - 1937*lucille ball
born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: the bowery - 1933*lucille ball
born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: the kid from spain - 1932*lucille ball
born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: winterset - 1936*lucille ball
born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: billy bathgate - 1991*dustin hoffman
born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: hero - 1992*dustin hoffman
born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: sphere - 1998*dustin hoffman
born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: straight time - 1978*dustin hoffman
born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: wag the dog - 1997*dustin hoffman
born dec 1, 1945, she starred in this movie: jinxed - 1982*bette midler
born dec 1, 1945, she starred in this movie: outrageous fortune - 1987*bette midler
born dec 18 1963, he starred in this movie: kalifornia - 1993*brad pitt
born dec 18 1963, he starred in this movie: true romance - 1993*brad pitt
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: bram stoker's dracula - 1992*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: freejack - 1992*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: hamlet - 1969*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: instinct - 1999*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: one man's war - 1991*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: shadowlands - 1993*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the dawning - 1988*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the good father - 1986*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the trial - 1992*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the white bus - 1967*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: victory at entebbe - 1976*anthony hopkins
born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: young winston - 1972*anthony hopkins
born feb 22, 1975, she starred in this movie: batman forever - 1995*drew barrymore
born feb 22, 1975, she starred in this movie: never been kissed - 1999*drew barrymore
born feb 22, 1975, she starred in this movie: see you in the morning - 1989*drew barrymore
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: callaway went thataway - 1951*elizabeth taylor
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: conspirator - 1949*elizabeth taylor
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: the driver's seat /identikit - 1974*elizabeth taylor
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: the only game in town - 1970*elizabeth taylor
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: the v.i.p.'s - 1963*elizabeth taylor
born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: who's afraid of virginia woolf? - 1966*elizabeth taylor
born georgios panayiotou in 1963. by what name is this singer better known*george michael
born georgios panayiotou in england in 1963, by what name is this singer better known*george michael
born in 1778 falous friend of the prince of wales*beau brummell
born in 1937, who directed the films blade runner, and thelma & louise*ridley scott
born in arkansas in 1932, which boxer won the world heavyweight boxing title by defeating floyd patterson in the first round in 1962*sonny liston
born in beverly hills in 1946, which actress starred opposite jack nicholson and art garfunkel in the 1971 film 'carnal knowledge'*candice bergen
born in canada in 1943 as roberta joan anderson, how is this singer better known in the music world*joni mitchell
born in lamar, missouri, who became the 33rd president of the usa in 1945*harry s truman
born in london in 1947, who was the lead singer of t rex*marc bolan
born in mecca c.570, which arabian prophet founded islam*mohammed
born in new jersey in 1940, which singer's biggest british hit single was 'hello mary lou' in 1961*rick nelson
born in new york in 1943 as veronica bennett, how is she better known in the music world*ronnie spector
born in the thirteenth century, which statesman and soldier summoned what is often called the first parliament*simon de montfort
born in urbino in 1483, which italian artist, with leonardo and michelangelo, is considered one of he three masters of the high renaissance*raphael
born in urbino in 1483, which italian artist, with leonardo and michelangelo, is considered one of the three masters of the high renaissance*raphael
born jan 12, 1955, she starred in this movie: for richer or poorer - 1997*kirstie alley
born jan 12, 1955, she starred in this movie: loverboy - 1989*kirstie alley
born jan 18, 1955, he starred in this movie: frances - 1982*kevin costner
born jan 18, 1955, he starred in this movie: jfk - 1991*kevin costner
born jan 3, 1956, he starred in this movie: lethal weapon 2 - 1989*mel gibson
born jan 30, 1930, he starred in this movie: a covenant with death - 1967*gene hackman
born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: change of habit - 1969*elvis presley
born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: clambake - 1967*elvis presley
born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: flaming star - 1960*elvis presley
born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: the trouble with girls - 1969*elvis presley
born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: tickle me - 1965*elvis presley
born jul 21, 1952, he starred in this movie: flubber - 1997*robin williams
born jul 21, 1952, he starred in this movie: hook - 1991*robin williams
born jul 6, 1946, he starred in this movie: assassins - 1995*sylvester stallone
born jul 6, 1946, he starred in this movie: cop land - 1997*sylvester stallone
born jul 6, 1946, he starred in this movie: f.i.s.t. - 1978*sylvester stallone
born jul 6, 1946, he starred in this movie: rebel - 1973*sylvester stallone
born jul 6, 1946, he starred in this movie: the prisoner of second avenue - 1975*sylvester stallone
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: indiana jones and the last crusade - 1989*harrison ford
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: more american graffiti - 1979*harrison ford
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: raiders of the lost ark - 1981*harrison ford
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: sabrina - 1995*harrison ford
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: six days, seven nights - 1998*harrison ford
born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: working girl - 1988*harrison ford
born july 26, 1964, she starred in this movie: the prince of egypt - 1998*sandra bullock
born july 3, 1962, he starred in this movie: all the right moves - 1983*tom cruise
born july 3, 1962, he starred in this movie: endless love - 1981*tom cruise
born july 3, 1962, he starred in this movie: mission: impossible 2 - 2000*tom cruise
born july 3, 1962, he starred in this movie: top gun - 1986*tom cruise
born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: kindergarten cop - 1990*arnold schwarzenegger
born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: raw deal - 1986*arnold schwarzenegger
born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: the villain - 1979*arnold schwarzenegger
born july 9, 1956, he starred in this movie: a league of their own - 1992*tom hanks
born july 9, 1956, he starred in this movie: he knows you're alone - 1981*tom hanks
born july 9, 1956, he starred in this movie: joe versus the volcano - 1990*tom hanks
born july 9, 1956, he starred in this movie: sleepless in seattle - 1993*tom hanks
born july 9, 1956, he starred in this movie: the 'burbs - 1989*tom hanks
born june 1, 1926, she starred in this movie: love happy - 1949*marilyn monroe
born june 1, 1926, she starred in this movie: monkey business - 1952*marilyn monroe
born june 10, 1922, she starred in this movie: andy hardy meets a debutante - 1940*judy garland
born june 10, 1922, she starred in this movie: babes in arms - 1939*judy garland
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: basic instinct - 1992*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: diabolique - 1996*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: diary of a hitman - 1992*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: intersection - 1994*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: last dance - 1996*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: police academy 4: citizen's patrol - 1987*sharon stone
born mar 10,1958, she starred in this movie: total recall - 1990*sharon stone
born mar 14, 1947, he starred in this movie: analyze this - 1999*billy crystal
born mar 14, 1947, he starred in this movie: the princess bride - 1987*billy crystal
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: big trouble in little china - 1986*kurt russell
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: now you see him, now you don't - 1972*kurt russell
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: soldier - 1998*kurt russell
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: superdad - 1974*kurt russell
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: the barefoot executive - 1971*kurt russell
born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: tombstone - 1993*kurt russell
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: billy bathgate - 1991*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: blind date - 1987*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: die hard - 1988*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: hudson hawk - 1991*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: nobody's fool - 1994*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: that's adequate - 1989*bruce willis
born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: the sixth sense - 1999*bruce willis
born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: bloodline - 1979*audrey hepburn
born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: my fair lady - 1964*audrey hepburn
born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: robin and marian - 1976*audrey hepburn
born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: roman holiday - 1953*audrey hepburn
born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: the nun's story - 1959*audrey hepburn
born may 6, 1961, he starred in this movie: south park: bigger, longer & uncut - 1999*george clooney
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: alice in wonderland - 1933*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: bright leaf - 1950*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: casanova brown - 1944*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: dallas - 1950*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: good sam - 1948*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: peter ibbetson - 1935*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: the general died at dawn - 1936*gary cooper
born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: the wedding night - 1935*gary cooper
born nov 11, 1962, she starred in this movie: g.i. jane - 1997*demi moore
born nov 11, 1962, she starred in this movie: indecent proposal - 1993*demi moore
born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: armed and dangerous - 1986*meg ryan
born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: french kiss - 1995*meg ryan
born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: i.q. - 1994*meg ryan
born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: joe versus the volcano - 1990*meg ryan
born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: the presidio - 1988*meg ryan
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: fleur bleue/stop calling me baby! - 1977*jodie foster
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: foxes - 1980*jodie foster
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: il casotto - 1977*jodie foster
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: nell - 1994*jodie foster
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: shadows and fog - 1992*jodie foster
born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: the little girl who lives down the lane - 1976*jodie foster
born nov 21, 1945, she starred in this movie: lovers and liars - 1979*goldie hawn
born nov 22, 1958, she starred in this movie: queens logic - 1991*jamie lee curtis
born nov 22, 1958, she starred in this movie: virus - 1998*jamie lee curtis
born oct 1, 1935, she starred in this movie: the man who loved women - 1983*julie andrews
born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: archie: to riverdale and back again - 1990*lauren holly
born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: down periscope - 1996*lauren holly
born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: turbulence - 1997*lauren holly
born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: flatliners - 1990*julia roberts
born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: michael collins - 1996*julia roberts
born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: stepmom - 1998*julia roberts
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: a dry white season - 1989*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: erik the viking - 1989*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: lovin' molly - 1974*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: loving couples - 1980*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: pretty baby - 1978*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: sweet hearts dance - 1988*susan sarandon
born oct 4, 1946, she starred in this movie: twilight - 1998*susan sarandon
born oct 8, 1949, she starred in this movie: 1492: conquest of paradise - 1992*sigourney weaver
born oct 8, 1949, she starred in this movie: copycat - 1995*sigourney weaver
born oct 8, 1949, she starred in this movie: half moon street - 1986*sigourney weaver
born on september 22, 1960 in philadelphia. played guitar with the los angeles female rock band the runaways, 1975-78. formed her backing band in 1980. starred in the 1987 film light of day as the leader of a rock band called the barbusters. name the singer*joan jett
born sep 15, 1946, he starred in this movie: jfk - 1991*tommy lee jones
born sep 15, 1946, he starred in this movie: rules of engagement - 2000*tommy lee jones
born sep 15, 1946, he starred in this movie: the betsy - 1978*tommy lee jones
born sep 15, 1946, he starred in this movie: the client - 1994*tommy lee jones
born sep 15, 1946, he starred in this movie: the eyes of laura mars - 1978*tommy lee jones
born sep 25, 1944, he starred in this movie: a perfect murder - 1998*michael douglas
born sep 25, 1944, he starred in this movie: the ghost and the darkness - 1996*michael douglas
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: dear brigitte - 1965*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: doctor at sea - 1956*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: en cas de malheur - 1958*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: l'ours et la poupee/the bear and the doll - 1970*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: la bride sur le cou - 1961*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: la verite/the truth - 1960*brigitte bardot
born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: une parisienne - 1957*brigitte bardot
born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: lady in cement - 1968*raquel welch
born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: naked gun 33 1/3: the final insult - 1994*raquel welch
born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the four musketeers - 1975*raquel welch
born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the oldest profession - 1967*raquel welch
born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the three musketeers - 1974*raquel welch
born sep 9, 1960, he starred in this movie: crossing the line - 1990*hugh grant
born sep 9, 1960, he starred in this movie: the englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain - 1995*hugh grant
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@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
capital cities: australia*canberra
capital cities: cameroon*yaounde
capital cities: côte d'ivoire*yamoussoukro
capital cities: denmark*copenhagen
capital cities: ethiopia*addis ababa
capital cities: finland*helsinki
capital cities: ghana*accra
capital cities: iceland*reykjavik
capital cities: jamaica*kingston
capital cities: monaco*monaco
capital cities: mongolia*ulaanbaatar
capital cities: oman*muscat
capital cities: papua new guinea*port moresby
capital cities: romania*bucharest
capital cities: taiwan*taipei
capital cities: tonga*nuku'alofa
capital cities: vanuatu*port vila
capital cities: western samoa*apia
capital cities: zambia*lusaka
capital city of alaska (usa)*juneau
capital city of arizona & seat of maricopa county, located on the salt river in the south central part of the state*phoenix
capital city of liberia*monrovia
capital city of quebec, canada*quebec
capital city of somalia*mogadishu
capital city of the balearic islands*palma
capital city of washington (usa)*olympia
capital l is the roman numeral for which number*fifty
capital of afghanistan*kabul
capital of argentina*buenos aires
capital of azerbaijan*baku
capital of boliva*la paz
capital of brunei*bandar seri begawan
capital of burkina faso*ougadougou
capital of chile*santiago
capital of colorado, usa*denver
capital of ecuador*quito
capital of egypt and the largest city in africa*cairo
capital of el salvador*san salvador
capital of ethiopia*addis ababa
capital of georgia (the country)*tbilisi
capital of ghana*accra
capital of iceland*reykjavik
capital of japan 794-1182ad*kyoto
capital of jordan*amman
capital of montserrat*plymouth
capital of papua new guinea*port moresby
capital of scotland*edinburgh
capital of switzerland*berne
capital of tajikistan*dushanbe
capital of the state of arkansas*little rock
capital of the state of michigan*lansing
capital of the state of new york*albany
capital of the state of north dakota*bismarck
capital of the state of oregon*salem
capital of tuscony and centre of renaissance art*florence
what is the capital of afghanistan*kabul
what is the capital of alabama*montgomery
what is the capital of alaska*juneau
what is the capital of albania*tirana
what is the capital of alberta*edmonton
what is the capital of algeria*algiers
what is the capital of andorra*andorra la vella
what is the capital of angola*luanda
what is the capital of antigua and barbuda*saint john's
what is the capital of argentina*buenos aires
what is the capital of arizona*phoenix
what is the capital of australia*canberra
what is the capital of australian capital territory*canberra
what is the capital of austria*vienna
what is the capital of azerbaijan*baku
what is the capital of bahrain*manama
what is the capital of bangladesh*dhaka
what is the capital of barbados*bridgetown
what is the capital of bavaria*munich
what is the capital of belarus*minsk
what is the capital of belgium*brussels
what is the capital of belize*belmopan
what is the capital of bermuda*hamilton
what is the capital of bolivia*la paz
what is the capital of bosnia and hercegovina*sarajevo
what is the capital of botswana*gaborone
what is the capital of brazil*brazilia
what is the capital of brunei*bandar seri
what is the capital of bulgaria*sofia
what is the capital of burkina faso*ouagadougou
what is the capital of burkino faso*ouagadougou
what is the capital of burma*rangoon
what is the capital of burundi*bujumbura
what is the capital of california*sacramento
what is the capital of cambodia*phnom penh
what is the capital of cameroon*yaounde
what is the capital of canada*ottawa
what is the capital of cape verde*praia
what is the capital of central african republic*bangui
what is the capital of chad*n'djamena
what is the capital of chechnya*grozny
what is the capital of chile*santiago
what is the capital of china*beijing
what is the capital of colombia*bogota
what is the capital of colorado*denver
what is the capital of columbia*bogota
what is the capital of comoros*moroni
what is the capital of congo*brazzaville
what is the capital of connecticut*hartford
what is the capital of costa rica*san jose
what is the capital of croatia*zagreb
what is the capital of cuba*havana
what is the capital of cyprus*nicosia
what is the capital of czech republic*prague
what is the capital of czechoslovakia*prague
what is the capital of delaware*dover
what is the capital of democratic republic of the congo*kinshasa
what is the capital of denmark*copenhagen
what is the capital of djibouti*djibouti
what is the capital of dominica*roseau
what is the capital of dominican republic*santo domingo
what is the capital of ecuador*quito
what is the capital of egypt*cairo
what is the capital of el salvador*san salvador
what is the capital of equatorial guinea*malabo
what is the capital of eritrea*asmara
what is the capital of estonia*tallinn
what is the capital of ethiopia*addis ababa
what is the capital of fiji*suva
what is the capital of finland*helsinki
what is the capital of florida*tallahassee
what is the capital of france*paris
what is the capital of french polynesia*papeete
what is the capital of gabon*libreville
what is the capital of gambia*banjul
what is the capital of georgia*atlanta
what is the capital of germany*berlin
what is the capital of ghana*accra
what is the capital of greece*athens
what is the capital of greenland*nuuk
what is the capital of grenada*saint george's
what is the capital of guam*agana
what is the capital of guatemala*guatemala
what is the capital of guinea*conakry
what is the capital of guinea-bissau*bissau
what is the capital of guyana*georgetown
what is the capital of haiti*port-au-prince
what is the capital of hawaii*honolulu
what is the capital of holland*amsterdam
what is the capital of honduras*tegucigalpla
what is the capital of hong kong*victoria
what is the capital of hungary*budapest
what is the capital of iceland*reykjavik
what is the capital of idaho*boise
what is the capital of illinois*springfield
what is the capital of india*new delhi
what is the capital of indiana*indianapolis
what is the capital of indonesia*jakarta
what is the capital of iowa*des moines
what is the capital of iran*tehran
what is the capital of iraq*baghdad
what is the capital of ireland*dublin
what is the capital of israel*jeruslam
what is the capital of italy*rome
what is the capital of ivory coast*yamoussoukro
what is the capital of jamaica*kingston
what is the capital of japan*tokyo
what is the capital of jordan*amman
what is the capital of kansas*topeka
what is the capital of kazakhstan*astana
what is the capital of kentucky*frankfort
what is the capital of kenya*nairobi
what is the capital of kiribati*bairiki
what is the capital of kosovo*pristina
what is the capital of kuwait*kuwait
what is the capital of kyrgyzstan*bishkek
what is the capital of latvia*riga
what is the capital of lebanon*beirut
what is the capital of lesotho*maseru
what is the capital of liberia*monrovia
what is the capital of libya*tripoli
what is the capital of lichtenstein*vaduz
what is the capital of liechtenstein*vaduz
what is the capital of lithuania*vilnius
what is the capital of luxemborg*luxemborg
what is the capital of luxembourg*luxembourg
what is the capital of macedonia*skopje
what is the capital of madagascar*antananarivo
what is the capital of maine*augusta
what is the capital of majorca*palma
what is the capital of malawi*lilongwe
what is the capital of malaysia*kuala lumpur
what is the capital of maldives*male
what is the capital of mali*bamako
what is the capital of malta*valletta
what is the capital of marshall islands*dalap-uliga-darrit
what is the capital of massachusetts*boston
what is the capital of mauritania*nouakchott
what is the capital of mauritius*port louis
what is the capital of mexico*mexico city
what is the capital of michigan*lansing
what is the capital of micronesia*palikir
what is the capital of minnesota*saint paul
what is the capital of mississippi*jackson
what is the capital of missouri*jefferson city
what is the capital of moldova*chisinau
what is the capital of monaco*monaco
what is the capital of mongolia*ulan bator
what is the capital of montana*helena
what is the capital of morocco*rabat
what is the capital of mozambique*maputo
what is the capital of namibia*windhoek
what is the capital of napal*kathmandu
what is the capital of nebraska*lincoln
what is the capital of nepal*katmandu
what is the capital of nevada*carson city
what is the capital of new brunswick*fredericton
what is the capital of new jersey*trenton
what is the capital of new mexico*santa fe
what is the capital of new south wales*sydney
what is the capital of new york*albany
what is the capital of new york state*albany
what is the capital of new zealand*wellington
what is the capital of nicaragua*managua
what is the capital of niger*niamey
what is the capital of nigeria*lagos
what is the capital of north carolina*raleigh
what is the capital of north dakota*bismarck
what is the capital of north dakota (usa)*bismarck
what is the capital of north korea*pyongyang
what is the capital of north vietnam*hanoi
what is the capital of northern territory*darwin
what is the capital of norway*oslo
what is the capital of nova scotia*halifax
what is the capital of ohio*columbus
what is the capital of oklahoma*oklahoma city
what is the capital of oman*muscat
what is the capital of pakistan*islamabad
what is the capital of panama*panama city
what is the capital of papua new guinea*port moresby
what is the capital of paraguay*asuncion
what is the capital of pennsylvania*harrisberg
what is the capital of peru*lima
what is the capital of philippines*manila
what is the capital of poland*warsaw
what is the capital of port moresby*port moresby
what is the capital of portugal*lisbon
what is the capital of qatar*doha
what is the capital of queensland*brisbane
what is the capital of rhode island*providence
what is the capital of romania*bucharest
what is the capital of rumania*bucharest
what is the capital of russia*moscow
what is the capital of rwanda*kigali
what is the capital of s australia*adelaide
what is the capital of saint kitts and nevis*basseterre
what is the capital of saint lucia*castries
what is the capital of saint vincent*kingstown
what is the capital of samoa*apia
what is the capital of san marino*san marino
what is the capital of saudi arabia*riyadh
what is the capital of scotland*edinburgh
what is the capital of senegal*dakar
what is the capital of seychelles*victoria
what is the capital of sicily*palermo
what is the capital of sierra leone*freetown
what is the capital of singapore*singapore
what is the capital of slovakia*bratislava
what is the capital of slovenia*ljubljana
what is the capital of solomon islands*honiara
what is the capital of somalia*mogadishu
what is the capital of south africa*pretoria
what is the capital of south australia*adelaide
what is the capital of south carolina*columbia
what is the capital of south dakota*pierre
what is the capital of south korea*seoul
what is the capital of south vietnam*saigon
what is the capital of spain*madrid
what is the capital of sri lanka*colombo
what is the capital of sudan*khartoum
what is the capital of suriname*paramaribo
what is the capital of swaziland*mbabane
what is the capital of sweden*stockholm
what is the capital of switzerland*bern
what is the capital of syria*damascus
what is the capital of tahiti*papeete
what is the capital of taiwan*taipei
what is the capital of tajikistan*dushanbe
what is the capital of tanzania*dar es salaam
what is the capital of tasmania*hobart
what is the capital of tenerife*santa cruz
what is the capital of tennessee*nashville
what is the capital of texas*austin
what is the capital of thailand*bangkok
what is the capital of the african country of the ivory coast*abidjan
what is the capital of the australia's northern territory*darwin
what is the capital of the bahamas*nassau
what is the capital of the canadian province of british columbia*victor1a
what is the capital of the canadian province of ontario*toronto
what is the capital of the central african republic*bangui
what is the capital of the country georgia*tbilisi
what is the capital of the district of kosovo*pristina
what is the capital of the dominican republic*santo domingo
what is the capital of the falkland islands*stanley
what is the capital of the falklands*port stanley
what is the capital of the former zaire*kinshasa
what is the capital of the isle of man*douglas
what is the capital of the italian province lazio*rome
what is the capital of the netherlands*amsterdam
what is the capital of the northern territorry of australia*darwin
what is the capital of the overseas department and administrative region of france, reunion*saint-denis
what is the capital of the philippines*manila
what is the capital of the republic of ireland*dublin
what is the capital of the republic of latvia*riga
what is the capital of the seychelles*victoria
what is the capital of the spanish province cantabria*santander
what is the capital of the spanish region of aragon*zaragoza
what is the capital of the spanish region of navarre*pamplona
what is the capital of the state of california*sacramento
what is the capital of the state of connecticut*hartford
what is the capital of the state of kansas*topeka
what is the capital of the state of louisiana*baton rouge
what is the capital of the state of massachusetts*boston
what is the capital of the state of minnesota*st. paul
what is the capital of the state of ohio*columbus
what is the capital of the state of oklahoma*oklahoma city
what is the capital of the state of virginia*richmond
what is the capital of the state of west virginia*charleston
what is the capital of the state of wisconsin*madison
what is the capital of the united arab emirates*abu dhabi
what is the capital of the united states*washington dc
what is the capital of the us state of delaware*dover
what is the capital of the us state of oregon*salem
what is the capital of the yemen*sana'a
what is the capital of togo*lome
what is the capital of tonga*nuku'alofa
what is the capital of trinidad and tobago*port-of-spain
what is the capital of tristan da cunha*edinburgh
what is the capital of tunisia*tunis
what is the capital of turkey*ankara
what is the capital of turkmenistan*ashgabat
what is the capital of tuvalu*fanafuti
what is the capital of uganda*kampala
what is the capital of ukraine*kiev
what is the capital of united kingdom*london
what is the capital of uruguay*montevideo
what is the capital of utah*salt lake city
what is the capital of uzbekistan*tashkent
what is the capital of vanuatu*port-vila
what is the capital of venezuela*caracas
what is the capital of vermont*montpelier
what is the capital of vietnam*hanoi
what is the capital of virginia*richmond
what is the capital of wales*cardiff
what is the capital of wales?*cardiff
what is the capital of washington state*olympia
what is the capital of west germany*bonn
what is the capital of west virginia*charleston
what is the capital of western australia*perth
what is the capital of western samoa*apia
what is the capital of wisconsin*madison
what is the capital of wyoming*cheyenne
what is the capital of yemen*sanaa
what is the capital of yugoslavia*belgrade
what is the capital of zaire*kinshasa
what is the capital of zambia*lusaka
what is the capital of zimbabwe*harare
what is the capital of: afghanistan*kabul
what is the capital of: albania*tirana
what is the capital of: algeria*algiers
what is the capital of: american samoa*pago pago
what is the capital of: andorra*andorra la vella
what is the capital of: angola*luanda
what is the capital of: anguilla*the valley
what is the capital of: antigua and barbuda*saint john's
what is the capital of: argentina*buenos aires
what is the capital of: armenia*yerevan
what is the capital of: aruba*oranjestad
what is the capital of: australia*canberra
what is the capital of: austria*vienna
what is the capital of: azerbaijan*baku
what is the capital of: bahamas, the*nassau
what is the capital of: bahrain*manama
what is the capital of: bangladesh*dhaka
what is the capital of: barbados*bridgetown
what is the capital of: belarus*minsk
what is the capital of: belgium*brussels
what is the capital of: belize*belmopan
what is the capital of: benin*porto-novo
what is the capital of: bermuda*hamilton
what is the capital of: bhutan*thimphu
what is the capital of: bolivia*la paz
what is the capital of: bosnia and herzegovina*sarajevo
what is the capital of: botswana*gaborone
what is the capital of: brazil*brasilia
what is the capital of: british virgin islands*road town
what is the capital of: brunei*bandar seri begawan
what is the capital of: bulgaria*sofia
what is the capital of: burkina faso*ouagadougou
what is the capital of: burma*rangoon
what is the capital of: burundi*bujumbura
what is the capital of: cambodia*phnom penh
what is the capital of: cameroon*yaounde
what is the capital of: canada*ottawa
what is the capital of: cape verde*praia
what is the capital of: cayman islands*george town
what is the capital of: central african republic*bangui
what is the capital of: chad*n'djamena
what is the capital of: chile*santiago
what is the capital of: china*beijing
what is the capital of: christmas island*the settlement
what is the capital of: cocos islands*west island
what is the capital of: colombia*bogota
what is the capital of: comoros*moroni
what is the capital of: congo ,republic of the*brazzaville
what is the capital of: congo, dem. rep. of the*kinshasa
what is the capital of: cook islands*avarua
what is the capital of: costa rica*san jose
what is the capital of: cote d'ivoire*yamoussoukro
what is the capital of: croatia*zagreb
what is the capital of: cuba*havana
what is the capital of: cyprus*nicosia
what is the capital of: czech republic*prague
what is the capital of: denmark*copenhagen
what is the capital of: djibouti*djibouti
what is the capital of: dominica*roseau
what is the capital of: dominican republic*santo domingo
what is the capital of: ecuador*quito
what is the capital of: egypt*cairo
what is the capital of: el salvador*san salvador
what is the capital of: equatorial guinea*malabo
what is the capital of: eritrea*asmara
what is the capital of: estonia*tallinn
what is the capital of: ethiopia*addis ababa
what is the capital of: falkland islands (islas malvinas)*stanley
what is the capital of: faroe islands*torshavn
what is the capital of: fiji*suva
what is the capital of: finland*helsinki
what is the capital of: france*paris
what is the capital of: french guiana*cayenne
what is the capital of: french polynesia*papeete
what is the capital of: gabon*libreville
what is the capital of: gambia ,the*banjul
what is the capital of: georgia*t'bilisi
what is the capital of: germany*berlin
what is the capital of: ghana*accra
what is the capital of: gibraltar*gibraltar
what is the capital of: greece*athens
what is the capital of: greenland*nuuk
what is the capital of: grenada*saint george's
what is the capital of: guadeloupe*basse-terre
what is the capital of: guam*hagatna
what is the capital of: guatemala*guatemala
what is the capital of: guernsey*saint peter port
what is the capital of: guinea*conakry
what is the capital of: guinea-bissau*bissau
what is the capital of: guyana*georgetown
what is the capital of: haiti*port-au-prince
what is the capital of: holy see (vatican city)*vatican city
what is the capital of: honduras*tegucigalpa
what is the capital of: hong kong sar*victoria
what is the capital of: hungary*budapest
what is the capital of: iceland*reykjavik
what is the capital of: india*new delhi
what is the capital of: indonesia*jakarta
what is the capital of: iran*tehran
what is the capital of: iraq*baghdad
what is the capital of: ireland*dublin
what is the capital of: israel*jerusalem
what is the capital of: italy*rome
what is the capital of: jamaica*kingston
what is the capital of: japan*tokyo
what is the capital of: jersey*saint helier
what is the capital of: jordan*amman
what is the capital of: kazakhstan*astana
what is the capital of: kenya*nairobi
what is the capital of: kiribati*tarawa
what is the capital of: korea north*p'yongyang
what is the capital of: korea south*seoul
what is the capital of: kuwait*kuwait
what is the capital of: kyrgyzstan*bishkek
what is the capital of: laos*vientiane
what is the capital of: latvia*riga
what is the capital of: lebanon*beirut
what is the capital of: lesotho*maseru
what is the capital of: liberia*monrovia
what is the capital of: libya*tripoli
what is the capital of: liechtenstein*vaduz
what is the capital of: lithuania*vilnius
what is the capital of: luxembourg*luxembourg
what is the capital of: macau sar*macau
what is the capital of: macedonia*skopje
what is the capital of: madagascar*antananarivo
what is the capital of: malawi*lilongwe
what is the capital of: malaysia*kuala lumpur
what is the capital of: maldives*male
what is the capital of: mali*bamako
what is the capital of: malta*valletta
what is the capital of: man, isle of*douglas
what is the capital of: marshall islands*majuro
what is the capital of: martinique*fort-de-france
what is the capital of: mauritania*nouakchott
what is the capital of: mauritius*port louis
what is the capital of: mayotte*mamoutzou
what is the capital of: mexico*mexico
what is the capital of: micronesia, federated states of*palikir
what is the capital of: moldova*chisinau
what is the capital of: monaco*monaco
what is the capital of: mongolia*ulaanbaatar
what is the capital of: montserrat*plymouth
what is the capital of: morocco*rabat
what is the capital of: mozambique*maputo
what is the capital of: namibia*windhoek
what is the capital of: nauru*no official capital
what is the capital of: nepal*kathmandu
what is the capital of: netherlands*amsterdam
what is the capital of: netherlands antilles*willemstad
what is the capital of: new caledonia*noumea
what is the capital of: new zealand*wellington
what is the capital of: nicaragua*managua
what is the capital of: niger*niamey
what is the capital of: nigeria*abuja
what is the capital of: niue*alofi
what is the capital of: norfolk island*kingston
what is the capital of: northern mariana islands*saipan
what is the capital of: norway*oslo
what is the capital of: oman*muscat
what is the capital of: pakistan*islamabad
what is the capital of: palau*koror
what is the capital of: panama*panama
what is the capital of: papua new guinea*port moresby
what is the capital of: paraguay*asuncion
what is the capital of: peru*lima
what is the capital of: philippines*manila
what is the capital of: pitcairn islands*adamstown
what is the capital of: poland*warsaw
what is the capital of: portugal*lisbon
what is the capital of: puerto rico*san juan
what is the capital of: qatar*doha
what is the capital of: reunion*saint-denis
what is the capital of: romania*bucharest
what is the capital of: russia*moscow
what is the capital of: rwanda*kigali
what is the capital of: saint helena*jamestown
what is the capital of: saint kitts and nevis*basseterre
what is the capital of: saint lucia*castries
what is the capital of: saint pierre and miquelon*saint-pierre
what is the capital of: saint vincent and the grenadines*kingstown
what is the capital of: samoa*apia
what is the capital of: san marino*san marino
what is the capital of: sao tome and principe*sao tome
what is the capital of: saudi arabia*riyadh
what is the capital of: senegal*dakar
what is the capital of: serbia and montenegro*belgrade
what is the capital of: seychelles*victoria
what is the capital of: sierra leone*freetown
what is the capital of: singapore*singapore
what is the capital of: slovakia*bratislava
what is the capital of: slovenia*ljubljana
what is the capital of: solomon islands*honiara
what is the capital of: somalia*mogadishu
what is the capital of: south africa*pretoria
what is the capital of: spain*madrid
what is the capital of: sri lanka*colombo
what is the capital of: sudan*khartoum
what is the capital of: suriname*paramaribo
what is the capital of: svalbard*longyearbyen
what is the capital of: swaziland*mbabane
what is the capital of: sweden*stockholm
what is the capital of: switzerland*bern
what is the capital of: syria*damascus
what is the capital of: taiwan*taipei
what is the capital of: tajikistan*dushanbe
what is the capital of: tanzania*dar es salaam
what is the capital of: thailand*bangkok
what is the capital of: togo*lome
what is the capital of: tokelau*no official capital
what is the capital of: tonga*nuku'alofa
what is the capital of: trinidad and tobago*port-of-spain
what is the capital of: tunisia*tunis
what is the capital of: turkey*ankara
what is the capital of: turkmenistan*ashgabat
what is the capital of: turks and caicos islands*grand turk
what is the capital of: tuvalu*funafuti
what is the capital of: uganda*kampala
what is the capital of: ukraine*kiev
what is the capital of: united arab emirates*abu dhabi
what is the capital of: united kingdom*london
what is the capital of: united states*washington dc
what is the capital of: uruguay*montevideo
what is the capital of: uzbekistan*tashkent
what is the capital of: vanuatu*port-vila
what is the capital of: venezuela*caracas
what is the capital of: vietnam*hanoi
what is the capital of: virgin islands*charlotte amalie
what is the capital of: wallis and futuna*mata-utu
what is the capital of: yemen*sanaa
what is the capital of: zambia*lusaka
what is the capital of: zimbabwe*harare
what is the capital city of afganistan*kabul
what is the capital city of albania*tirana
what is the capital city of andorra*andorra la vella
what is the capital city of australia*canberra
what is the capital city of austria*vienna
what is the capital city of azerbaijan*baku
what is the capital city of bahrain*manama
what is the capital city of bangladesh*dhaka or dacca
what is the capital city of belarus*minsk
what is the capital city of belgium*brussels
what is the capital city of benin*porto-novo
what is the capital city of bosnia & herzegovina*serajevo
what is the capital city of botswana*gaberone
what is the capital city of brazil*brasilia
what is the capital city of bulgaria*sofia
what is the capital city of burkina faso*ouagadougou
what is the capital city of burundi*bujumbura
what is the capital city of cambodia*phnom penh
what is the capital city of cameroon*yaounde
what is the capital city of canada*ottawa
what is the capital city of cape verde*praia
what is the capital city of chad*n'djamena
what is the capital city of chile*santiago
what is the capital city of china*beijing
what is the capital city of comoros*moroni
what is the capital city of croatia*zagreb
what is the capital city of cyprus*nicosia
what is the capital city of czech republic*prague
what is the capital city of denmark*copenhagen
what is the capital city of djibouti*djibouti
what is the capital city of equatorial guinea*malabo
what is the capital city of eritrea*asmera
what is the capital city of estonia*tallinn
what is the capital city of ethiopia*addis ababa
what is the capital city of finland*helsinki
what is the capital city of france*paris
what is the capital city of gabon*libreville
what is the capital city of georgia*tibilisi
what is the capital city of germany*berlin
what is the capital city of ghana*accra
what is the capital city of greece*athens
what is the capital city of hungary*budapest
what is the capital city of iceland*reykjavik
what is the capital city of india*new delhi
what is the capital city of ireland*dublin city
what is the capital city of italy*rome
what is the capital city of japan*tohkyo city
what is the capital city of latvia*riga
what is the capital city of lebanon*beirut
what is the capital city of liberia*monrovia
what is the capital city of liechtenstein*vaduz
what is the capital city of lithuania*vilnius
what is the capital city of luxembourg*luxembourg
what is the capital city of macedonia*skopje
what is the capital city of madagascar*antananarivo
what is the capital city of malawi*lilonqwe
what is the capital city of mali*bamoko
what is the capital city of malta*valletta
what is the capital city of mauritania*nouakchott
what is the capital city of moldova*chisinau
what is the capital city of monaco*monaco
what is the capital city of morocco*rabat
what is the capital city of mozambique*maputo
what is the capital city of namibia*windhoek
what is the capital city of netherlands*amsterdam
what is the capital city of new zealand*wellington
what is the capital city of niger*niamey
what is the capital city of nigeria*abuja
what is the capital city of norway*oslo
what is the capital city of pakistan*islamabad
what is the capital city of papua new guinea*port moresby
what is the capital city of poland*warsaw
what is the capital city of portugal*lisbon
what is the capital city of romania*bucharest
what is the capital city of russia*moscow
what is the capital city of rwanda*kigali
what is the capital city of san marino*san marino
what is the capital city of senegal*dakar
what is the capital city of sierra leone*freetown
what is the capital city of slovakia*bratislava
what is the capital city of somalia*mogadishu
what is the capital city of spain*madrid
what is the capital city of sri lanka*colombo
what is the capital city of surinam*paramaribo
what is the capital city of swaziland*mbabane
what is the capital city of sweden*stockholm
what is the capital city of switzerland*bern
what is the capital city of tanzania*dodoma
what is the capital city of tennessee*nashville
what is the capital city of the gambia*banjul
what is the capital city of the ivory coast*abidjan
what is the capital city of the kingdom of tonga*nuku'alofa
what is the capital city of the middle east state of qatar*doha
what is the capital city of the state of texas*austin
what is the capital city of the sudan*khartoum
what is the capital city of the united states of america*washington d.c.
what is the capital city of the us*washington d.c.
what is the capital city of togo*lome
what is the capital city of tunisia*tunis
what is the capital city of turkey*ankara
what is the capital city of ukraine*kiev
what is the capital city of united kingsdom*london
what is the capital city of vatican state*vatican city
what is the capital city of venezuela*caracas
what is the capital city of yugoslavia (serbia)*belgrade
what is the capital city of zimbabwe*harare
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
castle & seige terminology: a constituent portion or compartment of a building, complete in itself and corresponding to other portions*bay
castle & seige terminology: a deep trench dug around a castle to prevent access from the surrounding land? it could be either left dry or filled with water*moat
castle & seige terminology: a form of catapult*mangonel
castle & seige terminology: a heavy timber platform built to span a moat between a gate house and surrounding land that could be raised when required to block an entrance*drawbridge
castle & seige terminology: a hole intentionally left in the surface of a wall for insertion of a horizontal pole*putlog hole
castle & seige terminology: a mat of woven sticks and weeds*wattle
castle & seige terminology: a mud of clay mixture applied over wattle to strengthen and seal it*daub
castle & seige terminology: a narrow vertical slit cut into a wall through which arrows could be fired*arrow loop
castle & seige terminology: a notched battlement made up of alternate crenels (openings) and merlons (square saw-teeth)*crenelation
castle & seige terminology: a projectin in front of a keep or donjon, containing the stairs to the main entrance*forebuilding
castle & seige terminology: a projection in the battlements of a wall with openings through which missiles can be dropped on besiegers*machicolation
castle & seige terminology: a short shaft, such as is used in balustrades, usually thicker in the middle than at the ends*baluster
castle & seige terminology: a slender piece of stone used to decorate the tops of the merlons*finial
castle & seige terminology: a sloping part of a curtain wall? the sharp angle at the base of all walls and towers along their exterior surface*batter
castle & seige terminology: a small open turret placed on a roof as an outlet for smoke*lantern or louvre
castle & seige terminology: a small tower at the end of a curtain wall or in the middle of the outside wall*bastion
castle & seige terminology: a small tower rising above and resting on one of the main towers, usually used as a lookout point*turret
castle & seige terminology: a square or rectangular pillar, engaged in, and projecting slightly from, a wall*pilaster
castle & seige terminology: a stone or timber bracket supporting a projection from a wall*corbel
castle & seige terminology: a sturdy wooden fence usually built to enclose a site until a permanent stone wall could be erected*palisade
castle & seige terminology: a surface formed by paring off an angle*chamfer
castle & seige terminology: a temporary wooden balcony suspended from the tops of walls and towers before a battle, from which missiles and arrows could be dropped or fired accurately toward the base of the wall*hoarding
castle & seige terminology: an angle, the ground contained by which cannot be seen by the defenders, and is therefore indefensible*dead angle
castle & seige terminology: an earthwork mound on which a castle was built*motte
castle & seige terminology: an enclosing wall, usually exterior, of a fortified place*enceinte
castle & seige terminology: an outwork or forward extension of a castle gateway*barbican
castle & seige terminology: arrow loop, slit in battlement or wall to permit firing of arrows, or for observation*meurtriere
castle & seige terminology: assault tower*cat
castle & seige terminology: courtyard*bailey
castle & seige terminology: courtyard or bailey*ward
castle & seige terminology: dressed corner-stones*quoins
castle & seige terminology: engine resembling a crossbow, used in hurling missiles or large arrows*ballista
castle & seige terminology: flat space between the base of the curtain wall and the inner edge of the moat*berm
castle & seige terminology: inner walled enclosure of a castle*chemise
castle & seige terminology: narrow wall built along the outer edge of the wall walk*battlement
castle & seige terminology: one of the timber frames built to support the roof over the great hall*truss
castle & seige terminology: originally a room above ground level, but commonly applied to the great chamber or a private sitting room off the great hall*solar
castle & seige terminology: principal living quarters of a medieval castle or house*hall
castle & seige terminology: projecting room on an upper floor*oriel
castle & seige terminology: protective wall at the top of a fortification, around the outer side of the wall-walk*parapet
castle & seige terminology: redoubt or outwork*bastille
castle & seige terminology: room for the service of beverages*buttery
castle & seige terminology: scaling of a castle wall*escalade
castle & seige terminology: secondary gate or door*postern or sally-port
castle & seige terminology: servants' hall*hall for hynds
castle & seige terminology: small latrine or toilet, either built into the thickness of the wall or projected out from it*garderobe
castle & seige terminology: stone-throwing engine, usually employing torsion*catapult
castle & seige terminology: the angular edges formed by the intersection of vaults in a ceiling*groining
castle & seige terminology: the area around the outside of and adjacent to the inner curtain*outer ward
castle & seige terminology: the building in the inner ward that housed the main meeting and dining area for the castle's residents*great hall
castle & seige terminology: the common form of medieval construction in which walls were made of a wooden frame structure filled with wattle and daub*half-timber
castle & seige terminology: the complex of towers, bridges, and barriers built to protect each entrance through a castle or town wall*gate house
castle & seige terminology: the high part of the square 'sawtooth' between crenels in a battlement*merlon
castle & seige terminology: the high wall that surrounds the inner ward*inner curtain
castle & seige terminology: the inner stronghold of a castle, usually found in one of the towers*dongjon or keep
castle & seige terminology: the low segment of the alternating high and low segments of a battlement*embrasure
castle & seige terminology: the man responsible for running the day-to-day affairs of the castle in the absence of the lord*steward
castle & seige terminology: the mass of masonry between arches and other openings*pier
castle & seige terminology: the open area in the center of a castle*inner ward
castle & seige terminology: the opening in a wall in which the waste from one or more garderobes was collected*cesspit
castle & seige terminology: the placing of stones aslant in a wall so that each two rows form a succession of angles resembling the backbone of a herring*herring-bone pattern
castle & seige terminology: the spaces between the mullions of a window*lights
castle & seige terminology: the temporary wooden framework built next to a wall to support both workers and materials*scaffolding
castle & seige terminology: the vertical divisions of stone or wood between the lights of windows*mullions
castle & seige terminology: the wall which enclosed the outer ward*outer curtain
castle & seige terminology: those portions of a fortified wall which connect adjacent flanking-towers*curtain
castle & seige terminology: undermining, as of a castle wall*sapping
castle & seige terminology: vertical sliding wooden grille shod with iron suspended in front of a gateway, let down to protect the gate*portcullis
castle & seige terminology: wall-walk, passage behind the parapet of a castle wall*allure
castle & seige terminology: war engine developed in the middle ages employing counterpoise*trebuchet
castle & seige terminology: war engine of the catapult type, employing tension*springald
castle & seige terminology: wooden partition at the kitchen end of a hall, protecting a passage leading to the buttery, pantry, and kitchen*screens
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
cryptic group names: 40w bulb band*electric light orchestra
cryptic group names: a senior teacher speaking*talking heads
cryptic group names: armadas oak coat*fleetwood mac
cryptic group names: aviation strikers*flying pickets
cryptic group names: babies on the slab*new kids on the block
cryptic group names: back to normal*status quo
cryptic group names: barbers century*haircut 100
cryptic group names: big band moving at night*orchestral manoeurvres in the dark
cryptic group names: bird of prey with colic*hawk wind
cryptic group names: both of you*u2
cryptic group names: butchers bread*meat loaf
cryptic group names: cabinet makers*carpenters
cryptic group names: centre line on street*middle of the road
cryptic group names: change pictures*altered images
cryptic group names: cheerful start to the week*happy mondays
cryptic group names: colliding lips*kiss
cryptic group names: coloured sweating capsicums*hot chili peppers
cryptic group names: correct commented trueman*right said fred
cryptic group names: creepy crawlies*beatles
cryptic group names: dark carton*black box
cryptic group names: dark sunday*black sabbath
cryptic group names: desperate trouble*dire straits
cryptic group names: dirty, breezy & hot*earth, wind and fire
cryptic group names: doggy bark*bow wow wow
cryptic group names: easily readable*simply red
cryptic group names: east end revolutionary*cockney rebel
cryptic group names: eastern problem*china crisis
cryptic group names: entrance way & horse food*hall and oates
cryptic group names: first man insects*adam ant
cryptic group names: fun park magnetic effect*fairground attraction
cryptic group names: get paste from a tube*squeeze
cryptic group names: gorgeous direction*beautiful south
cryptic group names: gp is snagged*doctor hook
cryptic group names: grafting blokes*men at work
cryptic group names: green house plants*hot house flowers
cryptic group names: hamlet humans*village people
cryptic group names: hard of hearing wildcat*def leopard
cryptic group names: hebrew beginning*genesis
cryptic group names: identical pair sub machine guns*thompson twins
cryptic group names: igloo*ice house
cryptic group names: in a hurry*rush
cryptic group names: insanity*madness
cryptic group names: japanese crash*clash
cryptic group names: jungle swingers*monkees
cryptic group names: lads area*boyzone
cryptic group names: late night athlete on deck 'c'*dexy's midnight runners
cryptic group names: merlin*wizard
cryptic group names: metal airship*led zeppelin
cryptic group names: mister sinatra is off to make a film*frankie goes to hollywood
cryptic group names: msc. bsc b.eng.*three degrees
cryptic group names: next command*new order
cryptic group names: non british person*foreigner
cryptic group names: nookie guns*sex pistols
cryptic group names: nosy dead pussy*curiosity killed the cat
cryptic group names: not a good firm*bad company
cryptic group names: nuclear cockerel*atomic rooster
cryptic group names: nun toboggan*sister sledge
cryptic group names: obese children*fat boys
cryptic group names: orange and champagne*bucks fizz
cryptic group names: pale serpent*white snake
cryptic group names: palindrome*abba
cryptic group names: part time coppers*specials
cryptic group names: plasters*band aid
cryptic group names: popular doctor*who
cryptic group names: prosperous city vermin*boomtown rats
cryptic group names: ready to assemble vegetable*prefab sprout
cryptic group names: refinement association*culture club
cryptic group names: reverse male revolving in top gear*bachmann turner overdrive
cryptic group names: revolvers and flowers*guns and roses
cryptic group names: rising sun*dawn
cryptic group names: robert peels men*police
cryptic group names: rotten etiquette*bad manners
cryptic group names: rub out midge*erasure
cryptic group names: sad fur coat*blue mink
cryptic group names: scrounge a baby cooing*kajagoogoo
cryptic group names: sea blue backdrop*ocean colour scene
cryptic group names: sibling of the bard*shakespeare's sister
cryptic group names: silhouettes*shadows
cryptic group names: single blokes*bachelors
cryptic group names: skinny betty*thin lizzy
cryptic group names: skinny bond character*boney m
cryptic group names: smooth baby carnivores*fine young cannibals
cryptic group names: sobs in panic*tears for fears
cryptic group names: south american instamatic*aztec camera
cryptic group names: spinning rocks*rolling stones
cryptic group names: stop jock & stop jock*womack and womack
cryptic group names: the german without mary or midge*mungo jerry
cryptic group names: the lads that sell mice*pet shop boys
cryptic group names: throttlers*stranglers
cryptic group names: tissue shoe tie*paper lace
cryptic group names: treacherous vicar*judas priest
cryptic group names: triple soaking*wet wet wet
cryptic group names: unemployment card*ub 40
cryptic group names: unglossy cinzano*matt bianco
cryptic group names: warm galaxy*hot chocolate
cryptic group names: wet soil*mud
cryptic group names: year quarters*the four seasons
cryptic group names: youth association at whipsnade*yazoo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
Dark Angel: 'this is eyes-only, streaming _______ _______'*freedom video
Dark Angel: according to sketchy what would guys obsess about if they didn't obsess about their jobs*sex
Dark Angel: alec is x5-###*492
Dark Angel: during the escape which x5 (that we know about) changed her mind and refused to escape with the others*jace
Dark Angel: during the escape which x5 was shot and killed by lydecker*eva
Dark Angel: fill in the blank: according to zack none of the x5s can lead a normal life because they are ____________ .*soldiers
Dark Angel: fill in the blank: during the escape lydecker issued the following orders '... if any of them make it to the perimeter ___ ___ __ _______.'*you are to terminate
Dark Angel: how cold was it outside*10 degrees
Dark Angel: how did the x5s get out of the building*jumped out of a window
Dark Angel: how do eyes only's cable hacks begin (seven words)*do not attempt to adjust your set...
Dark Angel: how does logan know eyes-only*he is him
Dark Angel: how long does a 'streaming freedom bulletin' last*60 seconds
Dark Angel: how long was zack in custody for armed robbery shortly after the manticore escape*4 hours
Dark Angel: how many x5s escaped*12
Dark Angel: how was max separated from the others during the escape*she fell through the ice
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', how does max get the money she needs*she robs the impound yard
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', how much does vogelsang want for his information about manticore*$15,000
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', how much is the fine max has to pay before the impound yard will give her bike back*$3,000
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what did max tell bling she was going to go read logan at the end of the episode*bedtime story
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what did sam call normal*sir
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what does max's coffee taste like*goat urine
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what happend to winston*herbal kicked him out
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what is valerie's pet name for logan*loogie
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', what is zack's barcode number*330417291599
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', where does druid tell sam that eagle street is across from*power nipple
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', who killed vogelsang*zack
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', why can't max get her barcode removed*it's etched into her genetic code
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', why did normal fire herbal*he was smoking marijuana
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', why did valerie drop by to see logan*to get money
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl', why was max's motorcycle impounded*her taillight was broken
Dark Angel: in '411 on the dl,' by what name is zack going by*sam
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', how much did logan win at basketball*he wasn't playing for money
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', how much did the dress max picked out cost*$6000
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what color was duvier's sweater*blue
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what color was the car max 'borrowed'*silver
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what color was the dress*red
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what did angelo biondello call max*messenger
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what did original cindy want in exchange for helping normal*an apology
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what is defenestration*tossing someone out of a window
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', what was aunt margo wearing that had belonged to logan's mother*a necklace
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', where did logan go to run his errand before he met max at the airport*the morgue
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', which family gathering did logan invite max to*easter party
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', who caught the bouquet*original cindy
Dark Angel: in 'art attack', why didn't logan want to go to his cousin's wedding*his uncle jonas
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what did max name the boy who got shot*bullet
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what did max name the boy who objected to the group needing names*alec
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what did max name the girl who excelled in diagnostics*fixit
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what did max name the girl who threw up*ralph
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what did max name the x8*bugler
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what excuse did max give normal for her three month vacation*medical emergency
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what message did the signal satellite display at the end of the episode*scatter and go to ground
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what message did the signal satellite display in the beginning of the episode*regroup
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what proof did she give normal that she had a heart transplant*showed him a scar
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', what was the last thing they had to do as soldiers before they split up according to max*have a moment of silence for fallen comrades
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', who or what did the government blame for the fire at the 'va hospital' that was manticore's cover*the s1w
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', who rescued five of the kids from the rendezvous point*max
Dark Angel: in 'bag 'em', why is max so special (why does white want to capture her more than the rest)*she has no junk dna
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof' zack tell max, 'i remember the morning of the escape getting into cheyenne around 7 am. the streets were just starting to fill with people. not soldiers or doctors just regular people on their way to work. it scared the hell out of me. as far as i was concerned they were all the enemy and i was ____________ ___________'*completely outnumbered
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' after losing to max at chess what does logan accuse her of abusing her superpower to take advantage*mere mortals
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' for what reason does matt say normal has an outstanding warrant*unpaid speeding tickets
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how did max call for help*cell phone
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how does logan get the blood he needs*max is a universal donor
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how does max get out of the market*she swings out
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how many chess games has max won against logan so far*five
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how much does max win at crash with her bike stunts*$75
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' how much is the reward lydecker is offering for max*$50,000
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' what is logan's blood type*ab-
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' where do max and zack spend the night*cale family cabin
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' which hospital is logan taken to*metro medical
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' which market did max get cornered in*south street
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' who does lydecker catch*zack
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' who does normal leave in charge of jampony while he runs his 'errand'*sketchy
Dark Angel: in 'blah blah woof woof,' zack turns himself in for who's murder*vogelsang
Dark Angel: in 'boo', how did asha introduce herself*i'm the supreme commandant of s1w
Dark Angel: in 'boo', how did logan introduce himself to the religious leader*i'm eyes only
Dark Angel: in 'boo', how did max get sally to talk*she gave him a swirly
Dark Angel: in 'boo', how did max spend the rest of her night*trick or treating with joshua
Dark Angel: in 'boo', how long did katarina say they had been out of manticore*3 months
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what book (and movie) did asha act out in the charades game*little woman
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what country did rafer think joshua was from*germany
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what did joshua, katarina, and deiter order*haggis
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what favor did logan ask of the religious leader*to marry him and asha
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what game did max tell rafer they were playing*scavenger hunt
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what messenger service did sally need to pick up a package from*jampony
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what type of dna was added to sally's cocktail*starfish
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what was rafer's costume*a genetically engineered killing machine
Dark Angel: in 'boo', what was sketchy dressed up as*dracula
Dark Angel: in 'boo', when they reached the place where the religious leader was going to be killed where did max first assign joshua to cover*basement
Dark Angel: in 'boo', where was sally going to go after he picked up the package*crash
Dark Angel: in 'boo', which religious leader was his target*father mccallister
Dark Angel: in 'boo', who hired sally to assassinate someone*peirpoint lempkin
Dark Angel: in 'boo', who were logan and asha trying to stop at the beginning of the episode*an assassin
Dark Angel: in 'boo', who's face did rafer's mother see in her crystal ball while she was reading max's fortune*death's
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', about how long was max locked in the closet with alec, waiting for the guards to change shifts*1 hour
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', how do max and logan spend the last few minutes of the 'cure'*talking
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', how long will the cure work*12 hours
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', how much did max's lab tech friend want for the cure*$20,000
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', what did max give logan after the game*a beer
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', what do the first few victims of the transgenic have in common*they all have the same dentist
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', what is the name of the new transgenic*gossamer
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', what movie does max plan to steal to get the money for the cure*star wars episode vii
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', what was the lab tech worried that max would do*cry
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', which character actually said the phrase 'borrowed time'*alec
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', who does alec meet at crash after the heist*asha
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', who interrupted max and logan*joshua
Dark Angel: in 'borrowed time', who won the pool game between logan and alec*logan
Dark Angel: in 'brainiac', finish the quote 'break __ ___'*an egg
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', how does max distract the guard from the municipal city hall*floods the bathroom
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', how long does sketchy have to recover the money he lost*36 hours
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', how much did max and original cindy win, other than a gold watch and st. anthony medal*$15,234
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', how much money do max and original cindy win at roulette*$3,000
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', in the very beginning of this episode who is responsible for having alina kidnapped*logan cale
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', other than money and a watch what did max and original cindy win*st. anthony medal
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what color was the balloon max remembers from a drill back at manticore*red
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what does c.r.e.a.m. stand for*cash rules everything around me
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what does logan give matt*a gameboy
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what does logan give max for her birthday*a gun
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what does max leave alina with*her hate
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what does max tell logan she excelled in as a child*telecommunications
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what is max's last hand in the poker game*strait flush
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what is the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil*a good man to do nothing
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what newspaper did logan and nathan work together on*pacific free press
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', what present did max get logan*a grapefruit
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', which day did max pick for her birthday*yesterday
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', which x5 goes and gets the balloon*zack
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', who discovered nathan herrero was missing*rebecca, his housekeeper
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', who killed nathan herrero*alina
Dark Angel: in 'c.r.e.a.m', why doesn't max accept logan's gift*just a rule
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', how does max get the guards to open her cell door*she hangs herself
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', what favor does lydecker's 'friend' ask of him*never asked him for anything
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', what happens to brin*lydecker takes her back to manticore
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', what is the name of the person interested in buying jampony*sivapathasundaram
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', what is wrong with brin*she has progeria
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', what sarcastic reason does max give lydecker for the escape*they wanted to start a rock band
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', when was lydecker's wife murdered*1995
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', which class did max accuse zack of sleeping through*recon 101
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', who did normal make employee of the week*herbal
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', who does zack consider the biggest threat to max's safety*logan
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', who is normal's hero*george bush, sr.
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', who was captured by a group of men in black suvs*brin
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', why does herbal want a personal day next friday*to go to a concert
Dark Angel: in 'cold confort', why isn't kendra home*she's on a date
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', approximately how long can an x5 last without food or water*six days
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', how long did renfro leave max without food or water*a week
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', what favor did asha ask of logan*to let her store a box in his apartment
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', what happened to max's x7 copy*she developed progeria
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', what interrupted logan's broadcast of manticore's location*his internet connection failed
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', what is her breeding partner's designation*x5-494
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', what is the name of the group that helped logan hold up the va's office*s1w
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', when did eyes only say that manticore began*early 1990s
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who came to visit max after renfro had her tortured to give up what she knew about eyes only*alec
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who does max meet in the basement of manticore*joshua
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who let the dogs (and all the other manticore creations) out*max
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who shot logan*lydecker
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who transmitted the interrupted cable hack about manticore's location*max
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', who was the assassin that manticore sent after logan*max
Dark Angel: in 'designate this', why didn't original cindy want to deliver a package to sector four*it was raining
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', for which reason does max say she is leaving the prison*too many rules
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', how did break distract the guards*sings opera
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', how does break get the milk for max*from another inmate
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', to whom did logan say 'why does everyone keep saying that?'*bling
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what did original cindy and kendra do to max's pills*flushed them down the toilet
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what does break promise his guard friend to get original cindy assigned to a work detail in the warden's house*shoes
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what does logan call max, when original cindy asks if he likes her*a good girl
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what food does max ask for that is high in tryptophan*milk
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what supplement does max need to fend off her seizures*tryptophan
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what was max doing when the pulse hit*hiding
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what was max hiding under when the pulse hit*the stairs
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', what was the name of max's foster sister*lucy
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', where did original cindy smuggle max's pills inside the prison*in her hair
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', where was logan when the pulse hit*on a yacht
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', which prison was max taken to*langford
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', who does maria remind max of*lucy
Dark Angel: in 'flushed', who was serving time for putting up a poster*break
Dark Angel: in 'freak nation', what were the group of elite warrors called*phalanx
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', by what mob name does dougie colantonio go by*books
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what color is the wig max wore on her undercover operation*blonde
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what condition did the informant suffer from*narcolepsy
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what did logan call the mob boss eyes only is trying to take down*capo di tutti capi
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what did normal make for alec*a pair of shorts
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what did sketchy confess to mia*his goal to become a tabliod reporter
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what division at manticore was mia from*psyops
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what information did max refuse to betray to mia*the identity of eyes only
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what job did normal give mia*dispatcher
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what name did alec fight under*the marvelous monty cora
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what name did max fight under*the curvaceous killer
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what was her specialty*telecoercion
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', what was the mob boss disguised as*a woman
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', when max went undercover what name did she use*dorothy
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', who interupted logan and alec's hug*sketchy
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', who is the name of the would-be informant eyes only is trying to turn*dougie colantonio
Dark Angel: in 'fuhgeddaboutit', who won the elimination night*max
Dark Angel: in 'gill girl', what did the 'merman' keep his eggs in*tire
Dark Angel: in 'gill girl', what did the hatched eggs look like*tadpoles
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what did logan bring max*clothes
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what did the hospital lab tech find in max's blood work*the retrovirus targeted to logan's dna
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what does 'que tacet, consentire videtur' mean*silence equals consent under the law.
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what hospital was max admitted to*harbor lights
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what kind of school did white go to*law
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what name did logan use to identify max at the hospital*linda eastman
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what organization did white claim to be with to get the hospital to hand over their patient*the fbi
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what sport does white play*golf
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what transportation did logan use to ride to the rescue*a helicopter
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', what was logan's relationship to the identity he gave max*husband
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', where was the hanta virus outbreak*l.a.
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', who did the hospital call in*the cdc
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', who did white contact on the hospital staff*a nurse
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', who paged max while she was being treated*logan
Dark Angel: in 'harbor lights', with what did logan warn max*heart monitor
Dark Angel: in 'haven', at what time did the pulse hit*12:05
Dark Angel: in 'haven', at what time is the town clock stopped at*12:05
Dark Angel: in 'haven', in what year did the pulse hit*2009
Dark Angel: in 'haven', on what day did the pulse hit*june 1st
Dark Angel: in 'haven', to whom did max say '... where the men are men and the tourists are afraid.'*logan
Dark Angel: in 'haven', what did logan need to get out of the city*sector pass
Dark Angel: in 'haven', what did max expect to find when she dug up sam gillian's grave*nothing
Dark Angel: in 'haven', what did sketchy need*shoes
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who did max say was ready to pitch in when the super hero was busy*logan
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who had bike tires*sky
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who has shoes*herbal
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who put out the fire*sage
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who wanted the lingerie*normal
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who wanted the waffle iron*herbal
Dark Angel: in 'haven', who won in sage and max's game of pool*max
Dark Angel: in 'heat', how did lydecker know max was visiting hannah*hannah called
Dark Angel: in 'heat', how many months into her pregnancy did max's mother try to escape*seven
Dark Angel: in 'heat', what did eric give max*case of motor oil
Dark Angel: in 'heat', what did one of the children from kendra's japanese lesson pay with instead of money*coffee
Dark Angel: in 'heat', what favor did logan ask eric to do for him*pick up max in a motorboat
Dark Angel: in 'heat', what is hannah's last name*sukova
Dark Angel: in 'heat', what was the last line (the english translation) of the haiku kendra taught her students*a brief night
Dark Angel: in 'heat', where did logan discover manticore was*gillette, wy
Dark Angel: in 'heat', who impersonated a tac team so that lydecker didn't catch max and hannah*logan
Dark Angel: in 'heat', why didn't hannah return that night after she rescued max*detained by lydecker's men
Dark Angel: in 'heat', why does max go into heat*she has feline dna
Dark Angel: in 'heat', why hasn't logan ever been to the space needle*he's afraid of heights
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' how did max fool everyone into thinking there was a fire*she used a smoke grenade
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' how does max know the bum on the street is a spy*good shoes
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' how many digits are in the barcode on the back of case's neck*fourteen
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' how much will it cost logan to fix the exo-sketeton*8-10 thousand dollars
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' what didn't the princess have a chance to do after she escaped the evil king*live happily ever after
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' what is the name of the princess in 'mommy's story'*tinga
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' what was the code name for the mission to capture case and tinga*offspring
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' what was the name max saw on the milk carton*penny smith
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' what was the picture on the puzzle that case was putting together*a castle
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' which of the following isn't one of the traits case inherited from his mother*enhanced strength
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' which x5 was in charge of capturing case and tinga*brin
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who came to the rescue when case was kidnapped*zack
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who did max meet on the roof*brin
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who has tinga*renfro
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who is case's new teacher*lydecker
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who killed tinga's guards*brin
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' who was discovered unconscious at the scene of the crash*brin
Dark Angel: in 'hit a sista back,' would charlie have walked away if tinga had told him the truth in the beginning*probably
Dark Angel: in 'out', how did eyes only contact bronck to ransom logan and the other operative*a cable hack
Dark Angel: in 'out', how did max accidently reveal her position to the guard*popped a bubble
Dark Angel: in 'out', how did max get the olive oil*she stole it
Dark Angel: in 'out', how did original cindy find out who normal was dating*she went through her purse
Dark Angel: in 'out', to whom did bronck trace the phone call to*tacoma bleed
Dark Angel: in 'out', what did logan think bronck was smuggling out of the country*blood
Dark Angel: in 'out', what is bronck really smuggling out of the country*girls
Dark Angel: in 'out', what is normal's date's real name*louis klein
Dark Angel: in 'out', what is normal's real name*reagan ronald
Dark Angel: in 'out', what kind of people did max say were the only ones logan cared about*strangers
Dark Angel: in 'out', what sauce does kendra make for max and logan's date*tricolore
Dark Angel: in 'out', what was max's new quid pro quo*don't call me, i won't call you!
Dark Angel: in 'out', when logan invited max to dinner, she offered to help him by doing what*boiling the water
Dark Angel: in 'out', when max told logan not to hold up the war on her account, what does he reply back*the world will still be broken in the morning
Dark Angel: in 'out', where is normal going after work*a date
Dark Angel: in 'out', where were eyes only's operatives being held*warton airfield
Dark Angel: in 'out', which of logan's contacts finds him the information on bronck*matt
Dark Angel: in 'out', who does bronk torture to get logan to tell him what he wants to know*matt
Dark Angel: in 'out', who does kendra try to hook max up with*sven
Dark Angel: in 'out', why did normal's date break up with him*she's a lesbian
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', according to logan, what's the good and bad news of a blown-out spinal cord*no pain
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', after vogelsang's place was ransacked who did he tell max he had bad news about*her fiance
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', bruno anselmo was born in what year*1990
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', how much does max ask for in exchange for lauren*$50,000
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', out of what does max hang to lydia*window
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', to get max to continue to help him, logan gave her a file on what person*zack
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', what anniversary is sketchy celebrating with natalie*10 months
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', what did logan give max*bast statue
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', what does max offer officer walter every week*coffee
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', what is the only thing better than four queens, according to sonrisa*five queens
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', what is the technical term for max*chimera
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', where does max work*jampony
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', which of the following is a man that can move through the world with impunity (according to eyes only)*edgar sonrisa
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', while trapped by lydecker's troops how did max leave the building*walked right past lydecker
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', who did darren cheat on max with*justine
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', who shot logan*bruno anselmo
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', whose idea was the escape*zack's
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', why did max break up with darren*he cheated on her
Dark Angel: in 'pilot', why did max pick the cat statue*it's the goddess bast
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy' who was the leader of the may 22nd movement*john darius
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', according to herbal when is it all good*all the time
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', during the hostage terrorist raid who was the police negotiator*matt sung
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', how many hostages are there*thirty-five
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', how much did jude weigh at birth*3.5 lbs
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', max claimed to be rachel glasser from what magazine*bio-tech frontiers
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', may 22nd is the birthday of whom, and gives the name for the may 22nd movement*theodore kaczynski
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', what are polymerase*enzymes
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', what name does max use for the conference*rachel glasser
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', what neccesity did max run out of*toothpaste
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', what was the name of the terrorist group that took over tanaka's conference*may 22nd movement
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', what were tanaka's last words to jude*be brave
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', which type of children did lydecker say lack the most discipline*highly intelligent
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who pulled the fire alarm*lydecker
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who saw the terrorists first*jude
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who takes the seat next to max*lydecker
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who was the first hostage to be killed*tanaka
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who was the group's leader*john darius
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', who was the last hostage to be killed*tanaka
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', whom did original cindy's find out was celibate ruining her weekend*chrisette
Dark Angel: in 'prodigy', why didn't logan answer max right away, when she visited him to see if he could help her get into the conference*he fell out of his chair
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', finding whom is the new plan for getting rid of the virus*sandeman
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', how did white ensure that alec would not be able to renege on their agreement*inserted a bomb in the back of his neck
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', how many trangenics did white tell alec to kill*three
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', how much did the lab tech from manticore want to cure logan and max's problem*ten grand
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', how much did the lab tech want to save alec's life*ten grand
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', how much was the grand prize for the final fight*$5,000
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', if sketchy was making creatures in a lab who would he make them look like*asha
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', what did alec need from each victim to prove his kill*barcode
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', what is the name of the blonde girl that has been hanging around logan*asha
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', what line was alec's last victim*x6
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', what was alec's stage name*monty cora
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', who or what was alec's first victim*panther lady
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', who was joshua looking for*sandeman
Dark Angel: in 'proof of purchase', whose familiar face was in the audience at the fight club*normal
Dark Angel: in 'rising', how long could max use the implant before dying*a few hours
Dark Angel: in 'rising', how many reds implants are there in seattle*three
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what did max tell original cindy about her past*the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what did the dying red say to max before he died*help us live
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what does logan believe caused the pluripotents to be in his blood*blood transfusion
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what surprise did logan have for max*he stood up
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what symbol was used to show the time passing during the blood transfusion*a candle
Dark Angel: in 'rising', what was unusual about logan's blood work*he had pluripotents circulating in his blood stream
Dark Angel: in 'rising', where did original cindy get hired*washington meridian insurance
Dark Angel: in 'rising', where is the red's implant placed*in the back of the neck
Dark Angel: in 'rising', who is mr. multiples*officer walter
Dark Angel: in 'rising', whose number did the reds pull off max's pager*original cindy's
Dark Angel: in 'rising', why did herbal decide to change the way he speaks*his woman couldn't understand him
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', how did lydecker eventually get the information he wanted out of zack*bugged him
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', how were the compromised x5's warned*eyes only
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', what did manticore put on zack's tombstone*his barcade
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', what did zack say max would need to keep from getting caught*another miracle
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', what did zack want max to do before he would give her his contact number*leave seattle
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', what present does max buy logan*chicken
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', what torture technique does lydecker use on zack*psychoactives
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', which of the x5's was cornered by lydecker and called on zack to help her escape*tinga
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', which x5 was living in la working as a mechanic*zane
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', which x5 was living in portland working in a bakery*tinga
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', which x5 was living in san francisco working nights at a bar*jondy
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', why didn't lydecker get zack to betray the others while he was at manticore*zack had forced himself to forget everything about it
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', why didn't max and logan finish their dinner together*logan fell
Dark Angel: in 'the kidz aiight', zane, la mechanic, has what type of dog*german shephert
Dark Angel: in the myths, how did the 'nomalies' get the x5s*lydecker turned them over
Dark Angel: in the myths, how did the x5s protect themselves from the 'nomalies'*gave their teeth to the blue lady
Dark Angel: in the myths, what did the 'nomalies' do to bad little x5s*kept them as pows
Dark Angel: in the myths, who was the blue lady*the virgin mary
Dark Angel: in what episode does logan wish zack good luck and get a lecture on good planning*blah blah woof woof
Dark Angel: in which episode did max kill ben*pollo loco
Dark Angel: max is x5-###*452
Dark Angel: remember !hof for top10, !report <problem> if you have a problem, !add <question>;<answer> if you'd like to contribute. say babe to win*babe
Dark Angel: to which character did normal give a week off, no questions asked when they requested a personal day*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'bruno is a germ, i need to attack the disease not the symptom.'*bling
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'fine i'll just reorganize my entire life because some girl wants to cook dinner for me!'*bling
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'first i watch you take out a 250-pound ex-cop bodyguard without breaking a sweat... then i watch you dive headfirst out a window like you're rocky the flying squirrel.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'fyi it's a secure installation. as in lots of guys with guns. they're in it for the money and they'll kill for it.'*zack
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'i always knew behind that bio-engineered, military-issue-armor-plating there was a beating heart.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'i don't like needles. or heights. or spiders... what's in that?'*dr. vertes
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'i ought to rig this thing with an umbrella... then i might look like something out of a disney movie.'*bling
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'in this short brutal life, you've got to seize any opportunity you can to celebrate.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'it's going to take more than feng shui to get me back on the dance floor, but thanks.'*valerie
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'she hasn't changed. everything else has, but she is still the woman you fell in love with... raised a son with... don't throw it all away just because some lunatic wants to throw her back in a cage.'*charlie
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'that's sneaky. i like it.'*sebastian
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'what century are you living in ..., nobody is ever gonna hear about this, the authorities will turn this into a non-event, it will be history that never happened.'*john darius
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'world will still be broken in the morning.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say 'you know there was a time when this city actually worked.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say something along the lines of: 'if i just got my butt handed to me by a size three i might be inclined to mind my own business.'*peter
Dark Angel: to whom did logan say something along the lines of: 'it's a kick or be kicked in the butt world out there.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say '... grow up to shout slogans and shoot people.'*darius
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'all they need is a trigger.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'do you have any problem with me trying to make lemonade out of the lemons that you've brought me?'*jace
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'good cause sometimes when you grease the palm it makes the fingers slippery.'*captain swanstrom
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'i want you to be very clear just how important this young girl is to me. i would peel every inch of skin from your body if it would bring me one heartbeat closer to her. i know she's out there. eventually she's going to have to come up for air. and when she does... i want to be there.'*vogelsang
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'i would give my life rather than to see manticore technology end up in the hands of the enemy.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'you have her eyes.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did lydecker say 'you know where i live you can climb the monkey bars all day.'*case
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'are you high? i've got people looking to either put me in a cage for the rest of my life, turn me into a science project, or kill me. probably all three. now i've managed to drop off the radar screen and i plan to keep it that way.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'everything matters except the objective.'*jace
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'honey when you and me take out twenty trained operatives without breaking a sweat, i think he's gonna come real on his own that there is something special about you.'*tinga
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'how do i look in red'*johannson
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'i heard every word. i multitask and parallel process like there's no tomorrow.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'i let normal's screeching roll off me like water, i let cheating boyfriends roll of me like water, i let everything that is wrong and lousy in this world roll off me like water, but this is my motorcycle.'*herbal
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'i stand him up on our anniversary and have sex with a total stranger. that's what i call true love.'*original cindy
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'i'll be better than okay. it's the way i was made to be.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'i'm gonna get you outta here before you incinerate someone!'*sketchy
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'it's recently been brought to my attention that i don't have a great deal of patience and what little i do have is now gone.'*eric
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'next time you need a favor and call a friend, remember one thing: you're out of lifelines sweetheart.'*sketchy
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'oh, we're going to have to do something about that.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'one wrong move and you're an organ donor.'*lydecker
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'only the thing about relationships is that you never know what you are getting yourself into.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'thing is it's always there, the darkness, right on my tail.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'yeah, it's all about survival.'*lyedecker
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'you're a real family values guy aren't you?'*zack
Dark Angel: to whom did max say 'you're the nomalie... the genetic mistake... the monster in the basement...'*ben
Dark Angel: to whom did max say something along the lines of: 'don't tell me you're one of those guys who thinks because a rain drop fell 1 million years ago and a butterfly farted in india we're sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee that taste like goat urine'*zack
Dark Angel: to whom did max say something along the lines of: 'girls kick butt, says so on the t-shirt.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did max say something similar to: 'if you die on me i'll kick your butt.'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'by the way, some of those black helicopter storm-trooper folks stopped by, asking about a transgenetic teenage killing machine. i told them you were out.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'cash rules everything around me. it's the world we live in boo.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'cause original cindy's got you covered all over, like foundation makeup on a drag queen.'*mr. rogelio riquelme
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'i didn't know this condition of yours was that bad.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'i guess 'it's all good' goes out the window when someone you know and love is in trouble.'*herbal
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'i love you like a brother my brother but that is just whacked!'*herbal
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'it was all just a strange and beautiful dream.'*eric
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'original cindy is just too straight to hook up with a science-fiction girlfriend.'*sketchy
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'trouble follows you like the tail on a dog.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did original cindy say 'you got an itch? go scratch.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'did you look in the yellow pages under black helicopter operations'*logan
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'even i have my moments of weakness.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'get your head in the game soldier.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'how could i? how could i forget anything about you...?'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'the only person you can rely on max is yourself, everything else is just phony sentimentality and it will get you killed.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'they did a good job on you ..., turned out okay.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack say 'we're not going to breach op sec for a irrational rescue attempt.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom did zack whisper 'fight them max promise me you'll fight them.'*max
Dark Angel: to whom, other than max, did zack say 'is this party by invite only or can anyone crash?'*tinga
Dark Angel: under what alias was zack arrested for armed robbery shortly after the escape*michael hanover
Dark Angel: what animal, other than human, is joshua's dna most representative of*dog
Dark Angel: what animal, other than human, is max's dna most representative of*cat
Dark Angel: what does logan tell max, before she and zack go in after tinga in 'meow'*we have all the time in the world
Dark Angel: what does zack accuse max of doing when she refuses to leave with him*risking tactical exposure
Dark Angel: what happened to the manticore alumnus who obeyed the signal*they were shot down in an ambush
Dark Angel: what is ben's designation*x5-493
Dark Angel: what is brin's barcode number*331280315734
Dark Angel: what is max's barcode number*332960073452
Dark Angel: what is max's last line for season one*turn it off
Dark Angel: what is normal's favorite saying*bip! bip! bip!
Dark Angel: what is the name of eyes only's boadcasts*streaming freedom bulletin
Dark Angel: what is the only part of the body is visible on the broadcasts*the eyes
Dark Angel: what is the term eyes only uses to describe his arrangement with max*quid pro quo
Dark Angel: what is tinga's barcode number*331450074656
Dark Angel: what occupation was the man that max says 'i hope you're as good as you look soldier cause i'm not a girl that takes disappointment lying down.' to*soldier
Dark Angel: what problem did jack have*severe convulsions
Dark Angel: what state was manticore located in*wyoming
Dark Angel: what was 'dark angel' co-creator james cameron's first feature film*piranha ii: the spawning
Dark Angel: what was the name of joshua's tongueless brother*isaac
Dark Angel: what was the name of manticore's new leader after logan*elizabeth renfroe
Dark Angel: what was the name of max's clone (x5-453)*sam
Dark Angel: what was the name of the first dark angel episode*pilot
Dark Angel: what was the name of the organization that was training the x5s*manticore
Dark Angel: what was wrong with max that lead to the guard trying to take her, zack attacking him and the x5's escaping*convulsions
Dark Angel: what were zack's last words, before he shot himself*fight them max promise me you'll fight them
Dark Angel: when did the escape take place*february
Dark Angel: when the above three were compromised, how did zack warn them*eyes only broadcast
Dark Angel: where did tinga leave zack when he refused to help her rescue her family from manticore*snowy canada
Dark Angel: where did zack end up on the morning after the escape*cheyenne
Dark Angel: which address will herbal not deliver packages to*46 euclid
Dark Angel: which block did they escape from*block 12
Dark Angel: which character decided to take down a covert government operation with 3 of her transgenetic siblings and probably will not be back at work for some time because she was kia*max
Dark Angel: which character quit*original cindy
Dark Angel: which character was fired for using drugs*herbal
Dark Angel: which game was max particularly good at*escape and evade
Dark Angel: which man was max complaining about when she said, 'why is it guys are always so task-oriented? i mean it's work, work, work, work, work.' (which person was under discussion)*normal
Dark Angel: which manticore creation doesn't have a barcode*joshua
Dark Angel: which rider was made employee of the week*herbal
Dark Angel: which task oriented person in max's life says 'bip, bip, bip'*normal
Dark Angel: which two x5 never needed much sleep*max and jondy
Dark Angel: which x5 became a serial killer hunting down priests all over the country*ben
Dark Angel: which x5 developed a form of progeria and turned herself over to lydecker for treatment*brin
Dark Angel: which x5 developed a problem and was taken away and dissected*jack
Dark Angel: which x5 ended up in la working as a mechanic*zane
Dark Angel: which x5 ended up in portland working in a bakery*tinga
Dark Angel: which x5 ended up in seattle working as a bike messenger*max
Dark Angel: which x5 ended up working nights at a bar in san fransisco*jondy
Dark Angel: which x5 escaped from manticore because she became pregnant*jace
Dark Angel: which x5 turned himself over to lydecker to protect max*zack
Dark Angel: which x5 was rescued by a woman named hannah*max
Dark Angel: who did max and sketchy deliver a human finger to in 'out'*tacoma bleed
Dark Angel: who did normal try to sell jampony to*mr. sivapathasundaram
Dark Angel: who forgot their thong in the safe house*ling ling
Dark Angel: who is eyes only*logan cale
Dark Angel: who is eyes only's contact in the coroner's office*beverly hing
Dark Angel: who is geneticly alec's identical twin*ben
Dark Angel: who is geneticly ben's identical twin*alec
Dark Angel: who made the decision to escape*zack
Dark Angel: who said, 'check this out. you and gilligan better get on up out of here 'cause starting right now anybody ain't claiming the same set as me is going down quick... and wet.'*tacoma bleed
Dark Angel: who said, 'hung a poster in my window for a police brutality protest. they busted me for it. it wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last. but stay strong in the struggle, right?'*break
Dark Angel: who said, 'i would give my life rather than to see manticore technology end up in the hands of the enemy'*lydecker
Dark Angel: who said, 'nothing like a good massacre to stir up public opinion against these butchers. people need to know that they've done to this country... the human race... the entire planet.'*darius
Dark Angel: who said, 'there's no such thing, success depends on a well though out plan executed by persistence,' when they were wished good luck*zack
Dark Angel: who said, 'think of it- instead of sending a thousand troops into battle and losing a hundred... sending ten perfect soldiers and losing none'*lydecker
Dark Angel: who said, 'this is where it starts. pretty soon the streets are a river of garbage, the windows are all broken, obscene graffiti is everywhere. so why shouldn't a girl sell her body in an alley to buy drugs. pick it up. now!'*phil
Dark Angel: who said, 'we don't want to hurt any one. cooperate and you'll be alright. all we want is to free the boy.'*darius
Dark Angel: who said, 'you worship the altar of self pity'*lydecker
Dark Angel: who said, 'you're like a wolf in sheep's clothing max. you're hiding you instincts every moment of every day so that no one will know what you really are... a hunter, a soldier, a killer'*ben
Dark Angel: who was eyes only's hero*nathan herrero
Dark Angel: who were said to be the 'nomalies'*the x2s
Dark Angel: whose mantra is, 'it's all good, all the time.'*herbal
Dark Angel: why didn't the x5s ever turn on lydecker before this*they were scared
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@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
discworld: artefacts of the disc: how many colours make up white*eight
discworld: artefacts of the disc: how many colours of blackness are there*eight
discworld: artefacts of the disc: what appeared behind the beachball that parps every 14 minutes*a broken umbrella with herrings on it
discworld: artefacts of the disc: what is used to measure the density of a magical field*a thaumometer
discworld: artefacts of the disc: what purpose does the ram's skull perform in hex*occult transformations
discworld: artefacts of the disc: what type of stone circles was the chant of the trodden spiral designed for*concentric rings
discworld: artefacts of the disc: who built the combination harvester*ned simnel
discworld: artefacts of the disc: who claimed that fossilsed magical fields indicated reversal of the discs spin direction*vinter borass
discworld: artefacts of the disc: who designed the opera house organ*b.s. johnson
discworld: flora & fauna: according to om what is probably the most stupid animal with the exception of ducks*sheep
discworld: flora & fauna: how far can the pointless albatross fly without landing*from the hub to the rim
discworld: flora & fauna: how large were the bees supposed to be for b.s. johnson's beehive*ten feet long
discworld: flora & fauna: how many elephants does the opera house stable*two
discworld: flora & fauna: how old was the oldest counting pine*31734
discworld: flora & fauna: slab throat, the black tups, dry lung, heaves, staggers, weeps, storge stones are examples of what*dragon diseases
discworld: flora & fauna: what animal did colon ride in the stampede*rogers the bull
discworld: flora & fauna: what animal does the death of rats want to ride*a cat
discworld: flora & fauna: what are the main colour and markings of the quantum weather butterfly*yellow, with the mandelbrot set
discworld: flora & fauna: what did magrat call her 'tortoyse'*lightfoot
discworld: flora & fauna: what did mort help albert plant*broccoli
discworld: flora & fauna: what does rincewind think a geas is*a bird
discworld: flora & fauna: what flowers does the ghost send*dead rose stems
discworld: flora & fauna: what gender was the noble dragon*female
discworld: flora & fauna: what have monarch butterflies been known to do, according to teach*he doesn't know
discworld: flora & fauna: what heraldic animal did red crescent offer to vimes*weasals
discworld: flora & fauna: what is a male dragon called after the age of 2*a cobb
discworld: flora & fauna: what is a thaumivore*something that eats magic as food
discworld: flora & fauna: what is the fastest animal on the disc*the .303 bookworm
discworld: flora & fauna: what is the latatian name for the quantum weather butterfly*papilio tempestae
discworld: flora & fauna: what is the main flora of the sto plains*cabbages
discworld: flora & fauna: what is the name of the goblin dog associated with judy*toby
discworld: flora & fauna: what is the patricians dog called*wuffles
discworld: flora & fauna: what is vinny's full name*talonthurst vincent wonderkind of quirm
discworld: flora & fauna: what lives in death's pond*white carp
discworld: flora & fauna: what messenger was used to bring lord hong's message to the patrician*a pointless albatross
discworld: flora & fauna: what species is daphne*a morpork owl
discworld: flora & fauna: what species is the uu librarian*an orangutang
discworld: flora & fauna: what type of tree was drum billet reincarnated as*an apple tree
discworld: flora & fauna: what was eric's parrot's favourite word*wossname
discworld: flora & fauna: what was mr slot's cow suffering from*red bugge
discworld: flora & fauna: what was pulling the tezuman chariot*a llama
discworld: food & drink: how did death describe a curry*like a red hot ice cube
discworld: food & drink: how many sausages in a bun did rincewind eat on his return to anhk-morpork*three
discworld: food & drink: in the gingerbread cottage, what did rincewind and twoflower find the doorknocker made of*liqourice
discworld: food & drink: in the gingerbread cottage, what did rincewind and twoflower find the doormat made of*candyfloss
discworld: food & drink: what can you find in the point of ridcully's hat*bentincks v. old peculiar brandy
discworld: food & drink: what chocolates does greebo prefer*truffles
discworld: food & drink: what colour is sping corarul*yellow, with wasps in
discworld: food & drink: what creature supplies the ingredients for bloat*the deep water blowfish
discworld: food & drink: what did brutha order at the ephebian tavern*a glass of water and a saucer of bread and milk
discworld: food & drink: what did goodie offer mort to drink*raspberry port
discworld: food & drink: what did senor basilica have to eat instead of squishi and pasta*roast mutton with clootie dumplings and slumpie
discworld: food & drink: what did windle think he could metabolise after his death*alcohol
discworld: food & drink: what did windle use as a bookmark for his diary*bacon rind
discworld: food & drink: what does coconut surprise consist of*coconut
discworld: food & drink: what does gaspode beg for every wednesday night*black pudding
discworld: food & drink: what does rincewind crave*potatoes
discworld: food & drink: what drink did mort ask for first in the inn*stardrip
discworld: food & drink: what drink did mort get when he went for a drink in the inn*a pint of scumble
discworld: food & drink: what drink is blue with gold flecks*old overcoat
discworld: food & drink: what drink makes you knurd*klatchian coffee
discworld: food & drink: what drink negates the effects of klatchian coffee*orakh
discworld: food & drink: what food does ridcully think rincewind is*a type of cheese
discworld: food & drink: what had brother fingers been sent out for when the dragon attacked*pizza
discworld: food & drink: what is it necessary to do to the water of the fountain of youth*boil it first
discworld: food & drink: what is orakh made from*cacti sap and scorpion venom
discworld: food & drink: what is the quickest way to kill a tortoise for the pot*plunge it into boiling water
discworld: food & drink: what recipe can be found on page 53 of the joye of snackes*chocolate delight with special sevret sauce
discworld: food & drink: what type of sandwiches did ysabell pack for herself and mort*ham, cheese and chutney
discworld: food & drink: what was belafon's breakfast to be*bacon
discworld: food & drink: what was rincewind's sandwich from the creator missing*mayonaisse
discworld: food & drink: what year was the champagne that nanny was hit over the head with*year of the insulted goat
discworld: food & drink: which inn did mort go to for a drink*the quene's head
discworld: food & drink: who invented possibly the best lager in the world*heisenberg
discworld: food & drink: who was responsible for the fine farmhouse nutty*reg plenty
discworld: food & drink: why did death take mort to ankh-morpork*for a curry
discworld: general knowledge: at the start of the book when could one of the witches meet*tuesday
discworld: general knowledge: at what time does the sheepridge hiring fair close*midnight
discworld: general knowledge: how do the red army open their meetings*by singing revolutionary songs
discworld: general knowledge: how does wee mad arthur catch wasps*blows them up with no. 1 powder
discworld: general knowledge: how late did the stagecoach arrive*15 hours
discworld: general knowledge: how many colours are there*eight
discworld: general knowledge: how many elephants stand on great a'tuin's back*four
discworld: general knowledge: how many golems met*twelve
discworld: general knowledge: how many people before rincewind would admit he was a slow thinker*72
discworld: general knowledge: how many people saw two fire herb*twenty
discworld: general knowledge: how many rhinu is a monkey worth*fifty
discworld: general knowledge: how many rhinu is a pony worth*ten
discworld: general knowledge: how many steps does the tower of art have*eight
discworld: general knowledge: how many zodiacal signs does the disc have*sixty-four
discworld: general knowledge: how much did bucket buy the opera house for*30,000 dollars
discworld: general knowledge: how much do ballet shoes cost*7 dollars a pair
discworld: general knowledge: how much of a slate had albert run up at the drum in his time away*3 copper pieces plus interest
discworld: general knowledge: how much were the stagecoach tickets to anhk-morpork going to cost*40 dollars each
discworld: general knowledge: how often do 1 in a million chances occur*nine times in ten
discworld: general knowledge: how thick is the disc at the rim*30 miles
discworld: general knowledge: name a gas that radiates dangerous amounts of raw magic*octogen
discworld: general knowledge: name carrot's girlfriiend*angua von uberwald
discworld: general knowledge: on death's map of the disc, what precious gem represented ankh-morpork*a carbuncle
discworld: general knowledge: on death's map of the disc, what precious gem represented deserts*powdered diamond
discworld: general knowledge: on death's map of the disc, what precious gem represented rivers*jade
discworld: general knowledge: on death's map of the disc, what precious metal was the disc made from*bronze
discworld: general knowledge: on death's map of the disc, what precious metal were the elephants made from*solid silver
discworld: general knowledge: on which night of the year is it traditonal for witches and warlocks to stay in bed*alls fallow
discworld: general knowledge: what are cohen's dinchewers made of*diamond
discworld: general knowledge: what are drumlins*post-glacial hills
discworld: general knowledge: what are morpork daggers*broken bottles
discworld: general knowledge: what are pilliwinks*a kind of thumbscrew
discworld: general knowledge: what are the elementary particles and anti-particles of monarchy*kingons, queons. republicons
discworld: general knowledge: what are the nadgers*a small range of mountains near the hub
discworld: general knowledge: what are the peeled nuts*the am historical re-creation society
discworld: general knowledge: what candles are used in vetinari's study*number 5's
discworld: general knowledge: what day do new arch-chancellors get elected*eve of small gods
discworld: general knowledge: what does rincewind think a houri is*a tube for sucking up sherbet
discworld: general knowledge: what does rincewind think octarine looks like*greenish/purple
discworld: general knowledge: what does the chiming sundial in the palace gardens frequently do*explode
discworld: general knowledge: what does the sticker say on lady ramkin's carriage*whinny if you love dragons
discworld: general knowledge: what event goes on in cresote's harem*story telling
discworld: general knowledge: what event occurs in lancre every soul cake tuesday*a fair
discworld: general knowledge: what happened to the blancmange mould*it bounced of rincewind's head with a clang
discworld: general knowledge: what happens to sleepwalkers if you wake them*their legs fall off
discworld: general knowledge: what has no-one ever said about elves*that they are nice
discworld: general knowledge: what is a figgin*a small bun with currants in it
discworld: general knowledge: what is another name for the hublights*aurora coriolis
discworld: general knowledge: what is binky's saddle made of*silver
discworld: general knowledge: what is cori celesti*the site of the home of the gods
discworld: general knowledge: what is kept in death's umbrella stand*a scythe
discworld: general knowledge: what is shibo yangcong-san the auriental version of*cripple mr onion
discworld: general knowledge: what is the ancient unpleasant area of ankh-morpork called*the shades
discworld: general knowledge: what is the center of the disc known as*the hub
discworld: general knowledge: what is the compassion death shows in his duty*a sharp edge
discworld: general knowledge: what is the current century*century of the fruitbat
discworld: general knowledge: what is the diameter of the disc*10,000 miles
discworld: general knowledge: what is the difference between erotic and kinky*one uses a feather, the other a chicken
discworld: general knowledge: what is the name given to the unseen university porters*bledlows
discworld: general knowledge: what is the name of death's horse*binky
discworld: general knowledge: what is the name of the great star turtle*great a'tuin
discworld: general knowledge: what is the name of the vessel that rincewind and twoflower travelled over the edge in*the potent voyager
discworld: general knowledge: what is the next century to be known as*the century of the rat
discworld: general knowledge: what is the oldest building on the disc*tower of art
discworld: general knowledge: what is the only thing that moves faster than ordinary light*monarchy
discworld: general knowledge: what is the shortest possible time in which everything can happen*1000 billion years
discworld: general knowledge: what is the significance of a yellow clarinet in the orchestra*bad luck
discworld: general knowledge: what is the title of the head of unseen university*arch chancellor
discworld: general knowledge: what is worse than'needles under the fingernails'*red hot knives up the jacksie.
discworld: general knowledge: what kitchen utensil did greebo use to cover himself up with*a copper jelly mould
discworld: general knowledge: what make was albert's stove*the little moloch
discworld: general knowledge: what price do the assassin's guild have on vetinari' head*$1 million
discworld: general knowledge: what price do the assassin's guild have on vimes' head*$20,000
discworld: general knowledge: what ratio of students at the guild actually become assassins*one in fifteen
discworld: general knowledge: what ship did rincewind and conina take to cross the circle sea*the ocean waltzer
discworld: general knowledge: what star sign was rincewind born under*the small boring group of front stars
discworld: general knowledge: what trade did the penultimate hirer at the sheepridge fair practice*begging
discworld: general knowledge: what type of books are to be found in death's library*biographies
discworld: general knowledge: what was detritus's job at the drum*a splatter
discworld: general knowledge: what was ipslore's staff made of*octiron
discworld: general knowledge: what was the first piece of matter that death saw created*a paperclip
discworld: general knowledge: what was the newest building at the unseen university called*high energy magic building
discworld: general knowledge: what was the silver cup on the tray in vorbis's apartment decorated with*aphacia leaves
discworld: general knowledge: what would no gentleman ever think of training as*a thief
discworld: general knowledge: when did the fresh start club meet*thursday 12pm
discworld: general knowledge: when is the annual hiring fair held*hogswatch eve
discworld: general knowledge: when was the rain of curry in klatch due*may
discworld: general knowledge: which landlord of the broken drum was killed in an insurance 'accident'*broadman
discworld: general knowledge: which number must wizards not speak*eight
discworld: general knowledge: who invented the barabarian invaders machine*leonard da quirm
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the assassins's guild*dr downey
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of bakers*mr potts
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of beggars*queen molly
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of butchers*gerhardt sock
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of gamblers*doc pseudopolis
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of lawyers*mr slant
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of seamstresses*rosemary palm
discworld: general knowledge: who is the current head of the guild of thieves*mr boggis
discworld: general knowledge: who is the goddess who must not be named*luck
discworld: general knowledge: who is the ruler of krull*the arch-astronomer
discworld: general knowledge: who was patrician of ankh-morpork before lord snapcase*lord winder
discworld: general knowledge: who was patrician of ankh-morpork before vetinari*mad lord snapcase
discworld: general knowledge: whose statue did albert destroy on his return to unseen university*his own
discworld: general knowledge: why do kings get a sword and not a scythe*royal perogative
discworld: geography: at whose tavern did granny and nanny stay*mr slot
discworld: geography: from which area does cheery come from*the uberwald mountain area
discworld: geography: how do you get into cresote's secret treasury*kick the tail of the statue of offler
discworld: geography: how far and in which direction is sto lat from am*20 miles, hubwards
discworld: geography: how far was cohen's hideout from hunghung*about 10 miles
discworld: geography: how many boathouse does the university have*two
discworld: geography: how many bridges cross the ankh in am*ten
discworld: geography: how many ferries cross the ankh in ankh-morpork*two
discworld: geography: how many gates are there into ankh-morpork*eleven
discworld: geography: how many streets lead from five ways*six
discworld: geography: in the first incidence of the rite of ashkente where was death summoned from*a party
discworld: geography: in which city is the citadel of om*kom
discworld: geography: in which ocean is the gorunna trench found*the rim ocean
discworld: geography: on which street is the mended drum*filigree st
discworld: geography: on which street is the temple of seven handed sek*street of small gods
discworld: geography: to which port does the vieux river flow*genua
discworld: geography: what bridge is used to cross the anhk from the university to wizard's pleasaunce*bridge of size
discworld: geography: what can be found on the tump*ruins
discworld: geography: what did the dwarf claim rincewind's wardrobe was*the magic kingdom of scrumptiousness
discworld: geography: what does eric live next to*the tannery
discworld: geography: what floor was keli's bedrrom on*4th
discworld: geography: what inn did conina take rincewind to in the shades*trolls head
discworld: geography: what is the capital city of the agatean empire*hunghung
discworld: geography: what is the correct name for 'demon city'*pandemonium
discworld: geography: what is the crown and axe better known as*biers
discworld: geography: what is the longest river on the disc*the smarl
discworld: geography: what is the name of the waterfall at the edge of the disc*the rimfall
discworld: geography: what is the nearer continent to purdeighsland*xxxx
discworld: geography: what is the seriph's palace known as*rhoxie
discworld: geography: what is the tezuman empire known for*organic market gardens
discworld: geography: what pub is across the road from the opera house*the stab in the back
discworld: geography: what room number did agnes get*seventeen
discworld: geography: what street did the fortune teller who had her crystal ball stolen live in*sheer street
discworld: geography: what street encircles am*endless street
discworld: geography: what street runs between losing street and kicklebury street*10th egg street
discworld: geography: where can the curry gardens be found*corner of god st and blood alley
discworld: geography: where did coin create the new home of sourcery*the wizards pleasaunce
discworld: geography: where did death go fishing*the haknull river in krull
discworld: geography: where did death take his new apprentice first of all*to ankh-morpork
discworld: geography: where did dorfl put fosdyke*in the sausage machine
discworld: geography: where did edward d'eath go after holidaying in the ramtops*the dwarf mines round copperhead
discworld: geography: where did herrenna's bandits camp after capturing cohen, bethan & twoflower*old grandad's mouth
discworld: geography: where did mr slugg grow up*rookery yard in the shades of anhk-morpork
discworld: geography: where did rincewind and eric go after the beginning of the universe*to hell
discworld: geography: where did rincewind and twoflower land their stolen broomstick*on a flying rock
discworld: geography: where did the arch-chancellors hat wish to be taken*klatch
discworld: geography: where did the librarian hide the unseen university library books*the tower of art
discworld: geography: where did the vegetable chef hide*in the soup cauldron
discworld: geography: where did the wizards bury windle poons*crossroads of small gods st. & broadway
discworld: geography: where do all virtual lectures take place*3b
discworld: geography: where do guided tours of al khali's temple frescoes leave from*the square of 967 delights
discworld: geography: where do odd socks go*the sock eater eats them
discworld: geography: where do the caretakers of history live*in a hidden valley in the high ramtops
discworld: geography: where do the city council meet*the rats chamber
discworld: geography: where do the counting pines grow*on the permanent snowline in the high ramtops
discworld: geography: where does angua live*mrs cake's
discworld: geography: where does angua stay in ankh-morpork*mrs cakes boarding house
discworld: geography: where does bloody stupid live*tsort
discworld: geography: where does cheery stay*her uncle armstranglers'
discworld: geography: where does constable visit come from*omnia
discworld: geography: where does cutwell live*wolf st
discworld: geography: where does doughnut jimmy usually work*stables on king's down
discworld: geography: where does father tubelcek live*misbegot bridge
discworld: geography: where does lady ramkin live*in scoone avenue
discworld: geography: where does millie hopwood witch*slice
discworld: geography: where does the golem bobkes work*coal merchant
discworld: geography: where does the golem klutz work*the pickle factory
discworld: geography: where does the opera ghost sit*box
discworld: geography: where in ankh-morpork is the dysk theater located*isle of gods
discworld: geography: where is between a rock and a hard place*in a gorge just above bad ass
discworld: geography: where is lady alice venturi buried*the cemetary of small gods
discworld: geography: where is monkey street*the shades
discworld: geography: where is mr goatberger's publishing house situated*the isle of gods
discworld: geography: where is octarine grass country*the ramtops
discworld: geography: where is the annual apprentice hiring fair held*sheepridge
discworld: geography: where is the assassin's guild situated*filigree street
discworld: geography: where is the dwarf bread museum*whirligig alley
discworld: geography: where is the guildhall of the alchemist's guild*street of alchemists
discworld: geography: where is the quirm college for young ladies*quirm
discworld: geography: where is the royal college of heralds*mollymog st
discworld: geography: where is the sawmill*dimwell street
discworld: geography: where is the tezuman empire*in the jungle valleys of central klatch
discworld: geography: where is the tito desert*the counterweight continent
discworld: geography: where is wee mad arthur based*gleam st
discworld: geography: where was belafon delivering the flying stone*the vortex plains
discworld: geography: where was rincewind's record filed*under p, for people
discworld: geography: where was sir roderick purdeigh's walking stick found*up a tree
discworld: geography: where was the fool when verence was murdered*in the great hall
discworld: geography: where were magrat and the fool to meet*in the meadow by the pond.
discworld: geography: where were the royal portraits displayed*in the long gallery
discworld: geography: where would you find mount raruauaha*the betrobi islands
discworld: geography: where would you find the mountains of the sun*klatch
discworld: geography: which bridge cross the ankh from unreal estate*wood bridge
discworld: geography: which city is known as the city of 1000 surprises*am
discworld: geography: which gate leads off upper broadway*hubwards gate
discworld: geography: which gate leads to quirm*deosil gate
discworld: geography: which gate lies between limping gate and shambling gate*onion gate
discworld: geography: which is the longest street in am*short street
discworld: geography: which is the most rimwards bridge crossing the ankh in ankh-morpork*ankh bridge
discworld: geography: which mountain range is koom valley in*trollbone mountains
discworld: geography: which street is the guild of conjurers on*the backs
discworld: geography: who discovered the brown islands*llamedos jones
discworld: history: hose horses did conina, cresote, and nijel steal*war, pestilence, and famine
discworld: history: how did queen ezeriel die*sat on a snake
discworld: history: how long did ku take to sink into the sea*thirty years
discworld: history: how long did the great pyramid of tsort take to build*60 years
discworld: history: how many moons of nasreem are there*five
discworld: history: how was king olerve killed*by a crossbowman
discworld: history: what did the creator offer rincewind*an egg and cress sandwich
discworld: history: what did truckle do to the mad demon-sucking priests of ee*cut their heads off
discworld: history: what happpened at the bay of mante*shipwreck
discworld: history: what is the name of the troll tooth fairy*cinkerbell
discworld: history: what killed laveolus' dog*carrying his slippers for 15 years
discworld: history: what was old stoneface vimes' real name*suffer-not injustice vimes
discworld: history: when was stoneface commander of the watch*sixteen
discworld: history: where can the legendary 5-headed vampire goat be found*skund
discworld: history: where does norris the eyeball-eating maniac hail from*quirm
discworld: history: where was the hatch in the ephebian horse*in its bottom
discworld: history: which member of the horde fought in the battle of koom valley*hamish
discworld: history: who created the first pizza*ronron 'revelation joe' shuwadhi
discworld: history: who did astfgl meet at the end of the universe*death
discworld: history: who did stoneface execute*the last king of am
discworld: history: who did the duke of sto helit have assassinated*king olerve the bastard
discworld: history: who did the terrible man eating sloth of clup eat*crowdie the strong
discworld: history: who founded the order of the silver star*skrelt changebasket
discworld: history: who founded the unseen university*alberto malich
discworld: history: who gave am it's main motto 'quanti canicula ille in fenestre'*king ludwig the tree
discworld: history: who killed 57 trolls at the battle of koom valley*b'hrian bloodaxe
discworld: history: who was queen of lancre for approximately 3 hours*amonia
discworld: history: who was rincewind's tsortian ancestor*laveolus
discworld: history: who was the first emperor*one sun mirror
discworld: history: who were the disc's two greatest lovers*mellius and gretalina
discworld: language: how did the opera end*when agnes screamed
discworld: language: how does the famous klatchian foreign legion drinking and marching song go*er
discworld: language: how long does a tea ceremony take*three hours
discworld: language: how many copies had the joye of snacks sold*more than 20000
discworld: language: how many curtain calls did christine get at the end of la triviata*five
discworld: language: how many printings had nanny's copy of the joye of snacks had*cxxvii
discworld: language: how many rules and principles are there to the art of war*five rules, nine principles
discworld: language: how much did it cost nanny to publish the joye of snacks*two dollars
discworld: language: how much does box 8 cost per night*50 dollars
discworld: language: in which chapter would you find recipes for 'humerous puddings and cake decoration'*chapter 6, the joye of snackes
discworld: language: it lasts a really long time in the privy, what is it*almanack and booke of dayes
discworld: language: what book did nanny ogg write*the joye of snacks
discworld: language: what code do scenery shifters use*whistles
discworld: language: what colour was three solid frogs' picture*blue
discworld: language: what could nanny's high c do to glass*clean it
discworld: language: what did death trick the swan into singing*the pedlar's song from lohenshaak
discworld: language: what does 'aargh!' mean in betrobi*highly enjoyable
discworld: language: what does 'aargh!' mean in howondaland*i would like to eat your foot
discworld: language: what does 'didactylos' mean*two fingered
discworld: language: what does 'eureka' mean*give me a towel
discworld: language: what does the dwarven 'bad'dhakz' mean*yeast bowl
discworld: language: what does the dwarven 'bura'zak-ka' mean*town hall
discworld: language: what does the dwarven 't'dr'duzh b'hazgt't' mean*today is a good day for someone else to die
discworld: language: what does the dwarven insult 'b'zugda-hiara' translate as*lawn ornament
discworld: language: what does the motto 'quod subigo farinam' mean*because i knead the dough
discworld: language: what does the swan's song translate to*cut my own throat
discworld: language: what instrument does jason ogg play*violin
discworld: language: what is the agatean pictogram for an exclamation mark*a urinating dog
discworld: language: what is the difference between opera and madness*better scenery
discworld: language: what is the literal meaning of skund*your finger you fool
discworld: language: what is the motto (in english) on arthur carry's coat of arms*art brought forth the light
discworld: language: what is the process for copying books identically called*samizdat
discworld: language: what is the translation of mount oolskunarhod*who is this fool who does not know what a mountain is
discworld: language: what language were the words in father tubelcek's mouth written in*ancient klatchian
discworld: language: what musical group did imp, glod, and lias form*the band with rocks in
discworld: language: what opera does the pantomime horse with the humorous trapdoor take part in*the enchanted piccolo
discworld: language: what pen name did nanny use*the lancre witch
discworld: language: what role did the opera ghost teach christine*iodine
discworld: language: what story did the arch-chancellor tell at windle poon's going away party*the story of the cow with three wooden legs
discworld: language: what tone of voice did cohen use to describe rincewind, meaning 'chief wizard', but saying 'blob of swallow's vomit'*the low, sad tone, not the high questioning tons
discworld: language: what was the name of the book that lady ramkin wrote*diseases of the dragon
discworld: language: what was the name of the book that the patrician was reading in the dungeons*lacemaking through the ages
discworld: language: what was the samurai's formal challenge*orrr itiyorshu! yutimishu!
discworld: language: where is the only original joke in existence to be found*the bumper fun grimoire
discworld: language: which book describes noble lineage*twurps peerage
discworld: language: who authored a book of humourous cat stories*achmed the mad
discworld: language: who is il truccatore*the master of disguise
discworld: language: who is the author of the necrotelicomnicon*achmed the mad
discworld: language: who is writing the orangutan/human dictionary*the librarian
discworld: language: who plays the opera house organ*andre
discworld: language: who replaced salzella as director of music at the opera house*walter plinge
discworld: language: who sings the part of quizella*dame timpani
discworld: language: who stuffed a musician into his tuba for yawning*dame venitasi
discworld: language: who wrote 'the art of war'*unknown
discworld: language: who wrote 'the book of going forth about elevenish'*a lazy llamaic sect
discworld: language: who wrote 'the harem frescos of old klatch'*lady alice venturi
discworld: language: who wrote 'the old man of the woods'*sir roderick
discworld: language: who wrote 'the servant'*lord havelock vetinari
discworld: language: whose coat of arms contains the motto 'futures meus est in visceris'*gerhardt sock
discworld: law and order: how many thieves did the opera ghost defeat*six
discworld: law and order: how many thieves suprised mort in the shades*three
discworld: law and order: how many watch houses does am posess*four
discworld: law and order: how much clay was stolen from igneous*1/2 ton
discworld: law and order: how much was the fool finally robbed off*five copper pieces
discworld: law and order: how much was the reward for bringing the head of the dragon to the patrician*$50,000
discworld: law and order: the following are examples of what: breaking & decorating, proffering with embarrassment, whitemail*anti crime
discworld: law and order: what by law must precede all folk music, to give bystanders time to get away*a long drawn out cord
discworld: law and order: what did the first thief in the world steal*the secret of fire
discworld: law and order: what did vimes replace the arsenic with*sugar
discworld: law and order: what do the watch use as a search warrant*a sledgehammer
discworld: law and order: what is the first offence for theiving without a licence*death
discworld: law and order: what is the name of the trading boat belonging to chidder's family*the unnamed
discworld: law and order: what is the watch's motto*to protect and serve
discworld: law and order: what method did boggis use on rincewind*an overarm belter
discworld: law and order: what organisation does andre belong to*the cable street particulars
discworld: law and order: what was vetinari poisoned with*arsenic
discworld: law and order: where are the cable st particulars based*pseudopolis yard
discworld: law and order: where do the watch drink*the bucket, gleam st
discworld: law and order: who accused gimlet of poisoning his customers*mr oresmiter
discworld: law and order: who did the opera ghost attack first*tommy cripps
discworld: law and order: who discovered dr underschaft's body*agnes
discworld: law and order: who killed arthur carry*dragon
discworld: law and order: who killed king verence*duke felmet
discworld: law and order: who murdered beano*edward d'eath
discworld: law and order: who stole the arch-chancellors hat*conina
discworld: law and order: who the leader of the thieves that attacked mort*pilgarlic
discworld: law and order: who was the first thief in the world*fingers mazda
discworld: law and order: who was the golem's first victim*father tubelcek
discworld: law and order: whose horse did mort buy*the patrician's
discworld: law and order: why was colon on the brass bridge*to stop it being stolen
discworld: magic: according to cutwell, what is the first thing you learn when enrolling at unseen university*where the toilets are
discworld: magic: by what method do hublanders foresee the future*the ching aling
discworld: magic: how are books on tantric sex stored*under water
discworld: magic: how did albert end up at death's house*by saying the rite of ashkente backwards
discworld: magic: how did rincewind get the magic carpet to take off*he said down
discworld: magic: how far into the future was lancre taken*fifteen years and two months
discworld: magic: how long does the rite of ashkente normally take*several hours
discworld: magic: how many books are there in the unseen university library*90000
discworld: magic: how many deaths did cutwell's caroc deck contain*one
discworld: magic: how many deaths did keli draw from cutwell's caroc deck*three
discworld: magic: how many great spells are there*eight
discworld: magic: how many volumes did the treatise 'some little known effects of kuian rainmaking rituals' take up*seven
discworld: magic: how many wizards does the rite of ashkente require*eight
discworld: magic: what did cutwell try to sell mort*a love philtre
discworld: magic: what did rincewind threaten to turn twoflower into*a rosebush
discworld: magic: what did the uu coook's bedwarmer turn into*a fish
discworld: magic: what do octarines do in a magical field*they glow
discworld: magic: what do wizards have to be in order to consult ge fordge's compendium of sex magic*over eighty and dead
discworld: magic: what does light do when it encounters a strong magical field*it slows down
discworld: magic: what does ovin harkardly lecture in*lore
discworld: magic: what fruit did cutwell turn sprouts into*strawberries
discworld: magic: what had lemuel panter lectured rincewind in*basic scrying and summoning
discworld: magic: what happened to the octavo*the luggage ate it
discworld: magic: what is a neuralger*a demon that comes and has a headache at you
discworld: magic: what is schleppel*a bogeyman
discworld: magic: what is schlitzen*a bogeyman
discworld: magic: what is the 8th colour*octarine
discworld: magic: what is the 8th son of an 8th son*a wizard
discworld: magic: what is the 8th son of an 8th son of an 8th son*sourcerer
discworld: magic: what is the luggage made from*sapient pearwood
discworld: magic: what is the name of mrs. cake's spirit guide*one-man-bucket
discworld: magic: what is the name of the bell in the unseen university clock tower*old tom
discworld: magic: what is the name of the imp in cheery's iconograph*sydney
discworld: magic: what is the name of the technique used by witches to enter the mind of other creatures*borrowing
discworld: magic: what is the source of power for lilly weatherwax's magic*mirrors
discworld: magic: what is the stopping power of the eightfold seal of statis considered to be*that of a well aimed half-brick
discworld: magic: what is the traditional gesture for dismissing demons*stabbing the middle finger upwards
discworld: magic: what is unusual about death's sundial*there is no gnomon
discworld: magic: what is violet*a tooth fairy
discworld: magic: what perches on the roof and foretells a death in the house*a banshee
discworld: magic: what rare herbs did granny's potion for weaver contain*suckrose and akwa
discworld: magic: what really were the sword of art and the octogram of protection*a washboard and a copper stick
discworld: magic: what request did the head of the thieves' guild make of ridcully*to turn their librarian into an ape
discworld: magic: what spell did billias show coin*maligree's wonderful garden
discworld: magic: what was rincewind's spell for blowing a hole in the walls of the forbidden city*quanti canicula illa in fenestre
discworld: magic: what was the first thing rincewind smelt after being summoned by eric*brimstone
discworld: magic: what was the highest mark rincewind got in any of his exams*two percent
discworld: magic: what was the magic word needed to open cutwell's door*please
discworld: magic: what was the sourcerers tower made of*raw magic
discworld: magic: when the blast of occult potentiality passed though the uu library what did the books turn into*pineapple custard
discworld: magic: which dragon was ridden by k!sdra*bronze psepha
discworld: magic: which golem used to work at spadger & williams*zhlob
discworld: magic: which spell did ridcully use to change the bandit chief into a pumpkin*stacklady's morphic resonator
discworld: magic: who came up with heisenberg's uncertainty principle*the wizard sangrit heisenberg
discworld: magic: who can see death normally*wizards, witches and cats
discworld: magic: who has a black cockerel as a familiar*mrs. gogol
discworld: magic: who is king of the demons*astfgl
discworld: magic: who is the assassin against no lock will hold*death
discworld: magic: who is the current arch-chancellor of the unseen university*mustrum ridcully
discworld: magic: who passed his staff onto esk*drum billet
discworld: magic: who turned the patrician into a lizard*carding
discworld: magic: who was supposed to go through eric's portal*duke vassenego
discworld: magic: who was the great student of dragon lore*tubal de malachite
discworld: magic: who was the head of the order of midnight*lumuel panter
discworld: magic: who wrote 'names of the ants'*humptemper
discworld: people of the disc: who is the royal beekeeper at lancre castle*mr. brooks
discworld: people of the disc: at the time of the sourcerer who was the bursar*spelter
discworld: people of the disc: casanunder was waylaid by how many bandits*three million
discworld: people of the disc: how can you tell when the librarian is in deep thought*he sits down and spins round on his bottom
discworld: people of the disc: how did mort escape from the thieves in the shades*he walked through a wall
discworld: people of the disc: how did ysabell's parents die*crossing the great nef
discworld: people of the disc: how long did it take edward d'eath to find what he was looking for*five months
discworld: people of the disc: how long did mr saveloy teach practical alchemy*one term
discworld: people of the disc: how long did sir roderick's landless voyage take*six months
discworld: people of the disc: how long had ysabell been 16*thirty-five years
discworld: people of the disc: how many archchancellors had there been before galder weatherwax*303
discworld: people of the disc: how many duties did mort have to carry out on his second night*four
discworld: people of the disc: how many languages can nijel read*seventeen
discworld: people of the disc: how many novices did brutha share the dormitory with*twenty-three
discworld: people of the disc: how many people had cripple wa had murdered*twenty-three
discworld: people of the disc: how many tsimo wrestlers did rincewind encounter*twenty
discworld: people of the disc: how much did carrot spend on a iconograph*three dollars
discworld: people of the disc: how much does the librarian weigh*three hundred pounds
discworld: people of the disc: how old is cutwell*twenty
discworld: people of the disc: how old is lord hong*twenty-six
discworld: people of the disc: how old was ezrolith churn when he became archchancellor*ninety-eight
discworld: people of the disc: how old was king grurebury the good when he died*sixty-one
discworld: people of the disc: how old was windle poons when he died*one hundred thirty
discworld: people of the disc: how was teach referred to by the valkyrie*ronald the apologetic
discworld: people of the disc: in a poker game with death what hand did granny deal herself*four aces
discworld: people of the disc: in carrot's letter home during men at arms what was he pleased to hear about*the opening of #7 shaft
discworld: people of the disc: mort appeared in a klatchian family's home. what did he pretend to be*a demon
discworld: people of the disc: name duke bottomley's three brothers*squire, king, earl
discworld: people of the disc: what are lady ramkin's first names*sybil deidre olgivanna
discworld: people of the disc: what award had mr pounder won for the last five years*the golden mallet
discworld: people of the disc: what casanunder's first name*giamo
discworld: people of the disc: what colour hair does mort have*red
discworld: people of the disc: what court position did keli grant cutwell*royal recogniser
discworld: people of the disc: what did chas slumber do for a living*childrens entertainer
discworld: people of the disc: what did didactylos always dream of*a giant carrot
discworld: people of the disc: what did granny disguise herself as on the opera house roof*a gargoyle
discworld: people of the disc: what did granny used to call herself*endemonidia
discworld: people of the disc: what did liona keeble do for a living*job broker
discworld: people of the disc: what did mort's family do for a living*distilled wine from reannual grapes
discworld: people of the disc: what did mrs easy do for a living*seamstress
discworld: people of the disc: what did nanny hit lady felmet on the head with*a cauldron
discworld: people of the disc: what did ridcully use to kill the compost heap*wow wow sauce
discworld: people of the disc: what did rincewind suggest instead*going to the shop and getting a packet of mints
discworld: people of the disc: what did the abbott do before going to the village*shouted into the valley
discworld: people of the disc: what did the water buffalo herder want*a longer piece of string
discworld: people of the disc: what did tommy crips do for a living*scenery painter
discworld: people of the disc: what did vimes buy errol*a fluffy ball with a bell in it
discworld: people of the disc: what disease does gaspode have that only affects pregnant sheep*licky end
discworld: people of the disc: what does eric want to be when he grows up*a eunich
discworld: people of the disc: what does teach do to avoid smelling the horde*suscks peppermints
discworld: people of the disc: what game did granny challenge death to*poker
discworld: people of the disc: what guild is mr boggis head of*the thieves' guild
discworld: people of the disc: what happened to galder weatherwax*squashed by the luggage
discworld: people of the disc: what happened to the bishop of quirm*he didn't spontaneously combust
discworld: people of the disc: what happened to two fire herb's hand*bitten by an albatross
discworld: people of the disc: what happens to spelter when he tells the truth*he blushes
discworld: people of the disc: what is agnes nitt's other name*perdita x dream
discworld: people of the disc: what is constable visit's full name*visit-the-infidel-with-explanatory-pamphlets
discworld: people of the disc: what is duke felmets first name*leonal
discworld: people of the disc: what is eric's surname*thursley
discworld: people of the disc: what is granny weatherwax's first name*esme
discworld: people of the disc: what is lias bluestone's stage name*cliff
discworld: people of the disc: what is magrats second name*garlick
discworld: people of the disc: what is mort's full name*mortimer
discworld: people of the disc: what is mr wonse's first name*lupine
discworld: people of the disc: what is mrs. cake's first name*evadne
discworld: people of the disc: what is nanny oggs first name*gytha
discworld: people of the disc: what is rincewind's middle name*luck
discworld: people of the disc: what is rincewind's nickname*don't let him get away
discworld: people of the disc: what is the first sentance on carrot's letters home*dearest mume and dad
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of mrs. cake's daughter*ludmilla
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the banshee staying at mrs cake's*mr. ixolite
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the barman in biers*igor
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the lancre castle falconer*hodgesarrgh
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the patrcian's personal clerk*drumknott
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the pet which traveled free on the stage coach to lancre*pongo
discworld: people of the disc: what is the name of the secretary of the guild of fools*geoffrey
discworld: people of the disc: what is the real name of brother fingers*bengy 'lightfoot' boggis
discworld: people of the disc: what is wee mad arthur*a gnome
discworld: people of the disc: what killed lord fang*the luggage
discworld: people of the disc: what killed wonse*a metaphor
discworld: people of the disc: what musical instrument did death once learn to play*the banjo
discworld: people of the disc: what position does abbott lobsang hold*head of the listening monks
discworld: people of the disc: what position had nanny held as a girl*maid at lancre castle
discworld: people of the disc: what precaution did the librarian take when the barking dog appeared*he hid under a table with a cauldron on his head
discworld: people of the disc: what range did dame tessitura sing in*bass
discworld: people of the disc: what reason did mort give for not visiting a brothel in am*he'd already had lunch
discworld: people of the disc: what role is nobby to play in the tricentenary re-enactment of the ankh-morpork civil war*king lorenzo
discworld: people of the disc: what scared christine into sharing agnes' bed*a talking mirror
discworld: people of the disc: what species is dragon king of arms*vampire
discworld: people of the disc: what species was the thief rincewind found in his wardrobe*a dwarf
discworld: people of the disc: what term did ridcully use to the dean to get him down from the chandelier*two chairs
discworld: people of the disc: what tool did rincewind use to dig his way out of the cell in the forbidden city*a piece of straw
discworld: people of the disc: what trade did lezek think his son was going into*undertaking
discworld: people of the disc: what trade does igneous the troll follow*potter
discworld: people of the disc: what wages did miss flitworth offer death*six pence per week
discworld: people of the disc: what warned rincewind of the arrival of the sourcerer at the unseen university*a gargoyle
discworld: people of the disc: what was albert's wedding present to mort and ysabell*a silver toast rack
discworld: people of the disc: what was death's first choice of pseudonym*mr. sky
discworld: people of the disc: what was death's fly called*death's glory
discworld: people of the disc: what was interesting about colette*her earrings
discworld: people of the disc: what was jorge weaver suffering from to cause him to visit granny weatherwax*backache
discworld: people of the disc: what was mort's first task for death*to clean the stables
discworld: people of the disc: what was nijel's famous battle cry*erm, excuse me
discworld: people of the disc: what was perdita's father called*terminal
discworld: people of the disc: what was ponce da quirm looking for*the fountain of youth
discworld: people of the disc: what was ponder stibbon's advice to rincewind before his trip to the counterweight continent*be afraid, be very afraid
discworld: people of the disc: what was pretty butterfly's translation of 'stercus, stercus, stercus, moritorus sum'*excrement, i am about to die
discworld: people of the disc: what was sgt colon's stuffed pig called*mr dreadful
discworld: people of the disc: what was six beneficient winds' job*deputy district administrator for the langtang district
discworld: people of the disc: what was the first thing granny did when she returned home*made some tea
discworld: people of the disc: what was the name of grabpot thundergust's cosmetic mill*the hall of elven perfume and rouge co.
discworld: people of the disc: what was the name of the actors manager*olwyn vitoller
discworld: people of the disc: what was the name of the druid rincewind and twoflower met*belafon
discworld: people of the disc: what weapon did rincewind use against the sourcerer*a half brick and a sock
discworld: people of the disc: what weapon did the high priest of the green robe use*a double-headed axe
discworld: people of the disc: what would walter take out of a burning house*the fire
discworld: people of the disc: which angler did death save 'for later'*terpsic mims
discworld: people of the disc: which doctor did vimes send for to tend the patrician*doughnut jimmy
discworld: people of the disc: which ephebian philosopher found the lost city of ee*abraxas
discworld: people of the disc: which ghost had his head tucked under his arm*champot-king of lancre
discworld: people of the disc: which herald met vimes at the gate*croiscant rouge pursuivant
discworld: people of the disc: which humble woodcutter did granny weatherwax and nanny ogg ask about the anhk-morpork stagecoach*cando cutoff
discworld: people of the disc: which lancre morrisman is kind to animals*bestiality carter
discworld: people of the disc: which troll was employed by mr goatberger*carborundum
discworld: people of the disc: which wannabe witch wore a floppy black hat with a veil*diamanda tockley
discworld: people of the disc: which watchmen went to the opera*nobby and detritus
discworld: people of the disc: which wizard did albert meet first at unseen university*rincewind
discworld: people of the disc: which wizard did the luggage swallow*the dean of liberal studies
discworld: people of the disc: who accompanied lady esmerelda to the opera?|*lord gribeau
discworld: people of the disc: who are angua's parents*silvertail & yellowfang
discworld: people of the disc: who are the manufacturers of vimes' crossbow*burleigh and stronginthearm
discworld: people of the disc: who asked cheri out*hrolf thighbiter
discworld: people of the disc: who became a horse for one of elenor's children*private archeios
discworld: people of the disc: who captured cohen, bethan and twoflower*herrenna the henna-haired harridan
discworld: people of the disc: who cleans for father tubelcek*mrs kanacki
discworld: people of the disc: who constructed cohen's dinchewers*lackjaw the dwarf
discworld: people of the disc: who corrected rincewind's pronunciation of the th great spell*twoflower
discworld: people of the disc: who designed the ankh-morpork palace gardens*b.s. johnson
discworld: people of the disc: who designed the patent 'typhoon' superior indoor ablutorium with automatic soap dish*b.s. johnson
discworld: people of the disc: who did boy willie owe for his sword*fafa the dwarf
discworld: people of the disc: who did death rescue from the fire*sal
discworld: people of the disc: who did death work for*sham harga
discworld: people of the disc: who did henry slugg share a drain with*2 families and a man who juggled eels.
discworld: people of the disc: who did mort threaten to kill*albert
discworld: people of the disc: who did mort visit first in sto lat*igneous cutwell
discworld: people of the disc: who did rincewind and cohen rescue from the druids*bethan
discworld: people of the disc: who did rincewind unchain after his arrival on the counterweight continent*cohen
discworld: people of the disc: who did salzella disguise himself as finally*enrico basilica
discworld: people of the disc: who did sock buy dorfl from*fishbine
discworld: people of the disc: who did the captain of the 'fin of god' think death was*bosun coplei
discworld: people of the disc: who did the golems make*meshugah
discworld: people of the disc: who does casanunda claim to have given him his title*queen agantia of skund
discworld: people of the disc: who does henry lawsy work for*morecombe, slant & honeyplace, lawyers
discworld: people of the disc: who does the makeup*giselle
discworld: people of the disc: who drove the ox cart up the mountain trail once a week*mr varneshi
discworld: people of the disc: who enforced accurate descritptive writing whilst patrician*olaf quimby iii
discworld: people of the disc: who had been left out of the silver horde*thog the butcher
discworld: people of the disc: who helped andre repair the opera house organ*the librarian
discworld: people of the disc: who helped walter to catch rats*greebo
discworld: people of the disc: who helped windle poons to jump off the brass bridge*sgt. colon
discworld: people of the disc: who is a picker-up of unconsidered trifles*death
discworld: people of the disc: who is also a general poacher, cess-pit cleaner and approximate carpenter*obidiah carpenter the tailor
discworld: people of the disc: who is cheery's father*jolly littlebottom
discworld: people of the disc: who is death's cook*albert
discworld: people of the disc: who is death's daughter*ysabell
discworld: people of the disc: who is dibbler's nephew*solstice
discworld: people of the disc: who is head handleman in holy wood*gaffer bird
discworld: people of the disc: who is king olerve's daughter*princess keli
discworld: people of the disc: who is lancre's barber*mrs deacon
discworld: people of the disc: who is lancre's postman*shawn ogg
discworld: people of the disc: who is meshugah*golem at candlemakers
discworld: people of the disc: who is mort's father*lezek
discworld: people of the disc: who is mort's uncle*hamesh
discworld: people of the disc: who is mr goatberger's chief printer*mr cropper
discworld: people of the disc: who is nanny oggs youngest son*shawn ogg
discworld: people of the disc: who is seriph of al khali*creosote
discworld: people of the disc: who is the barman of the bucket*mr cheese
discworld: people of the disc: who is the cook at the palace in genua*mrs. pleasant
discworld: people of the disc: who is the curator of the dwarf bread museum*mr hopkinson
discworld: people of the disc: who is the current duchess of sto helit*susan sto helit
discworld: people of the disc: who is the disc's greatest philosopher*ly tin wheedle
discworld: people of the disc: who is the district commissioner for bes pelargic*five tongs
discworld: people of the disc: who is the grand vizier of al khali*abrim
discworld: people of the disc: who is the head of the alchemist's guild*thomas silverfish
discworld: people of the disc: who is the opera house stage doorkeeper*les
discworld: people of the disc: who is the opera house's chorus master*dr underschaft
discworld: people of the disc: who is the opera house's musical director*salzella
discworld: people of the disc: who is the ramkin's butler*willikins
discworld: people of the disc: who is the ruler of am*vetinari
discworld: people of the disc: who is the tyrant of ephebe's secretary*aristocrates
discworld: people of the disc: who is the watch's latest alchemist recruit*cheery littlebottom
discworld: people of the disc: who is the wine butler*mugharon
discworld: people of the disc: who is to place stoneface vimes in the tricentenary re-enactment of the ankh-morpork civil war*a straw dummy
discworld: people of the disc: who killed barking mad arthur*big fido
discworld: people of the disc: who laid out the ankh-morpork palace gardens*bloody stupid johnson
discworld: people of the disc: who leads the opera house orchestra*herr trubelmacher
discworld: people of the disc: who lives next door to cutwell*mrs nugent
discworld: people of the disc: who lost mr bunny*lotus blossom
discworld: people of the disc: who makes candles in ankh-morpork*arthur carry
discworld: people of the disc: who married mica the bridge troll*beryl
discworld: people of the disc: who minced their thumb in the stirring machine*young weevins
discworld: people of the disc: who owns a thinking-brain dog*foul ole ron
discworld: people of the disc: who owns the opera house*mr. seldom bucket
discworld: people of the disc: who painted the mona ogg*leonard da quirm
discworld: people of the disc: who patrols the great wall of the agatean empire*the heavenly guard
discworld: people of the disc: who played craps with death*huramok m'guk
discworld: people of the disc: who runs a crap game in ham alley*cripple wa
discworld: people of the disc: who runs the boarding house for the undead and other supernaturals*mrs. cake
discworld: people of the disc: who runs the deli on cable street*gimlet
discworld: people of the disc: who spelt 'famine' with seven letters*mr cripslock
discworld: people of the disc: who threatened rincewind and twoflower with ajandurah's wand of utter negativity*marchesa
discworld: people of the disc: who told rincewind where to find onions*jasper
discworld: people of the disc: who was conina's father*cohen
discworld: people of the disc: who was creosote's father*creosote
discworld: people of the disc: who was creosote, father of creosote, the leader of*the hashashim
discworld: people of the disc: who was goodie hamstring's cat supposed to go with*granny beadle
discworld: people of the disc: who was henry lawsy's father*henry slugg
discworld: people of the disc: who was imprisoned in the tezuman temple*ponce da quirm
discworld: people of the disc: who was knocking on the door of the elucidated brethren of the ebon night*brother fingers
discworld: people of the disc: who was laveolus mistaken for*mr beekle
discworld: people of the disc: who was master of protocol*two little wang
discworld: people of the disc: who was mildred easy's mother*flora easy
discworld: people of the disc: who was minty*carrot's dwarf sweetheart
discworld: people of the disc: who was mort's second duty*abbott lobsang
discworld: people of the disc: who was responsible for most exploration from nothingfjord*lars larsnephew
discworld: people of the disc: who was supposed to be the successor to greyhald spold*rhumlet vurd
discworld: people of the disc: who was the captain of duke felmet's personal guard*bentzen
discworld: people of the disc: who was the disc's first tourist*twoflower
discworld: people of the disc: who was the last wizard before windle poons to have a 'going away' party*scratcher hocksole
discworld: people of the disc: who was the notorious herring thrower*chume
discworld: people of the disc: who was the wife of teppicymon xxvii, and mother of pteppic*artela
discworld: people of the disc: who was the wifeof the angler that death saved*gwladys
discworld: people of the disc: who was walking out with violet frottidge*deviousness carter
discworld: people of the disc: who wrote 'de chelonian mobile'*didactylos
discworld: people of the disc: who wrote the graffiti 'dead yes, gone no'*reg shoe
discworld: people of the disc: who's the head of the fools guild*dr whiteface
discworld: people of the disc: who, according to dragon, is earl of anhk*nobby
discworld: people of the disc: whose dress did granny buy from madame dawning*the dowager duchess of quirm's
discworld: people of the disc: whose dwarf bakery did carrot foil a robbery from*ironcrust
discworld: people of the disc: whose funeral procession did rincewind interrupt*mr whu
discworld: people of the disc: whose pay is 5 pigeons a week*constable downspout
discworld: people of the disc: whose stage name is enrico basilica*henry slugg
discworld: people of the disc: why, according to mort, did death ask him to clean the stables*because he was up to his knees in horseshit.
discworld: religion: according to the first tree religion, what does a a very good tree become reincarnated as*5000 toilet rolls
discworld: religion: how many commandments are there in the church of om*five hundred and twelve
discworld: religion: how many sides does the temple of bel-shamharoth have*eight
discworld: religion: in omnia how many compulsory prayers were there everyday*eight
discworld: religion: in what from do agateans expect death to turn up in*a black celestial dragon of fire
discworld: religion: name the omnian saint known as a 'righteous ass'*st bobby
discworld: religion: what creature was the sacrifice at keli's coronation*an elephant
discworld: religion: what did the queen of the sea have the attention span of*an onion bahji
discworld: religion: what did thunder roll*a six
discworld: religion: what had the ice giants borrowed from the gods*a lawnmower
discworld: religion: what happened to quetzovercoatl*trampled by the luggage
discworld: religion: what is the palace of the gods called*dunmanifestin
discworld: religion: what is the superior iam known as*the cenobiarch
discworld: religion: what position does ridcully's brother hold*chief priest of blind io
discworld: religion: what religious icons was igneous making*hollow statues of monolith
discworld: religion: which comes first object or belief*belief
discworld: religion: who is the chief of the gods*blind io
discworld: religion: who is the ephebian god of wine*tuvelpit
discworld: religion: who is the god of isolated cowbyres*steikhegel
discworld: religion: who is the god of unseasonal fruit*grune
discworld: religion: who is the tezuman god of mass human sacrifices*quetzovercoatl
discworld: religion: who wrote the octavo*the creator
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80's: what was rosanna arquette's character's name in 'desperately seeking susan'*roberta glass
80's: what's the only video game that became a television show*pac-man
80s: 'funky cold medina,'*tone loc
80s: 'is there something i should know'*duran duran
80s: 'kiss on my list',*hall and oates
80s: 'never say never,'*romeo void
80s: 'other woman,'*ray parker jr
80s: 'paranomia,'*art of noise w/ max headroom
80s: 'politics of dancing',*re-flex
80s: 'queen of hearts'*juice newton
80s: 'rock 'n' roll high school,'*the ramones
80s: 'two of us,'*grover washington with bill withers
80s: (which he got from molly ringwald)*underpants
80s: after the fire made 'der kommissar' popular, but which eighties musician performed it originally*falco
80s: alanis morrisette appeared on what 80's cable children's show*you can't do that on television
80s: axl rose was an anagram for what phrase*oral sex
80s: before she was a pop star, why was samantha fox in the british tabloids*she was a page three girl
80s: biko was involved in what protest movement*apartheid
80s: chrissie hynde was in which early eighties group*the pretenders
80s: complete this quote: 'i feel the need... the need for___'*speed
80s: david hasselhof spent most of his time driving a car on which eighties tv show*knight rider
80s: does barry manilow know you raid his wardrobe*breakfast club
80s: george michael was one half of wham!, name the other half.*andrew ridgley
80s: have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight*batman
80s: how did john belushi die*drug and alcohol overdose
80s: how did the bum convince the family dog to start eating again in down and out in beverly hills*he ate the dog's food
80s: how many gloves did michael jackson wear*one
80s: i don't like my friends.i don't like your friends either.*heathers
80s: i see your schwartz is almost as big as mine.*spaceballs
80s: in which fox tv show did johnny dep play an undercover cop in high school*21 jump street
80s: john mcclane was fighting terrorists in a skyrise in which eighties movie*die hard
80s: k-mart. definately. definately k-mart.*rainman
80s: live aid was to benefit which starving country*ethopia
80s: mark david chapman was famous for what in 1980*shooting john lennon
80s: name all five new kids on the block.*danny donny jordan joe jon
80s: name buck rodgers' pal*twiki
80s: name eddie murphy's skit about vocabulary on saturday night live.*mr. robinson's neighborhood
80s: name the cartoon that featured characters who had messages on their clothes to express their feelings.*shirt tales
80s: name the eighties sitcom in which bob ueker was upstaged by an obese butler regularly.*mr. belvedere
80s: name the female comedy star who once had a show on fox, that had a pop hit in the early eighties.*tracy ullman
80s: name the late eighties band that named the sides of their first album hardware and software and also used samples from star trek movies in their songs.*information society
80s: name the original comic strip bill the cat appeared in.*bloom county
80s: name the sitcom that featured judd hirsch, andy kaufman, tony danza and danny devito.*taxi
80s: name the toy that consisted of color pencils and plastic which you would put in the oven to create.*shrinky dinks
80s: name the tv show which featured an average housewife teamed up with a secret agent.*scarecrow and ms. king
80s: name the u.s.s.r. leader with a birthmark on his forehead*gorbachev
80s: nobody puts baby in the corner.*dirty dancing
80s: on what date did 'the wall' fall*1989
80s: shot dead at the airport in manila, in 1983*benigno aquino
80s: spaceman spiff was a charcter on which eighties cartoon strip*calvin and hobbes
80s: the super bowl, and never re-used the commercial*apple
80s: the video for which eighties song features nothing but 5 cheerleaders?(name the artist too)*mickey toni basil
80s: there can be only one.*highlander
80s: though he was dead at the time*bill the cat
80s: to what does the obscure song 'turning japanese' refer*masturbation
80s: two dollars!*better off dead
80s: what 80's game show featured the 'whammy'*press your luck
80s: what actor mouthed the line 'whatch you talkin' 'bout willis?'*gary coleman
80s: what band got their name from the sixties movie barbarella*duran duran
80s: what band sang the theme song to 'the breakfast club?'*simple minds
80s: what canadian sketch comedy show helped launch john candy's career*sctv
80s: what caused the computer in electric dreams to become alive*spilled champagne
80s: what caused the gremlins in the movie gremlin to become evil*eating after midnight
80s: what commercial was michael jackson singing for when his hair caught on fire*pepsi
80s: what company made pacman*bally midway
80s: what company made the first color arcade game*atari
80s: what company used the little aligators as it's symbol on clothing*izods
80s: what computer game featured a disco leftover looking for love*leisure suit larry
80s: what country is men without hats originally from*canada
80s: what craft toy involved cutting plastic figures, coloring them in, and then baking them in the oven*shrinky dinks
80s: what cult-fav eighties movie features john lithgow from another dimension*the adventures of buckaroo banzai
80s: what did people desperately tried to avoid getting on 'press your luck?'*the whammy
80s: what did regan due to the striking air traffic controllers*fired them
80s: what did the license plate on the delorean in back to the future spell out*outatime
80s: what did the person chained to wall in goonies want*a baby ruth candy bar
80s: what does alf stand for*alien life form
80s: what does beetlejuice eat when he reaches out of his grave in the scale model of the town*a fly
80s: what does ll cool j.'s name stand for*ladies love cool james
80s: what duo lost their grammy for best new artist from the eighties*milli vanilli
80s: what eighties tv show starred bruce willis in a detective agency*moonlighting
80s: what eighties tv show starred tom hanks in women's clothing*bosom buddies
80s: what famous soap opera duo reigned on general hospital in the eighties*luke and laura
80s: what famous wham! frontman went on to record a multiplatinum record in 1987*george michael
80s: what father/daughter duo made 'gag me with a spoon' a household phrase during the eighties*frank & moon unit zappa
80s: what fell into the pool in caddyshack which caused a major exodus*a baby ruth candy bar
80s: what german siren sang '99 luftballons' (known in the us as '99 red balloons')*nena
80s: what group sang 'come on eileen'*dexy's midnight runners
80s: what is the name of the lead singer for the smiths*morrisey
80s: what is the name of the telescope that was placed in orbit in the eighties*hubble
80s: what is the song 'pass the dutchie' about*a cooking pot
80s: what kind of sword did thundar the barbarian have*a sun sword
80s: what late night news show became popular in the eighties after the iranian hostage takeover*nightline
80s: what late night show replaced tom synder's show*david letterman
80s: what liverpool band popularized the doors' 'people are strange?' in the 80's*echo and the bunnymen
80s: what made michael milken famous and rich*junk bonds
80s: what made the crew sick in the movie airplane*the fish
80s: what mistake did coca-cola make in 1985*new coke
80s: what movie featured reece's pieces as a crucial part of the story, because the director couldn't obtain the rights to use m&m's*e.t.
80s: what planet was spock brought back to life on*genesis
80s: what rock magazine that came out in the eighties is now rolling stone's major competitor*spin
80s: what show did the catch phrase, 'yeah, that's the ticket' originate on*saturday night live
80s: what show featured nell carter as a larger than life housekeeper*gimme a break
80s: what show was 'whatcha talkin' 'bout willis?' a standard catch phrase*different strokes
80s: what snack food was portrayed in claymation dancing to 'heard it through the grapevine'*raisins
80s: what speed did marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor*88 miles an hour
80s: what style of dancing was popularized with rap music*break dancing
80s: what time would you watch 'late night with david letterman' on nbc*12:30-1:30
80s: what toy was in short supply for the 1983 chirstmas season*cabbage patch kid
80s: what tv actress co-starred in 1986's 'howard the duck'*lea thompson
80s: what tv show with married couples and family life appealed to those over the age of 29*thirtysomething
80s: what type of men's jacket featured it's name on the outer breast pocket,and epaulets on the shoulders*member's only
80s: what type of shoes did run-d.m.c. sing about, which were what most rappers in the early eighties were into*addidas
80s: what type of shoes were favored by skateboarders? (hint, it's 4 letterslong).*vans
80s: what was dustin hoffman's character's name in 'rain man?'*raymond babbitt
80s: what was e.t.'s favorite candy*recee's pieces
80s: what was gary gnu's catch phrase*no gnus is good gnus
80s: what was maggie seaver's maiden name on growing pains*maggie malone
80s: what was max headroom's network number*23
80s: what was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect*trivia pursuit
80s: what was the british equivalent of 'we are the world?'*do they know it's christmas
80s: what was the challanging method of catching a fly in karate kid*using chopsticks
80s: what was the claymation domino's pizza thing to avoid*the noid
80s: what was the famous line uttered by an old woman in wendy's ads*where's the beef?
80s: what was the fight between argentina and great britan over*faulkland islands
80s: what was the first game show on mtv*remote control
80s: what was the first movie disney released through a subsidary company that carried an r rating*down and out in beverly hills
80s: what was the first name of the baby girl who fell down the well*jessica
80s: what was the first video mtv played*video killed the radio star
80s: what was the gift from the gods in the movie the gods must be crazy*a coke bottle
80s: what was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties*swatch
80s: what was the movie that starred the little furry creatures from 'return of the jedi'*escape from endor
80s: what was the name (4 letters) of the new york night club that helped launch the career of several early new wave groups*cbgb's
80s: what was the name of david hasselhoff's talking car in knight ridder*kitt
80s: what was the name of eddie murphy's character in beverly hills cop*axel foley
80s: what was the name of garfield's teddy bear*pookie
80s: what was the name of garfield's vet*liz
80s: what was the name of he-man's magician sidekick*orko
80s: what was the name of norm's wife on cheers*vera
80s: what was the name of the bartender on 'the love boat'*issac
80s: what was the name of the bjork-fronted 80's band*the sugarcubes
80s: what was the name of the character on the 1st garbage pail kids pack*blasted billy or adam bomb
80s: what was the name of the company that the characters on taxi worked for*sunshine cab company
80s: what was the name of the first 'portable' computer*osbourne
80s: what was the name of the funky van scooby doo and friends rode in*the mystery machine
80s: what was the name of the guy who couldn't enunciate on 'the fat albert show?'*mushmouth
80s: what was the name of the heroic boy in 'the never ending story*atreyu
80s: what was the name of the hollow hole-covered plastic ball kids used to hit instead of a baseball*wiffle ball
80s: what was the name of the host of double dare*mark summers
80s: what was the name of the multi-colored cube you had to re-organize*rubik cube
80s: what was the name of the nuclear missle defense system reagan proposed*star wars
80s: what was the name of the once morrissey-fronted band in the 80's*the smiths
80s: what was the name of the party dog that that was budwiser's mascot in the late eighties*spuds mckenzie
80s: what was the name of the rich boy that andie was asked to go to the senior prom with in the movie 'pretty in pink'*blaine
80s: what was the name of the show that featured larry appleton and his zany foreign cousin*perfect strangers
80s: what was the name of the show that featured sniglets*not necessarily the news
80s: what was the name of the space shuttle that exploded*challenger
80s: what was the original name of duran duran*raf
80s: what was the war during regan's first term that took place on an island in the carribean*grenada
80s: what was tom cruise's call sign in the movie 'top gun'*maverick
80s: what were club nouveu originally known as*timex social club
80s: what were the b-52's named after? (hint, it's not a plane)*beehive
80s: what were the names of kevin's best friend and girl friend on 'the wonder years?'*paul and winnie
80s: what were the names of the host and his sidekick on 'fantasy island'*mr.rourke and tattoo
80s: what were the names of the saturday morning cartoon critters who lived in air-vents and befriended a boy who kept their secret hidden*the littles
80s: which aerosmith song was re-made by run d.m.c.*walk this way
80s: which band had members robert palmer, andy and john taylor, and tony thompson*the power station
80s: which band member was boy george allegedly seeing in culture club during the eighties? (just name the instrument he plays)*the drummer
80s: which city did crocket and tubbs spend most of their time in*miami vice
80s: which city was axel foley a cop in*detroit
80s: which eighties album, that sold 20 million plus copies, featured vincent price*thriller
80s: which eighties cartoon ended with the phrase: 'and knowing is half the battle?'*g.i.joe
80s: which eighties fashion accessory consisted of a saftey pin and small beads*friendship pins
80s: which eighties musician got sued by a music related company for using their name as part of his pseudonym*thomas dolby
80s: which eighties sitcom featured tom hanks in drag on a regular basis*bosom buddies
80s: which movie had a device known as a flux-capacitor*back to the future
80s: which movie is the line 'snakes, i hate snakes' from*raiders of the lost ark
80s: which movie prompted the style of wearing cutoff sweatshirts over the shoulder*flashdance
80s: which olympics did the us boycott*980
80s: which quirky brunette was one of the first mtv vj's*martha quinn
80s: which red-head won star search and then went on a shopping mall singing tour that took america by storm in 1987 and 1988*tiffany
80s: which rock group of the eighties gave away a silver keychain at every concert, which was supposed to bring good luck to whoever caught it*zztop
80s: which sci-fi sitcom star like to eat cats*alf
80s: which sitcom helped launch michael j. fox's career by portraying him as a money-grubbing teenager*family ties
80s: which tv show portrayed the lives of performing arts high school students*fame
80s: whih royal wedding of the eighties is now scandelously coming apart*charles and di
80s: who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to his steroid use in the 1988 olympics*ben johnson
80s: who got slimmed first in ghostbusters*peter venkman
80s: who lamented about 'no chocolate-covered candy hearts to give away and no wedding saturday within the month of june'*stevie wonder
80s: who played axel foley's best friend in detroit*paul riser
80s: who played ming of mongo in 'flash gordon'*max von sydow
80s: who played sarah connor in 1984's 'terminator'*linda hamilton
80s: who ran unsuccesfully against regan in 1984*walter mondale
80s: who sang 'i want my mtv' on the dire straits song 'money for nothing'*sting
80s: who sang the song 'cry' which was the first video on mtv to use morphing technology through the entire video*godley and creme
80s: who sang the theme song to the 'breakfast club'*simple minds
80s: who shot j.r. euing*kristin sheppard
80s: who was margret thatcher*prime minister of great britan
80s: who was responsible for the infamous assination attempt on then president reagan*john hinkley jr.
80s: who was the 4th child on 'growing pains?'*chrissy
80s: who was the actress that made waves in 1984's 'splash'*darryl hannah
80s: who was the actress that played ferris bueller's sister*jennifer grey
80s: who was the eighties group that was named after the inventor of the radio*tesla
80s: who was the famous individual who originated the catch phrase 'just say no'*nancy reagan
80s: who was the female prime minister of england throughout the eighties*marget thatcher
80s: who was the founder of live aid*bob geldof
80s: who was the head villian on 'the smurfs' and what was his cat's name*gargamel and azreal
80s: who was the lead actress in the famous bomb 'grease 2'*michelle pfiffer
80s: who was the lead singer of the cure*robert smith
80s: who was the leader of the transformers*optimus prime
80s: who was the original singer of los lobos' 1987 hit 'la bamba'*ritchie valens
80s: whose character name was also the title of the show*punky brewster
80s: xavier roberts was the name associated with which eighties toy*cabbage patch kids
80s: you're eating maggots michael.*lost boys
80s: you've got a lot of repressed feelings, don't you (..)? must be what keeps your hair up. (.. name with held to protect the innocent)*dragnet
category: 80s: g.d. searle & co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983.*nutrasweet
category: 80s: in 1983, anne burford left her position as administrator of this agency.*epa
category: 80s: shot dead at the airport in manila, in 1983.*benigno aquino
category: 80s: this leader dozed off in a 1984 speech, leading to speculation of his health*chernenko
category: 1980s grabbag : country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88*united states
category: 1980s grabbag : he lost the 1977 nyc mayoral bid before taking successful aim at albany*mario cuomo
category: 1980s grabbag : the biggest selling single from paul simon's graceland*you can call me al
category: 1980s grabbag : the youngest leader of the soviet union before gorbachev*joseph stalin
category: 1980s grabbag : this country's president zia ul-haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash*pakistan
category: 1980s grabbag : what state gave birth to more than half of the 1980 us olympic hockey team*minnesota
category: 1980s grabbag : who nyc mayor ed kock said jews would be 'crazy' to back for president in 88*jesse jackson
category: 1980s grabbag: c. american strongman who appeared on a time cover entitled 'the drug thugs'*general manuel noriega
category: 1980s grabbag: country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88*united states
category: 1980s grabbag: first shortstop since carew to lead all-star voting 2 years in a row*ozzie smith
category: 1980s grabbag: he was the first tennis player exceed $10 million in career earnings*ivan lendl
category: 1980s grabbag: the last team tom seaver tried to pitch for*new york mets
category: 1980s grabbag: this country's president zia ul-haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash*pakistan
category: 1980s grabbag: tom brokaw and this network anchor made their debuts in 1983*peter jennings
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@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
80s films: 'a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.'*steel magnolias
80s films: 'a woman is a hole, isn't that what they say?'*witches of eastwick
80s films: 'class dismissed. i have an enormous headache in my eye.'*throw mama from the train
80s films: 'did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?'*heathers
80s films: 'did you know that organized crime is the fourth largest employer in new jersey?'*wiseguys
80s films: 'do math majors multiply? do eggs get laid?'*moonlighting
80s films: 'do you know how to get good penetration?'*wildcats
80s films: 'ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?'*batman
80s films: 'f^ck me gently with a chainsaw.'*heathers
80s films: 'halloween in hollywood is redundant.'*glitter dome
80s films: 'he called me a baboon! he thinks i'm his wife!'*caddyshack
80s films: 'how much for the women?'*blues brothers
80s films: 'i love the south bronx. anywhere you go from there is up.'*fame
80s films: 'i want to be just like you. all i need is a lobotomy and some tights.'*breakfast club
80s films: 'if brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose.'*american graffiti
80s films: 'in new jersey, anything can happen.'*purple rose of cairo
80s films: 'in the southeast, they say if you want to go to heaven, you have to change planes in atlanta.'*accidental tourist
80s films: 'is this heaven?' 'no, it's iowa.'*field of dreams
80s films: 'it happens sometimes. people just explode.'*repo man
80s films: 'last time i saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it!'*caddyshack
80s films: 'mister, if you don't shut up, i'm gonna kick 100 percent of your ass!'*fast times at ridgemont high
80s films: 'not too smart, are you? i like that in a man.'*body heat
80s films: 'now i know what i've been faking all these years.'*private benjamin
80s films: 'now, i want you to breathe through your eyelids.'*bull durham
80s films: 'now, let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose!'*beetlejuice
80s films: 'only a few select friends know my private parts.'*zorro, the gay blade
80s films: 'only two things come out of oklahoma: steers and queers.'*officer and a gentleman
80s films: 'poland, the doormat of europe. everybody steps on us.'*to be or not to be
80s films: 'right there, between your legs! pull on it!'*king solomon's mines
80s films: 'snotty beamed me twice last night. it was wonderful.'*spaceballs
80s films: 'somebody oughta cut out your brain and pickle it.'*cotton club
80s films: 'take me to bed or lose me forever!'*top gun
80s films: 'the bargain basement? i've been kidnapped by k-mart?'*ruthless people
80s films: 'we came, we saw, we kicked its ass.'*ghostbusters
80s films: 'we're not homosexuals, but we're willing to learn.'*stripes
80s films: 'when i want your opinion, i'll beat it out of you.'*code of silence
80s films: 'you made a woman meow?'*when harry met sally
80s films: 'you're a ghost, i'm an american. it would never work out.'*high spirits
80s films: ___ (breakdance)*breakin'
80s films: ___ 182*turk
80s films: ___ a little dream*dream
80s films: ___ adults*consenting
80s films: ___ alive*staying
80s films: ___ all odds*against
80s films: ___ and cash*tango
80s films: ___ at bernie's*weekend
80s films: ___ back*jack's
80s films: ___ be good*johnny
80s films: ___ beach, usa*sizzle
80s films: ___ beauty*fatal
80s films: ___ beverly hills*troop
80s films: ___ big adventure*peewee's
80s films: ___ blues*oxford
80s films: ___ boys*catholic
80s films: ___ business*big
80s films: ___ by me*stand
80s films: ___ can wait*heaven
80s films: ___ candles*sixteen
80s films: ___ comfort*southern
80s films: ___ cowboy*drugstore
80s films: ___ date*blind
80s films: ___ dawn*red
80s films: ___ dog*white
80s films: ___ dreams*electric
80s films: ___ eye*cat's
80s films: ___ from heaven*pennies
80s films: ___ girl*valley
80s films: ___ groove*krush
80s films: ___ gun*top
80s films: ___ guns*young
80s films: ___ hard*die
80s films: ___ heat*body
80s films: ___ help us*heaven
80s films: ___ hours*48
80s films: ___ in heaven*made
80s films: ___ in pink*pretty
80s films: ___ jones & the temple of doom*indiana
80s films: ___ just wanna have fun*girls
80s films: ___ last dragon*the
80s films: ___ like us*spies
80s films: ___ live*they
80s films: ___ love*endless
80s films: ___ lovers*summer
80s films: ___ man*rain
80s films: ___ night*fright
80s films: ___ of a kind*two
80s films: ___ of bounds*out
80s films: ___ of day*light
80s films: ___ of dreams*field
80s films: ___ of endearment*terms
80s films: ___ of fire*chariots
80s films: ___ of hearts*thief
80s films: ___ of hell*gates
80s films: ___ of love*sea
80s films: ___ of me*all
80s films: ___ of the living dead*city
80s films: ___ of the spider woman*kiss
80s films: ___ of the universe*masters
80s films: ___ of war*casualties
80s films: ___ on me*lean
80s films: ___ on the fourth of july*born
80s films: ___ party*bachelor
80s films: ___ people*ruthless
80s films: ___ pirates*ice
80s films: ___ places*trading
80s films: ___ quest*vision
80s films: ___ rain*purple
80s films: ___ runner*blade
80s films: ___ school*summer
80s films: ___ science*weird
80s films: ___ seeking susan*desperately
80s films: ___ shop of horrors*little
80s films: ___ states*altered
80s films: ___ street*beat
80s films: ___ surprise*shanghai
80s films: ___ taste*bad
80s films: ___ that girl*who's
80s films: ___ the 13th*friday
80s films: ___ the duck*howard
80s films: ___ the right thing*do
80s films: ___ the stone*romancing
80s films: ___ to america*coming
80s films: ___ to five*nine
80s films: ___ to kill*dressed
80s films: ___ to order*maid
80s films: ___ to the mob*married
80s films: ___ troopers*zone
80s films: ___ up the volume*pump
80s films: ___ weapon*lethal
80s films: ___ witch*teen
80s films: ___ wolf*teen
80s films: ___ women on the moon*amazon
80s films: ___, trains and automobiles*planes
80s films: ___-a-cop*rent
80s films: ___: the movie*shag
80s films: ___balls*meat
80s films: ___boy*rat
80s films: ___dance*flash
80s films: ___man*dark
80s films: ___raiser*hell
80s films: ___scape*dream
80s films: ___shack*caddy
80s films: ___show*creep
80s films: ___space*inner
80s films: a ___ called wanda*fish
80s films: a ___ to a kill*view
80s films: a ___ to india*passage
80s films: a ___ with a view*room
80s films: a long way ___*home
80s films: a shot of tom cruise, a jigger of sex on the beach.*cocktail
80s films: adventures in ___*babysitting
80s films: after ___*hours
80s films: alien meets the invisible man. in the jungle.*predator
80s films: all the ___ moves*right
80s films: american ___ in london*werewolf
80s films: an ___ and a gentleman*officer
80s films: an american ___*tail
80s films: and first-time actor ethan hawke paid an agent to get him this*explorers
80s films: and never call me shirley.*airplane
80s films: andy mccarthy does robby lowe's mom, and she's jackie bissette!*class
80s films: at ___ range*close
80s films: baby ___*boom
80s films: back to ___*school
80s films: back to the ___*future
80s films: bad ___*influence
80s films: better ___ dead*off
80s films: beverly hills ___*cop
80s films: big ___ in little china*trouble
80s films: bill and ted's ___ adventure*excellent
80s films: bill murray, post-snl, pre-groundhog. think spaghetti.*meatballs
80s films: black ___*rain
80s films: blue ___*lagoon
80s films: body ___*double
80s films: brotherhood of ___*justice
80s films: bull ___*durham
80s films: buy schwarzenegger, get devito for free*twins
80s films: can't buy ___ love*me
80s films: cher's got him, babe, and he's got a face.*mask
80s films: christian slater and winona ryder hate school. pass it on.*heathers
80s films: class of ___*1984
80s films: come toward the light, carol anne~~~*poltergeist
80s films: crocodile ___*dundee
80s films: cruise, penn and hutton play army*taps
80s films: cult classic among little people.*willow
80s films: dangerous ___*liaisons
80s films: dead ___*zone
80s films: dead ___ don't wear plaid*men
80s films: dead ___society*poets
80s films: dirty ___*dancing
80s films: dirty rotten ___*scoundrels
80s films: don't tell ___ it's me*her
80s films: dreyfus. estevez. o'donnell. can you believe they made a sequel, too*stakeout
80s films: driving miss ___*daisy
80s films: earth ___ are easy*girls
80s films: eddie and the ___*cruisers
80s films: edward ___*scissorhands
80s films: elvira, ___ of the dark*mistress
80s films: escape from ___*new york
80s films: everybody's ___*all-american
80s films: family ___*business
80s films: fast times at ___ high*ridgemont
80s films: fatal ___*attraction
80s films: ferris ___ day off*bueller's
80s films: film at eleven: car has a mind of its own!*christine
80s films: first ___*blood
80s films: flash: drew barrymore turns ten, whole world in danger!*firestarter
80s films: flight of the ___*navigator
80s films: foot___*loose
80s films: for ___*keeps
80s films: for your ___ only*eyes
80s films: franken___*weenie
80s films: fresh ___*horses
80s films: from the ___*hip
80s films: go directly to brando. do not pass reeve, do not collect lois lane.*superman
80s films: golden ___*child
80s films: guy really gets into playing videogames.*tron
80s films: hair___*spray
80s films: hannibal lecter, chapter one*manhunter
80s films: harrison ford stars in love, amish style*witness
80s films: he: hapless, looking for miss right. she: stiff, wooden -- and ancient.*mannequin
80s films: heart of ___*dixie
80s films: hiding ___*out
80s films: high___*lander
80s films: hmm. let's make chevy chase a spy!*fletch
80s films: house by the ___*cemetary
80s films: house of ___*games
80s films: i feel the earth. move. under my feet.*tremors
80s films: i've given a name to my pain.*batman
80s films: igor and the ___*lunatics
80s films: iron ___*eagle
80s films: jeff bridges, phone home.*starman
80s films: johnny ___*dangerously
80s films: jumpin' jack ___*flash
80s films: just one of the ___*guys
80s films: killer ___ from outer space*klowns
80s films: ladies and gentlemen, introducing denzel washington.*glory
80s films: less than ___*zero
80s films: license to ___*drive
80s films: little tommy hanks gets his wish*big
80s films: lost ___*boys
80s films: mad ___*max
80s films: mad max beyond ___*thunderdome
80s films: making the ___*grade
80s films: mary elizabeth mastrantonio (mm!) in a deep-sea odyssey*abyss
80s films: maximum ___*overdrive
80s films: michelle pfeiffer scores as a predatory bird.*ladyhawke
80s films: midnight ___*run
80s films: mix jeff goldblum's and geena davis's dna, then remove geena davis's dna.*fly
80s films: mix kim cattrall, a honky-tonk, and a bunch of teenage boys.*porky's
80s films: mmm. tastes like fish.*splash
80s films: moon over ___*parador
80s films: moon___*walker
80s films: mr. ___*mom
80s films: my ___ project*science
80s films: my left ___*foot
80s films: naked ___*gun
80s films: national lampoon's ___*vacation
80s films: near ___*dark
80s films: never say ___ again*never
80s films: never. never add water.*gremlins
80s films: night ___*shift
80s films: night of the ___*comet
80s films: nightmare on ___ street*elm
80s films: nineteen ___*eighty-four
80s films: no way ___*out
80s films: no, not gremlins, they're*critters
80s films: olivia newton-john meets mt. olympus*xanadu
80s films: on golden ___*pond
80s films: one ___ summer*crazy
80s films: one-eyed willie and his hidden treasure save the day. good enough for me*goonies
80s films: out of ___*africa
80s films: palais ___*royale
80s films: playing for ___*keeps
80s films: police ___*academy
80s films: proof that there's life in the afterlife. and geena davis's lips.*beetlejuice
80s films: racing with the ___*moon
80s films: raging ___*bull
80s films: raiders of the ___ ark*lost
80s films: raising ___*arizona
80s films: raw ___*deal
80s films: real ___*genius
80s films: red ___*dawn
80s films: return of the ___*jedi
80s films: return to ___*oz
80s films: revenge of the ___*nerds
80s films: ricki lake. before her television show.*hairspray
80s films: risky ___*business
80s films: road ___*house
80s films: running ___*scared
80s films: say ___*anything
80s films: secret ___*admirer
80s films: seven ___ of death*doors
80s films: sex, lies and ___*videotape
80s films: she's ___ a baby*having
80s films: shock ___*treatment
80s films: short ___*circuit
80s films: silver ___*bullet
80s films: six ___*weeks
80s films: some ___ of hero*kind
80s films: some kind of ___*wonderful
80s films: somewhere in ___*time
80s films: soul ___*man
80s films: spielberg. dreyfuss. john goodman. holly hunter. what went wrong*always
80s films: st. ___ fire*elmo's
80s films: stallone as a cop after a serial killer. stop me if you heard it*cobra
80s films: stallone goes postal in the pacific northwest*rambo
80s films: star ___*trek
80s films: star trek: the ___ home*voyage
80s films: star trek: the search for ___*spock
80s films: star trek: the wrath of ___*khan
80s films: streets of ___*fire
80s films: teen ___*wolf
80s films: tender ___*mercies
80s films: the ___ artist*pick-up
80s films: the ___ bride*princess
80s films: the ___ brothers*blues
80s films: the ___ cat*black
80s films: the ___ club*breakfast
80s films: the ___ connection*naples
80s films: the ___ crystal*dark
80s films: the ___ edge*razor's
80s films: the ___ guy*lonely
80s films: the ___ kid*flamingo
80s films: the ___ man*elephant
80s films: the ___ of d.b. cooper*pursuit
80s films: the ___ of the intruder*flight
80s films: the ___ of the rose*name
80s films: the ___ pit*money
80s films: the ___ serpent*winged
80s films: the ___ strikes back*empire
80s films: the ___ thing*sure
80s films: the ___ within*beast
80s films: the ___, part three*godfather
80s films: the big ___*chill
80s films: the bitch is back, and it's not sigourney.*aliens
80s films: the color ___*purple
80s films: the color of ___*money
80s films: the evil ___*dead
80s films: the falcon and the ___*snowman
80s films: the final __*countdown
80s films: the king of ___*comedy
80s films: the last ___*starfighter
80s films: the last ___ of christ*temptation
80s films: the last american ___*virgin
80s films: the legend of ___ jean*billie
80s films: the man with two ___*brains
80s films: the monster ___*squad
80s films: the neverending ___*story
80s films: the new york ___*ripper
80s films: the paean to late nights and teens in the 1950s*diner
80s films: the right ___*stuff
80s films: the running ___*man
80s films: the secret of my ___*success
80s films: the wonder years, as written by oliver stone.*platoon
80s films: think dante's, think towering, think box office dud.*inferno
80s films: this is ___ tap*spinal
80s films: this town needs an enema.*batman
80s films: three ___*amigos
80s films: three men and a ___*baby
80s films: ticket to ___*heaven
80s films: time ___*bandits
80s films: to live and die in ___*l.a.
80s films: tokyo ___*pop
80s films: tom cruise visits the forest primeval, and a unicorn.*legend
80s films: top ___*secret
80s films: tuff ___*turf
80s films: turn back, sarah, before it's too late.*labyrinth
80s films: uncle ___*buck
80s films: under the ___ moon*cherry
80s films: urban ___*cowboy
80s films: vice ___*versa
80s films: vulgar prodigy plays the 18th century's greatest hits.*amadeus
80s films: wanted: lovable old drunk with contemptuous butler.*arthur
80s films: war of the ___*roses
80s films: war___*games
80s films: wasn't jesse ventura in this dud*commando
80s films: we're no ___*angels
80s films: when harry ___ sally*met
80s films: when opie visited the rest home*cocoon
80s films: when ralph macchio left karate behind, he found himself here, sadly.*crossroads
80s films: who ___ roger rabbit*framed
80s films: who said bill murray couldn't play dickens*scrooged
80s films: who you gonna call*ghostbusters
80s films: woman in ___*red
80s films: world history: ben kingsley makes salt, british empire falls down.*gandhi
80s films: yesterday: under the three-billy-goats bridge. today: hollywood!*troll
80s films: yo, adrian!*rocky
80s films: young ___ holmes*sherlock
80s films: young___*blood
80's tv: in the cartoon jem and the holograms, what was the name of jems computer*cinergy
80's tv: elizabeth was the 'starchild' on this sci-fi show*v
80's tv: how did ann jillian's character die on 'jennifer slept here'? she was hit by a __-___ ___*ice-cream truck
80's tv: how did rose nilin's husband charlie die on the golden girls*heart attack
80's tv: how many children did jr ewing knowingly have that lived on 'dallas'*three
80's tv: how old was john schneider when he first played as bo duke on the dukes of hazzard*eighteen
80's tv: if you heard the words 'hey you guys!' what tv program was about to begin*the electric company
80's tv: in battle star galactica, what was the name of the human leader of the cylons*baltar
80's tv: in knight rider, what's the real last name of michael knight*long
80's tv: in magnum pi, what kind of car did higgins drive*audi
80's tv: in the cartoon jem and the holograms, what was the name of jems computer*cinergy
80's tv: in the cartoon show my pet monster, what were the only things that could send beastor, monster's enemy, back to the monster world*orange handcuffs
80's tv: in the show 'the equalizer', what did the hero (mccall) call his former superior from the 'agency'*control
80's tv: mork and mindy was a spinoff of what tv show*happy days
80's tv: my dad was a big kid, a big rich kid. what show was i on*silver spoons
80's tv: name the three children on kate and ali.*chip emma and jenny
80's tv: name the twins on the thundercats.*wily kat and wily kit
80's tv: on 'out of this world' what planet was troy from*anterrius
80's tv: on 'three's company' what was larry's (the upstairs neighbor) last name*dallas
80's tv: on 'who's the boss?', what was samantha's liscense plate on her first car*sam's car
80's tv: on facts of life, what was the name andy thought up to give to the girls when they needed to form a singing group*sexy lingerie
80's tv: on full house, what was jesse's real first name*hermes
80's tv: on laverne & shirley, what was laverne's favorite drink.*milk and pepsi
80's tv: on little house on the prairie, what was laura's horse's name*bunny
80's tv: on little house on the prarie, what was the original name for the school teacher*miss beetle
80's tv: on m*a*s*h, what was the name of bj's wife*peg
80's tv: on m*a*s*h, what was walter 'radar' o'reilley's home state*iowa
80's tv: on night court what was bull's iq? (hint: it's the same upside down as it is right side up.)*181
80's tv: on night court, harry had a 'statue' of what animal in his office*armadillo
80's tv: on night court, who was harry's idol*mel torme
80's tv: on one day at a time, what were the two daughter's names*barbara and julie
80's tv: on the show cheers,what was the name of the restaurant above the bar.*melvilles
80's tv: on the show kight rider, what was the name of k.i.t.t.s evil double*k.a.r.r
80's tv: on the superfriends, what was the name of the monkey*gleek
80's tv: on the superfriends, what were the wonder twins names*zan and jayna
80's tv: on three's company, what city did the trio live in*santa monica
80's tv: on three's company, what is the name 'chrissy' is short for*christmas
80's tv: on three's company, what was chrissy's father's ocupation*a reverend
80's tv: on three's company, what was jack's retaurant that he opened and was head chef*jack's bistro
80's tv: on three's company, what's the first name of mr. furley's (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building*bart
80's tv: on what show would you find gary gnu*the great space coaster
80's tv: the jeffersons was a spinoff from what show*all in the family
80's tv: what 80's pro-wrestler was turned into a g.i. joe character*sgt. slaughter
80's tv: what actor was famous for the line 'nanoo nanoo'*robin williams
80's tv: what actress played laura and almonzo's niece on little house on the prairie*shannen doherty
80's tv: what are the names of the simon brothers from simon & simon*rick and aj
80's tv: what cartoon featured a boy with a community of tiny people living in his wall*the littles
80's tv: what city provided the setting for one day at a time*indianapolis
80's tv: what current cast member of er was on an 80's show of the same name*george clooney
80's tv: what current popular sitcom star played michael p. keaton's girlfriend lauren miller on family ties*courtney cox
80's tv: what did archie bunker on 'all in the family' call his son-in-law mike*meathead
80's tv: what did the 'p' in roscoe p. coltrane (from dukes of hazzard) stand for*purvis
80's tv: what did webster call his adoptive parents*ma'am and george
80's tv: what famous congressman was on an episode of the golden girls*sonny bono
80's tv: what georgia town did the first dukes of hazzard episodes take place*covington
80's tv: what is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colors of the rainbow, and had a design on their butt, there were pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies and they talked*my little ponies
80's tv: what is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colours of the rainbow, and had a design on their butt, there were pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies and they talked*my little ponies
80's tv: what is the name of the cat in the smurfs*azriel
80's tv: what is the name of the dukes of hazzards car*general lee
80's tv: what is the real name of jem from jem and the holograms*jerrica benton
80's tv: what is the real name of the 'man of arms' in 'he man and the masters of the universe'*duncan
80's tv: what island did balki from perfect strangers call home*mypos
80's tv: what media icon invaded network 23*max headroom
80's tv: what method of transportation did webster use to get from the upper level of the house to the lower level*the dumbwaiter
80's tv: what planet did alf come from*melmac
80's tv: what planet did the thundercats live on*third earth
80's tv: what show did the simpsons first appear*the tracy ullman show
80's tv: what show was a spin-off of transformers*go-bots
80's tv: what show was family matters a spin-off of*perfect strangers
80's tv: what sitcom was 'the facts of life' a spinoff of*different strokes
80's tv: what star of the breakfast club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life*molly ringwald
80's tv: what tv personality did doritos commercials*jay leno
80's tv: what was al bundy's nickname during the dream sequence with all of the women in his bedroom*al-night long
80's tv: what was alf's girlfriend from melmac's name*rhonda
80's tv: what was alf's real name*gordon shumway
80's tv: what was angela's son's name in who's the boss*jonathon
80's tv: what was balki bartokamus' occupation when he lived in mypos*sheep herder
80's tv: what was crocketts first name on miami vice? his nick name was sonny.*james
80's tv: what was michael jackson advertising when he was nearly killed*pepsi
80's tv: what was punky brewster's best friends name*cherry
80's tv: what was reverend jims real last name on taxi*caldwell
80's tv: what was roscoe's dogs name on the dukes of hazzard*flash
80's tv: what was the connection between the facts of life and er*george clooney
80's tv: what was the full name of mangum p.i.*thomas magnum
80's tv: what was the name of arnold's fish on different strokes*abraham
80's tv: what was the name of facts of life's mrs. garret's gourmet food shop*edna's edibles
80's tv: what was the name of he-man's legless, wizard friend*orco
80's tv: what was the name of murphy brown's news program*fyi
80's tv: what was the name of punky brewster's dog*brandon
80's tv: what was the name of the bar on dukes of hazzard*boar's nest
80's tv: what was the name of the bar that the characters from 'three's company' frequented*regal beagle
80's tv: what was the name of the bartender on the love boat*isaac
80's tv: what was the name of the castle that gave he-man his powers*greyskull
80's tv: what was the name of the comic strip that 'henry rush' (too close for comfort)wrote*cosmic cow
80's tv: what was the name of the detective agency in moonlighting*blue moon
80's tv: what was the name of the dog in fraggle rock*sprocket
80's tv: what was the name of the head master at the eastland school for girls on the 'facts of life' during its first premiere season*mr. bradley
80's tv: what was the name of the helicopter on riptide*the mimi
80's tv: what was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for airwolf*santini air
80's tv: what was the name of the home of the care bear cousins*forest of feelings
80's tv: what was the name of the home that sofia patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the golden girls.*shady pines
80's tv: what was the name of the older brother on happy days*chuck
80's tv: what was the name of the robot girl on 'small wonder'*vicki
80's tv: what was the name of the robot on buck rogers*twiggy
80's tv: what was the name of the school mistress in the facts of life*mrs. garrett
80's tv: what was the name of the short lived spin-off of three's company*the ropers
80's tv: what was the name of the t.v. show with the theme song that began: 'believe it or not, i'm walking on air...'*greatest american hero
80's tv: what was the name of the woman who helped run the school for the blind on 'little house on the prarie?' (besides mary ingalls)*hester sue
80's tv: what was the name of vanessa's last boyfriend on the cosby show*dabnes
80's tv: what was the primary occupation of characters in 'falcon crest'*vineyard owners
80's tv: what was the real name of the hospital on st. elsewhere*st. eligus
80's tv: what were the two dogs names on magnum pi*apollo and zeus
80's tv: where did simon & simon take place*san diego
80's tv: where was hawkeye pierce's hometown in the show m*a*s*h*crab apple cove
80's tv: which famous talk show host made a guest apearence on laverne & shirley*jay leno
80's tv: which one of the a team was a pilot*murdoch
80's tv: who palyed mork from ork's son*johnathan winters
80's tv: who played jo's sailor boyfriend on the facts of life*robby benson
80's tv: who played the uncle on family ties*tom hanks
80's tv: who was mallory keaton's fiance*nick moore
80's tv: who was the bully who terrorized arnold on different strokes*the gooch
80's tv: who was the famous tv painter from the 80's*bob ross
80's tv: who was the leader of the bad guys on hulk hogan's rock n wrestling that annoyed hulk hogan and his freinds*rowdy roddy piper
80's tv: who was the leader of the good transformers*optimus prime
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what is the element for the symbol ac*actinium
what is the element for the symbol ag*silver
what is the element for the symbol al*aluminium
what is the element for the symbol am*americium
what is the element for the symbol ar*argon
what is the element for the symbol as*arsenic
what is the element for the symbol at*astatine
what is the element for the symbol au*gold
what is the element for the symbol b*boron
what is the element for the symbol ba*barium
what is the element for the symbol be*beryllium
what is the element for the symbol bi*bismuth
what is the element for the symbol bk*berkelium
what is the element for the symbol br*bromine
what is the element for the symbol c*carbon
what is the element for the symbol ca*calcium
what is the element for the symbol cd*cadium
what is the element for the symbol ce*cerium
what is the element for the symbol cf*californium
what is the element for the symbol cl*chlorine
what is the element for the symbol cm*curium
what is the element for the symbol co*cobalt
what is the element for the symbol cr*chromium
what is the element for the symbol cs*cesium
what is the element for the symbol cu*copper
what is the element for the symbol dy*dysprosium
what is the element for the symbol er*erbium
what is the element for the symbol es*einsteinium
what is the element for the symbol eu*europium
what is the element for the symbol f*flourine
what is the element for the symbol fe*iron
what is the element for the symbol fm*fermium
what is the element for the symbol fr*francium
what is the element for the symbol ga*gallium
what is the element for the symbol gd*gadolinium
what is the element for the symbol ge*germanium
what is the element for the symbol h*hydrogen
what is the element for the symbol ha*hahnium
what is the element for the symbol he*helium
what is the element for the symbol hf*hafnium
what is the element for the symbol hg*mercury
what is the element for the symbol ho*holmium
what is the element for the symbol hs*hassium
what is the element for the symbol i*iodine
what is the element for the symbol in*indium
what is the element for the symbol ir*iridium
what is the element for the symbol k*potassium
what is the element for the symbol kr*krypton
what is the element for the symbol la*lanthanum
what is the element for the symbol li*lithium
what is the element for the symbol lr*lawtencium
what is the element for the symbol lu*lutenium
what is the element for the symbol md*mendelevium
what is the element for the symbol mg*magnesium
what is the element for the symbol mo*molybdenum
what is the element for the symbol mt*manganese
what is the element for the symbol n*nitrogen
what is the element for the symbol na*sodium
what is the element for the symbol nb*niobium
what is the element for the symbol nd*neodymium
what is the element for the symbol ne*neon
what is the element for the symbol ni*nickel
what is the element for the symbol no*nobelium
what is the element for the symbol np*neptunium
what is the element for the symbol ns*neilsborium
what is the element for the symbol o*oxygen
what is the element for the symbol os*osamian
what is the element for the symbol p*phosphorus
what is the element for the symbol pa*protactinium
what is the element for the symbol pb*lead
what is the element for the symbol pd*palladium
what is the element for the symbol pm*promethium
what is the element for the symbol po*polonium
what is the element for the symbol pr*praseodymium
what is the element for the symbol pt*platinum
what is the element for the symbol pu*plutonium
what is the element for the symbol ra*radium
what is the element for the symbol rb*rubidium
what is the element for the symbol re*rhenium
what is the element for the symbol rf*rutherfordium
what is the element for the symbol rh*rhodium
what is the element for the symbol rn*radon
what is the element for the symbol ru*ruthenium
what is the element for the symbol s*sulfur
what is the element for the symbol sb*antimony
what is the element for the symbol sc*scandium
what is the element for the symbol se*selenium
what is the element for the symbol sg*seaborgium
what is the element for the symbol si*silicon
what is the element for the symbol sm*samarium
what is the element for the symbol sn*tin
what is the element for the symbol sr*strontium
what is the element for the symbol ta*tantalum
what is the element for the symbol tb*terbium
what is the element for the symbol tc*technetium
what is the element for the symbol te*tellurium
what is the element for the symbol th*thorium
what is the element for the symbol ti*titanium
what is the element for the symbol tl*thalium
what is the element for the symbol tm*thulium
what is the element for the symbol u*uranium
what is the element for the symbol v*vanadium
what is the element for the symbol w*tungsten
what is the element for the symbol xi*xenon
what is the element for the symbol yb*ytterbium
what is the element for the symbol yt*yttrium
what is the element for the symbol zn*zinc
what is the element symbol for actinium*ac
what is the element symbol for aluminum*al
what is the element symbol for americum*am
what is the element symbol for antimony*sb
what is the element symbol for argon*ar
what is the element symbol for arsenic (gray)*as
what is the element symbol for astatine*at
what is the element symbol for barium*ba
what is the element symbol for berkelium*bk
what is the element symbol for berylium*be
what is the element symbol for bismuth*bi
what is the element symbol for bohrium*bh
what is the element symbol for bromine*br
what is the element symbol for cadmium*cd
what is the element symbol for calcium*ca
what is the element symbol for californium*cf
what is the element symbol for cerium*ce
what is the element symbol for cesium*cs
what is the element symbol for chlorine*cl
what is the element symbol for chromium*cr
what is the element symbol for cobalt*co
what is the element symbol for copper*cu
what is the element symbol for curium*cm
what is the element symbol for dubnium*db
what is the element symbol for dysprosium*dy
what is the element symbol for einsteinium*es
what is the element symbol for erbium*er
what is the element symbol for europium*eu
what is the element symbol for fermium*fm
what is the element symbol for francium*fr
what is the element symbol for gadolinium*gd
what is the element symbol for gallium*ga
what is the element symbol for germanium*ge
what is the element symbol for gold*au
what is the element symbol for hafnium*hf
what is the element symbol for hassium*hs
what is the element symbol for helium*he
what is the element symbol for holmium*ho
what is the element symbol for hydrogen*h
what is the element symbol for indium*in
what is the element symbol for iridium*ir
what is the element symbol for iron*fe
what is the element symbol for krypton*kr
what is the element symbol for lanthanum*la
what is the element symbol for lawrencium*lr
what is the element symbol for lead*pb
what is the element symbol for lithium*li
what is the element symbol for lutetium*lu
what is the element symbol for magnesium*mg
what is the element symbol for manganese*mn
what is the element symbol for meitnerium*mt
what is the element symbol for mendelevium*md
what is the element symbol for mercury*hg
what is the element symbol for molybdenum*mo
what is the element symbol for neodymium*nd
what is the element symbol for neon*ne
what is the element symbol for neptunium*np
what is the element symbol for nickel*ni
what is the element symbol for niobium (columbium)*nb
what is the element symbol for osmium*os
what is the element symbol for palladium*pd
what is the element symbol for platinum*pt
what is the element symbol for plutonium*pu
what is the element symbol for polonium*po
what is the element symbol for praseodymium*pr
what is the element symbol for promethium*pm
what is the element symbol for protactinium*pa
what is the element symbol for radium*ra
what is the element symbol for radon*rn
what is the element symbol for rhenium*re
what is the element symbol for rhodium*rh
what is the element symbol for rubidium*rb
what is the element symbol for ruthenium*ru
what is the element symbol for rutherfordium*rf
what is the element symbol for samarium*sm
what is the element symbol for scandium*sc
what is the element symbol for seaborgium*sg
what is the element symbol for selenium (gray)*se
what is the element symbol for silicon*si
what is the element symbol for silver*ag
what is the element symbol for sodium*na
what is the element symbol for strontium*sr
what is the element symbol for tantalum*ta
what is the element symbol for technetium*tc
what is the element symbol for tellurium*te
what is the element symbol for terbium*tb
what is the element symbol for thallium*tl
what is the element symbol for thorium*th
what is the element symbol for thulium*tm
what is the element symbol for tin (white)*sn
what is the element symbol for titanium*ti
what is the element symbol for xenon*xe
what is the element symbol for ytterbium*yb
what is the element symbol for zinc*zn
what is the element symbol for zirconium*zr
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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Farscape: 'aeryn, my name is xhalux sun; you were _____ __ ___*conceived in love
Farscape: 'assault on a police officer, thieft of police property, illegal possesion of a firearm, five counts of attempted murder, that comes to twenty-nine dollars and fourty cents. ____ _____ or ________*cash check creditcard
Farscape: 'bastards, they shot me the punched me, they made me drink ____'*piss
Farscape: 'go ____ yourself'*frell
Farscape: 'pile of ____'*dren
Farscape: aeryn looks human but she's really what*sebacean
Farscape: aeryn says that the beer on earth tastes like*fellip nectar
Farscape: after moya became pregnant what became harder and harder to perform*starburst
Farscape: after moya became pregnant what did she try to do to the crew*kill them
Farscape: as no humans had ever been seen before, crichton was at first mistaken for a what race*sebacean
Farscape: aside from moya, who is pilot closest to on the show*aeryn
Farscape: before zhaan died what color was her forehead*red
Farscape: by whom was rygel tortured before joining moya's crew*durka
Farscape: claudia black, who plays aeryn, starred in which recent sf film*pitch black
Farscape: crichton did not design the farscape project alone, who assisted him*dk
Farscape: crichton did not work for nasa but for what fictional body with a suspiciously similar logo*iasa
Farscape: crichton was to be frozen as a statue for how long in 'look at the princess'*80 cycles
Farscape: crichton's father jack was portrayed by kent mccord who also starred on what show in 1980 as lt troy*galactica 1980
Farscape: d'argo's dead wife was what race*sebacean
Farscape: d'argo's first name is*ka
Farscape: d'argo's son joined the crew after they had what*freed him
Farscape: d'argo's son was to be sold in lot*kesha four
Farscape: drd is an acronym for*diagnostic repair darter
Farscape: given the choice between escape with crichton and death by the peacekeepers, what did aeryn do first*thought about it
Farscape: how did aeryn come to be in the service of the peacekeepers*born into it
Farscape: how did chiana learn of her brother's apparent death*life disc
Farscape: how did crichton get across the universe*wormhole
Farscape: how did the crichton on talyn die*radiation poisoning
Farscape: how does moya travel*starburst
Farscape: how is pilot linked to moya*neural tentacles
Farscape: how john can understand the others on the moya crew*translator microbes
Farscape: how many arms did pilot at the start of the show*eight
Farscape: how many leviathans have been shown*three
Farscape: how many subjects did rygel rule when he was in power*600 billion
Farscape: how many times has crichton been tricked into thinking he's gone back to earth*twice
Farscape: how old is d'argo in the very first show*30 cycles
Farscape: in 'clockwork nebari', other than crichton and pilot, who wasn't affect by the mind clensing*rygel
Farscape: in 'farscape: undressed', ben browder explains crichton and aeryn's first encounter as 'boy mets girl, _____ ____ ___'_ ___'*girl kicks boy's ass
Farscape: in 'green eyed monster', who did talyn try to kill*john
Farscape: in 'icarus abides', who died*crichton
Farscape: in 'infinite possibilities part 2, icarus abides', what did crichton destroy*juggernaut
Farscape: in 'liars, guns and money part 2', how did the crew destroy the creatures that invaded moya*burn them
Farscape: in 'meltdown', what large astrological body was luring levathans to their deaths*a sun
Farscape: in 'meltdown', who became a 'pilot'*stark
Farscape: in 'my three crichtons' of the past/present/future crichton which left the sphere first*past
Farscape: in 'my three crichtons' of the past/present/future crichton which lived*present
Farscape: in 'my three crichtons' of the past/present/future crichton which remembered the fight he had with dk before launch*future
Farscape: in 'relativity', who did crais claim to have killed*xhalax sun
Farscape: in 'revenging angel', what was needed to stop d'argo's ship from destructing*qualta blade
Farscape: in 'revenging angel', who messed with d'argo's ship*jool
Farscape: in 'revenging angel', who was really angry and almost killed crichton*d'argo
Farscape: in 'thank god its friday... again', what is tommorrow*a rest day
Farscape: in 'thanks for sharing', '... i did not have a private meeting with mrs. serova, the end. cross my heart, slap me dead, ____ _ _______ __ __ ___'*stick a lobster on my head
Farscape: in 'won't get fooled again' what is chiana's name*jessica
Farscape: in 'won't get fooled again'' pilot shows up as a ____*drummer
Farscape: in 'won't get fooled again', who stopped crichton's brain functions*harvey
Farscape: in latp3, maltese crichton who fished crichton's head out of the acid*scorpius
Farscape: in the first episode, who managed to escape the peacekeepers on moya and free the others*rygel
Farscape: in the first show d'argo said he had seen how many battle campaigns*two
Farscape: in the last episode that aired what race was the traitor*hinerian
Farscape: in the pilot ep. crichton calles the peackeepers what*renta-cops
Farscape: in through the looking glass, which crew member was unaffected by the first dimension*chiana
Farscape: in what episode did the two crichtons split up*thanks for sharing
Farscape: in what episode does crichton get doubled*eat me
Farscape: in what episode does moya's crew take a defense shield*pk tech girl
Farscape: in which episode did scorpius suggest that he and john have margarita shooters and pizza*crackers don't matter
Farscape: in which episode did stark 'die'*the ugly truth
Farscape: in which episode does chiana join moya's crew*durka returns
Farscape: it has beer-flavoured nectar and its urine is an analgesic. what is it*fellip
Farscape: john earned a doctorate in what field*theoretical science
Farscape: john named his gun. he calls it '_____'*winona
Farscape: jool's scream can melt what*metal
Farscape: jothee is first seen in what episode*liars, guns and money part 2: with friends like these
Farscape: marjoules are a type of what*food
Farscape: name the episode which had the following quote: stop right there, or i'll fill you full of...little yellow bolts of light.*premiere
Farscape: name the popular tv character that will be dead after crichton is revived in 80 cycles*buffy the vampire slayer
Farscape: name the shuttle that launched crichton's module*collaroy
Farscape: on which side of his head is stark's plate*right
Farscape: peacekeepers would kill d'argo's son because he is a(n) _____*half-breed
Farscape: slaves from the katin mines are sold in lots of ____*ten thousand
Farscape: stark - 'would zhaan approve of this use of violence' aeryn - 'she is talking through me __ __ ___ ___'*it is her wish
Farscape: the major difference between sebaceans and humans is that sebaceans can't handle what as well as humans*heat
Farscape: the ship 'moya' is alive and comes from a race of aliens called*leviathans
Farscape: the various levels in moya are not called decks, they are what*tiers
Farscape: what are budongs mined for*nogelti crystals
Farscape: what color are budong eyes*green
Farscape: what color is zhaan's blood*white
Farscape: what creature was seen in the start of 'green-eyed monster'*budong
Farscape: what did crichton call the 'regions of his brain that were filled with nothing but gibberish' that harvey noted*high school
Farscape: what did karvok call his peacekeeper 'prisoners'*xarai
Farscape: what did scorpius have destroyed by crichton*gammic base
Farscape: what does john call the neural clone of scorpius in his head*harvey
Farscape: what does moya use to bring other ships on board safely*docking web
Farscape: what does zhaan really ->really<- like*sunlight
Farscape: what food does crichton want when everone goes crackers*icecream
Farscape: what group did john work for that funded the farscape project*iasa
Farscape: what happened to the crack peacekeeper team aeryn belonged to*demoted
Farscape: what happens to jool when she gets really mad*her hair turns red
Farscape: what happens when jool screams*metal melts
Farscape: what has been the only signal john has seen from earth*the three stooges
Farscape: what is a stimulant for a leviathan*chromextin
Farscape: what is aeryn's mother's name*xhalax sun
Farscape: what is an anaesthetic for leviathans*clorium
Farscape: what is crais' first name*bialar
Farscape: what is crichton's middle name*robert
Farscape: what is name of d'argo's son*jothee
Farscape: what is the largest creature in the galaxy*budong
Farscape: what is the name of crichton's craft that was part of his experiment before he left earth*farscape one
Farscape: what is the name of moya's child*talyn
Farscape: what is the only episode pilot is not in*that old black magic
Farscape: what is zhaan's equivalent of a mind-meld called*unity
Farscape: what other sci-fi tv show has david kemper been a producer on*seaquest dsv
Farscape: what punishment was stark to endure because of his attack on the zalbinians*dispersion
Farscape: what race is stark*banik
Farscape: what race of aliens was looking for a home where they would be accepted*ancients
Farscape: what rank do d'argos tattoos mean*general
Farscape: what rank is crichton*commander
Farscape: what ship was rygel first held prisoner on*zelbinion
Farscape: what should crichton never swallow*dentick
Farscape: what species is chiana*nebari
Farscape: what species is zhaan*delvian
Farscape: what type of peacekeeper ship did aeryn have*prowler
Farscape: what type of weapon does d'argo have*qualta blade
Farscape: what was crais' peacekeeper rank*captain
Farscape: what was removed to free moya from peacekeeper control*control collar
Farscape: what was the name of the leviathan who was destroyed in 'eat me'*rohvu
Farscape: what weapon is associated with tavleks*gauntlet
Farscape: what were the large tracking reptile like creatures, who were part of peacekeeper retrieval squad who are after tayln called*colartas
Farscape: what's john's nickname for chiana*pip
Farscape: what's the difference between zhaan and all the other characters*plant
Farscape: what's the most common farscape swearword*frell
Farscape: what's unusual about moya compared to most ships*alive
Farscape: when chiana first came to moya, what was she*prisoner
Farscape: when crichton has apparently returned to earth, where does he always arrive*sydney
Farscape: when d'argo and john woke up the next night in 'scratch n sniff', what color was the feather in crichton's mouth*blue
Farscape: when did aeryn say, 'i hope you meant what you said in the neural cluster...because i did.'*die me dichotomy
Farscape: when rigel gets nervous, what does he do*farts helium
Farscape: where in the universe has crichton spent most of his time on the show*uncharted territories
Farscape: which farscape character can never leave moya*pilot
Farscape: which is the shortest time measurements used on the show*microt
Farscape: which member of the crew once nipped out for a scouting flight that lasted 160 cycles, during which she had a daughter*aeryn
Farscape: which person on moya is a genetic cousin to chriton*jool
Farscape: who always told rygel that he'd 'die from incompentece'*his mom
Farscape: who deposed rygel*his cousin
Farscape: who did crichton play chess with in beware of dog*himself
Farscape: who did stark fall for out of moya's crew*zhaan
Farscape: who does anthony simcoe play*ka d'argo
Farscape: who does ben browder play*commander john crichton
Farscape: who does claudia black play*officer aeryn sun
Farscape: who does crais blame crichton for killing during the first season*his brother
Farscape: who does crichton warn 'beware of the chair'*will robinson
Farscape: who does gi gi edgely play*chiana
Farscape: who does jonathan hardy play*dominar rygel xvi
Farscape: who does lani tupu play*captain bialar crais
Farscape: who does virginia hey play*pa'u zotoh zhaan
Farscape: who is aeryn's father*talyn sun
Farscape: who is the largest character on the show*moya
Farscape: who killed aeryn's father*xhalax sun
Farscape: who named talyn*aeryn sun
Farscape: who performed dna alterations on aeryn*namtar
Farscape: who playes the voice of pilot*lani tupu
Farscape: who said 'she gives me a woody'*aeryn sun
Farscape: who tried to kill crichton in 'green-eyed monster'*talyn
Farscape: who was john's best friend on earth*dk
Farscape: who would come up with a better plan than aeryn*wyle e. coyote
Farscape: why can't aeryn return to the peacekeepers*contaminated
Farscape: why does aeryn know more about flying moya than anyone but pilot*has some of pilots dna
Farscape: why is scorpius obsessed with crichton*wormhole knowledge
Farscape: why were d'argo, rygel and zhaan on moya originally*imprisoned
Farscape: within minutes of being brought aboard moya, what injected crithton with translator microbes*drd
Farscape: zhaan is a delvian priest, also called a ___*pa'u
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
category: 50s: this european principality gained a princess in 1956.*monaco
category: 50s: this flop car was introduced in the 50's.*edsel
category: 50s: this was created by the treaty of rome in 1957*european economic community
category: 50s: born in 1959, she was the actress possessed by the devil in the exorcist.*blair
category: 50s: king talal of this country was ousted, due to insanity, by his son hussein.*jordan
category: 50s: russian author who won the nobel prize for literature in 1958*boris pasternak
category: 50s: this flop car was introduced in the 50's.*edsel
category: 50s: this many presidents were elected during the fifties.*one
category: 50s: this nation was divided at the 17th parallel in 1954*vietnam
category: 50s: william goldings 1955 novel about boys stranded on an island*lord of the flies
category: 50s authors: a death in the familyxx: a death in the family*james agee
category: 50s authors: across the river and into the trees*hemingway
category: 50s authors: andersonville*mackinlay kantor
category: 50s authors: atlas shrugged*ayn rand
category: 50s authors: by love possessed*james gould couzzens
category: 50s authors: from here to eternity*james jones
category: 50s authors: on the road*jack kerouac
category: 50s authors: sieze the day*saul bellow
category: 50s authors: the caine mutiny*herman wouk
category: 50s authors: the last hurrah*edwin oconner
category: 50s authors: the mandarians*simone debeauvoir
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@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
general knowledge: 'joy to the world' was a hit in 1971 for what band with three lead vocalists*three dog night
general knowledge: a bone specialist is a(n) ________.*osteopath
general knowledge: a cat has how many muscles in each ear*32
general knowledge: a local ordinance in atwoodville, connecticut, prohibits people from playing this game while waiting for a politician to speak.*scrabble
general knowledge: a recent poll showed that 52% of americans would rather spend a week in jail than be what*president
general knowledge: an adventurous penguin named tennessee tuxedo had a sidekick named _______*chumley
general knowledge: an animal is a bird if it has _______.*feathers
general knowledge: ancient egyptians slept on pillows made of what*stone
general knowledge: antarctica and what other continent have never seen serious military conflict*australia
general knowledge: as a matter of biology, what are most creatures that bite you - male or female*female
general knowledge: at what speed do freely falling bodies descend under the influence of gravity*9.81 m/s
general knowledge: ayres rock in australia is now known by which aboriginal name*uluru
general knowledge: bad weather on the way to the wedding is thought to be an omen of what*an unhappy marriage
general knowledge: by what common name do we call a unit of power equal to 108,900 m-pounds/minute (33,000 foot-pounds/minute)*horsepower
general knowledge: byssinosis is a disease that affects what body organ*lung
general knowledge: california state law allows thirteen species of rockfish to be called what when sold at market? these include bocaccio, chilipepper, yellowtail, vermilion, widow, and olive rockfish.*pacific red snapper
general knowledge: common name for a large south american snake of the boa family*anaconda
general knowledge: cronus is identified with which roman god*uranus
general knowledge: dawg was owned by which comic strip family*hi and lois
general knowledge: dogs bark. what do donkeys do*bray
general knowledge: economic definitions: an addition of money to the circular flow.*injection
general knowledge: fill in: 'the weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. if not for the courage of the fearless crew, the ______ would be lost.'*minnow
general knowledge: for a time, it was the custom to use these as a form of currency in france.*eggs
general knowledge: for what was sir jacob epstein famous*sculpture
general knowledge: from what animal is ambergis obtained*sperm whale
general knowledge: give the term that describes any two colors that when mixed produce white light*complementary
general knowledge: greek gods of mythology: mother of the gods*rhea
general knowledge: greek gods of mythology: which god escaped the fate of his elder siblings who were swallowed by their father*zeus
general knowledge: he invented 'bifocal' lenses for eyeglasses.*benjamin franklin
general knowledge: he is known for cavorting on the beach with buxom beauties, but in germany, he is extremely popular for his singing career.*david hasselhoff
general knowledge: he is the angel in islamic myth who will sound the trumpet announcing the end of the world.*israfil
general knowledge: he said, 'i have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat.'*winston churchill
general knowledge: homunculus is a fancy word for a what*dwarf
general knowledge: how do frogs catch flies*with their sticky tongues
general knowledge: how fast was the titanic going when it hit the iceberg*22 knots
general knowledge: how long does the guinness book of world records say the longest marriage lasted*86 years
general knowledge: how many actors have portrayed tarzan on the big screen*four
general knowledge: how many instruments accompany someone singing 'a cappella'*zero
general knowledge: how many men signed the american declaration of independence*56
general knowledge: how many months have no r in their spelling*four
general knowledge: how many noses does a slug have*four
general knowledge: how many official languages does switzerland recognize*four
general knowledge: how many oscars did walt disney collect between 1931 and 1969*thirty five
general knowledge: how many rooms are there in the board game cluedo (or clue in the us)*nine
general knowledge: how many squares are there on a snakes and ladders board*100
general knowledge: how many stories did enid blyton, writer of the 'famous five' publish in 1959*59
general knowledge: how many teaspoons are there in a cup*48
general knowledge: how many times a year does an adult cat shed its coat*3 times
general knowledge: how many versions of mona lisa is painted beneath the original as shown today*three
general knowledge: how many years did jesse owens long jump record stand*twenty five
general knowledge: how much does the average skeleton of the average 160-pound body weigh*about 29-pounds
general knowledge: how often do elephants have sex*once every 4 years
general knowledge: how old was stevie wonder when he had his first hit*thirteen
general knowledge: how old was william shakespeare when he married anne hathaway on 27 november 1582*18
general knowledge: if you are suffering from graphospasm, what do you have*writer's cramp
general knowledge: if you are very good at chatting, your are said to have the gift of the what*gab
general knowledge: if you flew due east from new york city, what would be the first country you would reach*portugal
general knowledge: if you peg out what game are you playing*cribbage
general knowledge: if you whistle indoors russia, it is said you are doing what*whistling your money away
general knowledge: in '96 hank marvin released an album of which late 50s star's songs*buddy holly
general knowledge: in 1804 haiti became independent of what other nation*france
general knowledge: in 1914, mary phelps jacobs gave women everywhere a boost by inventing what*the first bra
general knowledge: in 1921 it was discovered that insulin, a hormone extracted from the pancreas of pigs, could be used to treat what disease*diabetes
general knowledge: in 1969, this honey-dripping song by the archies spent four weeks at the top of the charts.*sugar sugar
general knowledge: in ancient times, which country was ruled by the moguls*india
general knowledge: in australian aboriginal folklore who said to inhabit reedy swamps and lagoons*the bunyip
general knowledge: in china, the chirp of this animal has always been popular, even with the emperors.*crickets
general knowledge: in cricket, what is a sequence of six or eight balls called*an over
general knowledge: in disney's 'lady and the tramp,' what is the name of lady's master*jim dear
general knowledge: in poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) __________.*flush
general knowledge: in ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of*300
general knowledge: in the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.*narcissism
general knowledge: in the newspaper business, what staff of people is known as the 'lobster shift'*night staff
general knowledge: in the usa 'moderate drinking' is defined as 2 drinks a day. how man drinks a day does it take in the united kingdom*four
general knowledge: in the usa what is a g-man*fbi agent
general knowledge: in this country, they do not use christmas trees. they decorate small pyramid shaped wooden stands with fruit.*italy
general knowledge: in tutti fruttiwho drove little richard crazy*daisy
general knowledge: in what city was martin luther king, jr. assassinated*memphis
general knowledge: in what country did the french poodle originate*germany
general knowledge: in what country is lahore*pakistan
general knowledge: in what country is the only recorded flying saucer pad on earth located*thunderbirds
general knowledge: in what form did g.i. joe first appear*comic strip
general knowledge: in what year did the first settlers come to australia*1788
general knowledge: in which country was madame curie born*poland
general knowledge: in which film did tom cruise and demi moore play naval lawyers*a few good men
general knowledge: internet access in this country is restricted by anti-modem laws. illegal possession of a modem can lead to a prison term. public typists work at typewriters charging about 14 cents per page. on a good day, a public typist earns about*burma
general knowledge: isms: public ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange.*socialism
general knowledge: it takes more calories to eat this than it has in it to begin with.*alloy
general knowledge: jaguar images and costumes were outlawed by the this church in the seventeenth century because of their association with indian religion, militia, and politics.*the catholic church
general knowledge: jericho was originally a stronghold commanding the valley of which river*the jordan
general knowledge: khartoum is the capital of which country*sudan
general knowledge: legal terms: a crime more serious than a misdemeanor.*felony
general knowledge: members of the aristocracy are said to have what color blood*blue
general knowledge: name the capital of argentina.*buenos aires
general knowledge: name the group: angus young, bon scott*acdc
general knowledge: name the group: godley and creme*10cc
general knowledge: name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.*st bernard
general knowledge: name the largest city in canada*toronto
general knowledge: name the only only u.s. state that produces coffee.*hawaii
general knowledge: name the three ships of christopher columbus*pinta, nina and santa maria
general knowledge: often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal*pig
general knowledge: on a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of z.*x
general knowledge: on international automobile license plates, what country is represented by the letter e*spain
general knowledge: on the chinese calendar, the year 2000 was the year of the what*golden dragon
general knowledge: on the monopoly game board, what is the rent for boardwalk with a hotel*2000
general knowledge: on what part of the body were the slaves of hebrew masters marked*ear
general knowledge: one teaspoon is how many millilitres*five
general knowledge: one who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n)________.*astrologer
general knowledge: over 400 films has been made, based on the plays of what famous writer*william shakespeare
general knowledge: rik mayall, adrian edmundson, nigel planer and christopher ryan were*the young ones
general knowledge: scientists and doctors discover about 500 of these each year.*diseases
general knowledge: she is the author of 'dear mr. henshaw'*beverly cleary
general knowledge: she played a polish refugee in sophie's choice.*meryl streep
general knowledge: similes: as clean as a________.*whistle
general knowledge: singer tom jones is a native of what country*wales
general knowledge: study of tissues is known as*histology
general knowledge: subject, verb and object are parts of a _________.*sentence
general knowledge: the _________ were overthrown by the bolsheviks in 1917 in russia*mensheviks
general knowledge: the average man has 30,000 what*whiskers
general knowledge: the bands cheap trick and styx come from which american city*chicago
general knowledge: the chernobyl reactor used to be located in the soviet union, what country is it in now*ukraine
general knowledge: the cod war was between which countries*britain and iceland
general knowledge: the color preference for clothes of mourning in this country is brown, which symbolizes withered leaves.*thanks for the memories
general knowledge: the first law to protect the cheese industry was enacted in 1411, when this ruler of france gave the people of roquefort 'the monopoly of curing cheese as has been done in the caves of roquefort village since time immemorial.'*charles vi
general knowledge: the germans considered this 1943 movie a propaganda film and made it illegal to show in german theaters during world war ii.*casablanca
general knowledge: the island of new guinea is split into two halves. one half is irian jaya. what is the name of the other half*papua
general knowledge: the mamelukes were warriors of which country*egypt
general knowledge: the practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________.*grafting
general knowledge: the russian alphabet was adapted from which country*greece
general knowledge: the statue of liberty has how many points on her crown*seven
general knowledge: the u.s. marine corps hymn begins from the halls of montezuma to the shores of ______*tripoli
general knowledge: there are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and _________.*igneous
general knowledge: these flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps.*lichens
general knowledge: this 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the tv series 'happy days'.*american graffiti
general knowledge: this alkaloid c8h10o2n4·h2o is a drug found in food that stimulates central nervous system, heart and lungs.*caffeine
general knowledge: this bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.*cuckoo
general knowledge: this is the most coveted trophy in candian football.*the grey cup
general knowledge: this is the portion of the brain that occupies the upper part of the cranial cavity.*the cerebrum
general knowledge: this law, originating in england, means 'you have the body' in latin*habeas corpus
general knowledge: this stone is so named because it has a soft, luminous glow much like moonlight.*moonstones
general knowledge: this team won their first world series in 1969.*new york mets
general knowledge: three under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) __________.*albatross
general knowledge: to prevent 'the bends', deep-sea divers breath a mixture of oxygen and which other gas*canada
general knowledge: to what does the word 'hircine' mean*goat-like
general knowledge: what 1965 megahit propelled petula clark to musical stardom*downtown
general knowledge: what american city is known as little havana*miami
general knowledge: what animal is considered to have the highest blood pressure*giraffe
general knowledge: what animal was barred live entry to the u.s. in a 1902 law*mongoose
general knowledge: what are peru's terrorists called*the shining path
general knowledge: what are the only two types of mammals that are poisonous*shrews and platypuses
general knowledge: what articles of clothing are tokens in monopoly*shoe and hat
general knowledge: what auto is nicknamed beemer*bmw
general knowledge: what barroom judge called himself the law west of the pecos*roy bean
general knowledge: what birds are bred for racing*homing pigeons
general knowledge: what body of water did explorer giovanni de verrazano mistakenly believe delaware bay to be the opening to*pacific ocean
general knowledge: what breed of dog has hair that forms a ridge along its back*rhodesian ridgeback
general knowledge: what budding rocker was booted out of bible school for playing a boggie piano version of the hymn my god is real*jerry lee lewis
general knowledge: what character did muppeteer frank oz provide the voice for in the star wars series*yoda
general knowledge: what church was once known as 'the world's largest church in the world's smallest country*st. peter's
general knowledge: what city rises at the head of the nile river delta*cairo
general knowledge: what climate would be produced by nuclear warfare*nuclear winter
general knowledge: what color is the flag flown on a ship where disease has broken out*yellow
general knowledge: what color of a mood ring meant 'stability'*green
general knowledge: what colour is a giraffe's tongue*black
general knowledge: what colour was c3-po the robot from star wars*gold
general knowledge: what company is the world leader in the diamond market*debeers
general knowledge: what country crushed revolts by its kurd and shi`ite minorities in 1991*iraq
general knowledge: what country does the lhasa apso dog come from*tibet
general knowledge: what country fought a civil war between 1936 and 1939*spain
general knowledge: what country gave us the first test tube baby in 1978*england
general knowledge: what country has the lavender as its floral emblem*portugal
general knowledge: what country is called bharat in hindi*india
general knowledge: what country was jomo kenyatta president of*kenya
general knowledge: what country's flag flies over the island of ibiza*spain
general knowledge: what day is cookie monster's birthday*november 2
general knowledge: what device, still in common use, was invented by alessandro volta*the first battery
general knowledge: what did the old man play knick-knack on at number eight*plate
general knowledge: what disease claims about forty victims an hour in america*cancer
general knowledge: what disease is also known as 'rubella?'*german measles
general knowledge: what do mc and mac mean when used in surnames*son of
general knowledge: what do runners pass to each other in a relay race*a baton
general knowledge: what do the letters hrh stand for before a prince's name*his royal highness
general knowledge: what do these three have in common? miss america, queen elizabeth & jughead jones*they all wear crowns
general knowledge: what do you call a conference or meeting with native american indians*a pow wow
general knowledge: what do you call a group of 6 vocalists or musicians*sextet
general knowledge: what do you call limestone deposit rising from the floor of a cave*stalagmite
general knowledge: what do you call the belts of high-speed wind that make some airline routes faster or slower than usual*jet streams
general knowledge: what do you call the garlands of beads, shells or flowers used by hawaiians as symbols of welcome and farewell*lei
general knowledge: what does a cartographer do*makes maps
general knowledge: what does a compass needle point to*magnetic north
general knowledge: what does a oenologist make*wine
general knowledge: what does a pisctologist excel at*fishing
general knowledge: what does an austrian call austria*osterreich
general knowledge: what does federal law prohibit you from tampering with in an airplane restroom*smoke detector
general knowledge: what does the acronym mia stand for*missing in action
general knowledge: what does the acronym pow stand for*prisoner of war
general knowledge: what does the f.a. stand for in the english f.a. cup*football association
general knowledge: what does the initial j stand for in william j. clinton*jefferson
general knowledge: what english city does the prime meridian pass through*greenwich
general knowledge: what facial feature typically contains about 550 hairs*eyebrow
general knowledge: what fast food restaurant used the slogan, what you want is what you get*mcdonalds
general knowledge: what figure skater earned million in her lifetime*sonja henie
general knowledge: what flower is used in the manufacture of opium*poppy
general knowledge: what french holiday is celebrated on august 15th*assumption
general knowledge: what fruit has an exocarp, a crown and spikes*pineapple
general knowledge: what fruit has the most calories*avocado
general knowledge: what futuristic series began its mission every week by boldly splitting an infinitive*star trek
general knowledge: what german car's hood ornament became a prime object for theft by the late 1980's*mercedes benz's
general knowledge: what german holiday is celebrated on november 20th*repentance day
general knowledge: what group of pacific islands did japan attack the day after pearl harbor*philippines
general knowledge: what hall of fame was opened in 1990 in canastota, new york*the boxing hall of fame
general knowledge: what has 35 blue eyes*a scallop
general knowledge: what has an average density 5.5 times greater than water*earth
general knowledge: what heiress walked down the aisle with alexander andreadis in july, 1975*christina onassis
general knowledge: what imaginary line encircling the earth is 90 degrees from both poles at every point*equator
general knowledge: what is 30% of 90*twenty seven
general knowledge: what is a borzoi*dog
general knowledge: what is a burgonet*a 16th-century helmet
general knowledge: what is a camel's hair brush made of*squirrel fur
general knowledge: what is a cigar with both ends cut of squarely called*cheroot
general knowledge: what is a device to stem the flow of blood called*tourniquet
general knowledge: what is a male swine called? (.*giggle.*no ex-boyfriends names...)*boar
general knowledge: what is a spacecraft called that is filled with instruments and unmanned*probe
general knowledge: what is a winkle*an edible sea snail
general knowledge: what is australia's second-highest mountain*mt townsend
general knowledge: what is cliff richard's real name*harry webb
general knowledge: what is doctor who's official title*time lord
general knowledge: what is found at 1313 harbor boulevard, anaheim, california*disneyland
general knowledge: what is november's birthstone*topaz
general knowledge: what is penthouse's sister publication for women*viva
general knowledge: what is tarantism*an uncontrolable urge to dance
general knowledge: what is the better-known name for the wankel engine*india
general knowledge: what is the bird emblem of western australia*black swan
general knowledge: what is the birthstone for december*turquoise
general knowledge: what is the code of conduct of the samurai called*bushido
general knowledge: what is the codename for the f-4 jet*phantom
general knowledge: what is the colour of the middle traffic light*amber
general knowledge: what is the coloured part of the eye called*iris
general knowledge: what is the common name for nyctalopia*night blindness
general knowledge: what is the common name given to the first cervical vertebrae which supports the skull*atlas
general knowledge: what is the floral emblem of australia*golden wattle
general knowledge: what is the flower emblem of south australia*sturt desert pea
general knowledge: what is the hard substance just under the white enamel of your teeth*dentine
general knowledge: what is the instrument for measuring vapour pressure*vaporimeter
general knowledge: what is the largest crater on the moon*bailly
general knowledge: what is the longest river in asia*yangtze
general knowledge: what is the main ingredient of tia maria*professor trelawney
general knowledge: what is the meaning of the philosophical proposition 'cogito, ergo sum'*i think, therefore i am
general knowledge: what is the most abundant element on earth*oxygen
general knowledge: what is the most essential spice in hungarian cooking*paprika
general knowledge: what is the most mountainous country in europe*switzerland
general knowledge: what is the most popular mixed drink in america*bloody mary
general knowledge: what is the most popular pizza topping in south korea*tuna
general knowledge: what is the name given to the 15 books which were not accepted into the hebrew bible*tangshan
general knowledge: what is the name given to the calendar introduced in 1582 and now in use throughout the christian world*gregorian
general knowledge: what is the name of comic strip character andy capp's pet*andy capp does not have a pet
general knowledge: what is the name of little orphan annie's dog*sandy
general knowledge: what is the name of the longest river in africa*woody allen
general knowledge: what is the name of the rabbit in the film, 'bambi'*thumper
general knowledge: what is the nationality of charles aznavour*french
general knowledge: what is the number-1 frozen item consumed in america*pizza
general knowledge: what is the old typing class standard sentence that uses every letter of the alphabet*the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
general knowledge: what is the only form of birth control not condemned by the catholic church*abstinence
general knowledge: what is the only living thing that can be seen from the moon*great barrier reef
general knowledge: what is the only member country of the united nations to have 'o' as its first letter in its name*oman
general knowledge: what is the only new england state without a seacoast*vermont
general knowledge: what is the only rock humans can eat*salt
general knowledge: what is the pigmented region surrounding the nipple of the mammary gland or breast*areola
general knowledge: what is the player in a game of craps called*shooter
general knowledge: what is the process by which plants develop without chlorophyll through lack of exposure to sunlight*etiolation
general knowledge: what is the quarter in the term quarter horse short for*quarter mile
general knowledge: what is the second letter in the greek alphabet*beta
general knowledge: what is the stage name of actress demetria guynes*demi moore
general knowledge: what is the study of climates called*climatology
general knowledge: what is the term for a basketball shot that misses the rim, the hoop and the backboard*airball
general knowledge: what is the term for the process by which salts of calcium are deposited within a tissue*calcification
general knowledge: what is the thin flap that covers the larynx when swallowing*epiglottis
general knowledge: what is the title of boxer muhammad ali's autobiography*the greatest
general knowledge: what is the wbc*world boxing council
general knowledge: what is the windpipe also called*trachea
general knowledge: what is the yellow part of an egg called*yolk
general knowledge: what is vincent d'onfrio's character in men in black*edgar
general knowledge: what islands are the only place in the world where you could see a marine iguana in the wild*galapagos islands
general knowledge: what jelly did robert chesebrough make up a name for from the greek word for oil and the german word for water*vaseline
general knowledge: what language was spoken by the ancient romans*latin
general knowledge: what magazine sponsored a board game where the object was to lose all of your money*mad magazine
general knowledge: what maiden did athena turn into a spider*arachne
general knowledge: what man was the world cup alpine skiing champion in 1981 through 1983*phil mahre
general knowledge: what molluscs do the most valuable pearls grow in*oysters
general knowledge: what mongolian rodent did americans go nuts for after it was listed in a 1965 creative playthings catalogue*gerbil
general knowledge: what movie role did lex barker take over from johnny weismuller*tarzan
general knowledge: what mythical character was punished by having his liver repeatedly torn out by eagles yet magically renewed itself each day*prometheus
general knowledge: what name does singer steveland morris perform under*stevie wonder
general knowledge: what name is given to troops that fight on horseback*cavalry
general knowledge: what neil simon smash opened on broadway on october 23, 1963, with robert redford and elizabeth ashley as newlyweds*barefoot in the park
general knowledge: what nfl team is also known as 'america's team'*dallas cowboys
general knowledge: what ocean surrounds the maldive islands*indian
general knowledge: what offence was mary, queen of scots executed for*treason
general knowledge: what one word fits? ____hood; ____hole; ____date.*man
general knowledge: what pacific island group's name means many isles*polynesia
general knowledge: what part of its sleeping victim will a vampire bat usually bite*the toe
general knowledge: what people were the first to tame horses in 3500bc*chinese
general knowledge: what plant did st. patrick use to explain the trinity*shamrock
general knowledge: what professional wrestler is known as 'the heartbreak kid'*shawn michaels
general knowledge: what religion counts nicole kidman and tom cruise among it's members*scientology
general knowledge: what scale measures wind*beaufort
general knowledge: what sea is between australia and the solomon islands*coral sea
general knowledge: what show's house band has dr. teeth and the electric mayhem's*the muppet show
general knowledge: what six words are known as 'the good reporter's questions'*who, what, when, where, why, how
general knowledge: what smelly plant makes some cats ecstatic*catnip
general knowledge: what soft drink was originally named bib-label litehearted lemon-lime soda*7-up
general knowledge: what song contains these lyrics: 'paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me. just say you never met me.'*flagpole sitta
general knowledge: what song did the beatles record in german as sie liebt dich*she loves you
general knowledge: what sport has paul newman done professionally*auto racing
general knowledge: what sport incorporates running, map reading and direction finding skills*orienteering
general knowledge: what sport is the italian game of bocce closely related to*lawn bowls
general knowledge: what state grows most of australia's hops*tasmania
general knowledge: what state's town of climax is the highest settlement in the us*colorado
general knowledge: what statutory holiday in canada has been celebrated since 1957*thanksgiving
general knowledge: what stellar object has 330,000 times the mass of earth*the sun
general knowledge: what term did an ad man coin in 1928 for what had been known as 'ringworm'*athlete's foot
general knowledge: what two words were merged to create the word meld*melt and weld
general knowledge: what type of cancer is malignant melanoma*skin cancer
general knowledge: what type of energy do you get when you split an atom*nuclear energy
general knowledge: what type of milk is used to make roquefort cheese*sheeps milk
general knowledge: what u.s. state's nickname is the heart of dixie*alabama
general knowledge: what us state has the most female prisoners on death row*california
general knowledge: what vegetable is also known as a spud*potato
general knowledge: what vegetable varieties include snowball, white horse, and igloo*cauliflower
general knowledge: what vice president once told an audience: 'i love california. i grew up in phoenix'*dan quayle
general knowledge: what was blondie's heart made of on their 70s single*glass
general knowledge: what was ed norton's wife's name*trixie
general knowledge: what was h.g. wells's first novel*the time machine
general knowledge: what was liquorice used for in ancient egypt*medicine
general knowledge: what was the book which john steinbeck won the nobel prize of literature*the winter of our discontent
general knowledge: what was the first feature film of director david fincher*alien 3
general knowledge: what was the last u.s. president's name? (according to his birth certificate)*william clinton
general knowledge: what was the name of han solo's spaceship in 'star wars?'*the millennium falcon
general knowledge: what was the name of the first artificial satellite launched 4th october 1957*sputnik 1
general knowledge: what was the name of the legendary king arthur's father*uther pendragon
general knowledge: what was the name of the organisation of contract killers formed in the 1930's*murder incorporated
general knowledge: what was the surname of the brothers who invented the ballpoint pen in 1938*biro
general knowledge: what was the theatrum orbis terrarum considered to be the first of*atlas
general knowledge: what were james watson and francis crick awarded the nobel prize for*dna research
general knowledge: what wind speed does a storm have to exceed to be given a name by the national hurricane center*39 mph
general knowledge: what word in the english language has the most definitions*set
general knowledge: what word was intentionally omitted from the screenplay of the godfather*mafia
general knowledge: what would a person from bangladesh be called*bengali
general knowledge: what year did iraq invade kuwait*1990
general knowledge: what yellow italian liquer goes into a harvey wallbanger*galliano
general knowledge: what's an ananym*a name spelled backwards
general knowledge: what's the international radio code word for the letter j*juliet
general knowledge: what's the international radio code word for the letter w*whiskey
general knowledge: what's the zodiacal sign for sagittarius*archer
general knowledge: where do rocky and bullwinkle play football*what'samatta u
general knowledge: where in london are the crown jewels kept*tower of london
general knowledge: where is bob marley buried*jamaica
general knowledge: where is dam square*amsterdam
general knowledge: where is fort knox*kentucky
general knowledge: where is the only roller skating museum in the world*lincoln, nebraska.
general knowledge: where is the superman museum located*metropolis, illinois
general knowledge: where is the world's largest coral reef*australia
general knowledge: where was celine dion falling into in 1996*you
general knowledge: where was hamlet's castle*elsinore
general knowledge: where was princess diana born*park house estate in sandringham, norfolk, england
general knowledge: where were prince charles and lady diana married*st pauls cathedral
general knowledge: which actress said 'whatever will be, will be' in 1956*doris day
general knowledge: which american president reputedly said 'i would have made a good pope.'*richard nixon
general knowledge: which ancient greek beauty did the night stalker come up against*helen of troy
general knowledge: which art movement explores the world of fantasy, dreams, and the sub-conscious*surrealism
general knowledge: which austrian archduke was emperor of mexico*maximillian
general knowledge: which chinese philosopher wrote the analects*confucius
general knowledge: which country has the only national anthem that isn't composed to a war or military subject*india
general knowledge: which country is best known for having kibbutzes*israel
general knowledge: which country is famous for its fjords*norway
general knowledge: which country is the worlds largest wine producer*italy
general knowledge: which country issued the first printed paper money in europe*sweden
general knowledge: which country makes panama hats*ecuador
general knowledge: which country won the world cup of soccer in 1982.*italy
general knowledge: which creatures accompany sharks and ships*pilot fish
general knowledge: which daughter of cissy houston duetted with her on 'i know him so well' on the daughter's album*whitney
general knowledge: which disease is also known as 'hansen's disease'*leprosy
general knowledge: which don mclean song was written in one day and recorded in one take*american pie
general knowledge: which duo sang 'mrs robinson' from the graduate in 1968*simon and garfunkel
general knowledge: which eric was unplugged in 1993*clapton
general knowledge: which ex-beatle formed wings*paul mccartney
general knowledge: which family does the ocelot belong*cat, taxonomic family name is felidae
general knowledge: which famous inventor ran naked from his bathtub*archimedes
general knowledge: which famous singing cowboy died in 1998*roy rogers
general knowledge: which flower was a hit for vince hill in 1967*edelweiss
general knowledge: which glam group had an album called sweet fanny adams*sweet
general knowledge: which group was sweden's biggest export*abba
general knowledge: which infectious disease is caused by the spirochete terponema pallidum*syphilis
general knowledge: which is deeper: the pacific, the atlantic, the arctic or the indian ocean*the pacific
general knowledge: which is the second largest island in the mediterranean*sardinia
general knowledge: which island was discovered by captaion cook in december 1777*christmas island
general knowledge: which letter comes three spaces before the letter after p in the alphabet*n
general knowledge: which modern country was known as persia*iran
general knowledge: which museum was opened to the public on november 8, 1793*louvre
general knowledge: which painter is don mclean's hit 'vincent' about*vincent van gogh
general knowledge: which pop concert was organized for famine in africa in july 1985*live aid
general knowledge: which record label shares its name with a substance in a thermometer*mercury
general knowledge: which singer brought out his autobiography entitled moonwalk*michael jackson
general knowledge: which singer celebrated his 50th birthday on january 8, 1997*david bowie
general knowledge: which space puppets are go in the fab hit of 1990*celery
general knowledge: which sport uses stones and a house*curling
general knowledge: which state eats the most spam*hawaii
general knowledge: which state is the evergreen state*washington
general knowledge: which story of nero's rome was written by a polish author*quo vadis, by henryk sienkiewicz
general knowledge: which street in new york is famous for its theaters*broadway
general knowledge: which swedish actress did rod stewart begin an affair with in 1975*britt ekland
general knowledge: which us president had a notice on his desk stating the buck stops here*truman
general knowledge: which was dire straits' first top ten hit*sultans of swing
general knowledge: who claimed to be able to 'put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes'*puck
general knowledge: who co-starred with julie andrews in 'mary poppins'*dick van dyke
general knowledge: who designed the american flag*francis hopkins
general knowledge: who did his famous paintings from birds he shot, before a society devoted to bird preservation was named in his honor*john james audubon
general knowledge: who did samson fall in love with*delilah
general knowledge: who did sarah brightman lose her heart to in 1978*a starship trooper
general knowledge: who directed 2001, a space odyssey*stanley kubrick
general knowledge: who discovered van diemen's land*abel tasman
general knowledge: who had a no. 1 with 'it's not unusual' in 1965*tom jones
general knowledge: who is dick tracy's sweetheart*tess trueheart
general knowledge: who is singer, vincent furnier better known as*alice cooper
general knowledge: who is the second most popular subject of books*abraham lincoln
general knowledge: who lived at 39 stone canyon way*the flintstones
general knowledge: who played quint the shark hunter in jaws*robert shaw
general knowledge: who portrayed tony nelson, jeannie's astronaut master*larry hagman
general knowledge: who publishes the newspaper, the australian*rupert murdoch
general knowledge: who released oxygene*jean michel jarre
general knowledge: who said, 'love is a irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.'*robert frost
general knowledge: who slept for 20 years in the catskill mountains*rip van winkle
general knowledge: who was eisenhower's vice president*richard nixon
general knowledge: who was englands virgin queen*elizabeth i
general knowledge: who was king of cambodia from 1941-55*norodon sihanouk
general knowledge: who was selected to replace val kilmer as batman*george clooney
general knowledge: who was simon templar*the saint
general knowledge: who was the commander of hitler's luftwaffe*hermann goering
general knowledge: who was the court jester in american pie*bob dylan
general knowledge: who was the first american to win a nobel peace prize*teddy roosevelt
general knowledge: who was the first james bond*sean connery
general knowledge: who was the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes*roger bannister
general knowledge: who was the first prime minister of australia*edmund barton
general knowledge: who was the first prime minister of south africa*louis botha
general knowledge: who was the husband of clytemnestra*agamemnon
general knowledge: who was the lead actor in the crocodile dundee movies*paul hogan
general knowledge: who were expelled from england in 1290*the jews
general knowledge: who wrote 'the merry wives of windsor'*william shakespeare
general knowledge: who wrote a princess of mars*edgar rice burroughs
general knowledge: who wrote james and the giant peach and willy wonka and the chocolate factory*roald dahl
general knowledge: who wrote the fall of the house of usher*edgar allan poe
general knowledge: who wrote the old man of lochnagar*prince charles
general knowledge: who's impeachment trial kept senators busy from march 5 until may 26 in 1868*andrew johnson's
general knowledge: whose 'memoires' were banned by both the pope and mussolini on moral grounds*casanova
general knowledge: whose death prompted rca to keep its indianapolis plant open 24 hours a day*elvis presley
general knowledge: whose first hit was 'apache' in 1960*the shadows
general knowledge: whose first hit was 'if not for you' in 1971*olivia newton-john
general knowledge: whose pioneering rock 'n' roll career came to an end in 1981 after selling more than 60 million discs round the clock*bill haley
general knowledge: whose real name is eric clapp*eric clapton
general knowledge: why should you not eat a crawfish with a straight tail*it was dead before it was cooked.
general knowledge: with what body part is otology involved*ear
general knowledge: word pairs: nuts and ________*bolts
general knowledge: word pairs: ways and _______*means
general knowledge: you are at the office with an important client when suddenly the creation of mr. whitcomb judson breaks, causing a bit of embarrassment. what happened*your zipper broke.
general knowledge: you just called your boss 'molto simpatico' which means what*a nice guy
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license plates: what does 1mordr say when given a first diagnosis*one more doctor
license plates: what does cutnso do for a living*seamstress
license plates: what does do loop do for a living*computer programmer
license plates: what does mopp-it do for a living*housecleaning
license plates: what does povalt sell for a living*sports equipment
license plates: what does sixpak run*liquor store
license plates: what film series does ob wan enjoy*star wars
license plates: what job does ntglty have*attorney
license plates: what job does srreal have*artist
license plates: what job does upn dwn do for a living*elevator operator
license plates: what kind of vehicle bears matrkr*pickup truck
license plates: what message is is4u giving us*eyes for you
license plates: what message is ursum1 giving us*you are someone
license plates: what message is ysup giving us*wise up
license plates: what profession job suture practice*surgeon
license plates: what rock group does klaa2 like*klaatu
license plates: what school does hoya6 attend*georgetown university
license plates: what singer does dubedo like*frank sinatra
license plates: what sport does 10sne1 enjoy*tennis
license plates: what sport does divot enjoy*golf
license plates: what sport does kicks enjoy*soccer
license plates: what sport does sknydp enjoy*swimming
license plates: what sport does soxwin enjoy*baseball
license plates: what television show does uax4it enjoy*you asked for it
license plates: what's boshog's favorite television show*dukes of hazzard
license plates: what's cheops's profession*egyptologist
license plates: what's cymru's nationality*welsh
license plates: what's drzzzz's profession*anesthesiologist
license plates: what's ibehav's profession*behavioral psychologist
license plates: where does vmigal's boyfriend go to school*virginia military institute
license plates: who are shemp1's favorite comedians*three stooges
license plates: who owns the car with eieio on its license plate*old mcdonald
license plates: who's the favorite author of 2brnot*shakespeare
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@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
what word links these: account, direct, expenses*current
what word links these: air, book, prison*open
what word links these: air, breaker, lightning*strike
what word links these: ale, beer, root*ginger
what word links these: alter, maniac, trip*ego
what word links these: ambulance, field, pocket*air
what word links these: america, cross, quarter*latin
what word links these: angle, shy, trick*camera
what word links these: angle, speed, trick*camera
what word links these: apple, home, sherry*cooking
what word links these: arch, auckland, kings*bishop
what word links these: arithmetic, block, note*mental
what word links these: armada, guitar, onion*spanish
what word links these: arum, tiger, water*lilies
what word links these: aunt, britain, expectations*great
what word links these: back, share, snow*plough
what word links these: badge, book, technical*merit
what word links these: bag, flying, slipper*carpet
what word links these: baking. broad, lightning*sheet
what word links these: band, committee, few*select
what word links these: bank, boat, yellow*river
what word links these: bank, floor, stage*manager
what word links these: bar, cereal, continental*breakfast
what word links these: barrier, bite, track*sound
what word links these: basket, lunch, site*picnic
what word links these: battery, rain, test*acid
what word links these: beach, hand, rail*towel
what word links these: bean, cast, side*broad
what word links these: beard, collar, danube*blue
what word links these: beauty, talent, world*natural
what word links these: begging, box, love*letter
what word links these: bell, one-horse, ride*sleigh
what word links these: belly, fan, tap*dancer
what word links these: best, boy, cross*george
what word links these: best, old, pen*friend
what word links these: bird's, egg, love*nest
what word links these: birthday, follow, track*suit
what word links these: bishop, rival, wheel*arch
what word links these: bite, garter, rattle*snake
what word links these: bitter, tooth, william*sweet
what word links these: black, day, witches*sabbath
what word links these: black, parlour, queen*beauty
what word links these: blossom, juice, peel*orange
what word links these: board, bulldog, paper*clip
what word links these: board, poster, spoon*bill
what word links these: boots, islnd, rat*desert
what word links these: bowl, little, ring*finger
what word links these: box, capital, head*letter
what word links these: box, cube, pack*ice
what word links these: box, foreign, home*office
what word links these: boxing, cabinet, eye*shadow
what word links these: branch, deliver, effects*special
what word links these: branch, green, oil*olive
what word links these: bronte, princess, queen*anne
what word links these: brother, gloves, skin*kid
what word links these: brush, jack, coal*tar
what word links these: bubble, shield, tree*gum
what word links these: bumper, cable, racing*car
what word links these: burglar, clock, false*alarm
what word links these: bush, forest, lone*ranger
what word links these: busy, honey, keeper*bee
what word links these: butter, napoleon, snap*brandy
what word links these: cab, frequency, station*radio
what word links these: cab, meter, rank*taxi
what word links these: cake, fish, guardian*angel
what word links these: cake, marble, paving*slab
what word links these: cake, tea, egg*cup
what word links these: cameo, pain, road*relief
what word links these: canary, channel, falkland*islands
what word links these: car, column, vehicle*armoured
what word links these: card, house, school*boarding
what word links these: cardianl, deadly, original*sin
what word links these: cart, cooking, crab*apple
what word links these: castor, cooking, olive*oil
what word links these: catcher, poison, race*rat
what word links these: cavalry, chore, name*household
what word links these: centre, certificate, record*medical
what word links these: chamois, jacket, shoe*leather
what word links these: charmer, rattle, skin*snake
what word links these: chemical, heating, rogue*element
what word links these: cheque, double, out*crossed
what word links these: cherry, napoleon, snap*brandy
what word links these: chest, china, high*tea
what word links these: chestnut, chicken, pot*roast
what word links these: chick, shooter, soup*pea
what word links these: childhood, coming, sight*second
what word links these: christian, pen, proper*name
what word links these: christmas, cream, fire*cracker
what word links these: christmas, families, hour*happy
what word links these: cigarette, fuel, gas*lighter
what word links these: closing, night, warning*early
what word links these: club, good, hazard*health
what word links these: coat, power, walk*over
what word links these: code, danger, industrial*area
what word links these: coffee, sea, stew*irish
what word links these: comfort, master, railway*station
what word links these: comic, singer, soap*opera
what word links these: company, film, managing*director
what word links these: company, general, musical*director
what word links these: conscience, party, secret*guilty
what word links these: conscience, party, verdict*guilty
what word links these: consultation, entrance, licence*fee
what word links these: contact, liner, witness*eye
what word links these: contract, dodger, proposal*draft
what word links these: country, indies, wild*west
what word links these: cousin, nature, thoughts*second
what word links these: cover, film, special*extra
what word links these: cream, currency, file*single
what word links these: credibility, generation, year*gap
what word links these: cuckoo, dandelion, grandfather*clocks
what word links these: cut, first, personal*choice
what word links these: damp, easyer, trot*rising
what word links these: dance, enquiry, operation*routine
what word links these: dark, rocking, trojan*horse
what word links these: dateline, rescue, rugby*international
what word links these: decision, nappy, nettle*rash
what word links these: deck, path, recorder*flight
what word links these: dennis, men, street*wise
what word links these: detector, fatigue, work*metal
what word links these: detector, polish, scrap*metal
what word links these: difference, ice, old*age
what word links these: diner, porter, sink*kitchen
what word links these: doctor, hazel, hunt*witch
what word links these: dog, salad, school*days
what word links these: doing, king's, minded*evil
what word links these: dress, garden, offer*formal
what word links these: dress, lock, night*shift
what word links these: drop, rain, sulphuric*acid
what word links these: ear, kettle, side*drum
what word links these: elbow, gun, monkey*grease
what word links these: elbow, lawn, shoe*tennis
what word links these: empire, isles, museum*british
what word links these: end, freeze, skin*deep
what word links these: equity, feedback, sign*negative
what word links these: escape, nut, serving*hatch
what word links these: evadne, joint, strap*hinge
what word links these: evening, first, limited*edition
what word links these: evil, private, witness*eye
what word links these: face, round, time*about
what word links these: field, meat,task*force
what word links these: finger, happy, off*trigger
what word links these: fire, steam, traction*engine
what word links these: flag, food, public*convenience
what word links these: folk, man, touch*gentle
what word links these: force, licence, seat*driving
what word links these: forth, plate, side*river
what word links these: fraction, solution, truth*simple
what word links these: free, model, political*demonstration
what word links these: french, shore, sick*leave
what word links these: fried, paper, pudding*rice
what word links these: front, lion, scout*sea
what word links these: full, furnace, off*blast
what word links these: full, income, tights*support
what word links these: gains, offence, punishment*capital
what word links these: games, group, scarlet*captain
what word links these: gamma, gun, sting*ray
what word links these: garden, house, starting*gate
what word links these: gas, glove, timer*oven
what word links these: gnome, kitchen, party*garden
what word links these: grease, room, tennis*elbow
what word links these: green, president, shire*lincoln
what word links these: growth, policy, recovery*economic
what word links these: hen, reverend, tongue*mother
what word links these: high, mark, turning*tide
what word links these: hog, map, sweeper*road
what word links these: hole, low, skeleton*key
what word links these: horn, leather, polish*shoe
what word links these: horse, shoes, spoon*wooden
what word links these: hundred, light, watching*weight
what word links these: inch, metal, set*square
what word links these: inclusive, know, rounder*all
what word links these: indian, invisible, pad*ink
what word links these: jack, soviet, trade*union
what word links these: jacket, neck, patent*leather
what word links these: job, pudding, victoria*plum
what word links these: kate, stirling, stitch*moss
what word links these: killer, number, rights*serial
what word links these: ladder, seat, shop*bucket
what word links these: land, salvation, territorial*army
what word links these: leaf, sugar, syrup*maple
what word links these: legal, lower, speed*limit
what word links these: licence, seat, wheel*driving
what word links these: lighthouse, wicket, zoo*keeper
what word links these: list, money, signals*danger
what word links these: living, smoking, sitting*room
what word links these: loyal, master, rack*toast
what word links these: machine, powder, soda*washing
what word links these: major, model, small*scale
what word links these: man, moving, practise*target
what word links these: manager, record, team*player
what word links these: meal, set, work*piece
what word links these: modern, scan, violet*ultra
what word links these: mother, quake, worm*earth
what word links these: motor, rag, secret*trade
what word links these: mountain, nursery, ski*slopes
what word links these: national, syndicate, ticket*lottery
what word links these: operating, puppet, sister*theatre
what word links these: overnight, rate, story*success
what word links these: patient, school, secretary*private
what word links these: picture, shop, turkey*talking
what word links these: pillow, remedy, tea*herbal
what word links these: piping, seat, tip*hot
what word links these: record, side, suit*track
what word links these: republic, skin, split*banana
what word links these: secret, station, tea*service
what word links these: squad, watch, wave*crime
what word links these: storm, surgeon, wash*brain
what word links abatement, levels, white*noise
what word links above, crew, glass*cut
what word links acid, pilot, screen*test
what word links added, judgement, market*value
what word links after, bud, good*taste
what word links age, black and bucket*ice
what word links america, primer, quarter*latin
what word links angel, duke, rival*arch
what word links animal, line, popper*party
what word links baby's, disposable, rash*nappy
what word links baby, battle, wolf*cry
what word links back, out, proof*splash
what word links bad, job, parking*lot
what word links bag, fire, natural*gas
what word links ball, buggy, hut*beach
what word links balm, bitter, grass*lemon
what word links banquet, sorry, welfare*state
what word links bar, biscuit, drinking*chocolate
what word links bar, milking, pigeon*stool
what word links basement, iron and tyre*flat
what word links bath, bowl, jacket*dust
what word links bath, door, place*mat
what word links bath, seed, table*bird
what word links battle, ice, pick*axe
what word links bean, mould, royal*jelly
what word links bearer, blow, light*torch
what word links beauty, no, talent*contest
what word links bed, light, roof*sun
what word links bee, comb and moon*honey
what word links belt, insurance, line*life
what word links benefit, brain, bride*child
what word links bet, near, saddle*side
what word links big, hold and nail*toe
what word links blade, board, off*switch
what word links blanket, chain, cross*stitch
what word links block, foreign, junior*office
what word links blonde, wednesday and tray*ash
what word links blood, insurance and story*life
what word links board, dip, straw*cheese
what word links board, pad, skeleton*key
what word links bolt, cloud, storm*thunder
what word links bone, gossip, speed*idle
what word links book, cabin and fire*log
what word links book, ground, rebate*rent
what word links book, home, postal*address
what word links boot, dog and rest*leg
what word links bottle, chocolate, pan*milk
what word links box, capital, love*letter
what word links box, chairs, instrument*musical
what word links break, keel, number*even
what word links broken, rose, setter*english
what word links bronze, gap, old*age
what word links brow, opinion and tide*low
what word links bucket, dry, pick*ice
what word links buff, centre, pop*music
what word links bunny, egg, island*easter
what word links cab, driver, rank*taxi
what word links cafe, policy, public*transport
what word links cake, fish, guardian*angel
what word links campaigner, car, war*veteran
what word links cap, deep, pad*knee
what word links card, news and progress*report
what word links cattle, iron, national*grid
what word links centre, gas, optic*nerve
what word links chamber, location, sounder*echo
what word links chance, nature, split*second
what word links change, cut, story*short
what word links charm, language, weapons*offensive
what word links chemical, heating, rogue*element
what word links chicken, plate, stroke*breast
what word links chocolate, crow and saloon*bar
what word links chocolate, favourite and potato*hot
what word links circle, precious and skimmed*semi
what word links civil, tied and twister*tongue
what word links clerical, printing, typing*error
what word links clerical,personal, shop*assistant
what word links close, mountain, rifle*range
what word links cocktail, project, transfer*manhatten
what word links code, conservation and office*area
what word links code, sinister, tender*bar
what word links cold, land, market*common
what word links contract, hand, warning*written
what word links corner, gem, mill*stone
what word links cow, hop and tent*bell
what word links cracker, ice, soda*cream
what word links crop, fall, house*out
what word links current, world, writer*under
what word links days, dressing, side*salad
what word links decay, milk, paste*tooth
what word links detail, offence and road*minor
what word links diamond, guide, justice*rough
what word links diary, garden, society*secret
what word links difference, golden, post*goal
what word links discount, room, skeleton*staff
what word links dog, flea, wing*collar
what word links door, phrase and word*catch
what word links door, step, week*next
what word links draw, rope, swing*bridge
what word links drinks, minister, shadow*cabinet
what word links drop, test, tongue*acid
what word links electric, stitch and television*cable
what word links element, elephant, trader*rogue
what word links emergency, permit, poll*exit
what word links empire, nose, numerals*roman
what word links exchange, grant, law*student
what word links eye, hind, see*sight
what word links fair, rate, student*exchange
what word links false, milk, wisdom*teeth
what word links father, head and skater*figure
what word links fault, muff, patrol*foot
what word links film, ordinary, time*extra
what word links flower, ginger, stitch*stem
what word links fountain, friend, pusher*pen
what word links free, model, political*demonstration
what word links free, officer, stamp*duty
what word links freezer, medicine, tea*chest
what word links game, nasty, recorder*video
what word links gate, gnome, rock*garden
what word links george, patron, plaster*saint
what word links glass, happy, zero*hour
what word links grand, old, school*masters
what word links green, lasting, present*ever
what word links group, private, target*practice
what word links guide, hard, man*lines
what word links hand, home, well*made
what word links hate, name, shop*pet
what word links hold, nail, peep*toe
what word links holy, lamp, level*spirit
what word links horse, leg and spoon*wooden
what word links horse, number, sided*one
what word links horse, salt, weed*sea
what word links industrial, trust, vanity*unit
what word links ingredient, service, volcano*active
what word links invisible, spot, well*ink
what word links jumbo, phantom, stream*jet
what word links language, road, star*sign
what word links luck, rock and shoulder*hard
what word links lunch, table and warp*time
what word links mask, natural and poisonous*gas
what word links measures, prejudice, unction*extreme
what word links minstrels, national, tate*gallery
what word links modern, near, world*miss
what word links motor, path, spin*cycle
what word links mouse, offside and parent*trap
what word links neck, pony and water*polo
what word links off, number and way*one
what word links pattern, performance and prescription*repeat
what word links police, railway, wagon*station
what word links pop, practice, therapy*group
what word links post, school, touch*finishing
what word links price, short, throat*cut
what word links reader, relief, street*map
what word links rig, skin and slick*oil
what word links rough, silent, special*treatment
what word links sheets, stitch, wood*satin
what word links shoulder, snap, storage*cold
what word links these three, base, room and basket*ball
what word links what word links blanca, brava, rica*costa
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@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
lyrics (billy joel): and when she knows what she wants from her time. and when she wakes up and makes up her mind.*uptown girl
lyrics (bob marley):i'm on a rock (running and you running), i take a stock (running like a fugitive)*iron, lion, zion
lyrics (chris deburgh):such a feeling of complete and utter love*lady in red
lyrics (iron maiden):the prophet stared at his crystal ball*can i play with madness
lyrics (leo sayer): before you eat you gotta dance like fred astaire*long tall glasses
lyrics (madness):after eating i go out. people passing by me shout. i can't stand this agony. why don't they talk to me*grey day
lyrics (simply red): i've been laid off from my work. my rent is due. my kids all need brand new shoes*money's too tight to mention
lyrics (tina turner): out of the ruins. out from the wreckage. can't make the same mistake this time*we don't need another hero
lyrics: 'into this night i's morning that i dread...another day of knowing of...the path i fear to tread...oh into the sea of waking dreams...i follow without pride...nothing stands between us here and i won't be denied..'*sarah mclachlan
lyrics: (hint: ac/dc) she had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies, knockin' me out with those american thighs.. taking more than her share, had me fighting for air.. she told me to come but i was already there*you shook me all night long
lyrics: (hint: amber) don't you know that when you touch me baby that it's torture..brush up against me i get chills all down my spine..when you talk to me it's don't know what you do to this heart of mine, ehh*sexual
lyrics: (hint: bon jovi) about all of the things that i long to believe about love and the truth and what you mean to me and the truth is you're all that i need*bed of roses
lyrics: (hint: city high) girl you aint thee only one wit a baby,that's no excuse to be livin all crazy then she looked me right square in the eye and said everyday i wake up hopin' to die*what would you do
lyrics: (hint: coldplay) your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful, and you know for you, i'd bleed myself dry for you, i'd bleed myself dry.*yellow
lyrics: (hint: creed) so let's go there, let's make our escape, come on, let's go there, let's ask can we stay*higher
lyrics: (hint: def leppard) when you make love, do you look in the mirror? who do you think of, does he look like me? do you tell lies and say that it's forever? do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see*love bites
lyrics: (hint: eagles) oh, you're a hard one, i know that you got your reasons, these things that are pleasin' you, can hurt you somehow*desperado
lyrics: (hint: enrique inglesias) would you dance,if i asked you to dance? would you run,and never look back? would you cry, if you saw me cry? and would you save my soul, tonight*hero
lyrics: (hint: foreigner) i've seen it before, it happens all the time, you're closing the door, you leave the world're digging for gold, yet throwing away, a fortune in feelings but someday you'll pay*cold as ice
lyrics: (hint: godsmack) and i wonder day to day i don't like you anyway i don't need your shit today you pathetic in your own way i feel for you better fuckin' go away*whatever
lyrics: (hint: inxs) we could live for a thousand years but if i hurt you i'd make wine from your tears*never tear us apart
lyrics: (hint: jennifer lopez) called you on the phone said i'm coming through hope you're all alone 'cause i got plans for you*i'm real
lyrics: (hint: kid rock) i said it too many times and i still stand firm you get what you put in and people get what they deserve*only god knows why
lyrics: (hint: kiss) i feel uptight on a saturday night nine o' clock, the radio's the only light, i hear my song and it pulls me through, comes on strong, tells me what i got to do*detroit rock city
lyrics: (hint: lfo) deep down i know she loves me, but she's got a funny way of showin' me how she cares, last night she did a doughnut on my lawn and drove out with her finger in the air*every other time
lyrics: (hint: lfo) deep down i know she loves me, but she's got a funny way of showin' me how she cares, last night she did a doughnut on my lawn and drove out with her finger in the air*every other time
lyrics: (hint: lifehouse) desperate for changing..starving for truth..i'm closer to where i started..i'm chasing after you*hanging by a moment
lyrics: (hint: lifehouse) you are the light that is leading me to the place where i find peace are the strength that keeps me are the hope that keeps me are the life to my soul*everything
lyrics: (hint: limp biskit) its just one of those days, when you don't wanna wake up, everything is fucked, everybody sux, you don't really know why, but want justify rippin' someone's head off*break stuff
lyrics: (hint: madonna) once you put your hand in the flame you can never be the same there's a certain satisfaction in a little bit of pain*erotica
lyrics: (hint: natalie imbruglia) i'm all out of faith..this is how i feel..i'm cold and i am shamed...bound and broken on the floor*torn
lyrics: (hint: nelly furtado) it's getting so lonely inside this bed don't know if i should lick my wounds or say woe is me instead*turn out the lights
lyrics: (hint: no doubt) take this pink ribbon off my eyes i'm exposed and it's no big surprise don't you think i know exactly where i stand this world is forcing me to hold your hand*i'm just a girl
lyrics: (hint: offspring) my friend's got a girlfriend man he hates that bitch, he tells me every day he says 'man i really gotta lose my the worst kind of way'*why don't you get a job
lyrics: (hint: sarah mclaughlin) through this world i've stumbled so many times betrayed...trying to find an honest word to find the truth enslaved*possession
lyrics: (hint: shaggy) handcuffs can you get freaky how far will you go to please me whips and chains girl are you down with that...strange places searching for pleasure i want you to meet me wherever...wearing just an overcoat and hat*freaky girl
lyrics: (hint: sir mix-a-lot) i ain't talking bout playboy those silicon parts are made for toys..i want them real thick and juicy*baby got back
lyrics: (hint: staind) but everything i can't remember as fucked up as it all may seem..the consequences that i've rendered..i've stretched myself beyond my means*it's been awhile
lyrics: (hint: train) tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day and head back to the milky way and tell me, did venus blow your mind was it everything you wanted to find and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there*drops of jupiter
lyrics: (hint:all saints) flexing vocabulary runs right through me..the alphabet runs right from a to z...conversations, hesitations in my mind you got my conscience asking questions that i can't find*never ever
lyrics: (hint:dave matthews band) you cannot quit me so no hope in you for corner you could squeeze me..but i got all the time for you, love*the space between
lyrics: (hint:lenny kravitz) i've been searching for you..i heard a cry within my soul..i've never had a yearning quite like this before..know that you are walking right through my door*again
lyrics: (hint; live) oh now feel it comin back a rollin' thunder chasing the wind..forces pullin' from the center of the earth again..i can feel it*lightening crashes
lyrics: (no doubt) i know just what you're saying, so please stop explaining, don't tell me cause it hurts*don't speak
lyrics: (ricky martin) she never drinks the water she makes you order french champagne..and once you had a taste of'll never be the same..she'll make you go insane*livin la vida loca
lyrics: a cloud appears above your head a beam of light comes shining down on you*i ran a flock of seagulls
lyrics: a little flesh a little history*one night in bangkok murray head
lyrics: a week without you but i forget two weeks without you and i still haven't gotten over you yet*vacation the go-go's
lyrics: across the north and south to key largo love for sale*smooth operator sade
lyrics: ain't got no gal to make you smile*don't worry be happy bobby mcferrin
lyrics: all the cops in the donut shop say way-o way-o*walk like an egyptian the bangles
lyrics: all the doors i closed on time will open up again*back in the high life again steve winwood
lyrics: all you sittin' in high places the rain's gonna fall on you*all you zombies hooters
lyrics: always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand*ride like the wind christopher cross
lyrics: an invisible man sleepin' in your bed...*ghostbusters by ray parker jr.
lyrics: an invisible man sleeping in your bed*ghostbusters ray parker jr.
lyrics: and even though i wander i'm keepin you in sight you're a candle in the wind on a cold dark winters night*can't fight this feeling reo speedwagon
lyrics: and heart to heart you win if ya survive*the warrior scandal w/ patty smyth
lyrics: and i had a feeling i could be someone be someone be someone*fast car tracy chapman
lyrics: and i remember how we'd play simply waste the day away*our house madness
lyrics: and i've never been a loser and i just can't lose tonight*winning it all the outfield
lyrics: and if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other*nothing can stop us now starship
lyrics: and incidents arose from circumstance*heat of the moment asia
lyrics: and it's true we are immune when fact is fiction and tv reality*sunday bloody sunday u2
lyrics: and mama always told me be careful what you do don't go around breaking young girls' hearts*billie jean michael jackson
lyrics: and she's lovin him with that body i just know it*jessie's girl rick springfield
lyrics: and the best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously it's only life after all*closer to fine indigo girls
lyrics: and then the conversation turned until the sun went down*keep feelin' fascination human league
lyrics: and there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance line tonight*missin' you john waite
lyrics: and though she will mess up your life you want her just the same*invisible touch genesis
lyrics: and when the night is cold and dark you can't see you can't see light*never surrender corey hart
lyrics: and when we hear the voices sing the book of love will open up and let us in*broken wings mr. mister
lyrics: and you may say to yourself my god what have i done*once in a lifetime talking heads
lyrics: and your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine*safety dance men without hats
lyrics: animals strike curious poses*when doves cry prince
lyrics: another kiss and you'll be mine one track mind!*addicted to love robert palmer
lyrics: are you happy are you satisfied how long can you stand the heat*another one bites the dust queen
lyrics: are you more than hot for me or am i a page in your history book*straight up paula abdul
lyrics: are you sorry we drifted apart? does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day, when i kissed you and called you sweetheart*are you lonesome tonight
lyrics: as god has shown us by turning stone to bread*we are the world usa for africa
lyrics: as i walk along i wonder a-what went wrong, with our love, a love that was so strong*runnaway
lyrics: at night i wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head*i'm on fire bruce springsteen
lyrics: at this moment you mean everything!*come on eileen dexys midnight runners
lyrics: babe, you're getting closer, the lights are goin' dim, the sound of your breathin', has made the mood i'm in*way down
lyrics: baby baby when i look at you i get a warm feeling inside*i feel for you chaka khan
lyrics: bachman turner overdrive): i met a devil woman. she took my heart away*you ain't seen nothing yet
lyrics: been workin so hard. i'm punchin my card*footloose kenny loggins
lyrics: before i put another notch in my lipstick case you better make sure you put me in my place!*hit me with your best shot pat benatar
lyrics: bermuda bahama come on pretty mama*kokomo the beach boys
lyrics: better make it fast or else i'm gonna get pissed*push it salt-n-pepa
lyrics: but i am held in some invisible vice and i can't get away*to live and die in l.a. wang chung
lyrics: but it's worth it all to hear them say that they care*she works hard for the money donna summer
lyrics: but now it's over the moment's gone*i just died in your arms cutting crew
lyrics: but somewhere sometime when you're curious i'll be back around*you might think the cars
lyrics: but whatever road you choose i'm right behind you win or lose*forever young rod stewart
lyrics: but when i win your heart i'm gonna paint it cherry red*midnight blue lou gramm
lyrics: but when the wrong word goes in the right ear i know you been lyin' to me*one thing leads to another the fixx
lyrics: buying bread from a man in brussels he was 6 foot 4 and full a muscles*down under men at work
lyrics: by now the fighting will be close at hand*silent running on dangerous ground mike and the mechanics
lyrics: by order of the prophet we ban that boogie sound.*rock the casbah the clash
lyrics: can make it i know i can. you broke the boy in me but you won't break the man*man in motion st. elmo's fire john parr
lyrics: can you hear them? they talk about us telling lies well that's no surprise*our lips are sealed the go-go's
lyrics: can't get food for the kid*electric avenue eddy grant
lyrics: caught up in the action i've been looking out for you*the heat is on glenn frey
lyrics: couldn't see how much i missed you now i do*only in my dreams debbie gibson
lyrics: crazy little woman in a one man show*pour some sugar on me def leppard
lyrics: daddy says she's too young but she's old enough for me*seventeen winger
lyrics: darken the city night is a wire steam in the subway earth is afire*hungry like the wolf duran duran
lyrics: darlin' in my wildest dreams i never thought i'd go*harden my heart quarterflash
lyrics: deals dope out of denny's/keeps a table in the back*welcome to the boomtown david & david
lyrics: did you really think about it before you made the rules*the way it is bruce hornsby and the range
lyrics: didn't know how lost i was until i found you*like a virgin madonna
lyrics: distant eyes losin ground i'm reachin for you you you*seprate ways journey
lyrics: do you ever dream of me? do you ever see the letters that i write*nikita elton john
lyrics: do your fancy dances*the stroke billy squire
lyrics: don't drink don't smoke what do ya do*goody two shoes adam ant
lyrics: don't go around breaking young girls' hearts*billie jean michael jackson
lyrics: don't let go while i'm hangin' on 'cause i been hangin' on so long*jeopardy greg kihn
lyrics: don't take money don't take fame don't need no credit card to ride this train*power of love huey lewis and the news
lyrics: don't wanna be a girl like that do you wanna see a grown man cry*naughty naughty john parr
lyrics: don't want no captain crunch don't want no raisin bran*eat it weird al yankovic
lyrics: don't wish it away don't look at it like this forever*i guess that's why they call it the blues elton john
lyrics: drawn into the stream of undefined illusion*something about you level 42
lyrics: dream of better lives the kind which never hate*melt with you modern english
lyrics: dreams stay with you like a lover's voice fires the mountainside*in a big country big country
lyrics: dressed up like a million-dollar trooper*puttin' on the ritz taco
lyrics: earth below us drifting falling floating weightless*major tom coming home peter schilling
lyrics: easy ready willing overtime*can't go for that hall and oates
lyrics: emotions come i don't why/cover up love's alibi*call me blondie
lyrics: ever since you've been leaving me i've been wanting to cry*much too late for goodbyes julian lennon
lyrics: every claim you stake i'll be watching you*every breath you take the police
lyrics: every day is christmas and every night is a new year's eve*the sweetest taboo sade
lyrics: every time he pulls me near i just wanna cheer*let's hear it for the boy denise williams
lyrics: every time i see you falling i get down on my knees and pray*bizarre love triangle new order
lyrics: every time i think of you i always catch my breath*missing you john waite
lyrics: every time you call my name i heat up like a burnin' flame*abracadabra steve miller
lyrics: everyone you meet they're jamming in the streets*all night long lionel richie
lyrics: everything you do is quite angelicate*why can't i be you the cure
lyrics: excuse me for the moment i'm at a loss for words*don't disturb this groove the system
lyrics: eyes that look like heaven lips like cherry wine*elvira oak ridge boys
lyrics: far have i travelled and much have i seen: dark distant mountains and valleys of green, past painted deserts... the sunset's on fire as he carries me home*mull of kintyre
lyrics: feel like i could run away run away from this empty heart*shattered dreams johnny hates jazz
lyrics: food is served and you're stone cold munchin'*bust a move young mc
lyrics: for every minute i have to work i need a minute of play*turn up the radio autograph
lyrics: from frustration first inclination is to become a monk and leave the situation*bust a move young mc
lyrics: get out quick 'cause seein' is believin'*easy lover philip bailey and phil collins
lyrics: get to know the feeling of liberation and relief [or release]*don't dream it's over crowded house
lyrics: get up get up get up get up let's make love tonight*sexual healing marvin gaye
lyrics: give me one more chance to keep you satisfied; if i made you feel second best, i'm sorry, i was blind*always on my mind
lyrics: goddess on the mountain top*venus bananarama
lyrics: good things might come to those who wait but not for those who wait too late*just the two of us grover washington jr. feat. bill withers
lyrics: got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand*born in the u.s.a. bruce springsteen
lyrics: guess i should a known by the way you parked your car sideways that it wouldn't last*little red corvette prince
lyrics: had a premonition that he shouldn't of gone alone*smugglers blues glenn frey
lyrics: happiness is so hard to find*i can't wait nu shooz
lyrics: have some more chicken have some more pie*eat it weird al yankovic
lyrics: he plays a melody born to tear me all apart*piano in the dark brenda russell
lyrics: he said we haven't had that spirit here since 1969*hotel california
lyrics: he turned to me as if to say hurry boy it's waiting there for you*africa toto
lyrics: he wants me but only part of the time*voices carry 'til tuesday
lyrics: he's licking his lips he's ready to win on the hunt tonight for love at first sting*rock you like a hurricane scorpions
lyrics: he's the one that makes ya feel alright*dr. feelgood mötley crüe
lyrics: he's underneath the window she's singing hey la my boyfriend's back, you shouldn't come around here singing up at people like that*romeo & juliet
lyrics: heirs of the cold war tbat's what we've become. inherited troubles i'm mentally numb.*crazy train ozzy osbourne
lyrics: her hair reminds me of a warn safe place where as a child i'd lie*sweet child of mine guns n' roses
lyrics: here's a little song i wrote, you might want to sing it note for note*don't worry be happy
lyrics: i am the maker of rules dealing with fools*eye in the sky alan parsons project
lyrics: i asked the doctor to take your picture so i could look at you from inside as well*turning japanese vapors
lyrics: i buy you champagne and roses put diamonds on your finger*party all the time eddie murphy
lyrics: i can feel her comin' from a mile away*and we danced hooters
lyrics: i can hear you comin' i know what you're after*lunatic fringe red ryder
lyrics: i can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky*man in motion john parr
lyrics: i can see the sun in win-ter-time*in a big country big country
lyrics: i can see your face in the mirrors of my mind*valotte julian lennon
lyrics: i can wait another day until i call you*no more lonely nights paul mccartney
lyrics: i can't be late, 'cause then i guess i just won't get paid, these are the days, when you wish your bed was already made*manic monday
lyrics: i can't get any rest people say i'm obsessed*she drives me crazy fine young cannibals
lyrics: i can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight*always something there to remind me naked eyes
lyrics: i can't sleep at night i toss and turn*every little step bobby brown
lyrics: i can't understand what makes a man hate another man*people are people depeche mode
lyrics: i don't know what you expect staring into the tv set*burning down the house talking heads
lyrics: i don't know where i'm goin' but i sure know where i've been*here i go again whitesnake
lyrics: i don't worry 'cause my wallet's fat*sharp dressed man zz top
lyrics: i find myself telling you things i don't even tell my best friends*lost in emotion lisa lisa and the cult jam
lyrics: i follow where my mind goes*love my way the psychedelic furs
lyrics: i got a mouth like an alligator*bang your head metal health quiet riot
lyrics: i got a picture of you- ahh-ha-ahh-ha-ah-ah woh-oh-woh-oh*back on the chain gang the pretenders
lyrics: i got nine lives cat's eyes using every one of them and runnin' wild*back in black ac/dc
lyrics: i had a friend was a big baseball player back in high school*glory days bruce springsteen
lyrics: i had a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox*rock this town the stray cats
lyrics: i have a picture pinned to my wall*hold me now the thompson twins
lyrics: i i was standing you were there*never tear us apart inxs
lyrics: i just have to look good/i don't have to be clear*dirty laundry don henley
lyrics: i knew he must a been about seventeen*i love rock 'n' roll joan jett
lyrics: i knew right from the beginning that you would end up winnin' i knew right from the start you'd put an arrow through my heart*round and round ratt
lyrics: i know a good thing must come to an end but it's hard to take losing a friend*i know there's something going on frida
lyrics: i know a guy who's tough but sweet*i want candy bow wow wow originally done by the strangeloves
lyrics: i know a guy who's tough but sweet. he's so fine he can't be beat.*i want candy bow wow wow
lyrics: i know a place where we can dance the whole night away underneath electric stars*rhythm of the night debarge
lyrics: i know her love is true but it's so damn easy makin' love to you*run to you bryan adams
lyrics: i know i've been wearin' crazy clothes/and i look pretty crappy sometimes*youbetter you bet the who
lyrics: i know just how to whisper and i know just how to cry*makin' love out of nothing at all air supply
lyrics: i know when to pull you closer and i know when to let you loose*maing' love out of nothing at all air supply
lyrics: i know you really want to tell me goodbye*stop draggin' my heart around stevie nicks
lyrics: i know you'll soon recover/me i go from one extreme to another*look of love abc
lyrics: i know you're not mine anymore-anyway-anytime*i keep forgettin' michael mcdonaldi'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair
lyrics: i know your plans don't include me*we've got tonite kenny rogers & sheena easton
lyrics: i love you though you hurt me so*tainted love soft cell
lyrics: i need fifty dollars to make you holler*wild thing tone-loc
lyrics: i need some company a guardian angel to keep me warm when the cold winds blow*take me home tonight eddie money
lyrics: i never believed in things that i couldn't see i said if i can feel it how could it be*you can do magic america
lyrics: i never meant to be so bad to you. one thing i said that i would never do*heat of the moment asia
lyrics: i said mom this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar*parents just don't understand by d.j. jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
lyrics: i said to my reflection 'let's get out of this place'*tempted squeeze
lyrics: i saw her face it was the face i loved and i knew i had to run away and get down on my knees and pray*needles & pins
lyrics: i see no harm or danger in escaping if the method suits the style*on the loose saga
lyrics: i stain my sheets i don't even know why*blister in the sun violent femmes
lyrics: i swear that i could see forever in your eyes*almost paradise mike reno and ann wilson
lyrics: i tell you one and one makes three*cult of personality living colour
lyrics: i tell you one time only with my business please don't mess*rumors timex social club
lyrics: i think i thought you were someone else*pop song '89 r.e.m.
lyrics: i think of you and let it go*99 luftballoons nena
lyrics: i think they got the alias that you been livin under*gloria laura branigan
lyrics: i took a page out of my rule book for you*perfect way scritti politti
lyrics: i touch you once i touch you twice*if you leave orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
lyrics: i tried my imagination but i was disturbed*867-5309/jenny tommy tutone
lyrics: i turn the switch and check the number i leave it on when in bed i slumber*mexican radio wall of voodoo
lyrics: i used to think maybe you loved me now i know that it's true*walkin' on sunshine katrina and the waves
lyrics: i wake up alone with it all*big love fleetwood mac
lyrics: i wanna take you to my cage lock you up and hide the key*jungle love the time
lyrics: i was a high school loser never made it with a lady 'til the boys told me somethin i missed*walk this way run-d.m.c. w/ aerosmith
lyrics: i was born to love you but i will never be free you'll always be a part of me*always something there to remind me naked eyes
lyrics: i was wrong now i find just one thing makes me forget*red red wine ub40
lyrics: i'll be alone dancin you know it baby*don't you forget about me simple minds
lyrics: i'll be anything you need*sledgehammer peter gabriel
lyrics: i'll be back when i found my fears and i'll see you again in a thousand years*love's been a little bit hard on me juice newton
lyrics: i'll be stretching my mouth to let those big words come right out*big time peter gabriel
lyrics: i'll be your friend i'll help you carry on*lean on me club nouveau
lyrics: i'm about to lose control and i think i like it*i'm so excited the pointer sisters
lyrics: i'm always workin' slavin' every day*nothin' but a good time poison
lyrics: i'm gonna buy me a one way ticket nothin's gonna hold me back. your love's like a slow train comin and i can feel it comin down the track- whoah*when the going gets tough billy ocean
lyrics: i'm just going to keep on counting until you are mine*1-2-3 gloria estefan and the miami sound machine
lyrics: i'm like a boy among men/i'd like a permanent friend*digging your scene blow monkeys
lyrics: i'm livin' for givin' the devil his due*burnin' for you blue oyster cult
lyrics: i'm lying in the rain but i never wave bye bye but i try*modern love david bowie
lyrics: i'm lying in the rain but i never wave bye-bye*modern love david bowie
lyrics: i'm not hiding the remedy to cure this old heart of mine*i can dream about you dan hartman
lyrics: i'm not internationally known but i'm known to rock a microphone*it takes two d.j. easy rock and rob base
lyrics: i'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that*tide is high blondie
lyrics: i'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right*burnin' for you blue oyster cult
lyrics: i'm on the hunt i'm after you*hungry like the wolf duran duran
lyrics: i'm only lookin' for a fantasy an interlude from reality*tonight im yours rod stewartfrom where i stand you are home free
lyrics: i'm the one who can feel the sun right in the pourin' rain*midnight blue lou gramm
lyrics: i've been meaning to tell you i've got this feeling that won't subside*hungry eyes eric carmen
lyrics: i've done no harm i keep to myself*who can it be now? men at work
lyrics: i've got a secret i've been hiding under my skin*mr. roboto styx
lyrics: i've got my back against the record machine*jump van halen
lyrics: i've got to run away from the pain you drive into the heart of me*tainted love soft cell
lyrics: i've had the blues the reds and the pinks*love stinks j. geils band
lyrics: i've seen a million faces and i've rocked them all*wanted bon jovi
lyrics: if you got the money honey we got your disease*welcome to the jungle guns n' roses
lyrics: if you say goodbye to me tonight there will still be music left to write*longest time billy joel
lyrics: if you should ever want to be set free, if you're not certain your future lies with me, i'll let you go girl, until your heart is sure*a love worth waiting for
lyrics: if you want my future forget my past, if you wanna get with me better make it fast, now don't go wasting my precious time,*wannabe - spice girls
lyrics: if you want to find all the cops they're hanging out in the donut shop*walk like an egyptian the bangles
lyrics: if you won't take my kisses in the night then,*jump the pointer sisters
lyrics: if you'd stay i'd subtract twenty years from my life*at this moment billy vera & the beaters
lyrics: is it so wrong to be human after all*something about you level 42
lyrics: it belongs to them let's give it back*beds are burning midnight oil
lyrics: it happened forever for a short time*suddenly last summer the motels
lyrics: it looks so easy but you know looks sometimes deceive*head over heels the go-go's
lyrics: it must've been some kind of kiss i shoulda walked away*i just died in your arms cutting crew
lyrics: it's a given l.a. law someone's faster on the draw*shakedown bob seger
lyrics: it's gettin' rough off the cuff i've got to say enough's enough*one thing leads to another the fixx
lyrics: it's getting hard to wake up in the morning*toy soldiers martika
lyrics: it's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you it's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do*africa toto
lyrics: it's gonna take money a whole lotta spendin' money*got my mind set on you george harrison
lyrics: it's just another sunday in a tired old street*we built this city starship
lyrics: it's late september and i really should be back at school, i know i keep you amused, but i feel i'm being used*maggie may
lyrics: it's no better to be safe than sorry*take on me a-ha
lyrics: it's poetry in motion when she turned her eyes to me*she blinded me with science thomas dolby
lyrics: it's time to bring this ship in to the shore and throw away the oars forever*can't fight this feeling reo speedwagon
lyrics: just a look at that girl with the lights comin up in her eyes*somebody's baby by jackson browne
lyrics: just don't ask me how i am*luka suzanna vega
lyrics: just like adam and eve 'cept you set me free*you dropped a bomb on me the gap bandjust pick it up and throw it into shape
lyrics: just like the white wing dove sings a song sounds like she's singing*edge of 17 stevie nicks
lyrics: kick off your sunday shoes*footloose kenny loggins
lyrics: kid can't read at seventeen the words he knows are all obscene but it's all right*touch of grey grateful dead
lyrics: knew he must've been about seventeen*i love rock 'n' roll joan jett
lyrics: let me hear your body talk*physical olivia newton-john
lyrics: let me tell you 'bout the girl i met last night*high on you survivor
lyrics: let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be*greatest love of all whitney houston
lyrics: let's talk about second chances*never gonna let you go sergio mendes
lyrics: like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago*glory of love peter cetera
lyrics: like to see you but then again, that doesn't mean you mean that much to me, so if i call you don't make a fuss*i'm not in love
lyrics: listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance*hangin' tough new kids on the block
lyrics: love like a road that never ends*the next time i fall peter cetera & amy grant
lyrics: loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream*karma chameleon culture club
lyrics: loving would be easy if your colours were like my dream red gold and green*kharma chameleon culture club
lyrics: making love to you was never second best*melt with you modern english0
lyrics: mine's an ordinary life working when it's daylight and sleeping when it's night*take me home phil collins
lyrics: music does the talkin says the things you wanna hear*magic power triumph
lyrics: my baby may not be rich he's watchin every dime*let's hear it for the boy deniece williams
lyrics: my eyes dilate my lips go green*start me up the rolling stones
lyrics: my fantasy has turned to madness and all my goodness has turned to badness*obsession animotion
lyrics: my girlfriend's gone off with my car, and gone back to her ma and pa, telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty*sunny afternoon
lyrics: nations go to war over women like you it's just a form of appreciation*strut sheena easton
lyrics: no april rain no flowers' bloom no wedding saturday within the month of june*i just called to say you stevie wonder
lyrics: no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away*i just called to say i love you by stevie wonder
lyrics: no huggin' no kissin' til i get a wedding ring*keep your hands to yourself georgia satellites
lyrics: nothing had the chance to be good nothing ever could*holding back the years simply red
lyrics: now every time i go for the mailbox gotta hold myself down*walking on sunshine katrina and the waves
lyrics: now girl i know the difference between right and wrong*if you don't know me by now simply red
lyrics: now if you feel that you can't go on, because all your hope is gone, and your life is filled with confusion, and happiness is just an illusion*reach out (i'll be there)
lyrics: now it seems you're telling me/you've changed your wicked ways*i heard a rumour bananarama
lyrics: now the mist across the window hides the lines*steppin' out joe jacksonshe's as heavy as a chevy pure excitement...
lyrics: now we're sharing the same dreams and our hearts can beat as one*carribean queen billy ocean
lyrics: oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane*right here waiting for you richard marx
lyrics: oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones*girls just wanna have fun cyndi lauper
lyrics: oh thikin' about all our younger years it was only you and me we were young and wild and free*heaven bryan adams
lyrics: oh yeah i just wanna watch the girls go by*summertime girls y&t
lyrics: on the ice blue line of insanity it's a place most never see*maniac michael sembello
lyrics: once upon a time there was light in my life but now there's only love in the dark*total eclipse of the heart bonnie tyler
lyrics: one likes to believe in the freedom of music*spirit of radio rush
lyrics: one more bad break could bring a fall*eyes without a face billy idol
lyrics: one that won't make me nervous wonderin what to do*i want a new drug huey lewis and the news
lyrics: only time will tell if we stand the test of time*why can't this be love? van halen
lyrics: ooh baby do you know what that's worth*heaven is a place on earth belinda carlisle
lyrics: out on the road today i saw a deadhead sticker on a cadillac*the boys of summer don henley
lyrics: paul i think i told you i'm a lover not a fighter*the girl is mine michael jackson
lyrics: people don't you know don't you know it's about time*move this technotronic
lyrics: people of the world today are we looking for a better way of life*rhythm nation janet jackson
lyrics: play the guitar on the mtv*money for nothing dire straits
lyrics: put me in coach i'm ready to play today*centerfield john fogerty
lyrics: put the needle on the record*pump up the volume m|a|r|r|s
lyrics: puts a song in this heart of mine/puts a smile on my face every time*i love a rainy night eddie rabbitt
lyrics: red light yellow light green light go!*pour some sugar on me def leppard
lyrics: red roses temptation you make the most of an iffy situation*don't rush me taylor dayne
lyrics: religion is a light in the fog*what i am edie brickell and the new bohemians
lyrics: rolling like thunder under the covers*that's why we call it the blues elton john
lyrics: ronny bobby ricky and mike if i like a girl who cares who you like*cool it now new edition
lyrics: sail away with me to another world*islands in the stream dolly parton and kenny rogers
lyrics: sailed away to china in a little row boat to find ya you said you had to get your laundry done*break my stride matthew wilder
lyrics: scratches his head and does his best james dean*jack and diane john cougar mellencamp
lyrics: see yourself give your freewill a chance you've got to work to succeed*owner of a lonely heart yes
lyrics: she dances like she's never danced before*maniac michael sambello
lyrics: she don't need a man's touch*glamorous life sheila e.
lyrics: she had the body of a venus lord imagine my surprise*dude looks like a lady aerosmith
lyrics: she showed me the beach gave me a peach and pulled out the suntan lotion*going back to cali ll cool j
lyrics: she stepped off the bus out into the city street*fallen angel poison
lyrics: she told me to come but i was already there*you shook me all night long ac/dc
lyrics: she was running from a fat man selling salvation in his hand*jacob's ladder huey lewis and the news
lyrics: she'll get a hold on you believe it*she's an easy lover phil collins and phillip bailey
lyrics: she'll let you take her home/it whets her appetite*bette davis eyes kim carnes
lyrics: she's so fine she's all mine the girl is all right!*legs zz top
lyrics: she's tidied up and i can't find anything!*she blinded me with science thomas dolby
lyrics: shoot me like a rocket into space!*lovin' every minute of it loverboy
lyrics: since you've gone i've been lost without a trace, i dream at night, i can only see your face, i look around but it's you i can't replace*every breath you take
lyrics: sister's sighing in her sleep*our house madness
lyrics: slight of hand and a twist of fate on a bed of nails she makes me wait*with or without you u2
lyrics: so if you're feeling low turn up your radio*everybody have fun tonight wang chung
lyrics: so let's sink another drink 'cause it'll give me time to think*dancin' with myself billy idol
lyrics: so let's sink another drink cause it'll give me time to think*dancing with myself billy idol
lyrics: so many times it happens too fast you trade your passion for glory*eye of the tiger survivor
lyrics: so now i'll go the minstrel road without you*take it easy on me little river band...but i'm frightened of the things i might find
lyrics: so put your books aside loosen up the suit and tie...*typical male tina turner
lyrics: so when the night falls my lonely heart calls*i wanna dance with somebody whitney houston
lyrics: so when you call up that shrink in beverly hills you know the one dr. everything be all right*let's go crazy by prince
lyrics: so wild so free so far from me. you're all i want my fantasy*photograph def leppard
lyrics: so you better go back to your bars your temples your massage parlors*one night in bangkok murray head
lyrics: so you better treat her right*she works hard for the money donna summer
lyrics: so you think my singing's out of time well it makes me money*cum on feel the noize quiet riot
lyrics: some break the rules and live to count the cost*no one is to blame howard jones
lyrics: some of the want to use you. some of them want to get used by you.*sweet dreams are made of this eurythmics
lyrics: some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused*sweet dreams eurythmics
lyrics: somebodies callin after somebody somebody turns the corner out of sight. lookin for somebody somewhere in the night*tender is the night by jackson browne
lyrics: somewhere between the soul and soft machine/is where i find myself again*kyrie mr. mister
lyrics: speed so fast felt like i was drunk*fast car tracy chapman
lyrics: step on a crack break your momma's back*whip it devo
lyrics: stop walking down my street. who do you expect to meet*don't come around here no more tom petty and the heartbreakers
lyrics: strange voices are saying ah what did they say? things. i can't understand*cruel summer bananarama
lyrics: streetlight people living just to find emotion*don't stop believin' journey
lyrics: suckin on chili dogs outside the tastee-freez*jack and dianne john cougar mellencamp
lyrics: swayin' room as the music starts, strangers makin' the most of the dark, two by two their bodies become one*crazy for you
lyrics: take my license and all that jive*i can't drive 55 sammy hagar
lyrics: take your passion and make it happen*what a feelin' irene cara
lyrics: take your-passion and make it happen*what a feeling irene cara
lyrics: telegram force and ready*union of the snake duran duran
lyrics: that little faggot he's a millionaire*money for nothing dire straits
lyrics: that's right here's where the talkin' ends*you've got another thing comin' judas priestshe got me rappin' to the beat then i knew that she was hot
lyrics: the beating of our hearts is the only sound*i think we're alone now tiffany
lyrics: the evening had turned to rain watch the water roll down the drain*life in a northern town dream academy
lyrics: the five years we have had have been such good times*don't you want me? human league
lyrics: the hollywood squares are livin' in disneyland*let's go all the way sly fox
lyrics: the in crowd say it's cool to dig this chanting thing*rock the casbah the clash
lyrics: the mirror speaks the reflection lies*cult of personality living colour
lyrics: the moon. beautiful. the sun. even more beautiful*oh yeah yello
lyrics: the more you live the faster you will die*der kommisar after the fire
lyrics: the only one who'll hang out with me is my dear old granddad*i drink alone george thorogood and the destroyers
lyrics: the phone rings in the middle of the night my father yells 'what you gonna do with your life?'*girls just wanna have fun cyndi lauper
lyrics: the road is long there are mountains in your way*where we belong joe cocker amd jennifer warnes
lyrics: the salvation army band played and the children drank lemonade*life in a northern town dream academy
lyrics: the school bell rings you know it's my cue i'm gonna meet the boys on floor number two*smokin' in the boys' room by mötley crüe
lyrics: the sheik he drove his cadillac*rock the casbah the clash
lyrics: the tears i cry aren't tears of pain*human human league
lyrics: the western desert lives and breathes*beds are burning midnight oil
lyrics: there doesn't seem to be anyone around*i think we're alone now tiffany
lyrics: there is freedom within there is freedom without*don't dream it's over crowded house
lyrics: there is good and bad mmmm-hmmm in everyone*ebony and ivory paul mccartney and stevie wonder
lyrics: there was a woman in the jungle and a monkey on the tree*missionary man eurythmics
lyrics: there were incidents and accidents there were hints and allegations*you can call me al paul simon
lyrics: there's a freeway runnin' through the yard*free fallin' tom petty and the heartbreakers
lyrics: there's a skeleton chokin' on a crust of bread*king of pain the police
lyrics: there's so many good ones still around*c'est la vie robbie nevil
lyrics: they even bother my poor father 'cause he's down with me*it's tricky run-d.m.c.
lyrics: they gave you life and in return you gave them hell*shout tears for fears
lyrics: they say i better get a chaperone/because i can't stop messin' with the danger zone*she bop cyndi lauper
lyrics: they see your every move*private eyes hall and oates
lyrics: they threw an american flag in our face*allentown billy joel
lyrics: things are going great and they're only getting better*future's so bright i gotta wear shades timbuk 3
lyrics: think of the tender things that we were working on*don't forget about me simple minds
lyrics: this is it boys this is war*99 red balloons nena
lyrics: this is the world we live in and these are the hands were given*land of confusion genesis
lyrics: this is too good to be true/lucky [or look at] me fallin' for you*believe it or not joey scarbury
lyrics: tin roof...... rusted*love shack the b-52's
lyrics: to have you with me i would swim the seven seas*we'll be together tonight sting
lyrics: tosses her head and flips her hair/she got a whole bunch of nothin' in there*valley girl frank zappa w/ moon unit
lyrics: tried my imagination but i was disturbed*867-5309/jenny tommy tutone
lyrics: two silhouettes saying goodnight by the garden gate*come dancing the kinks
lyrics: want a big red car and a big white house and a blue-eyed girl like you*c-i-t-y john cafferty and the beaver brown band
lyrics: watching every motion in this foolish lover's game*take my breath away berlin
lyrics: we are strong no one can tell us we're wrong*love is a battlefield pat benatar
lyrics: we are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving*we are the world usa for africa
lyrics: we can dance everybody look at your hands*safety dance men without hats
lyrics: we can feel the motions of a thousand dreams*doctor! doctor! the thompson twins
lyrics: we could dance and party all night and drink some cherry wine*we don't have to take our clothes off jeramine stewart
lyrics: we don't have the time for psychological romance*word up cameo
lyrics: we got the words/no one needs to show us how*method of modern love hall and oates
lyrics: we just have to face it, this time we're through, breakin' up is never easy, i know but i have to go*knowing me, knowing you
lyrics: we know the game and we're gonna play it*never gonna give you up rick astley
lyrics: we wish you'd all throw in the towel*t's a mistake men at work
lyrics: we'll leave the tv and the radio behind*steppin' out joe jackson
lyrics: we'll take your car yes we will we'll take your car and drive it*centerfold j. geils band
lyrics: we're even skanking to bob marley/ reggae's expanding with sly and robbie*genius of love tom tom club
lyrics: welcome to the big time you're bound to be a star*it don't mean nothing richard marx
lyrics: well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so i breathe*something about the weather 10,000 maniacs
lyrics: well i like takin' off don't like burnin' out every time you turn it on makes me wanna shout*cool the engines boston
lyrics: well it's all right riding around in the breeze*end of the line the traveling wilburys
lyrics: well superman looked up at me he said 'you rock so naturally'*jam on it newcleus
lyrics: well they shake their heads and [they] look at me as if i've lost my mind*watching the wheels john lennon
lyrics: went the distance now i'm back on my feet*eye of the tiger survivor
lyrics: what does love want me to do*let the music play shannon
lyrics: what else can i do to get closer to you*let it whip the dazz bandwell then close your eyes and know the words are coming from my heart
lyrics: what's your definition of dirty baby*i want your sex george michael
lyrics: what's your price for flight*sister christian night ranger
lyrics: when i feel that rockin' beat i can't sit still up outta my seat*she's sexy +17 the stray cats
lyrics: when i'm dancing close to her i can smell the chemicals*she blinded me with science thomas dolby
lyrics: when i'm lost at sea i hear your voice and it carries me*heaven is a place on earth belinda carlisle
lyrics: when will we ever learn/there's nowhere else we can turn*love will conquer all lionel richie
lyrics: when you go you're gone forever*karma chameleon culture club
lyrics: where am i to go now that i've gone too far*twilight zone golden earring
lyrics: where can i find a woman like that*jesse's girl rick springfield
lyrics: where ye goin'? what you lookin' for*sister christian night ranger
lyrics: who needs a heart when a heart can be broken*what's love got to do with it? tina turner
lyrics: who's gonna block your ears when you scream*drive the cars
lyrics: whoa no i've got to keep on moving*break my stride matthew wilder
lyrics: why do i find it so hard to write the next line oh i want the truth to be said*true spandau ballet
lyrics: will you meet him on the main line or will you catch him on the rebound*gloria laura branigan
lyrics: wim-o-weh, a-wim -o-weh, a-wim -o-weh, a-wim -o-weh, a-wim -o-weh, a-wim -o-weh, a-wim -o-weh,*the lion sleeps tonight
lyrics: wish i knew what you were looking for*under the milky way the church
lyrics: with 4 hungry children and a crop in the field, i had some bad times, lived through some sad times*lucille
lyrics: with every breath i'm deeper into you*crazy for you madonna
lyrics: with my body and soul i want you more than you'll ever know*i've had thetime of my life bill medley and jennifer warnes
lyrics: with the touch of a velvet glove*abracadabra steve miller
lyrics: woke up this mornin' feelin' fine, there's somethin' special on my mind, last night i met a new girl in the neighbourhood*i'm into something good - hermans hermits
lyrics: won't you pack your bags we'll leave tonight*two tickets to paradise eddie money
lyrics: work all day to earn his pay so we can play all night*morning train9 to 5 sheena easton
lyrics: worlds are turning and we're just hanging on*higher love steve winwood
lyrics: wouldn't wanna be swept away far away from the one that i love*hard to say i'm sorry chicago
lyrics: write it on a pound note pound note*goody two shoes adam ant
lyrics: yo no soy marinero por ti sere por ti sere por ti sere*la bamba los lobos
lyrics: you always live your life never thinking of the future*owner of a lonely heart yes
lyrics: you are so hard to read you play hide n seek with your true intentions*straight up paula abdul
lyrics: you better listen up 'cause man this ain't just talk*this little girl gary u.s. bonds
lyrics: you can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin*no one is to blame howard jones
lyrics: you can listen as well as you hear*the living years mike and the mechanics
lyrics: you can say anything you like but you can't touch the merchandise*she's a beauty the tubes
lyrics: you do the boom boom into lay heart you set my soul sky high when your lovin starts*wake me up before you go go wham!
lyrics: you fell asleep i stayed awake and watched the passing cars*walk the dinosaur was not was
lyrics: you got to roll with the punches to get to what's real*jump van halen
lyrics: you in that dress my thoughts i confess verge on dirty*come on eileen dexys midnight runners
lyrics: you know i like my girls a little bit older*your love the outfield
lyrics: you make the sun shine brighter than doris day*wake me up before you go-go wham!
lyrics: you might think i'm crazy but i'm serious*pleasure principle janet jackson
lyrics: you see it all around you good lovin' gone bad*hold on losely .38 special
lyrics: you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand*mickey toni basil
lyrics: you tell me that you want me you tell me that you need me you tell me that you love me and i know that i'm right cause i hear it in the night.*talking in your sleep the romantics
lyrics: you think you're mad too unstable kicking in chairs and knocking down tables*west end girls pet shop boys
lyrics: you walked in on the sly scopin' for love*who's zoomin' who aretha franklin
lyrics: you want a piece of my heart you better start from the start*workin' for the weekend loverboy
lyrics: you want a piece of my heart you better start from the start. you wanna be in the show come on baby lets go!*working for the weekend loverboy
lyrics: you want your percentage but i'm the fool paying the dues*hold me fleetwood mac
lyrics: you were the first you'll be the last*the flame cheap trick
lyrics: you'll flow down her river she'll ask and you'll give her*lips like sugar echo and the bunnymen
lyrics: you're all the things i've got to remember*take on me a-ha
lyrics: you're everywhere but you're so hard to find*urgent foreigner
lyrics: you're givin me the chills baby please baby don't*mickey toni basil
lyrics: you're like the sun chasing all of the rain away*always atlantic starr
lyrics: you're moving in circles won't you dilate*too shy kajagoogoo
lyrics: you're not naive you must be strong*too shy kajagoogoo
lyrics: you've got to find a way say what you want to say*break out swing out sister
lyrics: your feet are going to be on the ground your head is there to move you around*stand r.e.m.
lyrics: your heart's been achin' but you're too shy to say it*never gonna give you up rick astley
lyrics: your life is trite and jaded*we're not gonna take it twisted sister
lyrics: your lights are on but you're not home*addicted to love robert palmer
lyrics: your mom threw away your best porno mag*you gotta fight for your right to party beastie boys
lyrics: your moves are so raw i've got to let you know you're one of my kind*need you tonight inxs
lyrics: your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye*you give love a bad name bon jovi
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category: 1993 the year: $20 billion of financial aid went to this nation.*russia
category: 1993 the year: china released this dissident, famous for tiannaem square massacre activity.*wang dan
category: 1993 the year: crown prince naruhito married her.*masako owada
category: 1993 the year: she became the second woman supreme court justice*ruth bader ginsburg
category: 1993 the year: the compound of this sect was under siege in waco, texas.*branch davidians
category: 1993 the year: this algerian broke the 8-year old world record for the mile.*yabes ondieki
category: 1993 the year: this city won the bid for the 2000 summer olympics.*sydney
category: 1993 the year: this college campus in dc was the first one president clinton visited*american university
category: 1993 the year: this man became south korea's first civilian leader.*kim young sam
category: 1993 the year: this territory held a referendum where residents chose not to pursue statehood.*puerto rico
category: 1993 the year: this world leader visited denver, colorado for world youth day.*john paul ii
category: 1997 great events: stock markets on this continent plunged in october.*asia
category: 1997 great events: the cassini space probe carried this dangerous substance.*plutonium
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on this day: 01 april 1970 ---------- release hoax they are having dual sex change operations*john & yoko
on this day: 01 august 1960 benin (dahomey) gains independence from ----------*france
on this day: 01 august 1960 chubby ---------- releases 'the twist'*checker
on this day: 01 august 1971 george harrison's concert for ---------- takes place in nyc*bangladesh
on this day: 01 december 1970 independent people's republic of ---------- becomes the people's democratic republic of yemen*south yemen
on this day: 01 december 1972 ---------- release 'hi, hi, hi' in uk*wings
on this day: 01 december 1973 australia grants self-government to ----------*papua new guinea
on this day: 01 december 1973 jack ---------- becomes 1st golfer to earn $2m in a year*nicklaus
on this day: 01 february 1960 extreme right-wing rebels in ---------- surrender*algiers
on this day: 01 february 1970 stalled commuter train rammed by express in---------- , 139 die*argentina
on this day: 01 february 1970 west-germany & ---------- sign gas contract*ussr
on this day: 01 january 1960 ---------- plays 1st of many free concerts behind bars*johnny cash
on this day: 01 january 1960 bank of ---------- issues new franc, worth 20¢*france
on this day: 01 january 1960 cameroon (french cameroon) gains independence from ----------*france
on this day: 01 january 1960 montserrat adopts ----------*constitution
on this day: 01 january 1970 revised ---------- for western (rc) church goes into effect*calendar
on this day: 01 january 1971 ---------- advertisements banned on tv*cigarette
on this day: 01 january 1972 people's republic of china performs ---------- at lop nor people's rebulic of china*nuclear test
on this day: 01 january 1973 47th australian women's tennis margaret court beats ---------- (64 75)*goolagong
on this day: 01 january 1973 britain, ireland & denmark become 7th-9th members of ---------- market*common
on this day: 01 january 1973 west ---------- economic community formed (benin, ivory coast, mali, mauritania, niger, senegal, upper volta)*african
on this day: 01 january 1975 haldeman, ehrlichman, mitchell & mardian convicted of ---------- crime*watergate
on this day: 01 january 1975 sweden adopts ----------*constitution
on this day: 01 july 1960 ---------- becomes a republic*ghana
on this day: 01 june 1973 paul mccartney & ---------- release 'live & let die'*wings
on this day: 01 june 1975 ---------- replaces mick taylor as rolling stone guitarist*ron woods
on this day: 01 march 1970 charles ---------- 's album 'lie' is released*manson
on this day: 01 march 1970 end of us commercial ---------- hunting*whale
on this day: 01 march 1970 kreisky's social-democrats win ---------- parliamentary election*austrian
on this day: 01 march 1970 white government of rhodesia declares independence from ----------*britain
on this day: 01 march 1974 george ---------- announces his concert tour of us in november*harrison
on this day: 01 march 1974 ian & greg ---------- make 264 partnership vs new zealand cricket at wellington*chappell
on this day: 01 march 1975 ---------- ' 'best of my love' reaches #1*eagles
on this day: 01 march 1975 17th grammy awards: i honestly love you, marvin ---------- wins*hamlisch
on this day: 01 may 1960 ---------- shoots down francis gary powers' u-2 spy plane over sverdlovsk*russia
on this day: 01 may 1971 rolling ---------- release 'brown sugar'*stones
on this day: 01 october 1960 nigeria gains independence from ---------- (national day)*britain
on this day: 01 october 1971 walt disney world in---------- , florida opens*orlando
on this day: 01 october 1975 ---------- grants internal self-government to seychelles*britain
on this day: 01 september 1971 qatar declares independence from ----------*britain
on this day: 01 september 1972 ---------- (us) defeats boris spassky (ussr) for world chess title*bobby fischer
on this day: 02 april 1972 ---------- academy awards presented*44th
on this day: 02 april 1972 prime minister begin visits ----------*cairo
on this day: 02 february 1960 michale eufemia sinks 625 balls in ---------- without a miss*pool match
on this day: 02 february 1971 ---------- ousts milton obote to become dictator of uganda*idi amin
on this day: 02 february 1974 barbra ---------- 's 1st #1 hit, 'the way we were'*streisand
on this day: 02 january 1960 john reynolds sets age of solar system at ---------- years*4,950,000,000
on this day: 02 january 1960 roger sessions' 4th ---------- premieres*symphony
on this day: 02 january 1960 senator---------- , announces his candidacy for president*john f kennedy
on this day: 02 january 1971 a barrier collapses at ibrox park football ground at end of a soccer match in glasgow---------- , killing 66*scotland
on this day: 02 january 1972 mariner 9 begins mapping ----------*mars
on this day: 02 january 1974 55 mph speed limit imposed by richard ----------*nixon
on this day: 02 january 1974 worst fire in ---------- history destroys 1.2 million acres*argentine
on this day: 02 january 1975 us department of interior designates ---------- a threatened species*grizzly bear
on this day: 02 march 1970 ---------- becomes independent republic*rhodesia
on this day: 02 march 1970 american airlines' 1st flight of a boeing ----------*747
on this day: 02 march 1970 supreme court ruled ---------- can not be penalized after 5 years*draft evaders
on this day: 02 march 1972 pioneer 10 launched for ---------- flyby*jupiter
on this day: 02 march 1973 'black september' terrorists occupy saudi embassy in ----------*khartoum
on this day: 02 march 1974 greg ---------- makes 247 vs new zealand, 410 minutes, 29 fours 1 six*chappell
on this day: 02 may 1960 harry ---------- 's 2nd carnegie hall performance*belafonte
on this day: 02 may 1974 former vice president ---------- is disbarred*spiro agnew
on this day: 02 may 1975 ---------- records closes down*apple
on this day: 02 october 1972 aeroflot il-18 crashes near ---------- resort of sochi, kills 105*black sea
on this day: 03 april 1974 148 ---------- are reported over an area covering a dozen states*tornadoes
on this day: 03 april 1975 ---------- stripped of world chess title for refusing to defend*bobby fischer
on this day: 03 august 1960 niger gains independence from ----------*france
on this day: 03 august 1971 paul mccartney announces the formation of his group ----------*wings
on this day: 03 august 1974 guitarist jeff baxter quits ---------- & joins doobie brothers*steely dan
on this day: 03 december 1972 convair 990a charter crashes in ---------- canary island, 155 die*tenerife
on this day: 03 december 1973 pioneer 10 passes ---------- 1st fly-by of an outer planet)*jupiter
on this day: 03 february 1973 dr ---------- 's 'cover of 'rolling stone'' enters top 40 & peaks at #6*hook
on this day: 03 january 1974 arias navarro succeeds carrero blanco as premier of ----------*spain
on this day: 03 january 1974 burma accepts its ----------*constitution
on this day: 03 july 1970 200,000 attend ---------- pop festival*atlanta
on this day: 03 march 1960 9th largest ---------- in nyc history 14.5')*snowfall
on this day: 03 march 1971 south african broadcasting corp lifts its ban on the ----------*beatles
on this day: 03 march 1971 winnie ---------- sentenced to 1 year in jail in south africa*mandela
on this day: 03 march 1974 george foreman kos ----------*ken norton
on this day: 03 march 1974 world's worst air disaster, turkish dc-10 crashes in ---------- 246 die)*paris france
on this day: 03 march 1975 linda mccartney is charged in us with possession of ----------*marijuana
on this day: 03 may 1971 nixon administration arrests ---------- anti-war protesters in 3 days*13,000
on this day: 03 november 1970 salvador allende inaugurated as president of ----------*chile
on this day: 03 october 1975 ---------- releases 'extra texture' album in uk*george harrison
on this day: 04 april 1975 ---------- is arrested for burning his girlfriend's clothes*steve miller
on this day: 04 august 1970 jim ---------- arrested for drunkenness*morrison
on this day: 04 august 1971 us launches 1st ---------- into lunar orbit from manned spacecraft*satellite
on this day: 04 december 1974 dutch dc-8 charter crashes in ---------- killing 191 moslem pilgrims*sri lanka
on this day: 04 february 1970 us performs ---------- test at nevada test site*nuclear
on this day: 04 february 1971 british car maker ---------- declared itself bankrupt*rolls royce
on this day: 04 february 1974 ---------- nim chimsky signs his 1st word, at 21/2 months*chimpanzee
on this day: 04 february 1974 gas rationing ends in ----------*netherlands
on this day: 04 february 1974 patricia ---------- 19), daughter of publisher randolph hearst kidnapped by symbionese liberation army*hearst
on this day: 04 january 1960 european free trade association forms in ----------*stockholm
on this day: 04 january 1970 ---------- ends hosting weekly documentary*walter cronkite
on this day: 04 january 1970 ---------- last recording session at emi studios*beatles
on this day: 04 january 1971 dr melvin h evans inaugurated as 1st elected governor of ---------- islands*virgin
on this day: 04 july 1960 america's new 50-star flag honoring ---------- statehood unfurled*hawaiian
on this day: 04 june 1970 tonga gains independence from ---------- (national day)*britain
on this day: 04 march 1960 french freighter 'la coubre' explodes in havana---------- , killing 100*cuba
on this day: 04 march 1960 lucille ball files divorce from ----------*desi arnaz
on this day: 04 march 1970 ---------- submarine 'eurydice' explodes*french
on this day: 04 march 1972 ---------- & ussr signs cooperation treaty*libya
on this day: 04 march 1974 harold ---------- replaces resigning ed heath as british premier*wilson
on this day: 04 may 1973 ---------- release 'red rose speedway' in uk*wings
on this day: 04 october 1974 ---------- releases 'walls & bridges' album*john lennon
on this day: 04 september 1970 ---------- releases 'my sweet lord' single*george harrison
on this day: 04 september 1972 us swimmer ---------- becomes 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals*mark spitz
on this day: 05 april 1971 mount ---------- erupts in sicily italy*etna
on this day: 05 april 1974 then tallest building, ---------- opens in nyc 110 stories)*world trade center
on this day: 05 august 1972 ---------- release 'nights in white satin'*moody blues
on this day: 05 august 1973 ---------- launches mars 6*ussr
on this day: 05 december 1973 ---------- releases 'band on the run' album*paul mccartney
on this day: 05 february 1974 maximum speed on ---------- reduced to 100 kph*autobahn
on this day: 05 january 1960 continental league, a proposed third---------- , gets an assurance of congressional support from new york senator kenneth keating*major league
on this day: 05 january 1971 1st one-day international, australia vs ---------- at the mcg*england
on this day: 05 january 1971 harlem ---------- lose 100-99 to new jersey reds, ending 2,495-game win streak*globetrotters
on this day: 05 january 1972 nasa announces development of ----------*space shuttle
on this day: 05 january 1973 mali & niger break diplomatic relations with ----------*israel
on this day: 05 january 1973 netherlands recognizes ---------- democratic republic*german
on this day: 05 july 1970 air canada dc-8 crashes 7 miles from ---------- 's airport killing 109*toronto
on this day: 05 july 1973 'live & let die,' ---------- film premiers*james bond
on this day: 05 july 1973 ---------- begins issuing their own postage stamps*isle of man
on this day: 05 june 1975 ---------- reopens (after 6 day war caused it to close)*suez canal
on this day: 05 march 1960 ---------- ends 2-year hitch in us army*elvis presley
on this day: 05 may 1970 us performs nuclear test at ---------- test site*nevada
on this day: 05 september 1960 cassius ---------- captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal*clay
on this day: 05 september 1972 11 israeli athletes are slain at ----------*munich olympics
on this day: 05 september 1975 ---------- release 'letting go'*wings
on this day: 06 april 1973 pioneer 11 launched toward jupiter & ----------*saturn
on this day: 06 december 1974 ---------- releases 'ding dong, ding dong'*george harrison
on this day: 06 february 1971 1st time a golf ball is hit on the ---------- (by alan shepard)*moon
on this day: 06 february 1974 dutch speed limit set at 100 km due to ----------*oil crisis
on this day: 06 june 1960 ---------- releases 'only the lonely'*roy orbison
on this day: 06 june 1971 soyuz 11 takes 3 ---------- to salyut 1 space station*cosmonauts
on this day: 06 june 1972 ---------- releases 'rise & fall of ziggy stardust'*david bowie
on this day: 06 june 1975 british voters decide to remain in ---------- market*common
on this day: 06 march 1970 ---------- release 'let it be' in uk*beatles
on this day: 06 march 1972 jack nicklaus passes ---------- as golf's all-time money winner*arnold palmer
on this day: 06 march 1974 an italian loses a record $1,920,000 at roulette in ----------*monte carlo
on this day: 06 may 1960 england's princess ---------- marries antony armstrong-jones (lord snowdon)*margaret
on this day: 06 may 1960 president ---------- signs civil rights act of 1960*eisenhower
on this day: 06 may 1960 students attack dutch embassy in ----------*djakarta
on this day: 06 may 1970 yuchiro miura of japan skis down mount ----------*everest
on this day: 06 november 1975 1st appearance of the ----------*sex pistols
on this day: 06 october 1973 yom kippur war begins as syria & egypt attack ----------*israel
on this day: 06 september 1972 ---------- appear on jerry lewis muscular dystrophy telethon*john & yoko
on this day: 07 august 1960 ivory coast (c'te d'ivoire) gains independence from ----------*france
on this day: 07 august 1970 1st computer ---------- tournament*chess
on this day: 07 august 1971 apollo ---------- returns to earth*15
on this day: 07 december 1971 ---------- release their 1st album 'wild life'*wings
on this day: 07 december 1972 apollo---------- , last of apollo moon series, launched*17
on this day: 07 december 1972 phillippine 1st lady imelda ---------- stabbed & wounded by an assailant*marcos
on this day: 07 december 1973 ---------- release 'band on the run'*wings
on this day: 07 february 1960 old handwriting found in at---------- , near the dead sea*qumran
on this day: 07 february 1970 us female ---------- championship won by janet lynn*figure skating
on this day: 07 february 1970 us male ---------- championship won by tim wood*figure skating
on this day: 07 february 1971 women win the right to vote in ----------*switzerland
on this day: 07 february 1974 grenada gains independence from ---------- (national day)*britain
on this day: 07 january 1972 iberian airlines crashes into 800' peak on island of---------- , 104 die*ibiza
on this day: 07 january 1973 us poet james merrill wins ---------- prize*bollingen
on this day: 07 january 1974 dutch rations ----------*gasoline
on this day: 07 january 1975 ---------- fans riot before boston concert, causing $30,000 damage*led zeppelin
on this day: 07 july 1960 ussr shoots down a us aircraft over ---------- sea*barents
on this day: 07 july 1972 billie jean king beats evonne ---------- to win wimbeldon*goolagong
on this day: 07 june 1970 the who's tommy is performed at ny's ----------*lincoln center
on this day: 07 june 1971 soviet soyuz 11 crew completes 1st transfer to orbiting ----------*salyut
on this day: 07 june 1972 german chancellor willy brandt visits ----------*israel
on this day: 07 march 1971 egypt refuses to renew the ---------- ceasefire*suez
on this day: 07 march 1973 sheik mujib ur-rahman's awami league wins election in ----------*bangladesh
on this day: 07 march 1974 1st general striking in ----------*ethiopia
on this day: 07 may 1960 leonid ---------- replaces kliment voroshilov as president of ussr*brezhnev
on this day: 07 may 1970 'long & winding road' becomes beatles' last ---------- release*american
on this day: 07 november 1970 race riots in daytona beach ----------*florida
on this day: 08 august 1960 ivory coast declares ----------*independence
on this day: 08 february 1971 south vietnamese troops invade ----------*laos
on this day: 08 february 1973 senate names 7 members to investigate ---------- scandal*watergate
on this day: 08 february 1974 ---------- releases 'you're 16'*ringo starr
on this day: 08 february 1975 1800 unification church couples' wed in ----------*korea
on this day: 08 january 1971 29 pilot ---------- beach themselves & die at san clemente island ca*whales
on this day: 08 january 1973 greg ---------- 's best test bowling, 5-61 vs pakistan at scg*chappell
on this day: 08 january 1973 secret peace talks between us & ---------- resumed near paris*north vietnam
on this day: 08 january 1973 ussr launches ---------- 21 for moon landing*luna
on this day: 08 january 1974 ---------- photographed*loch ness monster
on this day: 08 june 1974 keyboardist rick ---------- quits the rock group 'yes'*wakeman
on this day: 08 june 1975 2 passenger trains collided near ---------- germany killing 35*munich
on this day: 08 june 1975 ussr launches venera 9 for ---------- landing*venus
on this day: 08 march 1971 joe frazier beats ---------- at madison square garden (new york ny)in 15, retains heavyweight boxing title*muhammad ali
on this day: 08 march 1971 radio hanoi broadcasts jimi ---------- 's 'star spangled banner'*hendrix
on this day: 08 march 1972 1st ---------- flown over britain in 20 years (europa)*airship
on this day: 08 march 1972 1st flight of the ---------- blimp*goodyear
on this day: 08 march 1973 paul & linda mccartney are fined £100 for growing ----------*cannabis
on this day: 08 march 1974 charles ---------- airport opens in paris france*de gaulle
on this day: 08 may 1960 ussr & ---------- resume diplomatic relations*cuba
on this day: 08 may 1970 ---------- release 'let it be' album*beatles
on this day: 08 may 1971 ---------- beats muhammad ali at madison square garden*joe frazier
on this day: 08 may 1972 sabena aircraft at lod international, tel aviv, captured by ----------*palestinians
on this day: 08 may 1974 canadian government of ---------- falls*trudeau
on this day: 08 october 1971 john ---------- releases his megahit 'imagine'*lennon
on this day: 08 september 1974 pres ---------- pardons former pres r nixon of all federal crimes*gerald ford
on this day: 09 april 1970 ---------- announces official split of the beatles*paul mccartney
on this day: 09 april 1971 ---------- releases 'it don't come easy' in uk*ringo
on this day: 09 april 1972 jack ---------- wins masters golf tournament*nicklaus
on this day: 09 august 1960 race riot in jacksonville ----------*florida
on this day: 09 august 1972 rockwell receives nasa contract to construct the ----------*space shuttle
on this day: 09 august 1973 ---------- launches mars 7*ussr
on this day: 09 august 1973 henry mccullough & denny seiwell quit ----------*wings
on this day: 09 february 1971 apollo ---------- returns to earth*14
on this day: 09 february 1971 quake in ---------- valley kills 65 & causes over $1/2 billion damage*san fernando
on this day: 09 january 1960 building of aswan dam in---------- , begins*egypt
on this day: 09 january 1970 constitution of ---------- enacted*singapore
on this day: 09 january 1972 billionaire howard ---------- said clifford irving's biography is a fake*hughes
on this day: 09 january 1972 passenger ship ---------- destroyed by fire*queen elizabeth
on this day: 09 january 1975 australia beat ---------- by 171 runs in 4th test to regain ashes*england
on this day: 09 july 1972 1st tour of paul mccartney & ---------- (france)*wings
on this day: 09 june 1971 paul ---------- 's album 'ram' goes gold*mccartney
on this day: 09 june 1972 ---------- signs a record deal with columbia*bruce springsteen
on this day: 09 june 1974 supergroup blind ---------- 's (clapton, windwood, baker) 1st concert*faith
on this day: 09 may 1960 ---------- becomes a member of the british commonwealth*nigeria
on this day: 09 may 1960 us is 1st country to use the ---------- pill legally*birth control
on this day: 09 may 1970 100,000s demonstrate against ---------- war*vietnam
on this day: 09 may 1971 friends of earth return 1500 non-returnable bottles to ----------*schweppes
on this day: 09 november 1973 ---------- releases 'ringo' album*ringo
on this day: 09 october 1970 khmer republic (cambodia) declares ----------*independence
on this day: 09 october 1973 elvis & ---------- presley divorce after 6 years*priscilla
on this day: 09 october 1975 emperor ---------- of japan visits sf*hirohito
on this day: 09 october 1975 soviet dissident andrei sakharov wins ---------- prize*nobel peace
on this day: 09 september 1971 john ---------- releases the 'imagine' album*lennon
on this day: 09 september 1971 john lennon & ---------- appear on the dick cavett show (abc-tv)*yoko ono
on this day: 09 september 1975 ---------- 2 launched toward orbit around mars, soft landing*viking
on this day: 10 april 1960 arnold ---------- wins his 2nd masters golf tournament*palmer
on this day: 10 august 1960 ---------- 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space*discoverer
on this day: 10 february 1971 royal albert hall bans scheduled concert featuring frank ----------*zappa
on this day: 10 february 1974 iran/---------- border fight breaks out*iraqi
on this day: 10 january 1960 bollingen prize for ---------- awarded to delmore schwartz*poetry
on this day: 10 january 1971 bollingen prize for ---------- awarded to richard wilbur*poetry
on this day: 10 july 1973 bahamas gain independence after 300 yrs of ---------- rule (nat'l day)*british
on this day: 10 june 1973 ---------- launches radio astronomy explorer 49 into lunar orbit*nasa
on this day: 10 march 1960 ussr agrees to stop ----------*nuclear testing
on this day: 10 march 1970 ---------- records 'the singer' & 'i can do it'*barbra streisand
on this day: 10 march 1973 morocco adopts ----------*constitution
on this day: 10 march 1974 christian democrats win ---------- parliamentary election*belgium
on this day: 10 march 1975 '---------- picture show' opens at belasco theater nyc for 45 performances*rocky horror
on this day: 10 may 1972 overloaded south ---------- bus plunges into reservoir, killing 77*korean
on this day: 10 november 1971 us table tennis team arrived in ----------*china
on this day: 10 november 1975 plo leader yasser ---------- addresses un in nyc*arafat
on this day: 10 october 1970 fiji gains independence from ---------- (national day)*britain
on this day: 10 october 1975 liz taylor's ---------- marriage (re-marries richard burton)*6th
on this day: 10 september 1960 running barefoot, ethiopian abebe bikila wins ---------- olympic marathon*rome
on this day: 10 september 1973 muhammad ali defeats ----------*ken norton
on this day: 10 september 1974 guinea-bissau gains independence from ----------*portugal
on this day: 11 april 1960 1st ---------- satellite launched (tiros 1)*weather
on this day: 11 april 1970 ---------- ' 'let it be,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for 2 weeks*beatles
on this day: 11 august 1960 chad declares ----------*independence
on this day: 11 august 1974 lee ---------- wins pga championship*trevino
on this day: 11 february 1970 ---------- becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (osumi) in orbit*japan
on this day: 11 february 1970 ---------- pays £1,344 fines for 96 protesting the south african rugby team playing in scotland*john lennon
on this day: 11 february 1973 1st one-day international for pakistan & ----------*new zealand
on this day: 11 february 1975 margaret thatcher defeats edward ---------- for conservative leadership*heath
on this day: 11 january 1960 chad declares independence from ----------*france
on this day: 11 january 1960 lamar clark sets pro boxing record of 44 consecutive ----------*knockouts
on this day: 11 january 1972 east-pakistan becomes independent state of ----------*bangladesh
on this day: 11 january 1973 trial of the ---------- burglars begins in washington dc*watergate
on this day: 11 july 1960 ivory coast, dahomey, upper volta & niger declare ----------*independence
on this day: 11 march 1960 ---------- launched into solar orbit between earth & venus*pioneer 5
on this day: 11 march 1974 mount etna in ---------- erupts*sicily
on this day: 11 march 1975 ---------- military coup under general spinola fails*portugal
on this day: 11 may 1960 israeli soldiers capture adolf ---------- in buenos aires*eichmann
on this day: 11 may 1972 ---------- says his phone is tapped by fbi on dick cavett show*john lennon
on this day: 11 may 1974 'tubular bells' by mike ---------- hits #7*oldfield
on this day: 11 may 1974 ---------- releases 'rikki don't lose that number'*steely dan
on this day: 11 may 1975 ---------- signs an agreement with european economic market*israel
on this day: 11 november 1975 angola gains independence from ---------- (national day)*portugal
on this day: 11 september 1960 the 17th olympic games close in ----------*rome
on this day: 11 september 1973 chile's president, salvador---------- , deposed in a military coup*allende
on this day: 12 april 1970 yankees dedicate plaques to mickey mantle & joe ----------*dimaggio
on this day: 12 april 1975 linda ---------- releases 'when will i be loved'*ronstadt
on this day: 12 august 1960 echo 1, 1st ---------- satellite, is launched*communications
on this day: 12 december 1970 small astronomy satellite explorer 42 launched to study ----------*x-rays
on this day: 12 december 1975 sara jane moore pled guilty to trying to kill president ----------*gerald ford
on this day: 12 february 1960 chinese army kills 12 ---------- soldiers*indian
on this day: 12 january 1970 boeing ---------- makes its maiden voyage*747
on this day: 12 january 1971 'all in the family' premieres on cbs featuring 1st ---------- on tv*toilet flush
on this day: 12 january 1974 'joker' by steve ---------- band peaks at #1*miller
on this day: 12 january 1974 libya & ---------- announces they are merging as 'islamic arab republic'*tunisia
on this day: 12 july 1960 congo, chad & central african republic declare ----------*independence
on this day: 12 july 1960 echo i, 1st passive ---------- launched*satellite
on this day: 12 july 1960 ussr's sputnik 5 launched with 2 ----------*dogs
on this day: 12 july 1970 janis ---------- debuts in kentucky*joplin
on this day: 12 march 1970 us lowers voting age from ---------- to 18*21
on this day: 12 march 1971 rolling stone ---------- marries bianca pérez morena de macias*mick jagger
on this day: 12 may 1960 ---------- appears on a frank sinatra special*elvis presley
on this day: 12 may 1971 rolling stone ---------- weds bianca macias at st tropez town hall*mick jagger
on this day: 12 may 1972 paul mccartney & ---------- release 'mary had a little lamb'*wings
on this day: 12 october 1972 mariner 9 takes pictures of ---------- north pole*martian
on this day: 12 october 1973 nixon nominates ---------- to replace spiro agnew as vp*gerald ford
on this day: 12 september 1970 ---------- launches luna 16; returns samples from lunar sea of fertility*ussr
on this day: 13 april 1960 ---------- 1b, 1st navigational satellite, placed in earth orbit*transit
on this day: 13 april 1960 ---------- becomes the 4th nuclear nation exploding an a-bomb in sahara*france
on this day: 13 april 1970 ---------- launched to moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days*apollo 13
on this day: 13 april 1975 jack ---------- wins his 5th masters golf tournament*nicklaus
on this day: 13 august 1971 paul & ---------- release 'the back seat of my car'*linda mccartney
on this day: 13 december 1974 malta becomes a ----------*republic
on this day: 13 february 1960 ---------- performs 1st nuclear test at reggane proving grounds algeria*france
on this day: 13 february 1971 12,000 south vietnamese troops cross into ----------*laos
on this day: 13 february 1974 dissident nobel writer alexander solzhenitsyn expelled from ----------*ussr
on this day: 13 february 1975 ---------- premier denktash proclaims turkish-cypriot federation*cyprus
on this day: 13 june 1970 beatles' 'let it be,' album goes #1 & stays #1 for ----------*4 weeks
on this day: 13 june 1970 beatles' 'long & winding road,' single goes #1 & stays #1 for ----------*2 weeks
on this day: 13 march 1973 syria adopts ----------*constitution
on this day: 13 may 1960 1st launch of delta ---------- launching vehicle; it failed*satellite
on this day: 13 may 1970 ---------- movie 'let it be' premieres*beatles
on this day: 13 november 1960 ---------- marries swedish actress may britt*sammy davis jr
on this day: 13 november 1970 cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in chittagong ----------*bangladesh
on this day: 13 november 1971 mariner 9, 1st to orbit another ---------- (mars)*planet
on this day: 13 october 1972 aeroflot il-62 crashes in large pond outside---------- , 176 die*moscow
on this day: 13 october 1972 uruguay to chile plane crashes in ---------- mountain, 12/23 rescue)*andes
on this day: 13 september 1970 ---------- announces system 370 computer*ibm
on this day: 14 august 1971 bahrain proclaims independence after 110 years of ---------- rule*british
on this day: 14 august 1971 british begin internment without trial in ---------- ireland*northern
on this day: 14 august 1973 us bombs ----------*cambodia
on this day: 14 february 1960 marshal ayub khan elected president of ----------*pakistan
on this day: 14 february 1971 richard ---------- installs secret taping system in white house*nixon
on this day: 14 january 1960 tuindorp-oostzaan in northern---------- , flooded*amsterdam
on this day: 14 january 1960 us army promoted ---------- to sergeant*elvis presley
on this day: 14 january 1973 grateful dead bass player, phil lesh, busted for ---------- in california*drugs
on this day: 14 january 1975 ---------- breaks trade agreement with us*ussr
on this day: 14 july 1973 phil everly storms off stage declaring an end to the ----------*everly brothers
on this day: 14 june 1975 ---------- releases 'at 17'*janis ian
on this day: 14 march 1971 ---------- appears on 'the burt bacharach special' on cbs tv*barbra streisand
on this day: 14 march 1971 south vietnamese troops flee ----------*laos
on this day: 14 march 1971 the rolling stones leave england for ---------- to escape taxes*france
on this day: 14 march 1973 liam cosgrave appointed president of ----------*ireland
on this day: 14 may 1960 ussr launch 1st (unmanned) space ----------*capsule
on this day: 14 may 1973 ---------- launched, the 1st space station*skylab
on this day: 14 may 1973 us supreme court approves equal rights to ---------- in military*females
on this day: 14 may 1975 french press reports massive deportation from ----------*cambodia
on this day: 14 november 1973 britain's princess ---------- marries commoner, capt mark phillips*anne
on this day: 14 september 1973 ---------- shoots down 13 syrian mig-21s*israel
on this day: 15 april 1971 ---------- academy awards presented*43rd
on this day: 15 april 1974 military coup in ----------*niger
on this day: 15 august 1960 ---------- is sighted by 3 california patrolmen*ufo
on this day: 15 august 1971 bahrain gains independence from ----------*britain
on this day: 15 august 1973 black ---------- kills 3 wounds 55 athens*september
on this day: 15 august 1974 south ---------- president park chung-hee escapes assassination*korean
on this day: 15 february 1970 nationalists disrupt un session on ----------*congo
on this day: 15 february 1971 after 1200 years britain abandons 12-shilling system for ----------*decimal
on this day: 15 january 1971 ---------- releases 'my sweet lord'*george harrison
on this day: 15 january 1972 heavyweight ---------- kos terry daniels*joe frazier
on this day: 15 january 1973 pope paul vi has an audience with golda ---------- at vatican*meir
on this day: 15 january 1973 president ---------- suspends all us offensive action in north vietnam*nixon
on this day: 15 january 1975 ---------- signs accord for angola's independence*portugal
on this day: 15 march 1970 expo '70 opens in osaka, ----------*japan
on this day: 15 march 1971 ---------- make their debut on the internet*chatrooms
on this day: 15 march 1972 ---------- airliner hit mountain in sheikdom of oman killing 112*danish
on this day: 15 march 1972 assassination attempt on governor ---------- of alabama*george wallace
on this day: 15 march 1972 nasa selects 3 part configuration for ----------*space shuttle
on this day: 15 may 1960 ---------- 4 launched into earth orbit; later recovery failed*sputnik
on this day: 15 may 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at muruora island*france
on this day: 15 may 1970 beatles' last lp, 'let it be' is released in ----------*us
on this day: 15 may 1970 south-africa excluded from ---------- play*olympic
on this day: 15 may 1972 bus plunges into ---------- river killing 50 pilgrims (minia egypt)*nile
on this day: 15 november 1972 small astronomy satellite explorer 48 launched to study ----------*gamma rays
on this day: 15 november 1974 ---------- releases 'goodnight vienna' & 'only you' in uk*ringo
on this day: 15 september 1970 decca awards ---------- a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million*bing crosby
on this day: 16 april 1972 2 giants ---------- arrive in the us, from china*pandas
on this day: 16 april 1972 apollo ---------- launched; 5th manned lunar landing (decartes highlands)*16
on this day: 16 august 1960 britain grants independence to crown colony of ----------*cyprus
on this day: 16 august 1960 republic of the ---------- (zaire) forms*congo
on this day: 16 december 1970 1st successful landing on ---------- (ussr)*venus
on this day: 16 december 1971 pakistan army surrenders to indian army in ----------*bangladesh
on this day: 16 december 1973 ---------- becomes 1st nfler to rush 2,000 yard in a season*o.j. simpson
on this day: 16 february 1960 us ---------- submarine uss triton set off on underwater round-world trip*nuclear
on this day: 16 february 1973 west indies vs australia at---------- , 1st time since 1955 without sobers*kingston
on this day: 16 january 1970 colonel kadhaffi becomes premier of ----------*libya
on this day: 16 january 1974 'jaws' by peter ---------- is published*benchley
on this day: 16 june 1970 race riots in ---------- florida*miami
on this day: 16 march 1970 new english ---------- published*bible
on this day: 16 march 1972 ---------- are served with deportation papers*john & yoko
on this day: 16 may 1974 helmut ---------- becomes west german chancellor*schmidt
on this day: 16 may 1975 ---------- release 'listen to what the man said' in uk*wings
on this day: 16 may 1975 ---------- tkos ron lyle in 11 for heavyweight boxing title*muhammad ali
on this day: 16 november 1973 ---------- 4 launched into earth orbit*skylab
on this day: 16 november 1973 john ---------- releases 'mind games' album*lennon
on this day: 16 november 1974 john ---------- 's #1 solo 'whatever gets you through the night'*lennon
on this day: 16 october 1970 anwar ---------- elected president of egypt, succeeding gamal abdel nasser*sadat
on this day: 16 september 1973 buff bill oj ---------- rushes 250 yards 2 tds), beating ne pats 31-13*simpson
on this day: 16 september 1975 papua new guinea gains independence from ---------- (national day)*australia
on this day: 17 april 1960 american samoa sets up a ---------- government*constitutional
on this day: 17 april 1970 paul ---------- 's 1st solo album 'mccartney'*mccartney
on this day: 17 april 1975 khmer rouge captures---------- , cambodia (kampuchea natl day)*phnom penh
on this day: 17 august 1970 venera 7 launched by ussr for soft landing on ----------*venus
on this day: 17 august 1973 lee trevino's 1st ----------*hole-in-one
on this day: 17 december 1971 cease-fire between india & pakistan in ----------*kashmir
on this day: 17 december 1971 radio ---------- begins transmitting*bangladesh
on this day: 17 december 1972 new line of control agreed to in kashmir between india & ----------*pakistan
on this day: 17 february 1970 jeffrey mcdonald slices up his ----------*wife & daughter
on this day: 17 february 1970 joni mitchell's final ---------- (royal albert hall)*concert
on this day: 17 february 1971 ---------- regains cricket ashes with a 2-0 series win*england
on this day: 17 february 1974 49 die in stampede for seats at soccer match, cairo, ----------*egypt
on this day: 17 january 1960 mickey wright wins lpga sea island women's ---------- invitational*golf
on this day: 17 january 1972 section of memphis' highway 51 south renamed ---------- blvd*elvis presley
on this day: 17 january 1973 city of amsterdam decides to support ----------*hanoi
on this day: 17 january 1973 new philippine constitution names ---------- president for life*marcos
on this day: 17 july 1974 ---------- is ordered to leave the us in 60 days*john lennon
on this day: 17 july 1974 1st ---------- studio in uk is open by the moody blues*quadrophonic
on this day: 17 july 1975 ---------- & maureen cox divorce*ringo starr
on this day: 17 june 1972 5 arrested for burglarizing democratic party hq at ----------*watergate
on this day: 17 march 1972 ---------- releases 'back off bugaloo' in uk*ringo
on this day: 17 march 1973 queen elizabeth ii opens new london ----------*bridge
on this day: 17 march 1973 st patrick's day marchers carry 14 coffins commemorating ----------*bloody sunday
on this day: 17 may 1971 washington state bans ----------*sex discrimination
on this day: 17 may 1973 stevie ---------- releases 'you are the sunshine of my life'*wonder
on this day: 17 may 1975 ---------- punches a restaurant window, gets 20 stitches*mick jagger
on this day: 17 may 1975 ---------- releases 'i'm not in love'*10cc
on this day: 17 november 1970 russia lands lunokhod 1 unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on ----------*moon
on this day: 18 april 1975 ---------- releases 'stand by me'*john lennon
on this day: 18 december 1972 us began its heaviest bombing of north ----------*vietnam
on this day: 18 february 1960 8th winter ---------- games open in squaw valley ca*olympics
on this day: 18 february 1970 us president ---------- launches 'nixon-doctrine'*nixon
on this day: 18 february 1974 nasa launches italian satellite ---------- c-2 235/843 km)*san marcos
on this day: 18 february 1975 2nd american ---------- award*music
on this day: 18 february 1975 italy broadens ---------- law*abortion
on this day: 18 january 1960 us & japan sign joint ---------- treaty*defense
on this day: 18 january 1973 john ---------- 's final episode on 'monty python's flying circus,' on bbc*cleese
on this day: 18 january 1974 'the $6 million man' starring ---------- premieres on abc tv*lee majors
on this day: 18 january 1974 israel & ---------- sign weapons accord*egypt
on this day: 18 june 1972 bea trident crashes after takeoff from ---------- killing 118*heathrow
on this day: 18 march 1970 mail service paralyzed by 1st major postal ----------*strike
on this day: 18 march 1975 kurds end fight against ---------- army*iraqi
on this day: 18 may 1971 president ---------- rejects 60 demands of congressional black caucus*nixon
on this day: 18 may 1973 russian party leader ---------- visits west germany*brezhnev
on this day: 18 may 1974 india becomes 6th nation to explode an ----------*atomic bomb
on this day: 18 november 1960 copyright office issues its 10 millionth ----------*registration
on this day: 18 september 1974 hurricane fifi strikes ---------- with 110 mph winds, 5,000 die*honduras
on this day: 18 september 1975 heiress/bank robber patricia campbell ---------- captured by fbi in sf*hearst
on this day: 19 april 1971 ---------- salyut 1 launched; 1st manned lab in orbit*ussr
on this day: 19 april 1971 russia launches its 1st ---------- space station*salyut
on this day: 19 april 1971 sierra ---------- becomes a republic (natl day)*leone
on this day: 19 april 1975 india launches 1st ---------- with help of ussr*satellite
on this day: 19 august 1960 sputnik 5 carries 2 dogs, 3 ---------- into orbit (later recovered alive)*mice
on this day: 19 december 1971 nasa launches ---------- 4 f-3 for comsat corp*intelsat
on this day: 19 december 1972 apollo ---------- (last of apollo moon landing series) returns to earth*17
on this day: 19 february 1960 protest strike in poznan ----------*poland
on this day: 19 february 1970 ussr launches ---------- 52 & molniya 1-13 communications satellite*sputnik
on this day: 19 february 1971 paul ---------- releases 'another day' in uk*mccartney
on this day: 19 february 1974 1st american ---------- award*music
on this day: 19 january 1960 eisenhower & premier kishi sign us-japanese ---------- pact*security
on this day: 19 january 1970 dutch ---------- says he is in favor of married priest*bishop
on this day: 19 january 1970 ucla fires angela davis for being a ----------*communist
on this day: 19 january 1971 beatles' ---------- is played at the charles manson trial*helter skelter
on this day: 19 january 1974 ---------- government of leburton falls*belgium
on this day: 19 july 1974 david ---------- 's diamond dog tour ends in nyc*bowie
on this day: 19 march 1970 west german chancellor & east german premier willy ---------- meet*brandt
on this day: 19 march 1972 india & ---------- sign friendship treaty*bangladesh
on this day: 19 march 1974 jefferson ---------- begins their 1st tour*starship
on this day: 19 may 1975 junko tabei is 1st woman to climb to the top of mount ----------*everest
on this day: 19 october 1960 ---------- arrested in atlanta sit-in*martin luther king jr
on this day: 19 october 1960 ---------- grants mauritania independence*france
on this day: 19 october 1960 the us imposes an embargo on exports to ----------*cuba
on this day: 19 october 1973 ---------- releases 'photograph'*ringo
on this day: 19 september 1970 'mary ---------- moore' show premiers*tyler
on this day: 20 april 1970 us troops invade ----------*cambodia
on this day: 20 april 1971 ---------- records 'we've only just begun'*barbra striesand
on this day: 20 april 1973 paul ---------- releases 'red rose speedway' including 'my love'*mccartney
on this day: 20 april 1974 paul ---------- releases 'band on the run'*mccartney
on this day: 20 august 1975 ---------- 1 launched toward orbit around mars, soft landing*viking
on this day: 20 december 1972 president ---------- halts bombing of north vietnam & announces peace talks*nixon
on this day: 20 december 1974 ---------- releases his 'dark horse' album in uk*george harrison
on this day: 20 december 1975 constitution of democratic republic of ---------- comes into force*madagascar
on this day: 20 february 1971 major general idi amin dada appoints himself president of ----------*uganda
on this day: 20 february 1974 cher files for separation from husband ----------*sonny bono
on this day: 20 january 1960 cia oks ---------- to produce a new u-2 aircraft (oxcart)*lockheed
on this day: 20 january 1960 patrice lumumba sentenced to 6 months in ----------*belgian congo
on this day: 20 january 1960 riot curtails third day's play at port-of-spain west indies vs ----------*england
on this day: 20 january 1960 us female ---------- championship won by carol heiss*figure skating
on this day: 20 january 1960 us male ---------- championship won by david jenkins*figure skating
on this day: 20 january 1971 ---------- meets yoko ono's parents in japan*john lennon
on this day: 20 january 1971 dennis ---------- takes 5-84 in his 1st test bowl, vs england*lillee
on this day: 20 january 1972 pakistan withdraws from the ----------*commonwealth
on this day: 20 january 1973 ---------- plays their 1st show (coventry club in queens ny)*kiss
on this day: 20 january 1974 ussr performs ---------- at eastern kazakstan/semipalatinsk ussr*nuclear test
on this day: 20 july 1960 1st submerged submarine to fire ---------- missile (george washington)*polaris
on this day: 20 july 1960 ussr recovered 2 dogs; 1st living ---------- to return from space*organisms
on this day: 20 july 1970 1st baby born on ---------- island*alcatraz
on this day: 20 july 1971 george ---------- releases 'bangladesh'*harrison
on this day: 20 july 1971 japanese boeing ---------- collides with an f-86 fighter killing 162*727
on this day: 20 july 1971 us apollo ---------- lands on mare imbrium on the moon*15
on this day: 20 july 1974 turkey invades ----------*cyprus
on this day: 20 june 1975 cher, just 4 days after divorcing sonny bono marries ----------*gregg allman
on this day: 20 march 1970 ---------- wins its 8th straight world hockey championship*ussr
on this day: 20 march 1972 19 mountain climbers killed on japan's ---------- during an avalanche*mount fuji
on this day: 20 march 1972 north vietnamese troops enter ----------*south vietnam
on this day: 20 may 1970 100,000 march in ---------- supporting us policies in vietnam*new york
on this day: 20 may 1970 2 die in a nyc ---------- accident*subway
on this day: 20 may 1970 the beatles' 'let it be' movie premieres in ----------*uk
on this day: 20 may 1971 36 hospitalized during ---------- concert; after drinking lsd apple juice*grateful dead
on this day: 20 may 1971 us ---------- 9 1st satellite to orbit mars launched*mariner
on this day: 20 may 1975 ---------- release 'venus & mars' album*wings
on this day: 20 november 1972 ---------- bans wings 'hi, hi, hi'*bbc
on this day: 20 november 1975 dahomey becomes ----------*benin
on this day: 20 october 1973 ---------- oil embargo begins*opec
on this day: 20 october 1974 muhammad ali kos ---------- in 8th round in kinshasa, za‹re*george foreman
on this day: 20 september 1960 ---------- premiers 1st prime time animation show)*flintstones
on this day: 20 september 1970 ---------- 16 lands on moon's mare fecunditatis, drills core sample*luna
on this day: 20 september 1972 police find ---------- growing on paul & linda mccartney's farm*cannabis
on this day: 20 september 1973 billie ---------- beats bobby riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match*jean king
on this day: 20 september 1975 david ---------- 's 'fame,' single goes #1 for 2 weeks*bowie
on this day: 21 april 1960 ---------- becomes the capital of brazil*brasilia
on this day: 21 august 1971 dave scott becomes 1st person to drive a ---------- on the moon*car
on this day: 21 august 1972 1st hot air balloon flight over the ----------*alps
on this day: 21 december 1970 congress authorizes the ---------- dollar coin*eisenhower
on this day: 21 december 1970 paul mccartney files a ---------- to dissolve the beatles*lawsuit
on this day: 21 december 1971 un security council chooses kurt ---------- as 4th secretary general*waldheim
on this day: 21 december 1972 soviet union signs a separate peace with ----------*east germany
on this day: 21 december 1973 israel, egypt, syria, jordan, us & ussr meet in ----------*geneva
on this day: 21 february 1970 ---------- make tv debut on 'american bandstand'*jackson 5
on this day: 21 february 1973 israeli fighters shoot ---------- aircraft down, killing 108*libyan
on this day: 21 february 1974 ---------- forces leave western suez*israeli
on this day: 21 february 1974 yugoslavia adopts ----------*constitution
on this day: 21 february 1975 ---------- releases 'rock 'n' roll' album*john lennon
on this day: 21 january 1960 little joe 4 suborbital ---------- test reaches 16 km*mercury
on this day: 21 january 1970 grateful dead members busted on ---------- charges*lsd
on this day: 21 january 1971 'my sweet lord' by george harrison hit #1 on uk ----------*pop chart
on this day: 21 january 1971 apollo ---------- launched, 1st landing in lunar highlands*14
on this day: 21 january 1972 aretha ---------- sings at mahalia jackson's funeral*franklin
on this day: 21 january 1972 birenda, becomes leader of ----------*nepal
on this day: 21 january 1972 military coup ousts civilian government of ----------*ghana
on this day: 21 january 1974 mcdonald's founder ---------- buys san diego padres*ray kroc
on this day: 21 january 1975 ---------- releases '#9 dream'*john lennon
on this day: 21 january 1975 barry ---------- 's 'mandy' goes gold*manilow
on this day: 21 july 1960 the country of katanga forms in ----------*africa
on this day: 21 july 1973 ussr launches ---------- for fly-by 2600 km) of the red planet*mars 4
on this day: 21 march 1972 official ---------- fan club closes down*beatles
on this day: 21 march 1974 attempt made to kidnap princess ---------- in london's pall mall*anne
on this day: 21 march 1975 ---------- ends monarchy after 3000 years*ethiopia
on this day: 21 may 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at novaya zemlya ussr*ussr
on this day: 21 may 1974 israel & ---------- sign an agreement concerning golan heights*syria
on this day: 21 november 1975 linda mccartney ---------- in us are dropped*drug charges
on this day: 21 october 1970 caledonian airways takes over british ---------- airways*united
on this day: 21 september 1972 ---------- declares martial law in the philippines*marcos
on this day: 22 april 1971 ---------- 10 launched*soyuz
on this day: 22 april 1974 barbara walters becomes news co-anchor of the ----------*today show
on this day: 22 february 1971 lieutenant general hafiz al-assad becomes president of ----------*syria
on this day: 22 february 1974 ---------- police shoot at demonstrators*ethiopian
on this day: 22 january 1960 french president ---------- escapes attempt by general massu*de gaulle
on this day: 22 january 1960 paul pender beats sugar ray robinson for ---------- boxing title*middleweight
on this day: 22 january 1970 1st commercial boeing 747 flight (pan am), new york to ---------- in 61/2 hours*london
on this day: 22 january 1971 ---------- record 'power to the people'*john & yoko
on this day: 22 january 1973 george ---------- tkos joe frazier in 2 for heavyweight boxing title*foreman
on this day: 22 january 1975 landsat 2, an earth resources ---------- satellite, launched*technology
on this day: 22 july 1972 venera 8 makes soft landing on ----------*venus
on this day: 22 june 1973 george ---------- releases 'living in the material world'*harrison
on this day: 22 march 1960 1st patent for---------- , granted to arthur schawlow & charles townes*lasers
on this day: 22 march 1971 ---------- performs nuclear test at eastern kazakhstan/semipalitinsk ussr*ussr
on this day: 22 may 1970 ---------- terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus*arab
on this day: 22 may 1970 france performs nuclear test at ---------- island*muruora
on this day: 22 may 1972 ---------- becomes republic of sri lanka as its constitution is ratified*ceylon
on this day: 22 may 1972 us president ---------- begins visit moscow*nixon
on this day: 22 may 1973 president nixon confesses his role in ---------- cover-up*watergate
on this day: 22 september 1973 ---------- , sworn in as america's 1st jewish secretary of state*henry kissinger
on this day: 23 april 1972 apollo ---------- astronauts explores moon surface*16
on this day: 23 december 1972 16 plane crash survivors rescued after 70days, survived by ----------*cannibalism
on this day: 23 december 1972 earthquake destroys central managua, ----------*nicaragua
on this day: 23 december 1973 6 persian gulf nations double their ----------*oil prices
on this day: 23 february 1970 ---------- becomes a republic (national day)*guyana
on this day: 23 february 1971 george ---------- is fined & his driving license is suspended for 1 year as a result of several speeding tickets and a dispute with the police*harrison
on this day: 23 january 1970 ---------- 's 1st amateur radio satellite (oscar 5) launched (california)*australia
on this day: 23 january 1970 dolle mina burns her ---------- in amsterdam*bra
on this day: 23 january 1970 us launches 2nd generation ---------- satellite, itos 1*weather
on this day: 23 january 1970 us performs ---------- test at nevada test site*nuclear
on this day: 23 january 1972 entire population of ---------- under 24 hour house arrest*istanbul
on this day: 23 june 1970 rocker chubby ---------- arrest for marijuana pocession*checker
on this day: 23 june 1972 nixon & haldeman agree to use cia to cover up ----------*watergate
on this day: 23 june 1975 rocker ---------- falls off stage in vancouver, breaks 6 ribs*alice cooper
on this day: 23 march 1960 ---------- (8) fails to reach earth orbit*explorer
on this day: 23 march 1970 us performs ---------- test at nevada test site*nuclear
on this day: 23 march 1971 ussr performs ---------- nuclear test*underground
on this day: 23 march 1972 ---------- breaks 93 bones after successfully clearing 35 cars*evil knievel
on this day: 23 may 1971 rock group iron ---------- disbands*butterfly
on this day: 23 may 1974 ---------- performs nuclear test at nevada test site*great britain
on this day: 23 november 1960 tiros 2, a ---------- satellite is launched*weather
on this day: 23 september 1973 former argentine president juan ---------- returns to power*peron
on this day: 24 april 1970 ---------- becomes a republic within the commonwealth*gambia
on this day: 24 december 1970 9 jews are convicted in ---------- of hijacking a plane*lenningrad
on this day: 24 february 1960 us beats ---------- in olympics hockey finals round, 9-1*germany
on this day: 24 february 1974 pakistan officially recognizes ----------*bangladesh
on this day: 24 january 1960 algeria uprises against french president ----------*de gaulle
on this day: 24 july 1975 apollo ---------- returns to earth*18
on this day: 24 march 1960 us appeals court rules novel, 'lady chatterly's lover', not ----------*obscene
on this day: 24 march 1972 great britain imposes direct rule over ----------*northern ireland
on this day: 24 march 1975 ---------- tkos chuck wepner in 15 to retain the heavyweight boxing title*muhammad ali
on this day: 24 may 1960 1 millionth ---------- telephone installed*dutch
on this day: 24 may 1970 peter green quits ---------- to join a religious cult*fleetwood mac
on this day: 24 may 1974 ---------- show, last airs on nbc-tv*dean martin
on this day: 24 october 1973 ---------- sues us govt to admit the fbi is tapping his phone*john lennon
on this day: 24 october 1973 ---------- war ends, israel 65 miles from cairo, 26 from damascus*yom kippur
on this day: 24 september 1960 1st nuclear-powered---------- , launches (uss enterprise)*aircraft carrier
on this day: 25 april 1960 1st submerged ---------- of earth completed (triton)*circumnavigation
on this day: 25 april 1974 dictator ant¢nio salazar overthrown in ----------*portugal
on this day: 25 august 1960 17th summer olympics opens in ----------*rome
on this day: 25 december 1974 ---------- virtually destroys darwin australia*cyclone tracy
on this day: 25 january 1970 robert ---------- 's 'm*as
on this day: 25 january 1971 charles ---------- & 3 women followers convicted of tate-labianca murders*manson
on this day: 25 january 1971 military coup in ---------- under general idi amin dada*uganda
on this day: 25 january 1974 bülent ecevit forms government in ----------*turkey
on this day: 25 january 1974 christian ---------- transplants 1st human heart without removal of old*barnard
on this day: 25 july 1973 ---------- launches mars 5*ussr
on this day: 25 july 1973 george harrison pays œ1,000,000 tax on his ---------- concert & album*bangladesh
on this day: 25 june 1975 mozambique gains independence from ---------- (national day)*portugal
on this day: 25 march 1960 1st guided missile launched from ---------- powered sub (halibut)*nuclear
on this day: 25 march 1970 ---------- makes its 1st supersonic flight (700 mph/1,127 kph)*concorde
on this day: 25 march 1971 ---------- , 'she's a lady', goes gold*tom jones
on this day: 25 march 1972 ---------- 's lp 'america' goes #1*america
on this day: 25 march 1974 ---------- records the album 'butterfly'*barbra streisand
on this day: 25 march 1975 faisal ibn abd al-aziz, king of ---------- 1964-75), shot by nephew*saudi-arabia
on this day: 25 may 1972 heavyweight ---------- kos ron stander*joe frazier
on this day: 25 may 1973 george ---------- releases 'give me love' in uk*harrison
on this day: 25 november 1960 1st atomic ---------- for research & development, richland wa*reactor
on this day: 25 november 1973 bloodless military coup ousts greek president george ----------*papadopoulos
on this day: 25 november 1975 ---------- grants surinam independence (national day)*netherlands
on this day: 25 october 1960 1st electronic ---------- placed on sale, nyc*wrist watch
on this day: 25 october 1974 ---------- release 'junior's farm'*wings
on this day: 25 september 1970 ---------- releases his 'beaucoups of blues' album*ringo
on this day: 25 september 1973 3-man crew of skylab ii make safe splashdown in ---------- after 59 days*pacific
on this day: 26 april 1974 landslide in huancavelica province ---------- creates a natural dam*peru
on this day: 26 august 1972 summer olympics open in---------- , west germany*munich
on this day: 26 december 1973 2 skylab 3 astronauts ---------- for a record 7 hours*walk in space
on this day: 26 february 1960 soviet premier khrushchev voices support for ----------*indonesia
on this day: 26 february 1960 usa's david jenkins wins the ---------- for men's figure skating*olympics gold
on this day: 26 february 1970 ---------- release 'beatles again' aka 'hey jude' album*beatles
on this day: 26 february 1975 1st televised ---------- transplant (today show)*kidney
on this day: 26 january 1971 charles ---------- convicted of murder*manson
on this day: 26 january 1972 stewardess vesna vulovic survives 10,160m fall without ----------*parachute
on this day: 26 july 1971 apollo ---------- launched to the moon*15
on this day: 26 june 1960 ---------- gains independence from france (national day)*madagascar
on this day: 26 june 1974 liz taylor's ---------- divorce (richard burton)*5th
on this day: 26 june 1975 indian pm indira ---------- declares a state of emergency*gandhi
on this day: 26 march 1960 ---------- executes 30 after attack on president kassem*iraq
on this day: 26 march 1970 500th ---------- announced by the us since 1945*nuclear explosion
on this day: 26 march 1970 peter yarrow (peter, paul & mary) pleads guilty to 'taking immoral liberties' with a ----------*14 year old girl
on this day: 26 march 1971 'benny ---------- show' tops tv ratings*hill
on this day: 26 march 1971 'cannon' with william ---------- premieres on cbs-tv*conrad
on this day: 26 march 1971 bangladesh (east pakistan) declares its ----------*independence
on this day: 26 march 1975 '---------- ' premieres in london*tommy
on this day: 26 may 1971 soviet union's---------- , tu-144, makes its 1st appearance*concorde
on this day: 26 may 1972 nixon & ---------- signs salt accord*brezhnev
on this day: 26 may 1973 bahrain adopts it's ----------*constitution
on this day: 26 may 1973 beatles' 'the beatles 1967-1970' album goes ----------*#1
on this day: 26 may 1974 during a ---------- concert in london a 14 year old is trampled*david cassidy
on this day: 26 october 1972 henry ---------- declares 'peace is at hand' in vietnam*kissinger
on this day: 26 october 1973 ---------- release 'helen wheels'*wings
on this day: 26 october 1975 anwar ---------- became 1st egyptian president to officially visit the us*sadat
on this day: 26 september 1960 1st of 4 tv debates ---------- & kennedy took place (chicago)*nixon
on this day: 26 september 1960 longest speech in un history (4 hrs, 29 mins, by---------- )*fidel castro
on this day: 26 september 1973 ---------- flies from washington dc to paris in 3h33m*concorde
on this day: 27 april 1960 ---------- grants togo independence (natl day)*france
on this day: 27 april 1960 1st atomic powered electric-drive ---------- launched (tullibee)*submarine
on this day: 27 april 1972 apollo ---------- returns to earth*16
on this day: 27 april 1972 nyc mayor john lindsey appeals that ---------- not be deported*john lennon
on this day: 27 april 1974 pan am 707 crashes into mountains of---------- , killing 107*bali
on this day: 27 december 1970 'hello, dolly!' closes on ---------- after a record 2,844 performances*broadway
on this day: 27 february 1960 oil pipe line from ---------- to ruhrgebied opens*rotterdam
on this day: 27 february 1973 american indian movement occupy wounded knee in south ----------*dakota
on this day: 27 february 1973 pope ---------- publishes constitution motu proprio quo aptius*paul vi
on this day: 27 january 1973 us & vietnam sign---------- , ending longest us war & military draft*cease-fire
on this day: 27 june 1960 british somaliland becomes part of ----------*somalia
on this day: 27 march 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at eastern kazakhstan/semipalitinsk ussr*ussr
on this day: 27 march 1970 ---------- releases his 1st solo album 'sentimental journey'*ringo
on this day: 27 march 1972 venera 8 launched to ----------*venus
on this day: 27 march 1973 jerry garcia (grateful dead) stopped for speeding & ---------- possession*lsd
on this day: 27 may 1960 military coup overthrows democratic government of ----------*turkey
on this day: 27 may 1975 paul ---------- releases 'venus & mars'*mccartney
on this day: 27 november 1970 ---------- releases 3 album set 'all things must pass'*george harrison
on this day: 27 november 1970 pope ---------- wounded in chest during a visit to philippines by a dagger-wielding bolivian painter disguised as a priest*paul vi
on this day: 27 november 1971 soviet ---------- becomes 1st spacecraft to crash land on mars*mars 2
on this day: 28 april 1974 last americans evacuated from ----------*saigon
on this day: 28 december 1974 more than 5,200 people killed in ---------- earthquake*pakistan
on this day: 28 february 1960 8th winter ---------- games close at squaw valley ca*olympics
on this day: 28 february 1960 us wins olympics hockey gold medal by defeating ---------- 9-4*czechoslovakia
on this day: 28 february 1960 winter ---------- at squaw valley ca closes*olympics
on this day: 28 february 1970 ---------- permitted to cross golden gate bridge*bicycles
on this day: 28 february 1974 ---------- party wins british parliamentary election*labour
on this day: 28 january 1960 1st ---------- bounced off moon, washington dc*photograph
on this day: 28 january 1960 goon show's ---------- on bbc*final episode
on this day: 28 january 1970 lubomír strougal succeeds cernik as premier of ----------*czechoslovakia
on this day: 28 june 1971 supreme court overturns draft evasion conviction of ----------*muhammad ali
on this day: 28 june 1974 ---------- release 'band on the run' & 'zoo gang' in uk*wings
on this day: 28 june 1975 ---------- releases 'fame'*david bowie
on this day: 28 june 1975 golfer ---------- is struck by lightning at western open (ill)*lee trevino
on this day: 28 march 1960 ---------- factory explodes burying 20 firefighters (glasgow scotland)*scotch
on this day: 28 march 1970 1,086 die when 7.3 ---------- destroys 254 villages (gediz turkey)*earthquake
on this day: 28 march 1972 ---------- performs nuclear test at eastern kazakhstan/semipalitinsk ussr*ussr
on this day: 28 may 1971 paul ---------- releases his 2nd solo album 'ram'*mccartney
on this day: 28 may 1971 ussr ---------- launched, 1st spacecraft to soft land on mars*mars 3
on this day: 28 november 1960 mauritania gains independence from ---------- (national day)*france
on this day: 28 november 1975 ---------- release 'venus & mars/rock show' medley*wings
on this day: 28 october 1970 us/ussr sign an agreement to discuss joint ---------- efforts*space
on this day: 28 october 1971 ---------- record 'happy xmas (war is over)' in nyc*john & yoko
on this day: 28 october 1971 england becomes 6th nation to have a ---------- (prospero) in orbit*satellite
on this day: 28 september 1974 1st lady betty ford undergoes a radical ----------*mastectomy
on this day: 29 april 1975 us forces pull out of ----------*vietnam
on this day: 29 december 1972 eastern tristar jumbo jet crashes near ---------- killing 101*everglades
on this day: 29 february 1960 1st---------- , featuring bunnies, opens in chicago*playboy club
on this day: 29 february 1960 earthquake kills 1/3 of agadir ---------- population 12,000) in 15 seconds*morocco
on this day: 29 february 1960 jfk makes 'missile gap' the presidential ---------- issue*campaign
on this day: 29 january 1970 ussr performs ---------- test at eastern kazakstan/semipalatinsk ussr*nuclear
on this day: 29 june 1970 us ends 2 month military offensive into ----------*cambodia
on this day: 29 june 1972 ussr launches ---------- 2 into earth orbit (549/200,000 km)*prognoz
on this day: 29 march 1971 conrad van emde boas becomes west europe's 1st ---------- professor*sexology
on this day: 29 march 1971 development of a serum hepatitis ---------- for children announced*vaccine
on this day: 29 march 1973 last us troops leave---------- , 9 years after tonkin gulf resolution*vietnam
on this day: 29 may 1960 ---------- brothers 'cathy's clown' hits #1*everly
on this day: 29 may 1974 ---------- is brought under direct rule from westminster*northern ireland
on this day: 29 november 1975 kilauea volcano erupts in ----------*hawaii
on this day: 29 october 1960 muhammad ali's (cassius clay's) 1st professional fight, beats tunney ---------- in 6*hunsaker
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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
aussie rules, a game popular in australia, is also played in a similar form in ireland, known as*gaelic football
aussie slang: 'ave a gander*have a look
aussie slang: aerial ping pong*aussie rules football
aussie slang: aggro*upset about something
aussie slang: amber fluid*beer
aussie slang: ankle biter*young child
aussie slang: arse over tit*fall over
aussie slang: arvo*afternoon
aussie slang: bagged someone*critisise someone
aussie slang: balls up*terrible mistake
aussie slang: barbie or b.b.q*barbecue cooking
aussie slang: battler*someone who works hard
aussie slang: beanie*ski hat
aussie slang: beauty*something has gone really well
aussie slang: bewdy*good or the best
aussie slang: beyond the black stump*far from the city
aussie slang: big note*make yourself out to be important
aussie slang: billabong*a waterhole
aussie slang: billy*container used to make a cup of tea
aussie slang: billy cart*a cart built by a child
aussie slang: bingle*car accident
aussie slang: biscuit*cookie
aussie slang: blimey*surprised by something
aussie slang: bloke*australian male
aussie slang: bloods worth bottling!*someone has done you a good deed
aussie slang: bloody oath*agree with someone
aussie slang: blotto*someone being drunk
aussie slang: blowies*blow flies
aussie slang: blowing your dough*spending all your money
aussie slang: bludger*someone who is lazy
aussie slang: blue ass fly*someone doing something very fast
aussie slang: blue heeler*police
aussie slang: bluey*a nickname for someone with red hair
aussie slang: bo-peep*have a look at something
aussie slang: bob's your uncle*something that has worked out well
aussie slang: bombed out*unsuccessful or drunk
aussie slang: bonzer*excellent
aussie slang: boomer*kangaroo
aussie slang: booze*alcohol
aussie slang: booze bus*van used by police to random test motorists for alcohol
aussie slang: bottler of an idea*great idea
aussie slang: brekky*breakfast
aussie slang: brown-eye*moon someone
aussie slang: buckley's chance*not a chance
aussie slang: bugger*rogue
aussie slang: builders bum*top of the buttocks exposed above pants
aussie slang: bull dust*a lie
aussie slang: bunyip*mythical outback creature
aussie slang: burl means what*to try
aussie slang: bush telegraph*the town gossip network
aussie slang: bushed*lost or tired
aussie slang: cactus*somethings had it
aussie slang: carked it*someones died
aussie slang: cheeky*someone who teases in a fun way
aussie slang: cheesed off*fed up with something
aussie slang: chew the fat*have a good talk together
aussie slang: chewy*chewing gum
aussie slang: chinwag*having a conversation
aussie slang: chocker*something is full
aussie slang: chook*a chicken, rooster or hen
aussie slang: chunder*vomit
aussie slang: clod hoppers*your feet
aussie slang: cobber*a friend
aussie slang: cobberdobber*someone who dobs in a mate
aussie slang: cockie*farmer
aussie slang: coldie*a cold beer
aussie slang: cooee*call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush
aussie slang: corroboree*aboriginal festival dance
aussie slang: cot case*a drunk or exhausted person
aussie slang: couch potato*a person who spends all their time watching television
aussie slang: cozzie*swimming costume
aussie slang: crapper*toilet
aussie slang: crook*feeling ill or a criminal
aussie slang: cuppa*have cup of tea or coffee
aussie slang: dacks*trousers or shorts
aussie slang: damper*flour and water bread mix cooked in the coals of a camp fire
aussie slang: dead marine*empty beer bottle
aussie slang: deadset*without a doubt
aussie slang: digger*australian soldier
aussie slang: dijeridu*aboriginal wind musical instrument
aussie slang: dilly dally*someone that taking there time to go someone where
aussie slang: dinki-di*something good from a australia or originating from downunder
aussie slang: do the lolly*to get very angry
aussie slang: dodgy*something suspicious and underhanded is going on
aussie slang: donk*engine in a car, boat or motor bike
aussie slang: drongo*someone who is stupid
aussie slang: dropped your bundle*to lose control of the situation
aussie slang: dry as a dead dingo's donger*drought or very dry climate
aussie slang: duck's guts*something that is interesting
aussie slang: dunny*toilet
aussie slang: earbashing*someone talking to you for a long time
aussie slang: eat a horse, and chase the jockey*you are very very hungry
aussie slang: esky*portable ice box
aussie slang: fair crack of the whip!*give me a fair go
aussie slang: fair dinkum*honest, genuine
aussie slang: fair enough*agree, acceptable
aussie slang: fat chance*little to no chance of something happening
aussie slang: fella*person or a male
aussie slang: fibber*someone who tell lies
aussie slang: five finger discount*shoplifting
aussie slang: flog*to sell something
aussie slang: footy*ozzie rules football
aussie slang: fossick*search for something
aussie slang: fruit cake*mentally unstable
aussie slang: full as a boot*drunk
aussie slang: full as a goog*either full of food or alcohol
aussie slang: full of it*someone telling a load of garbage
aussie slang: g 'day*a freindly welcome
aussie slang: garbo*garbage collector
aussie slang: get nicked*to get caught
aussie slang: go off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun*to create a commotion
aussie slang: goer*something or someone that works well
aussie slang: gone round the bend*gone crazy or mental
aussie slang: gone to the dogs*something or someplace that is no longer any good
aussie slang: good on ya mate!*well done
aussie slang: grog*alcohol
aussie slang: grot*person who is very dirty or untidy
aussie slang: grouse*something is great,terrific
aussie slang: gutful*more than enough
aussie slang: hair of the dog*have another drink of alcohol to try and get rid of a hangover
aussie slang: hang on a tick*wait for minute
aussie slang: happy as a pig in mud*very happy
aussie slang: having a blue*having a fight or argument
aussie slang: hit the deck*to duck or put ones head down
aussie slang: holy-dooly*an expression of surprise
aussie slang: hoo-roo*saying goodbye to someone
aussie slang: hoon*a show-off with limited intelligence
aussie slang: howzat*asking someone how something is
aussie slang: if you are having a blue, what are you engaged in*an argument
aussie slang: in the nick*naked
aussie slang: in your dreams*telling someone that it isn't going to happen
aussie slang: jack-in-the-box*someone who can not sit still
aussie slang: jarmies*pyjamas
aussie slang: jigged*its broken or no long useful
aussie slang: jigging*truanting from school
aussie slang: jocks*male underpants
aussie slang: jumbuck*sheep
aussie slang: just down the road*could be just down the road or it could be 20 km's away
aussie slang: kick in*to help out with money
aussie slang: kick the bucket*to die
aussie slang: kip*short rest or sleep
aussie slang: kiwi*someone who lives in new zealand
aussie slang: knackers*male testicles
aussie slang: knock*to critisise
aussie slang: knock-off*to steal
aussie slang: knocker*someone who makes derogatory remarks
aussie slang: lav or lavvy*outdoor tiolet
aussie slang: like a hornet in a bottle*furious
aussie slang: lingo*language
aussie slang: lippie*lipstick
aussie slang: liquid amber*beer
aussie slang: loaded*extremely wealthy
aussie slang: lolly*money
aussie slang: m'oath*on my oath
aussie slang: macca's*mcdonald's
aussie slang: mad as a cut snake*crazy
aussie slang: manchester*household linen
aussie slang: mate*friend
aussie slang: matilda*a blanket roll carried by a swagman
aussie slang: middie*285 ml beer glass
aussie slang: missus*your wife
aussie slang: mozzie*mosquito
aussie slang: mucking around*playing around stupidly
aussie slang: mug*you fool
aussie slang: mulga*rough country
aussie slang: nackered*absolutely exhausted or very tied
aussie slang: never never*mythical place in the outback
aussie slang: nick*steal something
aussie slang: nick off*go away
aussie slang: nifty*stylish
aussie slang: no-hoper*an incompetent person
aussie slang: noggin'*head or brains
aussie slang: not the full quid*short on brains
aussie slang: nulla-nulla*wooden club used by aborigines
aussie slang: ocker*stereotype australian that likes beer, sport women and uncultured
aussie slang: off the beaten track*seldom used roads
aussie slang: oldies*parents
aussie slang: out house*toilet
aussie slang: outback*remote part of australia
aussie slang: oz*australia
aussie slang: paddock*grazing field for sheep and cattle
aussie slang: pat-malone*you are on your own
aussie slang: pester*annoy or bother someone
aussie slang: pommy or pom*english person
aussie slang: poo tickets*toilet paper
aussie slang: possie*great position
aussie slang: postie*mail delivery person
aussie slang: pot*285 ml glass of beer
aussie slang: pot hole*hole in the road
aussie slang: prang*automotive crash
aussie slang: prezzies*gifts
aussie slang: pub*place for buying and drinking alcohol
aussie slang: pull your head in*tell someone to mind their own business
aussie slang: pull your socks up*try harder
aussie slang: push-bike*bicycle
aussie slang: rack off*told to go away angrily
aussie slang: rafferty's rules*something with no rules at all
aussie slang: raining cats'n'dogs*heavy storm & rain
aussie slang: ratbag*not a nice person
aussie slang: reckon*opinion
aussie slang: ridgie didge*true or genuine article
aussie slang: righto*okay or that's right
aussie slang: ring-in*substitute
aussie slang: rip off*to have been cheated
aussie slang: rip snorter*something is great
aussie slang: ripper*it's really great
aussie slang: road train*multi-trailered semi truck
aussie slang: sacked*put off from work
aussie slang: sanga*sandwich
aussie slang: schooner*large beer glass
aussie slang: servo*service station for cars
aussie slang: she'll be right!*everything will be ok
aussie slang: sheila*woman
aussie slang: shonky*poor quality
aussie slang: shoot through*to leave in a hurry
aussie slang: shout*usually means buy some friends a beer at the pub, after your turn then it is theirs
aussie slang: shove off!*told to get lost in a angry way
aussie slang: sickie*a day taken off work not necessarily from illness
aussie slang: skip*australian born
aussie slang: skite*bragger
aussie slang: snag*sausage
aussie slang: sparkie*electrician
aussie slang: spit the dummie*end result from getting upset about something
aussie slang: spud*potato
aussie slang: squatter*someone who lives on someone else's land or house with out permission
aussie slang: stickybeak*someone can not mind their own business
aussie slang: stone the crows*exclamation of amazement
aussie slang: stone the crows!*shocked at something
aussie slang: strewth*shock at something
aussie slang: stubby*small bottle of beer
aussie slang: stuffed*very tired
aussie slang: stunded mullet*to describe someone who has a surprised look on their face
aussie slang: suss it out*check something out
aussie slang: swag*canvas bag or cover that you keep all your belonging and bedroll in, to protect it from the weather when camping out
aussie slang: swagman*a man who travels around the country on foot
aussie slang: ta or tar*thanks
aussie slang: tax*to steal
aussie slang: tea*evening meal
aussie slang: the john*the toilet
aussie slang: the nuddy*naked
aussie slang: thongs*sandals made from rubber
aussie slang: thunder box*toilet
aussie slang: tinnie*can of beer or a aluminum boat
aussie slang: too right!*something is absolutely right & correct
aussie slang: true blue*something that is real australian
aussie slang: tucker*food
aussie slang: tuckerbag*a bag for storing food in the bush
aussie slang: turn it up*take a look at yourself for a moment
aussie slang: two-up*traditional australian heads or tails gambling game with two coins originally played by the diggers in the war
aussie slang: undees*underpants
aussie slang: up shit creek*things are going wrong for you
aussie slang: up your nose*something that annoys you
aussie slang: up yourself*full of yourself
aussie slang: veg-out*to relax
aussie slang: vegies*vegetables
aussie slang: wag*skip school, truency
aussie slang: walkabout*go for a long walk, aboriginals used this period for spiritual enlightenment
aussie slang: wally*someone who keeps making mistakes
aussie slang: wanker*a male that is really stupid but they think they are the greatest
aussie slang: waterhole*pub or hotel
aussie slang: what are bickies*bisquits
aussie slang: what does bonza mean*good
aussie slang: what does dobber mean*informant
aussie slang: what does dunny mean*toilet
aussie slang: what does oz mean*australia
aussie slang: what does strine mean*language
aussie slang: what does twist mean*greatest
aussie slang: what does yobbos mean*hooligans
aussie slang: what is a 'tuckerbag'*a bag for storing food in the bush
aussie slang: what is a bloke*a guy
aussie slang: what is a chook*chicken
aussie slang: what is a mozzie*mosquito
aussie slang: what is a nipper*a young child
aussie slang: what is a pom*an englishman
aussie slang: white pointer*great white shark
aussie slang: whopper*something surprisingly big
aussie slang: winge*complain and carry on unnecessarily
aussie slang: woomera stick*used by aborigines to throw spears
aussie slang: woop woop*somewhere a long way from civilization
aussie slang: wowser*a killjoy
aussie slang: wrapped*excited about something good that has happened
aussie slang: yabbie*freshwater australian crayfish
aussie slang: yakka*hard work
aussie slang: yarn*a story that can be true or fictional
aussie slang: yobbo*stupid or uncultivated person
aussie slang: yonks*a long period of time
aussie slang: zebra crossing*painted white lines on the black road used as a pedestrain crossing on a roadway
aussie slang: zits*acne
aussie slang: zonked*really really tired
australia strange laws: it is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and black shoe polish on your face as these items are the tools of a what*cat burglar
australia strange laws: under australian communications authority (aca) regulations, your modem can't pick up on the ___ ring*first
australia was originally created to serve as a british ______ colony*penal
australia's oldest university*sydney university
australia's original name contained which words*terra incognita
australia: long semi-trailer used to transport livestock over great distances*road train
australia: state nicknames: golden state*western australia
australia: this stretches for 1,242 miles along the coast of queensland. it is a chain of small islands and more than 2,500 reefs.*great barrier reef
australia: what are australian's actually celebrating on australia day*the landing of the first fleet
australia: which large desert spreads over parts of northern territory, sa and queensland*the simpson desert
australia: who was the first governor*governor philip
australian aquatic egg laying mammal*platypus
australian bushranger frederick ward was also known as who*captain thunderbolt
australian desert; a meringue base with fruit and cream topping*pavola
australian football league: adelaide*crows
australian football league: brisbane*lions
australian football league: carlton*blues
australian football league: collingwood*magpies
australian football league: essendon*bombers
australian football league: fremantle*dockers
australian football league: geelong*cats
australian football league: hawthorn*hawks
australian football league: melbourne*demons
australian football league: north melbourne*kangaroos
australian football league: port adelaide*port power
australian football league: richmond*tigers
australian football league: st kilda*saints
australian football league: sydney*swans
australian football league: west coast*eagles
australian football league: western*bulldogs
australian highwaymen or robbers who, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, terrorized settlers in the new south wales and victoria regions*bushrangers
australian highwaymen were known as what*bush rangers
australian icon, children's tv puppet, made from a bathmat!*agro
australian ratite (3)*emu
australian rugby union: austrlian capital territory*brumbies
australian rugby union: new south wales*waratahs
australian rugby union: queensland*reds
australian rugby union: vodafone*wallabies
australian rules football was originally designed to give ---------- something to play during the off season*cricketers
australian sport national team colours*green and gold
australian sports: afl: freemantle ________.*dockers
australian sports: nbl: adelaide ________.*36ers
australian sports: nbl: west sydney ________.*razorbacks
australian sports: nrl: northern ________.*eagles
australian termites have been known to build mounds ______ feet high*twenty
australian termites have been known to build mounds at least ____ feet wide*one hundred
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proverbs: ___ conquers all*love
proverbs: ___ is blind*love
proverbs: ___ is thicker than water*blood
proverbs: ____ begins at home.*charity
proverbs: ____ is bliss*ignorance
proverbs: ____ is the best medicine*laughter
proverbs: ____ is the policy*honesty
proverbs: ____ killed the cat*curiosity
proverbs: ____ never strikes twice in the same place*lightning
proverbs: ____ rush in where angels fear to tread*fools
proverbs: ____ said than done*easier
proverbs: _____ comes but once a year*christmas
proverbs: _____ is a virtue*patience
proverbs: _____ is another day*tomorrow
proverbs: _____ is the spice of life*vanity
proverbs: _____ seldom knocks twice*opportunity
proverbs: _____ what you preach*practice
proverbs: a ___ in time saves nine*stitch
proverbs: a ___ penny always turns up*bad
proverbs: a bird in the hand is worth ___ in the bush*two
proverbs: a chain is no stronger than its weakest ___.*link
proverbs: a fool and his ___ are soon parted*money
proverbs: a friend in need is a ___ indeed.*friend
proverbs: a man is known by his __*friends
proverbs: a man is known by the ___ he keeps*company
proverbs: a man is known by the ___ he keeps*company
proverbs: a man's home is his*castle
proverbs: a rolling ___ gathers no moss*stone
proverbs: a woman's ___ is never done*work
proverbs: a woman's place is in the ___.*kitchen
proverbs: absence makes the heart grow ___*fonder
proverbs: after a ___ comes a calm*storm
proverbs: all good things must come to an ___.*end
proverbs: all is fair in love and __*war
proverbs: all roads lead to ___*rome
proverbs: all that glitters is not ___*gold
proverbs: all the world loves a___*lover
proverbs: all work and no play makes jack a dull ___.*boy
proverbs: all's well that ends ___.*well
proverbs: an ___ a day keeps the doctor away*apple
proverbs: appearances are ___*deceptive
proverbs: april showers brings ___ flowers*may
proverbs: as soon as man is born he begins to ___.*die
proverbs: as you make your ___, so must you lie in it*bed
proverbs: as you sow, so shall you ___*reap
proverbs: ask no questions and hear no ___*lies
proverbs: bad news travels*fast
proverbs: barking ___ seldom bite*dogs
proverbs: beauty is ___ skin-deep.*only
proverbs: beggars can't be ___*choosers
proverbs: better die with honor than live with ___*shame
proverbs: better late ___ never.*than
proverbs: better the devil you know than the ___ you don't know*devil
proverbs: better to be alone than in bad*company
proverbs: birds of a ____ flock together*feather
proverbs: boys will be ___*boys
proverbs: business ___ pleasure*before
proverbs: cleanliness is next to ___*godliness
proverbs: crime does not ___*pay
proverbs: dead men have no ___*friends
proverbs: dead men tell no ___*tales
proverbs: death is the great ___*leveler
proverbs: diligence is the mother of ___ fortune*good
proverbs: discretion is the better part of ___*valor
proverbs: divide and*rule
proverbs: do as i say, and ___ as i do*not
proverbs: do not wear out ___ welcome*your
proverbs: do unto ___ as you would like them to do unto you.*others
proverbs: don't count your chickens until they are ____*hatched
proverbs: don't cut off your nose to spite your ___*face
proverbs: don't go near the water until you learn how to*swim
proverbs: don't put all your eggs in one ___*basket
proverbs: don't wash your dirty linen in*public
proverbs: early to bed and early to ___, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.*rise
proverbs: every bird loves to hear himself*sing
proverbs: every family has a ___ in the cupboard.*skeleton
proverbs: every man has ___ his*price
proverbs: every man is his own worst*enemy
proverbs: every picture tells a*story
proverbs: experience is the best ___*teacher
proverbs: experience is the mother of ___*wisdom
proverbs: failure ___ success*teaches
proverbs: faith will ___ mountains*move
proverbs: familiarity ___ contempt*breeds
proverbs: fight fire with*fire
proverbs: finders keepers, ___ weepers*losers
proverbs: first come,___ ___*first served
proverbs: first things ___.*first
proverbs: garbage in, ____ __*garbage out
proverbs: give him an ___ and he'll take a yard*inch
proverbs: give the ___ his due*devil
proverbs: god helps them who help*themselves
proverbs: good fences make good*neighbors
proverbs: goodness is better than ___*beauty
proverbs: great minds __ __*think alike
proverbs: he that ___ nothing, doubts nothing*knows
proverbs: he that is master of himself, will soon be master of ___.*others
proverbs: he who ____ is lost*hesitates
proverbs: it takes two to __*tango
proverbs: jack of all ___, master of none*trades
proverbs: keep your mouth shut and your ___ open*ears
proverbs: let sleeping dogs ___*lie
proverbs: life is just a ___ of cherries*bowl
proverbs: like father, __ __*like son
proverbs: like mother, __ ___*like daughter
proverbs: live and __*learn
proverbs: live and let __*live
proverbs: look on the ___ side*bright
proverbs: love makes the ___ go round*world
proverbs: love will find _ __*a way
proverbs: man cannot ___ by bread alone*live
proverbs: mind your own ___*business
proverbs: money is the root of __ __*all evil
proverbs: necessity is the ___ of invention*mother
proverbs: never ___ die.*say
proverbs: never look a ___ ___ in the mouth*gift horse
proverbs: never speak ___ of the dead*ill
proverbs: no man can serve ___ masters*two
proverbs: no news is __ __*good news
proverbs: no use crying over __ __*spilt milk
proverbs: nothing is certain but death and ___*taxes
proverbs: old habits __ __*die hard
proverbs: one good turn ___ ___*deserves another
proverbs: one man's loss is another man's __*gain
proverbs: out of sight, __ __ __*out of mind
proverbs: rain, rain, go away, ___ ___ ____ __*come again another day
proverbs: revenge is ___*sweet
proverbs: robbing peter to pay __*paul
proverbs: scratch my back and i'll ___ __*scratch yours
proverbs: seeing is ___*believing
proverbs: spare the rod and spoil the ___*child
proverbs: still waters run*deep
proverbs: the __ __ catches the worm*early bird
proverbs: the __ is always greener on the other side of the fence*grass
proverbs: the ___ hae ears*walls
proverbs: the ___ step is the hardest*first
proverbs: the best thngs in life __ __*are free
proverbs: the bigger they are, __ ___ __ __*the harder they fall
proverbs: the end justifies the ___*means
proverbs: the last straw ___ the camel's back*broke
proverbs: the more you get, the more __ __*you want
proverbs: the pot calls the kettle ___*black
proverbs: the proof of the ____ is in the eating*pudding
proverbs: there is ___ in numbers*safety
proverbs: there is a place and a time for ___*everything
proverbs: there is more than one way to skin _ __*a cat
proverbs: there is no honor among __*thieves
proverbs: there's no __ without fire*smoke
proverbs: there's no place like __*home
proverbs: things are not always what __ ___*they seem
proverbs: those who live in __ ___ should not throw stones*glass houses
proverbs: to err is ___*human
proverbs: true __ never grows old*love
proverbs: two is company, three is _ __*a crowd
proverbs: two wrongs do not make _ __*a right
proverbs: united we stand, ____ we fall*divided
proverbs: what you don't know can't ___ __*hurt you
proverbs: when in rome, do as __ ___ __*the romans do
proverbs: when the cat's away, __ ___ __ __*the mouse will play
proverbs: where there is no ___, there is no love*trust
proverbs: where there's a will, there's _ __*a way
proverbs: you can't ___ everyone*please
proverbs: you can't judge a __ by it's cover*book
proverbs: you can't make an omelette without ___ eggs*breaking
proverbs: you don't get ____ for nothing*something
proverbs: you win some, __ __ __*you lose some
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rhyme time: a 10 cent fruit*dime / lime
rhyme time: a bloody tale*gory / story
rhyme time: a cheerful father*happy / pappy
rhyme time: a child's protection against the bogey man*night / light
rhyme time: a chilled metal*cold / gold
rhyme time: a clever cat*witty / kitty
rhyme time: a dense mythological cherubic boy*stupid / cupid
rhyme time: a floral teapot cover*posy / cozy
rhyme time: a foolish young female horse*silly / filly
rhyme time: a furry mammal's trap*bear / snare
rhyme time: a high seat of command*power / tower
rhyme time: a kajira's task*gor / chore
rhyme time: a large hog*big / pig
rhyme time: a low ledge in santa's workshop*elf / shelf
rhyme time: a math operational mistake*multiplication / miscalculation
rhyme time: a meat robber*beef / thief
rhyme time: a monster movie*creature / feature
rhyme time: a norse god cussed*thor / swore
rhyme time: a pallid man*pale / male
rhyme time: a pawky man*sly / guy
rhyme time: a percussion tune*gong / song
rhyme time: a perfumed hobo*fragrant / vagrant
rhyme time: a prayer to vaal*science fiction / benediction
rhyme time: a quirky or offbeat primate*funky / monkey
rhyme time: a sound mind*sane / brain
rhyme time: a spirited primate*spunky / monkey
rhyme time: a spooky small magical being*scary / faery
rhyme time: a stocking container*socks / box
rhyme time: a stubborn, unyielding leader*dour / power
rhyme time: a superior knitted wrap*better / sweater
rhyme time: a tardy appointment*late / date
rhyme time: a timid secret agent*shy / spy
rhyme time: a traveling at low rate bird*slow / crow
rhyme time: a wise learner*prudent / student
rhyme time: acne*sore / pore
rhyme time: ade residue*lime / grime
rhyme time: adverb - phrase - by any way necessary*by hook or by crook
rhyme time: advocate pornography*speak for / hardcore
rhyme time: afrikaans army*boer / corps
rhyme time: after the pig roast*no more / boar
rhyme time: aggregate symbology*summation / notation
rhyme time: agricultural primitive person*agrarian / barbarian
rhyme time: ailing 8 legged arachnid*sick / tick
rhyme time: air show want ad*require / stunt flier
rhyme time: an adverse bird*contrary / canary
rhyme time: an earthly drink*mundane / champagne
rhyme time: an eighty something expert in rules of order*octogenarian / parliamentarian
rhyme time: an excellent place of learning*cool / school
rhyme time: an inexperienced bookmaker*rookie / bookie
rhyme time: an overdone impersonation*cliched / charade
rhyme time: an overly excited zealot*melodramatic / fanatic
rhyme time: an unusual rabbit*rare / hare
rhyme time: angry argument*irate / debate
rhyme time: angry boy*mad / lad
rhyme time: another myth*more / lore
rhyme time: bede the venerable*scholastic / monastic
rhyme time: better complainer*finer / whiner
rhyme time: birdie num-nums*tweet / treat
rhyme time: brooding look*sour / glower
rhyme time: burrowing mammal's opening*mole / hole
rhyme time: calm one receiving medical attention*patient / patient
rhyme time: capricious or arbitrary priestess of prognostication*whimsical / oracle
rhyme time: cheerful bird*perky / turkey
rhyme time: colorful footwear*blue / shoe
rhyme time: commentary slanted to one side*askew / revue
rhyme time: control the incans*subdue / peru
rhyme time: convenient confection*handy / candy
rhyme time: correct lamp*right / light
rhyme time: counterfeit reptile*fake / snake
rhyme time: covered frames in battle*kite / fight
rhyme time: cruel inhabitant of the euphrates river valley*draconian / babylonian
rhyme time: cruel ruler*mean / queen
rhyme time: culinary literature*cook / book
rhyme time: curse the sudanese capital*doom khartoum
rhyme time: declare jihad*shoot for / holy war
rhyme time: discourse on talc*chalk / talk
rhyme time: disheveled clone*sloppy / copy
rhyme time: domineering police unit*roughshod / vice squad
rhyme time: dress as a peacock for hallowe'en*plume / costume
rhyme time: drunken stomach*rummy / tummy
rhyme time: dryad in a bing tree*cherry / faery
rhyme time: ekg read out*heart / chart
rhyme time: excellent show*groovy / movie
rhyme time: extreme synthetic*drastic / plastic
rhyme time: false inhibition*untrue / taboo
rhyme time: fashionable vagrant*vogue / rogue
rhyme time: fast 8 legged arachnid*quick / tick
rhyme time: favorable tree parts*good / wood
rhyme time: flying hobby*aviation / avocation
rhyme time: football scout*punter / hunter
rhyme time: fowl speech*duck / cluck
rhyme time: fractured subway money*broken / token
rhyme time: friendly rodents*nice / mice
rhyme time: genuine marine mammal*real / seal
rhyme time: go clothes shopping*acquire / attire
rhyme time: habit forming suffering*addiction / affliction
rhyme time: he who shackles the slave*fetter / setter
rhyme time: head cheese at headquarters*top / cop
rhyme time: hippy creed*flower / power
rhyme time: hire an interior designer*ask for / décor
rhyme time: hold back the jack*save the knave
rhyme time: human development vocabulary*anthropology / terminology
rhyme time: indifferent young woman introduced into society*nonchalant / debutant
rhyme time: intoxicated polecat*drunk / skunk
rhyme time: introduce a new fish dish at the restaurant*wahoo / debut
rhyme time: jerry garcia fan*dead / head
rhyme time: jingle bells at easter*wrong / song
rhyme time: late marsupial*overdue / kangaroo
rhyme time: leaking roof*problematic / attic
rhyme time: lengthy lyrics*long / song
rhyme time: liquid cleric*fluid / druid
rhyme time: lisa marie's elvis sighting*saw / pa
rhyme time: little shopping center*small / mall
rhyme time: long-time employee*prior / hire
rhyme time: lost floats*mislaid / parade
rhyme time: love-hate*adore / abhor
rhyme time: made a connection with someone*got your / rapport
rhyme time: mass use of the /silence command*ignore / galore
rhyme time: mata hari*war / whore
rhyme time: mature duplicate*grown / clone
rhyme time: mild juggler*mellow / jello
rhyme time: money in a hiding place*cash / stash
rhyme time: naked yogi*bare / bear
rhyme time: narcotic hoodlum*drug / thug
rhyme time: new england boardwalk*cape cod / esplanade
rhyme time: obey requirements*heed / need
rhyme time: old body*antique / physique
rhyme time: peace talks*inspire / ceasefire
rhyme time: peaceful assemblage for mecca*riyadh / facade
rhyme time: peppermint patti gives charlie brown a blow job*suck / chuck
rhyme time: philanthropic municipality*pity / city
rhyme time: picasso's wind*artsy / fartsy
rhyme time: pirelli or firestone*car tire / supplier
rhyme time: pleasant peel*kind / rind
rhyme time: poached salmon*fish / dish
rhyme time: postal greeting*hail / mail
rhyme time: postal recognizance*mail / bail
rhyme time: postponed the system repairs*delayed / upgrade
rhyme time: prison barrier*immense / fence
rhyme time: relaxed primate*limp / chimp
rhyme time: religious vulcan*episcopalian / alien
rhyme time: reptile killer*alligator / terminator
rhyme time: result of an electrician's error*rewire / fire
rhyme time: ridiculous play*farcical / musical
rhyme time: riot at the weight-lifting competition*strong / throng
rhyme time: royal dog*regal / beagle
rhyme time: saavy shareholder*moxy / proxy
rhyme time: safety net or harness*high wire / require
rhyme time: scandinavian eddie bauer*biking / viking
rhyme time: scuba diving at the barrier reef*offshore explore
rhyme time: seeking a co-signer*looking for / guarantor
rhyme time: set off one's own trap*trip wire / misfire
rhyme time: soft posterior*cushy / tushy
rhyme time: son of sam*berserk / mail clerk
rhyme time: sophiticated city dweller*cosmopolitan / metropolitan
rhyme time: sparticus*brave / slave
rhyme time: spastic bird*jerky / turkey
rhyme time: storm clouds*wet / threat
rhyme time: stupefying weapon*stun / gun
rhyme time: stylish garment from waist down*pert / skirt
rhyme time: suave and carefree wealthy person*debonair / millionaire
rhyme time: successful narcotics prosecution*addiction / conviction
rhyme time: suffering from inflamed joints*symptomatic / rheumatic
rhyme time: swimming idiot*pool / fool
rhyme time: take the last exit before the border*evade / blockade
rhyme time: the age of atari*arcade / decade
rhyme time: the cross-section was more than sufficient*the sample was ample
rhyme time: the feline perched*the cat sat
rhyme time: the gardening tool wasn't real*the rake was fake
rhyme time: the medic surprised the female*the doctor shocked her
rhyme time: the nagging woman took an airplane ride*the shrew flew
rhyme time: the newlywed female wept*the bride cried
rhyme time: the postal service*snail / mail
rhyme time: the sorceress had plenty of money*the witch was rich
rhyme time: the ursine's home was empty*the bear's lair was bare
rhyme time: the white cliffs of dover*tor / shore
rhyme time: to learn together with this comrade*study / buddy
rhyme time: traveling contaminator*commuter / polluter
rhyme time: trimmed hair*sheared / beard
rhyme time: tweet and chirp*bird's / words
rhyme time: uncontrolled water fowl*loose / goose
rhyme time: urgent want*dire / desire
rhyme time: vacuum a dirty pool*suck / muck
rhyme time: virginal democrat*tight / right
rhyme time: water waves*ocean / motion
rhyme time: weird deity*odd / god
rhyme time: wet amphibian*soggy / froggy
rhyme time: world war i foxhole*french / trench
rhyme time: worms vs minnows vs lures*rate / bait
rhyme time: xmas shopping binge*mall / haul
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[general knowledge] who is the patron saint of doctors*luke
in 1958 st. clare of ---------- declared patron saint of television.*assissi
in 461 st patrick - the patron saint of ---------- - died in saul.*ireland
in this country, st. nicholas is known as the patron saint of sailors. his clothes are supposed to be soaked in seawater and sweat because he has been busy rescuing sinking ships from rough seas.*greece
many female children are named 'friday' after which patron saint of oxford*st frideswide
mary magdalene is the patron saint of ______*prostitutes
name the patron saints of the four countries in the british isles*saints andrew, david, george, patrick
of what is st clare patron saint of*television
patron saints: painters*saint luke
patron saints: tv workers*saint gabriel
saint cecilia is the patron saint of music. who wrote a song called 'cecilia' in the 1960s*paul simon
saint vladimir is the patron saint of what country*russia
st bernard the patron saint of _____*skiers
st cecilia is the patron saint of what*music
st christopher the patron saint ______*travellers
st frideswide the patron saint ______*oxford
st frideswide the patron saint of ______*oxford
st frideswide the patron saint ······*oxford
st george is the patron saint of england and which other country*portugal
st nicholas is the patron saint of ______*children
st nicholas, the original father christmas, is the patron saint of thieves, virgins and communist*russia
st patrick the patron saint ______*ireland
st patrick the patron saint of ······*ireland
st patrick, the patron saint of ireland, was not*irish
st. bernard the patron saint of ·····*skiers
st. patrick is the patron saint of ______*ireland
what is st clare patron saint of*television
what part of britain is st. david the patron saint of*wales
what scottish city's patron saint is st mungo*glasgow
who are the patron saints of the four countries in the british isles*andrew, david, george and patrick
who is considered the patron saint of travellers*st christopher
who is the patron saint of accountants*st matthew
who is the patron saint of actors*st genesius
who is the patron saint of adopted children*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of advocates*st ives
who is the patron saint of african americans*st martin de porres
who is the patron saint of aids*st roque
who is the patron saint of alpinists*st bernard
who is the patron saint of altar servers*st john berchman
who is the patron saint of america*miraculous
who is the patron saint of ammunition workers*st barbara
who is the patron saint of amputees*st anthony
who is the patron saint of animal welfare soc*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of animals*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of apostleship of prayer*st francis
who is the patron saint of apothecaries*st raphael
who is the patron saint of apple orchards*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of archaeologists*st helen
who is the patron saint of archers*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of architects*st barbara
who is the patron saint of arrowsmiths*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of art sealers*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of arthritis*st james
who is the patron saint of artillery*st barbara
who is the patron saint of artists*st catherine
who is the patron saint of artists and painters*st luke
who is the patron saint of asia minor*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of astronomers*st dominic
who is the patron saint of athletes*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of australia*st francis
who is the patron saint of austria*st stephen
who is the patron saint of authors*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of automobiles*st christopher
who is the patron saint of aviators*our lady of loretto
who is the patron saint of bachelors*st christopher
who is the patron saint of bakers*st elizabeth
who is the patron saint of bankers*st matthew
who is the patron saint of barbers*st cosmas
who is the patron saint of barren women*st anthony
who is the patron saint of battle*st michael
who is the patron saint of belgium*st joseph
who is the patron saint of birds*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of blacksmiths*st james
who is the patron saint of blindness*st lawrence
who is the patron saint of bookbinders*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of bookkeepers*st matthew
who is the patron saint of booksellers*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of borneo*st francis
who is the patron saint of boy scouts*st george
who is the patron saint of brass workers*st barbara
who is the patron saint of brazil*miraculous
who is the patron saint of brewers*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of bricklayers*st stephen
who is the patron saint of brides*st dorothy
who is the patron saint of bridge builders*st peter
who is the patron saint of builders*st barbara
who is the patron saint of bus drivers*st christopher
who is the patron saint of butchers*st anthony
who is the patron saint of cabinet makers*st anne
who is the patron saint of canada*st anne
who is the patron saint of cancer patients*st peregrine
who is the patron saint of canonists*st robert
who is the patron saint of carpenters*joseph
who is the patron saint of casket makers*st stephen
who is the patron saint of catechist*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of catholic action*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of catholic education*st john neumann
who is the patron saint of catholic universities*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of cattle diseases*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of cavalry*st george
who is the patron saint of cemetery workers*st anthony
who is the patron saint of ceylon*st lawrence
who is the patron saint of charitable societies*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of charity*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of chemical industries*sts cosmas & damian
who is the patron saint of children*st. nicholas
who is the patron saint of chile*st james
who is the patron saint of china*st francis
who is the patron saint of chivalry*st george
who is the patron saint of choir members*st dominic
who is the patron saint of civil servants*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of clear weather*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of clergy*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of clock makers*st peter
who is the patron saint of colic*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of comedians*st genesius
who is the patron saint of composers*st cecile
who is the patron saint of compositors*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of confectioners*st joseph
who is the patron saint of confessors*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of congo*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of converts*st jason
who is the patron saint of cooks*st lawrence
who is the patron saint of cooks and housewives*st martha
who is the patron saint of coopers*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of counsel*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of countesses*st elizabeth
who is the patron saint of court workers*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of cutters*st lucy
who is the patron saint of dancers*st genesius
who is the patron saint of dancing teachers*st genesius
who is the patron saint of deaf*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of desperation*st jude
who is the patron saint of difficult century*st maximilian kolbe
who is the patron saint of difficult marriages*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of doctors*st luke
who is the patron saint of dog bite*st hubert
who is the patron saint of dog fanciers*st roque
who is the patron saint of domestic animals*st anthony
who is the patron saint of domestic missions*st francis
who is the patron saint of dominican order*st dominic
who is the patron saint of doubt*st joseph
who is the patron saint of druggists*sts cosmas & damian
who is the patron saint of dying*st joseph
who is the patron saint of emigrants*st francis
who is the patron saint of enemies of religion*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of engineers*st joseph
who is the patron saint of england*st george
who is the patron saint of engravers*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of enlightenment*our lady of good counsel
who is the patron saint of epilepsy*st genesius
who is the patron saint of equador*scapular
who is the patron saint of europe*saint benedict
who is the patron saint of expectant mothers*st gerard
who is the patron saint of eye diseases*straphael & st lucy
who is the patron saint of eyes*st lucy
who is the patron saint of faith in blessed sacrament*st anthony
who is the patron saint of falsely accused*st elisabeth
who is the patron saint of families*st joseph
who is the patron saint of families of addicts*st maximilian kolbe
who is the patron saint of family harmony*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of farmers*st george
who is the patron saint of fear of the lord*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of fever*st peter
who is the patron saint of fire*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of firefighters*st florian
who is the patron saint of fireworks*st barbara
who is the patron saint of fishermen*st andrew
who is the patron saint of florists*st dorothy
who is the patron saint of flyers*our lady of loretto
who is the patron saint of foot trouble*st peter
who is the patron saint of foreign missions*st francis
who is the patron saint of fortifications*st barbara
who is the patron saint of fortitude*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of founders*st barbara
who is the patron saint of france*st joan of arc
who is the patron saint of frenzy*st peter
who is the patron saint of funeral directors*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of gardeners*st dorothy
who is the patron saint of germany*st michael
who is the patron saint of glass industry*st luke
who is the patron saint of glaziers*st mark
who is the patron saint of goldsmiths*st luke
who is the patron saint of gout*st andrew
who is the patron saint of grandmothers*st anne
who is the patron saint of grave diggers*st anthony
who is the patron saint of greece*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of grocers*st michael
who is the patron saint of gunners*st barbara
who is the patron saint of hairstylists*st martin de porres
who is the patron saint of happy death*st joseph
who is the patron saint of happy meetings*st raphael
who is the patron saint of hardware*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of hazards of traveling*st christopher
who is the patron saint of headaches*st dennis
who is the patron saint of healing of wounds*st rita
who is the patron saint of hesitation*st joseph
who is the patron saint of home builders*our lady of loretto
who is the patron saint of homeless*st benedict
who is the patron saint of hopeless cases*st jude
who is the patron saint of hopeless causes*st jude
who is the patron saint of horseriders*st anne
who is the patron saint of hospital administrators*st francis
who is the patron saint of hospital workers*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of hospitals*st camillus
who is the patron saint of housekeepers*st anne
who is the patron saint of housewives*st anne
who is the patron saint of hungary*miraculous
who is the patron saint of hunters*st hubert
who is the patron saint of immigrants*st francis
who is the patron saint of impenitence*st barbara
who is the patron saint of impossible situations*st jude
who is the patron saint of insanity*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of invalids*st roque
who is the patron saint of ireland*st. patrick
who is the patron saint of iron workers*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of jewelers*st luke
who is the patron saint of journalists*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of judges*st ives
who is the patron saint of knowledge holy*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of laborers*st james
who is the patron saint of lace makers*our lady of loretto
who is the patron saint of latin america*st rose of lima
who is the patron saint of lawyers*st genesius
who is the patron saint of lead workers*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of leather workers*st catherine
who is the patron saint of lepers*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of librarians*saint jerome
who is the patron saint of lightning*st barbara
who is the patron saint of lithographers*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of loneliness*st rita
who is the patron saint of long life*st peter
who is the patron saint of lost articles*st anthony
who is the patron saint of lovers*saint valentine
who is the patron saint of lumbago*st lawrence
who is the patron saint of machinists*st hubert
who is the patron saint of mariners*st brendan
who is the patron saint of married couples*st joseph
who is the patron saint of masons*st peter
who is the patron saint of mass servers*st john berchman
who is the patron saint of mathematicians*st hubert
who is the patron saint of medical records librarian*st raymond
who is the patron saint of medical technicians*st albert
who is the patron saint of medical technologists*st albert
who is the patron saint of mental illness*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of merchants*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of miners*st barbara
who is the patron saint of missioners*st francis
who is the patron saint of monastics*st benedict
who is the patron saint of monks*st benedict
who is the patron saint of montebanks*st genesius
who is the patron saint of mothers*st anne
who is the patron saint of motorcyclists*miraculous
who is the patron saint of motorists*st christopher
who is the patron saint of mountain*st bernard
who is the patron saint of musicians*st cecilia
who is the patron saint of navigators*star of the sea
who is the patron saint of needle workers*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of nerves*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of net makers*st peter
who is the patron saint of never failing hope*our lady of perpetual help
who is the patron saint of new zealand*st francis
who is the patron saint of norway*olaf
who is the patron saint of notaries*st ives
who is the patron saint of nurses*st camillus
who is the patron saint of nursing services*st elizabeth
who is the patron saint of obstetricians*st raymond
who is the patron saint of organ makers*st genesius
who is the patron saint of orphans*st louise
who is the patron saint of painters*st luke
who is the patron saint of paper makers*st john the evangelist
who is the patron saint of paratroopers*st michael
who is the patron saint of paris*genevieve
who is the patron saint of parish priests*st john vianney
who is the patron saint of pawn brokers*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of peasants*st lucy
who is the patron saint of peddlers*st lucy
who is the patron saint of pencil makers*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of peril at sea*st michael
who is the patron saint of peru*st joseph
who is the patron saint of pharmacists*st cosmas
who is the patron saint of philippines*st rose of lima
who is the patron saint of philosophers*st catherine
who is the patron saint of physicians*sts. cosmas & damian
who is the patron saint of piety*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of pilgrims*st james
who is the patron saint of pioneers*st joseph
who is the patron saint of plague*st roque
who is the patron saint of plague patients*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of poisoning*st benedict
who is the patron saint of police officers*st michael
who is the patron saint of poor*st anthony
who is the patron saint of porters*st christopher
who is the patron saint of portugal*miraculous
who is the patron saint of potters*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of pregnant women*st gerard
who is the patron saint of press*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of priests*st john vianney
who is the patron saint of prisoners*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of prophecy*st daniel
who is the patron saint of prostitutes*mary magdalene
who is the patron saint of public relations hospitals*st paul
who is the patron saint of publishers*st paul
who is the patron saint of racquet makers*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of radiologists*st michael
who is the patron saint of rape victims*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of rheumatism*st james
who is the patron saint of runaways*st dymphna
who is the patron saint of russia*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of sacred music and musicians*saint cecilia
who is the patron saint of saddlers*st lucy
who is the patron saint of safe journey*st raphael
who is the patron saint of sailors*star of the sea
who is the patron saint of salespeople*st lucy
who is the patron saint of scholars*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of school student*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of schools*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of scientists*st albert
who is the patron saint of scotland*st andrew
who is the patron saint of scribes*st catherine
who is the patron saint of sculptors*st luke
who is the patron saint of seafarers*st brendan
who is the patron saint of secretaries*st catherine
who is the patron saint of secular priests*st john vianney
who is the patron saint of seminarians*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of servicewomen*st joan of arc
who is the patron saint of sheep raisers*st raphael
who is the patron saint of ship builders*st peter
who is the patron saint of shoemakers*saint crispin
who is the patron saint of sicily*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of sick*st camillus
who is the patron saint of sick poor*st martin de porres
who is the patron saint of sickness*st camillus
who is the patron saint of singers*st gregory
who is the patron saint of single women*st andrew
who is the patron saint of skiers*st. bernard
who is the patron saint of skin diseases*st peregrine
who is the patron saint of snake bite*st patrick
who is the patron saint of soldiers*st george
who is the patron saint of solitary death*st francis of assisi
who is the patron saint of south america*st rose of lima
who is the patron saint of spain*st james
who is the patron saint of speleologists*st benedict
who is the patron saint of spiritual directors*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of spiritual help*st vincent de paul
who is the patron saint of stained glass workers*st mark
who is the patron saint of stationers*st peter
who is the patron saint of stenographers*st catherine
who is the patron saint of stepparents*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of stockbrokers*st matthew
who is the patron saint of stomach trouble*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of stone masons*st barbara
who is the patron saint of stone workers*st stephen
who is the patron saint of storms*st barbara
who is the patron saint of sudden death*st barbara
who is the patron saint of surgeons*st luke
who is the patron saint of swans*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of switzerland*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of tanners*st james
who is the patron saint of tax collectors*matthew
who is the patron saint of teachers*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of television*saint claire
who is the patron saint of temptation*st michael
who is the patron saint of tertiaries*st elizabeth
who is the patron saint of theologians*st thomas aquinas
who is the patron saint of thieves*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of throat*st cecile
who is the patron saint of tongue*st catherine
who is the patron saint of toothache*st patrick
who is the patron saint of travel*st christopher
who is the patron saint of travelers*st christopher
who is the patron saint of travellers*st. christopher
who is the patron saint of truck drivers*st christopher
who is the patron saint of tuberculosis*st theresa
who is the patron saint of tumors*st rita
who is the patron saint of ulcers*st charles borromeo
who is the patron saint of understanding*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of united states*miraculous
who is the patron saint of universal church*st joseph
who is the patron saint of unruly children*st sebastian
who is the patron saint of vanity*st rose of lima
who is the patron saint of veterinarians*st james
who is the patron saint of virgins*miraculous
who is the patron saint of vocalists*st cecile
who is the patron saint of wales*st. david
who is the patron saint of warehouses*st barbara
who is the patron saint of widowers*st thomas more
who is the patron saint of widows*st louise
who is the patron saint of wine makers*st nicholas
who is the patron saint of winemakers*st francis
who is the patron saint of wisdom*holy spirit
who is the patron saint of wolves*st peter
who is the patron saint of women in labor*st anne
who is the patron saint of workers*st joseph
who is the patron saint of writers*st francis de sales
who is the patron saint of yachtsmen*star of the sea
who is the patron saint of youth*st john berchman
who's considered the patron saint of travellers*christopher
who's the patron saint of scotland*andrew
who, recently, has been appointed as patron saint of politicians*thomas moore
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category: 70s: angola won its independence fromthem in 1975.*portugal
category: 70s: born 'no name maddox', he committed the most sensational crime of the 70's.*charles manson
category: 70s: famous mother who won the nobel prize in 1979.*teresa
category: 70s: he was court-martialed in 1971 for atrocities in southeast asia.*william calley
category: 70s: in 1973 he became los angeles' first black mayor.*tom bradley
category: 70s: in 1974, this became the world's tallest building.*sears tower
category: 70s: the first american to walk on the moon in the 70's.*alan shepard
category: 70s: this singer starred in clams on the half shell review.*bette midler
category: 70s: this war hero quit the israeli cabinet in 1979.*moshe dayan
category: 70s: this world leader died in cairo in 1970.*gamal abdel nasser
category: 70s: became the capital of the reunited north and south vietnam.*hanoi
category: 70s: oregans trojan was the most powerful one of these in this decade.*nuclear plant
category: 70s: russian dancer who defected in 1974.*mikhail baryshnikov
category: 70s: this famous idaho dam went to pieces in 1976.*teton river dam
category: 70s: this nation tried the 'gang of four'*china
category: 70s authors: a book of common prayer*joan didion
category: 70s authors: born on the fourth of july*ron kovic
category: 70s authors: deliverance*james dickey
category: 70s authors: falconer*john cheever
category: 70s authors: far tortuga*peter matthiessen
category: 70s authors: india: a wounded civilization*v. s. naipaul
category: 70s authors: jr*william gaddis
category: 70s authors: losing battles*eudora welty
category: 70s authors: one hundred years of solitude*gabriel garcia marquez
category: 70s authors: orsinian tales*ursula leguin
category: 70s authors: rabbit redux*john updike
category: 70s authors: ragtime*e. l. doctorow
category: 70s authors: roots*alex haley jr
category: 70s authors: something happened*joseph heller
category: 70s authors: the friends of eddie coyle*george v. higgins
category: 70s authors: the hot rock*donald e. westlake
category: 70s authors: the summer before the dark*doris lessing
category: 70s authors: the uses of enchantment*bruno bettleheim
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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
sex terms beginning with a: a small penis*agate
sex terms beginning with a: absence of sexual feeling*asexual
sex terms beginning with a: an aging male homosexual*auntie
sex terms beginning with a: bisexual*ac/dc
sex terms beginning with a: kissing, licking and penetration of the anus by the tongue*analingus
sex terms beginning with a: male who pays for sexual acts*angel
sex terms beginning with a: masturbation*auto-eroticism
sex terms beginning with a: sexual climax achieved by moving the erect penis back and forth in the armpit*auxiliary intercourse
sex terms beginning with a: the act of kissing the entire body as a prelude to sex*around the world
sex terms beginning with a: the aggressive sexual partner*active
sex terms beginning with b: a loose woman or feminine male*bitch
sex terms beginning with b: a masculine female homosexual*bull-dyke
sex terms beginning with b: active partner in anal sex*bummer
sex terms beginning with b: an uncircumcised penis*blind
sex terms beginning with b: an unerectable penis*bent stick
sex terms beginning with b: female breast*boobs
sex terms beginning with b: male possessing sex appeal*beefcake
sex terms beginning with b: masturbation*beat off
sex terms beginning with b: nude*bare-ass
sex terms beginning with b: observing the male genitalia through clothing*basket shopping
sex terms beginning with b: one who enjoys both sexes*bisexual
sex terms beginning with b: passive partner in anal intercourse*brownie queen
sex terms beginning with b: perform anal intercourse*back scuttle
sex terms beginning with b: porno movies*blue movies
sex terms beginning with b: severe need to experience sexual orgasm*blue balls
sex terms beginning with b: the act of oral intercourse*blow job
sex terms beginning with b: the bulge made by male sex organs in jeans, briefs & trunks*basket
sex terms beginning with b: the buttocks*back yard
sex terms beginning with b: the penis*banana
sex terms beginning with b: the scrotum*bag
sex terms beginning with b: the testicles*balls
sex terms beginning with b: to cause ejaculation in the male*bring off
sex terms beginning with b: to perform anal intercourse*brown
sex terms beginning with b: to perform oral intercourse*blow
sex terms beginning with b: young boy who is difficult to restrain during intercourse*bronco
sex terms beginning with c: a male homosexual who hides his desires for other men*closet queen
sex terms beginning with c: a woman or man who masturbates a male and then consumes the ejaculated semen*candy maker
sex terms beginning with c: a young, attractive male*chicken
sex terms beginning with c: anal intercourse*coitus in ano
sex terms beginning with c: anatomical structure of the female genitalia*clitoris
sex terms beginning with c: behave in an effeminate manner*camp
sex terms beginning with c: fleshy portions of buttocks*cheeks
sex terms beginning with c: gonorrhea or other venereal disease*clap
sex terms beginning with c: juncture of the thighs with the body; the genitals area*crotch
sex terms beginning with c: lice which infect the pubic area of the body*crabs
sex terms beginning with c: one who excites a male without carrying on to actual sexual relations*cock teaser
sex terms beginning with c: one who is still a virgin*cherry
sex terms beginning with c: one who performs oral intercourse on the penis*cock sucker
sex terms beginning with c: render the testicles inoperable by surgery*castration
sex terms beginning with c: rim of flesh which forms the base of the head of penis*corona
sex terms beginning with c: rubber sheath worn on the penis*condom
sex terms beginning with c: sexual intercourse*coitus
sex terms beginning with c: surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis*circumcision
sex terms beginning with c: the buttocks*can
sex terms beginning with c: the hunt for a sex partner*cruise
sex terms beginning with c: the penis (in southern section of usa refers to female vagina)*cock
sex terms beginning with c: to achieve the high point of sexual activity. often refers to ejaculation by the male*climax
sex terms beginning with c: to be unfaithful to one's regular sex partner*cheat
sex terms beginning with c: to engage in a gay sex act for the first time*change your luck
sex terms beginning with c: to engage in the most ordinary sexual activities*chaste
sex terms beginning with c: to refrain from sexual activity*continence
sex terms beginning with c: unresponsive to sexual relations*cold
sex terms beginning with c: withdrawal of the penis prior to ejaculation*coitus interruptus
sex terms beginning with d: a group sex activity in which there is a linking of several people by oral connections*daisy chain
sex terms beginning with d: a lesbian*dyke
sex terms beginning with d: forceful intercourse*drive it home
sex terms beginning with d: moving against one another, clothed to simulate intercourse*dry fuck
sex terms beginning with d: sexual position used by canines*dog fashion
sex terms beginning with e: a male who has had his testicles removed*eunuch
sex terms beginning with e: a person who derives sexual gratification by displaying his body to others*exhibitionist
sex terms beginning with e: a person who needs little persuasion to perform sex acts*easy
sex terms beginning with e: descriptive of a male who acts in a feminine manner*effeminate
sex terms beginning with e: discharge from the penis during sexual climax*ejaculation
sex terms beginning with e: to perform oral intercourse*eat
sex terms beginning with f: a heterosexual in a homosexual group*fifth wheel
sex terms beginning with f: any object or part of the body which is normally considered non-sexual but which arouses erotic feelings (such as leather, rubber, fair, feet, panties, and etc.)*fetish
sex terms beginning with f: having more than one venereal disease at the same time*full house
sex terms beginning with f: the buttocks*fanny
sex terms beginning with f: the testicles*family jewels
sex terms beginning with f: to kiss, nibble, lick or suck the penis*fellatio
sex terms beginning with f: whipping or beating to sexual orgasm*flagellation
sex terms beginning with g: a small brief worn over the genitals*g-string
sex terms beginning with g: an opening cut into the partition between two stalls in a men's restroom through which oral intercourse can be performed*glory hole
sex terms beginning with g: group sex where one is fucked consecutively by many*gang bang
sex terms beginning with g: one person urinates on another for sexual pleasure*golden shower
sex terms beginning with g: the human reproductive organs*genitals
sex terms beginning with g: to achieve an erect penis*get it up
sex terms beginning with g: to attain sexual intercourse with someone*get some
sex terms beginning with g: to ejaculate*get your rocks off
sex terms beginning with g: to handle another's genitals*grope
sex terms beginning with g: to perform oral intercourse*give head
sex terms beginning with h: a large penis allegedly developed through masturbation*hand made
sex terms beginning with h: an erect penis*hard on
sex terms beginning with h: lack of sexual activity and need for a sex partner*hard up
sex terms beginning with h: masturbation, particularly at the hands of another*hand job
sex terms beginning with h: one who desires sex only with the opposite sex*heterosexual
sex terms beginning with h: one who desires sex only with the same sex*homosexual
sex terms beginning with h: prostitute that searches for customers*hustler
sex terms beginning with h: sexually aroused*hot pants
sex terms beginning with h: sexually aroused; passionate*horny
sex terms beginning with h: to describe the size of a large penis*hung
sex terms beginning with h: to explore sexually without engaging in intercourse*horse around
sex terms beginning with i: sexual relations between family members*incest
sex terms beginning with i: unable to engage in sexual intercourse*impotent
sex terms beginning with j: one who financially supports another for sex favors*john
sex terms beginning with j: one who is under 18 years of age*jail bait
sex terms beginning with j: the penis*joint
sex terms beginning with j: to masturbate*jack off
sex terms beginning with k: sexual thrills*kicks
sex terms beginning with k: to have sexual intercourse*knock of a piece
sex terms beginning with l: a female homosexual*lesbian
sex terms beginning with l: pertaining to the homosexual lifestyle*lavender
sex terms beginning with l: sexual appetite*libido
sex terms beginning with l: the fluid from an ejaculation*load
sex terms beginning with l: the foreskin of the penis*lace curtains
sex terms beginning with l: to perform sexual intercourse*lay
sex terms beginning with m: a sex session in the afternoon*matinee
sex terms beginning with m: an effeminate-acting male*mary
sex terms beginning with m: manual manipulation of genitals*masturbation
sex terms beginning with m: the penis*meat
sex terms beginning with m: to succeed sexually or to to embrace, kiss and fondle*make out
sex terms beginning with m: where partners manipulate each other's genitals*mutual masturbation
sex terms beginning with m: where sexual gratification is achieved by pain*masochism
sex terms beginning with n: one who is stimulated by one's own body*narcissism
sex terms beginning with n: the testicles*nuts
sex terms beginning with n: to embrace, kiss and fondle*neck
sex terms beginning with o: a sexual activity whereby the mouth of one person is used in connection with the sexual organs of of another person to produce sex gratification*oral intercourse
sex terms beginning with o: a sexual affair between two or more people who will probably never see each other again*one night stand
sex terms beginning with o: one who supports a younger sex partner*old man
sex terms beginning with o: the peak of sensation during sexual activity*orgasm
sex terms beginning with o: using the anus for intercourse*old dirt road
sex terms beginning with o: will perform only one type of sexual activity*one way
sex terms beginning with p: a voyeur*peeping tom
sex terms beginning with p: an erect penis caused by the need to urinate*piss hard on
sex terms beginning with p: easily persuaded to engage in sex*pushover
sex terms beginning with p: glands at base of urethra which eject semen*prostrate
sex terms beginning with p: insertion of the penis into the anus*pederasty
sex terms beginning with p: masturbating through pants pocket*pocket pool
sex terms beginning with p: natural lube that oozes from the penis piss-slit*pre-cum juice
sex terms beginning with p: one who performs oral sex on the penis*pearl diver
sex terms beginning with p: one who receives sexual gratification from kinky sex acts*pervert
sex terms beginning with p: stranger who is induced to go elsewhere for sex*pickup
sex terms beginning with p: the area between the anus and testicles, anus and vagina*perineum
sex terms beginning with p: the fuckee*passive
sex terms beginning with p: the male sex organ consisting of head, shaft and base*penis
sex terms beginning with p: the penis*pecker
sex terms beginning with p: to engage in sexual intercourse*poke
sex terms beginning with p: vagina*pussy
sex terms beginning with q: a very brief sex act*quickie
sex terms beginning with q: an effeminate male homosexual*queen
sex terms beginning with r: a condom*rubber
sex terms beginning with r: forcibly perform sexual intercourse*rape
sex terms beginning with r: the tube between the colon and the anus*rectum
sex terms beginning with s: a bisexual*switch hitter
sex terms beginning with s: a heterosexual*straight
sex terms beginning with s: a male who behaves in a feminine manner*swish
sex terms beginning with s: a male who is in great demand as a sex partner*stud
sex terms beginning with s: a male who possesses a very large penis*stallion
sex terms beginning with s: a man who keeps a younger person for sexual favors*sugar daddy
sex terms beginning with s: a sailor as a sex object*sea food
sex terms beginning with s: both sadism and masochism existing in the same person*sadomasochism
sex terms beginning with s: genital oral intercourse performed on each other simultaneously by two partners*sixty-nine
sex terms beginning with s: one who accepts free love doctrine*swinger
sex terms beginning with s: sexual stimulation associated with the desire to inflict pain, physical or mental, on another*sadism
sex terms beginning with s: the act of sexual intercourse*screw
sex terms beginning with s: the fluid produced during ejaculation of the male*semen
sex terms beginning with s: the fluid that erupts from the penis during ejaculation*sperm
sex terms beginning with s: the insertion of the penis into the anus*sodomy
sex terms beginning with s: the pouch or sac which contains the testicles*scrotum
sex terms beginning with s: to achieve orgasm*shoot
sex terms beginning with s: to achieve sexual intercourse*score
sex terms beginning with s: to perform oral intercourse on the penis*suck off
sex terms beginning with t: a passive male prostitute who caters to homosexuals*trade
sex terms beginning with t: a sex partner*trick
sex terms beginning with t: the male genitals*toolbox
sex terms beginning with t: the male reproductive glands*testicles
sex terms beginning with t: to perform oral intercourse*to tongue
sex terms beginning with t: to take on a sex partner for money*turn a trick
sex terms beginning with u: duct which carries urine and semen*urethra
sex terms beginning with u: sexual pleasure from watching another drink urine*urolagnia
sex terms beginning with v: any non-kinky sex acts*vanilla sex
sex terms beginning with v: bisexual*versatile
sex terms beginning with v: one who applies great suction during oral sex*vacuum cleaner
sex terms beginning with v: one who gains sexual satisfaction from watching others undressing or engage in sexual acts*voyeur
sex terms beginning with v: orifice of female sex organs*vagina
sex terms beginning with v: the sexual power and capacity of a male*virility
sex terms beginning with w: rapid and hurried sexual activity*wham bam
sex terms beginning with w: the penis*wiener
sex terms beginning with w: to create passion or to be passionate*work up
sex terms beginning with w: to masturbate*work off
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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
Simpsons: 'channel 5 action news with your host ______ ______'.*kent brockman
Simpsons: 'hi, i'm ___ (what the hell am i doing in springfield) _____.'*bob hope
Simpsons: 'it's the soul mass transit system.' who said it*don cornelius
Simpsons: 'oh no, beta.' who said it*snake
Simpsons: 'thanks for the fab picture marge, i hung it on me wall.' who said it*ringo star
Simpsons: 'troy, this circle is you.' who said it*brad goodman
Simpsons: according to homer, what is a feline*an elephant
Simpsons: according to lenny and homer, what is the bear driving around in the little car called*ballet
Simpsons: according to mindy simmons, what is capitol city's nickname*the windy apple
Simpsons: according to moe, where is herman's counterfeit jean operation being held*homer's car hole
Simpsons: according to the duff brewery tour guide, what had a batch of duff beer been contaminated with? (duffless)*strychnine
Simpsons: according to the goofball, who is a mascot's best friend*henry mancini
Simpsons: according to willy, who created colored chalk*lucifer
Simpsons: aka rainer wolfcastle.*mcbain
Simpsons: bart's baby-sitter and first love. (sarah gilbert).*laura powers
Simpsons: before he was a safety inspector, what was homer's job at snpp*technical supervisor
Simpsons: burns' beloved bear.*bobo
Simpsons: fill in the blanks (nelson) 'hey bart, your ______ is showing.' from 1f22.*epidermis
Simpsons: fill in the blanks: more _____ means more iron*testicles
Simpsons: fill in the blanks: smilin' _______ ______.*smilin' joe fission
simpsons: for what crime is marge arrested and jailed*shoplifting
simpsons: from what country is groundskeeper willie from*scotland
Simpsons: from which country did the midget who played lisa come form? (burns' heir).*estonia
Simpsons: he is the godfather of the springfield mafia.*don vittorio
Simpsons: he is the plow king.*barney gumbel
Simpsons: he is the president of laramie cigarettes.*jack larson
Simpsons: he swept the princi awards. who is he and what school is he from*principal valiant from shelbyville elementary
Simpsons: homer's college professor said: 'out with the old, ___ ____ ___ _______'.*in with the nucleus
Simpsons: how did dr. nick get his operating gloves*they came free with his toilet brush
Simpsons: how do the german owners of snpp describe their country to homer? (burns verkaft das kraftverk)*the land of chocolate
simpsons: how does homer spell smart on the episode he gets his diploma*smrt
Simpsons: how does mr. burns describe his fortune*vast
Simpsons: how long does aunt selma have to live before she blows up*one hour
Simpsons: how many bathing suits was martin wearing in 1f22*17
Simpsons: how many burgers does homer order from the krusty burger on an off-shore oil rig*700
Simpsons: how many feet around kjazz (springfields jazz radio station) are occupied by its radio signals*23 feet
Simpsons: how many women have said 'no' to mr. burns*130
simpsons: how much did it cost milhouse to buy barts soul*five dollars
Simpsons: how much did the simpsons pay to get illegally hooked up to cable*$50
simpsons: how much does homer charge for eternal happiness in his telemarketing scam*one dollar
simpsons: how old does hans moleman say he is*thirty-one
Simpsons: how old is hans moleman*31
Simpsons: in 8f12 (lisa the greek), why does lisa favour the l.a. raiders*because they cheat
Simpsons: in bart's dream about the u.s. founding fathers, who is writing his name in the snow*john hancock
Simpsons: in halloween special v, who is the unquestioned ruler and master of the world*ned flanders
simpsons: in homer j. simpson, what does the 'j' stand for*jay
simpsons: in one episode, who moved in across the street from the simpsons*george bush
simpsons: in the episode when ned's house is destroyed, what does bart reply to him after ned says something mean to him*i am shocked
simpsons: in the opening credits, how many cars do the simpsons have*two
simpsons: in the stonecutters' song, who is it that they made a star*steve guttenberg
simpsons: in what section at the power plant does homer work*sector 7g
Simpsons: in which state was homer born*north carolina
Simpsons: lisa + maggie's favourite cartoon characters.*the happy little elves
simpsons: milhouse was the movie sidekick of what comic-book hero*radioactive man
simpsons: name of the show's favorite beer*duff
Simpsons: name one of the bilboard ads homer stops to read on the first of the month. (homie the clown)*this year give her english muffins, best in the west bbq sauce, clown school
Simpsons: name three of the seven duffs.*surly, remorseful, tipsy, or queasy
Simpsons: name two of the nuclear plant workers who had to watch the bee*homer and bernie
simpsons: on what t.v. channel is the krusty show aired*channel 6
Simpsons: patty + selma's pet.*jub jub
Simpsons: ralph's incompetent dad.*police chief clancy wiggum
Simpsons: selma and patty's favourite star.*macgyver
Simpsons: she was the country singing sensation that homer managed.*lurleen lumpkin
Simpsons: sole proprietor of 'i can't believe its a law firm'.*lionel hutz
Simpsons: springfield's shrink.*dr. marvin monroe
Simpsons: the female version of homer.*mindy simmons
Simpsons: the founder of springfield was*jebidiah springfield
Simpsons: what 'letter' is the cat burglar's 'treasure' buried under*'t'
Simpsons: what actor filled in as a big brother on the junior camper river-rafting trip*ernest borgnine
Simpsons: what alias 'last name' do the simpsons go under to avoid sideshow bob*the thompsons
Simpsons: what alias 'last name' does apu go under when he joins the be-sharpes*de beaumarche
Simpsons: what are springfield's two theatres called*the aztec and the googolplex
Simpsons: what are the call letters of springfield's radio station*kbbl
Simpsons: what are the names of lisa's and bart's hockey teams*mighty pigs and the kwik-e-mart gougers
simpsons: what are the names of marge's twin sisters*patty and selma
Simpsons: what are the names of the flanders' children*rod & todd
Simpsons: what attribute did ralph give to jesus*he had wheels
Simpsons: what award does homer receive in 'bother can you spare two dimes?'*the first annual montgomery burns award for outstanding achievement in the field of excellence
Simpsons: what beloved object does homer sell to get counselling for his family? (there's no disgrace like home).*their tv
Simpsons: what book does dr. wolfe, the dentist, show ralph*the big book of british smiles
Simpsons: what brand of bourbon is marge caught stealing at the kwik-e-mart*kernel kwik-e-mart's
Simpsons: what chemical agent does bart use to write his name in the field*sodium tetrasulfate
Simpsons: what danger does homer see in going into space*the planet of the apes
simpsons: what did homer carve his chili spoon from*a bigger spoon
simpsons: what disables the rampaging robots at itchy and scratchy land*camera flashes
Simpsons: what do patty + selma say you can't spell without i.o.u.*obsequious
Simpsons: what do the simpsons buy to keep up with the flanders*an r.v.
simpsons: what does apu say to every customer as they leave the kwik-e-mart*thank you, come again
Simpsons: what does bart get tattooed on his arm*moth
Simpsons: what does bart name his elephant*stampy
Simpsons: what does bart write on his butt in 'bart vs. australia'*don't tread on me
Simpsons: what does herman sell*military antiques and surplus
Simpsons: what does homer call the monster which has enslaved marge*gamblor
Simpsons: what does homer's note to himself say in halloween special iv*dear homer, iou one emergency donut
Simpsons: what does homer's shirt say under his gulp n' blow uniform*i shot j.r.
Simpsons: what does lisa steal from all the teachers at springfield elementary*the teacher's edition textbooks
Simpsons: what does lisa's valentine to ralph say*let's bee friends
simpsons: what does nelson say when something bad happens*ha ha
Simpsons: what does the 'complaints' lady at duff gardens have to say*get bent
Simpsons: what does the crew of 'radioactive man' do when they want horses*tape a bunch of cats together
Simpsons: what drink does bart make for the mobsters*a manhattan
Simpsons: what drink is unique to the kwik-e-mart*squishee
Simpsons: what esteemed position does bart receive for bringing justice to the school*hall monitor
Simpsons: what excuse does homer use (on his insurance form) for buying dimoxinil*to keep brain from freezing
Simpsons: what extra month did se accidentally print on its calendars*smarch
Simpsons: what factory does bart's class visit in bart gets famous*box factory
Simpsons: what festival did 'do what you feel' day replace*do as we say
Simpsons: what game can't lisa play because she is too sad*dodgeball
Simpsons: what gas station does homer go to about the strange thumping noise he hears*gasso
Simpsons: what health centre did marge vacation to*rancho relaxo
Simpsons: what holds up the volunteer fire department as they are trying to rescue homer*ducks crossing the street
Simpsons: what illness did bart fake to avoid taking his history test*amonia phlebitis
Simpsons: what imitation drink did bart discover he was having at lunchtime*malk
Simpsons: what insect stars on channel ocho*bumblebee man
Simpsons: what instrument does homer replace lisa's saxophone with after it is stolen*jug
Simpsons: what instrument does lisa play in the whacking day episode? (not the saxophone).*bass guitar
Simpsons: what is apu's last name*nahasapeemapetilon
Simpsons: what is barney's short film called (a star is burns)*puke-a-hantas
Simpsons: what is bart paid for giving blood*$12 and a cookie
Simpsons: what is bart's big brother's name*tom
simpsons: what is bart's don named*santa's little helper
simpsons: what is bart's favorite comic book*radioactive man
Simpsons: what is birchibald t. barlows book called*only turkeys have left wings
Simpsons: what is burns' oldest dog's name*crippler
simpsons: what is dr. hibbard's first name*julius
Simpsons: what is grandma bouvier's first name*jacqueline
simpsons: what is homer's favorite brand of beer*duff
Simpsons: what is homer's little brothers name*pepi
simpsons: what is lisa and bart's favorite cartoon show*itchy and scratchy
Simpsons: what is lisa's future occupation according to the cant test*homemaker
Simpsons: what is martin's favourite video game*my diner with andre
Simpsons: what is martin's iq*216
simpsons: what is milhouse's last name*vanhouten
Simpsons: what is mr. burns and bart's blood type*double o negative
Simpsons: what is mrs. krabappel's first name*edna
simpsons: what is principal skinner's mother's name*agnus
Simpsons: what is springfields equivalent to hard copy*rock bottom
Simpsons: what is the 'forbidden song'*pop goes the weasel
simpsons: what is the address of the simpsons*742 evergreen terrace
Simpsons: what is the bunny called in friar wiggum's fantastical beastarium*esquilax
Simpsons: what is the cat burglar's real name*malloy
Simpsons: what is the chant of the hiding nerds*excelsior!
Simpsons: what is the code name of adil, the foreign exchange student from albania*sparrow
Simpsons: what is the dean's name in the show 'school of hard knockers'*dean bitterman
Simpsons: what is the episode number of 'bart gets hit by a car'? (shown at the beginning of the episode).*23
Simpsons: what is the name of flanders' store*the leftorium
Simpsons: what is the name of lisa's 'politically correct' doll*lisa lionheart
Simpsons: what is the name of lisa's pony*princess
Simpsons: what is the name of the car homer designs for powell motors*the homer
simpsons: what is the name of the guy who owns the army store*herman
Simpsons: what is the name of the home pregnancy test marge uses to see if she is going to have a fourth child*barnacle bill's home pregnancy test
Simpsons: what is the name of the itchy and scratchy episode bart and lisa write*barbershop of horrors
Simpsons: what is the name of the three-eyed fish*blinky
Simpsons: what is the name of the ultimate behemoth's satellite*vanstar i
Simpsons: what is the placebo cure for the japanese flu*killer bees
Simpsons: what is the real name of the baby-sitter bandit*lucille botzcowski
simpsons: what is the school principal's full name*seymour skinner
Simpsons: what is the springfield equivalent to barbie*malibu stacey
simpsons: what is there at the end of the 138th episode special*hardcore nudity
simpsons: what is(are) lisa & maggie's favorite cartoon characters*the happy little elves
Simpsons: what mineral did jimmy think he could live without*zinc
Simpsons: what movie did dr. hibbert want to see during the film festival*the rocky horror picture show
Simpsons: what movie features mcbain as a comedian*let's get funny
simpsons: what musical instrument does lisa play*saxophone
Simpsons: what name is spray painted all over springfield*el barto
Simpsons: what prescription drug is krusty addicted to*percadine
Simpsons: what present does herb give bart in 8f23*nra membership
Simpsons: what prompts marge to talk about old romances*a novel
Simpsons: what public television show does troy mcclure urge people to sponsor*edward the penitent
Simpsons: what racing number is santa's little helpers girlfriend*number 8
Simpsons: what restaurant chain attempts to steal and then buy flaming moes from moe*tipsy mcstagger's
Simpsons: what scent does lisa's braces release every so often*obsession for teeth
Simpsons: what score does sideshow bob sing to bart before he is going to kill him*the hms pinafore
Simpsons: what singer does mr. burns force to perform for marge*tom jones
Simpsons: what song does hugh hefner play on krusty's comeback special*peter and the wolf
Simpsons: what song does mr. burns make a parody of as he is showing off his animal skin clothes (two dozen and one greyhounds)*'be our guest' from beauty & the beast
Simpsons: what statue does mr. burns give to the simpson family*3000-year-old carved head of xtapolapocetl
Simpsons: what stonecutter number is assigned to homer*908
Simpsons: what street do the simpsons live on*evergreen terrace
Simpsons: what street does milhouse's grandmother live on*257th street
simpsons: what substitute teacher does lisa have a crush on*mr. bergstrom
Simpsons: what t.v. show about a bad cop does homer like to watch*mcgarnacle
simpsons: what town do the simpsons live in*springfield
Simpsons: what type of drink does skinner offer bart in 1f18*diet, caffeine free dr. pepper
Simpsons: what vacation did the simpsons go on just before marge went to rancho relaxo*mystic caverns
Simpsons: what vegetable did shelbyvile drink to celebrate their victory over springfield*turnip juice
simpsons: what vegetable makes up the pattern on the simpson's kitchen curtains*corn
Simpsons: what video game do homer and bart play*video boxing
simpsons: what was barney gumble's prize for winning in the springfield film festival*duff beer for life
Simpsons: what was bgm's $1500 a day habit*faberge eggs
Simpsons: what was mike scosia diagnosed with*accute radiation poisoning
Simpsons: what was moe selling at the flea market*lucille ball oysters
Simpsons: what was ned flanders' job before he opened the leftorium*pharmacist
Simpsons: what was ned's brush with the law*mistaken for ed flanders
Simpsons: what was one of homers lifelong/boyhood dreams*work in a bowling alley
simpsons: what was santa's little helpers girlfriends name*she's the fastest
Simpsons: what was the first thing ned thought would influence tod's bad language*bumper stickers
Simpsons: what was the happiest day of ralph's life*when the doctor said he didn't have worms anymore
Simpsons: what was the name of johnny calhoun's spoken word album that ruined his career*these/this things i believe
simpsons: what was the name of simpsons' dog bought with a credit card*laddie
Simpsons: what was the name of the first cartoon scratchy was in*that happy cat
simpsons: what was the secret ingredient to homer's 'flaming drink'*cough medicine
Simpsons: what were bart's first words*ay carumba
Simpsons: what year was mr. burns introduced to atom smashing*1909
simpsons: what's the name of the dog that bart buys with his credit card*laddie
Simpsons: when bart spray painted a picture of skinner,what was his principal saying*i am a weiner
Simpsons: where did the simpsons find santa's little helper*springfield downs dog track
Simpsons: where does barney become trapped in his plow king truck*widow's peak
Simpsons: where does bart get the name 'woodrow' from*woodrow wilson
Simpsons: where does homer meet 'michael jackson'*in an asylum
Simpsons: where does homer put his first stop sign*gee st. and guelph
Simpsons: where does milhouse's dad work*the cracker factory
Simpsons: where does otto immediately move to upon losing his job*a trash-co. waste disposal unit
Simpsons: where does the head of the kwik-e-mart reside*india
Simpsons: which board game do rod and todd flanders like to play*good samaritan
Simpsons: which course did homer fail in high school*remedial science 1a
simpsons: which ex-president moved in across the street from the simpsons*george bush
Simpsons: which magazine does marge consult about parenting*fretful mother
Simpsons: which movie did skinner take patty to see*space mutants v: the land down under
Simpsons: which music group played at the halftime show of the super bowl*hooray for everything
Simpsons: which se student has been killed and brutally beaten*uter
Simpsons: which soda is bart asked to test in his fantasy? (hint- 'pleasing taste, some monsterism')*nature's goodness
Simpsons: which springfield resident was chosen to become an astronaut*barney gumbel
Simpsons: which three cities did lyle lanley sell monorails to before springfield*ogdenville, brockway, and north haverbrook
Simpsons: which version of bible bombardment do bart, lisa and maggie play with the flanders in 3f01*the vulgate of st. jerome
Simpsons: who are itchy and scratchy's european counterparts*worker & parasite
Simpsons: who are the twins in bart's class*sherri & terri
Simpsons: who co-owns a horse (with krusty the clown) named kruddler*bette midler
simpsons: who conned springfield into buying a monorail*lyle lanley
simpsons: who created the simpsons*matt groening
Simpsons: who did krusty steal the crank-call bit from*steve allen
Simpsons: who directed a streetcar named desire*llywellen sinclair
Simpsons: who does bart have to sit beside on the filed trip to snpp*wendel
Simpsons: who does bart play in the president's day play*john wilkes booth
Simpsons: who does mr. burns credit his long life to*satan
Simpsons: who does springfield believe is trapped down a well*timmy o'toole
Simpsons: who has a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg*mr. mccraig
Simpsons: who introduces bart to herman*grampa simpson
simpsons: who is bart simpson's best friend*milhouse
Simpsons: who is bleedin' gums murphy's younger brother*dr. hibbert
Simpsons: who is capitol city's mascot*goofball
Simpsons: who is dr. vladimir krabokov*the evil dr. crab of 'radioactive man'
Simpsons: who is gabbo's puppeteer*arthur crandell
Simpsons: who is homer simpson's brother*herb powell
Simpsons: who is in the car with the japanese restaurant owner*mrs. krabappel
Simpsons: who is kodos*an alien
Simpsons: who is krusty's father*rabbi hyman krustofsky
Simpsons: who is krusty's monkey*mr. teeny
Simpsons: who is krusty's secretary*lois pennycandy
Simpsons: who is marge's art teacher*mr. lombardo (john lovitz)
Simpsons: who is marge's date for the prom*artie ziff
Simpsons: who is mcbain's nemesis*mendoza
Simpsons: who is ned flanders' wife*maude flanders
Simpsons: who is radioactive man's sidekick*fallout boy
Simpsons: who is skinner's superior*superintendent chalmers
Simpsons: who is stuart*duck who works at snpp
Simpsons: who is the belly dancer homer is caught with*princess (shauna) kasimir
simpsons: who is the creator of the simpsons*matt groening
Simpsons: who is the director of 'a streetcar named desire'*llewellyn sinclair
Simpsons: who is the exchange student from germany*uter
Simpsons: who is the first dead man to help bart and lisa unravel sideshow bob's electoral fraud*edgar neubauer
Simpsons: who is the first person to make a wish on the monkey's paw*maggie
Simpsons: who is the frenchman's donkey*maurice
Simpsons: who is the guest star at the springfield auto show*adam west
Simpsons: who is the head of itchy and scratchy*roger meyers
Simpsons: who is the lunch lady at springfield elementary*lunchlady doris
Simpsons: who is the motorcycle daredevil*capt. lance murdock
Simpsons: who is the music teacher at springfield elementary*mr. dewey largo
Simpsons: who is the one remaining (sane) ringer on the baseball team*daryl strawberry
simpsons: who is the principal of the school bart and lisa attend*seymore skinner
Simpsons: who narrated 'the good book' on tape*larry king
Simpsons: who narrates 'the raven' in halloween special i*james earl jones
Simpsons: who opens up springfield's casino*mr. burns
Simpsons: who played happy birthday for mr. burns*the ramones
Simpsons: who poses as krusty the clown in the kamp krusty episode*barney
Simpsons: who puts the 'fun' back in fundamentalist dogma*springfield christian school
Simpsons: who ran over snowball i*clovis quimby
Simpsons: who replaced sideshow bob*sideshow mel
Simpsons: who replaced skinner as principal*ned flanders
Simpsons: who runs the country according to smithers germs*free masons
simpsons: who saves homer when the simpson's house burns caught on fire*ned flanders
simpsons: who shot mr. burns*maggie
Simpsons: who speaks in palindromes? (7g02)*ethan foley
Simpsons: who takes a job at the kwik-e-mart to prepare for a movie role*james woods
simpsons: who was gives lisa's her first real kiss*nelson
Simpsons: who was homer's secretary when he was promoted*karl
Simpsons: who was kicked out of the be-sharpes and replaced by barney*police chief clancy wiggum
Simpsons: who was lisa's jazz-playing mentor*bleedin' gums murphy
Simpsons: who was marge's bowling teacher*jaques
Simpsons: who was milhouse's first girlfriend*samantha stanky
Simpsons: who was on the wooden raft in bart's daydream about skipping school*abraham lincoln and huck finn
Simpsons: who was the principal when homer and marge were in high school*dondelinger
Simpsons: who was the substitute teacher lisa fell in love with*mr. bergstrom (dustin hoffman)
Simpsons: who wrote the hymn 'in the garden of eden*i. ron butterfly
Simpsons: who's on the other line when you call 1-600-doctorb*dr. nick riviera
simpsons: whom did bart's babysitter have a crush on*jimbo
Simpsons: why is homer declared insane*because he wore a pink shirt
Simpsons: why must santa's little helper get an operation*he has a twisted stomach
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category: 60s: 1964 release was the most successful disney film to date.*mary poppins
category: 60s: discovered in 1967, pulsating radio sources in space are better known as this*pulsar
category: 60s: first nation ever to resign from the united nations.*indonesia
category: 60s: theodore maiman demonstrated this enlightening device for the first time in '60*laser
category: 60s: this bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the us, was finished in 1964.*verrazano narrows
category: 60s: he was the first president born in the 20th century.*kennedy
category: 60s: john young and him were the first astronauts to fly the two-occupant gemini.*gus grissom
category: 60s: martin luther king, jr. was assassinated in this city.*memphis
category: 60s: this bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the us, was finished in 1964.*verrazano narrows
category: 60s: this remote area was crossed on foot for the first time in 1968-1969.*north pole
category: 60s authors: goodbye, columbus*phillip roth
category: 60s authors: night*elie wiesel
category: 60s authors: rabbit, run*john updike
category: 60s authors: slaughterhouse-five*kurt vonnegut
category: 60s authors: the painted bird*jerzy kosinski
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Smallville: after clark got out of a truck that blew up while he was in it, what did he do*he ripped his shirt like superman
Smallville: after the death of principle kwan, a new principal was hired. what is his name*reynolds
Smallville: after the meteor shower, three-year old lana lang appeared on the cover of which magazine*time
Smallville: although, it is referred to as a meteor shower several times in 'smallville' what was it really*meteorite shower
Smallville: annette o'toole played lana lang in which superman movie*superman iii
Smallville: at the start of the episode 'hothead', a football game is taking place in what kind of weather*pouring rain
Smallville: chloe sullivan is the editor of the...*torch
Smallville: clark often wears a combination of what two colors*red and blue
Smallville: clark: 'i'm glad you and mom are the ones who found me.' jonathan: 'we didn't find you clark, ___ _____ __.'*you found us
Smallville: how old was lana when her parents died*three
Smallville: how old was lex when he first went bald*nine
Smallville: in 'hothead', what was clark's jersey number*32
Smallville: in 'hourglass', what is the name of the old woman who can see the future of others just by touching them*cassandra
Smallville: in 'hourglass', what kills cassandra*seeing lex' future
Smallville: in 'hourglass', who's death did cassandra forsee*her own
Smallville: in 'leech', what caused clark's powers to get transferred*lightning
Smallville: in 'nicodemus', what was the nicodemus*flower
Smallville: in 'obscura', what was the medal whitney talked about with lana*silver star for valor
Smallville: in 'obscura', who did pete take to the spring formal*erica fox
Smallville: in 'premier', according to clark's permission slip for football, on what street do the kent's live*hickory lane
Smallville: in 'premier', according to clark's permission slip for football, what is clark's phone number*555-0145
Smallville: in 'premier', after clark saved lex and told jonathan that he'd do anything to repay him, what did jonathan tell him to do*drive slower
Smallville: in 'premier', what book did lana hand to clark*the portable nietzsche
Smallville: in 'premier', what color was the truck lex gave clark*red
Smallville: in 'premier', what did clark say pete looked like in his football uniform*a tackle dummy
Smallville: in 'premier', what did lex's license plate read*lex
Smallville: in 'premier', what did nell call tulips*uncomplicated
Smallville: in 'premier', what does the smallville sign say the population is (today)*45001
Smallville: in 'premier', what fell off the truck leading lex to crash into clark*barbwire fence
Smallville: in 'premier', what was lex's father trying to get lex to do when he said 'luthors are not afraid. we don't have that luxury.'*open his eyes
Smallville: in 'premier', when martha asked for red tulips what did nell offer*tiger orchids
Smallville: in 'premier', where did clark suggest they 'stashed' his spaceship*the attic
Smallville: in 'premier', who was putting the former jocks who made him the scarecrow into the hospital*jeremy creek
Smallville: in 'premier', who was said to own the metropolis sharks*the luthors
Smallville: in 'premier', who was the first person we see*lionel luthor
Smallville: in 'prodigal', how much money did lionel offer lucas*ten million
Smallville: in 'prodigal', what is the name of lex's brother*lucas
Smallville: in 'prodigal', what pool ball did lex's brother throw at lionel*8-ball
Smallville: in 'prodigal', where did lana tell clark to go to look for work*hank's hardware
Smallville: in 'prodigal', who put in a good word for clark when he wanted to job at the talon*chloe
Smallville: in 'prodigal', who wanted to fire clark for being 2 hours late for work*lucus
Smallville: in 'prodigal', who was the first to find out that lionel wasn’t blind*lucus
Smallville: in 'rush', how does clark revel his powers to chloe*pete hits him with a bat
Smallville: in 'rush', out of the main characters, who was the first to get infected*pete
Smallville: in 'rush', what color car went off the cliff*blue
Smallville: in 'rush', what color rock did pete put in clark's pocket*red
Smallville: in 'rush', what color streaks did chloe have in her hair*black
Smallville: in 'rush', what did clark bring lana when he came to apologize*a rose and a pizza
Smallville: in 'rush', what latin phrase does lana say to clark*carpe diem
Smallville: in 'rush', where does the parasite enter the body*neck
Smallville: in 'rush', who was driving the car when it went off the cliff*pete
Smallville: in 'ryan' where was ryan being held*summerhalt institute
Smallville: in 'suspect', what clue did clark find when he went back to the crime scene with pete*a bullet
Smallville: in 'suspect', who shot lex luther's father*the sheriff
Smallville: in 'suspect', who was in the car with clark when it blew up*pete
Smallville: in 'tempest', what route is lana on when she sees the twisters*90
Smallville: in the episode 'nicodemus', clark and lana kiss by the school pool. what color is clark's shirt during this kiss*blue
Smallville: in this episode, a man wrote love letters to lana and placed them on her parents' tombstone*nocturne
Smallville: in this episode, clark and his father find out that martha is pregnant*fever
Smallville: in this episode, clark kent make a 'leap in a single bound' from the daily planet to another building to save his mother who is held hostage*insurgence
Smallville: in this episode, clark kent rescues lana from a tornado*vortex
Smallville: in what episode did pete learn clark's secret*duplicity
Smallville: in what episode does a certain young lady turn herself into a wolf*skinwalkers
Smallville: in what episode does a kryptonite-infected man wants to relieve the suffering of the elderly and sick by turning them into ashes*reaper
Smallville: in what episode does lana pin pete against a locker*visage
Smallville: in what episode was dr. hamilton introduced*craving
Smallville: in what month and year did the smallville meteor shower occur*october 1989
Smallville: in what state is smallville*kansas
Smallville: in what year was laura lang born*1959
Smallville: in what year was lewis lang born*1957
Smallville: in which 'smallville' episode did lana lang celebrate her birthday*crush
Smallville: in which episode does a teenage girl, tina greer, morph herself into an exact copy of lex luthor in order to rob smallville savings and loan*x-ray
Smallville: name the adoption agency where clark was 'adopted'*metropolis united charities
Smallville: name the doctor who christopher reeve played*swann
Smallville: the issue of time with lana on the cover reads what*heart break in the heart land
Smallville: the originally the role of martha kent was cast to*cynthia ettinger
Smallville: what band plays the song that played at the end of 'premier'*lifehouse
Smallville: what city is chloe sullivan originally from*metropolis
Smallville: what color tie did lana think that clark should wear*red
Smallville: what did chloe say clark leaps over in single bounds*tall theories
Smallville: what did clark say when lana asked him if he could keep a secret*i'm the fort knox of secrets
Smallville: what does chloe sullivan call her 'secret wall'*wall of weird
Smallville: what does lana's parents(married) epitaph read*forever loved
Smallville: what episode: chloe: 'getting your morning lana fix?' clark: 'chloe, don't you ever knock?' chloe: 'it's a barn, clark.' clark: 'is there a reason you're here early or do you just enjoy busting my chops?' chloe:'little of both.'*craving
Smallville: what episode: chloe: 'i hate it when you do that.' clark: 'do what?' chloe: 'just shut me out. it's like one minute you're here, and the next minute you're gone. clark, you're not outgrowing me as a friend are you?' clark: 'chloe, i could never outgrow you. other than vertically.'*metamorphosis
Smallville: what episode: chloe: 'i'm swearing off men.' clark: 'we're not all bad.' pete: 'maybe you should just swear off heat sucking horn dogs.'*cool
Smallville: what episode: chloe: 'what? why are looking at me like that? ...and why is my mouth minty? oh my god...did i just...?' clark: 'it's okay; it was...fine.'*hug
Smallville: what episode: chloe: 'you know, clark, there are other girls out there that don't require crossing an emotional minefield.' clark: 'yeah, but i can't just turn off my feelings for her.' chloe: 'you know, the choice is yours. you can either sit in your loft and play with your telescope, or move on.'*nicodemus
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i can't believe you did this, chloe.' chloe: 'you didn't know? i just assumed that your parents would have told you, i mean, weren't you interested?' clark: 'why would i be? my biological parents are either dead or didn't want me. the point is you're prying into my private life.'*zero
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i didn't know you liked comic books.' lex: 'are you kidding? a strange visitor from another planet who protects the weak? when i was young he was my idol, not to mention that fact he's bald. i have the whole collection.'*stray
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i didn't know you were such a history buff.' lex: 'i'm not; i'm just interested in people who ruled the world before they were thirty.'*rogue
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i don't believe you. you're right, pete. he's been lying to everyone. yeah, i know who my true friends are.' pete: 'i knew you'd see the light.' lex: 'clark, what are you doing?' clark: 'you can't talk your way out of this one, lex. i see you for who you really are. the friendship is over.'*nicodemus
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i don’t blame him; i don’t see myself being a farmer when i grow up.' lana: 'then what do you want to do?' clark: 'i’m not sure; as long as it doesn’t involve putting on a suit and doing a lot of flying.'*hug
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i got a little time. chloe's picking me up.' lex: 'that's very progressive. what happened to the truck?' clark: 'it was a farming accident, you know how it is.'*tempest
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i hope all this attention doesn't go to his head. he needs to be careful.' chloe: 'well, you know what, clark, the second you start throwing people thirty feet, i'll write nice things about you too.'*leech
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i just don't like being in a fight with you.' chloe: 'yeah, it wasn't my favorite part either.' clark: 'everything has changed in my life in the last year. my parents, lana. the only thing constant has been you. i'm glad for that, chloe.' chloe: 'me too.'*drone
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i just don't understand what's wrong with me. why am i bleeding?' mrs. kent: 'maybe it's just part of your development like x-ray vision, or maybe the lightening had something to do with it, i don't know.' clark: 'i am going to be okay, right?'*leech
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'i, uh, i just wanted to say i'm sorry.' chloe: 'for what?' clark: 'for letting you get hurt.' chloe: 'well, i am perturbed with you, clark. i'm also mad that you didn't put out the chicago fire of 1871, or prevent the fall of the roman empire, making you directly responsible for the dark ages.'*kinetic
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'pete, what about my platform?' pete: 'who cares? if people like you, they'll vote for you.' clark: 'but what am i going to say in my speech?' pete: i don't know. i don't do speeches, i do meet-and-greets. see you at lunch, we can canvas the cafeteria.*drone
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'this is a great place.' lex: 'yeah? if you're dead and in the market for something to haunt. 'clark: 'i's roomy.'*premier
Smallville: what episode: clark: 'what if it is my destiny? to outlive everyone that i love? i don't want to be alone.' mr. kent: 'the only person who controls your destiny, is you.' clark: 'well right now i don't feel like i have control of anything.'*hourglass
Smallville: what episode: kwan: 'ms. lang, what's this?' lana: 'it's a news story.' kwan: 'it's totally unacceptable.' lana: 'why? it covers all of your criteria: it deals with a student, a school-sponsered club, and there are no mutants in sight.' kwan: 'did you do this because you thought i'd reinstate ms. sullivan?' lana: 'i did this because it's the right thing to do. chloe was born for this job.'*rogue
Smallville: what episode: lana (looking at sunset): 'what do you think?' clark (looking at lana): 'i think it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.'*shimmer
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'do you have everything?' whitney: 'you're only allowed one bag.' lana: 'i'd never make it as a marine.'*tempest
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'if i had a hundred people trashing my house, i'd be a little freaked out.' clark: 'after the first few dishes, you kinda get used to it.' lana: 'i don't think i'd be brave enough to risk it.' clark: 'i don't know lana, i bet you're braver than you think.'*jitters
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'maybe i should just accept my destiny; all i'm ever going to be is a little girl in a fairy princess costume who lost her parents.' clark: 'i don't see you that way.' lana: 'i know you don't, clark. you're the only one who doesn't.'*hourglass
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'once you’ve crossed that line you can’t go back.' clark: 'chloe gave me that same advice about...someone else.' lana: 'what happened?' clark: 'i decided to stay friends.' lana: 'do you regret that decision?' clark: 'yeah. i let that moment slip away and i don’t think i’ll ever get it back. i don’t want to make that same mistake twice.'*crush
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'the key, is to keep your mind off it. let your friends be your friends. let them distract you. trust them.' clark: 'i do trust you, lana.' lana: 'good. then follow me.'*nicodemus
Smallville: what episode: lana: 'you've been friends with clark for a long time. is he always so...' pete: 'clark-like? sometimes he's totally there, you think you know everything about him and then there's this part that's...' lana: 'mysterious.' pete: 'yeah, that's it. clark kent, international man of mystery.' lana: 'well, whatever it was, it seemed important.' pete: 'i can't believe there's anything more important to him than you.'*cool
Smallville: what episode: lex (amused): 'men are from mars, women are from venus?' clark: 'i’m trying to get an insight into the female psyche.' lex: 'i seriously doubt you’ll find it in here.'*crush
Smallville: what episode: lex: 'clark, love isn’t about playing it safe, it’s about risks. unless you’re willing to put yourself out there, you’ll never know.' clark: 'have you ever been in love before?' lex: 'i’ve only loved two women in my life. one died and the other betrayed me.'*crush
Smallville: what episode: lex: 'i hear you're escorting the birthday girl. nice work.' clark: 'we're just going as friends.' lex: 'sure you are. hope you got her a nice gift.'*craving
Smallville: what episode: lex: 'i hear you're taking a tour of my plant tomorrow.' chloe (unenthusiastically): 'it's a class field trip.' lex: 'what'd you do wrong?' clark: 'it's that bad?'*jitters
Smallville: what episode: lex: 'i promise i'm not a criminal mastermind.' clark: 'i know; a criminal mastermind would have worn a mask.'*x-ray
Smallville: what episode: lex: 'i'm sure you'll be employee of the month in no time.' lana: 'right now, i hold the record for most dishes broken in a single day.' lex: 'better bring my cappuccino in a styrofoam cup then.'*hothead
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: 'clark, i know this has gotta be really hard for you; but you gotta just hang in there, like we promised?' clark: 'i’m sick of hanging in there. all i wanna do is go through high school without being a total loser.'*premier
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: 'clark, you know you can't donate.' clark: 'i know, dad but what am i supposed to tell her?' mrs. kent: 'that you have a problem with needles, which you technically do.' clark: 'great, not only do i lie, but i look like a wuss.'*shimmer
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: 'he's a good kid, lex, i don't want that to change.' lex: 'neither do i. you know, from the day i first met clark, all you've ever seen is the name 'luthor'.' mr. kent: 'well so far you haven't given me a reason to see anything else.'*reaper
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: 'i still don't understand why a girl would do all that.' clark: 'i do. you go through life with a gift you have to keep a secret; when you see everyone around you being normal, you get jealous. you just wanna be someone else.'*x-ray
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: 'you were meant for much more important things than winning football games.' clark: 'i'm sick of being punished because i have these gifts. most parents would be happy if their son could be the star of the football team.' mr. kent: 'son, i am happy when you wake up in the morning.'*hothead
Smallville: what episode: mr. kent: [applauds slowly as clark sits down after speed-cleaning the house] clark: [turns around] 'hi. you're home early.' mrs. kent: 'we called six times last night, spoke with six different people, none of whom knew who you were.'*jitters
Smallville: what episode: mr. luthor: 'you think you can find your future in smallville? i'm your future. join me, lex. join me in metropolis. how long have you been waiting to hear me to say those words?' lex: 'i've waited to hear other things from you for a lot longer.i'll return to metropolis when i'm ready.'*stray
Smallville: what episode: mrs. kent: 'i'm not going to play referee, you two need to work this out.' clark: 'we will. first we'll have a week of uncomfortable silence and then we'll start talking about something trivial. and then we'll move on.'*reaper
Smallville: what episode: mrs. kent: 'you can't keep putting your life on hold because of lana.' clark: 'but if she sees me with someone else it's like i'm saying the door is closed.' mrs. kent: 'the door is closed clark. you need to admit that to yourself.'*obscura
Smallville: what episode: nixon: 'lex?' lex: 'you know my name, but i don't know yours.' nixon: 'roger nixon. i work for the inquisitor.' lex: 'when is someone going to put that bad excuse for a tabloid out of its misery?'*tempest
Smallville: what episode: pete: 'i'm not finished. clark didn't just push brain-dead away, he put him through a door, as in splinters and broken hinges. how he did it i still have no idea. the guy was at least twice our size.' chloe: 'clark, any comments?' clark: 'well, we were six years old. twice our size was like three feet tall.'*zero
Smallville: what episode: pete: 'so, did i mention i'm taking erica fox to the spring formal?' clark: 'several times, yes.' pete: 'the hottest girl in our class - just...wanted to make sure that was clear.' clark: 'it is.' pete: 'so you want to know my secret? you do, don't you? i asked her. you ought to try it, clark. getting off your butt is the wave of the future. i gotta go reserve my limo for the spring formal. to which, incidentally, i'm taking erica fox.'*obscura
Smallville: what episode: whitney: 'kent. you realize last night was just a joke, right?' clark: [ignores him] whitney: 'hey. i need that necklace back.' clark: 'i don't have it.' whitney: 'look, it's lana's favorite, so...' clark: 'so you better go out to that cornfield and find it.'*metamorphosis
Smallville: what is chloe's last name*sullivan
Smallville: what is pete's last name*ross
Smallville: what is the last name of the principal at clark kent's school (during season 1)*kwan
Smallville: what is the name of clark kent's paternal grandfather*hiram kent
Smallville: what is the name of the old movie theatre renovated into a coffee shop/teen hangout, managed by lana lang and owned by lex luthor*the talon
Smallville: what is the network from which 'smallville' airs each week*wb
Smallville: what is the smallville high football team*crows
Smallville: what is the smallville high mascott*crow
Smallville: what kind of a job does clark not want when he grows up*one where you have to put on a suit and do a lot of flying
Smallville: what kind of cereal was on the table when clark kent was talking about joining the football team*honey comb
Smallville: what present did lionel luthor give to martha kent*watch
Smallville: what song plays at the end of 'premier'*everything
Smallville: what type of car is lex luthor driving when he hits clark kent*porshe
Smallville: what was lana referring to when she said 'so much bad luck came out of it, there can only be good luck left.'*her necklace
Smallville: what was lana's mother name*laura lang
Smallville: what was smallville known as after the meteor shower*meteor capital of the world!
Smallville: what was smallville known as at the time of the meteor shower*creamed corn capital of the world
Smallville: what was the box that lex luthor put lana lang's necklace in made of*lead
Smallville: what was the name of lana's father (married, not henry small)*lewis lang
Smallville: what was the name of lex luthor's younger brother (not half brother)*julian
Smallville: what was the name of lex' mother*lillian luthor
Smallville: what was the population of smallville at the time of the meteor shower*25001
Smallville: what were pete and clark trying to avoid by trying out for the football team*becomming this years scarecrow
Smallville: when clark's parents were out of town, clark decided to hold a small, intimate gathering for a few of his friends. similar to scenarios in other teen shows/movies, it turned into a huge party full of guests whom even the host didn't invite or know. it was so big, there were even fireworks. who provided them*lex luthor
Smallville: when lana asked clark 'so, what are you man or superman?' what did clark answer*i haven't figured it out yet
Smallville: when lana's parents were hit with a meteor what was lana dressed as*fairy princess
Smallville: when lex had hair, what color was it*red
Smallville: where is smallville filmed*vancouver
Smallville: which college did whitney receive a full scholarship to*kansas state university
Smallville: which episode guest starred jonathan taylor thomas*dichotic
Smallville: who does lana go to live with after her aunt leaves her*chloe
Smallville: who had the 'jitters'*earl jenkins
Smallville: who helped clark kent when he was the 'scarecrow'*lex luthor
Smallville: who killed roger nixon*lex luthor
Smallville: who plays chloe sullivan*allison mack
Smallville: who plays clark kent*tom welling
Smallville: who plays jonathan kent*john schneider
Smallville: who plays lana lang*kristin kreuk
Smallville: who plays martha kent*annette o'toole
Smallville: who plays whitney fordman*eric johnson
Smallville: who said 'i flew over smallville, and for the first time i didn't see a dead end'*lex
Smallville: who started to suck heat out of people after falling into a frozen lake with meteorites*sean kelvin
Smallville: who told clark kent that blue looked good on him*chloe sullivan
Smallville: who wanted revenge on jonathan because his father was on the jury that put him away*volk
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baseball - the boston red______*sox
baseball - the chicago ____*cubs
baseball - the texas _______*rangers
baseball star joe dimaggio married which actress*marilyn monroe
baseball the atlanta ______*braves
baseball the baltimore ______*orioles
baseball the boston ______*red sox
baseball the chicago ______*cubs
baseball the cleveland ______*indians
baseball the florida ______*marlins
baseball the houston ______*astros
baseball the kansas city ______*royals
baseball the milwaukee ______*brewers
baseball the new york ______*mets
baseball the philadelphia ______*phillies
baseball the san diego _______*padres
baseball the st louis ______*cardinals
baseball the texas ______*rangers
baseball the toronto ______*bluejays
baseball: hank aaron received more of what than any other person*personal
baseball: the atlanta ······*braves
baseball: the baltimore ________*orioles
baseball: the baltimore ________.*orioles
baseball: the baltimore ········.*orioles
baseball: the boston ······*red sox
baseball: the chicago ······*cubs
baseball: the cleveland ······*indians
baseball: the florida ······*marlins
baseball: the houston ······*astros
baseball: the kansas city ······*royals
baseball: the milwaukee _______*brewers
baseball: the milwaukee ······*brewers
baseball: the new york ______*mets
baseball: the new york ······*mets
baseball: the philadelphia ······*phillies
baseball: the san diego ·······*padres
baseball: the st. louis ······*cardinals
baseball: the texas ······*rangers
baseball: the toronto _________.*bluejays
baseball: the toronto ·········.*bluejays
baseball: who has appeared in the most world series games*yogi berra
baseball: who holds record of most consecutive games in a season*cal ripken jr
baseball: who won the 1999 american league mvp award*ivan rodriguez
baseball: who won the 1999 national league mvp award*chipper jones
basketball great: wilt*chamberlain
basketball great:___ bird*larry
basketball player len bias, drafted by the boston celtics in 1986, died from an overdose of which drug*cocaine
basketball the boston ___________*celtics
basketball the denver ______*nuggets
basketball the los angeles ______*lakers
basketball the new york _________*knicks
basketball the seattle ______*supersonics
basketball the utah ______*jazz
basketball: _____ bird*larry
basketball: the boston ___________.*celtics
basketball: the boston ···········.*celtics
basketball: the chicago ______*bulls
basketball: the denver ______*nuggets
basketball: the denver _________.*nuggets
basketball: the denver ······*nuggets
basketball: the denver ·········.*nuggets
basketball: the los angeles _________.*lakers
basketball: the los angeles ·········.*lakers
basketball: the milwaukee _______*bucks
basketball: the new york __________*knicks
basketball: the new york __________.*knickerbockers
basketball: the new york ··········.*knicks
basketball: the seattle ________*supersonics
basketball: the seattle ________.*supersonics
basketball: the seattle ········.*supersonics
basketball: the utah ________.*jazz
basketball: the utah ········.*jazz
basketball: what college did michael jordan play for*north carolina
basketball: what former chicago bull constantly changes his hair colour*dennis rodman
sport - in what form of horse-racing are horses not required to jump obstacles*flat racing
sport - in which sport is the alfred dunhill cup contested*golf
sport - martina navaratilova won most doubles trophies with which partner*pam shriver
sport - who was the host of the bbc tv chat series, 'on side'*john inverdale
sport : football: the miami __________*dolphins
sport : he holds the nhl record for the most goals scored during the regular season*wayne gretzky
sport : hockey: the boston ___________*bruins
sport : how many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis*six
sport : how many sides does a home-plate have*five
sport : in which sport is the davis cup awarded*tennis
sport : in which sport is the term, 'hang ten' used*surfing
sport : the white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ________*hash
sport : this sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play*hockey
sport : what is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay*turnover
sport : what sport has a hooker in a scrum*rugby
sport : which nfl team's defensive unit was nicknamed 'the purple people eaters'*the minnesota vikings
sport : who was the 1978 wimbledon women's singles champ*martina navratilova
sport : with which sport is chris evert lloyd identified*tennis
sport of riding on water on sailboard*windsurfing
sport of running across country using map and compass*orienteering
sport resembling hang-gliding using a parachute like canopy attached to the body by a harness*paragliding
sport: in which sport did heather mckay remain unbeaten from 1962 to 1980 winning the british open 16 times and the first two world open championships*squash
sports actors: who played jimmy piersall in fear strikes out*anthony perkins
sports in 'route 101' was the abc pga golf theme for years: played by this trumpeter*herb alpert
sports in daryl hall recorded this song specifically for the usa 94 world cup*gloryland
sports in members of this football team regularly record on huey lewis and the news songs*san francisco 49ers
sports: how many seasons did baseball's brooks robinson play with the baltimore orioles*23
sports: in the 1975 bio-pic about jill kinmount, the other side of the mountain, who played jill's friend, 'mad dog buek'*beau bridges
sports: in what 1986 film did gene hackman play coach norman dale*hoosiers
sports: name the first player ever picked in the initial major league free-agent draft out of high school, college and sandlot players.*rick monday
sports: name the only team to shut out both the cowboys and lions on thanksgiving day.*eagles
sports: prior to the yankees, what was this new york baseball team called*the highlanders
sports: the greatest of all endurance races.*le mans 24-hour race
sports: this is the world's oldest club knockout competition.*the fa cup
sports: what baseball player hit the first all-star home run*babe ruth
sports: what baseball team won the world series in 1957*milwaukee braves
sports: what do the letters al stand for*american league
sports: what game features the largest ball*earthball
sports: what nba team was known as the syracuse nationals*76'ers
sports: what piece of sports equipment is jacques plante credited with inventing*the hockey mask
sports: what sport was the centerpiece of 1994's the air up there*basketball
sports: what team holds the super bowl record for 'most punts'*dallas cowboys
sports: what was the collective name of the wrestlers in 1981's all the marbles*the california dolls
sports: what was the name of the jets before 1963*titans
sports: what year did the chicago cubs last win the world series*1908
sports: what year did the lakers move from minneapolis to los angeles*1960
sports: which rally is considered as the world's leading rally*monte carlo rally
sports: which sport is regarded as producing the first world champion of any sport*real tennis
sports: who holds the nhl record for consecutive wins at 17*pittsburgh penguins
sports: who is second to hank aaron in most career homeruns in the national league*willie mays
sports: who is the only player to win mvp awards in both the aba and nba*julius erving
sports: who starred in the 1983 bio-pic heart like a wheel*bonnie bedelia
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british actress achieved fame in 1971 tv series as elizabeth i*glenda jackson
british actress whose sister is a famous author*joan collins
british artist who painted 'a rake's progress'*hogarth
british central bank nationalised in 1946 renamed to..the*bank of england
british chemist, who isolated and described several gases, including oxygen, and who is considered one of the founders of modern chemistry because of his contributions to experimentation*joseph priestley
british department of state in charge of revenue*exchequer
british engineer who during wwll designed a prefabricated rapidly constructed bridge*bailey
british philosopher and mathmetician who won the nobel prize for literature in 1950*bertrand russell
british rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, the beatles*the rolling stones
british scientist who produced the first electric generator*faraday
british slang: ankle biters means*babies
british slang: banged up means*put in prision
british slang: bender means*drinking spree
british slang: bobbie means*policeman
british slang: bobs means*shillings
british slang: braces means*suspenders
british slang: camp bed means*cot
british slang: don't get your knickers in a twist means*don't get upset
british slang: fanny around means*to muck about and waste time
british slang: gander means*to look at
british slang: hapenny means*half penny
british slang: helter skelter means*children's slide
british slang: keep your pecker up means*stay positive
british slang: nappies means*diapers
british slang: page 3 girl means*a scantilly dressed woman on the third page of a newspaper
british slang: prat means*idiot
british slang: rubbish means*garbage
british slang: secateurs means*gardening shears
british slang: slag means*loose woman
british slang: toodle pip means*good bye
british slang: verge means*shoulder of road
british slang: wellies means*galoshes
british slang: x-directory means*unlisted phone number
british television host, ann robinson, got her start hosting which program*points of view
britain and argentina fought over these islands in 1982.*falklands islands
britain and argentina fought over what islands in 1982*falkland islands
britain what's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called*adsorption
britain's first _______ was installed in harrods in 1878*escalator
britain's first escalator was installed in 1864, 1878 or 1902*1878
britain's first escalator was installed in ____ in 1878*harrods
britain's first space rocket was launched in 1964. what was it called*blue streak
britains first nudist resort opened at which seaside town*brighton
britains say 'tarmac'; americans say ________.*runway
britains say 'tarmac'; americans say ······.*runway
who ruled england at the time of shakespeare*elizabeth i
who ruled england in the period 1066-87*william the conqueror
who ruled england in the period 1087-1100*william ii
who ruled england in the period 1100-35*henry i
who ruled england in the period 1135-54*stephen
who ruled england in the period 1154-89*henry ii
who ruled england in the period 1199-1216*john
who ruled england in the period 1216-72*henry iii
who ruled england in the period 1272-1307*edward i
who ruled england in the period 1307-27*edward ii
who ruled england in the period 1327-77*edward iii
who ruled england in the period 1399-1413*henry iv
who ruled england in the period 1413-22*henry v
who ruled england in the period 1422-61*henry vi
who ruled england in the period 1461-70*edward iv
who ruled england in the period 1470-71*henry vi
who ruled england in the period 1471-83*edward iv
who ruled england in the period 1483-5*richard iii
who ruled england in the period 1485-1509*henry vii
who ruled england in the period 1509-47*henry viii
who ruled england in the period 1603-25*james i
who ruled england in the period 1653-8*oliver cromwell
who ruled england in the period 1658-9*richard cromwell
who ruled england in the period 1685-8*james ii
who ruled england in the period 1689-1702*lliam iii
who ruled england in the period 1714-27*george i
who ruled england in the period 1727-60*george ii
who ruled england in the period 1760-1820*george iii
who ruled england in the period 1820-30*george iv
who ruled england in the period 1837-1901*victoria
who ruled england in the period 1901-10*edward vii
who ruled england in the period 1910-36*george v
who ruled england in the period 1936*edward viii
who ruled england in the period 1936-52*george vi
who ruled england in the period 1952-*elizabeth ii
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us capitals - alabama*montgomery
us capitals - alaska*juneau
us capitals - florida*tallahassee
us capitals - idaho*boise
us capitals - indiana*indianapolis
us capitals - kentucky*frankfort
us capitals - nevada*carson city
us capitals - new york*albany
us capitals - north dakota*bismarck
us capitals - oregon*salem
us capitals - utah*salt lake city
us capitals - washington*olympia
us capitals - wisconsin*madison
us capitals - arkansas*little rock
us capitals - hawaii*honolulu
us capitals - idaho*boise
us capitals - virginia*richmond
us capitals - alabama*montgomery
us capitals - alaska*juneau
us capitals - arizona*phoenix
us capitals - arkansas*little rock
us capitals - califorina*sacramento
us capitals - colorado*denver
us capitals - connecticut*hartford
us capitals - delaware*dover
us capitals - florida*tallahassee
us capitals - georgia*atlanta
us capitals - hawaii*honolulu
us capitals - idaho*boise
us capitals - illinois*springfield
us capitals - indiana*indianapolis
us capitals - iowa*des moines
us capitals - kansas*topeka
us capitals - kentucky*frankfort
us capitals - louisiana*baton rouge
us capitals - maine*augusta
us capitals - maryland*annapolis
us capitals - massachusetts*boston
us capitals - michigan*lansing
us capitals - minnesota*st. paul
us capitals - mississippi*jackson
us capitals - missouri*jefferson city
us capitals - montana*helena
us capitals - nebraska*lincoln
us capitals - nevada*carson city
us capitals - new hampshire*concord
us capitals - new jersey*trenton
us capitals - new mexico*santa fe
us capitals - new york*albany
us capitals - north carolina*raleigh
us capitals - north dakota*bismarck
us capitals - ohio*columbus
us capitals - oklahoma*oklahoma city
us capitals - oregon*salem
us capitals - pennsylvania*harrisburg
us capitals - rhode island*providence
us capitals - south carolina*columbia
us capitals - south dakota*pierre
us capitals - tennessee*nashville
us capitals - texas*austin
us capitals - utah*salt lake city
us capitals - vermont*montpelier
us capitals - virginia*richmond
us capitals - washington*olympia
us capitals - west virginia*charleston
us capitals - wisconsin*madison
us capitals - wyoming*cheyenne
usa resort in which state... palm springs*california
usa resort in which state... west palm beach*florida
usa: in 1838, the city of los angeles passed an ordinance requiring that a man obtain a license before doing this to a woman.*serenading her.
usa: in 1984, this state's state legislature ordered that all gender-specific language, which only referred to one gender, usually men, be removed from the state laws.*minnesota
usa: in kentucky, what is every citizen required by law to do annually*take a bath
usa: in some smaller towns in this state, it is illegal to wear suspenders.*arizona
usa: it is against the law to to do this while you're in a theater in winnetka, illinois.*remove your shoes if your feet smell bad.
usa: when was the u.s constitution drawn up*1787
usa: where did louis & clark's expedition start from*st. louis
usa: where is the headquarters of the national rifle association (nra)*washington, dc
us cities - what are the twin cities*minneapolis and st paul
us cities - what city is known as the river capital of the world*akron
us cities: what are the twin cities*minneapolis and st. paul
us cities: what city is the city of brotherly love*philadelphia
u.s. interstate 10 does not pass through which city*dallas
u.s. president, chester alan ________.*arthur
u.s. president, herbert c. _________.*hoover
u.s. president, john quincy ________.*adams
u.s. president, woodrow __________.*wilson
u.s. president: calvin _________.*coolidge
u.s. state birds: western meadowlark*kansas, montana, nebraska, north dakota, oregon
u.s. state capitals: illinois*springfield
u.s. state capitals: st. paul is the capital of*minnesota
u.s. state mottos: 'liberty and union now and forever, one and inseparable'*north dakota
u.s. state nicknames: beaver state*oregon
u.s. state nicknames: mountain state*west virginia
america's country's first commercial oil well was located in what state*pennsylvania
america's first ___ organization was founded in 1929, by 3 men.*nudist
america's first catholic church was established in 1732 in this city*philadelphia
american actress geena davis almost won a place in the american olympic team; in what sport was she participating*archery
american airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one _______ from each salad served in first-class*olive
american airlines saved 40,000 dollars in 1987 by eliminating what from each salad served in first-class*one olive
american applied mathematician & electrical engineer, noted for his development of the theory of communication now known as information theory*shannon
american artist, grant wood, depicts his dentist, b.h. mckeeby, and his sister nan as a farmer-preacher and daughter in which 1930 painting*american gothic
american authors: among his short stories are 'the open boat' and 'the blue hotel'*stephen crane
american authors: once wrote that every modern american novel is derived from 'huckleberry finn'*ernest hemingway
american authors: this canadian-born author wrote 'the handmaid's tale' and 'rape fantasies'*margaret atwood
american beers - state: abita*louisiana
american beers: oldenberg*kentucky
american burrowing animal with plated body*armadillo
american car horns beep in the tone of*f
american cartoonists: cartoon created by c.c. beck*captain marvel
american composer who wrote the songs for the film 'holiday inn'*irving berlin
american cooking expert, author, & television personality*julia child
american football - the philadelphia*eagles
american football: the chicago*bears
american football: the dallas*cowboys
american football: the denver*broncos
american football: the new england*patriots
american history: of the first 10 presidents, most were from this state.*virginia
american history: what is a xat*totem pole
american indians used beads as currency. what was it called*wampum
american inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone*alexander graham bell
american inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone.*alexander graham bell
american inventor, engineer, & steamboat builder*john stevens
american inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, & motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society*thomas edison
american leopard like cat*ocelot
american mathematician & founder of cybernetics, the study of control & communication in machines, animals, & organizations*wiener
american mathematics professor theodore kacyzinski was arrested for murder in 1997. what was his nickname*the unibomber
american money with serial #'s beginning in 'b' are printed where*new york
american money with serial #'s beginning with 'b' are printed where*new york
american money with serial's beginning in 'b' are printed in _____*new york
american motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners*jack nicholson
american motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners.*jack nicholson
american name for a tap*faucet
american physicist & government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs*j robert oppenheimer
american pioneer, who was killed while defending the alamo*james bowie
american police have swat teams, what do the initials stand for*special weapons & tactics
american politician who was vice-president to jimmy carter*mondale
american red indians used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their _____ subsequent to the birth. hence such strange names as sitting bull and running water*tepees
american revolution: british commander in chief (1775-1778) who took major cities like new york (1776) and philadelphia (1777).*william howe
american revolution: he negotiated the treaty that removed british troops from forts west of the colonies in 1794.*john jay
american revolution: this crucial naval victory by ______ ______ in 1778 allowed the french to mobilize their fleet to america.*louis guillouet
american rocket engineer, born in worcester, massachusetts, & educated at worcester polytechnic institute & clark university*goddard
american songbook: 'and each time i leave, chicago is grabbin' my sleeve...'*my kind of town/cahn
american songbook: 'isn't it rich, are we a pair, me here at last on the ground, you in mid-air'*send in the clowns/sondheim
american songbook: 'now when i was a young boy, at the age of five, my mother told me...'*mannish boy/waters
american songbook: 'out of the tree of life i just kicked me a plum...'*the best is yet to come/coleman
american thanksgiving celebrations are held in which month*november
american word for spring onion*scallion
americans call it a faucet. what do the british call it*a tap
americans call the game checkers. in england it is better known as what*draughts
americans consume 42 tons of ____ per day*aspirin
americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day*forty two
americans eat 20.7 pounds of ____ per person annually. the dutch eat three times as much.*candy
americans eat approximately 100 acres of what each day*pizza
americans say 'gasoline', but the british say*petrol
americans say 'oatmeal or mush', but canadians say*porridge
americans say 'radio', but the british say*wireless
americans say 'resume', but the british say*curriculum vitae
americans say 'shades', but canadians say*blinds
americans say 'show', but the british say*cinema
americans say 'subway tunnel', but the british say*tube
americans say runway, britons say ______*tarmac
americans spend approximately how much each year on beer*$25 billion
americans spend more than how much a year on cosmetics, toiletries, beauty parlors & barber shops*52 million
americans spent over $360 million in 1982 to avoid having*bad breath
americans spent over how much in 1982 to avoid having bad breath*$360 million
americans spent over million in 1982 to avoid having*bad breath
americans spent roughly how much dining out in 1993*$267 billion
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