1 Religious. Heres how to get closer to god! [general knowledge] who is the patron saint of doctors*luke in 1958 st. clare of ---------- declared patron saint of television.*assissi in 461 st patrick - the patron saint of ---------- - died in saul.*ireland in this country, st. nicholas is known as the patron saint of sailors. his clothes are supposed to be soaked in seawater and sweat because he has been busy rescuing sinking ships from rough seas.*greece many female children are named 'friday' after which patron saint of oxford*st frideswide mary magdalene is the patron saint of ______*prostitutes name the patron saints of the four countries in the british isles*saints andrew, david, george, patrick of what is st clare patron saint of*television patron saints: painters*saint luke patron saints: tv workers*saint gabriel saint cecilia is the patron saint of music. who wrote a song called 'cecilia' in the 1960s*paul simon saint vladimir is the patron saint of what country*russia st bernard the patron saint of _____*skiers st cecilia is the patron saint of what*music st christopher the patron saint ______*travellers st frideswide the patron saint ______*oxford st frideswide the patron saint of ______*oxford st frideswide the patron saint ······*oxford st george is the patron saint of england and which other country*portugal st nicholas is the patron saint of ______*children st nicholas, the original father christmas, is the patron saint of thieves, virgins and communist*russia st patrick the patron saint ______*ireland st patrick the patron saint of ······*ireland st patrick, the patron saint of ireland, was not*irish st. bernard the patron saint of ·····*skiers st. patrick is the patron saint of ______*ireland what is st clare patron saint of*television what part of britain is st. david the patron saint of*wales what scottish city's patron saint is st mungo*glasgow who are the patron saints of the four countries in the british isles*andrew, david, george and patrick who is considered the patron saint of travellers*st christopher who is the patron saint of accountants*st matthew who is the patron saint of actors*st genesius who is the patron saint of adopted children*st thomas more who is the patron saint of advocates*st ives who is the patron saint of african americans*st martin de porres who is the patron saint of aids*st roque who is the patron saint of alpinists*st bernard who is the patron saint of altar servers*st john berchman who is the patron saint of america*miraculous who is the patron saint of ammunition workers*st barbara who is the patron saint of amputees*st anthony who is the patron saint of animal welfare soc*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of animals*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of apostleship of prayer*st francis who is the patron saint of apothecaries*st raphael who is the patron saint of apple orchards*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of archaeologists*st helen who is the patron saint of archers*st sebastian who is the patron saint of architects*st barbara who is the patron saint of arrowsmiths*st sebastian who is the patron saint of art sealers*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of arthritis*st james who is the patron saint of artillery*st barbara who is the patron saint of artists*st catherine who is the patron saint of artists and painters*st luke who is the patron saint of asia minor*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of astronomers*st dominic who is the patron saint of athletes*st sebastian who is the patron saint of australia*st francis who is the patron saint of austria*st stephen who is the patron saint of authors*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of automobiles*st christopher who is the patron saint of aviators*our lady of loretto who is the patron saint of bachelors*st christopher who is the patron saint of bakers*st elizabeth who is the patron saint of bankers*st matthew who is the patron saint of barbers*st cosmas who is the patron saint of barren women*st anthony who is the patron saint of battle*st michael who is the patron saint of belgium*st joseph who is the patron saint of birds*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of blacksmiths*st james who is the patron saint of blindness*st lawrence who is the patron saint of bookbinders*st sebastian who is the patron saint of bookkeepers*st matthew who is the patron saint of booksellers*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of borneo*st francis who is the patron saint of boy scouts*st george who is the patron saint of brass workers*st barbara who is the patron saint of brazil*miraculous who is the patron saint of brewers*st nicholas who is the patron saint of bricklayers*st stephen who is the patron saint of brides*st dorothy who is the patron saint of bridge builders*st peter who is the patron saint of builders*st barbara who is the patron saint of bus drivers*st christopher who is the patron saint of butchers*st anthony who is the patron saint of cabinet makers*st anne who is the patron saint of canada*st anne who is the patron saint of cancer patients*st peregrine who is the patron saint of canonists*st robert who is the patron saint of carpenters*joseph who is the patron saint of casket makers*st stephen who is the patron saint of catechist*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of catholic action*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of catholic education*st john neumann who is the patron saint of catholic universities*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of cattle diseases*st sebastian who is the patron saint of cavalry*st george who is the patron saint of cemetery workers*st anthony who is the patron saint of ceylon*st lawrence who is the patron saint of charitable societies*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of charity*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of chemical industries*sts cosmas & damian who is the patron saint of children*st. nicholas who is the patron saint of chile*st james who is the patron saint of china*st francis who is the patron saint of chivalry*st george who is the patron saint of choir members*st dominic who is the patron saint of civil servants*st thomas more who is the patron saint of clear weather*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of clergy*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of clock makers*st peter who is the patron saint of colic*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of comedians*st genesius who is the patron saint of composers*st cecile who is the patron saint of compositors*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of confectioners*st joseph who is the patron saint of confessors*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of congo*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of converts*st jason who is the patron saint of cooks*st lawrence who is the patron saint of cooks and housewives*st martha who is the patron saint of coopers*st nicholas who is the patron saint of counsel*holy spirit who is the patron saint of countesses*st elizabeth who is the patron saint of court workers*st thomas more who is the patron saint of cutters*st lucy who is the patron saint of dancers*st genesius who is the patron saint of dancing teachers*st genesius who is the patron saint of deaf*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of desperation*st jude who is the patron saint of difficult century*st maximilian kolbe who is the patron saint of difficult marriages*st thomas more who is the patron saint of doctors*st luke who is the patron saint of dog bite*st hubert who is the patron saint of dog fanciers*st roque who is the patron saint of domestic animals*st anthony who is the patron saint of domestic missions*st francis who is the patron saint of dominican order*st dominic who is the patron saint of doubt*st joseph who is the patron saint of druggists*sts cosmas & damian who is the patron saint of dying*st joseph who is the patron saint of emigrants*st francis who is the patron saint of enemies of religion*st sebastian who is the patron saint of engineers*st joseph who is the patron saint of england*st george who is the patron saint of engravers*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of enlightenment*our lady of good counsel who is the patron saint of epilepsy*st genesius who is the patron saint of equador*scapular who is the patron saint of europe*saint benedict who is the patron saint of expectant mothers*st gerard who is the patron saint of eye diseases*straphael & st lucy who is the patron saint of eyes*st lucy who is the patron saint of faith in blessed sacrament*st anthony who is the patron saint of falsely accused*st elisabeth who is the patron saint of families*st joseph who is the patron saint of families of addicts*st maximilian kolbe who is the patron saint of family harmony*st dymphna who is the patron saint of farmers*st george who is the patron saint of fear of the lord*holy spirit who is the patron saint of fever*st peter who is the patron saint of fire*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of firefighters*st florian who is the patron saint of fireworks*st barbara who is the patron saint of fishermen*st andrew who is the patron saint of florists*st dorothy who is the patron saint of flyers*our lady of loretto who is the patron saint of foot trouble*st peter who is the patron saint of foreign missions*st francis who is the patron saint of fortifications*st barbara who is the patron saint of fortitude*holy spirit who is the patron saint of founders*st barbara who is the patron saint of france*st joan of arc who is the patron saint of frenzy*st peter who is the patron saint of funeral directors*st sebastian who is the patron saint of gardeners*st dorothy who is the patron saint of germany*st michael who is the patron saint of glass industry*st luke who is the patron saint of glaziers*st mark who is the patron saint of goldsmiths*st luke who is the patron saint of gout*st andrew who is the patron saint of grandmothers*st anne who is the patron saint of grave diggers*st anthony who is the patron saint of greece*st nicholas who is the patron saint of grocers*st michael who is the patron saint of gunners*st barbara who is the patron saint of hairstylists*st martin de porres who is the patron saint of happy death*st joseph who is the patron saint of happy meetings*st raphael who is the patron saint of hardware*st sebastian who is the patron saint of hazards of traveling*st christopher who is the patron saint of headaches*st dennis who is the patron saint of healing of wounds*st rita who is the patron saint of hesitation*st joseph who is the patron saint of home builders*our lady of loretto who is the patron saint of homeless*st benedict who is the patron saint of hopeless cases*st jude who is the patron saint of hopeless causes*st jude who is the patron saint of horseriders*st anne who is the patron saint of hospital administrators*st francis who is the patron saint of hospital workers*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of hospitals*st camillus who is the patron saint of housekeepers*st anne who is the patron saint of housewives*st anne who is the patron saint of hungary*miraculous who is the patron saint of hunters*st hubert who is the patron saint of immigrants*st francis who is the patron saint of impenitence*st barbara who is the patron saint of impossible situations*st jude who is the patron saint of insanity*st dymphna who is the patron saint of invalids*st roque who is the patron saint of ireland*st. patrick who is the patron saint of iron workers*st sebastian who is the patron saint of jewelers*st luke who is the patron saint of journalists*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of judges*st ives who is the patron saint of knowledge holy*holy spirit who is the patron saint of laborers*st james who is the patron saint of lace makers*our lady of loretto who is the patron saint of latin america*st rose of lima who is the patron saint of lawyers*st genesius who is the patron saint of lead workers*st sebastian who is the patron saint of leather workers*st catherine who is the patron saint of lepers*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of librarians*saint jerome who is the patron saint of lightning*st barbara who is the patron saint of lithographers*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of loneliness*st rita who is the patron saint of long life*st peter who is the patron saint of lost articles*st anthony who is the patron saint of lovers*saint valentine who is the patron saint of lumbago*st lawrence who is the patron saint of machinists*st hubert who is the patron saint of mariners*st brendan who is the patron saint of married couples*st joseph who is the patron saint of masons*st peter who is the patron saint of mass servers*st john berchman who is the patron saint of mathematicians*st hubert who is the patron saint of medical records librarian*st raymond who is the patron saint of medical technicians*st albert who is the patron saint of medical technologists*st albert who is the patron saint of mental illness*st dymphna who is the patron saint of merchants*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of miners*st barbara who is the patron saint of missioners*st francis who is the patron saint of monastics*st benedict who is the patron saint of monks*st benedict who is the patron saint of montebanks*st genesius who is the patron saint of mothers*st anne who is the patron saint of motorcyclists*miraculous who is the patron saint of motorists*st christopher who is the patron saint of mountain*st bernard who is the patron saint of musicians*st cecilia who is the patron saint of navigators*star of the sea who is the patron saint of needle workers*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of nerves*st dymphna who is the patron saint of net makers*st peter who is the patron saint of never failing hope*our lady of perpetual help who is the patron saint of new zealand*st francis who is the patron saint of norway*olaf who is the patron saint of notaries*st ives who is the patron saint of nurses*st camillus who is the patron saint of nursing services*st elizabeth who is the patron saint of obstetricians*st raymond who is the patron saint of organ makers*st genesius who is the patron saint of orphans*st louise who is the patron saint of painters*st luke who is the patron saint of paper makers*st john the evangelist who is the patron saint of paratroopers*st michael who is the patron saint of paris*genevieve who is the patron saint of parish priests*st john vianney who is the patron saint of pawn brokers*st nicholas who is the patron saint of peasants*st lucy who is the patron saint of peddlers*st lucy who is the patron saint of pencil makers*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of peril at sea*st michael who is the patron saint of peru*st joseph who is the patron saint of pharmacists*st cosmas who is the patron saint of philippines*st rose of lima who is the patron saint of philosophers*st catherine who is the patron saint of physicians*sts. cosmas & damian who is the patron saint of piety*holy spirit who is the patron saint of pilgrims*st james who is the patron saint of pioneers*st joseph who is the patron saint of plague*st roque who is the patron saint of plague patients*st sebastian who is the patron saint of poisoning*st benedict who is the patron saint of police officers*st michael who is the patron saint of poor*st anthony who is the patron saint of porters*st christopher who is the patron saint of portugal*miraculous who is the patron saint of potters*st sebastian who is the patron saint of pregnant women*st gerard who is the patron saint of press*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of priests*st john vianney who is the patron saint of prisoners*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of prophecy*st daniel who is the patron saint of prostitutes*mary magdalene who is the patron saint of public relations hospitals*st paul who is the patron saint of publishers*st paul who is the patron saint of racquet makers*st sebastian who is the patron saint of radiologists*st michael who is the patron saint of rape victims*st dymphna who is the patron saint of rheumatism*st james who is the patron saint of runaways*st dymphna who is the patron saint of russia*st nicholas who is the patron saint of sacred music and musicians*saint cecilia who is the patron saint of saddlers*st lucy who is the patron saint of safe journey*st raphael who is the patron saint of sailors*star of the sea who is the patron saint of salespeople*st lucy who is the patron saint of scholars*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of school student*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of schools*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of scientists*st albert who is the patron saint of scotland*st andrew who is the patron saint of scribes*st catherine who is the patron saint of sculptors*st luke who is the patron saint of seafarers*st brendan who is the patron saint of secretaries*st catherine who is the patron saint of secular priests*st john vianney who is the patron saint of seminarians*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of servicewomen*st joan of arc who is the patron saint of sheep raisers*st raphael who is the patron saint of ship builders*st peter who is the patron saint of shoemakers*saint crispin who is the patron saint of sicily*st nicholas who is the patron saint of sick*st camillus who is the patron saint of sick poor*st martin de porres who is the patron saint of sickness*st camillus who is the patron saint of singers*st gregory who is the patron saint of single women*st andrew who is the patron saint of skiers*st. bernard who is the patron saint of skin diseases*st peregrine who is the patron saint of snake bite*st patrick who is the patron saint of soldiers*st george who is the patron saint of solitary death*st francis of assisi who is the patron saint of south america*st rose of lima who is the patron saint of spain*st james who is the patron saint of speleologists*st benedict who is the patron saint of spiritual directors*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of spiritual help*st vincent de paul who is the patron saint of stained glass workers*st mark who is the patron saint of stationers*st peter who is the patron saint of stenographers*st catherine who is the patron saint of stepparents*st thomas more who is the patron saint of stockbrokers*st matthew who is the patron saint of stomach trouble*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of stone masons*st barbara who is the patron saint of stone workers*st stephen who is the patron saint of storms*st barbara who is the patron saint of sudden death*st barbara who is the patron saint of surgeons*st luke who is the patron saint of swans*st sebastian who is the patron saint of switzerland*st nicholas who is the patron saint of tanners*st james who is the patron saint of tax collectors*matthew who is the patron saint of teachers*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of television*saint claire who is the patron saint of temptation*st michael who is the patron saint of tertiaries*st elizabeth who is the patron saint of theologians*st thomas aquinas who is the patron saint of thieves*st nicholas who is the patron saint of throat*st cecile who is the patron saint of tongue*st catherine who is the patron saint of toothache*st patrick who is the patron saint of travel*st christopher who is the patron saint of travelers*st christopher who is the patron saint of travellers*st. christopher who is the patron saint of truck drivers*st christopher who is the patron saint of tuberculosis*st theresa who is the patron saint of tumors*st rita who is the patron saint of ulcers*st charles borromeo who is the patron saint of understanding*holy spirit who is the patron saint of united states*miraculous who is the patron saint of universal church*st joseph who is the patron saint of unruly children*st sebastian who is the patron saint of vanity*st rose of lima who is the patron saint of veterinarians*st james who is the patron saint of virgins*miraculous who is the patron saint of vocalists*st cecile who is the patron saint of wales*st. david who is the patron saint of warehouses*st barbara who is the patron saint of widowers*st thomas more who is the patron saint of widows*st louise who is the patron saint of wine makers*st nicholas who is the patron saint of winemakers*st francis who is the patron saint of wisdom*holy spirit who is the patron saint of wolves*st peter who is the patron saint of women in labor*st anne who is the patron saint of workers*st joseph who is the patron saint of writers*st francis de sales who is the patron saint of yachtsmen*star of the sea who is the patron saint of youth*st john berchman who's considered the patron saint of travellers*christopher who's the patron saint of scotland*andrew who, recently, has been appointed as patron saint of politicians*thomas moore