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1 find the common word int these phrases
what word links these: account, direct, expenses*current
what word links these: air, book, prison*open
what word links these: air, breaker, lightning*strike
what word links these: ale, beer, root*ginger
what word links these: alter, maniac, trip*ego
what word links these: ambulance, field, pocket*air
what word links these: america, cross, quarter*latin
what word links these: angle, shy, trick*camera
what word links these: angle, speed, trick*camera
what word links these: apple, home, sherry*cooking
what word links these: arch, auckland, kings*bishop
what word links these: arithmetic, block, note*mental
what word links these: armada, guitar, onion*spanish
what word links these: arum, tiger, water*lilies
what word links these: aunt, britain, expectations*great
what word links these: back, share, snow*plough
what word links these: badge, book, technical*merit
what word links these: bag, flying, slipper*carpet
what word links these: baking. broad, lightning*sheet
what word links these: band, committee, few*select
what word links these: bank, boat, yellow*river
what word links these: bank, floor, stage*manager
what word links these: bar, cereal, continental*breakfast
what word links these: barrier, bite, track*sound
what word links these: basket, lunch, site*picnic
what word links these: battery, rain, test*acid
what word links these: beach, hand, rail*towel
what word links these: bean, cast, side*broad
what word links these: beard, collar, danube*blue
what word links these: beauty, talent, world*natural
what word links these: begging, box, love*letter
what word links these: bell, one-horse, ride*sleigh
what word links these: belly, fan, tap*dancer
what word links these: best, boy, cross*george
what word links these: best, old, pen*friend
what word links these: bird's, egg, love*nest
what word links these: birthday, follow, track*suit
what word links these: bishop, rival, wheel*arch
what word links these: bite, garter, rattle*snake
what word links these: bitter, tooth, william*sweet
what word links these: black, day, witches*sabbath
what word links these: black, parlour, queen*beauty
what word links these: blossom, juice, peel*orange
what word links these: board, bulldog, paper*clip
what word links these: board, poster, spoon*bill
what word links these: boots, islnd, rat*desert
what word links these: bowl, little, ring*finger
what word links these: box, capital, head*letter
what word links these: box, cube, pack*ice
what word links these: box, foreign, home*office
what word links these: boxing, cabinet, eye*shadow
what word links these: branch, deliver, effects*special
what word links these: branch, green, oil*olive
what word links these: bronte, princess, queen*anne
what word links these: brother, gloves, skin*kid
what word links these: brush, jack, coal*tar
what word links these: bubble, shield, tree*gum
what word links these: bumper, cable, racing*car
what word links these: burglar, clock, false*alarm
what word links these: bush, forest, lone*ranger
what word links these: busy, honey, keeper*bee
what word links these: butter, napoleon, snap*brandy
what word links these: cab, frequency, station*radio
what word links these: cab, meter, rank*taxi
what word links these: cake, fish, guardian*angel
what word links these: cake, marble, paving*slab
what word links these: cake, tea, egg*cup
what word links these: cameo, pain, road*relief
what word links these: canary, channel, falkland*islands
what word links these: car, column, vehicle*armoured
what word links these: card, house, school*boarding
what word links these: cardianl, deadly, original*sin
what word links these: cart, cooking, crab*apple
what word links these: castor, cooking, olive*oil
what word links these: catcher, poison, race*rat
what word links these: cavalry, chore, name*household
what word links these: centre, certificate, record*medical
what word links these: chamois, jacket, shoe*leather
what word links these: charmer, rattle, skin*snake
what word links these: chemical, heating, rogue*element
what word links these: cheque, double, out*crossed
what word links these: cherry, napoleon, snap*brandy
what word links these: chest, china, high*tea
what word links these: chestnut, chicken, pot*roast
what word links these: chick, shooter, soup*pea
what word links these: childhood, coming, sight*second
what word links these: christian, pen, proper*name
what word links these: christmas, cream, fire*cracker
what word links these: christmas, families, hour*happy
what word links these: cigarette, fuel, gas*lighter
what word links these: closing, night, warning*early
what word links these: club, good, hazard*health
what word links these: coat, power, walk*over
what word links these: code, danger, industrial*area
what word links these: coffee, sea, stew*irish
what word links these: comfort, master, railway*station
what word links these: comic, singer, soap*opera
what word links these: company, film, managing*director
what word links these: company, general, musical*director
what word links these: conscience, party, secret*guilty
what word links these: conscience, party, verdict*guilty
what word links these: consultation, entrance, licence*fee
what word links these: contact, liner, witness*eye
what word links these: contract, dodger, proposal*draft
what word links these: country, indies, wild*west
what word links these: cousin, nature, thoughts*second
what word links these: cover, film, special*extra
what word links these: cream, currency, file*single
what word links these: credibility, generation, year*gap
what word links these: cuckoo, dandelion, grandfather*clocks
what word links these: cut, first, personal*choice
what word links these: damp, easyer, trot*rising
what word links these: dance, enquiry, operation*routine
what word links these: dark, rocking, trojan*horse
what word links these: dateline, rescue, rugby*international
what word links these: decision, nappy, nettle*rash
what word links these: deck, path, recorder*flight
what word links these: dennis, men, street*wise
what word links these: detector, fatigue, work*metal
what word links these: detector, polish, scrap*metal
what word links these: difference, ice, old*age
what word links these: diner, porter, sink*kitchen
what word links these: doctor, hazel, hunt*witch
what word links these: dog, salad, school*days
what word links these: doing, king's, minded*evil
what word links these: dress, garden, offer*formal
what word links these: dress, lock, night*shift
what word links these: drop, rain, sulphuric*acid
what word links these: ear, kettle, side*drum
what word links these: elbow, gun, monkey*grease
what word links these: elbow, lawn, shoe*tennis
what word links these: empire, isles, museum*british
what word links these: end, freeze, skin*deep
what word links these: equity, feedback, sign*negative
what word links these: escape, nut, serving*hatch
what word links these: evadne, joint, strap*hinge
what word links these: evening, first, limited*edition
what word links these: evil, private, witness*eye
what word links these: face, round, time*about
what word links these: field, meat,task*force
what word links these: finger, happy, off*trigger
what word links these: fire, steam, traction*engine
what word links these: flag, food, public*convenience
what word links these: folk, man, touch*gentle
what word links these: force, licence, seat*driving
what word links these: forth, plate, side*river
what word links these: fraction, solution, truth*simple
what word links these: free, model, political*demonstration
what word links these: french, shore, sick*leave
what word links these: fried, paper, pudding*rice
what word links these: front, lion, scout*sea
what word links these: full, furnace, off*blast
what word links these: full, income, tights*support
what word links these: gains, offence, punishment*capital
what word links these: games, group, scarlet*captain
what word links these: gamma, gun, sting*ray
what word links these: garden, house, starting*gate
what word links these: gas, glove, timer*oven
what word links these: gnome, kitchen, party*garden
what word links these: grease, room, tennis*elbow
what word links these: green, president, shire*lincoln
what word links these: growth, policy, recovery*economic
what word links these: hen, reverend, tongue*mother
what word links these: high, mark, turning*tide
what word links these: hog, map, sweeper*road
what word links these: hole, low, skeleton*key
what word links these: horn, leather, polish*shoe
what word links these: horse, shoes, spoon*wooden
what word links these: hundred, light, watching*weight
what word links these: inch, metal, set*square
what word links these: inclusive, know, rounder*all
what word links these: indian, invisible, pad*ink
what word links these: jack, soviet, trade*union
what word links these: jacket, neck, patent*leather
what word links these: job, pudding, victoria*plum
what word links these: kate, stirling, stitch*moss
what word links these: killer, number, rights*serial
what word links these: ladder, seat, shop*bucket
what word links these: land, salvation, territorial*army
what word links these: leaf, sugar, syrup*maple
what word links these: legal, lower, speed*limit
what word links these: licence, seat, wheel*driving
what word links these: lighthouse, wicket, zoo*keeper
what word links these: list, money, signals*danger
what word links these: living, smoking, sitting*room
what word links these: loyal, master, rack*toast
what word links these: machine, powder, soda*washing
what word links these: major, model, small*scale
what word links these: man, moving, practise*target
what word links these: manager, record, team*player
what word links these: meal, set, work*piece
what word links these: modern, scan, violet*ultra
what word links these: mother, quake, worm*earth
what word links these: motor, rag, secret*trade
what word links these: mountain, nursery, ski*slopes
what word links these: national, syndicate, ticket*lottery
what word links these: operating, puppet, sister*theatre
what word links these: overnight, rate, story*success
what word links these: patient, school, secretary*private
what word links these: picture, shop, turkey*talking
what word links these: pillow, remedy, tea*herbal
what word links these: piping, seat, tip*hot
what word links these: record, side, suit*track
what word links these: republic, skin, split*banana
what word links these: secret, station, tea*service
what word links these: squad, watch, wave*crime
what word links these: storm, surgeon, wash*brain
what word links abatement, levels, white*noise
what word links above, crew, glass*cut
what word links acid, pilot, screen*test
what word links added, judgement, market*value
what word links after, bud, good*taste
what word links age, black and bucket*ice
what word links america, primer, quarter*latin
what word links angel, duke, rival*arch
what word links animal, line, popper*party
what word links baby's, disposable, rash*nappy
what word links baby, battle, wolf*cry
what word links back, out, proof*splash
what word links bad, job, parking*lot
what word links bag, fire, natural*gas
what word links ball, buggy, hut*beach
what word links balm, bitter, grass*lemon
what word links banquet, sorry, welfare*state
what word links bar, biscuit, drinking*chocolate
what word links bar, milking, pigeon*stool
what word links basement, iron and tyre*flat
what word links bath, bowl, jacket*dust
what word links bath, door, place*mat
what word links bath, seed, table*bird
what word links battle, ice, pick*axe
what word links bean, mould, royal*jelly
what word links bearer, blow, light*torch
what word links beauty, no, talent*contest
what word links bed, light, roof*sun
what word links bee, comb and moon*honey
what word links belt, insurance, line*life
what word links benefit, brain, bride*child
what word links bet, near, saddle*side
what word links big, hold and nail*toe
what word links blade, board, off*switch
what word links blanket, chain, cross*stitch
what word links block, foreign, junior*office
what word links blonde, wednesday and tray*ash
what word links blood, insurance and story*life
what word links board, dip, straw*cheese
what word links board, pad, skeleton*key
what word links bolt, cloud, storm*thunder
what word links bone, gossip, speed*idle
what word links book, cabin and fire*log
what word links book, ground, rebate*rent
what word links book, home, postal*address
what word links boot, dog and rest*leg
what word links bottle, chocolate, pan*milk
what word links box, capital, love*letter
what word links box, chairs, instrument*musical
what word links break, keel, number*even
what word links broken, rose, setter*english
what word links bronze, gap, old*age
what word links brow, opinion and tide*low
what word links bucket, dry, pick*ice
what word links buff, centre, pop*music
what word links bunny, egg, island*easter
what word links cab, driver, rank*taxi
what word links cafe, policy, public*transport
what word links cake, fish, guardian*angel
what word links campaigner, car, war*veteran
what word links cap, deep, pad*knee
what word links card, news and progress*report
what word links cattle, iron, national*grid
what word links centre, gas, optic*nerve
what word links chamber, location, sounder*echo
what word links chance, nature, split*second
what word links change, cut, story*short
what word links charm, language, weapons*offensive
what word links chemical, heating, rogue*element
what word links chicken, plate, stroke*breast
what word links chocolate, crow and saloon*bar
what word links chocolate, favourite and potato*hot
what word links circle, precious and skimmed*semi
what word links civil, tied and twister*tongue
what word links clerical, printing, typing*error
what word links clerical,personal, shop*assistant
what word links close, mountain, rifle*range
what word links cocktail, project, transfer*manhatten
what word links code, conservation and office*area
what word links code, sinister, tender*bar
what word links cold, land, market*common
what word links contract, hand, warning*written
what word links corner, gem, mill*stone
what word links cow, hop and tent*bell
what word links cracker, ice, soda*cream
what word links crop, fall, house*out
what word links current, world, writer*under
what word links days, dressing, side*salad
what word links decay, milk, paste*tooth
what word links detail, offence and road*minor
what word links diamond, guide, justice*rough
what word links diary, garden, society*secret
what word links difference, golden, post*goal
what word links discount, room, skeleton*staff
what word links dog, flea, wing*collar
what word links door, phrase and word*catch
what word links door, step, week*next
what word links draw, rope, swing*bridge
what word links drinks, minister, shadow*cabinet
what word links drop, test, tongue*acid
what word links electric, stitch and television*cable
what word links element, elephant, trader*rogue
what word links emergency, permit, poll*exit
what word links empire, nose, numerals*roman
what word links exchange, grant, law*student
what word links eye, hind, see*sight
what word links fair, rate, student*exchange
what word links false, milk, wisdom*teeth
what word links father, head and skater*figure
what word links fault, muff, patrol*foot
what word links film, ordinary, time*extra
what word links flower, ginger, stitch*stem
what word links fountain, friend, pusher*pen
what word links free, model, political*demonstration
what word links free, officer, stamp*duty
what word links freezer, medicine, tea*chest
what word links game, nasty, recorder*video
what word links gate, gnome, rock*garden
what word links george, patron, plaster*saint
what word links glass, happy, zero*hour
what word links grand, old, school*masters
what word links green, lasting, present*ever
what word links group, private, target*practice
what word links guide, hard, man*lines
what word links hand, home, well*made
what word links hate, name, shop*pet
what word links hold, nail, peep*toe
what word links holy, lamp, level*spirit
what word links horse, leg and spoon*wooden
what word links horse, number, sided*one
what word links horse, salt, weed*sea
what word links industrial, trust, vanity*unit
what word links ingredient, service, volcano*active
what word links invisible, spot, well*ink
what word links jumbo, phantom, stream*jet
what word links language, road, star*sign
what word links luck, rock and shoulder*hard
what word links lunch, table and warp*time
what word links mask, natural and poisonous*gas
what word links measures, prejudice, unction*extreme
what word links minstrels, national, tate*gallery
what word links modern, near, world*miss
what word links motor, path, spin*cycle
what word links mouse, offside and parent*trap
what word links neck, pony and water*polo
what word links off, number and way*one
what word links pattern, performance and prescription*repeat
what word links police, railway, wagon*station
what word links pop, practice, therapy*group
what word links post, school, touch*finishing
what word links price, short, throat*cut
what word links reader, relief, street*map
what word links rig, skin and slick*oil
what word links rough, silent, special*treatment
what word links sheets, stitch, wood*satin
what word links shoulder, snap, storage*cold
what word links these three, base, room and basket*ball
what word links what word links blanca, brava, rica*costa