1079 lines
30 KiB
Executable file
1079 lines
30 KiB
Executable file
/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
/** TriviaServ.c
* Trivia Service for NeoStats
#include "neostats.h" /* Neostats API */
#include "modconfig.h"
#include "TriviaServ.h"
#include <strings.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
static int tvs_get_settings();
static void tvs_parse_questions();
static int tvs_about();
static int tvs_version();
static int tvs_chans();
static int tvs_catlist();
static TriviaChan *FindTChan(char *);
static TriviaChan *NewTChan(Chans *);
static int SaveTChan (TriviaChan *);
static int DelTChan(char *);
int PartChan(char **av, int ac);
int NewChan(char **av, int ac);
static TriviaChan *OnlineTChan(Chans *c);
static void tvs_sendhelp(char *);
static void tvs_sendscore(char *, TriviaChan *);
static void tvs_sendhint(char *, TriviaChan *);
static void tvs_starttriv(char *, TriviaChan *);
static void tvs_stoptriv(char *, TriviaChan *);
static void tvs_set(char *, TriviaChan *, char **, int );
static void tvs_newquest(TriviaChan *);
static void tvs_ansquest(TriviaChan *);
static int tvs_doregex(Questions *, char *);
static void tvs_testanswer(char *origin, TriviaChan *tc, char *line);
static void do_hint(TriviaChan *tc);
static void obscure_question(TriviaChan *tc);
static ModUser *tvs_bot;
/** Module Info definition
* Information about our module
* This structure is required for your module to load and run on NeoStats
ModuleInfo __module_info = {
"Triva Service for NeoStats.",
Functions __module_functions[] = {
static bot_cmd tvs_commands[]=
{"ABOUT", tvs_about, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, tvs_help_about, tvs_help_about_oneline },
{"VERSION", tvs_version, 0, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, tvs_help_version, tvs_help_version_oneline },
{"CHANS", tvs_chans, 1, NS_ULEVEL_OPER, tvs_help_chans, tvs_help_chans_oneline },
{"CATLIST", tvs_catlist, 0, 0, tvs_help_catlist, tvs_help_catlist_oneline },
static bot_setting tvs_settings[]=
{"NICK", &s_TriviaServ, SET_TYPE_NICK, 0, MAXNICK, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Nick", NULL, ns_help_set_nick },
{"USER", &TriviaServ.user, SET_TYPE_USER, 0, MAXUSER, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "User", NULL, ns_help_set_user },
{"HOST", &TriviaServ.host, SET_TYPE_HOST, 0, MAXHOST, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Host", NULL, ns_help_set_host },
{"REALNAME", &TriviaServ.realname, SET_TYPE_REALNAME, 0, MAXREALNAME, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "RealName", NULL, ns_help_set_realname },
{"USEEXCLUSIONS", &TriviaServ.use_exc, SET_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0, 0, NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN, "Exclusions", NULL, tvs_help_set_exclusions },
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
static int tvs_about(User * u, char **av, int ac)
privmsg_list(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, tvs_help_about);
return 1;
static int tvs_version(User * u, char **av, int ac)
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "\2%s Version Information\2", s_TriviaServ);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "%s Version: %s Compiled %s at %s", __module_info.module_name,
__module_info.module_version, __module_info.module_build_date, __module_info.module_build_time);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "http://www.neostats.net");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Loaded %ld Questions out of %ld files", TriviaServ.Questions, (long)list_count(qfl));
return 1;
static int tvs_catlist(User *u, char **av, int ac) {
lnode_t *lnode;
QuestionFiles *qf;
lnode = list_first(qfl);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Question Categories (%d):", (int)list_count(qfl));
while (lnode != NULL) {
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "%s) %s Questions: %d", qf->name, qf->description, (int) list_count(qf->QE));
lnode = list_next(qfl, lnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "End Of List.");
return NS_SUCCESS;
static int tvs_chans(User *u, char **av, int ac) {
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hnode;
TriviaChan *tc;
Chans *c;
int i;
if (!ircstrcasecmp(av[2], "ADD")) {
if (ac < 5) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help chans", s_TriviaServ);
return NS_FAILURE;
c = findchan(av[3]);
if (!c) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Error: Channel must be online");
return NS_FAILURE;
if (FindTChan(av[3])) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Error: That Channel already exists in the database");
return NS_FAILURE;
tc = NewTChan(c);
if (!tc) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Error: Channel must be online");
return NS_FAILURE;
if (!ircstrcasecmp(av[4], "On")) {
tc->publiccontrol = 1;
} else {
tc->publiccontrol = 0;
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Added %s with public control set to %s", tc->name, tc->publiccontrol ? "On" : "Off");
chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "%s added %s with public control set to %s", u->nick, tc->name, tc->publiccontrol ? "On" : "Off");
join_bot_to_chan(s_TriviaServ, tc->name, 0);
} else if (!ircstrcasecmp(av[2], "DEL")) {
if (ac < 4) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help chans", s_TriviaServ);
return NS_FAILURE;
if (DelTChan(av[3])) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Deleted %s out of Channel List", av[3]);
chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "%s deleted %s out of Channel List", u->nick, av[3]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Cant find %s in channel list.", av[3]);
return NS_FAILURE;
} else if (!ircstrcasecmp(av[2], "LIST")) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Trivia Chans:");
hash_scan_begin(&hs, tch);
i = 0;
while ((hnode = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
tc = hnode_get(hnode);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "\1%d\1) %s (%s) - Public? %s", i, tc->name, FindTChan(tc->name) ? "*" : "", tc->publiccontrol ? "Yes" : "No");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "End of List.");
} else {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_TriviaServ, "Invalid Syntax. /msg %s help Chans", s_TriviaServ);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** Channel message processing
* What do we do with messages in channels
* This is required if you want your module to respond to channel messages
int __ChanMessage(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
TriviaChan *tc;
char *tmpbuf;
if (argc <= 1) {
return NS_FAILURE;
/* find if its our channel. */
tc = FindTChan(argv[0]);
if (!tc) {
return NS_FAILURE;
/* if first char is a ! its a command */
if (argv[1][0] == '!') {
if (!ircstrcasecmp("!help", argv[1])) {
} else if (!ircstrcasecmp("!score", argv[1])) {
tvs_sendscore(origin, tc);
} else if (!ircstrcasecmp("!hint", argv[1])) {
tvs_sendhint(origin, tc);
/* if we get here, then the following commands are limited if publiccontrol is enabled */
if ((tc->publiccontrol == 1) && (!is_chanop(argv[0], origin))) {
/* nope, get lost, silently exit */
return NS_FAILURE;
if (!ircstrcasecmp("!start", argv[1])) {
tvs_starttriv(origin, tc);
} else if (!ircstrcasecmp("!stop", argv[1])) {
tvs_stoptriv(origin, tc);
/* finally, these ones are restricted always */
if (!is_chanop(argv[0], origin)) {
/* nope, get lost */
return NS_FAILURE;
if (!ircstrcasecmp("!set", argv[1])) {
tvs_set(origin, tc, argv, argc);
/* when we get here, just exit out */
return NS_SUCCESS;
tmpbuf = joinbuf(argv, argc, 1);
tvs_testanswer(origin, tc, tmpbuf);
return 1;
/** Online event processing
* What we do when we first come online
static int Online(char **av, int ac)
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hnodes;
TriviaChan *tc;
Chans *c;
/* Introduce a bot onto the network */
tvs_bot = init_mod_bot(s_TriviaServ, TriviaServ.user, TriviaServ.host, TriviaServ.realname,
services_bot_modes, BOT_FLAG_RESTRICT_OPERS, tvs_commands, tvs_settings, __module_info.module_name);
if (tvs_bot) {
TriviaServ.isonline = 1;
hash_scan_begin(&hs, tch);
while ((hnodes = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
tc = hnode_get(hnodes);
c = findchan(tc->name);
if (c) {
/* kick of the question/answer timer */
add_mod_timer("tvs_processtimer", "TriviaServ Process Timer", __module_info.module_name, 10);
return 1;
/** Module event list
* What events we will act on
* This is required if you want your module to respond to events on IRC
* see events.h for a list of all events available
EventFnList __module_events[] = {
{EVENT_KICK, PartChan},
{EVENT_KILL, DelUser},
/** Init module
* Required if you need to do initialisation of your module when
* first loaded
int __ModInit(int modnum, int apiver)
/* Check that our compiled version if compatible with the calling version of NeoStats */
if( ircstrncasecmp (me.version, NEOSTATS_VERSION, VERSIONSIZE) !=0) {
strlcpy(s_TriviaServ, "TriviaServ", MAXNICK);
TriviaServ.isonline = 0;
TriviaServ.modnum = modnum;
TriviaServ.Questions = 0;
/* XXX todo */
TriviaServ.HintRatio = 3;
qfl = list_create(-1);
tch = hash_create(-1, 0, 0);
if (tvs_get_settings() == NS_FAILURE)
return NS_FAILURE;
return 1;
/** Init module
* Required if you need to do cleanup of your module when it ends
void __ModFini()
lnode_t *lnodes, *ln2, *ln3, *ln4;
hnode_t *hnodes;
QuestionFiles *qf;
Questions *qe;
hscan_t hs;
TriviaChan *tc;
Chans *c;
hash_scan_begin(&hs, tch);
while ((hnodes = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
tc = hnode_get(hnodes);
if (tc->c) {
c = tc->c;
c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] = NULL;
hash_scan_delete(tch, hnodes);
lnodes = list_first(qfl);
while (lnodes != NULL) {
qf = lnode_get(lnodes);
if (qf->fn) {
ln3 = list_first(qf->QE);
while (ln3 != NULL) {
qe = lnode_get(ln3);
if (qe->question) {
list_delete(qf->QE, ln3);
ln4 = list_next(qf->QE, ln3);
ln3 = ln4;
list_delete(qfl, lnodes);
ln2 = list_next(qfl, lnodes);
lnodes = ln2;
int file_select (struct direct *entry) {
char *ptr;
if ((strcmp(entry->d_name, ".")==0) || (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")==0)) {
return 0;
/* check filename extension */
ptr = rindex(entry->d_name, '.');
if ((ptr != NULL) &&
(strcmp(ptr, ".qns") == 0)) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
return 0;
int tvs_get_settings() {
QuestionFiles *qf;
lnode_t *node;
char **row;
TriviaChan *tc;
hnode_t *tcn;
int i, count;
struct direct **files;
/* temp */
ircsnprintf(TriviaServ.user, MAXUSER, "Trivia");
ircsnprintf(TriviaServ.host, MAXHOST, "Trivia.com");
ircsnprintf(TriviaServ.realname, MAXREALNAME, "Trivia Bot");
/* Scan the questions directory for question files, and create the hashs */
count = scandir("data/TSQuestions/", &files, file_select, alphasort);
if (count <= 0) {
nlog(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_MOD, "No Question Files Found");
return NS_FAILURE;
for (i = 1; i<count; i++) {
qf = malloc(sizeof(QuestionFiles));
strncpy(qf->filename, files[i-1]->d_name, MAXPATH);
qf->fn = 0;
qf->QE = list_create(-1);
node = lnode_create(qf);
list_append(qfl, node);
/* load the channel list */
if (GetTableData("Chans", &row) > 0) {
for (i = 0; row[i] != NULL; i++) {
tc = malloc(sizeof(TriviaChan));
bzero(tc, sizeof(TriviaChan))
ircsnprintf(tc->name, CHANLEN, row[i]);
GetData((void *)&tc->publiccontrol, CFGINT, "Chans", row[i], "Public");
if (GetData((void *)&tc->questtime, CFGINT, "Chans", row[i], "Timeout") < 0) {
tc->questtime = 60;
tc->qfl = list_create(-1);
tcn = hnode_create(tc);
hash_insert(tch, tcn, tc->name);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Loaded TC entry for Channel %s", tc->name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
void tvs_parse_questions() {
QuestionFiles *qf;
Questions *qe;
lnode_t *qfnode, *qenode;
char pathbuf[MAXPATH];
long i = 0;
/* run through each file, and only load the offsets into the Questions struct to save memory */
qfnode = list_first(qfl);
while (qfnode != NULL) {
qf = lnode_get(qfnode);
ircsnprintf(pathbuf, MAXPATH, "data/TSQuestions/%s", qf->filename);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_MOD, "Opening %s for reading offsets", pathbuf);
qf->fn = fopen(pathbuf, "r");
/* if we can't open it, bail out */
if (qf->fn == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Couldn't Open Question File %s for Reading offsets: %s", qf->filename, strerror(errno));
qfnode = list_next(qfl, qfnode);
/* the first line should be the version number and description */
if (fgets(pathbuf, QUESTSIZE, qf->fn) != NULL) {
/* XXX Parse the Version Number */
/* Do this post version 1.0 when we have download/update support */
strlcpy(qf->description, pathbuf, strlen(pathbuf)-2);
strcat(qf->description, "\0");
strlcpy(qf->name, qf->filename, strcspn(qf->filename, ".")+1);
} else {
/* couldn't load version, description. Bail out */
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Couldn't Load Question File Header for %s", qf->filename);
qfnode = list_next(qfl, qfnode);
i = 0;
/* ok, now that its opened, we can start reading the offsets into the qe and ql entries. */
/* use pathbuf as we don't actuall care about the data */
while (fgets(pathbuf, MAXPATH, qf->fn) != NULL) {
qe = malloc(sizeof(Questions));
// bzero(qe, sizeof(Questions));
qe->qn = i;
qe->offset = ftell(qf->fn);
qenode = lnode_create(qe);
list_append(qf->QE, qenode);
/* leave the filehandle open for later */
nlog(LOG_NOTICE, LOG_MOD, "Finished Reading %s for Offsets (%ld)", qf->filename, i);
qfnode = list_next(qfl, qfnode);
TriviaServ.Questions = TriviaServ.Questions + i;
i = 0;
/* can't call this, because we are not online yet */
// chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "Successfully Loaded information for %ld questions", (long)list_count(ql));
TriviaChan *FindTChan(char *name) {
Chans *c;
c = findchan(name);
if (!c) {
return NULL;
if (c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] != NULL) {
return (TriviaChan *)c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum];
return NULL;
TriviaChan *NewTChan(Chans *c) {
TriviaChan *tc;
hnode_t *tcn;
if (!c) {
return NULL;
if (c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] != NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Hrm, Chan %s already has a TriviaChanStruct with it", c->name);
return (TriviaChan *)c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum];
/* ok, first we lookup in the tch hash, to see if this is a channel that we already have a setting for */
tcn = hash_lookup(tch, c->name);
if (tcn == NULL) {
/* ok, create and insert into hash */
tc = malloc(sizeof(TriviaChan));
bzero(tc, sizeof(TriviaChan))
ircsnprintf(tc->name, CHANLEN, c->name);
tc->c = c;
/* XXX */
tc->questtime = 60;
c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] = tc;
tc->qfl = list_create(-1);
tcn = hnode_create(tc);
hash_insert(tch, tcn, tc->name);
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_MOD, "Created New TC entry for Channel %s", c->name);
} else {
return NULL;
tc = hnode_get(tcn);
return tc;
TriviaChan *OfflineTChan(Chans *c) {
TriviaChan *tc;
if (!c) {
return NULL;
if (c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "TriviaChan %s already marked offline?!!?!", c->name);
return NULL;
tc = c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum];
c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] = NULL;
tc->c = NULL;
tc->active = 0;
tc->curquest = NULL;
spart_cmd(s_TriviaServ, c->name);
return tc;
TriviaChan *OnlineTChan(Chans *c) {
TriviaChan *tc;
hnode_t *tcn;
if (!c) {
return NULL;
if (c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] != NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "TriviaChan %s already marked online?!?!", c->name);
return (TriviaChan *)c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum];
tcn = hash_lookup(tch, c->name);
if (tcn != NULL) {
tc = hnode_get(tcn);
tc->c = c;
c->moddata[TriviaServ.modnum] = tc;
join_bot_to_chan(s_TriviaServ, tc->name, 0);
return tc;
} else {
return NULL;
int DelTChan(char *chan) {
hnode_t *hnode;
TriviaChan *tc;
hnode = hash_lookup(tch, chan);
if (hnode) {
tc = hnode_get(hnode);
/* part the channel if its online */
if (FindTChan(tc->name)) OfflineTChan(findchan(tc->name));
hash_delete(tch, hnode);
DelRow("Chans", chan);
return NS_SUCCESS;
} else {
return NS_FAILURE;
int SaveTChan (TriviaChan *tc) {
SetData((void *)tc->publiccontrol, CFGINT, "Chans", tc->name, "Public");
SetData((void *)&tc->questtime, CFGINT, "Chans", tc->name, "Timeout");
/* XXX Save Category List */
return NS_SUCCESS;
int PartChan(char **av, int ac) {
Chans *c;
c = findchan(av[0]);
if (FindTChan(av[0]) && (c->cur_users == 2)) {
/* last user leaving, so we go offline on this channel */
return NS_SUCCESS;
int NewChan(char **av, int ac) {
Chans *c;
if (TriviaServ.isonline != 1)
return NS_FAILURE;
c = findchan(av[0]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
void tvs_sendhelp(char *who) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "This is help");
void tvs_sendscore(char *who, TriviaChan *tc) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Score for %s in %s", who, tc->name);
void tvs_sendhint(char *who, TriviaChan *tc) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Hint for %s in %s", who, tc->name);
void tvs_starttriv(char *who, TriviaChan *tc) {
tc->active = 1;
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Starting Trivia in %s shortly", tc->name);
/* use privmsg to send to a channel instead */
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s has activated Trivia. Get Ready for the first question!", who);
void tvs_stoptriv(char *who, TriviaChan *tc) {
tc->active = 0;
if (tc->curquest != NULL) {
tc->curquest = NULL;
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Trivia Stoped in %s", tc->name);
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s has stopped Trivia.", who);
int find_cat_name(const void *catnode, const void *name) {
QuestionFiles *qf = (void *)catnode;
return (strcasecmp(qf->name, name));
void tvs_set(char *who, TriviaChan *tc, char **av, int ac) {
lnode_t *lnode;
QuestionFiles *qf;
if (ac >= 3 && !strcasecmp(av[2], "CATEGORY")) {
if (ac == 5 && !strcasecmp(av[3], "ADD")) {
lnode = list_find(qfl, av[4], find_cat_name);
if (lnode) {
if (list_find(tc->qfl, av[4], find_cat_name)) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Category %s is already set for this channel", av[4]);
} else {
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
list_append(tc->qfl, lnode_create(qf));
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Added Category %s to this channel", av[4]);
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s added Category %s to the list of questions", who, av[4]);
} else {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Can't Find Category %s. Try /msg %s catlist", av[4], s_TriviaServ);
} else if (ac == 5 && !strcasecmp(av[3], "DEL")) {
lnode = list_find(tc->qfl, av[4], find_cat_name);
if (lnode) {
list_delete(tc->qfl, lnode);
/* dun delete the QF entry. */
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Deleted Category %s for this channel", av[4]);
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s deleted category %s for this channel", who, av[4]);
} else {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Couldn't find Category %s in the list. Try !set category list", av[4]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(av[3], "LIST")) {
if (!list_isempty(tc->qfl)) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Categories for this Channel are:");
lnode = list_first(tc->qfl);
while (lnode != NULL) {
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "%s) %s", qf->name, qf->description);
lnode = list_next(tc->qfl, lnode);
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "End of List.");
} else {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Using Random Categories for this channel");
} else if (!strcasecmp(av[3], "RESET")) {
while (!list_isempty(tc->qfl)) {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Reset the Question Catagories to Default in %s", tc->name);
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s reset the Question Categories to Default", who);
} else {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help !set", s_TriviaServ);
} else {
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "Syntax Error. /msg %s help !set", s_TriviaServ);
prefmsg(who, s_TriviaServ, "%s used Set", who);
void tvs_processtimer() {
TriviaChan *tc;
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hnodes;
long timediff;
static int newrand = 0;
/* occasionally reseed the random generator just for fun */
if (newrand > 30 || newrand == 1)
hash_scan_begin(&hs, tch);
while ((hnodes = hash_scan_next(&hs)) != NULL) {
tc = hnode_get(hnodes);
if ((tc->c != NULL) && (tc->active == 1)) {
/* ok, channel is active. if curquest is null, ask a new question */
if (tc->curquest == NULL) {
/* if we are here, its a current question. */
timediff = me.now - tc->lastquest;
if (timediff > tc->questtime) {
/* timeout, answer the question */
/* hint processor */
if ((tc->questtime - timediff) < 15) {
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "Less than 15 Seconds Remaining, Hurry up!");
QuestionFiles *tvs_randomquestfile(TriviaChan *tc) {
lnode_t *lnode;
QuestionFiles *qf;
int qfn, i;
if (list_isempty(tc->qfl)) {
/* if the qfl for this chan is empty, use all qfl's */
/* ok, this is bad.. but sigh, not much we can do atm. */
lnode = list_first(qfl);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
i = 0;
while (i != qfn) {
lnode = list_next(qfl, lnode);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
if (qf != NULL) {
return qf;
} else {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Question File Selection (Random) for %s failed. Using first entry", tc->name);
lnode = list_first(qfl);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
return qf;
} else {
/* select a random question file */
/* ok, this is bad.. but sigh, not much we can do atm. */
lnode = list_first(tc->qfl);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
i = 0;
while (i != qfn) {
lnode = list_next(tc->qfl, lnode);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
if (qf != NULL) {
return qf;
} else {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Question File Selection (Specific) for %s failed. Using first entry", tc->name);
lnode = list_first(tc->qfl);
qf = lnode_get(lnode);
return qf;
/* to shut up the compilers */
return NULL;
void tvs_newquest(TriviaChan *tc) {
int qn;
lnode_t *qnode;
Questions *qe;
QuestionFiles *qf;
char tmpbuf[512];
qf = tvs_randomquestfile(tc);
/* ok, this is bad.. but sigh, not much we can do atm. */
qnode = list_first(qf->QE);
qe = NULL;
while (qnode != NULL) {
qe = lnode_get(qnode);
if (qe->qn == qn) {
qnode = list_next(qf->QE, qnode);
/* ok, we hopefully have the Q */
if (qe == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Eh? Never got a Question");
goto restartquestionselection;
/* ok, now seek to the question in the file */
if (fseek(qf->fn, qe->offset, SEEK_SET)) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Eh? Fseek returned a error(%s): %s", qf->filename, strerror(errno));
chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "Question File Error in %s: %s", qf->filename, strerror(errno));
if (!fgets(tmpbuf, 512, qf->fn)) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Eh, fgets returned null(%s): %s", qf->filename, strerror(errno));
chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "Question file Error in %s: %s", qf->filename, strerror(errno));
if (tvs_doregex(qe, tmpbuf) == NS_FAILURE) {
chanalert(s_TriviaServ, "Question Parsing Failed. Please Check Log File");
tc->curquest = qe;
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "Fingers on the keyboard, Here comes the Next Question!");
tc->lastquest = me.now;
void tvs_ansquest(TriviaChan *tc) {
Questions *qe;
qe = tc->curquest;
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "Times Up! The Answer was: \2%s\2", qe->answer);
/* so we don't chew up memory too much */
qe->question = NULL;
tc->curquest = NULL;
int tvs_doregex(Questions *qe, char *buf) {
pcre *re;
const char *error;
int errofset;
int rc;
int ovector[9];
const char **subs;
int gotanswer;
char tmpbuf[REGSIZE], tmpbuf1[REGSIZE];
re = pcre_compile(TVSREXEXP, 0, &error, &errofset, NULL);
if (!re) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "Warning, PCRE compile failed: %s at %d", error, errofset);
return NS_FAILURE;
gotanswer = 0;
/* strip any newlines out */
/* we copy the entire thing into the question struct, but it will end up as only the question after pcre does its thing */
qe->question = malloc(QUESTSIZE);
qe->answer = malloc(ANSSIZE);
strlcpy(qe->question, buf, QUESTSIZE);
bzero(tmpbuf, ANSSIZE);
/* no, its not a infinate loop */
while (1) {
rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, qe->question, strlen(qe->question), 0, 0, ovector, 9);
if (rc <= 0) {
if ((rc == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) && (gotanswer > 0)) {
/* we got something in q & a, so proceed. */
ircsnprintf(tmpbuf1, REGSIZE, ".*(?i)(?:%s).*", tmpbuf);
printf("regexp will be %s\n", tmpbuf1);
qe->regexp = pcre_compile(tmpbuf1, 0, &error, &errofset, NULL);
if (qe->regexp == NULL) {
/* damn damn damn, our constructed regular expression failed */
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "pcre_compile_answer failed: %s at %d", error, errofset);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* XXXX Random Scores? */
qe->points = 10;
qe->hints = 0;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/* some other error occured. Damn. */
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "pcre_exec failed. %s - %d", qe->question, rc);
return NS_FAILURE;
} else if (rc == 3) {
/* split out the regexp */
pcre_get_substring_list(buf, ovector, rc, &subs);
/* we pull one answer off at a time, so we place the question (and maybe another answer) into question again for further processing later */
strlcpy(qe->question, subs[1], QUESTSIZE);
/* if this is the first answer, this is the one we display in the channel */
if (strlen(qe->answer) == 0) {
strlcpy(qe->answer, subs[2], ANSSIZE);
/* tmpbuf will hold our eventual regular expression to find the answer in the channel */
if (strlen(tmpbuf) == 0) {
ircsnprintf(tmpbuf, ANSSIZE, "%s", subs[2]);
} else {
ircsnprintf(tmpbuf1, ANSSIZE, "%s|%s", tmpbuf, subs[2]);
strlcpy(tmpbuf, tmpbuf1, ANSSIZE);
/* free our subs */
/* XXXX Random Scores? */
qe->points = 10;
return NS_SUCCESS;
void tvs_testanswer(char *origin, TriviaChan *tc, char *line) {
Questions *qe;
int rc;
qe = tc->curquest;
if (qe == NULL)
nlog(LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_MOD, "Testing Answer on regexp: %s", line);
rc = pcre_exec(qe->regexp, NULL, line, strlen(line), 0, 0, NULL, 0);
if (rc >= 0) {
/* we got a match! */
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "Correct! %s got the answer: %s", origin, qe->answer);
tvs_addpoints(origin, tc);
tc->curquest = NULL;
} else if (rc == -1) {
/* no match, return silently */
} else if (rc < 0) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "pcre_exec in tvs_testanswer failed: %s - %d", line, rc);
/* The following came from the blitzed TriviaBot.
* Credit goes to Andy for this function
void do_hint(TriviaChan *tc) {
char *out;
Questions *qe;
int random, num, i;
if (tc->curquest == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "curquest is missing for hint");
qe = tc->curquest;
out = strdup(qe->answer);
num = strlen(qe->answer) / TriviaServ.HintRatio;
if (qe->hints > 0) {
num = num * qe->hints;
for(i=0;i < (int)strlen(out);i++) {
if(out[i] != ' ') {
out[i] = '-';
for(i=0;i < (num-1);i++) {
do {
random = (int) ((double)rand() * (strlen(qe->answer) - 1 + 1.0) / (RAND_MAX+1.0));
} while(out[random] == ' ' || out[random] != '-');
out[random] = qe->answer[random];
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "Hint %d: %s", qe->hints, out);
void obscure_question(TriviaChan *tc) {
char *out;
Questions *qe;
int random, i;
if (tc->curquest == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_MOD, "curquest is missing for obscure_answer");
qe = tc->curquest;
out = malloc(BUFSIZE+1);
bzero(out, BUFSIZE+1);
strlcpy(out, "\00304,01", BUFSIZE);
for(i=0;i < (int)strlen(qe->question);i++) {
if(qe->question[i] == ' ') {
random = 34 + (int) ((double)rand() * (91) / (RAND_MAX+1.0));
if (random == 92) random = 65;
/* no numbers, they screw with our colors */
if (random >= 48 && random <= 57) {
random = random + 15;
/* insert same background/foreground color here */
strncat(out, "\00301,01", BUFSIZE);
/* insert random char here */
out[strlen(out)] = random;
/* reset color back to standard for next word. */
strncat(out, "\00304,01", BUFSIZE);
} else {
/* just insert the char, its a word */
out[strlen(out)] = qe->question[i];
privmsg(tc->name, s_TriviaServ, "%s", out);