apply diff file from deadnotburied
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 146 additions and 13 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
WarServ ChangeLog
1.2 - DeadNotBuried
- added Installation Instructions to Readme file
- fixed version number displayed in !rules
- added explanation of games to !rules
- updated version number
- updated license details in source files
- !stop now calls correct procedure
- channel seetting now requires user level 180 or above
- added code to enable !stop command
1.0 - Fish
- Initial Release. Code Contributed by DeadNotBurried (
- Make game channel configurable.
- Standardize on hostname.
- Standardize on hostname.
@ -1,6 +1,99 @@
WarServ 1.0
Sorry. No Doco Yet. Hopefully someone will write some for us.
This module was contributed by DeadNotBurried
WarServ Manual
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
2. Basic Configuration
3. Operational Commands
Welcome to the WarServ Manual. This document will aid you in
setting up and running WarServ on your IRC network.
WarServ is a Game Service that plays the War Card Game.
Unlike the real Card Game, up to 10 players can play at once, and
any card may be played. Otherwise the game is the same.
Basic Game Description:
The Object is to hold all cards in the deck.
Each player plays a card in turn (without seeing what the card is
untill it has been played), the highest card wins the hand, and keeps
all the played cards.
When two or more players play the same card, (eg kings) War is
declared, and each player involved in the War must then play 3 cards
untill there is a winner, or a player doesn't have enough cards.
1. Prerequisites and Installation.
WarServ is designed to run on Top of NeoStats.
Please refer to the NeoStats website for more
information on the requirements for NeoStats.
WarServ requires the following:
* NeoStats 2.5.15 or Higher correctly installed and Running
* The time to read this entire document.
1.1. Compiling and Installation
As long as you have successfully setup NeoStats, and installed it
correctly, Compiling WarServ is very simple and straight forward. First
you must extract the files from the download package. This is as
simple as:
bash$ tar -xzf WarServ-<ver>.tar.gz
This should then create a directory called WarServ-<version> where
<version> is the Version of WarServ. Then Proceed to Change into the WarServ
directory, and run Configure as follows:
bash$./configure [--with-neostats=<dir>]
--with-neostats=<dir> should be used if your neostats directory is not
in a standard location (~/NeoStats/). Replace <dir> with the full path
to your NeoStats installation directory (NOT SOURCE DIRECTORY)
If the configuration did not produce a error, you may then move onto
Compiling WarServ. Compiling is simply just issuing the "make" command
(or "gmake" if you are running BSD):
Again, check for Error messages. As long as there are not error
messages, "make install" will install WarServ, this README file, and any
auxiluary files needed into your NeoStats directory:
Once Installation is complete, you can either configure NeoStats to
load WarServ when it starts, or load WarServ via IRC.
To Configure NeoStats to automatically load WarServ when it boots, add
the following line to your "neostats.cfg" file in the NeoStats
To load WarServ via IRC, you must make sure you have the appropriate
permissions and issue the following command:
/msg neostats load WarServ
Thats it. WarServ is now loaded and ready for use (in fact, it will
already be running now, but read on for futher information.
2. Basic Configuration
The Channel WarServ plays in is configured online via IRC. When you
first start up WarServ, it defaults to playing in "#Games", to change the
channel use the following command:
/msg warserv chan <#channel>
The new channel name will be saved for future reference, and WarServ
will message the current channel telling those there where it is moving
to, and will part the old channel and join the new one.
3. Operational Commands
WarServ has a number of commands to play the game in channel.
To list the commands send the text "!whelp" to the channel WarServ
is set to play in.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ AC_INIT(warserv.c)
@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
/* WarServ War Card Game Bot - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2004 DeadNotBuried
** Released to NeoStats Software 1 April 2004
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dl.h" /* Required for module */
#include "stats.h" /* Required for bot support */
@ -91,11 +106,23 @@ int __ChanMessage(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
if (argc == 2) {
if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "!rules")) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "Welcome To War (The Card Game) Ver 0.7 %s", u->nick);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, " ");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "Welcome To War (The Card Game) Ver 1.2 %s", u->nick);
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "Written By DeadNotBuried");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, " ");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "rules will be added later");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "All cards are Dealt out evenly when the game starts.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "The Object of the game is to hold ALL the cards.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "Each Player plays a card from their hand, and the");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "highest card wins all cards played that turn.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, " ");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "If the played cards are equal, there is a War.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "all played cards stay out, and each player involved");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "in the war plays 3 more cards. the War continues the");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "same way, untill someone wins all the played cards.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, " ");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "If you don't have enough cards to play, your cards are");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "automatically put into the center, and you surrender.");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, " ");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "NOTE: Game can't be joined to after play has started.");
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "!whelp")) {
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "Currently available public WarServ commands");
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "===========================================");
@ -116,7 +143,7 @@ int __ChanMessage(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "!stop")) {
if (strcasecmp(currentwargamestatus, "stopped")) {
privmsg(warroom, s_module_bot_name, "\0039Stopping Current Game");
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "!start")) {
if (!strcasecmp(currentwargamestatus, "stopped")) {
@ -200,8 +227,9 @@ int __BotMessage(char *origin, char **argv, int argc)
prefmsg(u->nick, s_module_bot_name, "\2CHAN <channel>\2 - Swap WarGame Channel to <channel>");
return 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "CHAN")) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "CHAN") && (UserLevel(u) > 179)) {
privmsg(warroom, s_module_bot_name, "%s has moved the Game room to %s, Please Go there now to continue the game", u->nick, argv[2]);
chanalert(s_module_bot_name, "%s moved the game to %s", u->nick, argv[2]);
spart_cmd(s_module_bot_name, warroom);
strlcpy(warroom, argv[2], CHANLEN);
sjoin_cmd(s_module_bot_name, warroom);
Reference in a new issue