180 lines
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180 lines
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/* YahtzeeServ - Yahtzee Game Service - NeoStats Addon Module
** Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington, Jeff Lang
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** YahtzeeServ CVS Identification
** $Id$
#ifdef WIN32
#include "modconfigwin32.h"
#include "modconfig.h"
extern Bot *ys_bot;
* YahtzeeServ Module Help
extern const char *ys_help_set_exclusions[];
extern const char *ys_help_set_chan[];
extern const char *ys_help_set_multichan[];
extern const char *ys_help_set_chanoponly[];
extern const char *ys_help_set_html[];
extern const char *ys_help_set_htmlpath[];
extern const char *ys_help_start[];
extern const char *ys_help_stop[];
extern const char *ys_help_join[];
extern const char *ys_help_remove[];
extern const char *ys_help_players[];
extern const char *ys_help_turn[];
extern const char *ys_help_pass[];
extern const char *ys_help_dice[];
extern const char *ys_help_roll[];
extern const char *ys_help_keep[];
extern const char *ys_help_score[];
extern const char *ys_help_sheet[];
extern const char *ys_help_top10[];
extern const char *ys_help_high[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules_page_0[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules_page_1[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules_page_2[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules_page_3[];
extern const char *ys_help_rules_page_4[];
extern const char *ys_help_forcehtml[];
* Defines
#define YS_GAME_STOPPED 0x00000001 /* Game Not Running */
#define YS_GAME_STARTING 0x00000002 /* Game Starting */
#define YS_GAME_PLAYING 0x00000003 /* Game Running */
#define YS_GAME_STOPPING 0x00000004 /* Game stopping */
#define YS_MAX_PLAYERS 0x0000000A /* Max Players Per Game */
#define YS_HIGH_OVERALL 0x00000001 /* Overall High Score Type */
#define YS_HIGH_DAILY 0x00000002 /* Daily High Score Type */
#define YS_HIGH_WEEKLY 0x00000003 /* Weekly High Score Type */
#define YS_HIGH_MONTHLY 0x00000004 /* Monthly High Score Type */
#define YS_SCORE_DELETE 0x00000001 /* Delete Score From DB */
#define YS_SCORE_ADD 0x00000002 /* Add Score To DB */
#define YS_SCORE_NEW 0x00000003 /* New High Score Entry */
* Variables
typedef struct YahtzeeServCnf {
char yahtzeeroom[MAXCHANLEN];
int exclusions;
int multichan;
int chanoponly;
int html;
char htmlpath[MAXPATH];
} YahtzeeServCnf;
typedef struct Players {
Client *u;
int score;
int hand[15];
} Players;
typedef struct GameData {
int playercount;
int gamestatus;
int timer;
int currentplayer;
int currentroll;
int currenthand;
int dice[5];
Players *pd[YS_MAX_PLAYERS];
} GameData;
typedef struct HighScoreData {
char typepos[6];
int type;
int position;
char name[MAXNICK];
int score;
int changed;
} HighScoreData;
extern list_t *gamelist;
extern list_t *highscores;
extern char *ysscoretype[15];
extern int crs;
extern int dtsc[6];
extern char dicetext[5][15];
extern YahtzeeServCnf YahtzeeServ;
* Procedures
/* yahzteeserv.c */
int ys_cmd_set_html( const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason );
int ys_cmd_set_htmlpath( const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason );
/* channel.c */
int ys_cmd_set_chan (const CmdParams *cmdparams, SET_REASON reason);
void CreateChannelGameData(Channel *c);
void RemoveChannelGameData(Channel *c, int fdc);
/* highscores.c */
int ShowHighList (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ShowTop10Lists (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
void loadyahtzeescores(void);
int loadhighscores(void *data, int size);
int sortlistbytypepos( const void *key1, const void *key2 );
int yahtzeeday(void *userptr);
int yahtzeeweek(void *userptr);
int yahtzeemonth(void *userptr);
void clearyahtzeescores(int stc);
void checkhighscorelists(Channel*c);
/* misc.c */
int ShowRulePages (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int PassYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ShowPlayersYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ShowTurnYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ShowYahtzeeSheet (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ShowYahtzeeDice (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int CheckPlayerPart (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int CheckPlayerKick (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int CheckPlayerQuit (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int CheckPlayerKill (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
/* play.c */
int StartYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int yahtzeetimer(void *userptr);
int JoinYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int RemoveYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
void removenickfromgame(Channel *c, Client *u);
int StopYahtzeeGame (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int ScoreYahtzeeDice (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
void RollDice(Channel *c);
int RollYahtzeeDice (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
int KeepYahtzeeDice (const CmdParams *cmdparams);
void reroll (const CmdParams *cmdparams, int rolltype);
/* htmlscores */
void ys_HTMLOutput( void );
int ys_cmd_forcehtml( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
#endif |