2003-12-10 15:09:40 +00:00
* Run Time Access
* Copyright (C) 2003 Robert W Smith (bsmith@linuxtoys.org)
* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
* See the file COPYING file.
* do_sql.h
#ifndef DO_SQL_H
#define DO_SQL_H 1
#include "rta.h"
/* types of SQL statements recognized */
#define RTA_SELECT 0
#define RTA_UPDATE 1
#define RTA_CALL 2
#define RTA_BEGIN 3
#define RTA_COMMIT 4
/* types of relations allowed in WHERE */
#define RTA_EQ 0
#define RTA_NE 1
#define RTA_GT 2
#define RTA_LT 3
#define RTA_GE 4
#define RTA_LE 5
/* SQL errors to the front ends */
#define E_NOTABLE "EERROR: Relation '%s' does not exist\n"
#define E_NOCOLUMN "EERROR: Attribute '%s' not found\n"
#define E_BADPARSE "EERROR: SQL parse error\n",""
#define E_BIGSTR "EERROR: String too long for '%s'\n"
#define E_NOWRITE "EERROR: Can not update read-only column '%s'\n"
#define E_FULLBUF "EERROR: Output buffer full\n",""
/* Defines for the meta tables. The table of tables must always be
table #0, and the table of columns must always be table #1. */
#define RTA_TABLES 0
#define RTA_COLUMNS 1
/* Used to remove a few characters from dbg() lines */
#define LOC __FILE__,__LINE__
/* Maximum number of characters in printed data type */
#define MX_INT_STRING (12)
#define MX_LONG_STRING (24)
#define MX_FLOT_STRING (24)
/* Max # strings in our private stack for yacc */
#define MXPARSESTR ((NCMDCOLS *2) + 4)
/** ************************************************************
* This structure contains/encodes the parsed SQL command from
* one of the UI or client interfaces.
* This structure is filled in by the yacc parser. If the parse
* is successful, the completed structure is passed to do_sql()
* for execution.
* The 'command' is just the type of SQL command.
* The 'cols' field is a list of names from the "SELECT cols"
* or from the "UPDATE col=X [,...]".
* The 'vals' field is a list of the strings "X" in an UPDATE.
* The 'tbl' field has the name of the table in use.
* The 'whrcols' and 'whrvals' fields are similar to the cols
* and vals fields.
* Note that cols, vals, whrcols, and whrvals in the structure
* below point to alloc()'ed memory and must be freed when done.
struct Sql_Cmd
char *sqlcmd; /* points to text of SQL command */
int command; /* RTA_SELECT, UPDATE, or CALL */
char *tbl; /* the table in question */
TBLDEF *ptbl; /* pointer to table in TBLDEFS */
int itbl; /* Index of table in Tbl */
int ncols; /* count of columns to display/update */
char *cols[NCMDCOLS]; /* col to display/update */
COLDEF *pcol[NCMDCOLS]; /* pointers to cols in COLDEFS */
char *updvals[NCMDCOLS]; /* values for column updates */
int updints[NCMDCOLS]; /* integer values for updates */
long long updlngs[NCMDCOLS]; /* long values for updates */
float updflot[NCMDCOLS]; /* float values for updates */
int nwhrcols; /* count of columns in where clause */
char *whrcols[NCMDCOLS]; /* cols in where */
int whrrel[NCMDCOLS]; /* relation (EQ, GT...) in where */
COLDEF *pwhr[NCMDCOLS]; /* pointers to Wcols in COLDEFS */
char *whrvals[NCMDCOLS]; /* values in the where clause */
int whrints[NCMDCOLS]; /* integer values of whrvals[] */
long long whrlngs[NCMDCOLS]; /* long values of whrvals[] */
float whrflot[NCMDCOLS]; /* float values of whrvals[] */
int limit; /* max num rows to output, 0=no_limit */
int offset; /* scan past this # rows before output */
char *out; /* put command response here */
int *nout; /* I/O number free bytes at 'out' */
char *errout; /* ==out at start. But for err msgs */
int nerrout; /* ==nout at start. But for err msgs */
int err; /* set =1 if error in SQL parse */
int nlineout; /* #bytes in SELECT row response */
/* Define the debug config structure */
struct EpgDbg
int syserr; /* !=0 to log system errors */
int rtaerr; /* !=0 to log rta errors */
int sqlerr; /* !=0 to log SQL errors */
int trace; /* !=0 to log SQL commands */
int target; /* 0=off, 1=syslog, 2=stderr, 3=both */
int priority; /* syslog() priority level */
int facility; /* syslog() facility */
char ident[MXDBGIDENT]; /* ident string for syslog() */
/* Define the stats structure */
struct EpgStat
long long nsyserr; /* count of failed OS calls. */
long long nrtaerr; /* count of internal rta failures. */
long long nsqlerr; /* count of SQL failures. */
long long nauth; /* count of DB authorizations. */
long long nupdate; /* count of UPDATE requests */
long long nselect; /* count of SELECT requests */
typedef struct
int id; /* FD of TCP conn (=-1 if not in use) */
char username[33]; /* Index of next location in cmd buffer */
char password[33];
char cmd[1000]; /* SQL command from UI program */
int rspfree; /* Number of free bytes in rsp buffer */
char rsp[50000]; /* SQL response to the UI program */
int ctm; /* connect time (==time();) */
int cdur; /* duration time (== now()-ctm;) */
char strid[33];
} EpgConn;
/* the connections list */
2003-12-28 07:23:42 +00:00
list_t *pgconn;
2003-12-10 15:09:40 +00:00
The sql code is integrated with the conf file, socket code, and initilization portions so far.
its not yet setup to export any of NeoStats structs, but you can test with this release with the built in tables:
to test:
./configure --enable-sqlsrv
add a line to neostats.cfg:
SQLSRV_AUTH Fish!blah@127.0.0.*
(username Fish, pass blah, host 127.0.0.* (IP only, can use wildcards)
compile and start up NeoStats
Check for any errors about unable to bind to ports etc.... (if you need to run on a diff port, add SQLSRV_PORT <portnum> to the neostats.cfg
now that its running, from php/command line, connect to the BINDTO ip address (if using BINDTO) or port 8888
eg: command line:
psql -U Fish -h localhost -p 8888
it should prompt with a password.
once connected, you can view available tables with:
"select * from rta_tables;"
some examples are:
"select * from pg_user;"
"select * from pg_conn;"
"select * from rta_stat;"
"select * from rta_dbg;"
"select * from rta_columns;"
Remember, only very basic SQL is supported
2003-12-11 15:37:05 +00:00
/* this is a struct that stores the RTA runtime config */
struct RTA_Conf
logcb loggingfunc; /* logging callback */
} RTA_Conf;
2003-12-10 15:09:40 +00:00
/* Forward references */
void do_sql(char *, int *);
void send_error(char *, int, char *, char *);
void verify_table_name(char *, int *);
void verify_select_list(char *, int *);
void verify_update_list(char *, int *);
void verify_where_list(char *, int *);
2003-12-28 10:23:32 +00:00
void sqldo_update(char *, int *);
void sqldo_update(char *, int *);
2003-12-10 15:09:40 +00:00
int send_row_description(char *, int *);
void do_select(char *, int *);
void do_call(char *, int *);
void do_begin(char *, int *);
void do_commit(char *, int *);
void ad_str(char **, char *);
void ad_int2(char **, int);
void ad_int4(char **, int);
void rtalog(char *, int, char *, ...);