doco updates of internal functions... see for sample
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 239 additions and 50 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
NeoStats ChangeLog - Anything we add/remove/fix/change is in here (even our rants)
* NeoStats * Fish & Shmad * Version ????
* NeoStats * Fish & Shmad * Version 2.5.0 Final?
- Added support to makeconf for WALLOP_INTERVAL (S)
- Fixed up --enable-auth==TYPE typo in configure script
- Moved to AutoConf2.13 to fix bsd ./configure issues
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ NeoStats ChangeLog - Anything we add/remove/fix/change is in here (even our rant
- Fix a adns compile error and remove the warnings
- -Wall is only set when compiling with debug mode support. No need for the make.log file anymore
- ./configure --enable-bignet support for more than 2000 users
- Started Documenting internal functions for DoxyGen (About time I did this)
- Created 2.6.0 branch in CVS
* NeoStats * Shmad & Fish * Version 2.5.0-Release Candidate 2
- Misc. Updates (S)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id: chans.c,v 1.36 2002/12/14 09:58:37 fishwaldo Exp $
** $Id: chans.c,v 1.37 2002/12/26 15:15:04 fishwaldo Exp $
#include <fnmatch.h>
@ -28,15 +28,31 @@
#include "dl.h"
#include "hash.h"
/** @brief initilize the channel data
* Initilizes the channel data and channel hash ch.
* @return Nothing
void init_chan_hash()
ch = hash_create(C_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
if (usr_mds);
/** @brief Process a Topic Change
* Processes a Channel topic Change for particular channel and updates internals
* Also triggers off a TOPICCHANGE event for modules
* @param owner Char of who changed the topic. Can't be a userstruct as the user might not be online anymore
* @param c Channel Struct of channel who's topic is being changed
* @param time when the topic was changed (might have been in the past
* @param topic the new topic
* @return Nothing
extern void Change_Topic(char *owner, Chans *c, time_t time, char *topic) {
char **av;
@ -50,6 +66,15 @@ extern void Change_Topic(char *owner, Chans *c, time_t time, char *topic) {
Module_Event("TOPICCHANGE",av, ac);
FreeList(av, ac);
/** @brief Compare channel modes from the channel hash
* used in ChanMode to compare modes (list_find argument)
* @param v actually its a ModeParm struct
* @param mode is the mode as a long
* @return 0 on match, 1 otherwise.
int comparemode(const void *v, const void *mode) {
ModesParm *m = (void *)v;
@ -60,6 +85,16 @@ int comparemode(const void *v, const void *mode) {
/** @brief Process a mode change on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel adding and deleting modes as required
* @param origin usually the server that sent the mode change. Not used
* @param av array of variables to pass
* @param ac number of variables n av
* @return 0 on error, number of modes processed on success.
int ChanMode(char *origin, char **av, int ac) {
char *modes;
@ -163,6 +198,18 @@ return j;
/** @brief Process a mode change that affects a user on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel that affects a user
* @param c Channel Struct of channel mode being changed
* @param u User struct of user that mode is affecting
* @param add 1 means add, 0 means remove mode
* @param mode is the long int of the mode
* @return Nothing
void ChangeChanUserMode(Chans *c, User *u, int add, long mode) {
lnode_t *cmn;
Chanmem *cm;
@ -188,6 +235,17 @@ void ChangeChanUserMode(Chans *c, User *u, int add, long mode) {
cm->flags &= ~mode;
/** @brief Create a new channel record
* And insert it into the hash, mallocing required memory for it and so on
* also check that the channel hash is not full
* @param chan name of the channel to create
* @returns c the newly created channel record
* @todo Dynamically resizable channel hashes
Chans *new_chan(char *chan) {
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
@ -203,6 +261,16 @@ Chans *new_chan(char *chan) {
return c;
/** @brief Deletes a channel record
* frees any memory associated with the record and removes it from the channel hash
* @param c the corrosponding channel structure you wish to delete
* @returns Nothing
void del_chan(Chans *c) {
hnode_t *cn;
lnode_t *cm;
@ -229,6 +297,18 @@ void del_chan(Chans *c) {
/** @brief Parts a user from a channel
* Parts a user from a channel and raises events if required
* Events raised are PARTCHAN and DELCHAN
* if its one of our bots, also update bot channel lists
* @param u the User structure corrosponding to the user that left the channel
* @param chan the channel to part them from
* @returns Nothing
void part_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
Chans *c;
@ -296,6 +376,18 @@ void part_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
/** @brief Change channel records when a nick change occurs
* goes through the channel members list, changing users nicks after a nickname change occurs
* @param c the channel to check (as called by the user functions)
* @param newnick the New Nickname of the client
* @param oldnick the old nickname of the client
* @returns Nothing
* @todo What happens if one of our bots change their nick?
void change_user_nick(Chans *c, char *newnick, char *oldnick) {
lnode_t *cm;
Chanmem *cml;
@ -320,6 +412,18 @@ void change_user_nick(Chans *c, char *newnick, char *oldnick) {
/** @brief Process a user joining a channel
* joins a user to a channel and raises JOINCHAN event and if required NEWCHAN events
* if the channel is new, a new channel record is requested and defaults are set
* if its one of our bots, also update the botchanlist
* @param u The User structure of the user joining the channel
* @param chan the channel name
* @returns Nothing
void join_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
Chans *c;
@ -390,6 +494,18 @@ void join_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
/** @brief Dump Channel information
* dump either the entire channel list, or a single channel detail. Used for debugging
* sends the output to the services channel
* @param chan the channel name to dump, or NULL for all channels
* @returns Nothing
void chandump(char *chan) {
hnode_t *cn;
lnode_t *cmn;
@ -478,6 +594,17 @@ void chandump(char *chan) {
/** @brief Find a channel
* Finds the channel structure for the channel named chan, or NULL if it can't be found
* @param chan the channel name to find
* @returns The Channel structure for chan, or NULL if it can't be found.
Chans *findchan(char *chan) {
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id: conf.c,v 1.16 2002/10/20 16:44:33 shmad Exp $
** $Id: conf.c,v 1.17 2002/12/26 15:15:04 fishwaldo Exp $
#include "stats.h"
@ -44,17 +44,30 @@ static config_option options[] =
{ "NEOSTAT_HOST", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 7},
{ "NEOSTAT_USER", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 8},
{ "WANT_PRIVMSG", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 9},
{ "SERVICES_CHAN", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 10},
{ "LOAD_MODULE", ARG_STR, cb_Module, 0},
{ "ONLY_OPERS", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 11},
{ "NO_LOAD", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 12}
/** @brief Initilize the configuration parser
* Currently does nothing
* @return Nothing
void init_conf() {
if (usr_mds);
/** @brief strip newlines carriage returns
* removes newlines and carriage returns from a string
* @param line the line to strip (warning, Modfied!)
* @retval line the stripped line
void strip(char *line)
char *c;
@ -62,29 +75,46 @@ void strip(char *line)
if ((c = strchr(line, '\r'))) *c = '\0';
/** @brief Load the Config file
* Parses the Configuration File and optionally loads the external authentication libary
* @returns Nothing
void ConfLoad() {
/* Read in the Config File */
printf("Reading the Config File. Please wait.....\n");
if (!config_read("neostats.cfg", options) == 0 ) {
printf("* Error! *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Config File not found, or Unable to Open *\n");
printf("* Please check its Location, and try again *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* NeoStats NOT Started *\n");
printf("Sucessfully Loaded Config File, Now Booting NeoStats\n");
#ifdef EXTAUTH
load_module("extauth", NULL);
done_mods = 0;
/* Read in the Config File */
printf("Reading the Config File. Please wait.....\n");
if (!config_read("neostats.cfg", options) == 0 ) {
printf("* Error! *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Config File not found, or Unable to Open *\n");
printf("* Please check its Location, and try again *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* NeoStats NOT Started *\n");
printf("Sucessfully Loaded Config File, Now Booting NeoStats\n");
#ifdef EXTAUTH
load_module("extauth", NULL);
done_mods = 0;
/** @brief prepare Modules defined in the config file
* When the config file encounters directives to Load Modules, it calls this function which prepares to load the modules (but doesn't actually load them)
* @param arg the module name in this case
* @param configtype a index of what config item is currently being processed. Ignored
* @returns Nothing
void cb_Module(char *arg, int configtype) {
int i;
strcpy(segv_location, "cb_Module");
@ -97,6 +127,14 @@ void cb_Module(char *arg, int configtype) {
log("Added Module %d :%s", i, load_mods[i]);
/** @brief Load the modules
* Actually load the modules that were found in the config file
* @returns 1 on success, -1 when a module failed to load
* @bugs if a single module fails to load, it stops trying to load any other modules
int init_modules() {
int i;
int rval;
@ -115,8 +153,18 @@ int init_modules() {
return -1;
return 1;
return 1;
/** @brief Process config file items
* Processes the config file and sets up the variables. No Error Checking is performed :(
* @param arg the variable value as a string
* @param configtype the index of the variable being called now
* @returns Nothing
void cb_Server(char *arg, int configtype) {
if (configtype == 0) {
@ -158,6 +206,14 @@ void cb_Server(char *arg, int configtype) {
/** @brief Rehash Function
* Called when we recieve a rehash signal. Does nothing atm
* @returns Nothing
void rehash()
/* nothing, yet */
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id: dns.c,v 1.8 2002/12/26 14:15:07 fishwaldo Exp $
** $Id: dns.c,v 1.9 2002/12/26 15:15:04 fishwaldo Exp $
@ -34,15 +34,25 @@
#include "stats.h"
#include <adns.h>
/** @brief DNS lookup Struct
* structure containing all pending DNS lookups and the callback functions
struct dnslookup_struct {
adns_query q;
adns_answer *a;
char data[255];
void (*callback)(char *data, adns_answer *a);
adns_query q; /**< the ADNS query */
adns_answer *a; /**< the ADNS result if we have completed */
char data[255]; /**< the User data based to the callback */
void (*callback)(char *data, adns_answer *a); /**< a function pointer to call when we have a result */
/** @brief DNS structures
typedef struct dnslookup_struct DnsLookup;
/** @brief List of DNS queryies
* Contains DnsLookup entries
list_t *dnslist;
@ -104,14 +114,11 @@ int dns_lookup(char *str, adns_rrtype type, void (*callback)(char *data, adns_a
/* init_dns
** inputs - Nothing
** outputs - integer saying if the dns init was successfull (1 = yes, 0 = no)
** side effects - Initilizes the dns lookup list_t
** use this function to initilize the dns functions
/** @brief sets up DNS subsystem
* configures ADNS for use with NeoStats.
* @return returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
int init_dns() {
@ -135,16 +142,13 @@ int init_dns() {
/* do_dns
** inputs - Nothing
** outputs - Nothing
** side effects - Goes through the dnslist of pending queries and calls the callback function for each lookup
** with the adns_answer set. Always calls the callback function even if the lookup was unsuccessfull
** its upto the callback function to make check the answer struct to see if it failed or not
** This function is called each loop.
/** @brief Checks for Completed DNS queries
* Goes through the dnslist of pending queries and calls the callback function for each lookup
* with the adns_answer set. Always calls the callback function even if the lookup was unsuccessfull
* its upto the callback function to make check the answer struct to see if it failed or not
* @return Nothing
void do_dns() {
Reference in a new issue