diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index d29c1605..15d778ea 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ doc/FAQ -text doc/README.dev -text doc/README.french -text doc/USERMAN -text +doc/USERMAN.html -text doc/USERMAN.xml -text doc/old/ChangeLog.connectserv.old -text doc/old/ChangeLog.hostserv.old -text diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 4865de14..651b2eb2 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Anything we add/remove/fix/change is in here (even our rants) Fish (F), Mark (M), DeadNotBuried (D) =============================================================================== * NeoStats * Version 3.0.a4-dev + - StatServ should default to Enabled for Global Exclusions Setting (F) - Rename TextServ databases with extension tsdb and move into the Data Directory, rather than data/TSDB (F) - Context Sensitive Help is now in place (eg, !help versus /msg bot help) (F) diff --git a/doc/USERMAN.html b/doc/USERMAN.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..481379e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/USERMAN.html @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +
+ +Table of Contents
The rest of this document explains how to use NeoStats and the commands available for the various components.
For help on downloaded modules, refer to the documentation that comes with the module. Typically, after installation, the documentation for the downloaded modules in named "README.<modulename>"
Most NeoStats components include online help so you can find out how to use a command while on IRC. To access general online help for the Bot use:
/msg BotName HELP
To access online help for a given command use:
To send a command to a NeoStats module or bot you will always use the following from an IRC Client:
/msg botname command [options]
/msg NeoStats SET
If you change the default name of a bot, you will need to change the command. If you decided to change the name of StatServ to StatBot, then you must use this name when entering commands: e.g.
/msg StatBot MAP
Commands are listed here in upper case to make reading this document easier. IRC is not case sensitive. This means that:
/msg StatServ MAP +/msg StatServ map +/msg statserv Map
will all perform the same task. Some commands of NeoStats and StatServ are available to all users as well as opers unless you specify ONLY_OPERS in neostats.cfg. Refer to README and neostats.cfg for more information on the ONLY_OPERS option. Command help in this document is broken into three sections:
Syntax: The syntax used for a command
Description: Description of the command and it's options
Example: Example of how to use the command
Optional parameters are presented between [] e.g. [reason]
Required parameters are presented between <> e.g. <reason> The | character indicates that only one of the option list can be used at any one time. e.g. option1|option2
When using the command, do not use the [],<> or | from the syntax.
The following Section describe NeoStats, or the Core to these services
NeoStats is the core component of NeoStats Services. It manages booting of the system, loading and unloading of modules and assignment of privilege levels to users. It can be considered much the same as what OperServ does for most services packages. It controls the actual software, but does not provide any functions to the users. Its intended to be used by the network administration only.
The Following are detailed Descriptions of the available commands:
/msg NeoStats HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
Available to users if ONLY_OPERS not set in the configuration file
/msg NeoStats HELP +/msg NeoStats HELP INFO
/msg NeoStats version
Displays the current core version of NeoStats
/msg NeoStats VERSION
/msg NeoStats ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about NeoStats
/msg NeoStats ABOUT
/msg NeoStats CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of NeoStats
/msg NeoStats CREDITS
/msg NeoStats LEVELS LIST +/msg NeoStats LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in NeoStats are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg NeoStats LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg NeoStats LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
/msg NeoStats LEVEL <nick>
Allows you to see your permissions level with regards NeoStats. 0 is lowest, 200 is highest, you could be anywhere in between! If you specify a nickname, it allows you to check that users level as far as NeoStats is concerned.
/msg NeoStats LEVEL
/msg NeoStats status
Allows you to check NeoStats's status, with information such as Uptime, NeoNet connection status, and user/server/channel/socket data, as well as brief Network Statistics.
/msg NeoStats LEVEL
/msg NeoStats SHUTDOWN <reason>
Force NeoStats to exit immediately. This command should be used wisely.
/msg NeoStats SHUTDOWN upgrade
/msg NeoStats RELOAD <reason>
Force NeoStats to reload. This command will cause StatServ to split from the network, reload data files and connect. This command SHOULD be used wisely.
This command is not available on Windows Builds of NeoStats
/msg NeoStats RELOAD Lagged
/msg NeoStats LOAD <module>
Allows you to load a module while NeoStats is running. Some modules can not be loaded at runtime, and will return an error.
/msg NeoStats LOAD statserv
/msg NeoStats UNLOAD <module>
Allows you to unload a module while NeoStats is running. Some modules can not be unloaded at runtime, and will return an error
/msg NeoStats UNLOAD statserv
/msg NeoStats MODLIST
Display module names and descriptions of loaded modules
/msg NeoStats MODLIST
/msg NeoStats RAW COMMAND
Allow you to send raw IRC commands from this server Nothing is returned to the user after a raw command It is recommended that you never use this command. It can cause desyncs and other problems. No support will be provided for use of this command.
Problems with RAW are NOT SUPPORTED.
RAW is not enabled by Default in NeoStats. The availability of this command depends upon the installation. Please consult the installation guide for more info about enabling the Raw command.
/msg NeoStats RAW COMMAND
/msg NeoStats JUPE Server +
Allows you to jupe a server on the network
/msg NeoStats JUPE jupe.com
/msg NeoStats EXCLUDE LIST +/msg NeoStats EXCLUDE ADD <HOST/SERVER/CHANNEL/USERHOST> <pattern> <reason> +
Exclusion Lists allow you to stop NeoStats acting on certian users, channels, servers, or hostname masks. This for example, allows you to stop NeoStats from interacting with your Services Server (NickServ etc) which is often advisable.
In NeoStats, there are two types of Exclusion Lists. One is a Global Exclusion List that applies to all Bots/Services loaded on NeoStats. The other type is a "Per Module" exclusion list that only applies to individual modules.
This Exclusion command maintains the global exclusion list here. Ideally, the only entries in this exclusion list should be for your Services Server, Bots that may not play nicely with NeoStats, or Abusive Users. If any user matches this exclusion list, they can not interact at all with NeoStats, or any of its modules.
/msg NeoStats EXCLUDE LIST + +/msg NeoStats EXCLUDE ADD HOST *.microsoft.com Microsoft Employes are not welcome here! + +/msg NeoStats EXCLUDE DEL *.microsoft.com
The following Commands can assist you or developers to Debug NeoStats
/msg NeoStats USERLIST [nick]
When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its user table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats
If nick is passed, only the information of that nick is returned, otherwise the entire user list is dumped.
/msg NeoStats USERLIST
/msg NeoStats CHANNELLIST [channel] +
When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its channel table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats If channel is passed, only the information of that channel is returned, otherwise the entire channel list is dumped.
/msg NeoStats SERVERLIST
When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its server table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats
/msg NeoStats SERVERLIST
/msg NeoStats BANLIST
When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its network wide Ban List (AKILLS, GLINES etc) to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats
/msg NeoStats BANLIST
/msg NeoStats BOTLIST
Description: NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current bots being used on the network for each module.
/msg NeoStats BOTLIST
/msg NeoStats SOCKLIST
NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current sockets being used on neostats for each module.
/msg NeoStats SOCKLIST
The Following Settings are configurable online with NeoStats. They help you customize NeoStats and its configuration to suit your network. Some settings affect all of NeoStats, while others only affect the NeoStats Root Bot ("NeoStats"). The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg NeoStats SET LIST + +/msg NeoStats SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in NeoStats:
This setting is to customize what charactor will be used for commands that are activated via Channel Messages. By default, it is set to "!" which means to trigger a command in a channel, a user must type !<command>
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to !
NeoStats has inbuilt flood protection. This setting defines how many messages NeoStats will allow in MSGSAMPLETIME (see below) before ignoring or killing a user.
Operators are exempt from FloodProtection
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to 5 messages (in 30 Seconds, by default for MSGSAMPLETIME)
This setting defines how long NeoStats will calculate if a user is flooding NeoStats (or its bots). If NeoStats recieves MSGTHRESHOLD messages in MSGSAMPLETIME, the user will be killed or ignored.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to 30 seconds
NeoStats can send debugging information to a channel if it has been built with Debugging Enabled. This option sets which channel to output that debuging information. See the other DEBUG options listed below for information on how to customize the Debugging Information.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to #DEBUG
Some NeoStats bots might have different commands that are triggered via either Channel Messages or Private Messages. For bots that use both Channel Messages or Private Messages, this option allows you to configure the help messages sent to a user. If the User triggers help via a Channel Message, and this setting is Off, then only commands that can be triggered via Channel Messages will be displayed in Help. If the help command is used via a Private Message and this setting is off, then only commands that are available via Private Message are displayed. If you enable this setting then regardless of how a user requests help, then all commands are shown.
This setting defaults to disabled.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
Some NeoStats Modules connect to various Network resources (eg, DCC, NeoNet). This option specifies how big a buffer is made in the network code for this communication. If the amount of incomming traffic exceeds this amount, the network connection is disconnected.
Not all network communications are affected by this setting. Consult the developers if you wish to know which modules might use this settting.
Changing this setting is not recommended unless you know what you are doing!
This setting defaults to 2048 Bytes.
NeoStats can optionally echo commands used by users on all bots to the Services Channel. This allows members of the services channel to see what commands are being used by Users.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to Enabled.
This is the default User Mode assigned to all NeoStats bots. It allows you to customize how the NeoStats Bots appear to end users.
This setting affects most NeoStats Bots. Some Bots do not use this setting and may use a "per module" setting instead.
This setting defaults are dependant on the IRCd you connect to.
This setting controls if NeoStats should send the helptext associated with a command if the user specifies a invalid syntax or not. With this option disabled, Users only get a "Invalid Syntax Message", and with it enabled, they get the "Invalid Syntax" Message, plus the help associated with that command.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to enabled
This setting controls determs the threshold that is used when calculating if a user is part of a NetJoin (when two servers link to the network) or if they are a brand new user. If they are considered to be "riding a netjoin", then certian actions may be ignored for a user (such as OPSB scanning these users for Open Proxies). SPLITTIME requires that all clocks on the Network Servers are closely in sync. Its not advised to Change this setting unless you know what you are doing.
A user is considered NetRiding if their Network Join Time is older than the current time minus the SPLITTIME seconds.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This option might be ignored on some IRCd's that support network wide "End Of Burst" messages. Consult the IRCd specific information for details of which IRCd's support that currently.
This setting defaults to 300 Seconds
This setting controls how much debugging information is written to the LogFiles. Valid range is from 1 to 10. Debug Logging is only activated if debug mode is activated.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to 5 Seconds
This setting determines what channel modes NeoStats Bots will get when joining channels.
This setting affects most NeoStats Bots. Those modules that don't use this setting will have individual settings.
This setting is dependant on the IRCd being used.
This setting determins if all NeoStats Bots should automatically join the Services Channel.
This setting affects all NeoStats Bots
This setting defaults to enabled.
The following settings can assist you or developers to Debug NeoStats
This setting determines if Debugging information should be output to the Debug Channel Specified in teh DEBUGCHAN setting as well as outputing to the Log Files.
Filter the messages output to the debug channel by module. Eg, you can specify that you only want debug messages for SecureServ.
StatServ provides statistical services to the network such as user, oper, server counts and uptime. It can also echo this information to a web page of your choice.
The following Commands may be used with StatServ.
/msg StatServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg StatServ HELP +/msg StatServ HELP INFO
/msg StatServ version
Displays the current version of StatServ
/msg StatServ VERSION
/msg StatServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about StatServ
/msg StatServ ABOUT
/msg StatServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of StatServ
/msg StatServ CREDITS
/msg StatServ LEVELS LIST +/msg StatServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in StatServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg StatServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg StatServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
/msg StatServ CTCPVERSION <limit>
Provides Statistics on the Client Versions found
<limit> Specifies how many results to show. Results are sorted by Most Popular to Least Popular
/msg StatServ CHANNEL <POP/KICKS/TOPICS/<Channame>>
Provides Statistics on Channels on the network
By itself provides a list of the top10 Channels based on the current number of members
gives you information on the most popular channels on the network based on the number of joins
Gives you the top 10 kicking channels
Gives you the top10 Topic Changing Channels
CHAN <name>
Gives you specific information on a channel
/msg statserv chan #neostats
/msg StatServ SERVER <<server name>/LIST/DEL/RENAME> <oldserver> <newserver>
Allows you to view and modify server statistics.
SERVER <servername>
Allows you to view statistics about a particular server
Shows all the server entries stored in StatServ's Database.
Delete a server entry stored in StatServ's Database.
SERVER RENAME <oldserver> <newserver>
Rename a server entry stored in StatServ's Database.
/msg statserv server rollergirl.sg.as.irc-chat.net
/msg StatServ MAP
Provides a server listing with minimal statistics.
/msg StatServ MAP
/msg StatServ NETSTATS
Provides information about the performance of the network.
/msg StatServ NETSTATS
/msg StatServ DAILY
Provides information about records that have been set today.
/msg StatServ DAILY
/msg StatServ TLDMAP
Shows the network map in relation to top level domains.
/msg StatServ TLDMAP
/msg StatServ OPERLIST <NOAWAY/<server_name>>
Shows a listing of IRCops.
Don't show opers that are set away.
Only show opers on that server.
/msg statserv operlist +/msg statserv operlist noaway +/msg statserv operlist <server>
/msg StatServ BOTLIST
Shows all current bots on the network. (umode +B users if your IRCD supports Umode +B)
/msg StatServ BOTLIST
The Following Settings are configurable online with StatServ. They help you customize StatServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg StatServ SET LIST + +/msg StatServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in StatServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the StatServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "StatServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the StatServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "StatServ1"
The "User" that the StatServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that StatServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that StatServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting if StatServ should use the Global Exclusion List maintained by the Main NeoStats Bot.
This setting defaults to enabled.
This setting determines if StatServ should broadcast new records on the network (such as Max no of users etc). The options are:
0 - Never
1 - Announce in services channel
2 - Announce by globops
3 - Announce by wallops
This setting defaults to 1 - Announce in services channel
For StatServ to produce a HTML page with various statistics about your network, it needs to write a file. This setting specifies where to write the file to.
You must ensure that the user that NeoStats runs as has permissions to write to the path you specify. The path should also include the filename. eg:
How often StatServ should update the HTML file specified in HTMLPATH if HTML is enabled (See HTML setting)
This defaults to 3600 seconds
The amount of time that StatServ keeps statistics for unused channels in its Database. If a channel has not be active on the network for longer than this period, StatServ deletes it from the database.
This setting defaults to 604800 Seconds
This setting in conjuction with the below setting (MSGINTERVAL) helps StatServ avoid flooding the network with record annoucements. This option specifies how many messages to broadcast in MSGINTERVAL time below.
This setting defaults to 5
This setting in conjunction with the above setting (MSGLIMIT) helps StatServ avoid flooding the network with record announcements. This option specifies how much time must elapse during before the MSGLIMIT counter is reset.
This setting defaults to 60 Seconds
This option causes the MAP command to become flat, thus not showing the real structure of your IRC network to users.
This setting defaults to disabled.
This settting determines how lagged a server should be for StatServ to consider that server lagged out.
By Default, StatServ uses a file called index.tpl in your data directory as the template for your output. Currently, the template system is very basic, and will output tables containing the information requested. All Template variables are enclosed by !
The available template variables are:
!MAP! -Outputs a network
Map similar to /msg statserv map in a table format
!SRVLIST! -Outputs a complete list of servers that StatServ has ever seen, which are linked to detailed server information provided by the template variable !SRVLISTDET!
!SRVLISTDET! -Outputs detailed server information
see also !SRVLIST!
!NETSTATS! -Outputs Network Statistics
similar to /msg statserv netstats
!DAILYSTATS! -Outputs the Daily Statistics
similar to /msg statserv daily
!DAILYTOPCHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels based on number of members
!TOP10CHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels ever based on number of joins
!TOP10KICKS! -Outputs the top10 kicking channels
!TOP10TOPICS! -Outputs the top10 topic changing channels
!TLDMAP! -Outputs the TLD map
similar to /msg statserv tldmap
!VERSION! -Outputs the version of NeoStats
!TITLE! -Outputs title in the form: "Network Statistics for YourNetName"
!CLIENTSTATS! -Outputs Top 10 clients used on the network. (Requires SecureServ module with version checks enabled).
StatServ also puts out some information on when the page was created, and what software created it by default at the end of your HTML page. This option can not be disabled. (Sorry, but its our little advertisement for all the hard work we have done to create NeoStats for you to use!)
An example template is provided for you so you don't have to waste time getting your own template ready. If you wish to create your own template, replace the index.tpl file in the data directory with your version.
ConnectServ is designed to echo the signing on/off of users killing of users, modes that the operators are using and nickname changes. These echo types can be customised to be echoed to the services channel or NOT to be echoed at all.
The following Commands may be used with ConnectServ.
/msg ConnectServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg ConnectServ HELP +/msg ConnectServ HELP INFO
/msg ConnectServ version
Displays the current version of ConnectServ
/msg ConnectServ VERSION
/msg ConnectServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about ConnectServ
/msg ConnectServ ABOUT
/msg ConnectServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of ConnectServ
/msg ConnectServ CREDITS
/msg ConnectServ LEVELS LIST +/msg ConnectServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in ConnectServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg ConnectServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg ConnectServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with ConnectServ. They help you customize ConnectServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg ConnectServ SET LIST + +/msg ConnectServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in ConnectServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the ConnectServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "ConnectServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the ConnectServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "ConnectServ1"
The "User" that the ConnectServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that ConnectServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that ConnectServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting if ConnectServ should use the Global Exclusion List maintained by the Main NeoStats Bot.
This setting defaults to enabled.
This setting determins if ConnectServ should also log all notices to the LogFile in addition to the services channel.
This setting defaults to Enabled.
Should ConnnectServ broadcast out Global Kills on the network.
This setting defaults to Enabled.
Should ConnectServ broadcast out Server Joins and Splits on the network
This defaults to Enabled.
Should ConnectServ broadcast out Nickname Changes on the network
This defaults to Enabled
Should ConnectServ broadcast out Users connecting and disconnnecting on the network
This setting defaults to Enabled.
Should ConnectServ broadcast out User Mode Changes on the network
This setting defaults to Enabled
Should ConnectServ broadcast out Users going away and comming back on the network
This setting defaults to Enabled
HostServ is designed to let users use their own unique host while on the Network. IRC Operators add them to the database and upon connection the user gets their unique host. It also allows operators to set Undernet Style Hidden hosts for registered users.
The following Commands may be used with HostServ.
/msg HostServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg HostServ HELP +/msg HostServ HELP INFO
/msg HostServ version
Displays the current version of HostServ
/msg HostServ VERSION
/msg HostServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about HostServ
/msg HostServ ABOUT
/msg HostServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of HostServ
/msg HostServ CREDITS
/msg HostServ LEVELS LIST +/msg HostServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in HostServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg HostServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg HostServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
Adds a entry to the HostServ Database for a specified User.
/msg HostServ ADD neo aol.com coolhost.com mypassword
/msg HostServ DEL <ACCESS LIST #>
Deletes a VHOST entry from the HostServ Database. <ACCESS LIST #> can be obtained by using the LIST command.
/msg HostServ DEL 1
/msg HostServ LIST <start>
Lists the people and vhosts in the Database. Only lists a maxium of 20 entries if <start> is specified, start the listing at number <start>
/msg HostServ LIST
/msg HostServ VIEW <ACCESS LIST #>
View Detailed information about the vhost on the list # you selected
/msg HostServ VIEW 1
Login to HostServ with your NICK and PASSWORD and your vhost will be assigned to your nick on successful login.
/msg HostServ LOGIN Angel Password
/msg HostServ BANS [[add/del] <option>]
Controls the vhost banned list entries:
BANS lists current vhosts that are banned by network administration.
The following options are only available to Network Administration:
BANS add <wildcard> Add a banned vhost to the list Wildcards, like *fbi* are permitted.
BANS del # Delete a banned vhost with ID number #
You may figure out the ID number by using BANS by itself
/msg HostServ BANS add microsoft.com
The Following Settings are configurable online with HostServ. They help you customize HostServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg HostServ SET LIST + +/msg HostServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in HostServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the HostServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "HostServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the HostServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "HostServ1"
The "User" that the HostServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that HostServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that HostServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting if HostServ should use the Global Exclusion List maintained by the Main NeoStats Bot.
This setting defaults to enabled.
This setting determins if HostServ should broadcast all actions that HostServ performs, such as setting users VHOSTS etc.
This setting defaults to Enabled.
Should HostServ set a Undernet style hidden hosts for all users when they authenticate to NickServ (Recieve Umode +r). Undernet style hidden hosts are of the form <user>.user.HOSTNAME
This setting defaults to Disabled.
Determines the Domain Name to use when setting users Hosts or Opers Hosts if HiddenHost or OperHost is enabled.
This has no default
Should HostServ set a Undernet style hidden hosts for all Operators when they authenticate to NickServ (Recieve Umode +r). Undernet style hidden hosts are of the form <user>.oper.HOSTNAME
This defaults to Disabled
The Level that is required to use the Add Command to create new VHOSTS for other users.
This setting defaults to 40
LimitServ is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with LimitServ.
/msg LimitServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg LimitServ HELP +/msg LimitServ HELP INFO
/msg LimitServ version
Displays the current version of LimitServ
/msg LimitServ VERSION
/msg LimitServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about LimitServ
/msg LimitServ ABOUT
/msg LimitServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of LimitServ
/msg LimitServ CREDITS
/msg LimitServ LEVELS LIST +/msg LimitServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in LimitServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg LimitServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg LimitServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with LimitServ. They help you customize LimitServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg LimitServ SET LIST + +/msg LimitServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in LimitServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the LimitServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "LimitServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the LimitServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "LimitServ1"
The "User" that the LimitServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that LimitServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that LimitServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
OperLog is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with OperLog.
/msg OperLog HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg OperLog HELP +/msg OperLog HELP INFO
/msg OperLog version
Displays the current version of OperLog
/msg OperLog VERSION
/msg OperLog ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about OperLog
/msg OperLog ABOUT
/msg OperLog CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of OperLog
/msg OperLog CREDITS
/msg OperLog LEVELS LIST +/msg OperLog LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in OperLog are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg OperLog LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg OperLog LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with OperLog. They help you customize OperLog and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg OperLog SET LIST + +/msg OperLog SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in OperLog:
This setting is to change the nickname that the OperLog module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "OperLog"
This setting is to change the nickname that the OperLog module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "OperLog1"
The "User" that the OperLog bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that OperLog will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that OperLog will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
QuoteServ is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with QuoteServ.
/msg QuoteServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg QuoteServ HELP +/msg QuoteServ HELP INFO
/msg QuoteServ version
Displays the current version of QuoteServ
/msg QuoteServ VERSION
/msg QuoteServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about QuoteServ
/msg QuoteServ ABOUT
/msg QuoteServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of QuoteServ
/msg QuoteServ CREDITS
/msg QuoteServ LEVELS LIST +/msg QuoteServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in QuoteServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg QuoteServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg QuoteServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with QuoteServ. They help you customize QuoteServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg QuoteServ SET LIST + +/msg QuoteServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in QuoteServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the QuoteServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "QuoteServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the QuoteServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "QuoteServ1"
The "User" that the QuoteServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that QuoteServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that QuoteServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
TextServ is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with TextServ.
/msg TextServ HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg TextServ HELP +/msg TextServ HELP INFO
/msg TextServ version
Displays the current version of TextServ
/msg TextServ VERSION
/msg TextServ ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about TextServ
/msg TextServ ABOUT
/msg TextServ CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of TextServ
/msg TextServ CREDITS
/msg TextServ LEVELS LIST +/msg TextServ LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in TextServ are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg TextServ LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg TextServ LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with TextServ. They help you customize TextServ and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg TextServ SET LIST + +/msg TextServ SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in TextServ:
This setting is to change the nickname that the TextServ module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "TextServ"
This setting is to change the nickname that the TextServ module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "TextServ1"
The "User" that the TextServ bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that TextServ will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that TextServ will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
ExtAuth is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with ExtAuth.
/msg ExtAuth HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg ExtAuth HELP +/msg ExtAuth HELP INFO
/msg ExtAuth version
Displays the current version of ExtAuth
/msg ExtAuth VERSION
/msg ExtAuth ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about ExtAuth
/msg ExtAuth ABOUT
/msg ExtAuth CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of ExtAuth
/msg ExtAuth CREDITS
/msg ExtAuth LEVELS LIST +/msg ExtAuth LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in ExtAuth are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg ExtAuth LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the ExtAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg ExtAuth LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with ExtAuth. They help you customize ExtAuth and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg ExtAuth SET LIST + +/msg ExtAuth SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in ExtAuth:
This setting is to change the nickname that the ExtAuth module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "ExtAuth"
This setting is to change the nickname that the ExtAuth module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "ExtAuth1"
The "User" that the ExtAuth bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that ExtAuth will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that ExtAuth will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
IRCDAuth is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with IRCDAuth.
/msg IRCDAuth HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg IRCDAuth version
Displays the current version of IRCDAuth
Shows a descriptive text about IRCDAuth
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of IRCDAuth
/msg IRCDAuth LEVELS LIST +/msg IRCDAuth LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in IRCDAuth are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg IRCDAuth LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the IRCDAuth and IrcdAuth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with IRCDAuth. They help you customize IRCDAuth and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg IRCDAuth SET LIST + +/msg IRCDAuth SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in IRCDAuth:
This setting is to change the nickname that the IRCDAuth module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "IRCDAuth"
This setting is to change the nickname that the IRCDAuth module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "IRCDAuth1"
The "User" that the IRCDAuth bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that IRCDAuth will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that IRCDAuth will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
template is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with template.
/msg template HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg template HELP +/msg template HELP INFO
/msg template version
Displays the current version of template
/msg template VERSION
/msg template ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about template
/msg template ABOUT
/msg template CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of template
/msg template CREDITS
/msg template LEVELS LIST +/msg template LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in template are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg template LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the template and template Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg template LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with template. They help you customize template and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg template SET LIST + +/msg template SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in template:
This setting is to change the nickname that the template module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "template"
This setting is to change the nickname that the template module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "template1"
The "User" that the template bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that template will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that template will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
templateauth is designed to ....
The following Commands may be used with templateauth.
/msg templateauth HELP [command]
HELP displays available commands
HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use.
/msg templateauth HELP +/msg templateauth HELP INFO
/msg templateauth version
Displays the current version of templateauth
/msg templateauth VERSION
/msg templateauth ABOUT
Shows a descriptive text about templateauth
/msg templateauth ABOUT
/msg templateauth CREDITS
Shows details about the Authors and Contributors of templateauth
/msg templateauth CREDITS
/msg templateauth LEVELS LIST +/msg templateauth LEVELS <command> <newlevel>
Permissions in templateauth are controlled via UserLevels. A User can have levels ranging from 0 to 200 and their access to commands can be controled via the Levels Command.
/msg templateauth LEVELS LIST shows the current levels each command is assigned. If you wish to alter a command with a new level use the LEVELS <command> <newlevel> syntax. See below for a example
The Actual Levels that are assigned to users depends upon the Authentication Libary loaded into NeoStats. Currently, 2 Authentication Libaries are shipped with NeoStats. Consult the templateauth and templateauth Module configuration Sections for more info on how these modules calculate a users level.
/msg templateauth LEVELS HELP 200
This sets the help command to only be available to users with Level 200 or above (not very usefull though!)
The Following Settings are configurable online with templateauth. They help you customize templateauth and its configuration to suit your network. The following section define the settings. To view or modify the settings the following commands are available:
/msg templateauth SET LIST + +/msg templateauth SET <option> <paramater>
The Following Settings are available in templateauth:
This setting is to change the nickname that the templateauth module uses for the Bot.
This setting defaults to "templateauth"
This setting is to change the nickname that the templateauth module uses for the Bot if the Primary Nickname is not available
This setting defaults to "templateauth1"
The "User" that the templateauth bot will signon to the network as (Ident). If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the hostname that templateauth will use when signon to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.
This setting determines the Realname that templateauth will use with it signs on to the network. If not specified, uses the same as the NeoStats Bot.