Add validate and random channel key functions
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 258 additions and 204 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Anything we add/remove/fix/change is in here (even our rants)
Fish (F), Mark (M)
* NeoStats * Version 3.0.a2-dev
- Add validate and random channel key functions. (M)
- Remove RELOAD command from Win32. (M)
- Fix RELOAD command not working reported by DNB. (M)
- Fix problems with persistent bots reported by DNB. (M)
@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ EXPORTFUNC Channel *FindChannel( const char *chan );
EXPORTFUNC int CheckChanMode( Channel *c, const unsigned int mode );
EXPORTFUNC int IsChannelMember( Channel *c, Client *u );
EXPORTFUNC int test_cumode( char *chan, char *nick, int flag );
EXPORTFUNC Channel *GetRandomChan( void );
EXPORTFUNC Channel *GetRandomChannel( void );
#define IsChanOp( chan, nick ) test_cumode(chan, nick, CUMODE_CHANOP)
#define IsChanHalfOp( chan, nick ) test_cumode(chan, nick, CUMODE_HALFOP)
@ -1218,6 +1218,7 @@ EXPORTFUNC int ValidateUser( char *username );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateHost( char *hostname );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateURL( char *url );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateChannel( char *channel_name );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateChannelKey( char *key );
#define CONFIG_TABLE_NAME "config"
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ void FiniChannels( void )
hash_destroy( channelhash );
Channel *GetRandomChan( void )
Channel *GetRandomChannel( void )
hscan_t cs;
hnode_t *cn;
@ -665,10 +665,24 @@ Channel *GetRandomChan( void )
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "GetRandomChan() ran out of channels?" );
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "GetRandomChannel() ran out of channels?" );
return NULL;
char *GetRandomChannelKey( int length )
int i;
char *key;
key = ns_malloc( ( length + 1 ) );
for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
key[i] = ( ( rand() % 26) + 'a' );
key[i] = 0;
return key;
int GetChannelList( ChannelListHandler handler, void *v )
hnode_t *node;
@ -28,41 +28,41 @@
#include "services.h"
#include "ircstring.h"
/* @brief hrand
/** @brief hrand
* @params upperbound
* @params lowerbound
* @param upperbound
* @param lowerbound
* @returns result
* @returns result
unsigned hrand(unsigned upperbound, unsigned lowerbound)
unsigned hrand( unsigned upperbound, unsigned lowerbound )
if ((upperbound < 1)) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, "hrand() invalid value for upperbound");
if( ( upperbound < 1 ) ) {
nlog( LOG_WARNING, "hrand() invalid value for upperbound" );
return -1;
return ((unsigned)(rand()%((int)(upperbound-lowerbound+1))-((int)(lowerbound-1))));
return( ( unsigned )( rand()%( ( int )( upperbound-lowerbound+1 ) )-( ( int )( lowerbound-1 ) ) ) );
/* @brief Make the name of a file safe for a filename
/** @brief make_safe_filename
* given a name, make sure its a safe name for a filename
* given a name, make sure its a safe name for a filename
* @params name the name to check. Warning, the name is modified
* @param name to check; name is modified
* @returns a modified version of the name, that is safe to use as a filename
* @returns modified version of name that is safe to use as a filename
char *make_safe_filename (char *name)
char *make_safe_filename( char *name )
char *ptr;
ptr = name;
while (*ptr) {
switch (*ptr) {
while( *ptr ) {
switch( *ptr ) {
#ifdef WIN32
case '#':
*ptr = '_';
@ -81,316 +81,324 @@ char *make_safe_filename (char *name)
return name;
/** @brief strip newlines carriage returns
/** @brief strip
* removes newlines and carriage returns from a string
* @param line to strip; line is modified
* removes newlines and carriage returns from a string
* @param line the line to strip (warning, Modfied!)
* @retval line the stripped line
* @returns stripped line
strip (char *line)
void strip( char *line )
char *c;
if ((c = strchr (line, '\n')))
if( ( c = strchr( line, '\n' ) ) )
*c = '\0';
if ((c = strchr (line, '\r')))
if( ( c = strchr( line, '\r' ) ) )
*c = '\0';
/** @brief Duplicate a string
* make a copy of a string, with memory allocated for the new string
* @param s a pointer to the string to duplicate
* @returns a pointer to the new string
* @deprecated Try not to use this function, it will go away one day
/** @brief sstrdup
* make a copy of a string allocating memory for the new string
* @param pointer to the string to duplicate
* @returns pointer to the new string
char* sstrdup (const char *s)
char* sstrdup( const char *s )
char *t = ns_malloc (strlen(s)+1);
strlcpy (t, s, strlen(s)+1);
if (!t) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, "sstrdup(): out of memory.");
do_exit (NS_EXIT_ERROR, "Out of memory");
char *t = ns_malloc( strlen( s )+1 );
strlcpy( t, s, strlen( s )+1 );
if( !t ) {
nlog( LOG_CRITICAL, "sstrdup(): out of memory." );
do_exit( NS_EXIT_ERROR, "Out of memory" );
return t;
/** @brief convert a string to lowercase
* makes a string lowercase
* @param s the string to convert to lowercase. WARNING: the result overwrites this variable
* @returns pointer to the lowercase version of s
/** @brief strlwr
* make string string lowercase
* @param string to convert to lowercase; string is modified
* @returns pointer to the new string
char* strlwr (char *s)
char* strlwr( char *s )
char *t;
t = s;
while (*t) {
*t = tolower (*t);
while( *t ) {
*t = tolower( *t );
return s;
/** @brief split_buf
* Split a buffer into argument list
/** @brief ircsplitbuf
* Split a buffer into argument list observing IRC protocols
* @param buf buffer to convert
* @param argv list of arguments to write
* @param colon_special flag to indicate colon processing
* @return
* @returns count of arguments created from split
EXPORTFUNC int ircsplitbuf (char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special)
EXPORTFUNC int ircsplitbuf( char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special )
int argvsize = 8;
int argc;
char *s;
int colcount = 0;
*argv = ns_calloc (sizeof (char *) * argvsize);
*argv = ns_calloc( sizeof( char * ) * argvsize );
argc = 0;
/*if (*buf == ':')
/*if( *buf == ':' )
while (*buf) {
if (argc == argvsize) {
while( *buf ) {
if( argc == argvsize ) {
argvsize += 8;
*argv = ns_realloc (*argv, sizeof (char *) * argvsize);
*argv = ns_realloc( *argv, sizeof( char * ) * argvsize );
if ((*buf == ':') && (colcount < 1)) {
if( ( *buf == ':' ) &&( colcount < 1 ) ) {
if(colon_special) {
(*argv)[argc++] = buf;
if( colon_special ) {
( *argv )[argc++] = buf;
s = strpbrk (buf, " ");
if (s) {
s = strpbrk( buf, " " );
if( s ) {
*s++ = 0;
while (isspace (*s))
while( isspace( *s ) )
} else {
s = buf + strnlen (buf, BUFSIZE);
s = buf + strnlen( buf, BUFSIZE );
if (*buf == 0) {
if( *buf == 0 ) {
(*argv)[argc++] = buf;
( *argv )[argc++] = buf;
buf = s;
return argc;
/** @brief split_buf
* Split a buffer into argument list
* @param buf buffer to convert
* @param argv list of arguments to write
* @param colon_special flag to indicate colon processing
* @return
* @returns count of arguments created from split
int split_buf (char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special)
int split_buf( char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special )
int argvsize = 8;
int argc;
char *s;
int colcount = 0;
*argv = ns_calloc (sizeof (char *) * argvsize);
*argv = ns_calloc( sizeof( char * ) * argvsize );
argc = 0;
if (*buf == ':')
if( *buf == ':' )
while (*buf) {
if (argc == argvsize) {
while( *buf ) {
if( argc == argvsize ) {
argvsize += 8;
*argv = ns_realloc (*argv, sizeof (char *) * argvsize);
*argv = ns_realloc( *argv, sizeof( char * ) * argvsize );
if ((*buf == ':') && (colcount < 1)) {
if( ( *buf == ':' ) &&( colcount < 1 ) ) {
s = strpbrk (buf, " ");
if (s) {
s = strpbrk( buf, " " );
if( s ) {
*s++ = 0;
while (isspace (*s))
while( isspace( *s ) )
} else {
s = buf + strnlen (buf, BUFSIZE);
s = buf + strnlen( buf, BUFSIZE );
if (*buf == 0) {
if( *buf == 0 ) {
(*argv)[argc++] = buf;
( *argv )[argc++] = buf;
buf = s;
return argc;
/** @brief joinbuf
/** @brief joinbuf
* join an array of arguments into a single buffer
* @param av list of arguments to combine
* @param ac count of arguments to combine
* @param from position to start combine
* @return
* @returns buffer containing combined arguments
char* joinbuf (char **av, int ac, int from)
char* joinbuf( char **av, int ac, int from )
int i;
char *buf;
buf = ns_malloc (BUFSIZE);
if(from >= ac) {
dlog(DEBUG1, "joinbuf: from (%d) >= ac (%d)", from, ac);
strlcpy (buf, "(null)", BUFSIZE);
buf = ns_malloc( BUFSIZE );
if( from >= ac ) {
dlog( DEBUG1, "joinbuf: from( %d ) >= ac( %d )", from, ac );
strlcpy( buf, "( null )", BUFSIZE );
else {
strlcpy (buf, av[from], BUFSIZE);
for (i = from + 1; i < ac; i++) {
strlcat (buf, " ", BUFSIZE);
strlcat (buf, av[i], BUFSIZE);
strlcpy( buf, av[from], BUFSIZE );
for( i = from + 1; i < ac; i++ ) {
strlcat( buf, " ", BUFSIZE );
strlcat( buf, av[i], BUFSIZE );
return (char *) buf;
return( char * ) buf;
/** @brief Adds a string to an array of strings
* used for the event functions, adds a string to an array of string pointers to pass to modules
* @param List the array you wish to append S to
* @param S the string you wish to append
* @param C the current size of the array
/** @brief AddStringToList
* @returns Nothing
* Adds a string to an array of strings
* @param List the array you wish to append S to
* @param S the string you wish to append
* @param C current size of the array
* @returns none
void AddStringToList (char ***List, char S[], int *C)
void AddStringToList( char ***List, char S[], int *C )
static int numargs = 8;
if (*C == 0) {
if( *C == 0 ) {
numargs = 8;
*List = ns_calloc (sizeof (char *) * numargs);
} else if (*C == numargs) {
*List = ns_calloc( sizeof( char * ) * numargs );
} else if( *C == numargs ) {
numargs += 8;
*List = ns_realloc (*List, sizeof (char *) * numargs);
*List = ns_realloc( *List, sizeof( char * ) * numargs );
(*List)[*C] = S;
( *List )[*C] = S;
/** @brief
* @param
/** @brief strip_mirc_codes
* @returns
* Remove colour control codes from mirc, pirch etc.
* taken from eggdrop
* @param text to strip
/* this came from eggdrop sources */
/* Remove the color control codes that mIRC,pIRCh etc use to make
* their client seem so fecking cool! (Sorry, Khaled, you are a nice
* guy, but when you added this feature you forced people to either
* use your *SHAREWARE* client or face screenfulls of crap!)
* @returns none
void strip_mirc_codes(char *text)
void strip_mirc_codes( char *text )
char *dd = text;
char *dd = text;
while (*text) {
switch (*text) {
case 1:
text++; /* ctcp stuff */
case 2: /* Bold text */
case 3: /* mIRC colors? */
if (isdigit(text[1])) { /* Is the first char a number? */
text += 2; /* Skip over the ^C and the first digit */
if (isdigit(*text))
text++; /* Is this a double digit number? */
if (*text == ',') { /* Do we have a background color next? */
if (isdigit(text[1]))
text += 2; /* Skip over the first background digit */
if (isdigit(*text))
text++; /* Is it a double digit? */
case 7:
case 0x16: /* Reverse video */
case 0x1f: /* Underlined text */
case 033:
if (*text == '[') {
while ((*text == ';') || isdigit(*text))
if (*text)
text++; /* also kill the following char */
while( *text ) {
switch( *text ) {
case 1:
text++; /* ctcp stuff */
case 2: /* Bold text */
case 3: /* mIRC colors? */
if( isdigit( text[1] ) ) { /* Is the first char a number? */
text += 2; /* Skip over the ^C and the first digit */
if( isdigit( *text ) )
text++; /* Is this a double digit number? */
if( *text == ',' ) { /* Do we have a background color next? */
if( isdigit( text[1] ) )
text += 2; /* Skip over the first background digit */
if( isdigit( *text ) )
text++; /* Is it a double digit? */
case 7:
case 0x16: /* Reverse video */
case 0x1f: /* Underlined text */
case 033:
if( *text == '[' ) {
while( ( *text == ';' ) || isdigit( *text ) )
if( *text )
text++; /* also kill the following char */
*dd++ = *text++; /* Move on to the next char */
*dd++ = *text++; /* Move on to the next char */
*dd = 0;
*dd = 0;
/** @brief
* @param
/** @brief sctime
* @returns
* @param stuff
* @returns
char* sctime (time_t stuff)
char* sctime( time_t stuff )
char *s, *c;
s = ctime (&stuff);
if ((c = strchr (s, '\n')))
s = ctime( &stuff );
if( ( c = strchr( s, '\n' ) ) )
*c = '\0';
return s;
/** @brief
* @param
/** @brief sftime
* @returns
* @param stuff
* @returns
static char fmtime[TIMEBUFSIZE];
char* sftime (time_t stuff)
char* sftime( time_t stuff )
struct tm *ltm = localtime (&stuff);
struct tm *ltm = localtime( &stuff );
strftime (fmtime, TIMEBUFSIZE, "%a %b %d %Y %I:%M %p %Z", ltm);
strftime( fmtime, TIMEBUFSIZE, "%a %b %d %Y %I:%M %p %Z", ltm );
return fmtime;
@ -402,13 +410,14 @@ char* sftime (time_t stuff)
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
int ValidateNick (char* nick)
int ValidateNick( char* nick )
char* ptr;
ptr = nick;
while (*ptr) {
if (!IsNickChar(*ptr)) {
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsNickChar( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
@ -424,13 +433,14 @@ int ValidateNick (char* nick)
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
int ValidateUser (char* username)
int ValidateUser( char* username )
char* ptr;
ptr = username;
while (*ptr) {
if (!IsUserChar(*ptr)) {
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsUserChar( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
@ -446,13 +456,14 @@ int ValidateUser (char* username)
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
int ValidateHost (char* hostname)
int ValidateHost( char* hostname )
char* ptr;
ptr = hostname;
while (*ptr) {
if (!IsHostChar(*ptr)) {
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsHostChar( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
@ -468,16 +479,17 @@ int ValidateHost (char* hostname)
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
int ValidateURL (char* url)
int ValidateURL( char* url )
char* ptr;
if (ircstrncasecmp (url, "http://", 7) !=0)
if( ircstrncasecmp( url, "http://", 7 ) !=0 )
return NS_FAILURE;
ptr = url;
ptr += 7;
while (*ptr) {
if (!IsURLChar(*ptr)) {
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsURLChar( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
@ -493,17 +505,43 @@ int ValidateURL (char* url)
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
int ValidateChannel (char* channel_name)
int ValidateChannel( char* channel_name )
char* ptr;
ptr = channel_name;
if (!IsChanPrefix(*ptr)) {
if( !IsChanPrefix( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
ptr ++;
while (*ptr) {
if (!IsChanChar(*ptr)) {
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsChanChar( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ValidateChannelKey
* Check that passed string is a valid channel key
* @param channel key to check
* @return NS_SUCCESS if succeeds, NS_FAILURE if not
* @TODO: establish valid key charset
int ValidateChannelKey( char* key )
char* ptr;
ptr = key;
while( *ptr ) {
if( !IsAlNum( *ptr ) ) {
return NS_FAILURE;
Reference in a new issue