its not yet setup to export any of NeoStats structs, but you can test with this release with the built in tables:
to test:
./configure --enable-sqlsrv
add a line to neostats.cfg:
SQLSRV_AUTH Fish!blah@127.0.0.*
(username Fish, pass blah, host 127.0.0.* (IP only, can use wildcards)
compile and start up NeoStats
Check for any errors about unable to bind to ports etc.... (if you need to run on a diff port, add SQLSRV_PORT <portnum> to the neostats.cfg
now that its running, from php/command line, connect to the BINDTO ip address (if using BINDTO) or port 8888
eg: command line:
psql -U Fish -h localhost -p 8888
it should prompt with a password.
once connected, you can view available tables with:
"select * from rta_tables;"
some examples are:
"select * from pg_user;"
"select * from pg_conn;"
"select * from rta_stat;"
"select * from rta_dbg;"
"select * from rta_columns;"
Remember, only very basic SQL is supported