************************************************************************ ** NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services ** ** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 NeoStats Group. All Rights Reserved. ** ** This program and all associated documentation is free but ** ** copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for details. ** ** Homepage: http://www.neostats.net/ ** ************************************************************************ Tips for using the SVN version of NeoStats. -------------------------------------------------------------- So you like to live life on the bleeding edge of NeoStats development? Although we do not support our development version being used in production environments, here are a few tips that might come in handy for those that want to follow development as it happens. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 1 The development mailing list - devel@lists.neostats.net An ideal accessory for your copy of NeoStats development version is the development mailing list. This is an open mailing list to receive commit notices and discuss development issues relating to NeoStats. We recommend that regular users of the development version join our development mailing list. To subscribe, send a mail to devel-subscribe@lists.neostats.net -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 2 Random crashes after getting the latest version The development version of NeoStats is in a constant state of change so you may occasionally find that it appears to crash for no reason after getting the latest version. Before reporting this as a problem, please perform a full rebuild of NeoStats and all external modules that you use (secureserv, opsb, stupidserv, logserv and any third party modules). To perform a full build, run "make clean" then start from begin from the configure step as you would for a new installation. Also see below for a tip on faster clean rebuilds. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 3 Speeding up full builds To speed up full rebuilds of the core, it is possible to skip the configure step by using the following sequence: 1) make clean 2) ./config.status 3) cd curl 4) ./config.status 5) cd .. 6) make 7) make install For external modules, use the following sequence: 1) make clean 2) ./config.status 3) make 4) make install However, if configure.in or configure change in an update, you must use configure since your config.status needs updating. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 4 When external modules must be rebuilt As a general guide, if stats.h or dl.h changes, the safest way is to rebuild all external modules (secureserv, opsb, stupidserv, logserv and any third party modules). If you ever get a crash in the core or an external module after using SVN update, make sure you have done a full rebuild of both the core and all external modules to discount this sort of error. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 5 I found a problem, do you want to know? Problem reports are often helpful to us but unlike the release version, problems with the development version are handled in a different manner. You must subscribe to our development mailing list and you should send any report to devel@lists.neostats.net if no one else has already reported the problem. Please do not post problems encountered in the development version on the NeoStats forums and only add them to the bug list if they also occur in release versions. Also, please indicate which revision you are running. This is given when you type 'svn update' to get files but if you forget, type 'svn info' to see which revision you are running. If you have modified NeoStats in any way, do not contact us unless you can reproduce the problem on an unmodified version. We provide no support at all for modifications made to NeoStats by others. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 6 I get warnings when I compile, do you want to know? Generally no. Warnings are just that, warnings. The ones you are likely to encounter rarely indicate a problem and we do see them ourselves and fix them up as we work. We will also clean up any remaining warnings just before a release. Just consider them a feature of life with the development version. Warnings on released versions of our software should be reported through the usual channels of the forums or the bug list since they are generally issued by a particular compiler that we have not used so have not seen ourselves so you should also provide full details of your OS and compiler as for any other bug report. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 7 I have a feature request There is some discussion about the specifics of a given feature request and improving features on the development list (particularly when we are working with an individual or a group on a feature e.g. sqlserv). New feature requests such as say support for a certain IRCd protocol that we do not yet have or a new type of module should generally be posted on the NeoStats forums or the bug list. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ** This document was last updated on February 9th, 2004 by M ** ************************************************************************