User Manual for NeoStats Introduction Purpose This document explains how to use NeoStats and the commands available for the various components. If you are looking for help configuring or installing NeoStats or for support information please refer to the README file. For help on downloaded modules, refer to the documentation that comes with the module. Typically, after installation, the documentation for the downloaded modules in named "README.<modulename>" Most NeoStats components include online help so you can find out how to use a command while on IRC. To access general online help for the Bot use: /msg BotName HELP To access online help for a given command use: /msg BotName HELP COMMAND General Usage To send a command to a NeoStats module or bot you will always use the following from an IRC Client: /msg botname command [options] e.g. /msg NeoStats MAP If you change the default name of a bot, you will need to change the command. If you decided to change the name of StatServ to StatBot, then you must use this name when entering commands: e.g. /msg StatBot MAPCommands are listed here in upper case to make reading this document easier. IRC is not case sensitive. This means that: /msg StatServ MAP /msg StatServ map /msg statserv Map will all perform the same task. Some commands of NeoStats and StatServ are available to all users as well as opers unless you specify ONLY_OPERS in neostats.cfg. Refer to README and neostats.cfg for more information on the ONLY_OPERS option. Command help in this document is broken into three sections: Syntax: The syntax used for a command Description: Description of the command and it's options Example: Example of how to use the command Optional parameters are presented between [] e.g. [reason] Required parameters are presented between <> e.g. <reason> The | character indicates that only one of the option list can be used at any one time. e.g. option1|option2 When using the command, do not use the [],<> or | from the syntax. NeoStats The following Section describe NeoStats, or the Core to these services About NeoStats NeoStats is the core component of NeoStats Services. It manages booting of the system, loading and unloading of modules and assignment of privilege levels to users. It can be considered much the same as what OperServ does for most services packages. It controls the actual software, but does not provide any functions to the users. Its intended to be used by the network administration only. Command Reference The Following are detailed Descriptions of the available commands: HELP Syntax: /msg NeoStats HELP [command]Description: HELP displays available commands HELP COMMAND will display help for that command and the syntax you should use. Available to users if ONLY_OPERS not set in the configuration file Example:/msg NeoStats HELP /msg NeoStats HELP INFO INFO Syntax: /msg NeoStats INFODescription: Shows the current NeoStats uptime and other info. Available to users if ONLY_OPERS not set in the configurationf file Example:/msg NeoStats INFO VERSION Syntax: /msg NeoStats VERSIONDescription: Shows the current NeoStats version. Available to users if ONLY_OPERS not set in the configuration file Example: /msg NeoStats VERSION LEVEL Syntax: /msg NeoStats LEVELDescription: Allows you to see your permissions level with regards NeoStats. 0 is lowest, 200 is highest, you could be anywhere in between! Available to users if ONLY_OPERS not set in the configuration file Example:/msg NeoStats LEVEL SHUTDOWN Syntax: /msg NeoStats SHUTDOWN [reason] Description: Force NeoStats to exit immediately. This command should be used wisely. reason is optional. Example: /msg NeoStats SHUTDOWN upgrade RELOAD Syntax: /msg NeoStats RELOAD [reason]Description: Force NeoStats to reload. This command will cause StatServ to split from the network, reload data files and connect. This command SHOULD be used wisely. reason is optional. Example: /msg NeoStats RELOAD Lagged LOAD Syntax: /msg NeoStats LOAD <module>Description: Allows you to load a module while NeoStats is running. Some modules can not be loaded at runtime, and will return an error. Example: /msg NeoStats LOAD statserv UNLOAD Syntax: /msg NeoStats UNLOAD <module>Description: Allows you to unload a module while NeoStats is running. Some modules can not be unloaded at runtime, and will return an error Example: /msg NeoStats UNLOAD statserv MODLIST Syntax: /msg NeoStats MODLISTDescription: Display module names and descriptions of loaded modules Example: /msg NeoStats MODLIST LOGS Syntax: /msg NeoStats LOGS Description: Sends today's log file via PRIVMSG/NOTICE. Warning. The sending is not throttled. If you have large log files, you may be flooded of IRC Example: /msg NeoStats LOGS RAW Syntax: /msg NeoStats RAW COMMAND Description: Allow you to send raw IRC commands from this server Nothing is returned to the user after a raw command It is recommended that you never use this command. It can cause desyncs and other problems. No support will be provided for use of this command. Problems with RAW are NOT SUPPORTED. Example: /msg NeoStats RAW COMMAND JUPE Syntax: /msg NeoStats JUPE Server Description: Allows you to jupe a server on the network Example:/msg NeoStats JUPE DEBUG Syntax:/msg NeoStats DEBUG Description: This toggles the debug command, On a large network, this command should be used considered dangerous as a large amount of information may be sent to you and may flood you off the network. Example:/msg NeoStats DEBUG USERDUMP Syntax:/msg NeoStats USERDUMP [nick] Description: When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its user table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats If nick is passed, only the information of that nick is returned, otherwise the entire user list is dumped. Example: /msg NeoStats USERDUMP SERVERDUMP Syntax:/msg NeoStats SERVERDUMPDescription: When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its server table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats Example:/msg NeoStats SERVERDUMP CHANDUMP Syntax: /msg NeoStats CHANDUMP [channel] Description: When in debug mode, Neostats will echo its channel table to the services channel. Only useful for debugging Neostats If channel is passed, only the information of that channel is returned, otherwise the entire channel list is dumped. Example: /msg NeoStats CHANDUMP MODBOTLIST Syntax: /msg NeoStats MODBOTLIST Description: NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current bots being used on the network for each module. Example: /msg NeoStats MODBOTLIST MODSOCKLIST Syntax: /msg NeoStats MODSOCKLIST Description NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current sockets being used on the network for each module. Example: /msg NeoStats MODSOCKLIST MODTIMERLIST Syntax: /msg NeoStats MODTIMERLIST Description: NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current timer functions being used on the network by each module. Example: /msg NeoStats MODTIMERLIST MODBOTCHANLIST Syntax: /msg NeoStats MODBOTCHANLIST Description: NeoStats will send you by notice a list of the current bots and the channels they are using for each module. Example: /msg NeoStats MODBOTCHANLIST StatServ StatServ provides statistical services to the network such as user, oper, server counts and uptime. It can also echo this information to a web page of your choice. Command Reference The following Commands may be used with StatServ. Some commands require privledged access (O lines or Service Roots) HELP Syntax: /msg StatServ HELP [command] Description: HELP on it's own display available commands. HELP COMMAND will display help for that command. Example: /msg StatServ HELP /msg StatServ HELP STATS CLIENTVERSIONS Syntax: /msg StatServ CLIENTVERSIONS <limit> Description: Provides Statistics on the Client Versions found The list will only be active if you have SecureServ installed and Active <limit> Specifies how many results to show. Results are sorted by Most Popular to Least Popular Example: /msg StatServ CLIENTVERSIONS SET Syntax: /msg StatServ Set <option> [<value>]Description: Available Options are: HTMLPATH <path> Set the Pathname (including filename) to write HTML statistics to if HTML Statistics are enabled HTML Toggle HTML Statistics Generation on/off MSGTHROTTLE [<seconds>/off] if <seconds> is greater than 0, then set 5 Wallops per <seconds> throttle if <seconds> is equal to 0, then disable Wallop Throttling if off then all Wallops are disabled LAGWALLOP <seconds> if <seconds> is greater than 0, then when servers are lagged by this many seconds, issue a warning if <seconds> is equal to 0, then disable Lag Monitoring If you specify SET without any options, the current settings are displayed Example: /msg statserv set msgthrottle off CHAN Syntax: /msg StatServ CHAN <POP/KICKS/TOPICS/<Channame>>Description: Provides Statistics on Channels on the network CHAN By itself provides a list of the top10 Channels based on the current number of members CHAN POP gives you information on the most popular channels on the network based on the number of joins CHAN KICKS Gives you the top 10 kicking channels CHAN TOPICS Gives you the top10 Topic Changing Channels CHAN <name> Gives you specific information on a channel Example: /msg statserv chan #neostats SERVER Syntax: /msg StatServ SERVER [server name]Description: Provides you with statistics on a specific server. Example: /msg statserv server MAP Syntax: /msg StatServ MAP Description: Provides a server listing with minimal statistics. Example: /msg StatServ MAP NETSTATS Syntax: /msg StatServ NETSTATS Description Provides information about the performance of the network. Example: /msg StatServ NETSTATS DAILY Syntax: /msg StatServ DAILY Description: Provides information about records that have been set today. Example: /msg StatServ DAILY TLD Syntax: /msg StatServ TLD top_level_domain Description: Provides the country-name for a specific TLD. An example of a TLD is .NET Example: /msg StatServ TLD NET TLDMAP Syntax: /msg StatServ TLDMAP Description: Shows the network map in relation to top level domains. Example: /msg StatServ TLDMAP OPERLIST Syntax: /msg StatServ OPERLIST (options|server_name) Description: Shows a listing of IRCops. Flags: NOAWAY Don't show opers that are set away. SERVER Only show opers on that server. Example: /msg statserv operlist /msg statserv operlist noaway /msg statserv operlist <server> BOTLIST Syntax: /msg StatServ BOTLIST Description: Shows all current bots on the network. (umode +B users if your IRCD supports Umode +B) Example: /msg StatServ BOTLIST VERSION Syntax: /msg StatServ VERSION Description: Shows the current StatServ Version. Example: /msg StatServ VERSION STATS Syntax: /msg StatServ STATS [DEL|LIST|COPY] Description: LIST List all database entries. DEL name Remove an entry. COPY name newname Copy an entry. Example: /msg StatServ STATS LIST FORCEHTML Syntax: /msg StatServ FORCEHTML Description: Forces an update of the HTML data file with the most current network statistics. Example: /msg StatServ FORCEHTML HTML Template Syntax By Default, StatServ uses a file called index.tpl in your data directory as the template for your output. Currently, the template system is very basic, and will output tables containing the information requested. All Template variables are enclosed by ! The available template variables are: !MAP! -Outputs a network Map similar to /msg statserv map in a table format !SRVLIST! -Outputs a complete list of servers that StatServ has ever seen, which are linked to detailed server information provided by the template variable !SRVLISTDET! !SRVLISTDET! -Outputs detailed server information see also !SRVLIST! !NETSTATS! -Outputs Network Statistics similar to /msg statserv netstats !DAILYSTATS! -Outputs the Daily Statistics similar to /msg statserv daily !DAILYTOPCHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels based on number of members !TOP10CHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels ever based on number of joins !TOP10KICKS! -Outputs the top10 kicking channels !TOP10TOPICS! -Outputs the top10 topic changing channels !TLDMAP! -Outputs the TLD map similar to /msg statserv tldmap !VERSION! -Outputs the version of NeoStats !TITLE! -Outputs title in the form: "Network Statistics for YourNetName" !CLIENTSTATS! -Outputs Top 10 clients used on the network. (Requires SecureServ module with version checks enabled). StatServ also puts out some information on when the page was created, and what software created it by default at the end of your HTML page. This option can not be disabled. (Sorry, but its our little advertisement for all the hard work we have done to create NeoStats for you to use!) An example template is provided for you so you don't have to waste time getting your own template ready. If you wish to create your own template, replace the index.tpl file in the data directory with your version. ConnectServ ConnectServ is designed to echo the signing on/off of users killing of users, modes that the operators are using and nickname changes. These echo types can be customised to be echoed to the services channel or NOT to be echoed at all. Command Reference The following commands are aviable for ConnectServ. All these commands require Privledged access HELP Syntax: /msg ConnectServ HELP [command] Description: HELP on it's own display available commands. HELP COMMAND will display help for that command. Example: /msg ConnectServ HELP /msg ConnectServ HELP STATUS ABOUT Syntax: /msg ConnectServ ABOUT Description: The ABOUT command will return a description of ConnectServ. Example: /msg ConnectServ ABOUT SET Syntax: /msg ConnectServ SET <option> [<value>] Description: Available Options are: LIST This will tell you the current status of the settings. e.g.: MODEWATCH is enabled. SIGNWATCH <ON|OFF> echo signon/signoff events. KILLWATCH <ON|OFF> echo kill events. MODEWATCH <ON|OFF> echo operator mode changes. NICKWATCH <ON|OFF> echo nickname changes. Example: /msg ConnectServ SET NICKWATCH ON VERSION Syntax: /msg ConnectServ VERSION Description: Shows the current ConnectServ version. Example: /msg ConnectServ VERSION HostServ HostServ is designed to let users use their own unique host while on the Network. IRC Operators add them to the database and upon connection the user gets their unique host. It also allows operators to set Undernet Style Hidden hosts for registered users. Command Reference The Following commands are available for Hostserv. By Default, users with level 185 or higher access can modify the levels required to use some of the privledged commands. HELP Syntax: /msg HostServ HELP [command] Description: HELP on it's own display available commands. HELP COMMAND will display help for that command. Example: /msg HostServ HELP /msg HostServ HELP ADD ABOUT Syntax: /msg HostServ ABOUT Description: The ABOUT command will return a description of HostServ. Example: /msg HostServ ABOUT ADD Syntax: /msg HostServ ADD <NICK> <HOST NAME> <VIRTUAL HOST NAME> <PASSWORD> Description: Register a host name to be set. e.g.: DO NOT INCLUDE AN @. The <HOST NAME> must be where the user is connecting from WITHOUT THE @. HostServ supports wildcards such as * in the <HOST NAME> setting The <PASSWORD> field is new. If a user connects with a different host They can now /msg HostServ LOGIN nick password Example: /msg HostServ ADD neo mypassword DEL Syntax: /msg HostServ DEL <ACCESS LIST #> Description: The information needed for this is in the LIST command. To delete Number 3 use DEL 3 ... its that easy! Example: /msg HostServ DEL 1 VIEW Syntax: /msg HostServ VIEW <ACCESS LIST #> Description: View Detailed information about the user on the access list # you selected Example: /msg HostServ VIEW 1 LIST Syntax: /msg HostServ LIST <start> Description: Lists the people and vhosts in the Database. Only lists a maxium of 20 entries For more descriptive info on a SINGLE vhost see HELP VIEW if <start> is specified, start the listing at number <start> Example: /msg HostServ LIST LOGIN Syntax: /msg HostServ LOGIN <NICK> <PASSWORD> Description: Login to HostServ with your NICK and PASSWORD and your vhost will be assigned to your nick on successful login. Example: /msg HostServ LOGIN Angel Password CHPASS Syntax: /msg HostServ CHPASS <NICK> <OLDPASS> <NEWPASS> Description: Use this command to change the password assigned to your Vhost Account. You must supply your current password and a valid account for it to be successful Example: /msg HostServ CHPASS Angel oldpass newpass BANS Syntax: /msg HostServ BANS [[add/del] <option>] Description: Controls the vhost banned list entries: BANS lists current vhosts that are banned by network administration. The following options are only available to Network Administration: BANS add <wildcard> Add a banned vhost to the list Wildcards, like *fbi* are permitted. BANS del # Delete a banned vhost with ID number # You may figure out the ID number by using BANS by itself Example: /msg HostServ BANS add LEVELS Syntax: /msg HostServ LEVELS <[add/view/list/del] <level>> Description: This lists the levels required to perform certain functions with HostServ. The Following Options are only available to Network Administration: LEVELS [add/view/list/del] <level> Change the User Levels required to perform administration functions. Level must be between 1 and 200 Example: SET TODO LoveServ LoveServ is a fun module to send presents and messages to loved ones on IRC. Command Reference The following commands may be used by users to send messages of love to other IRC users HELP Syntax: /msg LoveServ HELP [command] Description: HELP on it's own display available commands. HELP COMMAND will display help for that command. Example: /msg LoveServ HELP /msg LoveServ HELP ROSE ROSE Syntax: /msg LoveServ ROSE <nick> Description: Send a rose to a loved one on IRC. Example: /msg LoveServ ROSE Angel KISS Syntax: /msg LoveServ KISS <nick> Description: Send a kiss to that special someone on IRC. Example: /msg LoveServ KISS Angel TONSIL Syntax: /msg LoveServ TONSIL <nick> Description: Send a deep tonsil penetrating kiss to someone on IRC. Example: /msg LoveServ TONSIL Angel HUG Syntax: /msg LoveServ HUG <nick> Description: Send a hug to someone on IRC. Example: /msg LoveServ HUG Angel ADMIRER Syntax: /msg LoveServ ADMIRER <nick> Description: Tell someone on IRC they have a SECRET Admirer! Example: /msg LoveServ ADMIRER Angel CHOCOLATE Syntax: /msg LoveServ CHOCOLATE <nick> Description: Send a big yummy box of candy to someone on IRC. Example: /msg LoveServ CHOCOLATE Angel CANDY Syntax: /msg LoveServ CANDY NICK Description: Send someone a box of yummy heart shaped candies Example: /msg LoveServ CANDY Angel LOVENOTE Syntax: /msg LoveServ LOVENOTE NICK <message> Description: Send that special someone a love note. Example: /msg LoveServ LOVENOTE Angel I love you dearly. APOLOGY Syntax: /msg LoveServ APOLOGY NICK <message> Description: Send an Apology to someone Example: /msg LoveServ APOLOGY Angel deleting all those songs THANKYOU Syntax: /msg LoveServ THANKYOU NICK <message> Description: Send a THANKYOU message to someone Example: /msg LoveServ THANKYOU Angel uploading those songs VERSION Syntax: /msg LoveServ VERSION Description: Show LoveServ's current version Example: /msg LoveServ VERSION MoraleServ MoraleServ is a fun module to send cheery messages to friends on IRC. Command Reference The Following commands may be used by any IRC user to cheer up another user HELP Syntax: /msg MoraleServ HELP [command] Description: HELP on it's own display available commands. HELP COMMAND will display help for that command. Example: /msg MoraleServ HELP /msg MoraleServ HELP HAIL HAIL Syntax: /msg MoraleServ HAIL <hail nick> <send to nick> Description: Send a HAIL song greeting to a loved one on IRC. Example: /msg MoraleServ HAIL Angel Devil ODE Syntax: /msg MoraleServ ODE <about nick> <send to nick> Description: Send an ode about a user to a loved one on IRC. Example: /msg MoraleServ ODE Angel Devil POEM Syntax: /msg MoraleServ POEM <about nick> <send to nick> Description: Send a poem about a user to a loved one on IRC. Example: /msg MoraleServ POEM Angel Devil LAPDANCE Syntax: /msg MoraleServ LAPDANCE <NICK> Description: Send a lap dance to a loved one on IRC... sure to cheer any person up Example: /msg MoraleServ LAPDANCE YoungGuy REDNECK Syntax: /msg MoraleServ REDNECK <NICK> Description: Send a redneck dubbing to a loved one on IRC. Example: /msg MoraleServ REDNECK Yankee CHEERUP Syntax: /msg MoraleServ CHEERUP <NICK> Description: Send a cheer up message to a loved one on IRC to cheer them up. Example: /msg MoraleServ CHEERUP Morbid BEHAPPY Syntax: /msg MoraleServ BEHAPPY <NICK> Description: Send a be happy song to a loved one on IRC to cheer them up. This function sends a number of messages that may ping the target nick out if they do not have a fast connection. DO NOT USE unless you are sure. Example: /msg MoraleServ BEHAPPY SadUser WONDERFUL Syntax: /msg MoraleServ WONDERFUL <NICK> Description: Send an "I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words..." song to a loved one on IRC to cheer them up. This function will send the lyrics with the target nick in them to the target nick Example: /msg MoraleServ WONDERFUL Angel VERSION Syntax: /msg MoraleServ VERSION Description: Prints current version information via PRIVMSG/NOTICE Example: /msg MoraleServ VERSION Spam Spam provides a bot to try and catch spammers and mass messagers. It will sit on the network and echo to the services channel and by wallops when someone sends it a message and what message they sent. Currently the spam bot has a fixed name of "sumyungguy". Send it a message, and watch what happens. ExtAuth ExtAuth may be listed as a loaded module, but its not a true module as described above. It allows you to provide an alternative Authentication /level scheme that is not based on Umodes. You should consult the README file for neostats for more detailed information regarding its configuration. Other Modules So if you are wondering where the other modules are, like SecureServ, or StupidServ, these modules are not included in the base distribution of NeoStats. You must download and compile these modules seperatly from the main neostats distribution. More information about how to use these modules can be found in the Modules README file, or on our website.