AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign SUBDIRS = include lib src modules ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I autotools AM_MAKEFLAGS = -s DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --cache-file=../config.cache dist_bin_SCRIPTS = makeconf dist_data_DATA = neostats.motd #docdir = @prefix@/doc dist_doc_DATA = doc/ ChangeLog.old doc/CODINGMODULES.txt RELNOTES CREDITS README neodir = $(prefix) neo_SCRIPTS = neostats DISTCLEANFILES = autotools/ccdv EXTRA_DIST = autotools/ccdv.c autotools/shtool INSTNOTES all-local: if test ! -f .message; then \ echo ""; \ $(top_srcdir)/autotools/shtool echo -e "%BCompilation complete.%b"; \ echo ""; \ echo "Run 'make install' (or 'gmake install' on some systems) to install NeoStats."; \ echo "If you require support, see the README file."; \ touch .message;\ fi; install-data-hook: test -z "$(prefix)/logs" || $(CCDV) $(mkdir_p) "$(prefix)/logs"; echo "" $(top_srcdir)/autotools/shtool echo -e "%BInstallation complete.%b" echo "" echo "Change directory to '$(prefix)' then run './neostats'" echo "If you require support, see the README file." rm -f .message include $(top_srcdir)/autotools/