Win32 Installation Instructions Currently, Win32 versions of NeoStats appear to be stable, but for this Release, a Debug Version is used. This means that when run, NeoStats will open a console window and output large amounts of Debug Information. Closing this window will result in NeoStats closing as well. To Configure NeoStats, you must edit the neostats.conf file located in the NeoStats installation directory, this is typically c:\Program Files\NeoStats but if you change it during the setup, it will be in the location you specify. Once you have edited the Configuration File, you may start NeoStats by clicking on the NeoStats icon in your Start Menu. NeoStats will then open the Console Window and place a icon in the taskbar. After that, NeoStats will operate just like the Unix Version. As 3rd party modules are released, we will provide Win32 installations for those files as well. If you encounter any problems on Win32, please post the issues to our Forums so we can investigate. We hope that with future releases, you will be able to run NeoStats as a service rather than as a program, but that is not currently implemented. Thanks The NeoStats Developers