306 lines
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306 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "stats.h"
#include "dotconf.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "dl.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "services.h"
#ifdef SQLSRV
#include "sqlsrv/rta.h"
static void cb_Server (char *, int);
static void cb_Module (char *, int);
#ifdef SQLSRV
static void cb_SqlConf (char *, int);
/** @brief The list of modules to load
static void *load_mods[NUM_MODULES];
/** @brief Core Configuration Items
* Contains Configuration Items for the Core NeoStats service
static config_option options[] = {
{"SERVER_NAME", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 0},
{"SERVER_PORT", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 1},
{"CONNECT_TO", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 2},
{"CONNECT_PASS", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 3},
{"SERVER_INFOLINE", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 4},
{"STATSERV_NETNAME", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 5},
{"RECONNECT_TIME", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 6},
{"NEOSTAT_HOST", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 7},
{"NEOSTAT_USER", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 8},
{"WANT_PRIVMSG", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 9},
{"SERVICES_CHAN", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 10},
{"LOAD_MODULE", ARG_STR, cb_Module, 0},
{"ONLY_OPERS", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 11},
{"NO_LOAD", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 12},
{"BINDTO", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 13},
{"SERVER_NUMERIC", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 15},
{"SETSERVERTIMES", ARG_STR, cb_Server, 16},
#ifdef SQLSRV
{"SQLSRV_AUTH", ARG_STR, cb_SqlConf, 0},
{"SQLSRV_PORT", ARG_STR, cb_SqlConf, 1},
/** @brief initialize the configuration parser
* Currently does nothing
* @return Nothing
init_conf ()
/** @brief Load the Config file
* Parses the Configuration File and optionally loads the external authentication libary
* @returns Nothing
ConfLoad ()
/* Read in the Config File */
printf ("Reading the Config File. Please wait.....\n");
if (!config_read (CONFIG_NAME, options) == 0) {
printf ("***************************************************\n");
printf ("* Error! *\n");
printf ("* *\n");
printf ("* Config File not found, or Unable to Open *\n");
printf ("* Please check its Location, and try again *\n");
printf ("* *\n");
printf ("* NeoStats NOT Started *\n");
printf ("***************************************************\n");
return NS_FAILURE;
printf ("Sucessfully Loaded Config File, Now Booting NeoStats\n");
/* if all bots should join the chan */
if (GetConf ((void *) &me.allbots, CFGINT, "AllBotsJoinChan") <= 0) {
me.allbots = 0;
if (GetConf ((void *) &me.pingtime, CFGINT, "PingServerTime") <= 0) {
me.pingtime = 120;
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief prepare Modules defined in the config file
* When the config file encounters directives to Load Modules, it calls this function which prepares to load the modules (but doesn't actually load them)
* @param arg the module name in this case
* @param configtype an index of what config item is currently being processed. Ignored
* @returns Nothing
cb_Module (char *arg, int configtype)
int i;
if (!config.modnoload) {
for (i = 1; (i < NUM_MODULES) && (load_mods[i] != 0); i++) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (load_mods[i], arg)) {
load_mods[i] = sstrdup (arg);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Added Module %d :%s", i, (char *)load_mods[i]);
#ifdef SQLSRV
/** @brief prepare SqlAuthentication defined in the config file
* load the Sql UserName/Password and Host if we are using SQL Server option
* @param arg the module name in this case
* @param configtype an index of what config item is currently being processed. Ignored
* @returns Nothing
cb_SqlConf (char *arg, int configtype)
char *uname, *pass, *host;
if (configtype == 0) {
if ((uname = strtok(arg, "!")) == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Invalid SQLSRV_AUTH syntax in config file (Username)");
if ((pass = strtok(NULL, "@")) == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Invalid SQLSRV_AUTH syntax in config file (Pass)");
if ((host = strtok(NULL, "")) == NULL) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Invalid SQLSRV_AUTH syntax in config file (Host)");
nlog(LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "SqlSrv Uname %s Pass %s Host %s", uname, pass, host);
rta_change_auth(uname, pass);
strncpy(me.sqlhost, host, MAXHOST);
} else if (configtype == 1) {
me.sqlport = atoi(arg);
if (me.sqlport == 0) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Invalid Port Specified for SQLSRV_PORT, Using Default");
me.sqlport = 8888;
/** @brief Load the modules
* Actually load the modules that were found in the config file
* @returns 1 on success, -1 when a module failed to load
* @bugs if a single module fails to load, it stops trying to load any other modules
ConfLoadModules ()
int i;
int rval;
if(load_mods[1] == 0) {
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "No modules configured for loading");
return NS_SUCCESS;
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "Loading configured modules");
for (i = 1; (i < NUM_MODULES) && (load_mods[i] != 0); i++) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "ConfLoadModules: Loading Module %s", (char *)load_mods[i]);
rval = load_module (load_mods[i], NULL);
if (rval == NS_SUCCESS) {
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "Successfully Loaded Module %s", (char *)load_mods[i]);
} else {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Could Not Load Module %s, Please check above error Messages", (char *)load_mods[i]);
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "Completed loading configured modules");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief Process config file items
* Processes the config file and sets up the variables. No Error Checking is performed :(
* @param arg the variable value as a string
* @param configtype the index of the variable being called now
* @returns Nothing
cb_Server (char *arg, int configtype)
if (configtype == 0) {
/* Server name */
strlcpy (me.name, arg, sizeof (me.name));
} else if (configtype == 1) {
/* Server Port */
me.port = atoi (arg);
} else if (configtype == 2) {
/* Connect To */
strlcpy (me.uplink, arg, sizeof (me.uplink));
} else if (configtype == 3) {
/* Connect Pass */
strlcpy (me.pass, arg, sizeof (me.pass));
} else if (configtype == 4) {
/* Server InfoLine */
strlcpy (me.infoline, arg, sizeof (me.infoline));
} else if (configtype == 5) {
/* NetName */
strlcpy (me.netname, arg, sizeof (me.netname));
} else if (configtype == 6) {
/* Reconnect time */
me.r_time = atoi (arg);
} else if (configtype == 7) {
/* NeoStat Host */
strlcpy (me.host, arg, MAXHOST);
} else if (configtype == 8) {
/* NeoStat User */
strlcpy (me.user, arg, MAXUSER);
} else if (configtype == 9) {
me.want_privmsg = 1;
} else if (configtype == 10) {
strlcpy (me.chan, arg, sizeof (me.chan));
} else if (configtype == 11) {
me.onlyopers = 1;
} else if (configtype == 12) {
me.die = 1;
} else if (configtype == 13) {
strlcpy (me.local, arg, sizeof (me.local));
} else if (configtype == 14) {
} else if (configtype == 15) {
me.numeric = atoi (arg);
/* limit value - really need to print error and quit */
} else if (configtype == 16) {
me.setservertimes = atoi (arg);
/* Convert hours input to seconds */
me.setservertimes = me.setservertimes * 60 * 60;
/* limit value - really need to print error and quit */
if(me.setservertimes <= 0) {
me.setservertimes = (24 * 60 * 60);
/** @brief Rehash Function
* Called when we recieve a rehash signal. Does nothing atm
* @returns Nothing
rehash ()
/* nothing, yet */