1703 lines
42 KiB
1703 lines
42 KiB
/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000 - 2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
/** @file dl.c
* @brief module functions
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stats.h"
#include "dl.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "dns.h"
#ifdef SQLSRV
#include "sqlsrv/rta.h"
/** @brief Module list
Module *ModList[NUM_MODULES];
char segv_location[SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE];
char segv_inmodule[SEGV_INMODULE_BUFSIZE];
int del_all_bot_cmds(ModUser* bot_ptr);
/* @brief Module hash list */
static hash_t *mh;
/* @brief Module Socket List hash */
hash_t *sockh;
/* @brief Module Timer hash list */
static hash_t *th;
/* @brief Module Bot hash list */
static hash_t *bh;
/* @brief Module Chan Bot hash list */
static hash_t *bch;
#ifdef SQLSRV
char sqlbuf[BUFSIZE];
void *display_module_name (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
Module *mod_ptr = row;
strlcpy(sqlbuf, mod_ptr->info->module_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
return sqlbuf;
void *display_module_desc (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
Module *mod_ptr = row;
strlcpy(sqlbuf, mod_ptr->info->module_description, BUFSIZE);
return sqlbuf;
void *display_module_version (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
Module *mod_ptr = row;
if (mod_ptr->isnewstyle == 1) {
strlcpy(sqlbuf, mod_ptr->info->module_version, BUFSIZE);
return sqlbuf;
} else {
bzero(sqlbuf, BUFSIZE);
return sqlbuf;
void *display_module_builddate (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
Module *mod_ptr = row;
if (mod_ptr->isnewstyle == 1) {
ircsnprintf(sqlbuf, BUFSIZE, "%s - %s", mod_ptr->info->module_build_date, mod_ptr->info->module_build_time);
return sqlbuf;
} else {
bzero(sqlbuf, BUFSIZE);
return sqlbuf;
void *display_core_info (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
ircsnprintf(sqlbuf, BUFSIZE, "%s", me.versionfull);
return sqlbuf;
COLDEF neo_modulecols[] = {
offsetof(struct Module, info),
"The name of the Module"
offsetof(struct Module, info),
"The Module Description"
offsetof(struct Module, info),
"The module version"
offsetof(struct Module, info),
"The module build date"
offsetof(struct Module, info),
"The NeoStats core Version"
TBLDEF neo_modules = {
NULL, /* for now */
sizeof(struct Module),
sizeof(neo_modulecols) / sizeof(COLDEF),
"The list of Modules loaded by NeoStats"
#endif /* SQLSRV */
void *ns_dlsym (void *handle, const char *name)
char sym[128];
void* ret;
ret = dlsym ((int *) handle, name);
if (ret == NULL) {
ircsnprintf(sym, 128, "_%s", name);
return (dlsym ((int *) handle, sym));
return ret;
return (dlsym ((int *) handle, name));
void *ns_dlopen (const char *file, int mode)
return (dlopen (file, mode));
int ns_dlclose (void *handle)
return (dlclose (handle));
char *ns_dlerror (void)
return ((char *)dlerror ());
/** @brief Initialise module list hashes
* For core use only, initialises module list hashes
* @param none
* @return none
InitModuleHash ()
mh = hash_create (NUM_MODULES, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
bh = hash_create (B_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
th = hash_create (T_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
bch = hash_create (C_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
sockh = hash_create (me.maxsocks, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
#ifdef SQLSRV
/* add the module hash to the sql library */
neo_modules.address = mh;
return NS_SUCCESS;
void finiModuleHash() {
#ifdef DEBUG
void verify_hashes(void)
if (hash_verify (sockh) == 0) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "Eeeek, Corruption of the socket hash");
if (hash_verify (mh) == 0) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "Eeeek, Corruption of the Module hash");
if (hash_verify (bh) == 0) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "Eeeek, Corruption of the Bot hash");
if (hash_verify (th) == 0) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "Eeeek, Corruption of the Timer hash");
#endif /* DEBUG */
/** @brief create new timer
* For core use only, creates a timer
* @param timer_name the name of new timer
* @return pointer to new timer on success, NULL on error
static ModTimer *
new_timer (char *timer_name)
ModTimer *mod_tmr;
hnode_t *tn;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "new_timer: %s", timer_name);
mod_tmr = malloc (sizeof (ModTimer));
strlcpy (mod_tmr->timername, timer_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
tn = hnode_create (mod_tmr);
if (hash_isfull (th)) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "new_timer: couldn't add new timer, hash is full!");
return NULL;
hash_insert (th, tn, timer_name);
return mod_tmr;
/** @brief find timer
* For core use only, finds a timer in the current list of timers
* @param timer_name the name of timer to find
* @return pointer to timer if found, NULL if not found
ModTimer *
findtimer (char *timer_name)
hnode_t *tn;
tn = hash_lookup (th, timer_name);
if (tn)
return (ModTimer *) hnode_get (tn);
return NULL;
/** @brief add a timer to the timer list
* For module use. Adds a timer with the given function to the timer list
* @param func_name the name of function to register with this timer
* @param timer_name the name of timer to register
* @param mod_name the name of module registering the timer
* @param interval the interval at which the timer triggers in seconds
* @return NS_SUCCESS if added, NS_FAILURE if not
add_mod_timer (char *func_name, char *timer_name, char *mod_name, int interval)
ModTimer *mod_tmr;
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), func_name) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "%s: Timer %s Function %s doesn't exist", mod_name, timer_name, func_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
mod_tmr = new_timer (timer_name);
if (mod_tmr) {
mod_tmr->interval = interval;
mod_tmr->lastrun = me.now;
strlcpy (mod_tmr->modname, mod_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_tmr->function = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), func_name);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "add_mod_timer: Registered Module %s with timer for Function %s", mod_name, func_name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief delete a timer from the timer list
* For module use. Deletes a timer with the given name from the timer list
* @param timer_name the name of timer to delete
* @return NS_SUCCESS if deleted, NS_FAILURE if not found
del_mod_timer (char *timer_name)
ModTimer *mod_tmr;
hnode_t *tn;
tn = hash_lookup (th, timer_name);
if (tn) {
mod_tmr = hnode_get (tn);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "del_mod_timer: Unregistered Timer function %s from Module %s", timer_name, mod_tmr->modname);
hash_delete (th, tn);
hnode_destroy (tn);
free (mod_tmr);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief delete all timers from the timer list for given module
* For core use.
* @param
* @return NS_SUCCESS if deleted, NS_FAILURE if not found
del_mod_timers (char *module_name)
ModTimer *mod_tmr;
hnode_t *modnode;
hscan_t hscan;
hash_scan_begin (&hscan, th);
while ((modnode = hash_scan_next (&hscan)) != NULL) {
mod_tmr = hnode_get (modnode);
if (!ircstrcasecmp (mod_tmr->modname, module_name)) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "del_mod_timers: Module %s has timer %s Registered. Deleting..", module_name, mod_tmr->timername);
del_mod_timer (mod_tmr->timername);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief delete a timer from the timer list
* For module use. Deletes a timer with the given name from the timer list
* @param timer_name the name of timer to delete
* @return NS_SUCCESS if deleted, NS_FAILURE if not found
change_mod_timer_interval (char *timer_name, int interval)
ModTimer *mod_tmr;
hnode_t *tn;
tn = hash_lookup (th, timer_name);
if (tn) {
mod_tmr = hnode_get (tn);
mod_tmr->interval = interval;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "change_mod_timer_interval: Changing timer interval for %s from Module %s", timer_name, mod_tmr->modname);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief list timers in use
* NeoStats command to list the current timers from IRC
* @param u pointer to user structure of the user issuing the request
* @return none
list_timers (User * u, char **av, int ac)
ModTimer *mod_tmr = NULL;
hscan_t ts;
hnode_t *tn;
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module timer List:");
hash_scan_begin (&ts, th);
while ((tn = hash_scan_next (&ts)) != NULL) {
mod_tmr = hnode_get (tn);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "%s:--------------------------------", mod_tmr->modname);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Timer Name: %s", mod_tmr->timername);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Interval: %d", mod_tmr->interval);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Time till next Run: %ld", (long)(mod_tmr->interval - (me.now - mod_tmr->lastrun)));
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "End of Module timer List");
return 0;
/** @brief run pending module timer functions
* NeoStats command to run pending timer functions
* @param none
* @return none
run_mod_timers (void)
ModTimer *mod_tmr = NULL;
hscan_t ts;
hnode_t *tn;
/* First, lets see if any modules have a function that is due to run..... */
hash_scan_begin (&ts, th);
while ((tn = hash_scan_next (&ts)) != NULL) {
mod_tmr = hnode_get (tn);
if (me.now - mod_tmr->lastrun > mod_tmr->interval) {
strlcpy (segv_location, mod_tmr->modname, SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE);
if (setjmp (sigvbuf) == 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "run_mod_timers: Running timer %s for module %s", mod_tmr->timername, mod_tmr->modname);
if (mod_tmr->function () < 0) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "run_mod_timers: Deleting Timer %s for Module %s as requested", mod_tmr->timername, mod_tmr->modname);
hash_scan_delete(th, tn);
} else {
mod_tmr->lastrun = (int) me.now;
} else {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "run_mod_timers: setjmp() failed, can't call module %s\n", mod_tmr->modname);
/** @brief create a new socket
* For core use only, creates a new socket for a module
* @param sock_name the name of the socket to create
* @return pointer to created socket on success, NULL on error
static ModSock *
new_sock (char *sock_name)
ModSock *mod_sock;
hnode_t *sn;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "new_sock: %s", sock_name);
mod_sock = smalloc (sizeof (ModSock));
strlcpy (mod_sock->sockname, sock_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
sn = hnode_create (mod_sock);
if (hash_isfull (sockh)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "new_sock: socket hash is full, can't add a new socket");
return NULL;
hash_insert (sockh, sn, mod_sock->sockname);
return mod_sock;
/** \fn @brief find socket
* For core use only, finds a socket in the current list of socket
* @param sock_name the name of socket to find
* @return pointer to socket if found, NULL if not found
ModSock *
findsock (char *sock_name)
hnode_t *sn;
sn = hash_lookup (sockh, sock_name);
if (sn)
return hnode_get (sn);
return NULL;
/** @brief add a socket to the socket list
* For core use. Adds a socket with the given functions to the socket list
* @param readfunc the name of read function to register with this socket
* @param writefunc the name of write function to register with this socket
* @param errfunc the name of error function to register with this socket
* @param sock_name the name of socket to register
* @param socknum the socket number to register with this socket
* @param mod_name the name of module registering the socket
* @return pointer to socket if found, NULL if not found
add_socket (char *readfunc, char *writefunc, char *errfunc, char *sock_name, int socknum, char *mod_name)
ModSock *mod_sock;
if (readfunc) {
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), readfunc) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_socket: read socket function doesn't exist = %s (%s)", readfunc, mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
if (writefunc) {
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), writefunc) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_socket: write socket function doesn't exist = %s (%s)", writefunc, mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
if (errfunc) {
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), errfunc) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_socket: error socket function doesn't exist = %s (%s)", errfunc, mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
mod_sock = new_sock (sock_name);
mod_sock->sock_no = socknum;
strlcpy (mod_sock->modname, mod_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_sock->readfnc = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), readfunc);
mod_sock->writefnc = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), writefunc);
mod_sock->errfnc = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), errfunc);
mod_sock->socktype = SOCK_STANDARD;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "add_socket: Registered Module %s with Standard Socket functions %s", mod_name, mod_sock->sockname);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief add a poll interface to the socket list
* For core use. Adds a socket with the given functions to the socket list
* @param beforepoll the name of function to call before we select
* @param afterpoll the name of the function to call after we select
* @param sock_name the name of socket to register
* @param mod_name the name of module registering the socket
* @return pointer to socket if found, NULL if not found
add_sockpoll (char *beforepoll, char *afterpoll, char *sock_name, char *mod_name, void *data)
ModSock *mod_sock;
if (beforepoll) {
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), beforepoll) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_sockpoll: read socket function doesn't exist = %s (%s)", beforepoll, mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
if (afterpoll) {
if (ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), afterpoll) == NULL) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_sockpoll: write socket function doesn't exist = %s (%s)", afterpoll, mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
mod_sock = new_sock (sock_name);
strlcpy (mod_sock->modname, mod_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_sock->socktype = SOCK_POLL;
mod_sock->beforepoll = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), beforepoll);
mod_sock->afterpoll = ns_dlsym ((int *) get_dl_handle (mod_name), afterpoll);
mod_sock->data = data;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "add_sockpoll: Registered Module %s with Poll Socket functions %s", mod_name, mod_sock->sockname);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief delete a socket from the socket list
* For module use. Deletes a socket with the given name from the socket list
* @param socket_name the name of socket to delete
* @return NS_SUCCESS if deleted, NS_FAILURE if not found
del_socket (char *sock_name)
ModSock *mod_sock;
hnode_t *sn;
sn = hash_lookup (sockh, sock_name);
if (sn) {
mod_sock = hnode_get (sn);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "del_socket: Unregistered Socket function %s from Module %s", sock_name, mod_sock->modname);
hash_scan_delete (sockh, sn);
hnode_destroy (sn);
free (mod_sock);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief delete a socket from the socket list
* For module use. Deletes a socket with the given name from the socket list
* @param socket_name the name of socket to delete
* @return NS_SUCCESS if deleted, NS_FAILURE if not found
del_sockets (char *module_name)
ModSock *mod_sock;
hnode_t *modnode;
hscan_t hscan;
hash_scan_begin (&hscan, sockh);
while ((modnode = hash_scan_next (&hscan)) != NULL) {
mod_sock = hnode_get (modnode);
if (!ircstrcasecmp (mod_sock->modname, module_name)) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "del_sockets: Module %s had Socket %s Registered. Deleting..", module_name, mod_sock->sockname);
del_socket (mod_sock->sockname);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief list sockets in use
* NeoStats command to list the current sockets from IRC
* @param u pointer to user structure of the user issuing the request
* @return none
list_sockets (User * u, char **av, int ac)
ModSock *mod_sock = NULL;
hscan_t ss;
hnode_t *sn;
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Sockets List: (%d)", (int)hash_count (sockh));
hash_scan_begin (&ss, sockh);
while ((sn = hash_scan_next (&ss)) != NULL) {
mod_sock = hnode_get (sn);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "%s:--------------------------------", mod_sock->modname);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Socket Name: %s", mod_sock->sockname);
if (mod_sock->socktype == SOCK_STANDARD) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Socket Number: %d", mod_sock->sock_no);
} else {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Poll Interface");
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "End of Socket List");
return 0;
/** @brief Add a bot to a channel
* @param bot string containing bot name
* @param chan string containing channel name
* @return none
add_bot_to_chan (char *bot, char *chan)
hnode_t *cbn;
ModChanBot *mod_chan_bot;
lnode_t *bmn;
char *botname;
cbn = hash_lookup (bch, chan);
if (!cbn) {
mod_chan_bot = malloc (sizeof (ModChanBot));
strlcpy (mod_chan_bot->chan, chan, CHANLEN);
mod_chan_bot->bots = list_create (B_TABLE_SIZE);
cbn = hnode_create (mod_chan_bot);
if (hash_isfull (bch)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "eek, bot channel hash is full");
hash_insert (bch, cbn, mod_chan_bot->chan);
} else {
mod_chan_bot = hnode_get (cbn);
if (list_isfull (mod_chan_bot->bots)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "add_bot_to_chan: bot channel list is full adding channel %s", chan);
botname = sstrdup (bot);
bmn = lnode_create (botname);
list_append (mod_chan_bot->bots, bmn);
/** @brief delete a bot from a channel
* @param bot string containing bot name
* @param chan string containing channel name
* @return none
del_bot_from_chan (char *bot, char *chan)
hnode_t *cbn;
ModChanBot *mod_chan_bot;
lnode_t *bmn;
char *botname;
cbn = hash_lookup (bch, chan);
if (!cbn) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "del_bot_from_chan: can't find channel %s for botchanhash", chan);
mod_chan_bot = hnode_get (cbn);
bmn = list_find (mod_chan_bot->bots, bot, comparef);
if (!bmn) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "del_bot_from_chan: can't find bot %s in %s in botchanhash", bot, chan);
list_delete (mod_chan_bot->bots, bmn);
botname = lnode_get(bmn);
free (botname);
lnode_destroy (bmn);
if (list_isempty (mod_chan_bot->bots)) {
/* delete the hash and list because its all over */
hash_delete (bch, cbn);
list_destroy (mod_chan_bot->bots);
free (mod_chan_bot->chan);
hnode_destroy (cbn);
/** @brief send a message to a channel bot
* @param origin
* @param av (note chan string in av[0])
* @param ac
* @return none
bot_chan_message (char *origin, char **av, int ac)
hnode_t *cbn;
ModChanBot *mod_chan_bot;
lnode_t *bmn;
ModUser *mod_usr;
cbn = hash_lookup (bch, av[0]);
if (!cbn) {
/* this isn't bad, just means our bot parted the channel? */
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "bot_chan_message: can't find channel %s", av[0]);
mod_chan_bot = hnode_get (cbn);
bmn = list_first (mod_chan_bot->bots);
while (bmn) {
mod_usr = findbot (lnode_get (bmn));
if (mod_usr->chanfunc) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "bot_chan_message: running module for chanmessage %s", av[0]);
mod_usr->chanfunc (origin, av, ac);
bmn = list_next (mod_chan_bot->bots, bmn);
/** @brief send a message to a channel bot
* @param origin
* @param av (note chan string in av[0])
* @param ac
* @return none
bot_message (char *origin, char **av, int ac)
int ret = NS_SUCCESS;
User *u;
User *bot_user;
ModUser *mod_usr;
char** argv;
int argc = 0;
int i;
if (ac < 2) {
nlog(LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Invalid String passed to Bot_message");
return NS_FAILURE;
/* Check command length */
if (strnlen (av[1], MAX_CMD_LINE_LENGTH) >= MAX_CMD_LINE_LENGTH) {
prefmsg (origin, s_Services, "command line too long!");
notice (s_Services, "%s tried to send a very LARGE command, we told them to shove it!", origin);
return NS_SUCCESS;
u = finduser (origin);
if(!u) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (flood (u)) {
return NS_SUCCESS;
bot_user = finduser(av[0]);
if (!bot_user) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "bot_message: bot %s not found", av[0]);
return NS_SUCCESS;
mod_usr = findbot (bot_user->nick);
/* Check to see if any of the Modules have this nick Registered */
if (!mod_usr) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "bot_message: mod_usr %s not found", bot_user->nick);
return NS_SUCCESS;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "bot_message: bot %s", mod_usr->nick);
if (setjmp (sigvbuf) == 0) {
if(mod_usr->function) {
AddStringToList (&argv, bot_user->nick, &argc);
for(i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
AddStringToList (&argv, av[i], &argc);
mod_usr->function (u->nick, argv, argc);
} else {
#if 0
/* Trap CTCP commands and silently drop them to avoid unknown command errors
* Why bother? Well we might be able to use some of them in the future
* so this is mainly a test and we may want to pass some of this onto
* SecureServ for a quick trojan check so log attempts to give an indication
* of usage.
if (av[1][0] == '\1') {
char* buf;
buf = joinbuf(av, ac, 1);
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_MOD, "%s requested CTCP %s", u->nick, buf);
return NS_SUCCESS;
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Unable to finduser %s (%s)", u->nick, mod_usr->nick);
} else {
AddStringToList (&argv, bot_user->nick, &argc);
for(i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
AddStringToList (&argv, av[i], &argc);
if(mod_usr->botcmds) {
ret = run_bot_cmd(mod_usr, u, argv, argc);
} else {
return ret;
/** @brief dump list of module bots and channels
* @param u
* @return none
list_bot_chans (User * u, char **av, int ac)
hscan_t hs;
hnode_t *hn;
lnode_t *ln;
ModChanBot *mod_chan_bot;
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "BotChanDump:");
hash_scan_begin (&hs, bch);
while ((hn = hash_scan_next (&hs)) != NULL) {
mod_chan_bot = hnode_get (hn);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "%s:--------------------------------", mod_chan_bot->chan);
ln = list_first (mod_chan_bot->bots);
while (ln) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Bot Name: %s", (char *)lnode_get (ln));
ln = list_next (mod_chan_bot->bots, ln);
return 0;
/** @brief create a new bot
* @param bot_name string containing bot name
* @return none
static ModUser *
new_bot (char *bot_name)
ModUser *mod_usr;
hnode_t *bn;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "new_bot: %s", bot_name);
mod_usr = malloc (sizeof (ModUser));
strlcpy (mod_usr->nick, bot_name, MAXNICK);
bn = hnode_create (mod_usr);
if (hash_isfull (bh)) {
chanalert (s_Services, "Warning ModuleBotlist is full");
return NULL;
hash_insert (bh, bn, mod_usr->nick);
return mod_usr;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
ModUser *
add_mod_user (char *nick, char *mod_name)
ModUser *mod_usr;
Module *mod_ptr;
hnode_t *mn;
mn = hash_lookup (mh, mod_name);
if (mn) {
mod_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
if(mod_ptr) {
/* add a brand new user */
mod_usr = new_bot (nick);
if(mod_usr) {
strlcpy (mod_usr->modname, mod_name, MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_usr->function = ns_dlsym (mod_ptr->dl_handle, "__BotMessage");
mod_usr->chanfunc = ns_dlsym (mod_ptr->dl_handle, "__ChanMessage");
mod_usr->botcmds = NULL;
return mod_usr;
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_mod_user: Couldn't Add ModuleBot to List");
return NULL;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
ModUser *
add_neostats_mod_user (char *nick)
ModUser *mod_usr;
/* add a brand new user */
mod_usr = new_bot (nick);
if(mod_usr) {
#if 0
strlcpy (mod_usr->modname, "NeoStats", MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_usr->modname[0] = 0;
mod_usr->function = NULL;
mod_usr->chanfunc = NULL;
mod_usr->botcmds = hash_create(-1, 0, 0);
return mod_usr;
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "add_neostats_mod_user: Couldn't Add ModuleBot to List");
return NULL;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
ModUser *
findbot (char *bot_name)
hnode_t *bn;
bn = hash_lookup (bh, bot_name);
if (bn) {
return (ModUser *) hnode_get (bn);
return NULL;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
del_mod_user (char *bot_name)
ModUser *mod_usr;
hnode_t *bn;
bn = hash_lookup (bh, bot_name);
if (bn) {
hash_delete (bh, bn);
mod_usr = hnode_get (bn);
hnode_destroy (bn);
free (mod_usr);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
bot_nick_change (char *oldnick, char *newnick)
User *u;
ModUser *mod_usr_new, *mod_usr;
/* First, try to find out if the newnick is unique! */
u = finduser (oldnick);
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "A non-registered bot(%s) attempted to change its nick to %s", oldnick, newnick);
return NS_FAILURE;
u = finduser (newnick);
if (!u) {
if ((mod_usr = findbot (oldnick)) != NULL) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "Bot %s Changed its nick to %s", oldnick, newnick);
mod_usr_new = new_bot (newnick);
/* add a brand new user */
strlcpy (mod_usr_new->nick, newnick, MAXNICK);
strlcpy (mod_usr_new->modname, mod_usr->modname, MAX_MOD_NAME);
mod_usr_new->function = mod_usr->function;
/* Now Delete the Old bot nick */
del_mod_user (oldnick);
snick_cmd (oldnick, newnick);
return NS_SUCCESS;
nlog (LOG_NOTICE, LOG_CORE, "Couldn't find Bot Nick %s in Bot list", oldnick);
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
list_bots (User * u, char **av, int ac)
ModUser *mod_usr;
hnode_t *bn;
hscan_t bs;
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Bot List:");
hash_scan_begin (&bs, bh);
while ((bn = hash_scan_next (&bs)) != NULL) {
mod_usr = hnode_get (bn);
if(mod_usr->modname[0] == 0) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "NeoStats");
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Bots: %s", mod_usr->nick);
} else {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module: %s", mod_usr->modname);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Bots: %s", mod_usr->nick);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "End of Module Bot List");
return 0;
/** @brief del_bots
* @return none
int del_bots (char* module_name)
ModUser *mod_usr;
hnode_t *modnode;
hscan_t hscan;
hash_scan_begin (&hscan, bh);
while ((modnode = hash_scan_next (&hscan)) != NULL) {
mod_usr = hnode_get (modnode);
if (!ircstrcasecmp (mod_usr->modname, module_name)) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Module %s had bot %s Registered. Deleting..", module_name, mod_usr->nick);
del_bot (mod_usr->nick, "Module Unloaded");
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief ModuleEvent
* @return none
ModuleEvent (char *event, char **av, int ac)
Module *module_ptr;
EventFnList *ev_list;
hscan_t ms;
hnode_t *mn;
hash_scan_begin (&ms, mh);
while ((mn = hash_scan_next (&ms)) != NULL) {
module_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
ev_list = module_ptr->event_list;
if (ev_list) {
while (ev_list->cmd_name != NULL) {
/* This goes through each Command */
if (!ircstrcasecmp (ev_list->cmd_name, event)) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Running Module %s for Command %s -> %s", module_ptr->info->module_name, event, ev_list->cmd_name);
if (setjmp (sigvbuf) == 0) {
ev_list->function (av, ac);
} else {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "setjmp() Failed, Can't call Module %s\n", module_ptr->info->module_name);
#ifndef VALGRIND
/** @brief
* @return none
ModuleFunction (int cmdptr, char *cmd, char* origin, char **av, int ac)
Module *module_ptr;
Functions *fn_list;
hscan_t ms;
hnode_t *mn;
hash_scan_begin (&ms, mh);
while ((mn = hash_scan_next (&ms)) != NULL) {
module_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
fn_list = module_ptr->function_list;
if(fn_list) {
while (fn_list->cmd_name != NULL) {
/* This goes through each Command */
if (fn_list->srvmsg == cmdptr) {
if (!strcmp (fn_list->cmd_name, cmd)) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Running Module %s for Function %s", module_ptr->info->module_name, fn_list->cmd_name);
if (setjmp (sigvbuf) == 0) {
fn_list->function (origin, av, ac);
/** @brief
* @return none
ModulesVersion (const char* nick, const char *remoteserver)
Module *module_ptr;
hscan_t ms;
hnode_t *mn;
hash_scan_begin (&ms, mh);
while ((mn = hash_scan_next (&ms)) != NULL) {
module_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
if(module_ptr->isnewstyle && module_ptr->function_list == NULL) {
numeric(RPL_VERSION, nick,
"Module %s version: %s %s %s",
module_ptr->info->module_name, module_ptr->info->module_version,
module_ptr->info->module_build_date, module_ptr->info->module_build_time);
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
load_module (char *modfilename, User * u)
#ifndef HAVE_LIBDL
const char *dl_error;
#else /* HAVE_LIBDL */
char *dl_error;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBDL */
void *dl_handle;
int do_msg;
char path[255];
char loadmodname[255];
char **av;
int ac = 0;
int i = 0;
int isnewstyle = 1;
ModuleInfo *(*mod_get_info) () = NULL;
Functions *(*mod_get_funcs) () = NULL;
EventFnList *(*mod_get_events) () = NULL;
ModuleInfo *mod_info_ptr = NULL;
Functions *mod_funcs_ptr = NULL;
EventFnList *event_fn_ptr = NULL;
Module *mod_ptr = NULL;
hnode_t *mn;
int (*ModInit) (int modnum, int apiver);
if (u == NULL) {
do_msg = 0;
} else {
do_msg = 1;
strlcpy (loadmodname, modfilename, 255);
strlwr (loadmodname);
ircsnprintf (path, 255, "%s/%s.so", MOD_PATH, loadmodname);
dl_handle = ns_dlopen (path, RTLD_NOW || RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!dl_handle) {
dl_error = ns_dlerror ();
if (do_msg) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* new system */
mod_info_ptr = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_info");
if(mod_info_ptr == NULL) {
/* old system */
isnewstyle = 0;
mod_get_info = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_get_info");
#ifndef HAVE_LIBDL
if (mod_get_info == NULL) {
dl_error = ns_dlerror ();
#else /* HAVE_LIBDL */
if ((dl_error = ns_dlerror ()) != NULL) {
#endif /* HAVE_LIBDL */
if (do_msg) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
ns_dlclose (dl_handle);
return NS_FAILURE;
mod_info_ptr = (*mod_get_info) ();
if (mod_info_ptr == NULL) {
ns_dlclose (dl_handle);
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Module has no info structure: %s", path);
return NS_FAILURE;
#ifndef HAVE_LIBDL
if(mod_info_ptr == NULL) {
dl_error = ns_dlerror ();
#else /* HAVE_LIBDL */
if ((dl_error = ns_dlerror ()) != NULL) {
#endif /* HAVE_LIBDL */
if (do_msg) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "Couldn't Load Module: %s %s", dl_error, path);
ns_dlclose (dl_handle);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* new system */
mod_funcs_ptr = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_functions");
if(mod_funcs_ptr == NULL) {
/* old system */
mod_get_funcs = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_get_functions");
/* no error check here - this one isn't essential to the functioning of the module */
if (mod_get_funcs) {
mod_funcs_ptr = (*mod_get_funcs) ();
/* new system */
event_fn_ptr = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_events");
if(event_fn_ptr == NULL)
/* old system */
mod_get_events = ns_dlsym (dl_handle, "__module_get_events");
/* no error check here - this one isn't essential to the functioning of the module */
if (mod_get_events)
event_fn_ptr = (*mod_get_events) ();
/* Check that the Module hasn't already been loaded */
if (hash_lookup (mh, mod_info_ptr->module_name)) {
ns_dlclose (dl_handle);
if (do_msg)
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module %s already Loaded, Can't Load 2 Copies", mod_info_ptr->module_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
mod_ptr = (Module *) smalloc (sizeof (Module));
mn = hnode_create (mod_ptr);
if (hash_isfull (mh)) {
if (do_msg) {
chanalert (s_Services, "Module List is Full. Can't Load any more modules");
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module List is Full, Can't Load any more Modules");
ns_dlclose (dl_handle);
free (mod_ptr);
return NS_FAILURE;
} else {
hash_insert (mh, mn, mod_info_ptr->module_name);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Module Internal name: %s", mod_info_ptr->module_name);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Module description: %s", mod_info_ptr->module_description);
mod_ptr->info = mod_info_ptr;
mod_ptr->function_list = mod_funcs_ptr;
mod_ptr->dl_handle = dl_handle;
mod_ptr->event_list = event_fn_ptr;
mod_ptr->isnewstyle = isnewstyle;
/* assign a module number to this module */
i = 0;
while (ModList[i] != NULL)
/* no need to check for overflow of NUM_MODULES, as its done above */
ModList[i] = mod_ptr;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Assigned %d to Module %s for ModuleNum", i, mod_ptr->info->module_name);
/* Module side user authentication for SecureServ helpers */
mod_ptr->mod_auth_cb = ns_dlsym ((int *) dl_handle, "__ModuleAuth");
/* call __ModInit (replacement for library __init() call */
ModInit = ns_dlsym ((int *) dl_handle, "__ModInit");
if (ModInit) {
int err;
err = (*ModInit) (i, API_VER);
if (err == NS_ERR_VERSION ) {
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "Module %s was built with an old version of NeoStats. Please recompile %s.", mod_ptr->info->module_name, mod_ptr->info->module_name);
unload_module(mod_ptr->info->module_name, NULL);
return NS_FAILURE;
else if (err < 1) {
nlog (LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CORE, "Unable to load module %s. See %s.log for further information.", mod_ptr->info->module_name, mod_ptr->info->module_name);
unload_module(mod_ptr->info->module_name, NULL);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* Let this module know we are online if we are! */
if (me.onchan == 1) {
while (event_fn_ptr->cmd_name != NULL) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (event_fn_ptr->cmd_name, EVENT_ONLINE)) {
AddStringToList (&av, me.s->name, &ac);
event_fn_ptr->function (av, ac);
free (av);
if (do_msg) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module %s Loaded, Description: %s", mod_info_ptr->module_name, mod_info_ptr->module_description);
globops (me.name, "%s Module Loaded", mod_info_ptr->module_name);
return NS_SUCCESS;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
get_dl_handle (char *mod_name)
Module *mod_ptr;
hnode_t *mn;
mn = hash_lookup (mh, mod_name);
if (mn) {
mod_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
return (int) mod_ptr->dl_handle;
return 0;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
get_mod_num (char *mod_name)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_MODULES; i++) {
if (ModList[i] != NULL) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (ModList[i]->info->module_name, mod_name)) {
return i;
/* if we get here, it wasn't found */
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "get_mod_num: can't find %s in module number list", mod_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
Module *
get_mod_ptr (char *mod_name)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_MODULES; i++) {
if (ModList[i] != NULL) {
if (!ircstrcasecmp (ModList[i]->info->module_name, mod_name)) {
return ModList[i];
/* if we get here, it wasn't found */
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "get_mod_ptr: can't find %s in module number list", mod_name);
return NULL;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
list_modules (User * u, char **av, int ac)
Module *mod_ptr = NULL;
hnode_t *mn;
hscan_t hs;
hash_scan_begin (&hs, mh);
while ((mn = hash_scan_next (&hs)) != NULL) {
mod_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module: %s (%s)", mod_ptr->info->module_name, mod_ptr->info->module_version);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Description: %s", mod_ptr->info->module_description);
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Module Number: %d", get_mod_num (mod_ptr->info->module_name));
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "End of Module List");
return 0;
/** @brief
* @param
* @return
unload_module (char *module_name, User * u)
Module *mod_ptr;
hnode_t *modnode;
int i;
void (*ModFini) ();
/* Check to see if this Module is loaded.... */
modnode = hash_lookup (mh, module_name);
if (modnode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "Unloading Module %s", module_name);
} else {
if (u) {
prefmsg (u->nick, s_Services, "Couldn't Find Module %s Loaded, Try /msg %s modlist", module_name, s_Services);
chanalert (s_Services, "%s tried to Unload %s but its not loaded", u->nick, module_name);
return NS_FAILURE;
/* canx any DNS queries running */
/* Check to see if this Module has any timers registered.... */
del_mod_timers (module_name);
/* check if the module had a socket registered... */
del_sockets (module_name);
/* Remove module.... */
modnode = hash_lookup (mh, module_name);
if (modnode) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Deleting Module %s from ModHash", module_name);
globops (me.name, "%s Module Unloaded", module_name);
i = get_mod_num (module_name);
mod_ptr = hnode_get (modnode);
/* Remove from the module hash so we dont call events for this module during hte signoff*/
hash_delete (mh, modnode);
/* call __ModFini (replacement for library __fini() call */
ModFini = ns_dlsym ((int *) mod_ptr->dl_handle, "__ModFini");
if (ModFini) {
(*ModFini) ();
/* now, see if this Module has any bots with it
* we delete the modules *after* we call ModFini, so the bot
* can still send messages generated from ModFini calls */
hnode_destroy (modnode);
/* Close module */
#ifndef VALGRIND
ns_dlclose (mod_ptr->dl_handle);
if (i >= 0) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG1, LOG_CORE, "Freeing %d from Module Numbers", i);
/* free the module number */
ModList[i] = NULL;
free (mod_ptr);
return NS_SUCCESS;
return NS_FAILURE;
/** @brief unload all loaded modules
* For core use only, unloads all loaded modules
* @param user pointer to user unloading modules or NULL if system unload
* @return none
void unload_modules(void)
Module *mod_ptr;
hscan_t ms;
hnode_t *mn;
/* Unload the Modules */
hash_scan_begin (&ms, mh);
while ((mn = hash_scan_next (&ms)) != NULL) {
mod_ptr = hnode_get (mn);
unload_module (mod_ptr->info->module_name, NULL);