179 lines
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179 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services Copyright (c) 1999-2002 NeoStats Group Inc.
** Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** Portions borrowed from kazlib. Original Header follows:
* List Abstract Data Type
* Copyright (C) 1997 Kaz Kylheku <kaz@ashi.footprints.net>
* Free Software License:
* All rights are reserved by the author, with the following exceptions:
* Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this software,
* possibly in exchange for a fee, provided that this copyright notice appears
* intact. Permission is also granted to adapt this software to produce
* derivative works, as long as the modified versions carry this copyright
* notice and additional notices stating that the work has been modified.
* This source code may be translated into executable form and incorporated
* into proprietary software; there is no requirement for such software to
* contain a copyright notice related to this source.
* $Id$
* $Name: $
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <limits.h>
#include "sfx.h"
#define LIST_SFX_CHECK(E) (E)
* Blurb for inclusion into C++ translation units
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef unsigned long listcount_t;
typedef struct lnode_t {
struct lnode_t *list_next;
struct lnode_t *list_prev;
void *list_data;
int list_dummy;
} lnode_t;
typedef struct lnodepool_t {
struct lnode_t *list_pool;
struct lnode_t *list_free;
listcount_t list_size;
int list_dummy;
} lnodepool_t;
typedef struct list_t {
lnode_t list_nilnode;
listcount_t list_nodecount;
listcount_t list_maxcount;
int list_dummy;
} list_t;
lnode_t *lnode_create (void *);
lnode_t *lnode_init (lnode_t *, void *);
void lnode_destroy (lnode_t *);
void lnode_put (lnode_t *, void *);
void *lnode_get (lnode_t *);
int lnode_is_in_a_list (lnode_t *);
#define lnode_put(N, D) ((N)->list_data = (D))
#define lnode_get(N) ((N)->list_data)
lnodepool_t *lnode_pool_init (lnodepool_t *, lnode_t *, listcount_t);
lnodepool_t *lnode_pool_create (listcount_t);
void lnode_pool_destroy (lnodepool_t *);
lnode_t *lnode_borrow (lnodepool_t *, void *);
void lnode_return (lnodepool_t *, lnode_t *);
int lnode_pool_isempty (lnodepool_t *);
int lnode_pool_isfrom (lnodepool_t *, lnode_t *);
int comparef (const void *, const void *);
list_t *list_init (list_t *, listcount_t);
list_t *list_create (listcount_t);
void list_destroy (list_t *);
void list_destroy_nodes (list_t *);
void list_return_nodes (list_t *, lnodepool_t *);
listcount_t list_count (list_t *);
int list_isempty (list_t *);
int list_isfull (list_t *);
int list_contains (list_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_append (list_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_prepend (list_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_ins_before (list_t *, lnode_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_ins_after (list_t *, lnode_t *, lnode_t *);
lnode_t *list_first (list_t *);
lnode_t *list_last (list_t *);
lnode_t *list_next (list_t *, lnode_t *);
lnode_t *list_prev (list_t *, lnode_t *);
lnode_t *list_del_first (list_t *);
lnode_t *list_del_last (list_t *);
lnode_t *list_delete (list_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_process (list_t *, void *, void (*)(list_t *, lnode_t *, void *));
int list_verify (list_t *);
#define lnode_pool_isempty(P) ((P)->list_free == 0)
#define list_count(L) ((L)->list_nodecount)
#define list_isempty(L) ((L)->list_nodecount == 0)
#define list_isfull(L) (LIST_SFX_CHECK(L)->list_nodecount == (L)->list_maxcount)
#define list_next(L, N) (LIST_SFX_CHECK(N)->list_next == &(L)->list_nilnode ? NULL : (N)->list_next)
#define list_prev(L, N) (LIST_SFX_CHECK(N)->list_prev == &(L)->list_nilnode ? NULL : (N)->list_prev)
#define list_first(L) list_next(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), &(L)->list_nilnode)
#define list_last(L) list_prev(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), &(L)->list_nilnode)
#define list_append(L, N) list_ins_before(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), N, &(L)->list_nilnode)
#define list_prepend(L, N) list_ins_after(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), N, &(L)->list_nilnode)
#define list_del_first(L) list_delete(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), list_first(L))
#define list_del_last(L) list_delete(LIST_SFX_CHECK(L), list_last(L))
/* destination list on the left, source on the right */
void list_extract (list_t *, list_t *, lnode_t *, lnode_t *);
void list_transfer (list_t *, list_t *, lnode_t * first);
void list_merge (list_t *, list_t *, int (const void *, const void *));
void list_sort (list_t *, int (const void *, const void *));
lnode_t *list_find (list_t *, const void *, int (const void *, const void *));
int list_is_sorted (list_t *, int (const void *, const void *));
#ifdef __cplusplus